Browse Source

Update EnTT to version 3.10.3

C. J. Howard 2 years ago
236 changed files with 106738 additions and 28281 deletions
  1. +1
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  36. +809
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  42. +763
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  49. +3
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  62. +62795
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  66. +988
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  100. +710

+ 1
- 1 View File

@ -78,4 +78,4 @@ Antkeeper superbuild is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3
| Simple DirectMedia Layer | Sam Lantinga | Zlib | [SDL2/*](modules/SDL2/) |
| stb_image | Sean Barrett | MIT / Public Domain | [stb_image.h](modules/stb/stb_image.h) |
| stb_image_write | Sean Barrett | MIT / Public Domain | [stb_image_write.h](modules/stb/stb_image_write.h) |
| TinyEXR | Syoyo Fujita | BSD 3-clause | [tinyexr.h](modules/tinyexr/tinyexr.h) |
| TinyEXR | Syoyo Fujita | BSD-3-Clause | [tinyexr.h](modules/tinyexr/tinyexr.h) |

+ 1
- 1

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 5a11f8e3db0b7b014b99d91be196cea582e1688a
Subproject commit 6d3707094704ec12466068fd9c2c2fdc88a1da1b

+ 1
- 1

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 66f114dbf78bdbe42a5ea4905b0414c347ae45c5
Subproject commit 96c678e5fc141df2440e8000d47dcf5cb942cd7c

+ 41
- 0
modules/entt/.clang-format View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
BasedOnStyle: llvm
AccessModifierOffset: -4
AlignEscapedNewlines: DontAlign
AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: Empty
AllowShortEnumsOnASingleLine: true
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: WithoutElse
AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: true
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes
BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: NonAssignment
BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true
ColumnLimit: 0
DerivePointerAlignment: false
- Regex: '<[[:alnum:]_]+>'
Priority: 1
- Regex: '<(gtest|gmock)/'
Priority: 2
- Regex: '<[[:alnum:]_./]+>'
Priority: 3
- Regex: '<entt/'
Priority: 4
- Regex: '.*'
Priority: 5
IndentPPDirectives: AfterHash
IndentWidth: 4
KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false
Language: Cpp
PointerAlignment: Right
SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: false
SpaceAroundPointerQualifiers: After
SpaceBeforeCaseColon: false
SpaceBeforeCtorInitializerColon: false
SpaceBeforeInheritanceColon: false
SpaceBeforeParens: Never
SpaceBeforeRangeBasedForLoopColon: false
Standard: Latest
TabWidth: 4
UseTab: Never

+ 4
- 0
modules/entt/.github/FUNDING.yml View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# These are supported funding model platforms
github: skypjack

+ 169
- 0
modules/entt/.github/workflows/build.yml View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
name: build
on: [push, pull_request]
timeout-minutes: 15
- pkg: g++-7
exe: g++-7
- pkg: g++-8
exe: g++-8
- pkg: g++-9
exe: g++-9
- pkg: g++-10
exe: g++-10
- pkg: clang-8
exe: clang++-8
- pkg: clang-9
exe: clang++-9
- pkg: clang-10
exe: clang++-10
- pkg: clang-11
exe: clang++-11
- pkg: clang-12
exe: clang++-12
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install compiler
run: |
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y ${{ matrix.compiler.pkg }}
- name: Compile tests
working-directory: build
CXX: ${{ matrix.compiler.exe }}
run: |
make -j4
- name: Run tests
working-directory: build
run: ctest --timeout 30 -C Debug -j4
timeout-minutes: 15
compiler: [g++, clang++]
id_type: ["std::uint32_t", "std::uint64_t"]
cxx_std: [cxx_std_17, cxx_std_20]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Compile tests
working-directory: build
CXX: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
run: |
cmake -DENTT_BUILD_TESTING=ON -DENTT_CXX_STD=${{ matrix.cxx_std }} -DENTT_ID_TYPE=${{ matrix.id_type }} ..
make -j4
- name: Run tests
working-directory: build
run: ctest --timeout 30 -C Debug -j4
timeout-minutes: 15
toolset: [default, v141, v142, clang-cl]
- toolset: v141
toolset_option: -T"v141"
- toolset: v142
toolset_option: -T"v142"
- toolset: clang-cl
toolset_option: -T"ClangCl"
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Compile tests
working-directory: build
run: |
cmake --build . -j 4
- name: Run tests
working-directory: build
run: ctest --timeout 30 -C Debug -j4
timeout-minutes: 15
id_type: ["std::uint32_t", "std::uint64_t"]
cxx_std: [cxx_std_17, cxx_std_20]
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Compile tests
working-directory: build
run: |
cmake -DENTT_BUILD_TESTING=ON -DENTT_CXX_STD=${{ matrix.cxx_std }} -DENTT_ID_TYPE=${{ matrix.id_type }} ..
cmake --build . -j 4
- name: Run tests
working-directory: build
run: ctest --timeout 30 -C Debug -j4
timeout-minutes: 15
runs-on: macOS-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Compile tests
working-directory: build
run: |
make -j4
- name: Run tests
working-directory: build
run: ctest --timeout 30 -C Debug -j4
timeout-minutes: 15
id_type: ["std::uint32_t", "std::uint64_t"]
cxx_std: [cxx_std_17, cxx_std_20]
runs-on: macOS-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Compile tests
working-directory: build
run: |
cmake -DENTT_BUILD_TESTING=ON -DENTT_CXX_STD=${{ matrix.cxx_std }} -DENTT_ID_TYPE=${{ matrix.id_type }} ..
make -j4
- name: Run tests
working-directory: build
run: ctest --timeout 30 -C Debug -j4

+ 38
- 0
modules/entt/.github/workflows/coverage.yml View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
name: coverage
on: [push, pull_request]
timeout-minutes: 15
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Compile tests
working-directory: build
CXXFLAGS: "--coverage -fno-inline"
CXX: g++
run: |
make -j4
- name: Run tests
working-directory: build
run: ctest --timeout 30 -C Debug -j4
- name: Collect data
working-directory: build
run: |
sudo apt install lcov
lcov -c -d . -o
lcov -l
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v2
token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
files: build/
name: EnTT
fail_ci_if_error: true

+ 39
- 0
modules/entt/.github/workflows/deploy.yml View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
name: deploy
types: published
timeout-minutes: 5
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
GH_REPO: homebrew-entt
FORMULA: entt.rb
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Clone repository
working-directory: build
run: git clone https://$GITHUB_ACTOR:$$GITHUB_ACTOR/$GH_REPO.git
- name: Prepare formula
working-directory: build
run: |
curl "${{ github.repository }}/archive/${{ github.ref }}.tar.gz" --location --fail --silent --show-error --output archive.tar.gz
sed -i -e '/url/s/".*"/"'$(echo "${{ github.repository }}/archive/${{ github.ref }}.tar.gz" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')'"/' $FORMULA
sed -i -e '/sha256/s/".*"/"'$(openssl sha256 archive.tar.gz | cut -d " " -f 2)'"/' $FORMULA
- name: Update remote
working-directory: build
run: |
git config --local ""
git config --local "$GITHUB_ACTOR"
git add $FORMULA
git commit -m "Update to ${{ github.ref }}"
git push origin master

+ 31
- 0
modules/entt/.github/workflows/sanitizer.yml View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
name: sanitizer
on: [push, pull_request]
timeout-minutes: 15
compiler: [clang++]
id_type: ["std::uint32_t", "std::uint64_t"]
cxx_std: [cxx_std_17, cxx_std_20]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Compile tests
working-directory: build
CXX: ${{ matrix.compiler }}
run: |
make -j4
- name: Run tests
working-directory: build
run: ctest --timeout 30 -C Debug -j4

+ 9
- 1
modules/entt/.gitignore View File

@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
# Conan
# IDEs
# Bazel

+ 0
- 97
modules/entt/.travis.yml View File

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
language: cpp
dist: trusty
sudo: false
- CONAN_USERNAME="skypjack"
conan-buildsteps: &conan-buildsteps
# use this step if you desire to manipulate CONAN variables programmatically
- chmod +x ./conan/ci/
- ./conan/ci/
- chmod +x ./conan/ci/
- ./conan/ci/
# the following are dummies to overwrite default build steps
- true
- true
if: tag IS present
conan-linux: &conan-linux
os: linux
sudo: required
language: python
python: "3.6"
- docker
<<: *conan-buildsteps
- os: linux
compiler: gcc
sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test']
packages: ['g++-7']
env: COMPILER=g++-7
- os: linux
compiler: clang
sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test', 'llvm-toolchain-trusty-6.0']
packages: ['clang-6.0', 'g++-7']
env: COMPILER=clang++-6.0
- os: osx
osx_image: xcode10
compiler: clang
env: COMPILER=clang++
- os: linux
compiler: gcc
sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test']
packages: ['g++-7']
- COMPILER=g++-7
- CXXFLAGS="-O0 --coverage -fno-inline -fno-inline-small-functions -fno-default-inline"
- pip install --user cpp-coveralls
- coveralls --gcov gcov-7 --gcov-options '\-lp' --root ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} --build-root ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/build --extension cpp --extension hpp --exclude deps --include src
# Conan testing and uploading
- <<: *conan-linux
on_success: never
on_failure: always
- echo ${PATH}
- cmake --version
- export CXX=${COMPILER}
- echo ${CXX}
- ${CXX} --version
- ${CXX} -v
- mkdir -p build && cd build
- cmake -DBUILD_TESTING=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make -j4
provider: script
script: scripts/ $TRAVIS_TAG
tags: true
condition: “$NON_CONAN_DEPLOYMENT = “True”

+ 21
- 1
modules/entt/AUTHORS View File

@ -4,31 +4,51 @@ skypjack
# Contributors

+ 14
- 0
modules/entt/BUILD.bazel View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
_msvc_copts = ["/std:c++17"]
_gcc_copts = ["-std=c++17"]
name = "entt",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
strip_include_prefix = "src",
hdrs = glob(["src/**/*.h", "src/**/*.hpp"]),
copts = select({
"@bazel_tools//src/conditions:windows": _msvc_copts,
"@bazel_tools//src/conditions:windows_msvc": _msvc_copts,
"//conditions:default": _gcc_copts,

+ 218
- 115
modules/entt/CMakeLists.txt View File

@ -2,195 +2,295 @@
# EnTT
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7.2)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12.4)
# Building in-tree is not allowed (we take care of your craziness).
# Read project version
message(FATAL_ERROR "Prevented in-tree built. Please create a build directory outside of the source code and call cmake from there. Thank you.")
set(ENTT_VERSION_REGEX "#define ENTT_VERSION_.*[ \t]+(.+)")
# Project configuration
project(EnTT VERSION 3.1.0)
DESCRIPTION "Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity-component system (ECS) and much more"
set(PROJECT_AUTHOR "Michele Caini")
message("* Copyright (c) 2017-2019 ${PROJECT_AUTHOR} <${PROJECT_AUTHOR_EMAIL}>")
option(USE_LIBCPP "Use libc++ by adding -stdlib=libc++ flag if availbale." ON)
option(USE_ASAN "Use address sanitizer by adding -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer flags" OFF)
option(USE_COMPILE_OPTIONS "Use compile options from EnTT." ON)
message(VERBOSE "*")
message(VERBOSE "* Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Michele Caini <>")
message(VERBOSE "*")
# Compiler stuff
option(ENTT_USE_LIBCPP "Use libc++ by adding -stdlib=libc++ flag if available." OFF)
option(ENTT_USE_SANITIZER "Enable sanitizers by adding -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=undefined flags if available." OFF)
if(NOT WIN32)
int main() { return std::is_same_v<int, int> ? 0 : 1; }
int main() { return std::is_same_v<int, char>; }
message(WARNING "The option USE_LIBCPP is set (by default) but libc++ is not available. The flag will not be added to the target.")
message(VERBOSE "The option ENTT_USE_LIBCPP is set but libc++ is not available. The flag will not be added to the target.")
message(VERBOSE "The option ENTT_USE_SANITIZER is set but sanitizer support is not available. The flags will not be added to the target.")
# Add EnTT target
add_library(EnTT INTERFACE)
option(ENTT_INCLUDE_HEADERS "Add all EnTT headers to the EnTT target." OFF)
option(ENTT_INCLUDE_NATVIS "Add EnTT natvis files to the EnTT target." OFF)
configure_file(${EnTT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/in/ ${EnTT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/entt/config/version.h @ONLY)
message(VERBOSE "The option ENTT_INCLUDE_NATVIS is set but natvis files are not supported. They will not be added to the target.")
add_library(EnTT INTERFACE)
add_library(EnTT::EnTT ALIAS EnTT)
target_compile_options(EnTT INTERFACE $<$<AND:$<CONFIG:Debug>,$<NOT:$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:MSVC>>>:-fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer>)
target_link_libraries(EnTT INTERFACE $<$<AND:$<CONFIG:Debug>,$<NOT:$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:MSVC>>>:-fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer>)
target_compile_features(EnTT INTERFACE cxx_std_17)
# it seems that -O3 ruins a bit the performance when using clang ...
# ... on the other side, GCC is incredibly comfortable with it.
target_compile_options(EnTT BEFORE INTERFACE -stdlib=libc++)
target_compile_options(EnTT INTERFACE $<$<CONFIG:Debug>:-fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=undefined>)
target_link_libraries(EnTT INTERFACE $<$<CONFIG:Debug>:-fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=undefined>)
target_compile_features(EnTT INTERFACE cxx_std_17)
target_compile_options(EnTT BEFORE INTERFACE -stdlib=libc++)
# Install EnTT
# Install pkg-config file
install(TARGETS EnTT EXPORT EnTTTargets)
export(EXPORT EnTTTargets FILE ${EnTT_BINARY_DIR}/EnTTTargets.cmake)
FILE EnTTTargets.cmake
# Build tree package config file
# Install EnTT
configure_file(cmake/in/ EnTTConfig.cmake @ONLY)
# Install tree package config file
FILE EnTTTargets.cmake
export(PACKAGE EnTT)
# Tests
option(BUILD_TESTING "Enable testing with ctest." OFF)
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
option(ENTT_BUILD_TESTING "Enable building tests." OFF)
option(FIND_GTEST_PACKAGE "Enable finding gtest package." OFF)
find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
# gtest, gtest_main, gmock and gmock_main targets are available from now on
set(GOOGLETEST_DEPS_DIR ${EnTT_SOURCE_DIR}/deps/googletest)
configure_file(${EnTT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/in/ ${GOOGLETEST_DEPS_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt)
set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)
add_subdirectory(${GOOGLETEST_DEPS_DIR}/src ${GOOGLETEST_DEPS_DIR}/build)
add_library(GTest::Main ALIAS gtest_main)
option(ENTT_FIND_GTEST_PACKAGE "Enable finding gtest package." OFF)
option(ENTT_BUILD_BENCHMARK "Build benchmark." OFF)
option(ENTT_BUILD_EXAMPLE "Build examples." OFF)
option(ENTT_BUILD_LIB "Build lib tests." OFF)
option(ENTT_BUILD_SNAPSHOT "Build snapshot test with Cereal." OFF)
option(BUILD_BENCHMARK "Build benchmark." OFF)
option(BUILD_LIB "Build lib example." OFF)
option(BUILD_MOD "Build mod example." OFF)
option(BUILD_SNAPSHOT "Build snapshot example." OFF)
set(ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t CACHE STRING "Type of identifiers to use for the tests")
set(ENTT_CXX_STD cxx_std_17 CACHE STRING "C++ standard revision to use for the tests")
@ -199,9 +299,9 @@ endif()
# Documentation
option(BUILD_DOCS "Enable building with documentation." OFF)
option(ENTT_BUILD_DOCS "Enable building with documentation." OFF)
find_package(Doxygen 1.8)
@ -214,13 +314,16 @@ endif()

+ 2
- 2
modules/entt/ View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Contributing
First of all, thank you very much for taking the time to contribute to the
`EnTT` framework.<br/>
`EnTT` library.<br/>
How to do it mostly depends on the type of contribution:
* If you have a question, **please** ensure there isn't already an answer for
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ How to do it mostly depends on the type of contribution:
* If you found a bug and you wrote a patch to fix it, open a new
[pull request]( with your code.
**Please**, add some tests to avoid regressions in future if possible, it
would be really appreciated. Note that the `EnTT` framework has a
would be really appreciated. Note that the `EnTT` library has a
[coverage at 100%](
(at least it was at 100% at the time I wrote this file) and this is the reason
for which you can be confident with using it in a production environment.

+ 1
- 1
modules/entt/LICENSE View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Michele Caini
Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Michele Caini, author of EnTT
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

+ 224
- 208
modules/entt/ View File

@ -1,39 +1,47 @@
![EnTT: Gaming meets modern C++](
![EnTT: Gaming meets modern C++](
[![GitHub version](](
[![Build Status](](
[![Build status](](
[![Coverage Status](](
[![Build Status](](
[![Try online](](
[![Gitter chat](](
[![Discord channel](](
> `EnTT` has been a dream so far, we haven't found a single bug to date and it's
> super easy to work with
`EnTT` is a header-only, tiny and easy to use library for game programming and
much more written in **modern C++**, mainly known for its innovative
**entity-component-system (ECS)** model.<br/>
much more written in **modern C++**.<br/>
[Among others](, it's used
in [**Minecraft**]( by Mojang, the
[**ArcGIS Runtime SDKs**]( by Esri
and [**The Forge**]( by Confetti. Read
on to find out what it can offer you.
and the amazing [**Ragdoll**](<br/>
If you don't see your project in the list, please open an issue, submit a PR or
add the [#entt]( tag to your _topics_! :+1:
Do you want to **keep up with changes** or do you have a **question** that
doesn't require you to open an issue?<br/>
Join the [gitter channel]( and meet other users
like you. The more we are, the better for everyone.
If you use `EnTT` and you want to say thanks or support the project, please
**consider becoming a patron**:
[Many thanks]( to those who supported me and
still support me today.
Join the [gitter channel]( and the
[discord server](, meet other users like you. The
more we are, the better for everyone.<br/>
Don't forget to check the
[FAQs]( and the
[wiki]( too. Your answers may already be
Do you want to support `EnTT`? Consider becoming a
Many thanks to [these people]( and
**special** thanks to:
# Table of Contents
@ -41,19 +49,17 @@ still support me today.
* [Code Example](#code-example)
* [Motivation](#motivation)
* [Performance](#performance)
* [Build Instructions](#build-instructions)
* [Integration](#integration)
* [Requirements](#requirements)
* [Library](#library)
* [Documentation](#documentation)
* [Tests](#tests)
* [Packaging Tools](#packaging-tools)
* [CMake](#cmake)
* [Natvis support](#natvis-support)
* [Packaging Tools](#packaging-tools)
* [pkg-config](#pkg-config)
* [Documentation](#documentation)
* [Tests](#tests)
* [EnTT in Action](#entt-in-action)
* [Contributors](#contributors)
* [License](#license)
* [Support](#support)
* [Patreon](#patreon)
* [Donation](#donation)
* [Hire me](#hire-me)
@ -71,42 +77,40 @@ This project started off as a pure entity-component system. Over time the
codebase has grown as more and more classes and functionalities were added.<br/>
Here is a brief, yet incomplete list of what it offers today:
* Statically generated integer **identifiers for types** (assigned either at
compile-time or at runtime).
* A `constexpr` utility for **human readable resource identifiers**.
* A minimal **configuration system** built using the monostate pattern.
* An incredibly fast **entity-component system** based on sparse sets, with its
own _pay for what you use_ policy to adjust performance and memory usage
according to the users' requirements.
* Built-in **RTTI system** mostly similar to the standard one.
* A `constexpr` utility for human readable **resource names**.
* Minimal **configuration system** built using the monostate pattern.
* Incredibly fast **entity-component system** with its own _pay for what you
use_ policy.
* Views and groups to iterate entities and components and allow different access
patterns, from **perfect SoA** to fully random.
* A lot of **facilities** built on top of the entity-component system to support
the users and avoid reinventing the wheel (dependencies, snapshot, actor class
for those who aren't confident with the architecture and so on).
* A lot of **facilities** built on top of the entity-component system to help
the users and avoid reinventing the wheel.
* The smallest and most basic implementation of a **service locator** ever seen.
* A built-in, non-intrusive and macro-free **runtime reflection system**.
* A built-in, non-intrusive and macro-free runtime **reflection system**.
* **Static polymorphism** made simple and within everyone's reach.
* A few homemade containers, like a sparse set based **hash map**.
* A **cooperative scheduler** for processes of any type.
* All that is needed for **resource management** (cache, loaders, handles).
* **Delegates**, **signal handlers** (with built-in support for collectors) and
a tiny **event dispatcher** for immediate and delayed events to integrate in
* Delegates, **signal handlers** and a tiny event dispatcher.
* A general purpose **event emitter** as a CRTP idiom based class template.
* And **much more**! Check out the
Consider this list a work in progress as well as the project. The whole API is
fully documented in-code for those who are brave enough to read it.
Consider these lists a work in progress as well as the project. The whole API is
fully documented in-code for those who are brave enough to read it.<br/>
Please, do note that all tools are also DLL-friendly now and run smoothly across
Currently, `EnTT` is tested on Linux, Microsoft Windows and OSX. It has proven
to work also on both Android and iOS.<br/>
Most likely it won't be problematic on other systems as well, but it hasn't been
sufficiently tested so far.
One thing known to most is that `EnTT` is also used in **Minecraft**.<br/>
Given that the game is available literally everywhere, I can confidently say
that the library has been sufficiently tested on every platform that can come to
## Code Example
#include <entt/entt.hpp>
#include <cstdint>
struct position {
float x;
@ -119,52 +123,43 @@ struct velocity {
void update(entt::registry &registry) {
auto view = registry.view<position, velocity>();
auto view = registry.view<const position, velocity>();
for(auto entity: view) {
// gets only the components that are going to be used ...
// use a callback
view.each([](const auto &pos, auto &vel) { /* ... */ });
auto &vel = view.get<velocity>(entity);
vel.dx = 0.;
vel.dy = 0.;
// use an extended callback
view.each([](const auto entity, const auto &pos, auto &vel) { /* ... */ });
// use a range-for
for(auto [entity, pos, vel]: view.each()) {
// ...
void update(std::uint64_t dt, entt::registry &registry) {
registry.view<position, velocity>().each([dt](auto &pos, auto &vel) {
// gets all the components of the view at once ...
pos.x += vel.dx * dt;
pos.y += vel.dy * dt;
// use forward iterators and get only the components of interest
for(auto entity: view) {
auto &vel = view.get<velocity>(entity);
// ...
int main() {
entt::registry registry;
std::uint64_t dt = 16;
for(auto i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
auto entity = registry.create();
registry.assign<position>(entity, i * 1.f, i * 1.f);
if(i % 2 == 0) { registry.assign<velocity>(entity, i * .1f, i * .1f); }
for(auto i = 0u; i < 10u; ++i) {
const auto entity = registry.create();
registry.emplace<position>(entity, i * 1.f, i * 1.f);
if(i % 2 == 0) { registry.emplace<velocity>(entity, i * .1f, i * .1f); }
update(dt, registry);
// ...
## Motivation
I started developing `EnTT` for the _wrong_ reason: my goal was to design an
entity-component system to beat another well known open source solution both in
entity-component system to beat another well known open source library both in
terms of performance and possibly memory usage.<br/>
In the end, I did it, but it wasn't very satisfying. Actually it wasn't
satisfying at all. The fastest and nothing more, fairly little indeed. When I
@ -177,69 +172,37 @@ amazing set of features. And even more, of course.
## Performance
As it stands right now, `EnTT` is just fast enough for my requirements when
compared to my first choice (it was already amazingly fast actually).<br/>
Below is a comparison between the two (both of them compiled with GCC 7.3.0 on a
Dell XPS 13 from mid 2014):
| Benchmark | EntityX (compile-time) | EnTT |
| Create 1M entities | 0.0147s | **0.0046s** |
| Destroy 1M entities | 0.0053s | **0.0045s** |
| 1M entities, one component | 0.0012s | **1.9e-07s** |
| 1M entities, two components | 0.0012s | **3.8e-07s** |
| 1M entities, two components<br/>Half of the entities have all the components | 0.0009s | **3.8e-07s** |
| 1M entities, two components<br/>One of the entities has all the components | 0.0008s | **1.0e-06s** |
| 1M entities, five components | 0.0010s | **7.0e-07s** |
| 1M entities, ten components | 0.0011s | **1.2e-06s** |
| 1M entities, ten components<br/>Half of the entities have all the components | 0.0010s | **1.2e-06s** |
| 1M entities, ten components<br/>One of the entities has all the components | 0.0008s | **1.2e-06s** |
| Sort 150k entities, one component<br/>Arrays are in reverse order | - | **0.0036s** |
| Sort 150k entities, enforce permutation<br/>Arrays are in reverse order | - | **0.0005s** |
| Sort 150k entities, one component<br/>Arrays are almost sorted, std::sort | - | **0.0035s** |
| Sort 150k entities, one component<br/>Arrays are almost sorted, insertion sort | - | **0.0007s** |
Note: The default version of `EntityX` (`master` branch) wasn't added to the
comparison because it's already much slower than its compile-time counterpart.
Pretty interesting results, aren't them? In fact, these benchmarks are the ones
used by `EntityX` to show _how fast it is_. To be honest, they aren't so good
and these results shouldn't be taken too seriously (indeed they are completely
The proposed entity-component system is incredibly fast to iterate entities,
this is a fact. The compiler can make a lot of optimizations because of how
`EnTT` works, even more when components aren't used at all. This is exactly the
case for these benchmarks. On the other hand, if we consider real world cases,
`EnTT` is somewhere between a bit and much faster than the other solutions
around when users also access the components and not just the entities, although
it isn't as fast as reported by these benchmarks.<br/>
This is why they are completely wrong and cannot be used to evaluate any of the
entity-component-system libraries out there.
The proposed entity-component system is incredibly fast to iterate entities and
components, this is a fact. Some compilers make a lot of optimizations because
of how `EnTT` works, some others aren't that good. In general, if we consider
real world cases, `EnTT` is somewhere between a bit and much faster than many of
the other solutions around, although I couldn't check them all for obvious
If you are interested, you can compile the `benchmark` test in release mode (to
enable compiler optimizations, otherwise it would make little sense) by setting
the `ENTT_BUILD_BENCHMARK` option of `CMake` to `ON`, then evaluate yourself
whether you're satisfied with the results or not.
Honestly I got tired of updating the README file whenever there is an
There are already a lot of projects out there that use `EnTT` as a basis for
comparison (this should already tell you a lot). Many of these benchmarks are
completely wrong, many others are simply incomplete, good at omitting some
information and using the wrong function to compare a given feature. Certainly
there are also good ones but they age quickly if nobody updates them, especially
when the library they are dealing with is actively developed.
The choice to use `EnTT` should be based on its carefully designed API, its
set of features and the general performance, not because some single benchmark
shows it to be the fastest tool available.
set of features and the general performance, **not** because some single
benchmark shows it to be the fastest tool available.
In the future I'll likely try to get even better performance while still adding
new features, mainly for fun.<br/>
If you want to contribute and/or have suggestions, feel free to make a PR or
open an issue to discuss your idea.
# Build Instructions
## Requirements
To be able to use `EnTT`, users must provide a full-featured compiler that
supports at least C++17.<br/>
The requirements below are mandatory to compile the tests and to extract the
* CMake version 3.2 or later.
* Doxygen version 1.8 or later.
If you are looking for a C++14 version of `EnTT`, check out the git tag `cpp14`.
## Library
# Integration
`EnTT` is a header-only library. This means that including the `entt.hpp` header
is enough to include the library as a whole and use it. For those who are
@ -260,13 +223,120 @@ Use the line below to include only the entity-component system instead:
Then pass the proper `-I` argument to the compiler to add the `src` directory to
the include paths.
## Documentation
## Requirements
To be able to use `EnTT`, users must provide a full-featured compiler that
supports at least C++17.<br/>
The requirements below are mandatory to compile the tests and to extract the
* `CMake` version 3.7 or later.
* `Doxygen` version 1.8 or later.
Alternatively, [Bazel]( is also supported as a build system
(credits to [zaucy]( who offered to maintain it).<br/>
In the documentation below I'll still refer to `CMake`, this being the official
build system of the library.
## CMake
To use `EnTT` from a `CMake` project, just link an existing target to the
`EnTT::EnTT` alias.<br/>
The library offers everything you need for locating (as in `find_package`),
embedding (as in `add_subdirectory`), fetching (as in `FetchContent`) or using
it in many of the ways that you can think of and that involve `CMake`.<br/>
Covering all possible cases would require a treaty and not a simple README file,
but I'm confident that anyone reading this section also knows what it's about
and can use `EnTT` from a `CMake` project without problems.
## Natvis support
When using `CMake`, just enable the option `ENTT_INCLUDE_NATVIS` and enjoy
Otherwise, most of the tools are covered via Natvis and all files can be found
in the `natvis` directory, divided by module.<br/>
If you spot errors or have suggestions, any contribution is welcome!
## Packaging Tools
`EnTT` is available for some of the most known packaging tools. In particular:
* [`Conan`](, the C/C++ Package
Manager for Developers.
* [`vcpkg`](, Microsoft VC++ Packaging
You can download and install `EnTT` in just a few simple steps:
$ git clone
$ cd vcpkg
$ ./
$ ./vcpkg integrate install
$ vcpkg install entt
The documentation is based on [doxygen](
To build it:
Or you can use the `experimental` feature to test the latest changes:
vcpkg install entt[experimental] --head
The `EnTT` port in `vcpkg` is kept up to date by Microsoft team members and
community contributors.<br/>
If the version is out of date, please
[create an issue or pull request]( on the
`vcpkg` repository.
* [`Homebrew`](, the missing package
manager for macOS.<br/>
Available as a homebrew formula. Just type the following to install it:
brew install skypjack/entt/entt
* [`build2`](, build toolchain for developing and packaging C
and C++ code.<br/>
In order to use the [`entt`]( package in a `build2`
project, add the following line or a similar one to the `manifest` file:
depends: entt ^3.0.0
Also check that the configuration refers to a valid repository, so that the
package can be found by `build2`:
* [``](, the open-source community central
repository, accessible as ``.
* [Package source repository](
accessible as either `` or
Feel free to [report issues]( with
this package.
Both can be used with `bpkg add-repo` or added in a project
`repositories.manifest`. See the official
for more details.
Consider this list a work in progress and help me to make it longer if you like.
## pkg-config
`EnTT` also supports `pkg-config` (for some definition of _supports_ at least).
A suitable file called `entt.pc` is generated and installed in a proper
directory when running `CMake`.<br/>
This should also make it easier to use with tools such as `Meson` or similar.
# Documentation
The documentation is based on [doxygen]( To build it:
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DBUILD_DOCS=ON
$ make
The API reference will be created in HTML format within the directory
@ -278,46 +348,33 @@ The API reference will be created in HTML format within the directory
It's also available [online]( for the latest
Finally, there exists a [wiki]( dedicated
The same version is also available [online](
for the latest release, that is the last stable tag. If you are looking for
something more pleasing to the eye, consider reading the nice-looking version
available on [docsforge]( same documentation, much
more pleasant to read.<br/>
Moreover, there exists a [wiki]( dedicated
to the project where users can find all related documentation pages.
## Tests
# Tests
To compile and run the tests, `EnTT` requires *googletest*.<br/>
`cmake` will download and compile the library before compiling anything else.
In order to build the tests, set the CMake option `BUILD_TESTING` to `ON`.
In order to build the tests, set the `CMake` option `ENTT_BUILD_TESTING` to
To build the most basic set of tests:
* `$ cd build`
* `$ cmake -DBUILD_TESTING=ON ..`
* `$ cmake -DENTT_BUILD_TESTING=ON ..`
* `$ make`
* `$ make test`
Note that benchmarks are not part of this set.
# Packaging Tools
`EnTT` is available for some of the most known packaging tools. In particular:
* [`Conan`](,
the C/C++ Package Manager for Developers.
* [`Homebrew`](, the missing package
manager for macOS.<br/>
Available as a homebrew formula. Just type the following to install it:
brew install skypjack/entt/entt
* [`vcpkg`](,
Microsoft VC++ Packaging Tool.
Consider this list a work in progress and help me to make it longer.
@ -338,18 +395,14 @@ open an issue or a PR and I'll be glad to add them to the list.
# Contributors
`EnTT` was written initially as a faster alternative to other well known and
open source entity-component systems. Nowadays this library is moving its first
steps. Much more will come in the future and hopefully I'm going to work on it
for a long time.<br/>
Requests for features, PR, suggestions ad feedback are highly appreciated.
Requests for features, PRs, suggestions ad feedback are highly appreciated.
If you find you can help me and want to contribute to the project with your
experience or you do want to get part of the project for some other reasons,
feel free to contact me directly (you can find the mail in the
If you find you can help and want to contribute to the project with your
experience or you do want to get part of the project for some other reason, feel
free to contact me directly (you can find the mail in the
I can't promise that each and every contribution will be accepted, but I can
assure that I'll do my best to take them all seriously.
assure that I'll do my best to take them all as soon as possible.
If you decide to participate, please see the guidelines for
[contributing]( before to create issues or pull
@ -363,49 +416,12 @@ know who has participated so far.
# License
Code and documentation Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Michele Caini.<br/>
Logo Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Richard Caseres.
Code and documentation Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Michele Caini.<br/>
Colorful logo Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Richard Caseres.
Code released under
[the MIT license](
[the MIT license](<br/>
Documentation released under
[CC BY 4.0](<br/>
Logo released under
All logos released under
[CC BY-SA 4.0](
# Support
## Patreon
Become a [patron]( and get access to
extra content, help me spend more time on the projects you love and create new
ones for you. Your support will help me to continue the work done so far and
make it more professional and feature-rich every day.<br/>
It takes very little to
[become a patron]( and thus help the
software you use every day. Don't miss the chance.
## Donation
Developing and maintaining `EnTT` takes some time and lots of coffee. I'd like
to add more and more functionalities in future and turn it in a full-featured
If you want to support this project, you can offer me an espresso. I'm from
Italy, we're used to turning the best coffee ever in code. If you find that
it's not enough, feel free to support me the way you prefer.<br/>
Take a look at the donation button at the top of the page for more details or
just click [here](
## Hire me
If you start using `EnTT` and need help, if you want a new feature and want me
to give it the highest priority, if you have any other reason to contact me:
do not hesitate. I'm available for hiring.<br/>
Feel free to take a look at my [profile]( and
contact me by mail.

+ 25
- 24
modules/entt/TODO View File

@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
* long term feature: templated generic vm
* long term feature: shared_ptr less locator
* long term feature: shared_ptr less resource cache
* custom allocators and EnTT allocator-aware in general (long term feature, I don't actually need it at the moment) - see #22
* debugging tools (#60): the issue online already contains interesting tips on this, look at it
* runner proposal:
* work stealing job system (see #100)
* meta: sort of meta view based on meta stuff to iterate entities, void * and meta info objects
* allow for built-in parallel each if possible
* allow to replace std:: with custom implementations
* remove runtime views, welcome reflection and what about snapshot?
* empty components model allows for shared components and prefabs unity-like
- each with entity return the shared component multiple times, one per entity that refers to it
- each components only return actual component, so shared components are returned only once
* types defined at runtime that refer to the same compile-time type (but to different pools) are possible, the library is almost there
* add take functionality, eg registry.take(entity, other); where it takes the entity and all its components from registry and move them to other
* add opaque input iterators to views and groups that return tuples <entity, T &...> (proxy), multi-pass guaranteed
* add fast lane for raw iterations, extend mt doc to describe allowed add/remove with pre-allocations on fast lanes
* review 64 bit id: user defined area + dedicated member on the registry to set it
* early out in views using bitmasks with bloom filter like access based on modulus
- standard each, use bitmask to speed up the whole thing and avoid accessing the pools to test for the page
- iterator based each with a couple of iterators passed from outside (use bitmask + has)
* stable component handle that isn't affected by reallocations
* multi component registry::remove and some others?
* reactive systems
* work stealing job system (see #100) + mt scheduler based on const awareness for types
* add examples (and credits) from @alanjfs :)
* filter on runtime values/variables (not only types)
* support to polymorphic types (see #859)
* view/group: no storage_traits dependency -> use storage instead of components for the definition
* basic_storage::bind for cross-registry setups
* uses-allocator construction: any (with allocator support), poly, ...
* process scheduler: reviews, use free lists internally
* iterator based try_emplace vs try_insert for perf reasons
* dedicated entity storage, in-place O(1) release/destroy for non-orphaned entities, out-of-sync model
* entity-only and exclude-only views
* custom allocators all over (sigh storage mixin, registry, ...)
* consider removing ENTT_NOEXCEPT, use ENTT_NOEXCEPT_IF (or noexcept(...)) as appropriate in any case (ie make compressed_pair conditionally noexcept)
* add test for maximum number of entities reached
* add user data to type_info
* write documentation for custom storages and views!!
* make runtime views use opaque storage and therefore return also elements.
* entity-aware observer, add observer functions aside observer class
* deprecate non-owning groups in favor of owning views and view packs, introduce lazy owning views

+ 1
- 0
modules/entt/WORKSPACE View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
workspace(name = "com_github_skypjack_entt")

+ 0
- 25
modules/entt/appveyor.yml View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
# can use variables like {build} and {branch}
version: 1.0.{build}
image: Visual Studio 2017
- Win32
- Release
- cd %BUILD_DIR%
- cmake .. -DBUILD_TESTING=ON -DBUILD_LIB=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=/W1 -G"Visual Studio 15 2017"
- ctest -C Release -j4
parallel: true
project: build/entt.sln
verbosity: minimal

+ 0
- 6
modules/entt/cmake/in/ View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

+ 2
- 8
modules/entt/cmake/in/ View File

@ -1,11 +1,5 @@

+ 0
- 19
modules/entt/cmake/in/ View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
project(cereal-download NONE)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2)
GIT_TAG v1.2.2

+ 0
- 19
modules/entt/cmake/in/ View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
project(duktape-download NONE)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2)
GIT_TAG v2.2.0

+ 8
- 0
modules/entt/cmake/in/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Name: EnTT
Description: Gaming meets modern C++
Cflags: -I${includedir}

+ 0
- 19
modules/entt/cmake/in/ View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
project(googletest-download NONE)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2)
GIT_TAG master

+ 0
- 11
modules/entt/cmake/in/ View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@

+ 6
- 14
modules/entt/conan/ View File

@ -4,24 +4,19 @@ from cpt.packager import ConanMultiPackager
import os
if __name__ == "__main__":
username = os.getenv("GITHUB_ACTOR")
tag_version = os.getenv("GITHUB_REF")
tag_package = os.getenv("GITHUB_REPOSITORY")
login_username = os.getenv("CONAN_LOGIN_USERNAME")
username = os.getenv("CONAN_USERNAME")
tag_version = os.getenv("CONAN_PACKAGE_VERSION", os.getenv("TRAVIS_TAG"))
package_version = tag_version.replace("v", "")
package_name = os.getenv("CONAN_PACKAGE_NAME", package_name_unset)
package_version = tag_version.replace("refs/tags/v", "")
package_name = tag_package.replace("skypjack/", "")
reference = "{}/{}".format(package_name, package_version)
channel = os.getenv("CONAN_CHANNEL", "stable")
upload = os.getenv("CONAN_UPLOAD")
stable_branch_pattern = os.getenv("CONAN_STABLE_BRANCH_PATTERN", r"v\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*")
test_folder = os.getenv("CPT_TEST_FOLDER", os.path.join("conan", "test_package"))
upload_only_when_stable = os.getenv("CONAN_UPLOAD_ONLY_WHEN_STABLE", True)
header_only = os.getenv("CONAN_HEADER_ONLY", False)
pure_c = os.getenv("CONAN_PURE_C", False)
disable_shared = os.getenv("CONAN_DISABLE_SHARED_BUILD", "False")
if disable_shared == "True" and package_name == package_name_unset:
raise Exception("CONAN_DISABLE_SHARED_BUILD: True is only supported when you define CONAN_PACKAGE_NAME")
builder = ConanMultiPackager(username=username,
@ -31,10 +26,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if header_only == "False":
filtered_builds = []
for settings, options, env_vars, build_requires, reference in builder.items:

+ 2
- 2
modules/entt/conan/test_package/test_package.cpp View File

@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ int main() {
for(auto i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
auto entity = registry.create();
registry.assign<position>(entity, i * 1.f, i * 1.f);
if(i % 2 == 0) { registry.assign<velocity>(entity, i * .1f, i * .1f); }
registry.emplace<position>(entity, i * 1.f, i * 1.f);
if(i % 2 == 0) { registry.emplace<velocity>(entity, i * .1f, i * .1f); }
update(dt, registry);

+ 4
- 0
modules/entt/ View File

@ -19,5 +19,9 @@ class EnttConan(ConanFile):
self.copy(pattern="LICENSE", dst="licenses")
self.copy(pattern="*", dst="include", src="src", keep_path=True)
def package_info(self):
if not self.in_local_cache:
self.cpp_info.includedirs = ["src"]
def package_id(self):

+ 0
- 2
modules/entt/deps/.gitignore View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

+ 12
- 10
modules/entt/docs/CMakeLists.txt View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
# Doxygen configuration (documentation)
@ -13,18 +14,10 @@ add_custom_target(
@ -32,7 +25,16 @@ add_custom_target(

+ 288
- 125
modules/entt/docs/ View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Doxyfile 1.8.13
# Doxyfile 1.9.1
# This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system
# doxygen ( for a project.
@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
# Project related configuration options
# This tag specifies the encoding used for all characters in the config file
# that follow. The default is UTF-8 which is also the encoding used for all text
# before the first occurrence of this tag. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the iconv
# built into libc) for the transcoding. See
# for the list of possible encodings.
# This tag specifies the encoding used for all characters in the configuration
# file that follow. The default is UTF-8 which is also the encoding used for all
# text before the first occurrence of this tag. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the
# iconv built into libc) for the transcoding. See
# for the list of possible encodings.
# The default value is: UTF-8.
@ -93,6 +93,14 @@ ALLOW_UNICODE_NAMES = NO
# The OUTPUT_TEXT_DIRECTION tag is used to specify the direction in which all
# documentation generated by doxygen is written. Doxygen will use this
# information to generate all generated output in the proper direction.
# Possible values are: None, LTR, RTL and Context.
# The default value is: None.
# If the BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC tag is set to YES, doxygen will include brief member
# descriptions after the members that are listed in the file and class
# documentation (similar to Javadoc). Set to NO to disable this.
@ -179,6 +187,16 @@ SHORT_NAMES = NO
# If the JAVADOC_BANNER tag is set to YES then doxygen will interpret a line
# such as
# /***************
# as being the beginning of a Javadoc-style comment "banner". If set to NO, the
# Javadoc-style will behave just like regular comments and it will not be
# interpreted by doxygen.
# The default value is: NO.
# If the QT_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then doxygen will interpret the first
# line (until the first dot) of a Qt-style comment as the brief description. If
# set to NO, the Qt-style will behave just like regular Qt-style comments (thus
@ -199,6 +217,14 @@ QT_AUTOBRIEF = NO
# By default Python docstrings are displayed as preformatted text and doxygen's
# special commands cannot be used. By setting PYTHON_DOCSTRING to NO the
# doxygen's special commands can be used and the contents of the docstring
# documentation blocks is shown as doxygen documentation.
# The default value is: YES.
# If the INHERIT_DOCS tag is set to YES then an undocumented member inherits the
# documentation from any documented member that it re-implements.
# The default value is: YES.
@ -226,16 +252,15 @@ TAB_SIZE = 4
# will allow you to put the command \sideeffect (or @sideeffect) in the
# documentation, which will result in a user-defined paragraph with heading
# "Side Effects:". You can put \n's in the value part of an alias to insert
# newlines.
# newlines (in the resulting output). You can put ^^ in the value part of an
# alias to insert a newline as if a physical newline was in the original file.
# When you need a literal { or } or , in the value part of an alias you have to
# escape them by means of a backslash (\), this can lead to conflicts with the
# commands \{ and \} for these it is advised to use the version @{ and @} or use
# a double escape (\\{ and \\})
# This tag can be used to specify a number of word-keyword mappings (TCL only).
# A mapping has the form "name=value". For example adding "class=itcl::class"
# will allow you to use the command class in the itcl::class meaning.
# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C tag to YES if your project consists of C sources
# only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for C. For
# instance, some of the names that are used will be different. The list of all
@ -264,28 +289,40 @@ OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN = NO
# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_SLICE tag to YES if your project consists of Slice
# sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for that
# language. For instance, namespaces will be presented as modules, types will be
# separated into more groups, etc.
# The default value is: NO.
# Doxygen selects the parser to use depending on the extension of the files it
# parses. With this tag you can assign which parser to use for a given
# extension. Doxygen has a built-in mapping, but you can override or extend it
# using this tag. The format is ext=language, where ext is a file extension, and
# language is one of the parsers supported by doxygen: IDL, Java, Javascript,
# C#, C, C++, D, PHP, Objective-C, Python, Fortran (fixed format Fortran:
# FortranFixed, free formatted Fortran: FortranFree, unknown formatted Fortran:
# Fortran. In the later case the parser tries to guess whether the code is fixed
# or free formatted code, this is the default for Fortran type files), VHDL. For
# instance to make doxygen treat .inc files as Fortran files (default is PHP),
# and .f files as C (default is Fortran), use: inc=Fortran f=C.
# language is one of the parsers supported by doxygen: IDL, Java, JavaScript,
# Csharp (C#), C, C++, D, PHP, md (Markdown), Objective-C, Python, Slice, VHDL,
# Fortran (fixed format Fortran: FortranFixed, free formatted Fortran:
# FortranFree, unknown formatted Fortran: Fortran. In the later case the parser
# tries to guess whether the code is fixed or free formatted code, this is the
# default for Fortran type files). For instance to make doxygen treat .inc files
# as Fortran files (default is PHP), and .f files as C (default is Fortran),
# use: inc=Fortran f=C.
# Note: For files without extension you can use no_extension as a placeholder.
# Note that for custom extensions you also need to set FILE_PATTERNS otherwise
# the files are not read by doxygen.
# the files are not read by doxygen. When specifying no_extension you should add
# * to the FILE_PATTERNS.
# Note see also the list of default file extension mappings.
# If the MARKDOWN_SUPPORT tag is enabled then doxygen pre-processes all comments
# according to the Markdown format, which allows for more readable
# documentation. See for details.
# documentation. See for details.
# The output of markdown processing is further processed by doxygen, so you can
# mix doxygen, HTML, and XML commands with Markdown formatting. Disable only in
# case of backward compatibilities issues.
@ -297,10 +334,10 @@ MARKDOWN_SUPPORT = YES
# to that level are automatically included in the table of contents, even if
# they do not have an id attribute.
# Note: This feature currently applies only to Markdown headings.
# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 99, default value: 0.
# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 99, default value: 5.
# This tag requires that the tag MARKDOWN_SUPPORT is set to YES.
# When enabled doxygen tries to link words that correspond to documented
# classes, or namespaces to their corresponding documentation. Such a link can
@ -327,7 +364,7 @@ BUILTIN_STL_SUPPORT = NO
# Set the SIP_SUPPORT tag to YES if your project consists of sip (see:
# sources only. Doxygen
# sources only. Doxygen
# will parse them like normal C++ but will assume all classes use public instead
# of private inheritance when no explicit protection keyword is present.
# The default value is: NO.
@ -413,6 +450,19 @@ TYPEDEF_HIDES_STRUCT = NO
# The NUM_PROC_THREADS specifies the number threads doxygen is allowed to use
# during processing. When set to 0 doxygen will based this on the number of
# cores available in the system. You can set it explicitly to a value larger
# than 0 to get more control over the balance between CPU load and processing
# speed. At this moment only the input processing can be done using multiple
# threads. Since this is still an experimental feature the default is set to 1,
# which efficively disables parallel processing. Please report any issues you
# encounter. Generating dot graphs in parallel is controlled by the
# DOT_NUM_THREADS setting.
# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 32, default value: 1.
# Build related configuration options
@ -433,6 +483,12 @@ EXTRACT_ALL = NO
# If the EXTRACT_PRIV_VIRTUAL tag is set to YES, documented private virtual
# methods of a class will be included in the documentation.
# The default value is: NO.
# If the EXTRACT_PACKAGE tag is set to YES, all members with package or internal
# scope will be included in the documentation.
# The default value is: NO.
@ -470,6 +526,13 @@ EXTRACT_LOCAL_METHODS = NO
# If this flag is set to YES, the name of an unnamed parameter in a declaration
# will be determined by the corresponding definition. By default unnamed
# parameters remain unnamed in the output.
# The default value is: YES.
# If the HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all
# undocumented members inside documented classes or files. If set to NO these
# members will be included in the various overviews, but no documentation
@ -487,8 +550,8 @@ HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS = NO
# If the HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS tag is set to YES, doxygen will hide all friend
# (class|struct|union) declarations. If set to NO, these declarations will be
# included in the documentation.
# declarations. If set to NO, these declarations will be included in the
# documentation.
# The default value is: NO.
@ -507,11 +570,18 @@ HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS = NO
# If the CASE_SENSE_NAMES tag is set to NO then doxygen will only generate file
# names in lower-case letters. If set to YES, upper-case letters are also
# allowed. This is useful if you have classes or files whose names only differ
# in case and if your file system supports case sensitive file names. Windows
# and Mac users are advised to set this option to NO.
# With the correct setting of option CASE_SENSE_NAMES doxygen will better be
# able to match the capabilities of the underlying filesystem. In case the
# filesystem is case sensitive (i.e. it supports files in the same directory
# whose names only differ in casing), the option must be set to YES to properly
# deal with such files in case they appear in the input. For filesystems that
# are not case sensitive the option should be be set to NO to properly deal with
# output files written for symbols that only differ in casing, such as for two
# classes, one named CLASS and the other named Class, and to also support
# references to files without having to specify the exact matching casing. On
# Windows (including Cygwin) and MacOS, users should typically set this option
# to NO, whereas on Linux or other Unix flavors it should typically be set to
# YES.
# The default value is: system dependent.
@ -698,7 +768,7 @@ LAYOUT_FILE =
# The CITE_BIB_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more bib files containing
# the reference definitions. This must be a list of .bib files. The .bib
# extension is automatically appended if omitted. This requires the bibtex tool
# to be installed. See also for more info.
# to be installed. See also for more info.
# For LaTeX the style of the bibliography can be controlled using
# LATEX_BIB_STYLE. To use this feature you need bibtex and perl available in the
# search path. See also \cite for info how to create references.
@ -743,13 +813,17 @@ WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR = YES
# This WARN_NO_PARAMDOC option can be enabled to get warnings for functions that
# are documented, but have no documentation for their parameters or return
# value. If set to NO, doxygen will only warn about wrong or incomplete
# parameter documentation, but not about the absence of documentation.
# parameter documentation, but not about the absence of documentation. If
# EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then this flag will automatically be disabled.
# The default value is: NO.
# If the WARN_AS_ERROR tag is set to YES then doxygen will immediately stop when
# a warning is encountered.
# a warning is encountered. If the WARN_AS_ERROR tag is set to FAIL_ON_WARNINGS
# then doxygen will continue running as if WARN_AS_ERROR tag is set to NO, but
# at the end of the doxygen process doxygen will return with a non-zero status.
# Possible values are: NO, YES and FAIL_ON_WARNINGS.
# The default value is: NO.
@ -781,14 +855,14 @@ WARN_LOGFILE =
# Note: If this tag is empty the current directory is searched.
# This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files
# that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding. Doxygen uses
# libiconv (or the iconv built into libc) for the transcoding. See the libiconv
# documentation (see: for the list of
# possible encodings.
# documentation (see:
# for the list of possible encodings.
# The default value is: UTF-8.
@ -801,11 +875,15 @@ INPUT_ENCODING = UTF-8
# need to set EXTENSION_MAPPING for the extension otherwise the files are not
# read by doxygen.
# Note the list of default checked file patterns might differ from the list of
# default file extension mappings.
# If left blank the following patterns are tested:*.c, *.cc, *.cxx, *.cpp,
# *.c++, *.java, *.ii, *.ixx, *.ipp, *.i++, *.inl, *.idl, *.ddl, *.odl, *.h,
# *.hh, *.hxx, *.hpp, *.h++, *.cs, *.d, *.php, *.php4, *.php5, *.phtml, *.inc,
# *.m, *.markdown, *.md, *.mm, *.dox, *.py, *.pyw, *.f90, *.f95, *.f03, *.f08,
# *.f, *.for, *.tcl, *.vhd, *.vhdl, *.ucf and *.qsf.
# *.m, *.markdown, *.md, *.mm, *.dox (to be provided as doxygen C comment),
# *.py, *.pyw, *.f90, *.f95, *.f03, *.f08, *.f18, *.f, *.for, *.vhd, *.vhdl,
# *.ucf, *.qsf and *.ice.
*.hpp \
@ -825,7 +903,7 @@ RECURSIVE = YES
# Note that relative paths are relative to the directory from which doxygen is
# run.
# The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used to select whether or not files or
# directories that are symbolic links (a Unix file system feature) are excluded
@ -963,7 +1041,7 @@ INLINE_SOURCES = NO
# If the REFERENCED_BY_RELATION tag is set to YES then for each documented
# function all documented functions referencing it will be listed.
# entity all documented functions referencing it will be listed.
# The default value is: NO.
@ -995,12 +1073,12 @@ SOURCE_TOOLTIPS = YES
# If the USE_HTAGS tag is set to YES then the references to source code will
# point to the HTML generated by the htags(1) tool instead of doxygen built-in
# source browser. The htags tool is part of GNU's global source tagging system
# (see You will need version
# (see You will need version
# 4.8.6 or higher.
# To use it do the following:
# - Install the latest version of global
# - Enable SOURCE_BROWSER and USE_HTAGS in the config file
# - Enable SOURCE_BROWSER and USE_HTAGS in the configuration file
# - Make sure the INPUT points to the root of the source tree
# - Run doxygen as normal
@ -1023,16 +1101,22 @@ USE_HTAGS = NO
# If the CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING tag is set to YES then doxygen will use the
# clang parser (see: for more accurate parsing at the
# cost of reduced performance. This can be particularly helpful with template
# rich C++ code for which doxygen's built-in parser lacks the necessary type
# information.
# clang parser (see:
# for more accurate parsing at the cost of reduced
# performance. This can be particularly helpful with template rich C++ code for
# which doxygen's built-in parser lacks the necessary type information.
# Note: The availability of this option depends on whether or not doxygen was
# generated with the -Duse-libclang=ON option for CMake.
# generated with the -Duse_libclang=ON option for CMake.
# The default value is: NO.
# If clang assisted parsing is enabled and the CLANG_ADD_INC_PATHS tag is set to
# YES then doxygen will add the directory of each input to the include path.
# The default value is: YES.
# If clang assisted parsing is enabled you can provide the compiler with command
# line options that you would normally use when invoking the compiler. Note that
# the include paths will already be set by doxygen for the files and directories
@ -1041,6 +1125,19 @@ CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING = NO
# If clang assisted parsing is enabled you can provide the clang parser with the
# path to the directory containing a file called compile_commands.json. This
# file is the compilation database (see:
# containing the
# options used when the source files were built. This is equivalent to
# specifying the -p option to a clang tool, such as clang-check. These options
# will then be passed to the parser. Any options specified with CLANG_OPTIONS
# will be added as well.
# Note: The availability of this option depends on whether or not doxygen was
# generated with the -Duse_libclang=ON option for CMake.
# Configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
@ -1052,13 +1149,6 @@ CLANG_OPTIONS =
# The COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX tag can be used to specify the number of columns in
# which the alphabetical index list will be split.
# Minimum value: 1, maximum value: 20, default value: 5.
# This tag requires that the tag ALPHABETICAL_INDEX is set to YES.
# In case all classes in a project start with a common prefix, all classes will
# be put under the same header in the alphabetical index. The IGNORE_PREFIX tag
# can be used to specify a prefix (or a list of prefixes) that should be ignored
@ -1159,7 +1249,7 @@ HTML_EXTRA_FILES =
# The HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE tag controls the color of the HTML output. Doxygen
# will adjust the colors in the style sheet and background images according to
# this color. Hue is specified as an angle on a colorwheel, see
# for more information. For instance the value
# for more information. For instance the value
# 0 represents red, 60 is yellow, 120 is green, 180 is cyan, 240 is blue, 300
# purple, and 360 is red again.
# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 359, default value: 220.
@ -1195,6 +1285,17 @@ HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA = 80
# If the HTML_DYNAMIC_MENUS tag is set to YES then the generated HTML
# documentation will contain a main index with vertical navigation menus that
# are dynamically created via JavaScript. If disabled, the navigation index will
# consists of multiple levels of tabs that are statically embedded in every HTML
# page. Disable this option to support browsers that do not have JavaScript,
# like the Qt help browser.
# The default value is: YES.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
# If the HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS tag is set to YES then the generated HTML
# documentation will contain sections that can be hidden and shown after the
# page has loaded.
@ -1218,13 +1319,14 @@ HTML_INDEX_NUM_ENTRIES = 100
# If the GENERATE_DOCSET tag is set to YES, additional index files will be
# generated that can be used as input for Apple's Xcode 3 integrated development
# environment (see:, introduced with
# OSX 10.5 (Leopard). To create a documentation set, doxygen will generate a
# Makefile in the HTML output directory. Running make will produce the docset in
# that directory and running make install will install the docset in
# environment (see:
#, introduced with OSX 10.5 (Leopard). To
# create a documentation set, doxygen will generate a Makefile in the HTML
# output directory. Running make will produce the docset in that directory and
# running make install will install the docset in
# ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets so that Xcode will find it at
# startup. See
# for more information.
# startup. See
# genXcode/_index.html for more information.
# The default value is: NO.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
@ -1263,8 +1365,8 @@ DOCSET_PUBLISHER_NAME = Publisher
# If the GENERATE_HTMLHELP tag is set to YES then doxygen generates three
# additional HTML index files: index.hhp, index.hhc, and index.hhk. The
# index.hhp is a project file that can be read by Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop
# (see: on
# Windows.
# (see:
# on Windows.
# The HTML Help Workshop contains a compiler that can convert all HTML output
# generated by doxygen into a single compiled HTML file (.chm). Compiled HTML
@ -1294,7 +1396,7 @@ CHM_FILE =
# The GENERATE_CHI flag controls if a separate .chi index file is generated
# (YES) or that it should be included in the master .chm file (NO).
# (YES) or that it should be included in the main .chm file (NO).
# The default value is: NO.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTMLHELP is set to YES.
@ -1339,7 +1441,8 @@ QCH_FILE =
# The QHP_NAMESPACE tag specifies the namespace to use when generating Qt Help
# Project output. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Namespace
# (see:
# (see:
# The default value is: org.doxygen.Project.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
@ -1347,8 +1450,8 @@ QHP_NAMESPACE = org.doxygen.Project
# The QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER tag specifies the namespace to use when generating Qt
# Help Project output. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Virtual
# Folders (see:
# folders).
# Folders (see:
# The default value is: doc.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
@ -1356,30 +1459,30 @@ QHP_VIRTUAL_FOLDER = doc
# If the QHP_CUST_FILTER_NAME tag is set, it specifies the name of a custom
# filter to add. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Custom
# Filters (see:
# filters).
# Filters (see:
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
# The QHP_CUST_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes of the
# custom filter to add. For more information please see Qt Help Project / Custom
# Filters (see:
# filters).
# Filters (see:
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
# The QHP_SECT_FILTER_ATTRS tag specifies the list of the attributes this
# project's filter section matches. Qt Help Project / Filter Attributes (see:
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
# The QHG_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location of Qt's
# qhelpgenerator. If non-empty doxygen will try to run qhelpgenerator on the
# generated .qhp file.
# The QHG_LOCATION tag can be used to specify the location (absolute path
# including file name) of Qt's qhelpgenerator. If non-empty doxygen will try to
# run qhelpgenerator on the generated .qhp file.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_QHP is set to YES.
@ -1456,6 +1559,17 @@ TREEVIEW_WIDTH = 250
# If the HTML_FORMULA_FORMAT option is set to svg, doxygen will use the pdf2svg
# tool (see or inkscape (see
# to generate formulas as SVG images instead of PNGs for
# the HTML output. These images will generally look nicer at scaled resolutions.
# Possible values are: png (the default) and svg (looks nicer but requires the
# pdf2svg or inkscape tool).
# The default value is: png.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
# Use this tag to change the font size of LaTeX formulas included as images in
# the HTML documentation. When you change the font size after a successful
# doxygen run you need to manually remove any form_*.png images from the HTML
@ -1465,7 +1579,7 @@ EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW = NO
# Use the FORMULA_TRANPARENT tag to determine whether or not the images
# Use the FORMULA_TRANSPARENT tag to determine whether or not the images
# generated for formulas are transparent PNGs. Transparent PNGs are not
# supported properly for IE 6.0, but are supported on all modern browsers.
@ -1476,8 +1590,14 @@ FORMULA_FONTSIZE = 10
# The FORMULA_MACROFILE can contain LaTeX \newcommand and \renewcommand commands
# to create new LaTeX commands to be used in formulas as building blocks. See
# the section "Including formulas" for details.
# Enable the USE_MATHJAX option to render LaTeX formulas using MathJax (see
# which uses client side Javascript for the rendering
# which uses client side JavaScript for the rendering
# instead of using pre-rendered bitmaps. Use this if you do not have LaTeX
# installed or if you want to formulas look prettier in the HTML output. When
# enabled you may also need to install MathJax separately and configure the path
@ -1489,7 +1609,7 @@ USE_MATHJAX = NO
# When MathJax is enabled you can set the default output format to be used for
# the MathJax output. See the MathJax site (see:
# for more details.
# for more details.
# Possible values are: HTML-CSS (which is slower, but has the best
# compatibility), NativeMML (i.e. MathML) and SVG.
# The default value is: HTML-CSS.
@ -1504,11 +1624,11 @@ MATHJAX_FORMAT = HTML-CSS
# MATHJAX_RELPATH should be ../mathjax. The default value points to the MathJax
# Content Delivery Network so you can quickly see the result without installing
# MathJax. However, it is strongly recommended to install a local copy of
# MathJax from before deployment.
# The default value is:
# MathJax from before deployment.
# The default value is:
# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES.
# The MATHJAX_EXTENSIONS tag can be used to specify one or more MathJax
# extension names that should be enabled during MathJax rendering. For example
@ -1519,7 +1639,8 @@ MATHJAX_EXTENSIONS =
# The MATHJAX_CODEFILE tag can be used to specify a file with javascript pieces
# of code that will be used on startup of the MathJax code. See the MathJax site
# (see: for more details. For an
# (see:
# for more details. For an
# example see the documentation.
# This tag requires that the tag USE_MATHJAX is set to YES.
@ -1547,7 +1668,7 @@ MATHJAX_CODEFILE =
# When the SERVER_BASED_SEARCH tag is enabled the search engine will be
# implemented using a web server instead of a web client using Javascript. There
# implemented using a web server instead of a web client using JavaScript. There
# are two flavors of web server based searching depending on the EXTERNAL_SEARCH
# setting. When disabled, doxygen will generate a PHP script for searching and
# an index file used by the script. When EXTERNAL_SEARCH is enabled the indexing
@ -1566,7 +1687,8 @@ SERVER_BASED_SEARCH = NO
# Doxygen ships with an example indexer (doxyindexer) and search engine
# (doxysearch.cgi) which are based on the open source search engine library
# Xapian (see:
# Xapian (see:
# See the section "External Indexing and Searching" for details.
# The default value is: NO.
@ -1579,8 +1701,9 @@ EXTERNAL_SEARCH = NO
# Doxygen ships with an example indexer (doxyindexer) and search engine
# (doxysearch.cgi) which are based on the open source search engine library
# Xapian (see: See the section "External Indexing and
# Searching" for details.
# Xapian (see:
# See the section "External Indexing and Searching" for
# details.
# This tag requires that the tag SEARCHENGINE is set to YES.
@ -1631,21 +1754,35 @@ LATEX_OUTPUT = latex
# The LATEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the LaTeX command name to be
# invoked.
# Note that when enabling USE_PDFLATEX this option is only used for generating
# bitmaps for formulas in the HTML output, but not in the Makefile that is
# written to the output directory.
# The default file is: latex.
# Note that when not enabling USE_PDFLATEX the default is latex when enabling
# USE_PDFLATEX the default is pdflatex and when in the later case latex is
# chosen this is overwritten by pdflatex. For specific output languages the
# default can have been set differently, this depends on the implementation of
# the output language.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
# The MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME tag can be used to specify the command name to generate
# index for LaTeX.
# Note: This tag is used in the Makefile / make.bat.
# See also: LATEX_MAKEINDEX_CMD for the part in the generated output file
# (.tex).
# The default file is: makeindex.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
# The LATEX_MAKEINDEX_CMD tag can be used to specify the command name to
# generate index for LaTeX. In case there is no backslash (\) as first character
# it will be automatically added in the LaTeX code.
# Note: This tag is used in the generated output file (.tex).
# See also: MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME for the part in the Makefile / make.bat.
# The default value is: makeindex.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
# If the COMPACT_LATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen generates more compact LaTeX
# documents. This may be useful for small projects and may help to save some
# trees in general.
@ -1730,9 +1867,11 @@ LATEX_EXTRA_FILES =
# If the USE_PDFLATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen will use pdflatex to generate
# the PDF file directly from the LaTeX files. Set this option to YES, to get a
# higher quality PDF documentation.
# If the USE_PDFLATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen will use the engine as
# specified with LATEX_CMD_NAME to generate the PDF file directly from the LaTeX
# files. Set this option to YES, to get a higher quality PDF documentation.
# See also section LATEX_CMD_NAME for selecting the engine.
# The default value is: YES.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
@ -1766,7 +1905,7 @@ LATEX_SOURCE_CODE = NO
# The LATEX_BIB_STYLE tag can be used to specify the style to use for the
# bibliography, e.g. plainnat, or ieeetr. See
# and \cite for more info.
# and \cite for more info.
# The default value is: plain.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
@ -1780,6 +1919,14 @@ LATEX_BIB_STYLE = plain
# The LATEX_EMOJI_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute)
# path from which the emoji images will be read. If a relative path is entered,
# it will be relative to the LATEX_OUTPUT directory. If left blank the
# LATEX_OUTPUT directory will be used.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_LATEX is set to YES.
# Configuration options related to the RTF output
@ -1819,9 +1966,9 @@ COMPACT_RTF = NO
# Load stylesheet definitions from file. Syntax is similar to doxygen's config
# file, i.e. a series of assignments. You only have to provide replacements,
# missing definitions are set to their default value.
# Load stylesheet definitions from file. Syntax is similar to doxygen's
# configuration file, i.e. a series of assignments. You only have to provide
# replacements, missing definitions are set to their default value.
# See also section "Doxygen usage" for information on how to generate the
# default style sheet that doxygen normally uses.
@ -1830,8 +1977,8 @@ RTF_HYPERLINKS = NO
# Set optional variables used in the generation of an RTF document. Syntax is
# similar to doxygen's config file. A template extensions file can be generated
# using doxygen -e rtf extensionFile.
# similar to doxygen's configuration file. A template extensions file can be
# generated using doxygen -e rtf extensionFile.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_RTF is set to YES.
@ -1917,6 +2064,13 @@ XML_OUTPUT = xml
# If the XML_NS_MEMB_FILE_SCOPE tag is set to YES, doxygen will include
# namespace members in file scope as well, matching the HTML output.
# The default value is: NO.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_XML is set to YES.
# Configuration options related to the DOCBOOK output
@ -1949,9 +2103,9 @@ DOCBOOK_PROGRAMLISTING = NO
# If the GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate an
# AutoGen Definitions (see file that captures the
# structure of the code including all documentation. Note that this feature is
# still experimental and incomplete at the moment.
# AutoGen Definitions (see file that captures
# the structure of the code including all documentation. Note that this feature
# is still experimental and incomplete at the moment.
# The default value is: NO.
@ -2011,7 +2165,7 @@ ENABLE_PREPROCESSING = YES
# The default value is: NO.
# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
# If the EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF and MACRO_EXPANSION tags are both set to YES then
# the macro expansion is limited to the macros specified with the PREDEFINED and
@ -2118,12 +2272,6 @@ EXTERNAL_GROUPS = YES
# The PERL_PATH should be the absolute path and name of the perl script
# interpreter (i.e. the result of 'which perl').
# The default file (with absolute path) is: /usr/bin/perl.
PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
# Configuration options related to the dot tool
@ -2137,15 +2285,6 @@ PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
# You can define message sequence charts within doxygen comments using the \msc
# command. Doxygen will then run the mscgen tool (see:
# to produce the chart and insert it in the
# documentation. The MSCGEN_PATH tag allows you to specify the directory where
# the mscgen tool resides. If left empty the tool is assumed to be found in the
# default search path.
# You can include diagrams made with dia in doxygen documentation. Doxygen will
# then run dia to produce the diagram and insert it in the documentation. The
# DIA_PATH tag allows you to specify the directory where the dia binary resides.
@ -2243,10 +2382,32 @@ UML_LOOK = NO
# but if the number exceeds 15, the total amount of fields shown is limited to
# 10.
# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 100, default value: 10.
# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
# This tag requires that the tag UML_LOOK is set to YES.
# If the DOT_UML_DETAILS tag is set to NO, doxygen will show attributes and
# methods without types and arguments in the UML graphs. If the DOT_UML_DETAILS
# tag is set to YES, doxygen will add type and arguments for attributes and
# methods in the UML graphs. If the DOT_UML_DETAILS tag is set to NONE, doxygen
# will not generate fields with class member information in the UML graphs. The
# class diagrams will look similar to the default class diagrams but using UML
# notation for the relationships.
# Possible values are: NO, YES and NONE.
# The default value is: NO.
# This tag requires that the tag UML_LOOK is set to YES.
# The DOT_WRAP_THRESHOLD tag can be used to set the maximum number of characters
# to display on a single line. If the actual line length exceeds this threshold
# significantly it will wrapped across multiple lines. Some heuristics are apply
# to avoid ugly line breaks.
# Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 1000, default value: 17.
# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.
# If the TEMPLATE_RELATIONS tag is set to YES then the inheritance and
# collaboration graphs will show the relations between templates and their
# instances.
@ -2438,9 +2599,11 @@ DOT_MULTI_TARGETS = NO
# If the DOT_CLEANUP tag is set to YES, doxygen will remove the intermediate dot
# If the DOT_CLEANUP tag is set to YES, doxygen will remove the intermediate
# files that are used to generate the various graphs.
# Note: This setting is not only used for dot files but also for msc and
# plantuml temporary files.
# The default value is: YES.
# This tag requires that the tag HAVE_DOT is set to YES.

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# Crash Course: configuration
# Table of Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Definitions](#definitions)
* [ENTT_NOEXCEPTION](#entt_noexcept)
* [ENTT_USE_ATOMIC](#entt_use_atomic)
* [ENTT_ID_TYPE](#entt_id_type)
* [ENTT_SPARSE_PAGE](#entt_sparse_page)
* [ENTT_PACKED_PAGE](#entt_packed_page)
* [ENTT_ASSERT](#entt_assert)
* [ENTT_DISABLE_ASSERT](#entt_disable_assert)
* [ENTT_NO_ETO](#entt_no_eto)
* [ENTT_STANDARD_CPP](#entt_standard_cpp)
# Introduction
`EnTT` doesn't offer many hooks for customization but it certainly offers
In the vast majority of cases, users will have no interest in changing the
default parameters. For all other cases, the list of possible configurations
with which it's possible to adjust the behavior of the library at runtime can be
found below.
# Definitions
All options are intended as parameters to the compiler (or user-defined macros
within the compilation units, if preferred).<br/>
Each parameter can result in internal library definitions. It's not recommended
to try to also modify these definitions, since there is no guarantee that they
will remain stable over time unlike the options below.
This parameter can be used to switch off exception handling in `EnTT`.<br/>
To do this, simply define the variable without assigning any value to it. This
is roughly equivalent to setting the compiler flag `-ff-noexceptions`.
In general, `EnTT` doesn't offer primitives to support multi-threading. Many of
the features can be split over multiple threads without any explicit control and
the user is the only one who knows if and when a synchronization point is
However, some features aren't easily accessible to users and can be made
thread-safe by means of this definition.
`entt::id_type` is directly controlled by this definition and widely used within
the library.<br/>
By default, its type is `std::uint32_t`. However, users can define a different
default type if necessary.
It's known that the ECS module of `EnTT` is based on _sparse sets_. What is less
known perhaps is that the sparse arrays are paged to reduce memory usage.<br/>
Default size of pages (that is, the number of elements they contain) is 4096 but
users can adjust it if appropriate. In all case, the chosen value **must** be a
power of 2.
Similar to sparse arrays, packed arrays of components are paginated as well. In
However, int this case the aim isn't to reduce memory usage but to have pointer
stability upon component creation.<br/>
Default size of pages (that is, the number of elements they contain) is 1024 but
users can adjust it if appropriate. In all case, the chosen value **must** be a
power of 2.
For performance reasons, `EnTT` doesn't use exceptions or any other control
structures. In fact, it offers many features that result in undefined behavior
if not used correctly.<br/>
To get around this, the library relies on a lot of asserts for the purpose of
detecting errors in debug builds. By default, it uses `assert` internally, but
users are allowed to overwrite its behavior by setting this variable.
Assertions may in turn affect performance to an extent when enabled. Whether
`ENTT_ASSERT` is redefined or not, all asserts can be disabled at once by means
of this definition.<br/>
Note that `ENTT_DISABLE_ASSERT` takes precedence over the redefinition of
`ENTT_ASSERT` and is therefore meant to disable all controls no matter what.
In order to reduce memory consumption and increase performance, empty types are
never stored by the ECS module of `EnTT`.<br/>
Use this variable to treat these types like all others and therefore to create a
dedicated storage for them.
`EnTT` mixes non-standard language features with others that are perfectly
compliant to offer some of its functionalities.<br/>
This definition will prevent the library from using non-standard techniques,
that is, functionalities that aren't fully compliant with the standard C++.<br/>
While there are no known portability issues at the time of this writing, this
should make the library fully portable anyway if needed.

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# Crash Course: containers
# Table of Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Containers](#containers)
* [Dense map](#dense-map)
* [Dense set](#dense-set)
# Introduction
The standard C++ library offers a wide range of containers and it's really
difficult to do better (although it's very easy to do worse, as many examples
available online demonstrate).<br/>
`EnTT` doesn't try in any way to replace what is offered by the standard. Quite
the opposite, given the widespread use that is made of standard containers.<br/>
However, the library also tries to fill a gap in features and functionality by
making available some containers initially developed for internal use.
This section of the library is likely to grow larger over time. However, for the
moment it's quite small and mainly aimed at satisfying some internal needs.<br/>
For all containers made available, full test coverage and stability over time is
guaranteed as usual.
# Containers
## Dense map
The dense map made available in `EnTT` is a hash map that aims to return a
packed array of elements, so as to reduce the number of jumps in memory during
The implementation is based on _sparse sets_ and each bucket is identified by an
implicit list within the packed array itself.
The interface is very close to its counterpart in the standard library, that is,
However, both local and non-local iterators returned by a dense map belong to
the input iterator category although they respectively model the concepts of a
_forward iterator_ type and a _random access iterator_ type.<br/>
This is because they return a pair of references rather than a reference to a
pair. In other words, dense maps return a so called _proxy iterator_ the value
type of which is:
* `std::pair<const Key &, Type &>` for non-const iterator types.
* `std::pair<const Key &, const Type &>` for const iterator types.
This is quite different from what any standard library map returns and should be
taken into account when looking for a drop-in replacement.
## Dense set
The dense set made available in `EnTT` is a hash set that aims to return a
packed array of elements, so as to reduce the number of jumps in memory during
The implementation is based on _sparse sets_ and each bucket is identified by an
implicit list within the packed array itself.
The interface is in all respects similar to its counterpart in the standard
library, that is, `std::unordered_set`.<br/>
Therefore, there is no need to go into the API description.

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@ -6,11 +6,34 @@
# Table of Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Compile-time identifiers](#compile-time-identifiers)
* [Runtime identifiers](#runtime-identifiers)
* [Any as in any type](#any-as-in-any-type)
* [Small buffer optimization](#small-buffer-optimization)
* [Alignment requirement](#alignment-requirement)
* [Compressed pair](#compressed-pair)
* [Enum as bitmask](#enum-as-bitmask)
* [Hashed strings](#hashed-strings)
* [Wide characters](wide-characters)
* [Conflicts](#conflicts)
* [Memory](#memory)
* [Power of two and fast modulus](#power-of-two-and-fast-modulus)
* [Allocator aware unique pointers](#allocator-aware-unique-pointers)
* [Monostate](#monostate)
* [Type support](#type-support)
* [Built-in RTTI support](#built-in-rtti-support)
* [Type info](#type-info)
* [Almost unique identifiers](#almost-unique-identifiers)
* [Type traits](#type-traits)
* [Size of](#size-of)
* [Is applicable](#is-applicable)
* [Constness as](#constness-as)
* [Member class type](#member-class-type)
* [Integral constant](#integral-constant)
* [Tag](#tag)
* [Type list and value list](#type-list-and-value-list)
* [Unique sequential identifiers](#unique-sequential-identifiers)
* [Compile-time generator](#compile-time-generator)
* [Runtime generator](#runtime-generator)
* [Utilities](#utilities)
@ -22,84 +45,249 @@ of the library itself.
Hardly users will include these features in their code, but it's worth
describing what `EnTT` offers so as not to reinvent the wheel in case of need.
# Compile-time identifiers
# Any as in any type
Sometimes it's useful to be able to give unique identifiers to types at
There are plenty of different solutions out there and I could have used one of
them. However, I decided to spend my time to define a compact and versatile tool
that fully embraces what the modern C++ has to offer.
`EnTT` comes with its own `any` type. It may seem redundant considering that
C++17 introduced `std::any`, but it is not (hopefully).<br/>
First of all, the _type_ returned by an `std::any` is a const reference to an
`std::type_info`, an implementation defined class that's not something everyone
wants to see in a software. Furthermore, there is no way to connect it with the
type system of the library and therefore with its integrated RTTI support.<br/>
Note that this class is largely used internally by the library itself.
The API is very similar to that of its most famous counterpart, mainly because
this class serves the same purpose of being an opaque container for any type of
Instances of `any` also minimize the number of allocations by relying on a well
known technique called _small buffer optimization_ and a fake vtable.
The _result of my efforts_ is the `identifier` class template:
Creating an object of the `any` type, whether empty or not, is trivial:
#include <ident.hpp>
// an empty container
entt::any empty{};
// defines the identifiers for the given types
using id = entt::identifier<a_type, another_type>;
// a container for an int
entt::any any{0};
// ...
// in place construction
entt::any in_place{std::in_place_type<int>, 42};
switch(a_type_identifier) {
case id::type<a_type>:
// ...
case id::type<another_type>:
// ...
// ...
Alternatively, the `make_any` function serves the same purpose but requires to
always be explicit about the type:
entt::any any = entt::make_any<int>(42);
This is all what the class template has to offer: a `type` inline variable that
contains a numerical identifier for the given type. It can be used in any
context where constant expressions are required.
In both cases, the `any` class takes the burden of destroying the contained
element when required, regardless of the storage strategy used for the specific
Furthermore, an instance of `any` isn't tied to an actual type. Therefore, the
wrapper is reconfigured when it's assigned a new object of a type other than
the one it contains.
As long as the list remains unchanged, identifiers are also guaranteed to be the
same for every run. In case they have been used in a production environment and
a type has to be removed, one can just use a placeholder to left the other
identifiers unchanged:
There exists also a way to directly assign a value to the variable contained by
an `entt::any`, without necessarily replacing it. This is especially useful when
the object is used in _aliasing mode_, as described below:
template<typename> struct ignore_type {};
entt::any any{42};
entt::any value{3};
using id = entt::identifier<
// assigns by copy
// assigns by move
A bit ugly to see, but it works at least.
The `any` class will also perform a check on the type information and whether or
not the original type was copy or move assignable, as appropriate.<br/>
In all cases, the `assign` function returns a boolean value to indicate the
success or failure of the operation.
# Runtime identifiers
When in doubt about the type of object contained, the `type` member function of
`any` returns a const reference to the `type_info` associated with its element,
or `type_id<void>()` if the container is empty. The type is also used internally
when comparing two `any` objects:
Sometimes it's useful to be able to give unique identifiers to types at
There are plenty of different solutions out there and I could have used one of
them. In fact, I adapted the most common one to my requirements and used it
extensively within the entire library.
if(any == empty) { /* ... */ }
It's the `family` class. Here is an example of use directly from the
entity-component system:
In this case, before proceeding with a comparison, it's verified that the _type_
of the two objects is actually the same.<br/>
Refer to the `EnTT` type system documentation for more details about how
`type_info` works and on possible risks of a comparison.
A particularly interesting feature of this class is that it can also be used as
an opaque container for const and non-const references:
using component_family = entt::family<struct internal_registry_component_family>;
int value = 42;
// ...
entt::any any{std::in_place_type<int &>(value)};
entt::any cany = entt::make_any<const int &>(value);
entt::any fwd = entt::forward_as_any(value);
template<typename Component>
component_type component() const noexcept {
return component_family::type<Component>;
any.emplace<const int &>(value);
This is all what a _family_ has to offer: a `type` inline variable that contains
a numerical identifier for the given type.
In other words, whenever `any` is explicitly told to construct an _alias_, it
acts as a pointer to the original instance rather than making a copy of it or
moving it internally. The contained object is never destroyed and users must
ensure that its lifetime exceeds that of the container.<br/>
Similarly, it's possible to create non-owning copies of `any` from an existing
// aliasing constructor
entt::any ref = other.as_ref();
In this case, it doesn't matter if the original container actually holds an
object or acts already as a reference for unmanaged elements, the new instance
thus created won't create copies and will only serve as a reference for the
original item.<br/>
This means that, starting from the example above, both `ref` and `other` will
point to the same object, whether it's initially contained in `other` or already
an unmanaged element.
As a side note, it's worth mentioning that, while everything works transparently
when it comes to non-const references, there are some exceptions when it comes
to const references.<br/>
In particular, the `data` member function invoked on a non-const instance of
`any` that wraps a const reference will return a null pointer in all cases.
To cast an instance of `any` to a type, the library offers a set of `any_cast`
functions in all respects similar to their most famous counterparts.<br/>
The only difference is that, in the case of `EnTT`, these won't raise exceptions
but will only trigger an assert in debug mode, otherwise resulting in undefined
behavior in case of misuse in release mode.
## Small buffer optimization
The `any` class uses a technique called _small buffer optimization_ to reduce
the number of allocations where possible.<br/>
The default reserved size for an instance of `any` is `sizeof(double[2])`.
However, this is also configurable if needed. In fact, `any` is defined as an
alias for `basic_any<Len>`, where `Len` is the size above.<br/>
Users can easily set a custom size or define their own aliases:
using my_any = entt::basic_any<sizeof(double[4])>;
This feature, in addition to allowing the choice of a size that best suits the
needs of an application, also offers the possibility of forcing dynamic creation
of objects during construction.<br/>
In other terms, if the size is 0, `any` avoids the use of any optimization and
always dynamically allocates objects (except for aliasing cases).
Note that the size of the internal storage as well as the alignment requirements
are directly part of the type and therefore contribute to define different types
that won't be able to interoperate with each other.
## Alignment requirement
The alignment requirement is optional and by default the most stringent (the
largest) for any object whose size is at most equal to the one provided.<br/>
The `basic_any` class template inspects the alignment requirements in each case,
even when not provided and may decide not to use the small buffer optimization
in order to meet them.
The alignment requirement is provided as an optional second parameter following
the desired size for the internal storage:
using my_any = entt::basic_any<sizeof(double[4]), alignof(double[4])>;
Note that the alignment requirements as well as the size of the internal storage
are directly part of the type and therefore contribute to define different types
that won't be able to interoperate with each other.
# Compressed pair
Primarily designed for internal use and far from being feature complete, the
`compressed_pair` class does exactly what it promises: it tries to reduce the
size of a pair by exploiting _Empty Base Class Optimization_ (or _EBCO_).<br/>
This class **is not** a drop-in replacement for `std::pair`. However, it offers
enough functionalities to be a good alternative for when reducing memory usage
is more important than having some cool and probably useless feature.
Although the API is very close to that of `std::pair` (apart from the fact that
the template parameters are inferred from the constructor and therefore there is
no` entt::make_compressed_pair`), the major difference is that `first` and
`second` are functions for implementation needs:
entt::compressed_pair pair{0, 3.};
pair.first() = 42;
There isn't much to describe then. It's recommended to rely on documentation and
intuition. At the end of the day, it's just a pair and nothing more.
# Enum as bitmask
Sometimes it's useful to be able to use enums as bitmasks. However, enum classes
aren't really suitable for the purpose out of the box. Main problem is that they
don't convert implicitly to their underlying type.<br/>
All that remains is to make a choice between using old-fashioned enums (with all
their problems that I don't want to discuss here) or writing _ugly_ code.
Fortunately, there is also a third way: adding enough operators in the global
scope to treat enum classes as bitmask transparently.<br/>
The ultimate goal is to be able to write code like the following (or maybe
something more meaningful, but this should give a grasp and remain simple at the
same time):
enum class my_flag {
unknown = 0x01,
enabled = 0x02,
disabled = 0x04
const my_flag flags = my_flag::enabled;
const bool is_enabled = !!(flags & my_flag::enabled);
Please, note that identifiers aren't guaranteed to be the same for every run.
Indeed it mostly depends on the flow of execution.
The problem with adding all operators to the global scope is that these will
come into play even when not required, with the risk of introducing errors that
are difficult to deal with.<br/>
However, C++ offers enough tools to get around this problem. In particular, the
library requires users to register all enum classes for which bitmask support
should be enabled:
struct entt::enum_as_bitmask<my_flag>
: std::true_type
This is handy when dealing with enum classes defined by third party libraries
and over which the users have no control. However, it's also verbose and can be
avoided by adding a specific value to the enum class itself:
enum class my_flag {
unknown = 0x01,
enabled = 0x02,
disabled = 0x04,
In this case, there is no need to specialize the `enum_as_bitmask` traits, since
`EnTT` will automatically detect the flag and enable the bitmask support.<br/>
Once the enum class has been registered (in one way or the other) all the most
common operators will be available, such as `&`, `|` but also `&=` and `|=`.
Refer to the official documentation for the full list of operators.
# Hashed strings
@ -108,7 +296,8 @@ human-readable identifiers in the codebase while using their numeric
counterparts at runtime, thus without affecting performance.<br/>
The class has an implicit `constexpr` constructor that chews a bunch of
characters. Once created, all what one can do with it is getting back the
original string or converting it into a number.<br/>
original string through the `data` member function or converting the instance
into a number.<br/>
The good part is that a hashed string can be used wherever a constant expression
is required and no _string-to-number_ conversion will take place at runtime if
used carefully.
@ -127,9 +316,47 @@ There is also a _user defined literal_ dedicated to hashed strings to make them
more user-friendly:
using namespace entt::literals;
constexpr auto str = "text"_hs;
To use it, remember that all user defined literals in `EnTT` are enclosed in the
`entt::literals` namespace. Therefore, the entire namespace or selectively the
literal of interest must be explicitly included before each use, a bit like
Finally, in case users need to create hashed strings at runtime, this class also
offers the necessary functionalities:
std::string orig{"text"};
// create a full-featured hashed string...
entt::hashed_string str{orig.c_str()};
// ... or compute only the unique identifier
const auto hash = entt::hashed_string::value(orig.c_str());
This possibility shouldn't be exploited in tight loops, since the computation
takes place at runtime and no longer at compile-time and could therefore impact
performance to some degrees.
## Wide characters
The hashed string has a design that is close to that of an `std::basic_string`.
It means that `hashed_string` is nothing more than an alias for
`basic_hashed_string<char>`. For those who want to use the C++ type for wide
character representation, there exists also the alias `hashed_wstring` for
In this case, the user defined literal to use to create hashed strings on the
fly is `_hws`:
constexpr auto str = L"text"_hws;
Note that the hash type of the `hashed_wstring` is the same of its counterpart.
## Conflicts
The hashed string class uses internally FNV-1a to compute the numeric
@ -143,6 +370,54 @@ and over which users have not the control. Choosing a slightly different
identifier is probably the best solution to make the conflict disappear in this
# Memory
There are a handful of tools within EnTT to interact with memory in one way or
Some are geared towards simplifying the implementation of (internal or external)
allocator aware containers. Others, on the other hand, are designed to help the
developer with everyday problems.
The former are very specific and for niche problems. These are tools designed to
unwrap fancy or plain pointers (`to_address`) or to help forget the meaning of
acronyms like _POCCA_, _POCMA_ or _POCS_.<br/>
I won't describe them here in detail. Instead, I recommend reading the inline
documentation to those interested in the subject.
## Power of two and fast modulus
Finding out if a number is a power of two (`is_power_of_two`) or what the next
power of two is given a random value (`next_power_of_two`) is very useful at
For example, it helps to allocate memory in pages having a size suitable for the
fast modulus:
const std::size_t result = entt::fast_mod(value, modulus);
Where `modulus` is necessarily a power of two. Perhaps not everyone knows that
this type of operation is far superior in terms of performance to the basic
modulus and for this reason preferred in many areas.
## Allocator aware unique pointers
A nasty thing in C++ (at least up to C++20) is the fact that shared pointers
support allocators while unique pointers don't.<br/>
There is a proposal at the moment that also shows among the other things how
this can be implemented without any compiler support.
The `allocate_unique` function follows this proposal, making a virtue out of
std::unique_ptr<my_type, entt::allocation_deleter<my_type>> ptr = entt::allocate_unique<my_type>(allocator, arguments);
Although the internal implementation is slightly different from what is proposed
for the standard, this function offers an API that is a drop-in replacement for
the same feature.
# Monostate
The monostate pattern is often presented as an alternative to a singleton based
@ -165,3 +440,481 @@ entt::monostate<"mykey"_hs>{} = 42;
const bool b = entt::monostate<"mykey"_hs>{};
const int i = entt::monostate<entt::hashed_string{"mykey"}>{};
# Type support
`EnTT` provides some basic information about types of all kinds.<br/>
It also offers additional features that are not yet available in the standard
library or that will never be.
## Built-in RTTI support
Runtime type identification support (or RTTI) is one of the most frequently
disabled features in the C++ world, especially in the gaming sector. Regardless
of the reasons for this, it's often a shame not to be able to rely on opaque
type information at runtime.<br/>
The library tries to fill this gap by offering a built-in system that doesn't
serve as a replacement but comes very close to being one and offers similar
information to that provided by its counterpart.
Basically, the whole system relies on a handful of classes. In particular:
* The unique sequential identifier associated with a given type:
auto index = entt::type_index<a_type>::value();
The returned value isn't guaranteed to be stable across different runs.
However, it can be very useful as index in associative and unordered
associative containers or for positional accesses in a vector or an array.
So as not to conflict with the other tools available, the `family` class isn't
used to generate these indexes. Therefore, the numeric identifiers returned by
the two tools may differ.<br/>
On the other hand, this leaves users with full powers over the `family` class
and therefore the generation of custom runtime sequences of indices for their
own purposes, if necessary.
An external generator can also be used if needed. In fact, `type_index` can be
specialized by type and is also _sfinae-friendly_ in order to allow more
refined specializations such as:
template<typename Type>
struct entt::type_index<Type, std::void_d<decltype(Type::index())>> {
static entt::id_type value() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return Type::index();
Note that indexes **must** still be generated sequentially in this case.<br/>
The tool is widely used within `EnTT`. Generating indices not sequentially
would break an assumption and would likely lead to undesired behaviors.
* The hash value associated with a given type:
auto hash = entt::type_hash<a_type>::value();
In general, the `value` function exposed by `type_hash` is also `constexpr`
but this isn't guaranteed for all compilers and platforms (although it's valid
with the most well-known and popular ones).
This function **can** use non-standard features of the language for its own
purposes. This makes it possible to provide compile-time identifiers that
remain stable across different runs.<br/>
In all cases, users can prevent the library from using these features by means
of the `ENTT_STANDARD_CPP` definition. In this case, there is no guarantee
that identifiers remain stable across executions. Moreover, they are generated
at runtime and are no longer a compile-time thing.
As for `type_index`, also `type_hash` is a _sfinae-friendly_ class that can be
specialized in order to customize its behavior globally or on a per-type or
per-traits basis.
* The name associated with a given type:
auto name = entt::type_name<a_type>::value();
The name associated with a type is extracted from some information generally
made available by the compiler in use. Therefore, it may differ depending on
the compiler and may be empty in the event that this information isn't
For example, given the following class:
struct my_type { /* ... */ };
The name is `my_type` when compiled with GCC or CLang and `struct my_type`
when MSVC is in use.<br/>
Most of the time the name is also retrieved at compile-time and is therefore
always returned through an `std::string_view`. Users can easily access it and
modify it as needed, for example by removing the word `struct` to standardize
the result. `EnTT` won't do this for obvious reasons, since it requires
copying and creating a new string potentially at runtime.
This function **can** use non-standard features of the language for its own
purposes. Users can prevent the library from using non-standard features by
means of the `ENTT_STANDARD_CPP` definition. In this case, the name will be
empty by default.
As for `type_index`, also `type_name` is a _sfinae-friendly_ class that can be
specialized in order to customize its behavior globally or on a per-type or
per-traits basis.
These are then combined into utilities that aim to offer an API that is somewhat
similar to that offered by the language.
### Type info
The `type_info` class isn't a drop-in replacement for `std::type_info` but can
provide similar information which are not implementation defined and don't
require to enable RTTI.<br/>
Therefore, they can sometimes be even more reliable than those obtained
Its type defines an opaque class that is also copyable and movable.<br/>
Objects of this type are generally returned by the `type_id` functions:
// by type
auto info = entt::type_id<a_type>();
// by value
auto other = entt::type_id(42);
All elements thus received are nothing more than const references to instances
of `type_info` with static storage duration.<br/>
This is convenient for saving the entire object aside for the cost of a pointer.
However, nothing prevents from constructing `type_info` objects directly:
entt::type_info info{std::in_place_type<int>};
These are the information made available by `type_info`:
* The index associated with a given type:
auto idx = entt::type_id<a_type>().index();
This is also an alias for the following:
auto idx = entt::type_index<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<a_type>>>::value();
* The hash value associated with a given type:
auto hash = entt::type_id<a_type>().hash();
This is also an alias for the following:
auto hash = entt::type_hash<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<a_type>>>::value();
* The name associated with a given type:
auto name = entt::type_id<my_type>().name();
This is also an alias for the following:
auto name = entt::type_name<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<a_type>>>::value();
Where all accessed features are available at compile-time, the `type_info` class
is also fully `constexpr`. However, this cannot be guaranteed in advance and
depends mainly on the compiler in use and any specializations of the classes
described above.
### Almost unique identifiers
Since the default non-standard, compile-time implementation of `type_hash` makes
use of hashed strings, it may happen that two types are assigned the same hash
In fact, although this is quite rare, it's not entirely excluded.
Another case where two types are assigned the same identifier is when classes
from different contexts (for example two or more libraries loaded at runtime)
have the same fully qualified name. In this case, also `type_name` will return
the same value for the two types.<br/>
Fortunately, there are several easy ways to deal with this:
* The most trivial one is to define the `ENTT_STANDARD_CPP` macro. Runtime
identifiers don't suffer from the same problem in fact. However, this solution
doesn't work well with a plugin system, where the libraries aren't linked.
* Another possibility is to specialize the `type_name` class for one of the
conflicting types, in order to assign it a custom identifier. This is probably
the easiest solution that also preserves the feature of the tool.
* A fully customized identifier generation policy (based for example on enum
classes or preprocessing steps) may represent yet another option.
These are just some examples of possible approaches to the problem but there are
many others. As already mentioned above, since users have full control over
their types, this problem is in any case easy to solve and should not worry too
In all likelihood, it will never happen to run into a conflict anyway.
## Type traits
A handful of utilities and traits not present in the standard template library
but which can be useful in everyday life.<br/>
This list **is not** exhaustive and contains only some of the most useful
classes. Refer to the inline documentation for more information on the features
offered by this module.
### Size of
The standard operator `sizeof` complains when users provide it for example with
function or incomplete types. On the other hand, it's guaranteed that its result
is always nonzero, even if applied to an empty class type.<br/>
This small class combines the two and offers an alternative to `sizeof` that
works under all circumstances, returning zero if the type isn't supported:
const auto size = entt::size_of_v<void>;
### Is applicable
The standard library offers the great `std::is_invocable` trait in several
forms. This takes a function type and a series of arguments and returns true if
the condition is satisfied.<br/>
Moreover, users are also provided with `std::apply`, a tool for combining
invocable elements and tuples of arguments.
It would therefore be a good idea to have a variant of `std::is_invocable` that
also accepts its arguments in the form of a tuple-like type, so as to complete
the offer:
constexpr bool result = entt::is_applicable<Func, std::tuple<a_type, another_type>>;
This trait is built on top of `std::is_invocable` and does nothing but unpack a
tuple-like type and simplify the code at the call site.
### Constness as
An utility to easily transfer the constness of a type to another type:
// type is const dst_type because of the constness of src_type
using type = entt::constness_as_t<dst_type, const src_type>;
The trait is subject to the rules of the language. Therefore, for example,
transferring constness between references won't give the desired effect.
### Member class type
The `auto` template parameter introduced with C++17 made it possible to simplify
many class templates and template functions but also made the class type opaque
when members are passed as template arguments.<br/>
The purpose of this utility is to extract the class type in a few lines of code:
template<typename Member>
using clazz = entt::member_class_t<Member>;
### Integral constant
Since `std::integral_constant` may be annoying because of its form that requires
to specify both a type and a value of that type, there is a more user-friendly
shortcut for the creation of integral constants.<br/>
This shortcut is the alias template `entt::integral_constant`:
constexpr auto constant = entt::integral_constant<42>;
Among the other uses, when combined with a hashed string it helps to define tags
as human-readable _names_ where actual types would be required otherwise:
constexpr auto enemy_tag = entt::integral_constant<"enemy"_hs>;
### Tag
Since `id_type` is very important and widely used in `EnTT`, there is a more
user-friendly shortcut for the creation of integral constants based on it.<br/>
This shortcut is the alias template `entt::tag`.
If used in combination with hashed strings, it helps to use human-readable names
where types would be required otherwise. As an example:
However, this isn't the only permitted use. Literally any value convertible to
`id_type` is a good candidate, such as the named constants of an unscoped enum.
### Type list and value list
There is no respectable library where the much desired _type list_ can be
`EnTT` is no exception and provides (making extensive use of it internally) the
`type_list` type, in addition to its `value_list` counterpart dedicated to
non-type template parameters.
Here is a (possibly incomplete) list of the functionalities that come with a
type list:
* `type_list_element[_t]` to get the N-th element of a type list.
* `type_list_cat[_t]` and a handy `operator+` to concatenate type lists.
* `type_list_unique[_t]` to remove duplicate types from a type list.
* `type_list_contains[_v]` to know if a type list contains a given type.
* `type_list_diff[_t]` to remove types from type lists.
I'm also pretty sure that more and more utilities will be added over time as
needs become apparent.<br/>
Many of these functionalities also exist in their version dedicated to value
lists. We therefore have `value_list_element[_v]` as well as
`value_list_cat[_t]`and so on.
# Unique sequential identifiers
Sometimes it's useful to be able to give unique, sequential numeric identifiers
to types either at compile-time or runtime.<br/>
There are plenty of different solutions for this out there and I could have used
one of them. However, I decided to spend my time to define a couple of tools
that fully embraces what the modern C++ has to offer.
## Compile-time generator
To generate sequential numeric identifiers at compile-time, `EnTT` offers the
`identifier` class template:
// defines the identifiers for the given types
using id = entt::identifier<a_type, another_type>;
// ...
switch(a_type_identifier) {
case id::type<a_type>:
// ...
case id::type<another_type>:
// ...
// ...
This is all what this class template has to offer: a `type` inline variable that
contains a numeric identifier for the given type. It can be used in any context
where constant expressions are required.
As long as the list remains unchanged, identifiers are also guaranteed to be
stable across different runs. In case they have been used in a production
environment and a type has to be removed, one can just use a placeholder to left
the other identifiers unchanged:
template<typename> struct ignore_type {};
using id = entt::identifier<
Perhaps a bit ugly to see in a codebase but it gets the job done at least.
## Runtime generator
To generate sequential numeric identifiers at runtime, `EnTT` offers the
`family` class template:
// defines a custom generator
using id = entt::family<struct my_tag>;
// ...
const auto a_type_id = id::type<a_type>;
const auto another_type_id = id::type<another_type>;
This is all what a _family_ has to offer: a `type` inline variable that contains
a numeric identifier for the given type.<br/>
The generator is customizable, so as to get different _sequences_ for different
purposes if needed.
Please, note that identifiers aren't guaranteed to be stable across different
runs. Indeed it mostly depends on the flow of execution.
# Utilities
It's not possible to escape the temptation to add utilities of some kind to a
library. In fact, `EnTT` also provides a handful of tools to simplify the
life of developers:
* `entt::identity`: the identity function object that will be available with
C++20. It returns its argument unchanged and nothing more. It's useful as a
sort of _do nothing_ function in template programming.
* `entt::overload`: a tool to disambiguate different overloads from their
function type. It works with both free and member functions.<br/>
Consider the following definition:
struct clazz {
void bar(int) {}
void bar() {}
This utility can be used to get the _right_ overload as:
auto *member = entt::overload<void(int)>(&clazz::bar);
The line above is literally equivalent to:
auto *member = static_cast<void(clazz:: *)(int)>(&clazz::bar);
Just easier to read and shorter to type.
* `entt::overloaded`: a small class template used to create a new type with an
overloaded `operator()` from a bunch of lambdas or functors.<br/>
As an example:
entt::overloaded func{
[](int value) { /* ... */ },
[](char value) { /* ... */ }
Rather useful when doing metaprogramming and having to pass to a function a
callable object that supports multiple types at once.
* `entt::y_combinator`: this is a C++ implementation of **the** _y-combinator_.
If it's not clear what it is, there is probably no need for this utility.<br/>
Below is a small example to show its use:
entt::y_combinator gauss([](const auto &self, auto value) -> unsigned int {
return value ? (value + self(value-1u)) : 0;
const auto result = gauss(3u);
Maybe convoluted at a first glance but certainly effective. Unfortunately,
the language doesn't make it possible to do much better.
This is a rundown of the (actually few) utilities made available by `EnTT`. The
list will probably grow over time but the size of each will remain rather small,
as has been the case so far.

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* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [FAQ](#faq)
* [Why is my debug build on Windows so slow?](#why-is-my-debug-build-on-windows-so-slow)
* [How can I represent hierarchies with my components?](#how-can-i-represent-hierarchies-with-my-components)
* [Custom entity identifiers: yay or nay?](#custom-entity-identifiers-yay-or-nay)
* [Warning C4307: integral constant overflow](#warning-C4307-integral-constant-overflow)
* [Warning C4003: the min, the max and the macro](#warning-C4003-the-min-the-max-and-the-macro)
* [The standard and the non-copyable types](#the-standard-and-the-non-copyable-types)
* [Which functions trigger which signals](#which-functions-trigger-which-signals)
@ -45,11 +51,161 @@ First of all, there are two things to do in a Windows project:
macro to 0. This will disable checked iterators and iterator debugging.
Moreover, the macro `ENTT_DISABLE_ASSERT` should be defined to disable internal
checks made by `EnTT` in debug. These are asserts introduced to help the users,
but require to access to the underlying containers and therefore risk ruining
the performance in some cases.
Moreover, the macro `ENTT_ASSERT` should be redefined to disable internal checks
made by `EnTT` in debug:
#define ENTT_ASSERT(...) ((void)0)
These asserts are introduced to help the users but they require to access to the
underlying containers and therefore risk ruining the performance in some cases.
With these changes, debug performance should increase enough for most cases. If
you want something more, you can can also switch to an optimization level `O0`
or preferably `O1`.
## How can I represent hierarchies with my components?
This is one of the first questions that anyone makes when starting to work with
the entity-component-system architectural pattern.<br/>
There are several approaches to the problem and what’s the best one depends
mainly on the real problem one is facing. In all cases, how to do it doesn't
strictly depend on the library in use, but the latter can certainly allow or
not different techniques depending on how the data are laid out.
I tried to describe some of the techniques that fit well with the model of
`EnTT`. [Here]( is the
first post of a series that tries to explore the problem. More will probably
come in future.<br/>
In addition, `EnTT` also offers the possibility to create stable storage types
and therefore have pointer stability for one, all or some components. This is by
far the most convenient solution when it comes to creating hierarchies and
whatnot. See the documentation for the ECS part of the library and in particular
what concerns the `component_traits` class for further details.
## Custom entity identifiers: yay or nay?
Custom entity identifiers are definitely a good idea in two cases at least:
* If `std::uint32_t` isn't large enough for your purposes, since this is the
underlying type of `entt::entity`.
* If you want to avoid conflicts when using multiple registries.
Identifiers can be defined through enum classes and class types that define an
`entity_type` member of type `std::uint32_t` or `std::uint64_t`.<br/>
In fact, this is a definition equivalent to that of `entt::entity`:
enum class entity: std::uint32_t {};
There is no limit to the number of identifiers that can be defined.
## Warning C4307: integral constant overflow
According to [this]( issue, using a
hashed string under VS could generate a warning.<br/>
First of all, I want to reassure you: it's expected and harmless. However, it
can be annoying.
To suppress it and if you don't want to suppress all the other warnings as well,
here is a workaround in the form of a macro:
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define HS(str) __pragma(warning(suppress:4307)) entt::hashed_string{str}
#define HS(str) entt::hashed_string{str}
With an example of use included:
constexpr auto identifier = HS("my/resource/identifier");
Thanks to [huwpascoe]( for the courtesy.
## Warning C4003: the min, the max and the macro
On Windows, a header file defines two macros `min` and `max` which may result in
conflicts with their counterparts in the standard library and therefore in
errors during compilation.
It's a pretty big problem but fortunately it's not a problem of `EnTT` and there
is a fairly simple solution to it.<br/>
It consists in defining the `NOMINMAX` macro before to include any other header
so as to get rid of the extra definitions:
#define NOMINMAX
Please refer to [this]( issue for
more details.
## The standard and the non-copyable types
`EnTT` uses internally the trait `std::is_copy_constructible_v` to check if a
component is actually copyable. However, this trait doesn't really check whether
a type is actually copyable. Instead, it just checks that a suitable copy
constructor and copy operator exist.<br/>
This can lead to surprising results due to some idiosyncrasies of the standard.
For example, `std::vector` defines a copy constructor that is conditionally
enabled depending on whether the value type is copyable or not. As a result,
`std::is_copy_constructible_v` returns true for the following specialization:
struct type {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<action>> vec;
However, the copy constructor is effectively disabled upon specialization.
Therefore, trying to assign an instance of this type to an entity may trigger a
compilation error.<br/>
As a workaround, users can mark the type explicitly as non-copyable. This also
suppresses the implicit generation of the move constructor and operator, which
will therefore have to be defaulted accordingly:
struct type {
type(const type &) = delete;
type(type &&) = default;
type & operator=(const type &) = delete;
type & operator=(type &&) = default;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<action>> vec;
Note that aggregate initialization is also disabled as a consequence.<br/>
Fortunately, this type of trick is quite rare. The bad news is that there is no
way to deal with it at the library level, this being due to the design of the
language. On the other hand, the fact that the language itself also offers a way
to mitigate the problem makes it manageable.
## Which functions trigger which signals
The `registry` class offers three signals that are emitted following specific
operations. Maybe not everyone knows what these operations are, though.<br/>
If this isn't clear, below you can find a _vademecum_ for this purpose:
* `on_created` is invoked when a component is first added (neither modified nor
replaced) to an entity.
* `on_update` is called whenever an existing component is modified or replaced.
* `on_destroyed` is called when a component is explicitly or implicitly removed
from an entity.
Among the most controversial functions can be found `emplace_or_replace` and
`destroy`. However, following the above rules, it's quite simple to know what
will happen.<br/>
In the first case, `on_created` is invoked if the entity has not the component,
otherwise the latter is replaced and therefore `on_update` is triggered. As for
the second case, components are removed from their entities and thus freed when
they are recycled. It means that `on_destroyed` is triggered for every component
owned by the entity that is destroyed.

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# Table of Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Named types and traits class](#named-types-and-traits-class)
* [Do not mix types](#do-not-mix-types)
* [Macros, macros everywhere](#macros-macros-everywhere)
* [Conflicts](#conflicts)
* [Allocations: the dark side of the force](#allocations-the-dark-side-of-the-force)
* [Working across boundaries](#working-across-boundaries)
* [Smooth until proven otherwise](#smooth-until-proven-otherwise)
* [Meta context](#meta-context)
* [Memory management](#memory-management)
# Introduction
# Working across boundaries
`EnTT` has historically had a limit when used across boundaries on Windows in
general and on GNU/Linux when default visibility was set to _hidden_. The
limitation is due mainly to a custom utility used to assign unique, sequential
identifiers to different types. Unfortunately, this tool is used by several core
classes (the `registry` among the others) that are thus almost unusable across
The reasons for that are beyond the purposes of this document. However, the good
news is that `EnTT` also offers now a way to overcome this limit and to push
things across boundaries without problems when needed.
# Named types and traits class
To allow a type to work properly across boundaries when used by a class that
requires to assign unique identifiers to types, users must specialize a class
template to literally give a compile-time name to the type itself.<br/>
The name of the class template is `name_type_traits` and the specialization must
be such that it exposes a static constexpr data member named `value` having type
either `ENTT_ID_TYPE` or `entt::hashed_string::hash_type`. Its value is the user
defined unique identifier assigned to the specific type.<br/>
Identifiers are not to be sequentially generated in this case.
As an example:
general and on GNU/Linux when default visibility was set to hidden. The
limitation was mainly due to a custom utility used to assign unique, sequential
identifiers with different types.<br/>
Fortunately, nowadays using `EnTT` across boundaries is much easier.
## Smooth until proven otherwise
Many classes in `EnTT` make extensive use of type erasure for their purposes.
This isn't a problem on itself (in fact, it's the basis of an API so convenient
to use). However, a way is needed to recognize the objects whose type has been
erased on the other side of a boundary.<br/>
The `type_hash` class template is how identifiers are generated and thus made
available to the rest of the library. In general, this class doesn't arouse much
interest. The only exception is when a conflict between identifiers occurs
(definitely uncommon though) or when the default solution proposed by `EnTT`
isn't suitable for the user's purposes.<br/>
The section dedicated to `type_info` contains all the details to get around the
issue in a concise and elegant way. Please refer to the specific documentation.
When working with linked libraries, compile definitions `ENTT_API_EXPORT` and
`ENTT_API_IMPORT` can be used where there is a need to import or export symbols,
so as to make everything work nicely across boundaries.<br/>
On the other hand, everything should run smoothly when working with plugins or
shared libraries that don't export any symbols.
For anyone who needs more details, the test suite contains multiple examples
covering the most common cases (see the `lib` directory for all details).<br/>
It goes without saying that it's impossible to cover **all** possible cases.
However, what is offered should hopefully serve as a basis for all of them.
## Meta context
The runtime reflection system deserves a special mention when it comes to using
it across boundaries.<br/>
Since it's linked already to a static context to which the visible components
are attached and different contexts don't relate to each other, they must be
_shared_ to allow the use of meta types across boundaries.
Sharing a context is trivial though. First of all, the local one must be
acquired in the main space:
struct my_type { /* ... */ };
struct entt::named_type_traits<my_type> {
static constexpr auto value = "my_type"_hs;
entt::meta_ctx ctx{};
Because of the rules of the language, the specialization must reside in the
global namespace or in the `entt` namespace. There is no way to change this rule
unfortunately, because it doesn't depend on the library itself.
The good aspect of this approach is that it's not intrusive at all. The other
way around was in fact forcing users to inherit all their classes from a common
base. Something to avoid, at least from my point of view.<br/>
However, despite the fact that it's not intrusive, it would be great if it was
also easier to use and a bit less error-prone. This is why a bunch of macros
exist to ease defining named types.
## Do not mix types
Someone might think that this trick is valid only for the types to push across
boundaries. This isn't how things work. In fact, the problem is more complex
than that.<br/>
As a rule of thumb, users should never mix named and non-named types. Whenever
a type is given a name, all the types must be given a name. As an example,
consider the `registry` class template: in case it is pushed across boundaries,
all the types of components should be assigned a name to avoid subtle bugs.
Indeed, this constraint can be relaxed in many cases. However, it is difficult
to define a general rule to follow that is not the most stringent, unless users
know exactly what they are doing. Therefore, I won't elaborate on giving further
details on the topic.
# Macros, macros everywhere
The library comes with a set of predefined macros to use to declare named types
or export already existing ones. In particular:
Then, it must passed to the receiving space that will set it as its global
context, thus releasing the local one that remains available but is no longer
referred to by the runtime reflection system:
* `ENTT_NAMED_TYPE` can be used to assign a name to already existing types. This
macro must be used in the global namespace even when the types to be named are
* `ENTT_NAMED_STRUCT` can be used to define and export a struct at the same
time. It accepts also an optional namespace in which to define the given type.
This macro must be used in the global namespace.
ENTT_NAMED_STRUCT(my_type, { /* struct definition */})
ENTT_NAMED_STRUCT(ns, another_type, { /* struct definition */})
* `ENTT_NAMED_CLASS` can be used to define and export a class at the same
time. It accepts also an optional namespace in which to define the given type.
This macro must be used in the global namespace.
ENTT_NAMED_CLASS(my_type, { /* class definition */})
ENTT_NAMED_CLASS(ns, another_type, { /* class definition */})
Nested namespaces are supported out of the box as well in all cases. As an
From now on, both spaces will refer to the same context and on it will be
attached the new visible meta types, no matter where they are created.<br/>
A context can also be reset and then associated again locally as:
ENTT_NAMED_STRUCT(nested::ns, my_type, { /* struct definition */})
These macros can be used to avoid specializing the `named_type_traits` class
template. In all cases, the name of the class is used also as a seed to generate
the compile-time unique identifier.
## Conflicts
When using macros, unique identifiers are 32/64 bit integers generated by
hashing strings during compilation. Therefore, conflicts are rare but still
possible. In case of conflicts, everything simply will get broken at runtime and
the strangest things will probably take place.<br/>
Unfortunately, there is no safe way to prevent it. If this happens, it will be
enough to give a different value to one of the conflicting types to solve the
problem. To do this, users can either assign a different name to the class or
directly define a specialization for the `named_type_traits` class template.
# Allocations: the dark side of the force
As long as `EnTT` won't support custom allocators, another problem with
allocations will remain alive instead. This is in fact easily solved, or at
least it is if one knows it.
To allow users to add types dynamically, the library makes extensive use of type
erasure techniques and dynamic allocations for pools (whether they are for
components, events or anything else). The problem occurs when, for example, a
registry is created on one side of a boundary and a pool is dynamically created
on the other side. In the best case, everything will crash at the exit, while at
worst it will do so at runtime.<br/>
To avoid problems, the pools must be generated from the same side of the
boundary where the object that owns them is also created. As an example, when
the registry is created in the main executable and used across boundaries for a
given type of component, the pool for that type must be created before passing
around the registry itself. To do this is fortunately quite easy, since it is
sufficient to invoke any of the methods that involve the given type (continuing
the example with the registry, a call to `reserve` or `size` is more than
Maybe one day some dedicated methods will be added that do nothing but create a
pool for a given type. Until now it has been preferred to keep the API cleaner
as they are not strictly necessary.
This is allowed because local and global contexts are separated. Therefore, it's
always possible to make the local context the current one again.
Before to release a context, all locally registered types should be reset to
avoid dangling references. Otherwise, if a type is accessed from another space
by name, there could be an attempt to address its parts that are no longer
## Memory Management
There is another subtle problem due to memory management that can lead to
It can occur where there are pools of objects (such as components or events)
dynamically created on demand. This is usually not a problem when working with
linked libraries that rely on the same dynamic runtime. However, it can occur in
the case of plugins or statically linked runtimes.
As an example, imagine creating an instance of `registry` in the main executable
and sharing it with a plugin. If the latter starts working with a component that
is unknown to the former, a dedicated pool is created within the registry on
first use.<br/>
As one can guess, this pool is instantiated on a different side of the boundary
from the `registry`. Therefore, the instance is now managing memory from
different spaces and this can quickly lead to crashes if not properly addressed.
To overcome the risk, it's recommended to use well-defined interfaces that make
fundamental types pass through the boundaries, isolating the instances of the
`EnTT` classes from time to time and as appropriate.<br/>
Refer to the test suite for some examples, read the documentation available
online about this type of issues or consult someone who has already had such
experiences to avoid problems.

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`EnTT` is widely used in private and commercial applications. I cannot even
mention most of them because of some signatures I put on some documents time
ago. Fortunately, there are also people who took the time to implement open
source projects based on `EnTT` and did not hold back when it came to
documenting them.
source projects based on `EnTT` and didn't hold back when it came to documenting
Below an incomplete list of games, applications and articles that can be used as
a reference. Where I put the word _apparently_ means that the use of `EnTT` is
@ -17,48 +17,170 @@ I hope this list can grow much more in the future:
* [Minecraft]( by
[Mojang]( of course, **that** Minecraft, see the
open source attributions page for more details.
* [Minecraft Earth]( by
[Mojang]( an augmented reality game for mobile, that
lets users bring Minecraft into the real world.
* [Ember Sword]( a modern Free-to-Play MMORPG with a
player-driven economy, a classless combat system, and scarce, tradable
cosmetic collectibles.
* Apparently [Diablo II: Resurrected]( by
[Blizzard]( monsters, heroes, items, spells, all
resurrected. Thanks unknown insider.
* [Apparently](
[Call of Duty: Vanguard]( by
[Sledgehammer Games]( I can neither
confirm nor deny but there is a license I know in the credits.
* Apparently [D&D Dark Alliance]( by
[Wizards of the Coast]( your party, their
* [TiltedOnline]( by
[Tilted Phoques]( Skyrim and Fallout 4 mod
to play online.
* [Antkeeper]( an ant colony
simulation [game](
* [Openblack]( open source
reimplementation of the game _Black & White_ (2001).
* [Land of the Rair]( the new backend
of [a retro-style MUD]( for the new age.
* [Face Smash](
a game to play with your face.
* [EnTT Pacman]( an example of how
to make Pacman with `EnTT`.
* [Wacman]( a pacman clone with OpenGL.
* [Classic Tower Defence](
a tiny little tower defence game featuring a homemade font.
[Check it out](
* [The Machine]( a box pushing
puzzler with logic gates and other cool stuff.
[Check it out](
* [EnttPong]( an example of how to make
Pong with `EnTT`.
* [EnTTPong]( a basic game made to showcase
different parts of EnTT and C++17.
* [Randballs]( simple `SFML` and `EnTT`
* [EnTT Tower Defense]( a data oriented tower
defense example.
* [EnTT Breakout]( simple
example of a breakout game, using `SDL` and `EnTT`.
* [Arcade puzzle game with EnTT](
arcade puzzle game made in C++ using the `SDL2` and `EnTT` libraries.
* [Snake with EnTT]( simple snake game
made in C++ with the `SDL2` and `EnTT` libraries.
* [Mirrors lasers and robots](
a small tower defense game based on mirror orientation.
* [PopHead]( 2D, Zombie,
RPG game made from scratch in C++.
* [Robotligan]( multiplayer
football game.
* [DungeonSlayer]( 2D game made
from scratch in C++.
* [3DGame]( 2.5D top-down space shooter.
* [Pulcher]( 2D cross-platform game inspired
by Quake.
* [Destroid]( _one-bazillionth_
arcade game about shooting dirty rocks in space, inspired by Asteroids.
* [Wanderer]( a 2D exploration
based indie game.
* [Spelunky® Classic remake]( a truly
multiplatform experience with a rewrite from scratch.
* [CubbyTower]( a simple tower
defense game using C++ with Entity Component System (ECS).
* [Runeterra]( Legends of Runeterra
simulator using C++ with some reinforcement learning.
* [Black Sun]( fly your
space ship through a large 2D open world.
* [PokeMaster]( Pokemon Battle
simulator using C++ with some reinforcement learning.
* [HomeHearth]( choose your hero, protect the
town, before it's too late.
* [City Builder Game]( a simple
city-building game using C++ and OpenGL.
* Engines/Frameworks:
* [The Forge]( by
[Confett]( a cross-platform rendering
* Engines and the like:
* [Aether Engine](
[v1.1+]( by
[Hadean]( a library designed for spatially partitioning
agent-based simulations.
* [Fling Engine]( a Vulkan game
engine with a focus on data oriented design.
* [NovusCore]( a modern take on World
of Warcraft emulation.
* [Chrysalis]( action RPG SDK for
* [LM-Engine]( the Vim of game
* [Edyn]( a real-time physics engine
organized as an ECS.
* [MushMachine]( engine...
* [Antara Gaming SDK](
the Komodo Gaming Software Development Kit.
* [XVP](
[_eXpansive Vehicle Physics_](
plugin for Unreal Engine.
* [Apparently](
[Wisp]( by
[Team Wisp]( an advanced real-time ray tracing
renderer built for the demands of video game artists.
* [starlight]( game programming framework
using `Allegro`, `Lua` and modern C++.
* [Apparently](
[Qub3d]( because blocks should be open source.
* [shiva]( modern C++ engine with
* [ImGui/EnTT editor](
a drop-in, single-file entity editor for `EnTT` that uses `ImGui` as
graphical backend (with
[demo code](
* [SgOgl]( a game engine library for OpenGL
developed for educational purposes.
* [Lumos]( game engine written in C++
using OpenGL and Vulkan.
* [Silvanus]( Silvanus Fusion 360
Box Generator.
* [Lina Engine]( an open-source,
modular, tiny and fast C++ game engine, aimed to develop 3D desktop games.
* [Spike]( a powerful game engine which
can run on a toaster.
* [Helena Framework]( a modern
framework in C++17 for backend development.
* [Unity/EnTT]( tech demo of a
native simulation layer using `EnTT` and `Unity` as a rendering engine.
* [OverEngine]( an over-engineered
game engine.
* [Electro]( high performance
3D game engine with a high emphasis on rendering.
* [Kawaii]( a modern data
oriented game engine.
* [Becketron]( a game engine
written mostly in C++.
* [Spatial Engine]( a
cross-platform engine created on top of google's filament rendering engine.
* [Kaguya]( D3D12 Rendering Engine.
* [OpenAWE]( open implementation
of the Alan Wake Engine.
* [Nazara Engine]( fast,
cross-platform, object-oriented API to help in daily developer life.
* Emulators:
* [NovusCore]( A modern take on World
of Warcraft emulation.
* Articles and blog posts
* Articles, videos and blog posts:
* [Some posts]( on my personal
[blog]( are about `EnTT`, for those who want to
know **more** on this project.
* [Game Engine series]( by
[The Cherno]( (not only about `EnTT` but also
on the use of an ECS in general):
- [Intro to EnTT](
- [Entities and Components](
- [The ENTITY Class](
- [Camera Systems](
- [Scene Camera](
- [Native Scripting](
- [Native Scripting (now with virtual functions!)](
- [Scene Hierarchy Panel](
- [Properties Panel](
- [Camera Component UI](
- [Drawing Component UI](
- [Transform Component UI](
- [Adding/Removing Entities and Components UI](
- [Saving and Loading Scenes](
- ... And so on.
[Check out]( the
_Game Engine Series_ by The Cherno for more videos.
* [Space Battle: Huge edition](
huge space battle built entirely from scratch.
* [Space Battle]( huge space
@ -69,20 +191,56 @@ I hope this list can grow much more in the future:
giant space battle.
* [Conan Adventures (SFML and EnTT in C++)](
create projects in modern C++ using `SFML`, `EnTT`, `Conan` and `CMake`.
* [Adding EnTT ECS to Chrysalis](
a blog entry (and its
about the integration of `EnTT` into `Chrysalis`, an action RPG SDK for
* [Creating Minecraft in One Week with C++ and Vulkan](
a crack at recreating Minecraft in one week using a custom C++ engine and
Vulkan ([code included](
* [Ability Creator](
project retrospect by [Eric Hildebrand](
* [EnTT Entity Component System Gaming Library](
`EnTT` on
* Any Other Business:
* The [ArcGIS Runtime SDKs](
by [Esri]( they use `EnTT` for the internal ECS and
the cross platform C++ rendering engine. The SDKs are utilized by a lot of
* [ArcGIS Runtime SDKs]( by
[Esri]( they use `EnTT` for the internal ECS and the
cross platform C++ rendering engine. The SDKs are utilized by a lot of
enterprise custom apps, as well as by Esri for its own public applications
such as
* [FASTSUITE Edition 2](
by [Cenit]( they use
`EnTT` to drive their simulation, that is, the communication between robot
controller emulator and renderer.
* [Ragdoll]( real-time physics for Autodesk Maya
* [Project Lagrange]( a robust geometry
processing library by [Adobe](
* [AtomicDEX]( a secure
wallet and non-custodial decentralized exchange rolled into one application.
* [Apparently](
[NIO]( there was a collaboration to make some changes
to `EnTT`, at the time used for internal projects.
* [Apparently](
[Tieto]( they published a job post where `EnTT` was
listed on their software stack.
* [Sequentity]( A MIDI-like
sequencer/tracker for C++ and `ImGui` (with `Magnum` and `EnTT`).
* [EnTT meets Sol2]( freely
available examples of how to combine `EnTT` and `Sol2`.
* [Godot meets EnTT](
a simple example on how to use `EnTT` within
* [Godot and GameNetworkingSockets meet EnTT](
a simple example on how to use `EnTT` and
within [`Godot`](
* [MatchOneEntt]( port of
[Match One]( for `Entitas-CSharp`.
* GitHub contains also

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@ -14,62 +14,43 @@
# Introduction
Usually service locators are tightly bound to the services they expose and it's
hard to define a general purpose solution. This template based implementation
tries to fill the gap and to get rid of the burden of defining a different
specific locator for each application.<br/>
This class is tiny, partially unsafe and thus risky to use. Moreover it doesn't
fit probably most of the scenarios in which a service locator is required. Look
at it as a small tool that can sometimes be useful if users know how to handle
hard to define a general purpose solution.<br/>
This tiny class tries to fill the gap and to get rid of the burden of defining a
different specific locator for each application.
# Service locator
The API is straightforward. The basic idea is that services are implemented by
means of interfaces and rely on polymorphism.<br/>
The locator is instantiated with the base type of the service if any and a
concrete implementation is provided along with all the parameters required to
initialize it. As an example:
The service locator API tries to mimic that of `std::optional` and adds some
extra functionalities on top of it such as allocator support.<br/>
There are a couple of functions to set up a service, namely `emplace` and
// the service has no base type, a locator is used to treat it as a kind of singleton
// sets up an opaque service
// resets (destroys) the service
entt::locator<interface>::allocate_emplace<service>(allocator, argument);
The locator can also be queried to know if an active service is currently set
and to retrieve it if necessary (either as a pointer or as a reference):
The difference is that the latter expects an allocator as the first argument and
uses it to allocate the service itself.<br/>
Once a service has been set up, it's retrieved using the value function:
// no service currently set
auto empty = entt::service_locator<audio_interface>::empty();
// gets a (possibly empty) shared pointer to the service ...
std::shared_ptr<audio_interface> ptr = entt::service_locator<audio_interface>::get();
// ... or a reference, but it's undefined behaviour if the service isn't set yet
audio_interface &ref = entt::service_locator<audio_interface>::ref();
interface &service = entt::locator<interface>::value();
A common use is to wrap the different locators in a container class, creating
aliases for the various services:
Since the service may not be set (and therefore this function may result in an
undefined behavior), the `has_value` and `value_or` functions are also available
to test a service locator and to get a fallback service in case there is none:
struct locator {
using camera = entt::service_locator<camera_interface>;
using audio = entt::service_locator<audio_interface>;
// ...
// ...
void init() {
if(entt::locator<interface>::has_value()) {
// ...
interface &service = entt::locator<interface>::value_or<fallback_impl>(argument);
All arguments are used only if necessary, that is, if a service doesn't already
exist and therefore the fallback service is constructed and returned. In all
other cases, they are discarded.<br/>
Finally, to reset a service, use the `reset` function.

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# Crash Course: poly
# Table of Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Other libraries](#other-libraries)
* [Concept and implementation](#concept-and-implementation)
* [Deduced interface](#deduced-interface)
* [Defined interface](#defined-interface)
* [Fulfill a concept](#fulfill-a-concept)
* [Inheritance](#inheritance)
* [Static polymorphism in the wild](#static-polymorphism-in-the-wild)
* [Storage size and alignment requirement](#storage-size-and-alignment-requirement)
# Introduction
Static polymorphism is a very powerful tool in C++, albeit sometimes cumbersome
to obtain.<br/>
This module aims to make it simple and easy to use.
The library allows to define _concepts_ as interfaces to fulfill with concrete
classes without having to inherit from a common base.<br/>
This is, among others, one of the advantages of static polymorphism in general
and of a generic wrapper like that offered by the `poly` class template in
What users get is an object that can be passed around as such and not through a
reference or a pointer, as happens when it comes to working with dynamic
Since the `poly` class template makes use of `entt::any` internally, it also
supports most of its feature. Among the most important, the possibility to
create aliases to existing and thus unmanaged objects. This allows users to
exploit the static polymorphism while maintaining ownership of objects.<br/>
Likewise, the `poly` class template also benefits from the small buffer
optimization offered by the `entt::any` class and therefore minimizes the number
of allocations, avoiding them altogether where possible.
## Other libraries
There are some very interesting libraries regarding static polymorphism.<br/>
Among all, the two that I prefer are:
* [`dyno`]( runtime polymorphism done right.
* [`Poly`](
a class template that makes it easy to define a type-erasing polymorphic
object wrapper.
The former is admittedly an experimental library, with many interesting ideas.
I've some doubts about the usefulness of some feature in real world projects,
but perhaps my lack of experience comes into play here. In my opinion, its only
flaw is the API which I find slightly more cumbersome than other solutions.<br/>
The latter was undoubtedly a source of inspiration for this module, although I
opted for different choices in the implementation of both the final API and some
Either way, the authors are gurus of the C++ community, people I only have to
learn from.
# Concept and implementation
The first thing to do to create a _type-erasing polymorphic object wrapper_ (to
use the terminology introduced by Eric Niebler) is to define a _concept_ that
types will have to adhere to.<br/>
For this purpose, the library offers a single class that supports both deduced
and fully defined interfaces. Although having interfaces deduced automatically
is convenient and allows users to write less code in most cases, this has some
limitations and it's therefore useful to be able to get around the deduction by
providing a custom definition for the static virtual table.
Once the interface is defined, it will be sufficient to provide a generic
implementation to fulfill the concept.<br/>
Also in this case, the library allows customizations based on types or families
of types, so as to be able to go beyond the generic case where necessary.
## Deduced interface
This is how a concept with a deduced interface is introduced:
struct Drawable: entt::type_list<> {
template<typename Base>
struct type: Base {
void draw() { this->template invoke<0>(*this); }
// ...
It's recognizable by the fact that it inherits from an empty type list.<br/>
Functions can also be const, accept any number of parameters and return a type
other than `void`:
struct Drawable: entt::type_list<> {
template<typename Base>
struct type: Base {
bool draw(int pt) const { return this->template invoke<0>(*this, pt); }
// ...
In this case, all parameters must be passed to `invoke` after the reference to
`this` and the return value is whatever the internal call returns.<br/>
As for `invoke`, this is a name that is injected into the _concept_ through
`Base`, from which one must necessarily inherit. Since it's also a dependent
name, the `this-> template` form is unfortunately necessary due to the rules of
the language. However, there exists also an alternative that goes through an
external call:
struct Drawable: entt::type_list<> {
template<typename Base>
struct type: Base {
void draw() const { entt::poly_call<0>(*this); }
// ...
Once the _concept_ is defined, users must provide a generic implementation of it
in order to tell the system how any type can satisfy its requirements. This is
done via an alias template within the concept itself.<br/>
The index passed as a template parameter to either `invoke` or `poly_call`
refers to how this alias is defined.
## Defined interface
A fully defined concept is no different to one for which the interface is
deduced, with the only difference that the list of types is not empty this time:
struct Drawable: entt::type_list<void()> {
template<typename Base>
struct type: Base {
void draw() { entt::poly_call<0>(*this); }
// ...
Again, parameters and return values other than `void` are allowed. Also, the
function type must be const when the method to bind to it is const:
struct Drawable: entt::type_list<bool(int) const> {
template<typename Base>
struct type: Base {
bool draw(int pt) const { return entt::poly_call<0>(*this, pt); }
// ...
Why should a user fully define a concept if the function types are the same as
the deduced ones?<br>
Because, in fact, this is exactly the limitation that can be worked around by
manually defining the static virtual table.
When things are deduced, there is an implicit constraint.<br/>
If the concept exposes a member function called `draw` with function type
`void()`, a concept can be satisfied:
* Either by a class that exposes a member function with the same name and the
same signature.
* Or through a lambda that makes use of existing member functions from the
interface itself.
In other words, it's not possible to make use of functions not belonging to the
interface, even if they are present in the types that fulfill the concept.<br/>
Similarly, it's not possible to deduce a function in the static virtual table
with a function type different from that of the associated member function in
the interface itself.
Explicitly defining a static virtual table suppresses the deduction step and
allows maximum flexibility when providing the implementation for a concept.
## Fulfill a concept
The `impl` alias template of a concept is used to define how it's fulfilled:
struct Drawable: entt::type_list<> {
// ...
template<typename Type>
using impl = entt::value_list<&Type::draw>;
In this case, it's stated that the `draw` method of a generic type will be
enough to satisfy the requirements of the `Drawable` concept.<br/>
Both member functions and free functions are supported to fulfill concepts:
template<typename Type>
void print(Type &self) { self.print(); }
struct Drawable: entt::type_list<void()> {
// ...
template<typename Type>
using impl = entt::value_list<&print<Type>>;
Likewise, as long as the parameter types and return type support conversions to
and from those of the function type referenced in the static virtual table, the
actual implementation may differ in its function type since it's erased
Moreover, the `self` parameter isn't strictly required by the system and can be
left out for free functions if not required.
Refer to the inline documentation for more details.
# Inheritance
_Concept inheritance_ is straightforward due to how poly looks like in `EnTT`.
Therefore, it's quite easy to build hierarchies of concepts if necessary.<br/>
The only constraint is that all concepts in a hierarchy must belong to the same
_family_, that is, they must be either all deduced or all defined.
For a deduced concept, inheritance is achieved in a few steps:
struct DrawableAndErasable: entt::type_list<> {
template<typename Base>
struct type: typename Drawable::template type<Base> {
static constexpr auto base = std::tuple_size_v<typename entt::poly_vtable<Drawable>::type>;
void erase() { entt::poly_call<base + 0>(*this); }
template<typename Type>
using impl = entt::value_list_cat_t<
typename Drawable::impl<Type>,
The static virtual table is empty and must remain so.<br/>
On the other hand, `type` no longer inherits from `Base` and instead forwards
its template parameter to the type exposed by the _base class_. Internally, the
size of the static virtual table of the base class is used as an offset for the
local indexes.<br/>
Finally, by means of the `value_list_cat_t` utility, the implementation consists
in appending the new functions to the previous list.
As for a defined concept instead, also the list of types must be extended, in a
similar way to what is shown for the implementation of the above concept.<br/>
To do this, it's useful to declare a function that allows to convert a _concept_
into its underlying `type_list` object:
template<typename... Type>
entt::type_list<Type...> as_type_list(const entt::type_list<Type...> &);
The definition isn't strictly required, since the function will only be used
through a `decltype` as it follows:
struct DrawableAndErasable: entt::type_list_cat_t<
> {
// ...
Similar to above, `type_list_cat_t` is used to concatenate the underlying static
virtual table with the new function types.<br/>
Everything else is the same as already shown instead.
# Static polymorphism in the wild
Once the _concept_ and implementation have been introduced, it will be possible
to use the `poly` class template to contain instances that meet the
using drawable = entt::poly<Drawable>;
struct circle {
void draw() { /* ... */ }
struct square {
void draw() { /* ... */ }
// ...
drawable instance{circle{}};
instance = square{};
The `poly` class template offers a wide range of constructors, from the default
one (which will return an uninitialized `poly` object) to the copy and move
constructors, as well as the ability to create objects in-place.<br/>
Among others, there is also a constructor that allows users to wrap unmanaged
objects in a `poly` instance (either const or non-const ones):
circle shape;
drawable instance{std::in_place_type<circle &>, shape};
Similarly, it's possible to create non-owning copies of `poly` from an existing
drawable other = instance.as_ref();
In both cases, although the interface of the `poly` object doesn't change, it
won't construct any element or take care of destroying the referenced objects.
Note also how the underlying concept is accessed via a call to `operator->` and
not directly as `instance.draw()`.<br/>
This allows users to decouple the API of the wrapper from that of the concept.
Therefore, where `` will invoke the `data` member function of the
poly object, `instance->data()` will map directly to the functionality exposed
by the underlying concept.
# Storage size and alignment requirement
Under the hood, the `poly` class template makes use of `entt::any`. Therefore,
it can take advantage of the possibility of defining at compile-time the size of
the storage suitable for the small buffer optimization as well as the alignment
entt::basic_poly<Drawable, sizeof(double[4]), alignof(double[4])>
The default size is `sizeof(double[2])`, which seems like a good compromise
between a buffer that is too large and one unable to hold anything larger than
an integer. The alignment requirement is optional instead and by default such
that it's the most stringent (the largest) for any object whose size is at most
equal to the one provided.<br/>
It's worth noting that providing a size of 0 (which is an accepted value in all
respects) will force the system to dynamically allocate the contained objects in
all cases.

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@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ A typical process must inherit from the `process` class template that stays true
to the CRTP idiom. Moreover, derived classes must specify what's the intended
type for elapsed times.
A process should expose publicly the following member functions whether
required (note that it isn't required to define a function unless the derived
class wants to _override_ the default behavior):
A process should expose publicly the following member functions whether needed
(note that it isn't required to define a function unless the derived class wants
to _override_ the default behavior):
* `void update(Delta, void *);`
@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ Here is a minimal example for the sake of curiosity:
struct my_process: entt::process<my_process, std::uint32_t> {
using delta_type = std::uint32_t;
my_process(delta_type delay)
: remaining{delay}
void update(delta_type delta, void *) {
remaining -= std::min(remaining, delta);
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ struct my_process: entt::process {
delta_type remaining{1000u};
delta_type remaining;
@ -158,7 +162,7 @@ To attach a process to a scheduler there are mainly two ways:
the `attach` member function:
* Otherwise, in case of a lambda or a functor, it's enough to provide an
@ -182,7 +186,7 @@ scheduler.attach([](auto delta, void *, auto succeed, auto fail) {
// ...
// appends a child in the form of a process class
To update a scheduler and therefore all its processes, the `update` member

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# Similar projects
There are many projects similar to `EnTT`, both open source and not.<br/>
Some even borrowed some ideas from this library and expressed them in different
Others developed different architectures from scratch and therefore offer
alternative solutions with their pros and cons.
Below an incomplete list of those that I've come across so far.<br/>
If some terms or designs aren't clear, I recommend referring to the
[_ECS Back and Forth_]( series for all the
I hope this list can grow much more in the future:
* C:
* [destral_ecs]( a single-file ECS based
on sparse sets.
* [Diana]( an ECS that uses sparse sets to
keep track of entities in systems.
* [Flecs]( a multithreaded archetype
ECS based on semi-contiguous arrays rather than chunks.
* [lent]( the Donald Trump of the ECS libraries.
* C++:
* [decs]( a chunk based archetype ECS.
* [ecst]( a multithreaded compile-time
ECS that uses sparse sets to keep track of entities in systems.
* [EntityX]( a bitset based ECS that
uses a single large matrix of components indexed with entities.
* [Gaia-ECS]( a chunk based
archetype ECS.
* [Polypropylene]( a hybrid
solution between an ECS and dynamic mixins.
* C#
* [Entitas]( the ECS framework for
C# and Unity, where _reactive systems_ were invented.
* [LeoECS]( simple lightweight C# Entity
Component System framework.
* [Svelto.ECS]( a very interesting
platform agnostic and table based ECS framework.
* Go:
* [gecs]( a sparse sets based ECS inspired
by `EnTT`.
* Javascript:
* [\@javelin/ecs](
an archetype ECS in TypeScript.
* [ecsy]( I haven't had the time to
investigate the underlying design of `ecsy` but it looks cool anyway.
* Perl:
* [Game::Entities]( a simple
entity registry for ECS designs inspired by `EnTT`.
* Raku:
* [Game::Entities]( a simple
entity registry for ECS designs inspired by `EnTT`.
* Rust:
* [Legion]( a chunk based archetype ECS.
* [Shipyard]( it borrows some ideas from
`EnTT` and offers a sparse sets based ECS with grouping functionalities.
* [Sparsey]( sparse set based ECS
written in Rust.
* [Specs]( a parallel ECS based mainly on
hierarchical bitsets that allows different types of storage as needed.
* Zig
* [zig-ecs]( a _zig-ification_ of `EnTT`.
If you know of other resources out there that can be of interest for the reader,
feel free to open an issue or a PR and I'll be glad to add them to this page.

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@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [The resource, the loader and the cache](#the-resource-the-loader-and-the-cache)
* [Resource handle](#resource-handle)
* [Loaders](#loader)
* [The cache class](#the-cache)
@ -21,218 +24,169 @@ Examples are loading everything on start, loading on request, predictive
loading, and so on.
`EnTT` doesn't pretend to offer a _one-fits-all_ solution for the different
cases. Instead, it offers a minimal and perhaps trivial cache that can be useful
most of the time during prototyping and sometimes even in a production
For those interested in the subject, the plan is to improve it considerably over
time in terms of performance, memory usage and functionalities. Hoping to make
it, of course, one step at a time.
Instead, the library offers a minimal, general purpose resource cache that might
be useful in many cases.
# The resource, the loader and the cache
There are three main actors in the model: the resource, the loader and the
The _resource_ is whatever users want it to be. An image, a video, an audio,
whatever. There are no limits.<br/>
As a minimal example:
Resource, loader and cache are the three main actors for the purpose.<br/>
The _resource_ is an image, an audio, a video or any other type:
struct my_resource { const int value; };
A _loader_ is a class the aim of which is to load a specific resource. It has to
inherit directly from the dedicated base class as in the following example:
The _loader_ is a callable type the aim of which is to load a specific resource:
struct my_loader final: entt::resource_loader<my_loader, my_resource> {
// ...
Where `my_resource` is the type of resources it creates.<br/>
A resource loader must also expose a public const member function named `load`
that accepts a variable number of arguments and returns a shared pointer to a
As an example:
struct my_loader final {
using result_type = std::shared_ptr<my_resource>;
struct my_loader: entt::resource_loader<my_loader, my_resource> {
std::shared_ptr<my_resource> load(int value) const {
result_type operator()(int value) const {
// ...
return std::shared_ptr<my_resource>(new my_resource{ value });
return std::make_shared<my_resource>(value);
In general, resource loaders should not have a state or retain data of any type.
They should let the cache manage their resources instead.<br/>
As a side note, base class and CRTP idiom aren't strictly required with the
current implementation. One could argue that a cache can easily work with
loaders of any type. However, future changes won't be breaking ones by forcing
the use of a base class today and that's why the model is already in its place.
Its function operator can accept any arguments and should return a value of the
declared result type (`std::shared_ptr<my_resource>` in the example).<br/>
A loader can also overload its function call operator to make it possible to
construct the same or another resource from different lists of arguments.
Finally, a cache is a specialization of a class template tailored to a specific
resource and (optionally) a loader:
using my_resource_cache = entt::resource_cache<my_resource>;
using my_cache = entt::resource_cache<my_resource, my_loader>;
// ...
my_resource_cache cache{};
my_cache cache{};
The idea is to create different caches for different types of resources and to
manage each one independently in the most appropriate way.<br/>
The cache is meant to be used to create different caches for different types of
resources and to manage each one independently in the most appropriate way.<br/>
As a (very) trivial example, audio tracks can survive in most of the scenes of
an application while meshes can be associated with a single scene and then
discarded when users leave it.
an application while meshes can be associated with a single scene only, then
discarded when a player leaves it.
A cache offers a set of basic functionalities to query its internal state and to
_organize_ it:
## Resource handle
// gets the number of resources managed by a cache
const auto size = cache.size();
Resources aren't returned directly to the caller. Instead, they are wrapped in a
_resource handle_ identified by the `entt::resource` class template.<br/>
For those who know the _flyweight design pattern_ already, that's exactly what
it is. To all others, this is the time to brush up on some notions instead.
// checks if a cache contains at least a valid resource
const auto empty = cache.empty();
A shared pointer could have been used as a resource handle. In fact, the default
handle mostly maps the interface of its standard counterpart and only adds a few
things to it.<br/>
However, the handle in `EnTT` is designed as a standalone class template named
`resource`. It boils down to the fact that specializing a class in the standard
is often undefined behavior while having the ability to specialize the handle
for one, more or all resource types could help over time.
// clears a cache and discards its content
## Loaders
Besides these member functions, a cache contains what is needed to load, use and
discard resources of the given type.<br/>
Before to explore this part of the interface, it makes sense to mention how
resources are identified. The type of the identifiers to use is defined as:
A loader is a class that is responsible for _loading_ the resources.<br/>
By default, it's just a callable object which forwards its arguments to the
resource itself. That is, a _passthrough type_. All the work is demanded to the
constructor(s) of the resource itself.<br/>
Loaders also are fully customizable as expected.
A custom loader is a class with at least one function call operator and a member
type named `result_type`.<br/>
The loader isn't required to return a resource handle. As long as `return_type`
is suitable for constructing a handle, that's fine.
Where `resource_type` is an alias for `entt::hashed_string::hash_type`.
Therefore, resource identifiers are created explicitly as in the following
When using the default handle, it expects a resource type which is convertible
to or suitable for constructing an `std::shared_ptr<Type>` (where `Type` is the
actual resource type).<br/>
In other terms, the loader should return shared pointers to the given resource
type. However, it isn't mandatory. Users can easily get around this constraint
by specializing both the handle and the loader.
constexpr auto identifier = entt::resource_cache<resource>::resource_type{"my/resource/identifier"_hs};
// this is equivalent to the following
constexpr auto hs = entt::hashed_string{"my/resource/identifier"};
The class `hashed_string` is described in a dedicated section, so I won't go in
details here.
Resources are loaded and thus stored in a cache through the `load` member
function. It accepts the loader to use as a template parameter, the resource
identifier and the parameters used to construct the resource as arguments:
A cache forwards all its arguments to the loader if required. This means that
loaders can also support tag dispatching to offer different loading policies:
// uses the identifier declared above
cache.load<my_loader>(identifier, 0);
struct my_loader {
using result_type = std::shared_ptr<my_resource>;
// uses a const char * directly as an identifier
cache.load<my_loader>("another/identifier"_hs, 42);
struct from_disk_tag{};
struct from_network_tag{};
The function returns a handle to the resource, whether it already exists or is
loaded. In case the loader returns an invalid pointer, the handle is invalid as
well and therefore it can be easily used with an `if` statement:
template<typename Args>
result_type operator()(from_disk_tag, Args&&... args) {
// ...
return std::make_shared<my_resource>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if(auto handle = cache.load<my_loader>("another/identifier"_hs, 42); handle) {
// ...
template<typename Args>
result_type operator()(from_network_tag, Args&&... args) {
// ...
return std::make_shared<my_resource>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
Before trying to load a resource, the `contains` member function can be used to
know if a cache already contains a specific resource:
This makes the whole loading logic quite flexible and easy to extend over time.
auto exists = cache.contains("my/identifier"_hs);
## The cache class
There exists also a member function to use to force a reload of an already
existing resource if needed:
The cache is the class that is asked to _connect the dots_.<br/>
It loads the resources, store them aside and returns handles as needed:
auto handle = cache.reload<my_loader>("another/identifier"_hs, 42);
entt::resource_cache<my_resource, my_loader> cache{};
As above, the function returns a handle to the resource that is invalid in case
of errors. The `reload` member function is a kind of alias of the following
Under the hood, a cache is nothing more than a map where the key value has type
`entt::id_type` while the mapped value is whatever type its loader returns.<br/>
For this reason, it offers most of the functionality a user would expect from a
map, such as `empty` or `size` and so on. Similarly, it's an iterable type that
also supports indexing by resource id:
cache.load<my_loader>(identifier, 42);
Where the `discard` member function is used to get rid of a resource if loaded.
In case the cache doesn't contain a resource for the given identifier, `discard`
does nothing and returns immediately.
So far, so good. Resources are finally loaded and stored within the cache.<br/>
They are returned to users in the form of handles. To get one of them later on:
for(entt::resource<my_resource> curr: cache) {
// ...
auto handle = cache.handle("my/identifier"_hs);
if(entt::resource<my_resource> res = cache["resource/id"_hs]; res) {
// ...
The idea behind a handle is the same of the flyweight pattern. In other terms,
resources aren't copied around. Instead, instances are shared between handles.
Users of a resource own a handle that guarantees that a resource isn't destroyed
until all the handles are destroyed, even if the resource itself is removed from
the cache.<br/>
Handles are tiny objects both movable and copyable. They return the contained
resource as a const reference on request:
* By means of the `get` member function:
const auto &resource = handle.get();
* Using the proper cast operator:
const auto &resource = handle;
Please, refer to the inline documentation for all the details about the other
functions (for example `contains` or `erase`).
* Through the dereference operator:
const auto &resource = *handle;
The resource can also be accessed directly using the arrow operator if required:
Set aside the part of the API that this class shares with a map, it also adds
something on top of it in order to address the most common requirements of a
resource cache.<br/>
In particular, it doesn't have an `emplace` member function which is replaced by
`load` and `force_load` instead (where the former loads a new resource only if
not present while the second triggers a forced loading in any case):
auto value = handle->value;
auto ret = cache.load("resource/id"_hs);
To test if a handle is still valid, the cast operator to `bool` allows users to
use it in a guard:
// true only if the resource was not already present
const bool loaded = ret.second;
if(handle) {
// ...
// takes the resource handle pointed to by the returned iterator
entt::resource<my_resource> res = *ret.first;
Finally, in case there is the need to load a resource and thus to get a handle
without storing the resource itself in the cache, users can rely on the `temp`
member function template.<br/>
The declaration is similar to that of `load`, a (possibly invalid) handle for
the resource is returned also in this case:
if(auto handle = cache.temp<my_loader>(42); handle) {
// ...
Note that the hashed string is used for convenience in the example above.<br/>
Resource identifiers are nothing more than integral values. Therefore, plain
numbers as well as non-class enum value are accepted.
Do not forget to test the handle for validity. Otherwise, getting a reference to
the resource it points may result in undefined behavior.
Moreover, it's worth mentioning that both the iterators of a cache and its
indexing operators return resource handles rather than instances of the mapped
Since the cache has no control over the loader and a resource isn't required to
also be convertible to bool, these handles can be invalid. This usually means an
error in the user logic but it may also be an _expected_ event.<br/>
It's therefore recommended to verify handles validity with a check in debug (for
example, when loading) or an appropriate logic in retail.

+ 259
- 109
modules/entt/docs/md/ View File

@ -7,8 +7,11 @@
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Delegate](#delegate)
* [Runtime arguments](#runtime-arguments)
* [Lambda support](#lambda-support)
* [Signals](#signals)
* [Event dispatcher](#event-dispatcher)
* [Named queues](#named-queues)
* [Event emitter](#event-emitter)
@ -28,18 +31,19 @@ allocations under the hood and this could be problematic sometimes. Furthermore,
it solves a problem but may not adapt well to other requirements that may arise
from time to time.
In case that the flexibility and potential of an `std::function` are not
required or where you are looking for something different, `EnTT` offers a full
set of classes to solve completely different problems.
In case that the flexibility and power of an `std::function` isn't required or
if the price to pay for them is too high,` EnTT` offers a complete set of
lightweight classes to solve the same and many other problems.
# Delegate
A delegate can be used as a general purpose invoker with no memory overhead for
free functions and members provided along with an instance on which to invoke
It does not claim to be a drop-in replacement for an `std::function`, so do not
expect to use it whenever an `std::function` fits well. However, it can be used
to send opaque delegates around to be used to invoke functions as needed.
It doesn't claim to be a drop-in replacement for an `std::function`, so don't
expect to use it whenever an `std::function` fits well. That said, it's most
likely even a better fit than an `std::function` in a lot of cases, so expect to
use it quite a lot anyway.
The interface is trivial. It offers a default constructor to create empty
@ -50,7 +54,7 @@ entt::delegate delegate{};
All what is needed to create an instance is to specify the type of the function
the delegate will _contain_, that is the signature of the free function or the
member function one wants to assign to it.
member one wants to assign to it.
Attempting to use an empty delegate by invoking its function call operator
results in undefined behavior or most likely a crash. Before to use a delegate,
@ -62,7 +66,7 @@ As an example of use:
int f(int i) { return i; }
struct my_struct {
int f(const int &i) { return i }
int f(const int &i) const { return i; }
// bind a free function to the delegate
@ -70,30 +74,47 @@ delegate.connect<&f>();
// bind a member function to the delegate
my_struct instance;
The delegate class accepts also data members, if needed. In this case, the
function type of the delegate is such that the parameter list is empty and the
value of the data member is at least convertible to the return type.<br/>
Functions having type equivalent to `void(T *, args...)` are accepted as well.
In this case, `T *` is considered a payload and the function will receive it
back every time it's invoked. In other terms, this works just fine with the
above definition:
value of the data member is at least convertible to the return type.
Free functions having type equivalent to `void(T &, args...)` are accepted as
well. The first argument `T &` is considered a payload and the function will
receive it back every time it's invoked. In other terms, this works just fine
with the above definition:
void g(const char *c, int i) { /* ... */ }
void g(const char &c, int i) { /* ... */ }
const char c = 'c';
The function `g` will be invoked with a reference to `c` and `42`. However, the
function type of the delegate is still `void(int)`. This is also the signature
of its function call operator.
Another interesting aspect of the delegate class is that it accepts also
functions with a list of parameters that is shorter than that of the function
type used to specialize the delegate itself.<br/>
The following code is therefore perfectly valid:
void g() { /* ... */ }
The function `g` will be invoked with a pointer to `c` and `42`. However, the
function type of the delegate is still `void(int)`, mainly because this is also
the signature of its function call operator.
Where the function type of the delegate is `void(int)` as above. It goes without
saying that the extra arguments are silently discarded internally.<br/>
This is a nice-to-have feature in a lot of cases, as an example when the
`delegate` class is used as a building block of a signal-slot system.
To create and initialize a delegate at once, there are also some specialized
To create and initialize a delegate at once, there are a few specialized
constructors. Because of the rules of the language, the listener is provided by
means of the `entt::connect_arg` variable template:
@ -113,55 +134,138 @@ if(delegate) {
Finally, to invoke a delegate, the function call operator is the way to go as
already shown in the examples above:
auto ret = delegate(42);
As shown above, listeners do not have to strictly follow the signature of the
In all cases, the listeners don't have to strictly follow the signature of the
delegate. As long as a listener can be invoked with the given arguments to yield
a result that is convertible to the given result type, everything works just
Probably too much small and pretty poor of functionalities, but the delegate
class can help in a lot of cases and it has shown that it is worth keeping it
within the library.
As a side note, members of classes may or may not be associated with instances.
If they are not, the first argument of the function type must be that of the
class on which the members operate and an instance of this class must obviously
be passed when invoking the delegate:
entt::delegate<void(my_struct &, int)> delegate;
my_struct instance;
delegate(instance, 42);
In this case, it's not possible to deduce the function type since the first
argument doesn't necessarily have to be a reference (for example, it can be a
pointer, as well as a const reference).<br/>
Therefore, the function type must be declared explicitly for unbound members.
## Runtime arguments
The `delegate` class is meant to be used primarily with template arguments.
However, as a consequence of its design, it can also offer minimal support for
runtime arguments.<br/>
When used in this modality, some feature aren't supported though. In particular:
* Curried functions aren't accepted.
* Functions with an argument list that differs from that of the delegate aren't
* Return type and types of arguments **must** coincide with those of the
delegate and _being at least convertible_ isn't enough anymore.
Moreover, for a given function type `Ret(Args...)`, the signature of the
functions connected at runtime must necessarily be `Ret(const void *, Args...)`.
Runtime arguments can be passed both to the constructor of a delegate and to the
`connect` member function. An optional parameter is also accepted in both cases.
This argument is used to pass arbitrary user data back and forth as a
`const void *` upon invocation.<br/>
To connect a function to a delegate _in the hard way_:
int func(const void *ptr, int i) { return *static_cast<const int *>(ptr) * i; }
const int value = 42;
// use the constructor ...
entt::delegate delegate{&func, &value};
// ... or the connect member function
delegate.connect(&func, &value);
The type of the delegate is deduced from the function if possible. In this case,
since the first argument is an implementation detail, the deduced function type
is `int(int)`.<br/>
Invoking a delegate built in this way follows the same rules as previously
## Lambda support
In general, the `delegate` class doesn't fully support lambda functions in all
their nuances. The reason is pretty simple: a `delegate` isn't a drop-in
replacement for an `std::function`. Instead, it tries to overcome the problems
with the latter.<br/>
That being said, non-capturing lambda functions are supported, even though some
feature aren't available in this case.
This is a logical consequence of the support for connecting functions at
runtime. Therefore, lambda functions undergo the same rules and
In fact, since non-capturing lambda functions decay to pointers to functions,
they can be used with a `delegate` as if they were _normal functions_ with
optional payload:
my_struct instance;
// use the constructor ...
entt::delegate delegate{+[](const void *ptr, int value) {
return static_cast<const my_struct *>(ptr)->f(value);
}, &instance};
// ... or the connect member function
delegate.connect([](const void *ptr, int value) {
return static_cast<const my_struct *>(ptr)->f(value);
}, &instance);
As above, the first parameter (`const void *`) isn't part of the function type
of the delegate and is used to dispatch arbitrary user data back and forth. In
other terms, the function type of the delegate above is `int(int)`.
# Signals
Signal handlers work with naked pointers, function pointers and pointers to
member functions. Listeners can be any kind of objects and users are in charge
of connecting and disconnecting them from a signal to avoid crashes due to
Signal handlers work with references to classes, function pointers and pointers
to members. Listeners can be any kind of objects and users are in charge of
connecting and disconnecting them from a signal to avoid crashes due to
different lifetimes. On the other side, performance shouldn't be affected that
much by the presence of such a signal handler.<br/>
Signals make use of delegates internally and therefore they undergo the same
rules and offer similar functionalities. It may be a good idea to consult the
documentation of the `delegate` class for further information.
A signal handler can be used as a private data member without exposing any
_publish_ functionality to the clients of a class. The basic idea is to impose a
clear separation between the signal itself and its _sink_ class, that is a tool
clear separation between the signal itself and the `sink` class, that is a tool
to be used to connect and disconnect listeners on the fly.
The API of a signal handler is straightforward. The most important thing is that
it comes in two forms: with and without a collector. In case a signal is
associated with a collector, all the values returned by the listeners can be
literally _collected_ and used later by the caller. Otherwise it works just like
a plain signal that emits events from time to time.<br/>
**Note**: collectors are allowed only in case of function types whose the return
type isn't `void` for obvious reasons.
To create instances of signal handlers there exist mainly two ways:
The API of a signal handler is straightforward. If a collector is supplied to
the signal when something is published, all the values returned by the listeners
can be literally _collected_ and used later by the caller. Otherwise, the class
works just like a plain signal that emits events from time to time.<br/>
To create instances of signal handlers it is sufficient to provide the type of
function to which they refer:
// no collector type
entt::sigh<void(int, char)> signal;
// explicit collector type
entt::sigh<void(int, char), my_collector<bool>> collector;
As expected, they offer all the basic functionalities required to know how many
listeners they contain (`size`) or if they contain at least a listener (`empty`)
and even to swap two signal handlers (`swap`).
Signals offer all the basic functionalities required to know how many listeners
they contain (`size`) or if they contain at least a listener (`empty`), as well
as a function to use to swap handlers (`swap`).
Besides them, there are member functions to use both to connect and disconnect
listeners in all their forms by means of a sink:
@ -175,26 +279,45 @@ struct listener {
// ...
entt::sink sink{signal};
listener instance;
// ...
// disconnects a free function
// disconnect a member function of an instance
// discards all the listeners at once
// disconnect all member functions of an instance, if any
// discards all listeners at once
As shown above, listeners do not have to strictly follow the signature of the
As shown above, the listeners don't have to strictly follow the signature of the
signal. As long as a listener can be invoked with the given arguments to yield a
result that is convertible to the given result type, everything works just fine.
result that is convertible to the given return type, everything works just
It's also possible to connect a listener before other listeners already
contained by the signal. The `before` function returns a `sink` object correctly
initialized for the purpose that can be used to connect one or more listeners in
order and in the desired position:
In all cases, the `connect` member function returns by default a `connection`
object to be used as an alternative to break a connection by means of its
`release` member function. A `scoped_connection` can also be created from a
connection. In this case, the link is broken automatically as soon as the object
goes out of scope.
Once listeners are attached (or even if there are no listeners at all), events
and data in general can be published through a signal by means of the `publish`
@ -208,62 +331,71 @@ To collect data, the `collect` member function should be used instead. Below is
a minimal example to show how to use it:
struct my_collector {
std::vector<int> vec{};
bool operator()(int v) noexcept {
return true;
int f() { return 0; }
int g() { return 1; }
// ...
entt::sigh<int(), my_collector<int>> signal;
entt::sigh<int()> signal;
entt::sink sink{signal};
my_collector collector = signal.collect();
std::vector<int> vec{};
signal.collect([&vec](int value) { vec.push_back(value); });
assert(collector.vec[0] == 0);
assert(collector.vec[1] == 1);
assert(vec[0] == 0);
assert(vec[1] == 1);
A collector must expose a function operator that accepts as an argument a type
to which the return type of the listeners can be converted. Moreover, it has to
return a boolean value that is false to stop collecting data, true otherwise.
This way one can avoid calling all the listeners in case it isn't necessary.
to which the return type of the listeners can be converted. Moreover, it can
optionally return a boolean value that is true to stop collecting data, false
otherwise. This way one can avoid calling all the listeners in case it isn't
Functors can also be used in place of a lambda. Since the collector is copied
when invoking the `collect` member function, `std::ref` is the way to go in this
struct my_collector {
std::vector<int> vec{};
bool operator()(int v) {
return true;
// ...
my_collector collector;
# Event dispatcher
The event dispatcher class is designed so as to be used in a loop. It allows
users both to trigger immediate events or to queue events to be published all
together once per tick.<br/>
This class shares part of its API with the one of the signal handler, but it
doesn't require that all the types of events are specified when declared:
The event dispatcher class allows users to trigger immediate events or to queue
and publish them all together later.<br/>
This class lazily instantiates its queues. Therefore, it's not necessary to
_announce_ the event types in advance:
// define a general purpose dispatcher that works with naked pointers
// define a general purpose dispatcher
entt::dispatcher dispatcher{};
In order to register an instance of a class to a dispatcher, its type must
expose one or more member functions the arguments of which are such that
`const E &` can be converted to them for each type of event `E`, no matter what
the return value is.<br/>
The name of the member function aimed to receive the event must be provided to
the `connect` member function of the sink in charge for the specific event:
A listener registered with a dispatcher is such that its type offers one or more
member functions that take arguments of type `Event &` for any type of event,
regardless of the return value.<br/>
These functions are linked directly via `connect` to a _sink_:
struct an_event { int value; };
struct another_event {};
struct listener
struct listener {
void receive(const an_event &) { /* ... */ }
void method(const another_event &) { /* ... */ }
@ -271,27 +403,23 @@ struct listener
// ...
listener listener;
The `disconnect` member function follows the same pattern and can be used to
selectively remove listeners:
The `disconnect` member function is used to remove one listener at a time or all
of them at once:
The `trigger` member function serves the purpose of sending an immediate event
to all the listeners registered so far. It offers a convenient approach that
relieves users from having to create the event itself. Instead, it's enough to
specify the type of event and provide all the parameters required to construct
As an example:
to all the listeners registered so far:
@ -300,20 +428,18 @@ method can be used to push around urgent messages like an _is terminating_
notification on a mobile app.
On the other hand, the `enqueue` member function queues messages together and
allows to maintain control over the moment they are sent to listeners. The
signature of this method is more or less the same of `trigger`:
helps to maintain control over the moment they are sent to listeners:
Events are stored aside until the `update` member function is invoked, then all
the messages that are still pending are sent to the listeners at once:
Events are stored aside until the `update` member function is invoked:
// emits all the events of the given type at once
// emits all the events queued so far at once
@ -322,6 +448,30 @@ dispatcher.update();
This way users can embed the dispatcher in a loop and literally dispatch events
once per tick to their systems.
## Named queues
All queues within a dispatcher are associated by default with an event type and
then retrieved from it.<br/>
However, it's possible to create queues with different _names_ (and therefore
also multiple queues for a single type). In fact, more or less all functions
also take an additional parameter. As an example:
In this case, the term _name_ is misused as these are actual numeric identifiers
of type `id_type`.<br/>
An exception to this rule is the `enqueue` function. There is no additional
parameter for it but rather a different function:
dispatcher.enqueue_hint<an_event>("custom"_hs, 42);
This is mainly due to the template argument deduction rules and unfortunately
there is no real (elegant) way to avoid it.
# Event emitter
A general purpose event emitter thought mainly for those cases where it comes to
@ -343,9 +493,9 @@ The full list of accepted types of events isn't required. Handlers are created
internally on the fly and thus each type of event is accepted by default.
Whenever an event is published, an emitter provides the listeners with a
reference to itself along with a const reference to the event. Therefore
listeners have an handy way to work with it without incurring in the need of
capturing a reference to the emitter itself.<br/>
reference to itself along with a reference to the event. Therefore listeners
have an handy way to work with it without incurring in the need of capturing a
reference to the emitter itself.<br/>
In addition, an opaque object is returned each time a connection is established
between an emitter and a listener, allowing the caller to disconnect them at a
later time.<br/>
@ -359,10 +509,10 @@ my_emitter emitter{};
Listeners must be movable and callable objects (free functions, lambdas,
functors, `std::function`s, whatever) whose function type is:
functors, `std::function`s, whatever) whose function type is compatible with:
void(const Event &, my_emitter &)
void(Event &, my_emitter &)
Where `Event` is the type of event they want to listen.<br/>

+ 107
- 0
modules/entt/docs/md/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
# EnTT and Unreal Engine
# Table of Contents
* [Enable Cpp17](#enable-cpp17)
* [EnTT as a third party module](#entt-as-a-third-party-module)
* [Include EnTT](#include-entt)
## Enable Cpp17
As of writing (Unreal Engine v4.25), the default C++ standard of Unreal Engine
is C++14.<br/>
On the other hand, note that `EnTT` requires C++17 to compile. To enable it, in
the main module of the project there should be a `<Game Name>.Build.cs` file,
the constructor of which must contain the following lines:
PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.NoSharedPCHs;
PrivatePCHHeaderFile = "<PCH filename>.h";
CppStandard = CppStandardVersion.Cpp17;
Replace `<PCH filename>.h` with the name of the already existing PCH header
file, if any.<br/>
In case the project doesn't already contain a file of this type, it's possible
to create one with the following content:
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
Remember to remove any old `PCHUsage = <...>` line that was previously there. At
this point, C++17 support should be in place.<br/>
Try to compile the project to ensure it works as expected before following
further steps.
Note that updating a *project* to C++17 doesn't necessarily mean that the IDE in
use will also start to recognize its syntax.<br/>
If the plan is to use C++17 in the project too, check the specific instructions
for the IDE in use.
## EnTT as a third party module
Once this point is reached, the `Source` directory should look like this:
| MyGame.Target.cs
| MyGameEditor.Target.cs
| | MyGame.Build.cs
| | MyGame.h (PCH Header file)
| EnTT.Build.cs
\---entt (GitHub repository content inside)
To make this happen, create the folder `ThirdParty` under `Source` if it doesn't
exist already. Then, add an `EnTT` folder under `ThirdParty`.<br/>
Within the latter, create a new file `EnTT.Build.cs` with the following content:
using System.IO;
using UnrealBuildTool;
public class EnTT: ModuleRules {
public EnTT(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target) {
Type = ModuleType.External;
PublicIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "entt", "src", "entt"));
The last line indicates that the actual files will be found in the directory
Download the repository for `EnTT` and place it next to `EnTT.Build.cs` or
update the path above accordingly.
Finally, open the `<Game Name>.Build.cs` file and add `EnTT` as a dependency at
the end of the list:
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new[] {
"Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", [...], "EnTT"
Note that some IDEs might require a restart to start recognizing the new module
for code-highlighting features and such.
## Include EnTT
In any source file of the project, add `#include "entt.hpp"` or any other path
to the file from `EnTT` to use it.<br/>
Try to create a registry as `entt::registry registry;` to make sure everything
compiles fine.

+ 3
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modules/entt/natvis/entt/config.natvis View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">

+ 33
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modules/entt/natvis/entt/container.natvis View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">
<Type Name="entt::dense_map&lt;*&gt;">
<Intrinsic Name="size" Expression="packed.first_base::value.size()"/>
<Intrinsic Name="bucket_count" Expression="sparse.first_base::value.size()"/>
<DisplayString>{{ size={ size() } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[capacity]" ExcludeView="simple">packed.first_base::value.capacity()</Item>
<Item Name="[bucket_count]" ExcludeView="simple">bucket_count()</Item>
<Item Name="[load_factor]" ExcludeView="simple">(float)size() / (float)bucket_count()</Item>
<Item Name="[max_load_factor]" ExcludeView="simple">threshold</Item>
<Type Name="entt::dense_set&lt;*&gt;">
<Intrinsic Name="size" Expression="packed.first_base::value.size()"/>
<Intrinsic Name="bucket_count" Expression="sparse.first_base::value.size()"/>
<DisplayString>{{ size={ size() } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[capacity]" ExcludeView="simple">packed.first_base::value.capacity()</Item>
<Item Name="[bucket_count]" ExcludeView="simple">bucket_count()</Item>
<Item Name="[load_factor]" ExcludeView="simple">(float)size() / (float)bucket_count()</Item>
<Item Name="[max_load_factor]" ExcludeView="simple">threshold</Item>

+ 33
- 0
modules/entt/natvis/entt/core.natvis View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">
<Type Name="entt::basic_any&lt;*&gt;">
<DisplayString>{{ type={ info->alias,na }, policy={ mode,en } }}</DisplayString>
<Type Name="entt::compressed_pair&lt;*&gt;">
<Intrinsic Name="first" Optional="true" Expression="((first_base*)this)->value"/>
<Intrinsic Name="first" Optional="true" Expression="*(first_base::base_type*)this"/>
<Intrinsic Name="second" Optional="true" Expression="((second_base*)this)->value"/>
<Intrinsic Name="second" Optional="true" Expression="*(second_base::base_type*)this"/>
<DisplayString >({ first() }, { second() })</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[first]">first()</Item>
<Item Name="[second]">second()</Item>
<Type Name="entt::basic_hashed_string&lt;*&gt;">
<DisplayString Condition="base_type::repr != nullptr">{{ hash={ base_type::hash } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[data]">base_type::repr,na</Item>
<Item Name="[length]">base_type::length</Item>
<Type Name="entt::type_info">
<DisplayString Condition="seq != 0u">{{ name={ alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[hash]">identifier</Item>
<Item Name="[index]">seq</Item>

+ 145
- 0
modules/entt/natvis/entt/entity.natvis View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">
<Type Name="entt::basic_registry&lt;*&gt;">
<Intrinsic Name="pools_size" Expression="pools.packed.first_base::value.size()"/>
<Intrinsic Name="vars_size" Expression=""/>
<Intrinsic Name="to_entity" Expression="*((entity_traits::entity_type *)&amp;entity) &amp; entity_traits::entity_mask">
<Parameter Name="entity" Type="entity_traits::value_type &amp;"/>
<DisplayString>{{ size={ entities.size() } }}</DisplayString>
<Item IncludeView="simple" Name="[entities]">entities,view(simple)nr</Item>
<Synthetic Name="[entities]" ExcludeView="simple">
<DisplayString>{ entities.size() }</DisplayString>
<Variable Name="pos" InitialValue="0" />
<Variable Name="last" InitialValue="entities.size()"/>
<Break Condition="pos == last"/>
<If Condition="to_entity(entities[pos]) == pos">
<Item Name="[{ pos }]">entities[pos]</Item>
<Synthetic Name="[destroyed]" ExcludeView="simple">
<DisplayString>{ to_entity(free_list) != entity_traits::entity_mask }</DisplayString>
<Variable Name="it" InitialValue="to_entity(free_list)" />
<Break Condition="it == entity_traits::entity_mask"/>
<Item Name="[{ it }]">entities[it]</Item>
<Exec>it = to_entity(entities[it])</Exec>
<Synthetic Name="[pools]">
<DisplayString>{ pools_size() }</DisplayString>
<IndexListItems ExcludeView="simple">
<IndexListItems IncludeView="simple">
<Item Name="[groups]" ExcludeView="simple">groups.size()</Item>
<Synthetic Name="[vars]">
<DisplayString>{ vars_size() }</DisplayString>
<Type Name="entt::basic_sparse_set&lt;*&gt;">
<DisplayString>{{ size={ packed.size() }, type={ info->alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[capacity]" ExcludeView="simple">packed.capacity()</Item>
<Item Name="[policy]">mode,en</Item>
<Synthetic Name="[sparse]">
<DisplayString>{ sparse.size() * entity_traits::page_size }</DisplayString>
<ExpandedItem IncludeView="simple">sparse,view(simple)</ExpandedItem>
<CustomListItems ExcludeView="simple">
<Variable Name="pos" InitialValue="0"/>
<Variable Name="page" InitialValue="0"/>
<Variable Name="offset" InitialValue="0"/>
<Variable Name="last" InitialValue="sparse.size() * entity_traits::page_size"/>
<Break Condition="pos == last"/>
<Exec>page = pos / entity_traits::page_size</Exec>
<Exec>offset = pos &amp; (entity_traits::page_size - 1)</Exec>
<If Condition="sparse[page] &amp;&amp; (*((entity_traits::entity_type *)&amp;sparse[page][offset]) &lt; ~entity_traits::entity_mask)">
<Item Name="[{ pos }]">*((entity_traits::entity_type *)&amp;sparse[page][offset]) &amp; entity_traits::entity_mask</Item>
<Synthetic Name="[packed]">
<DisplayString>{ packed.size() }</DisplayString>
<ExpandedItem IncludeView="simple">packed,view(simple)</ExpandedItem>
<CustomListItems ExcludeView="simple">
<Variable Name="pos" InitialValue="0"/>
<Variable Name="last" InitialValue="packed.size()"/>
<Break Condition="pos == last"/>
<If Condition="*((entity_traits::entity_type *)&amp;packed[pos]) &lt; ~entity_traits::entity_mask">
<Item Name="[{ pos }]">packed[pos]</Item>
<Type Name="entt::basic_storage&lt;*&gt;">
<DisplayString>{{ size={ base_type::packed.size() }, type={ base_type::info->alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[capacity]" Optional="true" ExcludeView="simple">packed.first_base::value.capacity() * comp_traits::page_size</Item>
<Item Name="[page size]" Optional="true" ExcludeView="simple">comp_traits::page_size</Item>
<Item Name="[base]" ExcludeView="simple">(base_type*)this,nand</Item>
<Item Name="[base]" IncludeView="simple">(base_type*)this,view(simple)nand</Item>
<!-- having SFINAE-like techniques in natvis is priceless :) -->
<CustomListItems Condition="packed.first_base::value.size() != 0" Optional="true">
<Variable Name="pos" InitialValue="0" />
<Variable Name="last" InitialValue="base_type::packed.size()"/>
<Break Condition="pos == last"/>
<If Condition="*((base_type::entity_traits::entity_type *)&amp;base_type::packed[pos]) &lt; ~base_type::entity_traits::entity_mask">
<Item Name="[{ pos }]">packed.first_base::value[pos / comp_traits::page_size][pos &amp; (comp_traits::page_size - 1)]</Item>
<Type Name="entt::basic_view&lt;*&gt;">
<DisplayString>{{ size_hint={ view->packed.size() } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[pools]">pools,na</Item>
<Item Name="[filter]">filter,na</Item>
<Type Name="entt::null_t">
<Type Name="entt::tombstone_t">

+ 3
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modules/entt/natvis/entt/locator.natvis View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">

+ 197
- 0
modules/entt/natvis/entt/meta.natvis View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">
<Type Name="entt::meta_any">
<DisplayString Condition="node != nullptr">{{ type={ node->info->alias,na }, policy={ storage.mode,en } }}</DisplayString>
<ExpandedItem Condition="node != nullptr">*node</ExpandedItem>
<Type Name="entt::meta_associative_container">
<DisplayString Condition="mapped_type_node != nullptr">{{ key_type={ key_type_node->info->alias,na }, mapped_type={ mapped_type_node->info->alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<DisplayString Condition="key_type_node != nullptr">{{ key_type={ key_type_node->info->alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<Type Name="entt::internal::meta_base_node">
<DisplayString Condition="type != nullptr">{{ type={ type->info->alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<Type Name="entt::internal::meta_conv_node">
<DisplayString Condition="type != nullptr">{{ type={ type->info->alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<Type Name="entt::internal::meta_ctor_node">
<DisplayString Condition="arg != nullptr">{{ arity={ arity } }}</DisplayString>
<Type Name="entt::internal::meta_data_node">
<Intrinsic Name="has_property" Expression="!!(traits &amp; property)">
<Parameter Name="property" Type="int"/>
<DisplayString Condition="type != nullptr">{{ type={ type->info->alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[id]">id</Item>
<Item Name="[arity]">arity</Item>
<Item Name="[is_const]">has_property(entt::internal::meta_traits::is_const)</Item>
<Item Name="[is_static]">has_property(entt::internal::meta_traits::is_static)</Item>
<Synthetic Name="[prop]" Condition="prop != nullptr">
<Type Name="entt::meta_data">
<DisplayString Condition="node != nullptr">{ *node }</DisplayString>
<ExpandedItem Condition="node != nullptr">node</ExpandedItem>
<Type Name="entt::internal::meta_func_node" >
<Intrinsic Name="has_property" Expression="!!(traits &amp; property)">
<Parameter Name="property" Type="int"/>
<DisplayString Condition="ret != nullptr">{{ arity={ arity }, ret={ ret->info->alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[id]">id</Item>
<Item Name="[is_const]">has_property(entt::internal::meta_traits::is_const)</Item>
<Item Name="[is_static]">has_property(entt::internal::meta_traits::is_static)</Item>
<Synthetic Name="[prop]" Condition="prop != nullptr">
<Type Name="entt::meta_func">
<DisplayString Condition="node != nullptr">{ *node }</DisplayString>
<ExpandedItem Condition="node != nullptr">node</ExpandedItem>
<Type Name="entt::meta_handle">
<DisplayString>{ any }</DisplayString>
<Type Name="entt::internal::meta_prop_node">
<DisplayString Condition="value.node != nullptr">{{ key_type={ id.node->info->alias,na }, mapped_type={ value.node->info->alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<DisplayString Condition="id.node != nullptr">{{ key_type={ id.node->info->alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[key]">id</Item>
<Item Name="[value]">value</Item>
<Type Name="entt::meta_prop">
<DisplayString Condition="node != nullptr">{ *node }</DisplayString>
<ExpandedItem Condition="node != nullptr">node</ExpandedItem>
<Type Name="entt::meta_sequence_container">
<DisplayString Condition="value_type_node != nullptr">{{ value_type={ value_type_node->info->alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<Type Name="entt::internal::meta_template_node">
<DisplayString Condition="type != nullptr">{{ type={ type->info->alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[arity]">arity</Item>
<Type Name="entt::internal::meta_type_node">
<Intrinsic Name="has_property" Expression="!!(traits &amp; property)">
<Parameter Name="property" Type="int"/>
<DisplayString Condition="info != nullptr">{{ type={ info->alias,na } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[id]">id</Item>
<Item Name="[sizeof]">size_of</Item>
<Item Name="[is_arithmetic]">has_property(entt::internal::meta_traits::is_arithmetic)</Item>
<Item Name="[is_array]">has_property(entt::internal::meta_traits::is_array)</Item>
<Item Name="[is_enum]">has_property(entt::internal::meta_traits::is_enum)</Item>
<Item Name="[is_class]">has_property(entt::internal::meta_traits::is_class)</Item>
<Item Name="[is_pointer]">has_property(entt::internal::meta_traits::is_pointer)</Item>
<Item Name="[is_meta_pointer_like]">has_property(entt::internal::meta_traits::is_meta_pointer_like)</Item>
<Item Name="[is_meta_sequence_container]">has_property(entt::internal::meta_traits::is_meta_sequence_container)</Item>
<Item Name="[is_meta_associative_container]">has_property(entt::internal::meta_traits::is_meta_associative_container)</Item>
<Item Name="[default_constructor]">default_constructor != nullptr</Item>
<Item Name="[conversion_helper]">conversion_helper != nullptr</Item>
<Item Name="[template_info]" Condition="templ != nullptr">*templ</Item>
<Synthetic Name="[ctor]" Condition="ctor != nullptr">
<Synthetic Name="[base]" Condition="base != nullptr">
<Synthetic Name="[conv]" Condition="conv != nullptr">
<Synthetic Name="[data]" Condition="data != nullptr">
<Synthetic Name="[func]" Condition="func != nullptr">
<Synthetic Name="[prop]" Condition="prop != nullptr">
<Type Name="entt::meta_type">
<DisplayString Condition="node != nullptr">{ *node }</DisplayString>
<ExpandedItem Condition="node != nullptr">node</ExpandedItem>

+ 3
- 0
modules/entt/natvis/entt/platform.natvis View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">

+ 6
- 0
modules/entt/natvis/entt/poly.natvis View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">
<Type Name="entt::basic_poly&lt;*&gt;">
<DisplayString>{ storage }</DisplayString>

+ 3
- 0
modules/entt/natvis/entt/process.natvis View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">

+ 15
- 0
modules/entt/natvis/entt/resource.natvis View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">
<Type Name="entt::resource&lt;*&gt;">
<DisplayString>{ value }</DisplayString>
<Type Name="entt::resource_cache&lt;*&gt;">
<DisplayString>{ pool.first_base::value }</DisplayString>

+ 52
- 0
modules/entt/natvis/entt/signal.natvis View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">
<Type Name="entt::connection">
<DisplayString>{{ bound={ signal != nullptr } }}</DisplayString>
<Type Name="entt::delegate&lt;*&gt;">
<DisplayString>{{ type={ "$T1" } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[empty]">fn == nullptr</Item>
<Item Name="[data]">instance</Item>
<Type Name="entt::dispatcher">
<DisplayString>{{ size={ pools.size() } }}</DisplayString>
<Synthetic Name="[pools]">
<DisplayString>{ pools.size() }</DisplayString>
<Type Name="entt::internal::dispatcher_handler&lt;*&gt;">
<DisplayString>{{ size={ events.size() }, event={ "$T1" } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[signal]">signal</Item>
<Type Name="entt::scoped_connection">
<DisplayString>{ conn }</DisplayString>
<Type Name="entt::sigh&lt;*&gt;">
<DisplayString>{{ size={ calls.size() }, type={ "$T1" } }}</DisplayString>
<Type Name="entt::sink&lt;*&gt;">
<DisplayString>{{ type={ "$T1" } }}</DisplayString>
<Item Name="[signal]">signal,na</Item>
<Item Name="[offset]">offset</Item>

+ 2
- 2
modules/entt/scripts/ View File

@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ echo "Sedding..."
# change the url in the formula file
# the slashes in the URL must be escaped
ESCAPED_URL="$(sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g' <<< "$URL")"
ESCAPED_URL="$(echo "$URL" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')"
sed -i -e '/url/s/".*"/"'$ESCAPED_URL'"/' $FORMULA
# change the hash in the formula file
sed -i -e '/sha256/s/".*"/"'$HASH'"/' $FORMULA
# delete temporary file created by sed
rm "$FORMULA-e"
rm -rf "$FORMULA-e"
# update remote repo
echo "Gitting..."

+ 0
- 3
modules/entt/scripts/ View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
scripts/ $1

+ 62795
- 12499
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File

+ 65
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modules/entt/src/entt/config/config.h View File

@ -1,44 +1,79 @@
#include "version.h"
#define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept
#define ENTT_HS_SUFFIX _hs
#endif // ENTT_HS_SUFFIX
#if defined(__cpp_exceptions) && !defined(ENTT_NOEXCEPTION)
# define ENTT_THROW throw
# define ENTT_TRY try
# define ENTT_CATCH catch(...)
# define ENTT_THROW
# define ENTT_TRY if(true)
# define ENTT_CATCH if(false)
# define ENTT_NOEXCEPT noexcept
# define ENTT_NOEXCEPT_IF(expr) noexcept(expr)
# else
# define ENTT_NOEXCEPT_IF(...)
#include <atomic>
template<typename Type>
using maybe_atomic_t = std::atomic<Type>;
template<typename Type>
using maybe_atomic_t = Type;
#endif // ENTT_NO_ATOMIC
# include <atomic>
# define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) std::atomic<Type>
# define ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) Type
#ifndef ENTT_ID_TYPE
#include <cstdint>
#define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t
#endif // ENTT_ID_TYPE
# include <cstdint>
# define ENTT_ID_TYPE std::uint32_t
# define ENTT_SPARSE_PAGE 4096
# define ENTT_PACKED_PAGE 1024
#define ENTT_PAGE_SIZE 32768
#endif // ENTT_PAGE_SIZE
# define ENTT_ASSERT(...) (void(0))
#elif !defined ENTT_ASSERT
# include <cassert>
# define ENTT_ASSERT(condition, ...) assert(condition)
#ifdef ENTT_NO_ETO
# define ENTT_IGNORE_IF_EMPTY false
# define ENTT_IGNORE_IF_EMPTY true
#include <cassert>
#define ENTT_ASSERT(condition) assert(condition)
#define ENTT_ASSERT(...) ((void)0)
# define ENTT_NONSTD false
# define ENTT_NONSTD true
# if defined __clang__ || defined __GNUC__
# elif defined _MSC_VER
# endif
#if defined _MSC_VER
# pragma detect_mismatch("entt.version", ENTT_VERSION)
# pragma detect_mismatch("entt.noexcept", ENTT_XSTR(ENTT_TRY))
# pragma detect_mismatch("", ENTT_XSTR(ENTT_ID_TYPE))
# pragma detect_mismatch("entt.nonstd", ENTT_XSTR(ENTT_NONSTD))

+ 7
- 0
modules/entt/src/entt/config/macro.h View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#define ENTT_STR(arg) #arg
#define ENTT_XSTR(arg) ENTT_STR(arg)

+ 7
- 4
modules/entt/src/entt/config/version.h View File

@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
#include "macro.h"
#define ENTT_VERSION "3.1.0"
#define ENTT_VERSION \

+ 988
- 0
modules/entt/src/entt/container/dense_map.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../core/compressed_pair.hpp"
#include "../core/iterator.hpp"
#include "../core/memory.hpp"
#include "../core/type_traits.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
template<typename Key, typename Type>
struct dense_map_node final {
using value_type = std::pair<Key, Type>;
template<typename... Args>
dense_map_node(const std::size_t pos, Args &&...args)
: next{pos},
element{std::forward<Args>(args)...} {}
template<typename Allocator, typename... Args>
dense_map_node(std::allocator_arg_t, const Allocator &allocator, const std::size_t pos, Args &&...args)
: next{pos},
element{entt::make_obj_using_allocator<value_type>(allocator, std::forward<Args>(args)...)} {}
template<typename Allocator>
dense_map_node(std::allocator_arg_t, const Allocator &allocator, const dense_map_node &other)
: next{},
element{entt::make_obj_using_allocator<value_type>(allocator, other.element)} {}
template<typename Allocator>
dense_map_node(std::allocator_arg_t, const Allocator &allocator, dense_map_node &&other)
: next{},
element{entt::make_obj_using_allocator<value_type>(allocator, std::move(other.element))} {}
std::size_t next;
value_type element;
template<typename It>
class dense_map_iterator final {
friend class dense_map_iterator;
using first_type = decltype(std::as_const(std::declval<It>()->element.first));
using second_type = decltype((std::declval<It>()->element.second));
using value_type = std::pair<first_type, second_type>;
using pointer = input_iterator_pointer<value_type>;
using reference = value_type;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
dense_map_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: it{} {}
dense_map_iterator(const It iter) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: it{iter} {}
template<typename Other, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<It, Other> && std::is_constructible_v<It, Other>>>
dense_map_iterator(const dense_map_iterator<Other> &other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: it{} {}
dense_map_iterator &operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return ++it, *this;
dense_map_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
dense_map_iterator orig = *this;
return ++(*this), orig;
dense_map_iterator &operator--() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return --it, *this;
dense_map_iterator operator--(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
dense_map_iterator orig = *this;
return operator--(), orig;
dense_map_iterator &operator+=(const difference_type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
it += value;
return *this;
dense_map_iterator operator+(const difference_type value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
dense_map_iterator copy = *this;
return (copy += value);
dense_map_iterator &operator-=(const difference_type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (*this += -value);
dense_map_iterator operator-(const difference_type value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (*this + -value);
[[nodiscard]] reference operator[](const difference_type value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return {it[value].element.first, it[value].element.second};
[[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return operator*();
[[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return {it->element.first, it->element.second};
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
friend std::ptrdiff_t operator-(const dense_map_iterator<ILhs> &, const dense_map_iterator<IRhs> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
friend bool operator==(const dense_map_iterator<ILhs> &, const dense_map_iterator<IRhs> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
friend bool operator<(const dense_map_iterator<ILhs> &, const dense_map_iterator<IRhs> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT;
It it;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] std::ptrdiff_t operator-(const dense_map_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_map_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return -;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const dense_map_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_map_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return ==;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const dense_map_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_map_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs == rhs);
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator<(const dense_map_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_map_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return <;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator>(const dense_map_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_map_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return rhs < lhs;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator<=(const dense_map_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_map_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs > rhs);
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator>=(const dense_map_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_map_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs < rhs);
template<typename It>
class dense_map_local_iterator final {
friend class dense_map_local_iterator;
using first_type = decltype(std::as_const(std::declval<It>()->element.first));
using second_type = decltype((std::declval<It>()->element.second));
using value_type = std::pair<first_type, second_type>;
using pointer = input_iterator_pointer<value_type>;
using reference = value_type;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
dense_map_local_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: it{},
offset{} {}
dense_map_local_iterator(It iter, const std::size_t pos) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: it{iter},
offset{pos} {}
template<typename Other, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<It, Other> && std::is_constructible_v<It, Other>>>
dense_map_local_iterator(const dense_map_local_iterator<Other> &other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: it{},
offset{other.offset} {}
dense_map_local_iterator &operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return offset = it[offset].next, *this;
dense_map_local_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
dense_map_local_iterator orig = *this;
return ++(*this), orig;
[[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return operator*();
[[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return {it[offset].element.first, it[offset].element.second};
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t index() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return offset;
It it;
std::size_t offset;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const dense_map_local_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_map_local_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return lhs.index() == rhs.index();
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const dense_map_local_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_map_local_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs == rhs);
} // namespace internal
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
* @brief Associative container for key-value pairs with unique keys.
* Internally, elements are organized into buckets. Which bucket an element is
* placed into depends entirely on the hash of its key. Keys with the same hash
* code appear in the same bucket.
* @tparam Key Key type of the associative container.
* @tparam Type Mapped type of the associative container.
* @tparam Hash Type of function to use to hash the keys.
* @tparam KeyEqual Type of function to use to compare the keys for equality.
* @tparam Allocator Type of allocator used to manage memory and elements.
template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Hash, typename KeyEqual, typename Allocator>
class dense_map {
static constexpr float default_threshold = 0.875f;
static constexpr std::size_t minimum_capacity = 8u;
using node_type = internal::dense_map_node<Key, Type>;
using alloc_traits = typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename alloc_traits::value_type, std::pair<const Key, Type>>, "Invalid value type");
using sparse_container_type = std::vector<std::size_t, typename alloc_traits::template rebind_alloc<std::size_t>>;
using packed_container_type = std::vector<node_type, typename alloc_traits::template rebind_alloc<node_type>>;
template<typename Other>
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t key_to_bucket(const Other &key) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return fast_mod(sparse.second()(key), bucket_count());
template<typename Other>
[[nodiscard]] auto constrained_find(const Other &key, std::size_t bucket) {
for(auto it = begin(bucket), last = end(bucket); it != last; ++it) {
if(packed.second()(it->first, key)) {
return begin() + static_cast<typename iterator::difference_type>(it.index());
return end();
template<typename Other>
[[nodiscard]] auto constrained_find(const Other &key, std::size_t bucket) const {
for(auto it = cbegin(bucket), last = cend(bucket); it != last; ++it) {
if(packed.second()(it->first, key)) {
return cbegin() + static_cast<typename iterator::difference_type>(it.index());
return cend();
template<typename Other, typename... Args>
[[nodiscard]] auto insert_or_do_nothing(Other &&key, Args &&...args) {
const auto index = key_to_bucket(key);
if(auto it = constrained_find(key, index); it != end()) {
return std::make_pair(it, false);
packed.first().emplace_back(sparse.first()[index], std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Other>(key)), std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
sparse.first()[index] = packed.first().size() - 1u;
return std::make_pair(--end(), true);
template<typename Other, typename Arg>
[[nodiscard]] auto insert_or_overwrite(Other &&key, Arg &&value) {
const auto index = key_to_bucket(key);
if(auto it = constrained_find(key, index); it != end()) {
it->second = std::forward<Arg>(value);
return std::make_pair(it, false);
packed.first().emplace_back(sparse.first()[index], std::forward<Other>(key), std::forward<Arg>(value));
sparse.first()[index] = packed.first().size() - 1u;
return std::make_pair(--end(), true);
void move_and_pop(const std::size_t pos) {
if(const auto last = size() - 1u; pos != last) {
packed.first()[pos] = std::move(packed.first().back());
size_type *curr = sparse.first().data() + key_to_bucket(packed.first().back().element.first);
for(; *curr != last; curr = &packed.first()[*curr].next) {}
*curr = pos;
void rehash_if_required() {
if(size() > (bucket_count() * max_load_factor())) {
rehash(bucket_count() * 2u);
/*! @brief Key type of the container. */
using key_type = Key;
/*! @brief Mapped type of the container. */
using mapped_type = Type;
/*! @brief Key-value type of the container. */
using value_type = std::pair<const Key, Type>;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using size_type = std::size_t;
/*! @brief Type of function to use to hash the keys. */
using hasher = Hash;
/*! @brief Type of function to use to compare the keys for equality. */
using key_equal = KeyEqual;
/*! @brief Allocator type. */
using allocator_type = Allocator;
/*! @brief Input iterator type. */
using iterator = internal::dense_map_iterator<typename packed_container_type::iterator>;
/*! @brief Constant input iterator type. */
using const_iterator = internal::dense_map_iterator<typename packed_container_type::const_iterator>;
/*! @brief Input iterator type. */
using local_iterator = internal::dense_map_local_iterator<typename packed_container_type::iterator>;
/*! @brief Constant input iterator type. */
using const_local_iterator = internal::dense_map_local_iterator<typename packed_container_type::const_iterator>;
/*! @brief Default constructor. */
: dense_map(minimum_capacity) {}
* @brief Constructs an empty container with a given allocator.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
explicit dense_map(const allocator_type &allocator)
: dense_map{minimum_capacity, hasher{}, key_equal{}, allocator} {}
* @brief Constructs an empty container with a given allocator and user
* supplied minimal number of buckets.
* @param bucket_count Minimal number of buckets.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
dense_map(const size_type bucket_count, const allocator_type &allocator)
: dense_map{bucket_count, hasher{}, key_equal{}, allocator} {}
* @brief Constructs an empty container with a given allocator, hash
* function and user supplied minimal number of buckets.
* @param bucket_count Minimal number of buckets.
* @param hash Hash function to use.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
dense_map(const size_type bucket_count, const hasher &hash, const allocator_type &allocator)
: dense_map{bucket_count, hash, key_equal{}, allocator} {}
* @brief Constructs an empty container with a given allocator, hash
* function, compare function and user supplied minimal number of buckets.
* @param bucket_count Minimal number of buckets.
* @param hash Hash function to use.
* @param equal Compare function to use.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
explicit dense_map(const size_type bucket_count, const hasher &hash = hasher{}, const key_equal &equal = key_equal{}, const allocator_type &allocator = allocator_type{})
: sparse{allocator, hash},
packed{allocator, equal},
threshold{default_threshold} {
/*! @brief Default copy constructor. */
dense_map(const dense_map &) = default;
* @brief Allocator-extended copy constructor.
* @param other The instance to copy from.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
dense_map(const dense_map &other, const allocator_type &allocator)
: sparse{std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(other.sparse.first(), allocator), std::forward_as_tuple(other.sparse.second())},
packed{std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(other.packed.first(), allocator), std::forward_as_tuple(other.packed.second())},
threshold{other.threshold} {}
/*! @brief Default move constructor. */
dense_map(dense_map &&) = default;
* @brief Allocator-extended move constructor.
* @param other The instance to move from.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
dense_map(dense_map &&other, const allocator_type &allocator)
: sparse{std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(other.sparse.first()), allocator), std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(other.sparse.second()))},
packed{std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(other.packed.first()), allocator), std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(other.packed.second()))},
threshold{other.threshold} {}
* @brief Default copy assignment operator.
* @return This container.
dense_map &operator=(const dense_map &) = default;
* @brief Default move assignment operator.
* @return This container.
dense_map &operator=(dense_map &&) = default;
* @brief Returns the associated allocator.
* @return The associated allocator.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr allocator_type get_allocator() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return sparse.first().get_allocator();
* @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning.
* The returned iterator points to the first instance of the internal array.
* If the array is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to `end()`.
* @return An iterator to the first instance of the internal array.
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator cbegin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return packed.first().begin();
/*! @copydoc cbegin */
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return cbegin();
/*! @copydoc begin */
[[nodiscard]] iterator begin() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return packed.first().begin();
* @brief Returns an iterator to the end.
* The returned iterator points to the element following the last instance
* of the internal array. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator
* results in undefined behavior.
* @return An iterator to the element following the last instance of the
* internal array.
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator cend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return packed.first().end();
/*! @copydoc cend */
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return cend();
/*! @copydoc end */
[[nodiscard]] iterator end() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return packed.first().end();
* @brief Checks whether a container is empty.
* @return True if the container is empty, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return packed.first().empty();
* @brief Returns the number of elements in a container.
* @return Number of elements in a container.
[[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return packed.first().size();
/*! @brief Clears the container. */
void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
* @brief Inserts an element into the container, if the key does not exist.
* @param value A key-value pair eventually convertible to the value type.
* @return A pair consisting of an iterator to the inserted element (or to
* the element that prevented the insertion) and a bool denoting whether the
* insertion took place.
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type &value) {
return insert_or_do_nothing(value.first, value.second);
/*! @copydoc insert */
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(value_type &&value) {
return insert_or_do_nothing(std::move(value.first), std::move(value.second));
* @copydoc insert
* @tparam Arg Type of the key-value pair to insert into the container.
template<typename Arg>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible_v<value_type, Arg &&>, std::pair<iterator, bool>>
insert(Arg &&value) {
return insert_or_do_nothing(std::forward<Arg>(value).first, std::forward<Arg>(value).second);
* @brief Inserts elements into the container, if their keys do not exist.
* @tparam It Type of input iterator.
* @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of elements.
* @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of elements.
template<typename It>
void insert(It first, It last) {
for(; first != last; ++first) {
* @brief Inserts an element into the container or assigns to the current
* element if the key already exists.
* @tparam Arg Type of the value to insert or assign.
* @param key A key used both to look up and to insert if not found.
* @param value A value to insert or assign.
* @return A pair consisting of an iterator to the element and a bool
* denoting whether the insertion took place.
template<typename Arg>
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(const key_type &key, Arg &&value) {
return insert_or_overwrite(key, std::forward<Arg>(value));
/*! @copydoc insert_or_assign */
template<typename Arg>
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(key_type &&key, Arg &&value) {
return insert_or_overwrite(std::move(key), std::forward<Arg>(value));
* @brief Constructs an element in-place, if the key does not exist.
* The element is also constructed when the container already has the key,
* in which case the newly constructed object is destroyed immediately.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to forward to the constructor of the
* element.
* @param args Arguments to forward to the constructor of the element.
* @return A pair consisting of an iterator to the inserted element (or to
* the element that prevented the insertion) and a bool denoting whether the
* insertion took place.
template<typename... Args>
std::pair<iterator, bool> emplace([[maybe_unused]] Args &&...args) {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Args) == 0u) {
return insert_or_do_nothing(key_type{});
} else if constexpr(sizeof...(Args) == 1u) {
return insert_or_do_nothing(std::forward<Args>(args).first..., std::forward<Args>(args).second...);
} else if constexpr(sizeof...(Args) == 2u) {
return insert_or_do_nothing(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} else {
auto &node = packed.first().emplace_back(packed.first().size(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
const auto index = key_to_bucket(node.element.first);
if(auto it = constrained_find(node.element.first, index); it != end()) {
return std::make_pair(it, false);
std::swap(, sparse.first()[index]);
return std::make_pair(--end(), true);
* @brief Inserts in-place if the key does not exist, does nothing if the
* key exists.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to forward to the constructor of the
* element.
* @param key A key used both to look up and to insert if not found.
* @param args Arguments to forward to the constructor of the element.
* @return A pair consisting of an iterator to the inserted element (or to
* the element that prevented the insertion) and a bool denoting whether the
* insertion took place.
template<typename... Args>
std::pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(const key_type &key, Args &&...args) {
return insert_or_do_nothing(key, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
/*! @copydoc try_emplace */
template<typename... Args>
std::pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(key_type &&key, Args &&...args) {
return insert_or_do_nothing(std::move(key), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Removes an element from a given position.
* @param pos An iterator to the element to remove.
* @return An iterator following the removed element.
iterator erase(const_iterator pos) {
const auto diff = pos - cbegin();
return begin() + diff;
* @brief Removes the given elements from a container.
* @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of elements.
* @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of elements.
* @return An iterator following the last removed element.
iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
const auto dist = first - cbegin();
for(auto from = last - cbegin(); from != dist; --from) {
erase(packed.first()[from - 1u].element.first);
return (begin() + dist);
* @brief Removes the element associated with a given key.
* @param key A key value of an element to remove.
* @return Number of elements removed (either 0 or 1).
size_type erase(const key_type &key) {
for(size_type *curr = sparse.first().data() + key_to_bucket(key); *curr != (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)(); curr = &packed.first()[*curr].next) {
if(packed.second()(packed.first()[*curr].element.first, key)) {
const auto index = *curr;
*curr = packed.first()[*curr].next;
return 1u;
return 0u;
* @brief Exchanges the contents with those of a given container.
* @param other Container to exchange the content with.
void swap(dense_map &other) {
using std::swap;
swap(sparse, other.sparse);
swap(packed, other.packed);
swap(threshold, other.threshold);
* @brief Accesses a given element with bounds checking.
* @param key A key of an element to find.
* @return A reference to the mapped value of the requested element.
[[nodiscard]] mapped_type &at(const key_type &key) {
auto it = find(key);
ENTT_ASSERT(it != end(), "Invalid key");
return it->second;
/*! @copydoc at */
[[nodiscard]] const mapped_type &at(const key_type &key) const {
auto it = find(key);
ENTT_ASSERT(it != cend(), "Invalid key");
return it->second;
* @brief Accesses or inserts a given element.
* @param key A key of an element to find or insert.
* @return A reference to the mapped value of the requested element.
[[nodiscard]] mapped_type &operator[](const key_type &key) {
return insert_or_do_nothing(key).first->second;
* @brief Accesses or inserts a given element.
* @param key A key of an element to find or insert.
* @return A reference to the mapped value of the requested element.
[[nodiscard]] mapped_type &operator[](key_type &&key) {
return insert_or_do_nothing(std::move(key)).first->second;
* @brief Finds an element with a given key.
* @param key Key value of an element to search for.
* @return An iterator to an element with the given key. If no such element
* is found, a past-the-end iterator is returned.
[[nodiscard]] iterator find(const key_type &key) {
return constrained_find(key, key_to_bucket(key));
/*! @copydoc find */
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator find(const key_type &key) const {
return constrained_find(key, key_to_bucket(key));
* @brief Finds an element with a key that compares _equivalent_ to a given
* value.
* @tparam Other Type of the key value of an element to search for.
* @param key Key value of an element to search for.
* @return An iterator to an element with the given key. If no such element
* is found, a past-the-end iterator is returned.
template<typename Other>
[[nodiscard]] std::enable_if_t<is_transparent_v<hasher> && is_transparent_v<key_equal>, std::conditional_t<false, Other, iterator>>
find(const Other &key) {
return constrained_find(key, key_to_bucket(key));
/*! @copydoc find */
template<typename Other>
[[nodiscard]] std::enable_if_t<is_transparent_v<hasher> && is_transparent_v<key_equal>, std::conditional_t<false, Other, const_iterator>>
find(const Other &key) const {
return constrained_find(key, key_to_bucket(key));
* @brief Checks if the container contains an element with a given key.
* @param key Key value of an element to search for.
* @return True if there is such an element, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool contains(const key_type &key) const {
return (find(key) != cend());
* @brief Checks if the container contains an element with a key that
* compares _equivalent_ to a given value.
* @tparam Other Type of the key value of an element to search for.
* @param key Key value of an element to search for.
* @return True if there is such an element, false otherwise.
template<typename Other>
[[nodiscard]] std::enable_if_t<is_transparent_v<hasher> && is_transparent_v<key_equal>, std::conditional_t<false, Other, bool>>
contains(const Other &key) const {
return (find(key) != cend());
* @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning of a given bucket.
* @param index An index of a bucket to access.
* @return An iterator to the beginning of the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] const_local_iterator cbegin(const size_type index) const {
return {packed.first().begin(), sparse.first()[index]};
* @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning of a given bucket.
* @param index An index of a bucket to access.
* @return An iterator to the beginning of the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] const_local_iterator begin(const size_type index) const {
return cbegin(index);
* @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning of a given bucket.
* @param index An index of a bucket to access.
* @return An iterator to the beginning of the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] local_iterator begin(const size_type index) {
return {packed.first().begin(), sparse.first()[index]};
* @brief Returns an iterator to the end of a given bucket.
* @param index An index of a bucket to access.
* @return An iterator to the end of the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] const_local_iterator cend([[maybe_unused]] const size_type index) const {
return {packed.first().begin(), (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)()};
* @brief Returns an iterator to the end of a given bucket.
* @param index An index of a bucket to access.
* @return An iterator to the end of the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] const_local_iterator end([[maybe_unused]] const size_type index) const {
return cend(index);
* @brief Returns an iterator to the end of a given bucket.
* @param index An index of a bucket to access.
* @return An iterator to the end of the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] local_iterator end([[maybe_unused]] const size_type index) {
return {packed.first().begin(), (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)()};
* @brief Returns the number of buckets.
* @return The number of buckets.
[[nodiscard]] size_type bucket_count() const {
return sparse.first().size();
* @brief Returns the maximum number of buckets.
* @return The maximum number of buckets.
[[nodiscard]] size_type max_bucket_count() const {
return sparse.first().max_size();
* @brief Returns the number of elements in a given bucket.
* @param index The index of the bucket to examine.
* @return The number of elements in the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] size_type bucket_size(const size_type index) const {
return static_cast<size_type>(std::distance(begin(index), end(index)));
* @brief Returns the bucket for a given key.
* @param key The value of the key to examine.
* @return The bucket for the given key.
[[nodiscard]] size_type bucket(const key_type &key) const {
return key_to_bucket(key);
* @brief Returns the average number of elements per bucket.
* @return The average number of elements per bucket.
[[nodiscard]] float load_factor() const {
return size() / static_cast<float>(bucket_count());
* @brief Returns the maximum average number of elements per bucket.
* @return The maximum average number of elements per bucket.
[[nodiscard]] float max_load_factor() const {
return threshold;
* @brief Sets the desired maximum average number of elements per bucket.
* @param value A desired maximum average number of elements per bucket.
void max_load_factor(const float value) {
ENTT_ASSERT(value > 0.f, "Invalid load factor");
threshold = value;
* @brief Reserves at least the specified number of buckets and regenerates
* the hash table.
* @param count New number of buckets.
void rehash(const size_type count) {
auto value = (std::max)(count, minimum_capacity);
value = (std::max)(value, static_cast<size_type>(size() / max_load_factor()));
if(const auto sz = next_power_of_two(value); sz != bucket_count()) {
std::fill(sparse.first().begin(), sparse.first().end(), (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)());
for(size_type pos{}, last = size(); pos < last; ++pos) {
const auto index = key_to_bucket(packed.first()[pos].element.first);
packed.first()[pos].next = std::exchange(sparse.first()[index], pos);
* @brief Reserves space for at least the specified number of elements and
* regenerates the hash table.
* @param count New number of elements.
void reserve(const size_type count) {
rehash(static_cast<size_type>(std::ceil(count / max_load_factor())));
* @brief Returns the function used to hash the keys.
* @return The function used to hash the keys.
[[nodiscard]] hasher hash_function() const {
return sparse.second();
* @brief Returns the function used to compare keys for equality.
* @return The function used to compare keys for equality.
[[nodiscard]] key_equal key_eq() const {
return packed.second();
compressed_pair<sparse_container_type, hasher> sparse;
compressed_pair<packed_container_type, key_equal> packed;
float threshold;
} // namespace entt
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace std {
template<typename Key, typename Value, typename Allocator>
struct uses_allocator<entt::internal::dense_map_node<Key, Value>, Allocator>
: std::true_type {};
} // namespace std
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond

+ 823
- 0
modules/entt/src/entt/container/dense_set.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,823 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../core/compressed_pair.hpp"
#include "../core/memory.hpp"
#include "../core/type_traits.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
template<typename It>
class dense_set_iterator final {
friend class dense_set_iterator;
using value_type = typename It::value_type::second_type;
using pointer = const value_type *;
using reference = const value_type &;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
dense_set_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: it{} {}
dense_set_iterator(const It iter) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: it{iter} {}
template<typename Other, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<It, Other> && std::is_constructible_v<It, Other>>>
dense_set_iterator(const dense_set_iterator<Other> &other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: it{} {}
dense_set_iterator &operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return ++it, *this;
dense_set_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
dense_set_iterator orig = *this;
return ++(*this), orig;
dense_set_iterator &operator--() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return --it, *this;
dense_set_iterator operator--(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
dense_set_iterator orig = *this;
return operator--(), orig;
dense_set_iterator &operator+=(const difference_type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
it += value;
return *this;
dense_set_iterator operator+(const difference_type value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
dense_set_iterator copy = *this;
return (copy += value);
dense_set_iterator &operator-=(const difference_type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (*this += -value);
dense_set_iterator operator-(const difference_type value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (*this + -value);
[[nodiscard]] reference operator[](const difference_type value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return it[value].second;
[[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return std::addressof(it->second);
[[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return *operator->();
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
friend std::ptrdiff_t operator-(const dense_set_iterator<ILhs> &, const dense_set_iterator<IRhs> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
friend bool operator==(const dense_set_iterator<ILhs> &, const dense_set_iterator<IRhs> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
friend bool operator<(const dense_set_iterator<ILhs> &, const dense_set_iterator<IRhs> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT;
It it;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] std::ptrdiff_t operator-(const dense_set_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_set_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return -;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const dense_set_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_set_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return ==;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const dense_set_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_set_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs == rhs);
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator<(const dense_set_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_set_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return <;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator>(const dense_set_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_set_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return rhs < lhs;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator<=(const dense_set_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_set_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs > rhs);
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator>=(const dense_set_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_set_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs < rhs);
template<typename It>
class dense_set_local_iterator final {
friend class dense_set_local_iterator;
using value_type = typename It::value_type::second_type;
using pointer = const value_type *;
using reference = const value_type &;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
dense_set_local_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: it{},
offset{} {}
dense_set_local_iterator(It iter, const std::size_t pos) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: it{iter},
offset{pos} {}
template<typename Other, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<It, Other> && std::is_constructible_v<It, Other>>>
dense_set_local_iterator(const dense_set_local_iterator<Other> &other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: it{},
offset{other.offset} {}
dense_set_local_iterator &operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return offset = it[offset].first, *this;
dense_set_local_iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
dense_set_local_iterator orig = *this;
return ++(*this), orig;
[[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return std::addressof(it[offset].second);
[[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return *operator->();
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t index() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return offset;
It it;
std::size_t offset;
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const dense_set_local_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_set_local_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return lhs.index() == rhs.index();
template<typename ILhs, typename IRhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const dense_set_local_iterator<ILhs> &lhs, const dense_set_local_iterator<IRhs> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs == rhs);
} // namespace internal
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
* @brief Associative container for unique objects of a given type.
* Internally, elements are organized into buckets. Which bucket an element is
* placed into depends entirely on its hash. Elements with the same hash code
* appear in the same bucket.
* @tparam Type Value type of the associative container.
* @tparam Hash Type of function to use to hash the values.
* @tparam KeyEqual Type of function to use to compare the values for equality.
* @tparam Allocator Type of allocator used to manage memory and elements.
template<typename Type, typename Hash, typename KeyEqual, typename Allocator>
class dense_set {
static constexpr float default_threshold = 0.875f;
static constexpr std::size_t minimum_capacity = 8u;
using node_type = std::pair<std::size_t, Type>;
using alloc_traits = std::allocator_traits<Allocator>;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename alloc_traits::value_type, Type>, "Invalid value type");
using sparse_container_type = std::vector<std::size_t, typename alloc_traits::template rebind_alloc<std::size_t>>;
using packed_container_type = std::vector<node_type, typename alloc_traits::template rebind_alloc<node_type>>;
template<typename Other>
[[nodiscard]] std::size_t value_to_bucket(const Other &value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return fast_mod(sparse.second()(value), bucket_count());
template<typename Other>
[[nodiscard]] auto constrained_find(const Other &value, std::size_t bucket) {
for(auto it = begin(bucket), last = end(bucket); it != last; ++it) {
if(packed.second()(*it, value)) {
return begin() + static_cast<typename iterator::difference_type>(it.index());
return end();
template<typename Other>
[[nodiscard]] auto constrained_find(const Other &value, std::size_t bucket) const {
for(auto it = cbegin(bucket), last = cend(bucket); it != last; ++it) {
if(packed.second()(*it, value)) {
return cbegin() + static_cast<typename iterator::difference_type>(it.index());
return cend();
template<typename Other>
[[nodiscard]] auto insert_or_do_nothing(Other &&value) {
const auto index = value_to_bucket(value);
if(auto it = constrained_find(value, index); it != end()) {
return std::make_pair(it, false);
packed.first().emplace_back(sparse.first()[index], std::forward<Other>(value));
sparse.first()[index] = packed.first().size() - 1u;
return std::make_pair(--end(), true);
void move_and_pop(const std::size_t pos) {
if(const auto last = size() - 1u; pos != last) {
packed.first()[pos] = std::move(packed.first().back());
size_type *curr = sparse.first().data() + value_to_bucket(packed.first().back().second);
for(; *curr != last; curr = &packed.first()[*curr].first) {}
*curr = pos;
void rehash_if_required() {
if(size() > (bucket_count() * max_load_factor())) {
rehash(bucket_count() * 2u);
/*! @brief Key type of the container. */
using key_type = Type;
/*! @brief Value type of the container. */
using value_type = Type;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using size_type = std::size_t;
/*! @brief Type of function to use to hash the elements. */
using hasher = Hash;
/*! @brief Type of function to use to compare the elements for equality. */
using key_equal = KeyEqual;
/*! @brief Allocator type. */
using allocator_type = Allocator;
/*! @brief Random access iterator type. */
using iterator = internal::dense_set_iterator<typename packed_container_type::iterator>;
/*! @brief Constant random access iterator type. */
using const_iterator = internal::dense_set_iterator<typename packed_container_type::const_iterator>;
/*! @brief Forward iterator type. */
using local_iterator = internal::dense_set_local_iterator<typename packed_container_type::iterator>;
/*! @brief Constant forward iterator type. */
using const_local_iterator = internal::dense_set_local_iterator<typename packed_container_type::const_iterator>;
/*! @brief Default constructor. */
: dense_set(minimum_capacity) {}
* @brief Constructs an empty container with a given allocator.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
explicit dense_set(const allocator_type &allocator)
: dense_set{minimum_capacity, hasher{}, key_equal{}, allocator} {}
* @brief Constructs an empty container with a given allocator and user
* supplied minimal number of buckets.
* @param bucket_count Minimal number of buckets.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
dense_set(const size_type bucket_count, const allocator_type &allocator)
: dense_set{bucket_count, hasher{}, key_equal{}, allocator} {}
* @brief Constructs an empty container with a given allocator, hash
* function and user supplied minimal number of buckets.
* @param bucket_count Minimal number of buckets.
* @param hash Hash function to use.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
dense_set(const size_type bucket_count, const hasher &hash, const allocator_type &allocator)
: dense_set{bucket_count, hash, key_equal{}, allocator} {}
* @brief Constructs an empty container with a given allocator, hash
* function, compare function and user supplied minimal number of buckets.
* @param bucket_count Minimal number of buckets.
* @param hash Hash function to use.
* @param equal Compare function to use.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
explicit dense_set(const size_type bucket_count, const hasher &hash = hasher{}, const key_equal &equal = key_equal{}, const allocator_type &allocator = allocator_type{})
: sparse{allocator, hash},
packed{allocator, equal},
threshold{default_threshold} {
/*! @brief Default copy constructor. */
dense_set(const dense_set &) = default;
* @brief Allocator-extended copy constructor.
* @param other The instance to copy from.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
dense_set(const dense_set &other, const allocator_type &allocator)
: sparse{std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(other.sparse.first(), allocator), std::forward_as_tuple(other.sparse.second())},
packed{std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(other.packed.first(), allocator), std::forward_as_tuple(other.packed.second())},
threshold{other.threshold} {}
/*! @brief Default move constructor. */
dense_set(dense_set &&) = default;
* @brief Allocator-extended move constructor.
* @param other The instance to move from.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
dense_set(dense_set &&other, const allocator_type &allocator)
: sparse{std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(other.sparse.first()), allocator), std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(other.sparse.second()))},
packed{std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(other.packed.first()), allocator), std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(other.packed.second()))},
threshold{other.threshold} {}
* @brief Default copy assignment operator.
* @return This container.
dense_set &operator=(const dense_set &) = default;
* @brief Default move assignment operator.
* @return This container.
dense_set &operator=(dense_set &&) = default;
* @brief Returns the associated allocator.
* @return The associated allocator.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr allocator_type get_allocator() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return sparse.first().get_allocator();
* @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning.
* The returned iterator points to the first instance of the internal array.
* If the array is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to `end()`.
* @return An iterator to the first instance of the internal array.
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator cbegin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return packed.first().begin();
/*! @copydoc cbegin */
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return cbegin();
/*! @copydoc begin */
[[nodiscard]] iterator begin() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return packed.first().begin();
* @brief Returns an iterator to the end.
* The returned iterator points to the element following the last instance
* of the internal array. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator
* results in undefined behavior.
* @return An iterator to the element following the last instance of the
* internal array.
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator cend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return packed.first().end();
/*! @copydoc cend */
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return cend();
/*! @copydoc end */
[[nodiscard]] iterator end() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return packed.first().end();
* @brief Checks whether a container is empty.
* @return True if the container is empty, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return packed.first().empty();
* @brief Returns the number of elements in a container.
* @return Number of elements in a container.
[[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return packed.first().size();
/*! @brief Clears the container. */
void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
* @brief Inserts an element into the container, if it does not exist.
* @param value An element to insert into the container.
* @return A pair consisting of an iterator to the inserted element (or to
* the element that prevented the insertion) and a bool denoting whether the
* insertion took place.
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type &value) {
return insert_or_do_nothing(value);
/*! @copydoc insert */
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(value_type &&value) {
return insert_or_do_nothing(std::move(value));
* @brief Inserts elements into the container, if they do not exist.
* @tparam It Type of input iterator.
* @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of elements.
* @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of elements.
template<typename It>
void insert(It first, It last) {
for(; first != last; ++first) {
* @brief Constructs an element in-place, if it does not exist.
* The element is also constructed when the container already has the key,
* in which case the newly constructed object is destroyed immediately.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to forward to the constructor of the
* element.
* @param args Arguments to forward to the constructor of the element.
* @return A pair consisting of an iterator to the inserted element (or to
* the element that prevented the insertion) and a bool denoting whether the
* insertion took place.
template<typename... Args>
std::pair<iterator, bool> emplace(Args &&...args) {
if constexpr(((sizeof...(Args) == 1u) && ... && std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Args>>, value_type>)) {
return insert_or_do_nothing(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} else {
auto &node = packed.first().emplace_back(std::piecewise_construct, std::make_tuple(packed.first().size()), std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
const auto index = value_to_bucket(node.second);
if(auto it = constrained_find(node.second, index); it != end()) {
return std::make_pair(it, false);
std::swap(node.first, sparse.first()[index]);
return std::make_pair(--end(), true);
* @brief Removes an element from a given position.
* @param pos An iterator to the element to remove.
* @return An iterator following the removed element.
iterator erase(const_iterator pos) {
const auto diff = pos - cbegin();
return begin() + diff;
* @brief Removes the given elements from a container.
* @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of elements.
* @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of elements.
* @return An iterator following the last removed element.
iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
const auto dist = first - cbegin();
for(auto from = last - cbegin(); from != dist; --from) {
erase(packed.first()[from - 1u].second);
return (begin() + dist);
* @brief Removes the element associated with a given value.
* @param value Value of an element to remove.
* @return Number of elements removed (either 0 or 1).
size_type erase(const value_type &value) {
for(size_type *curr = sparse.first().data() + value_to_bucket(value); *curr != (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)(); curr = &packed.first()[*curr].first) {
if(packed.second()(packed.first()[*curr].second, value)) {
const auto index = *curr;
*curr = packed.first()[*curr].first;
return 1u;
return 0u;
* @brief Exchanges the contents with those of a given container.
* @param other Container to exchange the content with.
void swap(dense_set &other) {
using std::swap;
swap(sparse, other.sparse);
swap(packed, other.packed);
swap(threshold, other.threshold);
* @brief Finds an element with a given value.
* @param value Value of an element to search for.
* @return An iterator to an element with the given value. If no such
* element is found, a past-the-end iterator is returned.
[[nodiscard]] iterator find(const value_type &value) {
return constrained_find(value, value_to_bucket(value));
/*! @copydoc find */
[[nodiscard]] const_iterator find(const value_type &value) const {
return constrained_find(value, value_to_bucket(value));
* @brief Finds an element that compares _equivalent_ to a given value.
* @tparam Other Type of an element to search for.
* @param value Value of an element to search for.
* @return An iterator to an element with the given value. If no such
* element is found, a past-the-end iterator is returned.
template<typename Other>
[[nodiscard]] std::enable_if_t<is_transparent_v<hasher> && is_transparent_v<key_equal>, std::conditional_t<false, Other, iterator>>
find(const Other &value) {
return constrained_find(value, value_to_bucket(value));
/*! @copydoc find */
template<typename Other>
[[nodiscard]] std::enable_if_t<is_transparent_v<hasher> && is_transparent_v<key_equal>, std::conditional_t<false, Other, const_iterator>>
find(const Other &value) const {
return constrained_find(value, value_to_bucket(value));
* @brief Checks if the container contains an element with a given value.
* @param value Value of an element to search for.
* @return True if there is such an element, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool contains(const value_type &value) const {
return (find(value) != cend());
* @brief Checks if the container contains an element that compares
* _equivalent_ to a given value.
* @tparam Other Type of an element to search for.
* @param value Value of an element to search for.
* @return True if there is such an element, false otherwise.
template<typename Other>
[[nodiscard]] std::enable_if_t<is_transparent_v<hasher> && is_transparent_v<key_equal>, std::conditional_t<false, Other, bool>>
contains(const Other &value) const {
return (find(value) != cend());
* @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning of a given bucket.
* @param index An index of a bucket to access.
* @return An iterator to the beginning of the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] const_local_iterator cbegin(const size_type index) const {
return {packed.first().begin(), sparse.first()[index]};
* @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning of a given bucket.
* @param index An index of a bucket to access.
* @return An iterator to the beginning of the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] const_local_iterator begin(const size_type index) const {
return cbegin(index);
* @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning of a given bucket.
* @param index An index of a bucket to access.
* @return An iterator to the beginning of the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] local_iterator begin(const size_type index) {
return {packed.first().begin(), sparse.first()[index]};
* @brief Returns an iterator to the end of a given bucket.
* @param index An index of a bucket to access.
* @return An iterator to the end of the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] const_local_iterator cend([[maybe_unused]] const size_type index) const {
return {packed.first().begin(), (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)()};
* @brief Returns an iterator to the end of a given bucket.
* @param index An index of a bucket to access.
* @return An iterator to the end of the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] const_local_iterator end([[maybe_unused]] const size_type index) const {
return cend(index);
* @brief Returns an iterator to the end of a given bucket.
* @param index An index of a bucket to access.
* @return An iterator to the end of the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] local_iterator end([[maybe_unused]] const size_type index) {
return {packed.first().begin(), (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)()};
* @brief Returns the number of buckets.
* @return The number of buckets.
[[nodiscard]] size_type bucket_count() const {
return sparse.first().size();
* @brief Returns the maximum number of buckets.
* @return The maximum number of buckets.
[[nodiscard]] size_type max_bucket_count() const {
return sparse.first().max_size();
* @brief Returns the number of elements in a given bucket.
* @param index The index of the bucket to examine.
* @return The number of elements in the given bucket.
[[nodiscard]] size_type bucket_size(const size_type index) const {
return static_cast<size_type>(std::distance(begin(index), end(index)));
* @brief Returns the bucket for a given element.
* @param value The value of the element to examine.
* @return The bucket for the given element.
[[nodiscard]] size_type bucket(const value_type &value) const {
return value_to_bucket(value);
* @brief Returns the average number of elements per bucket.
* @return The average number of elements per bucket.
[[nodiscard]] float load_factor() const {
return size() / static_cast<float>(bucket_count());
* @brief Returns the maximum average number of elements per bucket.
* @return The maximum average number of elements per bucket.
[[nodiscard]] float max_load_factor() const {
return threshold;
* @brief Sets the desired maximum average number of elements per bucket.
* @param value A desired maximum average number of elements per bucket.
void max_load_factor(const float value) {
ENTT_ASSERT(value > 0.f, "Invalid load factor");
threshold = value;
* @brief Reserves at least the specified number of buckets and regenerates
* the hash table.
* @param count New number of buckets.
void rehash(const size_type count) {
auto value = (std::max)(count, minimum_capacity);
value = (std::max)(value, static_cast<size_type>(size() / max_load_factor()));
if(const auto sz = next_power_of_two(value); sz != bucket_count()) {
std::fill(sparse.first().begin(), sparse.first().end(), (std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max)());
for(size_type pos{}, last = size(); pos < last; ++pos) {
const auto index = value_to_bucket(packed.first()[pos].second);
packed.first()[pos].first = std::exchange(sparse.first()[index], pos);
* @brief Reserves space for at least the specified number of elements and
* regenerates the hash table.
* @param count New number of elements.
void reserve(const size_type count) {
rehash(static_cast<size_type>(std::ceil(count / max_load_factor())));
* @brief Returns the function used to hash the elements.
* @return The function used to hash the elements.
[[nodiscard]] hasher hash_function() const {
return sparse.second();
* @brief Returns the function used to compare elements for equality.
* @return The function used to compare elements for equality.
[[nodiscard]] key_equal key_eq() const {
return packed.second();
compressed_pair<sparse_container_type, hasher> sparse;
compressed_pair<packed_container_type, key_equal> packed;
float threshold;
} // namespace entt

+ 26
- 0
modules/entt/src/entt/container/fwd.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
namespace entt {
typename Key,
typename Type,
typename = std::hash<Key>,
typename = std::equal_to<Key>,
typename = std::allocator<std::pair<const Key, Type>>>
class dense_map;
typename Type,
typename = std::hash<Type>,
typename = std::equal_to<Type>,
typename = std::allocator<Type>>
class dense_set;
} // namespace entt

+ 76
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modules/entt/src/entt/core/algorithm.hpp View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "utility.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Function object to wrap `std::sort` in a class type.
@ -33,12 +33,11 @@ struct std_sort {
* @param args Arguments to forward to the sort function, if any.
template<typename It, typename Compare = std::less<>, typename... Args>
void operator()(It first, It last, Compare compare = Compare{}, Args &&... args) const {
void operator()(It first, It last, Compare compare = Compare{}, Args &&...args) const {
std::sort(std::forward<Args>(args)..., std::move(first), std::move(last), std::move(compare));
/*! @brief Function object for performing insertion sort. */
struct insertion_sort {
@ -54,25 +53,85 @@ struct insertion_sort {
template<typename It, typename Compare = std::less<>>
void operator()(It first, It last, Compare compare = Compare{}) const {
if(first != last) {
auto it = first + 1;
while(it != last) {
auto pre = it++;
auto value = *pre;
if(first < last) {
for(auto it = first + 1; it < last; ++it) {
auto value = std::move(*it);
auto pre = it;
while(pre-- != first && compare(value, *pre)) {
*(pre+1) = *pre;
for(; pre > first && compare(value, *(pre - 1)); --pre) {
*pre = std::move(*(pre - 1));
*(pre+1) = value;
*pre = std::move(value);
* @brief Function object for performing LSD radix sort.
* @tparam Bit Number of bits processed per pass.
* @tparam N Maximum number of bits to sort.
template<std::size_t Bit, std::size_t N>
struct radix_sort {
static_assert((N % Bit) == 0, "The maximum number of bits to sort must be a multiple of the number of bits processed per pass");
* @brief Sorts the elements in a range.
* Sorts the elements in a range using the given _getter_ to access the
* actual data to be sorted.
* This implementation is inspired by the online book
* [Physically Based Rendering](
* @tparam It Type of random access iterator.
* @tparam Getter Type of _getter_ function object.
* @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to sort.
* @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to sort.
* @param getter A valid _getter_ function object.
template<typename It, typename Getter = identity>
void operator()(It first, It last, Getter getter = Getter{}) const {
if(first < last) {
static constexpr auto mask = (1 << Bit) - 1;
static constexpr auto buckets = 1 << Bit;
static constexpr auto passes = N / Bit;
using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type;
std::vector<value_type> aux(std::distance(first, last));
auto part = [getter = std::move(getter)](auto from, auto to, auto out, auto start) {
std::size_t index[buckets]{};
std::size_t count[buckets]{};
for(auto it = from; it != to; ++it) {
++count[(getter(*it) >> start) & mask];
for(std::size_t pos{}, end = buckets - 1u; pos < end; ++pos) {
index[pos + 1u] = index[pos] + count[pos];
for(auto it = from; it != to; ++it) {
out[index[(getter(*it) >> start) & mask]++] = std::move(*it);
for(std::size_t pass = 0; pass < (passes & ~1); pass += 2) {
part(first, last, aux.begin(), pass * Bit);
part(aux.begin(), aux.end(), first, (pass + 1) * Bit);
if constexpr(passes & 1) {
part(first, last, aux.begin(), (passes - 1) * Bit);
std::move(aux.begin(), aux.end(), first);
} // namespace entt

+ 490
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modules/entt/src/entt/core/any.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../core/utility.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
#include "type_info.hpp"
#include "type_traits.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief A SBO friendly, type-safe container for single values of any type.
* @tparam Len Size of the storage reserved for the small buffer optimization.
* @tparam Align Optional alignment requirement.
template<std::size_t Len, std::size_t Align>
class basic_any {
enum class operation : std::uint8_t {
enum class policy : std::uint8_t {
using storage_type = std::aligned_storage_t<Len + !Len, Align>;
using vtable_type = const void *(const operation, const basic_any &, const void *);
template<typename Type>
static constexpr bool in_situ = Len && alignof(Type) <= alignof(storage_type) && sizeof(Type) <= sizeof(storage_type) && std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Type>;
template<typename Type>
static const void *basic_vtable([[maybe_unused]] const operation op, [[maybe_unused]] const basic_any &value, [[maybe_unused]] const void *other) {
static_assert(!std::is_same_v<Type, void> && std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>, Type>, "Invalid type");
const Type *element = nullptr;
if constexpr(in_situ<Type>) {
element = value.owner() ? reinterpret_cast<const Type *>(& : static_cast<const Type *>(value.instance);
} else {
element = static_cast<const Type *>(value.instance);
switch(op) {
case operation::copy:
if constexpr(std::is_copy_constructible_v<Type>) {
static_cast<basic_any *>(const_cast<void *>(other))->initialize<Type>(*element);
case operation::move:
if constexpr(in_situ<Type>) {
if(value.owner()) {
return new(&static_cast<basic_any *>(const_cast<void *>(other))->storage) Type{std::move(*const_cast<Type *>(element))};
return (static_cast<basic_any *>(const_cast<void *>(other))->instance = std::exchange(const_cast<basic_any &>(value).instance, nullptr));
case operation::transfer:
if constexpr(std::is_move_assignable_v<Type>) {
*const_cast<Type *>(element) = std::move(*static_cast<Type *>(const_cast<void *>(other)));
return other;
case operation::assign:
if constexpr(std::is_copy_assignable_v<Type>) {
*const_cast<Type *>(element) = *static_cast<const Type *>(other);
return other;
case operation::destroy:
if constexpr(in_situ<Type>) {
} else if constexpr(std::is_array_v<Type>) {
delete[] element;
} else {
delete element;
case operation::compare:
if constexpr(!std::is_function_v<Type> && !std::is_array_v<Type> && is_equality_comparable_v<Type>) {
return *static_cast<const Type *>(element) == *static_cast<const Type *>(other) ? other : nullptr;
} else {
return (element == other) ? other : nullptr;
case operation::get:
return element;
return nullptr;
template<typename Type, typename... Args>
void initialize([[maybe_unused]] Args &&...args) {
if constexpr(!std::is_void_v<Type>) {
info = &type_id<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>();
vtable = basic_vtable<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>;
if constexpr(std::is_lvalue_reference_v<Type>) {
static_assert(sizeof...(Args) == 1u && (std::is_lvalue_reference_v<Args> && ...), "Invalid arguments");
mode = std::is_const_v<std::remove_reference_t<Type>> ? policy::cref : policy::ref;
instance = (std::addressof(args), ...);
} else if constexpr(in_situ<Type>) {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Args) != 0u && std::is_aggregate_v<Type>) {
new(&storage) Type{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
} else {
new(&storage) Type(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} else {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Args) != 0u && std::is_aggregate_v<Type>) {
instance = new Type{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
} else {
instance = new Type(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
basic_any(const basic_any &other, const policy pol) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: instance{},
mode{pol} {}
/*! @brief Size of the internal storage. */
static constexpr auto length = Len;
/*! @brief Alignment requirement. */
static constexpr auto alignment = Align;
/*! @brief Default constructor. */
constexpr basic_any() ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: instance{},
mode{policy::owner} {}
* @brief Constructs a wrapper by directly initializing the new object.
* @tparam Type Type of object to use to initialize the wrapper.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the new instance.
* @param args Parameters to use to construct the instance.
template<typename Type, typename... Args>
explicit basic_any(std::in_place_type_t<Type>, Args &&...args)
: basic_any{} {
* @brief Constructs a wrapper from a given value.
* @tparam Type Type of object to use to initialize the wrapper.
* @param value An instance of an object to use to initialize the wrapper.
template<typename Type, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<Type>, basic_any>>>
basic_any(Type &&value)
: basic_any{} {
* @brief Copy constructor.
* @param other The instance to copy from.
basic_any(const basic_any &other)
: basic_any{} {
if(other.vtable) {
other.vtable(operation::copy, other, this);
* @brief Move constructor.
* @param other The instance to move from.
basic_any(basic_any &&other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: instance{},
mode{other.mode} {
if(other.vtable) {
other.vtable(operation::move, other, this);
/*! @brief Frees the internal storage, whatever it means. */
~basic_any() {
if(vtable && owner()) {
vtable(operation::destroy, *this, nullptr);
* @brief Copy assignment operator.
* @param other The instance to copy from.
* @return This any object.
basic_any &operator=(const basic_any &other) {
if(other.vtable) {
other.vtable(operation::copy, other, this);
return *this;
* @brief Move assignment operator.
* @param other The instance to move from.
* @return This any object.
basic_any &operator=(basic_any &&other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if(other.vtable) {
other.vtable(operation::move, other, this);
info =;
vtable = other.vtable;
mode = other.mode;
return *this;
* @brief Value assignment operator.
* @tparam Type Type of object to use to initialize the wrapper.
* @param value An instance of an object to use to initialize the wrapper.
* @return This any object.
template<typename Type>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<Type>, basic_any>, basic_any &>
operator=(Type &&value) {
return *this;
* @brief Returns the object type if any, `type_id<void>()` otherwise.
* @return The object type if any, `type_id<void>()` otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] const type_info &type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return *info;
* @brief Returns an opaque pointer to the contained instance.
* @return An opaque pointer the contained instance, if any.
[[nodiscard]] const void *data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return vtable ? vtable(operation::get, *this, nullptr) : nullptr;
* @brief Returns an opaque pointer to the contained instance.
* @param req Expected type.
* @return An opaque pointer the contained instance, if any.
[[nodiscard]] const void *data(const type_info &req) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return *info == req ? data() : nullptr;
* @brief Returns an opaque pointer to the contained instance.
* @return An opaque pointer the contained instance, if any.
[[nodiscard]] void *data() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (!vtable || mode == policy::cref) ? nullptr : const_cast<void *>(vtable(operation::get, *this, nullptr));
* @brief Returns an opaque pointer to the contained instance.
* @param req Expected type.
* @return An opaque pointer the contained instance, if any.
[[nodiscard]] void *data(const type_info &req) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return *info == req ? data() : nullptr;
* @brief Replaces the contained object by creating a new instance directly.
* @tparam Type Type of object to use to initialize the wrapper.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the new instance.
* @param args Parameters to use to construct the instance.
template<typename Type, typename... Args>
void emplace(Args &&...args) {
* @brief Assigns a value to the contained object without replacing it.
* @param other The value to assign to the contained object.
* @return True in case of success, false otherwise.
bool assign(const any &other) {
if(vtable && mode != policy::cref && *info == * {
return (vtable(operation::assign, *this, != nullptr);
return false;
/*! @copydoc assign */
bool assign(any &&other) {
if(vtable && mode != policy::cref && *info == * {
if(auto *val =; val) {
return (vtable(operation::transfer, *this, val) != nullptr);
} else {
return (vtable(operation::assign, *this, std::as_const(other).data()) != nullptr);
return false;
/*! @brief Destroys contained object */
void reset() {
if(vtable && owner()) {
vtable(operation::destroy, *this, nullptr);
info = &type_id<void>();
vtable = nullptr;
mode = policy::owner;
* @brief Returns false if a wrapper is empty, true otherwise.
* @return False if the wrapper is empty, true otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return vtable != nullptr;
* @brief Checks if two wrappers differ in their content.
* @param other Wrapper with which to compare.
* @return False if the two objects differ in their content, true otherwise.
bool operator==(const basic_any &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if(vtable && *info == * {
return (vtable(operation::compare, *this, != nullptr);
return (!vtable && !other.vtable);
* @brief Aliasing constructor.
* @return A wrapper that shares a reference to an unmanaged object.
[[nodiscard]] basic_any as_ref() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return basic_any{*this, (mode == policy::cref ? policy::cref : policy::ref)};
/*! @copydoc as_ref */
[[nodiscard]] basic_any as_ref() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return basic_any{*this, policy::cref};
* @brief Returns true if a wrapper owns its object, false otherwise.
* @return True if the wrapper owns its object, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool owner() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (mode == policy::owner);
union {
const void *instance;
storage_type storage;
const type_info *info;
vtable_type *vtable;
policy mode;
* @brief Checks if two wrappers differ in their content.
* @tparam Len Size of the storage reserved for the small buffer optimization.
* @tparam Align Alignment requirement.
* @param lhs A wrapper, either empty or not.
* @param rhs A wrapper, either empty or not.
* @return True if the two wrappers differ in their content, false otherwise.
template<std::size_t Len, std::size_t Align>
[[nodiscard]] inline bool operator!=(const basic_any<Len, Align> &lhs, const basic_any<Len, Align> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs == rhs);
* @brief Performs type-safe access to the contained object.
* @tparam Type Type to which conversion is required.
* @tparam Len Size of the storage reserved for the small buffer optimization.
* @tparam Align Alignment requirement.
* @param data Target any object.
* @return The element converted to the requested type.
template<typename Type, std::size_t Len, std::size_t Align>
Type any_cast(const basic_any<Len, Align> &data) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto *const instance = any_cast<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>(&data);
ENTT_ASSERT(instance, "Invalid instance");
return static_cast<Type>(*instance);
/*! @copydoc any_cast */
template<typename Type, std::size_t Len, std::size_t Align>
Type any_cast(basic_any<Len, Align> &data) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
// forces const on non-reference types to make them work also with wrappers for const references
auto *const instance = any_cast<std::remove_reference_t<const Type>>(&data);
ENTT_ASSERT(instance, "Invalid instance");
return static_cast<Type>(*instance);
/*! @copydoc any_cast */
template<typename Type, std::size_t Len, std::size_t Align>
Type any_cast(basic_any<Len, Align> &&data) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(std::is_copy_constructible_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>) {
if(auto *const instance = any_cast<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>(&data); instance) {
return static_cast<Type>(std::move(*instance));
} else {
return any_cast<Type>(data);
} else {
auto *const instance = any_cast<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>(&data);
ENTT_ASSERT(instance, "Invalid instance");
return static_cast<Type>(std::move(*instance));
/*! @copydoc any_cast */
template<typename Type, std::size_t Len, std::size_t Align>
const Type *any_cast(const basic_any<Len, Align> *data) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto &info = type_id<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>();
return static_cast<const Type *>(data->data(info));
/*! @copydoc any_cast */
template<typename Type, std::size_t Len, std::size_t Align>
Type *any_cast(basic_any<Len, Align> *data) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto &info = type_id<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>();
// last attempt to make wrappers for const references return their values
return static_cast<Type *>(static_cast<constness_as_t<basic_any<Len, Align>, Type> *>(data)->data(info));
* @brief Constructs a wrapper from a given type, passing it all arguments.
* @tparam Type Type of object to use to initialize the wrapper.
* @tparam Len Size of the storage reserved for the small buffer optimization.
* @tparam Align Optional alignment requirement.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the new instance.
* @param args Parameters to use to construct the instance.
* @return A properly initialized wrapper for an object of the given type.
template<typename Type, std::size_t Len = basic_any<>::length, std::size_t Align = basic_any<Len>::alignment, typename... Args>
basic_any<Len, Align> make_any(Args &&...args) {
return basic_any<Len, Align>{std::in_place_type<Type>, std::forward<Args>(args)...};
* @brief Forwards its argument and avoids copies for lvalue references.
* @tparam Len Size of the storage reserved for the small buffer optimization.
* @tparam Align Optional alignment requirement.
* @tparam Type Type of argument to use to construct the new instance.
* @param value Parameter to use to construct the instance.
* @return A properly initialized and not necessarily owning wrapper.
template<std::size_t Len = basic_any<>::length, std::size_t Align = basic_any<Len>::alignment, typename Type>
basic_any<Len, Align> forward_as_any(Type &&value) {
return basic_any<Len, Align>{std::in_place_type<std::conditional_t<std::is_rvalue_reference_v<Type>, std::decay_t<Type>, Type>>, std::forward<Type>(value)};
} // namespace entt

+ 30
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modules/entt/src/entt/core/attribute.h View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined _MSC_VER
# define ENTT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
# define ENTT_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
# define ENTT_HIDDEN
# elif defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4
# define ENTT_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
# define ENTT_IMPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
# define ENTT_HIDDEN __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))
# else /* Unsupported compiler */
# define ENTT_EXPORT
# define ENTT_IMPORT
# define ENTT_HIDDEN
# endif
#ifndef ENTT_API
# if defined ENTT_API_EXPORT
# elif defined ENTT_API_IMPORT
# else /* No API */
# define ENTT_API
# endif

+ 280
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modules/entt/src/entt/core/compressed_pair.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
#include <cstddef>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "type_traits.hpp"
namespace entt {
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
template<typename Type, std::size_t, typename = void>
struct compressed_pair_element {
using reference = Type &;
using const_reference = const Type &;
template<bool Dummy = true, typename = std::enable_if_t<Dummy && std::is_default_constructible_v<Type>>>
: value{} {}
template<typename Args, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Args>>, compressed_pair_element>>>
compressed_pair_element(Args &&args)
: value{std::forward<Args>(args)} {}
template<typename... Args, std::size_t... Index>
compressed_pair_element(std::tuple<Args...> args, std::index_sequence<Index...>)
: value{std::forward<Args>(std::get<Index>(args))...} {}
[[nodiscard]] reference get() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return value;
[[nodiscard]] const_reference get() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return value;
Type value;
template<typename Type, std::size_t Tag>
struct compressed_pair_element<Type, Tag, std::enable_if_t<is_ebco_eligible_v<Type>>>: Type {
using reference = Type &;
using const_reference = const Type &;
using base_type = Type;
template<bool Dummy = true, typename = std::enable_if_t<Dummy && std::is_default_constructible_v<base_type>>>
: base_type{} {}
template<typename Args, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Args>>, compressed_pair_element>>>
compressed_pair_element(Args &&args)
: base_type{std::forward<Args>(args)} {}
template<typename... Args, std::size_t... Index>
compressed_pair_element(std::tuple<Args...> args, std::index_sequence<Index...>)
: base_type{std::forward<Args>(std::get<Index>(args))...} {}
[[nodiscard]] reference get() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return *this;
[[nodiscard]] const_reference get() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return *this;
} // namespace internal
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
* @brief A compressed pair.
* A pair that exploits the _Empty Base Class Optimization_ (or _EBCO_) to
* reduce its final size to a minimum.
* @tparam First The type of the first element that the pair stores.
* @tparam Second The type of the second element that the pair stores.
template<typename First, typename Second>
class compressed_pair final
: internal::compressed_pair_element<First, 0u>,
internal::compressed_pair_element<Second, 1u> {
using first_base = internal::compressed_pair_element<First, 0u>;
using second_base = internal::compressed_pair_element<Second, 1u>;
/*! @brief The type of the first element that the pair stores. */
using first_type = First;
/*! @brief The type of the second element that the pair stores. */
using second_type = Second;
* @brief Default constructor, conditionally enabled.
* This constructor is only available when the types that the pair stores
* are both at least default constructible.
* @tparam Dummy Dummy template parameter used for internal purposes.
template<bool Dummy = true, typename = std::enable_if_t<Dummy && std::is_default_constructible_v<first_type> && std::is_default_constructible_v<second_type>>>
constexpr compressed_pair()
: first_base{},
second_base{} {}
* @brief Copy constructor.
* @param other The instance to copy from.
constexpr compressed_pair(const compressed_pair &other) = default;
* @brief Move constructor.
* @param other The instance to move from.
constexpr compressed_pair(compressed_pair &&other) = default;
* @brief Constructs a pair from its values.
* @tparam Arg Type of value to use to initialize the first element.
* @tparam Other Type of value to use to initialize the second element.
* @param arg Value to use to initialize the first element.
* @param other Value to use to initialize the second element.
template<typename Arg, typename Other>
constexpr compressed_pair(Arg &&arg, Other &&other)
: first_base{std::forward<Arg>(arg)},
second_base{std::forward<Other>(other)} {}
* @brief Constructs a pair by forwarding the arguments to its parts.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to initialize the first element.
* @tparam Other Types of arguments to use to initialize the second element.
* @param args Arguments to use to initialize the first element.
* @param other Arguments to use to initialize the second element.
template<typename... Args, typename... Other>
constexpr compressed_pair(std::piecewise_construct_t, std::tuple<Args...> args, std::tuple<Other...> other)
: first_base{std::move(args), std::index_sequence_for<Args...>{}},
second_base{std::move(other), std::index_sequence_for<Other...>{}} {}
* @brief Copy assignment operator.
* @param other The instance to copy from.
* @return This compressed pair object.
constexpr compressed_pair &operator=(const compressed_pair &other) = default;
* @brief Move assignment operator.
* @param other The instance to move from.
* @return This compressed pair object.
constexpr compressed_pair &operator=(compressed_pair &&other) = default;
* @brief Returns the first element that a pair stores.
* @return The first element that a pair stores.
[[nodiscard]] first_type &first() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return static_cast<first_base &>(*this).get();
/*! @copydoc first */
[[nodiscard]] const first_type &first() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return static_cast<const first_base &>(*this).get();
* @brief Returns the second element that a pair stores.
* @return The second element that a pair stores.
[[nodiscard]] second_type &second() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return static_cast<second_base &>(*this).get();
/*! @copydoc second */
[[nodiscard]] const second_type &second() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return static_cast<const second_base &>(*this).get();
* @brief Swaps two compressed pair objects.
* @param other The compressed pair to swap with.
void swap(compressed_pair &other) {
using std::swap;
swap(first(), other.first());
swap(second(), other.second());
* @brief Extracts an element from the compressed pair.
* @tparam Index An integer value that is either 0 or 1.
* @return Returns a reference to the first element if `Index` is 0 and a
* reference to the second element if `Index` is 1.
template<std::size_t Index>
decltype(auto) get() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(Index == 0u) {
return first();
} else {
static_assert(Index == 1u, "Index out of bounds");
return second();
/*! @copydoc get */
template<std::size_t Index>
decltype(auto) get() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(Index == 0u) {
return first();
} else {
static_assert(Index == 1u, "Index out of bounds");
return second();
* @brief Deduction guide.
* @tparam Type Type of value to use to initialize the first element.
* @tparam Other Type of value to use to initialize the second element.
template<typename Type, typename Other>
compressed_pair(Type &&, Other &&) -> compressed_pair<std::decay_t<Type>, std::decay_t<Other>>;
* @brief Swaps two compressed pair objects.
* @tparam First The type of the first element that the pairs store.
* @tparam Second The type of the second element that the pairs store.
* @param lhs A valid compressed pair object.
* @param rhs A valid compressed pair object.
template<typename First, typename Second>
inline void swap(compressed_pair<First, Second> &lhs, compressed_pair<First, Second> &rhs) {
} // namespace entt
// disable structured binding support for clang 6, it messes when specializing tuple_size
#if !defined __clang_major__ || __clang_major__ > 6
namespace std {
* @brief `std::tuple_size` specialization for `compressed_pair`s.
* @tparam First The type of the first element that the pair stores.
* @tparam Second The type of the second element that the pair stores.
template<typename First, typename Second>
struct tuple_size<entt::compressed_pair<First, Second>>: integral_constant<size_t, 2u> {};
* @brief `std::tuple_element` specialization for `compressed_pair`s.
* @tparam Index The index of the type to return.
* @tparam First The type of the first element that the pair stores.
* @tparam Second The type of the second element that the pair stores.
template<size_t Index, typename First, typename Second>
struct tuple_element<Index, entt::compressed_pair<First, Second>>: conditional<Index == 0u, First, Second> {
static_assert(Index < 2u, "Index out of bounds");
} // namespace std

+ 98
- 0
modules/entt/src/entt/core/enum.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
#include <type_traits>
#include "../config/config.h"
namespace entt {
* @brief Enable bitmask support for enum classes.
* @tparam Type The enum type for which to enable bitmask support.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct enum_as_bitmask: std::false_type {};
/*! @copydoc enum_as_bitmask */
template<typename Type>
struct enum_as_bitmask<Type, std::void_t<decltype(Type::_entt_enum_as_bitmask)>>: std::is_enum<Type> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type The enum class type for which to enable bitmask support.
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr bool enum_as_bitmask_v = enum_as_bitmask<Type>::value;
} // namespace entt
* @brief Operator available for enums for which bitmask support is enabled.
* @tparam Type Enum class type.
* @param lhs The first value to use.
* @param rhs The second value to use.
* @return The result of invoking the operator on the underlying types of the
* two values provided.
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::enable_if_t<entt::enum_as_bitmask_v<Type>, Type>
operator|(const Type lhs, const Type rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return static_cast<Type>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Type>>(lhs) | static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Type>>(rhs));
/*! @copydoc operator| */
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::enable_if_t<entt::enum_as_bitmask_v<Type>, Type>
operator&(const Type lhs, const Type rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return static_cast<Type>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Type>>(lhs) & static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Type>>(rhs));
/*! @copydoc operator| */
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::enable_if_t<entt::enum_as_bitmask_v<Type>, Type>
operator^(const Type lhs, const Type rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return static_cast<Type>(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Type>>(lhs) ^ static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Type>>(rhs));
* @brief Operator available for enums for which bitmask support is enabled.
* @tparam Type Enum class type.
* @param value The value to use.
* @return The result of invoking the operator on the underlying types of the
* value provided.
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::enable_if_t<entt::enum_as_bitmask_v<Type>, Type>
operator~(const Type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return static_cast<Type>(~static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Type>>(value));
/*! @copydoc operator~ */
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::enable_if_t<entt::enum_as_bitmask_v<Type>, bool>
operator!(const Type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<Type>>(value);
/*! @copydoc operator| */
template<typename Type>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<entt::enum_as_bitmask_v<Type>, Type &>
operator|=(Type &lhs, const Type rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (lhs = (lhs | rhs));
/*! @copydoc operator| */
template<typename Type>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<entt::enum_as_bitmask_v<Type>, Type &>
operator&=(Type &lhs, const Type rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (lhs = (lhs & rhs));
/*! @copydoc operator| */
template<typename Type>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<entt::enum_as_bitmask_v<Type>, Type &>
operator^=(Type &lhs, const Type rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (lhs = (lhs ^ rhs));

+ 7
- 15
modules/entt/src/entt/core/family.hpp View File

@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
#include <type_traits>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Dynamic identifier generator.
@ -18,23 +15,18 @@ namespace entt {
class family {
inline static maybe_atomic_t<ENTT_ID_TYPE> identifier;
inline static const auto inner = identifier++;
inline static ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(id_type) identifier{};
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using family_type = ENTT_ID_TYPE;
using family_type = id_type;
/*! @brief Statically generated unique identifier for the given type. */
template<typename... Type>
// at the time I'm writing, clang crashes during compilation if auto is used in place of family_type here
inline static const family_type type = inner<std::decay_t<Type>...>;
// at the time I'm writing, clang crashes during compilation if auto is used instead of family_type
inline static const family_type type = identifier++;
} // namespace entt

+ 21
- 0
modules/entt/src/entt/core/fwd.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include "../config/config.h"
namespace entt {
template<std::size_t Len = sizeof(double[2]), std::size_t = alignof(typename std::aligned_storage_t<Len + !Len>)>
class basic_any;
/*! @brief Alias declaration for type identifiers. */
using id_type = ENTT_ID_TYPE;
/*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */
using any = basic_any<>;
} // namespace entt

+ 210
- 90
modules/entt/src/entt/core/hashed_string.hpp View File

@ -1,213 +1,333 @@
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
struct fnv1a_traits;
struct fnv1a_traits<std::uint32_t> {
using type = std::uint32_t;
static constexpr std::uint32_t offset = 2166136261;
static constexpr std::uint32_t prime = 16777619;
struct fnv1a_traits<std::uint64_t> {
using type = std::uint64_t;
static constexpr std::uint64_t offset = 14695981039346656037ull;
static constexpr std::uint64_t prime = 1099511628211ull;
template<typename Char>
struct basic_hashed_string {
using value_type = Char;
using size_type = std::size_t;
using hash_type = id_type;
const value_type *repr;
size_type length;
hash_type hash;
} // namespace internal
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
* @brief Zero overhead unique identifier.
* A hashed string is a compile-time tool that allows users to use
* human-readable identifers in the codebase while using their numeric
* human-readable identifiers in the codebase while using their numeric
* counterparts at runtime.<br/>
* Because of that, a hashed string can also be used in constant expressions if
* required.
* @warning
* This class doesn't take ownership of user-supplied strings nor does it make a
* copy of them.
* @tparam Char Character type.
class hashed_string {
using traits_type = internal::fnv1a_traits<ENTT_ID_TYPE>;
template<typename Char>
class basic_hashed_string: internal::basic_hashed_string<Char> {
using base_type = internal::basic_hashed_string<Char>;
using hs_traits = internal::fnv1a_traits<id_type>;
struct const_wrapper {
// non-explicit constructor on purpose
constexpr const_wrapper(const char *curr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT: str{curr} {}
const char *str;
constexpr const_wrapper(const Char *str) ENTT_NOEXCEPT: repr{str} {}
const Char *repr;
// Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function v. 1a - the good
inline static constexpr ENTT_ID_TYPE helper(ENTT_ID_TYPE partial, const char *curr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return curr[0] == 0 ? partial : helper((partial^curr[0])*traits_type::prime, curr+1);
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr auto helper(const Char *str) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
base_type base{str, 0u, hs_traits::offset};
for(; str[base.length]; ++base.length) {
base.hash = (base.hash ^ static_cast<hs_traits::type>(str[base.length])) * hs_traits::prime;
return base;
// Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function v. 1a - the good
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr auto helper(const Char *str, const std::size_t len) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
base_type base{str, len, hs_traits::offset};
for(size_type pos{}; pos < len; ++pos) {
base.hash = (base.hash ^ static_cast<hs_traits::type>(str[pos])) * hs_traits::prime;
return base;
/*! @brief Character type. */
using value_type = typename base_type::value_type;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using size_type = typename base_type::size_type;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using hash_type = ENTT_ID_TYPE;
using hash_type = typename base_type::hash_type;
* @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string.
* Forcing template resolution avoids implicit conversions. An
* human-readable identifier can be anything but a plain, old bunch of
* characters.<br/>
* Example of use:
* @code{.cpp}
* const auto value = hashed_string::to_value("my.png");
* @endcode
* @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier.
* @param str Human-readable identifer.
* @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string view.
* @param str Human-readable identifier.
* @param len Length of the string to hash.
* @return The numeric representation of the string.
template<std::size_t N>
inline static constexpr hash_type to_value(const char (&str)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return helper(traits_type::offset, str);
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr hash_type value(const value_type *str, const size_type len) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return basic_hashed_string{str, len};
* @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string.
* @param wrapper Helps achieving the purpose by relying on overloading.
* @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier.
* @param str Human-readable identifier.
* @return The numeric representation of the string.
inline static hash_type to_value(const_wrapper wrapper) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return helper(traits_type::offset, wrapper.str);
template<std::size_t N>
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr hash_type value(const value_type (&str)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return basic_hashed_string{str};
* @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string view.
* @param str Human-readable identifer.
* @param size Length of the string to hash.
* @brief Returns directly the numeric representation of a string.
* @param wrapper Helps achieving the purpose by relying on overloading.
* @return The numeric representation of the string.
inline static hash_type to_value(const char *str, std::size_t size) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
ENTT_ID_TYPE partial{traits_type::offset};
while(size--) { partial = (partial^(str++)[0])*traits_type::prime; }
return partial;
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr hash_type value(const_wrapper wrapper) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return basic_hashed_string{wrapper};
/*! @brief Constructs an empty hashed string. */
constexpr hashed_string() ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: str{nullptr}, hash{}
constexpr basic_hashed_string() ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: base_type{} {}
* @brief Constructs a hashed string from an array of const chars.
* Forcing template resolution avoids implicit conversions. An
* human-readable identifier can be anything but a plain, old bunch of
* characters.<br/>
* Example of use:
* @code{.cpp}
* hashed_string hs{"my.png"};
* @endcode
* @brief Constructs a hashed string from a string view.
* @param str Human-readable identifier.
* @param len Length of the string to hash.
constexpr basic_hashed_string(const value_type *str, const size_type len) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: base_type{helper(str, len)} {}
* @brief Constructs a hashed string from an array of const characters.
* @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier.
* @param curr Human-readable identifer.
* @param str Human-readable identifier.
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr hashed_string(const char (&curr)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: str{curr}, hash{helper(traits_type::offset, curr)}
constexpr basic_hashed_string(const value_type (&str)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: base_type{helper(str)} {}
* @brief Explicit constructor on purpose to avoid constructing a hashed
* string directly from a `const char *`.
* string directly from a `const value_type *`.
* @warning
* The lifetime of the string is not extended nor is it copied.
* @param wrapper Helps achieving the purpose by relying on overloading.
explicit constexpr hashed_string(const_wrapper wrapper) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: str{wrapper.str}, hash{helper(traits_type::offset, wrapper.str)}
explicit constexpr basic_hashed_string(const_wrapper wrapper) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: base_type{helper(wrapper.repr)} {}
* @brief Returns the human-readable representation of a hashed string.
* @return The string used to initialize the instance.
* @brief Returns the size a hashed string.
* @return The size of the hashed string.
constexpr const char * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return str;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return base_type::length;
* @brief Returns the numeric representation of a hashed string.
* @return The numeric representation of the instance.
* @brief Returns the human-readable representation of a hashed string.
* @return The string used to initialize the hashed string.
constexpr hash_type value() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return hash;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr const value_type *data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return base_type::repr;
* @brief Returns the human-readable representation of a hashed string.
* @return The string used to initialize the instance.
* @brief Returns the numeric representation of a hashed string.
* @return The numeric representation of the hashed string.
constexpr operator const char *() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return str; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr hash_type value() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return base_type::hash;
/*! @copydoc value */
constexpr operator hash_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return hash; }
/*! @copydoc data */
[[nodiscard]] constexpr operator const value_type *() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return data();
* @brief Compares two hashed strings.
* @param other Hashed string with which to compare.
* @return True if the two hashed strings are identical, false otherwise.
* @brief Returns the numeric representation of a hashed string.
* @return The numeric representation of the hashed string.
constexpr bool operator==(const hashed_string &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return hash == other.hash;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr operator hash_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return value();
const char *str;
hash_type hash;
* @brief Deduction guide.
* @tparam Char Character type.
* @param str Human-readable identifier.
* @param len Length of the string to hash.
template<typename Char>
basic_hashed_string(const Char *str, const std::size_t len) -> basic_hashed_string<Char>;
* @brief Deduction guide.
* @tparam Char Character type.
* @tparam N Number of characters of the identifier.
* @param str Human-readable identifier.
template<typename Char, std::size_t N>
basic_hashed_string(const Char (&str)[N]) -> basic_hashed_string<Char>;
* @brief Compares two hashed strings.
* @tparam Char Character type.
* @param lhs A valid hashed string.
* @param rhs A valid hashed string.
* @return True if the two hashed strings are identical, false otherwise.
constexpr bool operator!=(const hashed_string &lhs, const hashed_string &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
template<typename Char>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const basic_hashed_string<Char> &lhs, const basic_hashed_string<Char> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return lhs.value() == rhs.value();
* @brief Compares two hashed strings.
* @tparam Char Character type.
* @param lhs A valid hashed string.
* @param rhs A valid hashed string.
* @return True if the two hashed strings differ, false otherwise.
template<typename Char>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const basic_hashed_string<Char> &lhs, const basic_hashed_string<Char> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs == rhs);
* @brief Compares two hashed strings.
* @tparam Char Character type.
* @param lhs A valid hashed string.
* @param rhs A valid hashed string.
* @return True if the first element is less than the second, false otherwise.
template<typename Char>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator<(const basic_hashed_string<Char> &lhs, const basic_hashed_string<Char> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return lhs.value() < rhs.value();
* @brief Compares two hashed strings.
* @tparam Char Character type.
* @param lhs A valid hashed string.
* @param rhs A valid hashed string.
* @return True if the first element is less than or equal to the second, false
* otherwise.
template<typename Char>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator<=(const basic_hashed_string<Char> &lhs, const basic_hashed_string<Char> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(rhs < lhs);
* @brief Compares two hashed strings.
* @tparam Char Character type.
* @param lhs A valid hashed string.
* @param rhs A valid hashed string.
* @return True if the first element is greater than the second, false
* otherwise.
template<typename Char>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator>(const basic_hashed_string<Char> &lhs, const basic_hashed_string<Char> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return rhs < lhs;
* @brief Compares two hashed strings.
* @tparam Char Character type.
* @param lhs A valid hashed string.
* @param rhs A valid hashed string.
* @return True if the first element is greater than or equal to the second,
* false otherwise.
template<typename Char>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator>=(const basic_hashed_string<Char> &lhs, const basic_hashed_string<Char> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs < rhs);
/*! @brief Aliases for common character types. */
using hashed_string = basic_hashed_string<char>;
/*! @brief Aliases for common character types. */
using hashed_wstring = basic_hashed_string<wchar_t>;
inline namespace literals {
* @brief User defined literal for hashed strings.
* @param str The literal without its suffix.
* @return A properly initialized hashed string.
constexpr entt::hashed_string operator"" ENTT_HS_SUFFIX(const char *str, std::size_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entt::hashed_string{str};
[[nodiscard]] constexpr hashed_string operator"" _hs(const char *str, std::size_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return hashed_string{str};
* @brief User defined literal for hashed wstrings.
* @param str The literal without its suffix.
* @return A properly initialized hashed wstring.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr hashed_wstring operator"" _hws(const wchar_t *str, std::size_t) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return hashed_wstring{str};
} // namespace literals
} // namespace entt

+ 12
- 17
modules/entt/src/entt/core/ident.hpp View File

@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "fwd.hpp"
#include "type_traits.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Types identifiers.
@ -40,25 +39,21 @@ namespace entt {
template<typename... Types>
class identifier {
using tuple_type = std::tuple<std::decay_t<Types>...>;
template<typename Type, std::size_t... Indexes>
static constexpr ENTT_ID_TYPE get(std::index_sequence<Indexes...>) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
static_assert(std::disjunction_v<std::is_same<Type, Types>...>);
return (0 + ... + (std::is_same_v<Type, std::tuple_element_t<Indexes, tuple_type>> ? ENTT_ID_TYPE(Indexes) : ENTT_ID_TYPE{}));
template<typename Type, std::size_t... Index>
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type get(std::index_sequence<Index...>) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
static_assert((std::is_same_v<Type, Types> || ...), "Invalid type");
return (0 + ... + (std::is_same_v<Type, type_list_element_t<Index, type_list<std::decay_t<Types>...>>> ? id_type{Index} : id_type{}));
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using identifier_type = ENTT_ID_TYPE;
using identifier_type = id_type;
/*! @brief Statically generated unique identifier for the given type. */
template<typename Type>
static constexpr identifier_type type = get<std::decay_t<Type>>(std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Types)>{});
static constexpr identifier_type type = get<std::decay_t<Type>>(std::index_sequence_for<Types...>{});
} // namespace entt

+ 117
- 0
modules/entt/src/entt/core/iterator.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
namespace entt {
* @brief Helper type to use as pointer with input iterators.
* @tparam Type of wrapped value.
template<typename Type>
struct input_iterator_pointer final {
/*! @brief Pointer type. */
using pointer = Type *;
/*! @brief Default copy constructor, deleted on purpose. */
input_iterator_pointer(const input_iterator_pointer &) = delete;
/*! @brief Default move constructor. */
input_iterator_pointer(input_iterator_pointer &&) = default;
* @brief Constructs a proxy object by move.
* @param val Value to use to initialize the proxy object.
input_iterator_pointer(Type &&val)
: value{std::move(val)} {}
* @brief Default copy assignment operator, deleted on purpose.
* @return This proxy object.
input_iterator_pointer &operator=(const input_iterator_pointer &) = delete;
* @brief Default move assignment operator.
* @return This proxy object.
input_iterator_pointer &operator=(input_iterator_pointer &&) = default;
* @brief Access operator for accessing wrapped values.
* @return A pointer to the wrapped value.
[[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return std::addressof(value);
Type value;
* @brief Utility class to create an iterable object from a pair of iterators.
* @tparam It Type of iterator.
* @tparam Sentinel Type of sentinel.
template<typename It, typename Sentinel = It>
struct iterable_adaptor final {
/*! @brief Value type. */
using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type;
/*! @brief Iterator type. */
using iterator = It;
/*! @brief Sentinel type. */
using sentinel = Sentinel;
/*! @brief Default constructor. */
iterable_adaptor() = default;
* @brief Creates an iterable object from a pair of iterators.
* @param from Begin iterator.
* @param to End iterator.
iterable_adaptor(iterator from, sentinel to)
: first{from},
last{to} {}
* @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning.
* @return An iterator to the first element of the range.
[[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return first;
* @brief Returns an iterator to the end.
* @return An iterator to the element following the last element of the
* range.
[[nodiscard]] sentinel end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return last;
/*! @copydoc begin */
[[nodiscard]] iterator cbegin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return begin();
/*! @copydoc end */
[[nodiscard]] sentinel cend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return end();
It first;
Sentinel last;
} // namespace entt

+ 289
- 0
modules/entt/src/entt/core/memory.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
#include <cstddef>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
namespace entt {
* @brief Unwraps fancy pointers, does nothing otherwise (waiting for C++20).
* @tparam Type Pointer type.
* @param ptr Fancy or raw pointer.
* @return A raw pointer that represents the address of the original pointer.
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto to_address(Type &&ptr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(std::is_pointer_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>) {
return ptr;
} else {
return to_address(std::forward<Type>(ptr).operator->());
* @brief Utility function to design allocation-aware containers.
* @tparam Allocator Type of allocator.
* @param lhs A valid allocator.
* @param rhs Another valid allocator.
template<typename Allocator>
constexpr void propagate_on_container_copy_assignment([[maybe_unused]] Allocator &lhs, [[maybe_unused]] Allocator &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment::value) {
lhs = rhs;
* @brief Utility function to design allocation-aware containers.
* @tparam Allocator Type of allocator.
* @param lhs A valid allocator.
* @param rhs Another valid allocator.
template<typename Allocator>
constexpr void propagate_on_container_move_assignment([[maybe_unused]] Allocator &lhs, [[maybe_unused]] Allocator &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value) {
lhs = std::move(rhs);
* @brief Utility function to design allocation-aware containers.
* @tparam Allocator Type of allocator.
* @param lhs A valid allocator.
* @param rhs Another valid allocator.
template<typename Allocator>
constexpr void propagate_on_container_swap([[maybe_unused]] Allocator &lhs, [[maybe_unused]] Allocator &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
ENTT_ASSERT(std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::propagate_on_container_swap::value || lhs == rhs, "Cannot swap the containers");
if constexpr(std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::propagate_on_container_swap::value) {
using std::swap;
swap(lhs, rhs);
* @brief Checks whether a value is a power of two or not.
* @param value A value that may or may not be a power of two.
* @return True if the value is a power of two, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool is_power_of_two(const std::size_t value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return value && ((value & (value - 1)) == 0);
* @brief Computes the smallest power of two greater than or equal to a value.
* @param value The value to use.
* @return The smallest power of two greater than or equal to the given value.
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr std::size_t next_power_of_two(const std::size_t value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
ENTT_ASSERT(value < (std::size_t{1u} << (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::digits - 1)), "Numeric limits exceeded");
std::size_t curr = value - (value != 0u);
for(int next = 1; next < std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::digits; next = next * 2) {
curr |= curr >> next;
return ++curr;
* @brief Fast module utility function (powers of two only).
* @param value A value for which to calculate the modulus.
* @param mod _Modulus_, it must be a power of two.
* @return The common remainder.
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr std::size_t fast_mod(const std::size_t value, const std::size_t mod) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
ENTT_ASSERT(is_power_of_two(mod), "Value must be a power of two");
return value & (mod - 1u);
* @brief Deleter for allocator-aware unique pointers (waiting for C++20).
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the object.
template<typename Allocator>
struct allocation_deleter: private Allocator {
/*! @brief Allocator type. */
using allocator_type = Allocator;
/*! @brief Pointer type. */
using pointer = typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::pointer;
* @brief Inherited constructors.
* @param alloc The allocator to use.
allocation_deleter(const allocator_type &alloc)
: Allocator{alloc} {}
* @brief Destroys the pointed object and deallocates its memory.
* @param ptr A valid pointer to an object of the given type.
void operator()(pointer ptr) {
using alloc_traits = typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>;
alloc_traits::destroy(*this, to_address(ptr));
alloc_traits::deallocate(*this, ptr, 1u);
* @brief Allows `std::unique_ptr` to use allocators (waiting for C++20).
* @tparam Type Type of object to allocate for and to construct.
* @tparam Allocator Type of allocator used to manage memory and elements.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the object.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
* @param args Parameters to use to construct the object.
* @return A properly initialized unique pointer with a custom deleter.
template<typename Type, typename Allocator, typename... Args>
auto allocate_unique(Allocator &allocator, Args &&...args) {
static_assert(!std::is_array_v<Type>, "Array types are not supported");
using alloc_traits = typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::template rebind_traits<Type>;
using allocator_type = typename alloc_traits::allocator_type;
allocator_type alloc{allocator};
auto ptr = alloc_traits::allocate(alloc, 1u);
alloc_traits::construct(alloc, to_address(ptr), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
alloc_traits::deallocate(alloc, ptr, 1u);
return std::unique_ptr<Type, allocation_deleter<allocator_type>>{ptr, alloc};
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
template<typename Type>
struct uses_allocator_construction {
template<typename Allocator, typename... Params>
static constexpr auto args([[maybe_unused]] const Allocator &allocator, Params &&...params) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(!std::uses_allocator_v<Type, Allocator> && std::is_constructible_v<Type, Params...>) {
return std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Params>(params)...);
} else {
static_assert(std::uses_allocator_v<Type, Allocator>, "Ill-formed request");
if constexpr(std::is_constructible_v<Type, std::allocator_arg_t, const Allocator &, Params...>) {
return std::tuple<std::allocator_arg_t, const Allocator &, Params &&...>(std::allocator_arg, allocator, std::forward<Params>(params)...);
} else {
static_assert(std::is_constructible_v<Type, Params..., const Allocator &>, "Ill-formed request");
return std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Params>(params)..., allocator);
template<typename Type, typename Other>
struct uses_allocator_construction<std::pair<Type, Other>> {
using type = std::pair<Type, Other>;
template<typename Allocator, typename First, typename Second>
static constexpr auto args(const Allocator &allocator, std::piecewise_construct_t, First &&first, Second &&second) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return std::make_tuple(
std::apply([&allocator](auto &&...curr) { return uses_allocator_construction<Type>::args(allocator, std::forward<decltype(curr)>(curr)...); }, std::forward<First>(first)),
std::apply([&allocator](auto &&...curr) { return uses_allocator_construction<Other>::args(allocator, std::forward<decltype(curr)>(curr)...); }, std::forward<Second>(second)));
template<typename Allocator>
static constexpr auto args(const Allocator &allocator) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return uses_allocator_construction<type>::args(allocator, std::piecewise_construct, std::tuple<>{}, std::tuple<>{});
template<typename Allocator, typename First, typename Second>
static constexpr auto args(const Allocator &allocator, First &&first, Second &&second) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return uses_allocator_construction<type>::args(allocator, std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<First>(first)), std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Second>(second)));
template<typename Allocator, typename First, typename Second>
static constexpr auto args(const Allocator &allocator, const std::pair<First, Second> &value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return uses_allocator_construction<type>::args(allocator, std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(value.first), std::forward_as_tuple(value.second));
template<typename Allocator, typename First, typename Second>
static constexpr auto args(const Allocator &allocator, std::pair<First, Second> &&value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return uses_allocator_construction<type>::args(allocator, std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(value.first)), std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(value.second)));
} // namespace internal
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
* @brief Uses-allocator construction utility (waiting for C++20).
* Primarily intended for internal use. Prepares the argument list needed to
* create an object of a given type by means of uses-allocator construction.
* @tparam Type Type to return arguments for.
* @tparam Allocator Type of allocator used to manage memory and elements.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the object.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
* @param args Parameters to use to construct the object.
* @return The arguments needed to create an object of the given type.
template<typename Type, typename Allocator, typename... Args>
constexpr auto uses_allocator_construction_args(const Allocator &allocator, Args &&...args) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return internal::uses_allocator_construction<Type>::args(allocator, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Uses-allocator construction utility (waiting for C++20).
* Primarily intended for internal use. Creates an object of a given type by
* means of uses-allocator construction.
* @tparam Type Type of object to create.
* @tparam Allocator Type of allocator used to manage memory and elements.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the object.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
* @param args Parameters to use to construct the object.
* @return A newly created object of the given type.
template<typename Type, typename Allocator, typename... Args>
constexpr Type make_obj_using_allocator(const Allocator &allocator, Args &&...args) {
return std::make_from_tuple<Type>(internal::uses_allocator_construction<Type>::args(allocator, std::forward<Args>(args)...));
* @brief Uses-allocator construction utility (waiting for C++20).
* Primarily intended for internal use. Creates an object of a given type by
* means of uses-allocator construction at an uninitialized memory location.
* @tparam Type Type of object to create.
* @tparam Allocator Type of allocator used to manage memory and elements.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the object.
* @param value Memory location in which to place the object.
* @param allocator The allocator to use.
* @param args Parameters to use to construct the object.
* @return A pointer to the newly created object of the given type.
template<typename Type, typename Allocator, typename... Args>
constexpr Type *uninitialized_construct_using_allocator(Type *value, const Allocator &allocator, Args &&...args) {
return std::apply([&](auto &&...curr) { return new(value) Type(std::forward<decltype(curr)>(curr)...); }, internal::uses_allocator_construction<Type>::args(allocator, std::forward<Args>(args)...));
} // namespace entt

+ 6
- 13
modules/entt/src/entt/core/monostate.hpp View File

@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
#include <cassert>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "hashed_string.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Minimal implementation of the monostate pattern.
@ -21,7 +17,7 @@ namespace entt {
* both during an assignment and when they try to read back their data.
* Otherwise, they can incur in unexpected results.
struct monostate {
* @brief Assigns a value of a specific type to a given key.
@ -45,19 +41,16 @@ struct monostate {
template<typename Type>
inline static maybe_atomic_t<Type> value{};
inline static ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(Type) value{};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Value Value used to differentiate between different variables.
template<hashed_string::hash_type Value>
template<id_type Value>
inline monostate<Value> monostate_v = {};
} // namespace entt

+ 29
- 0
modules/entt/src/entt/core/tuple.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
namespace entt {
* @brief Utility function to unwrap tuples of a single element.
* @tparam Type Tuple type of any sizes.
* @param value A tuple object of the given type.
* @return The tuple itself if it contains more than one element, the first
* element otherwise.
template<typename Type>
constexpr decltype(auto) unwrap_tuple(Type &&value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(std::tuple_size_v<std::remove_reference_t<Type>> == 1u) {
return std::get<0>(std::forward<Type>(value));
} else {
return std::forward<Type>(value);
} // namespace entt

+ 274
- 0
modules/entt/src/entt/core/type_info.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../core/attribute.h"
#include "fwd.hpp"
#include "hashed_string.hpp"
namespace entt {
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
struct ENTT_API type_index final {
[[nodiscard]] static id_type next() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
static ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(id_type) value{};
return value++;
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto stripped_type_name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
std::string_view pretty_function{ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION};
auto first = pretty_function.find_first_not_of(' ', pretty_function.find_first_of(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX) + 1);
auto value = pretty_function.substr(first, pretty_function.find_last_of(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX) - first);
return value;
return std::string_view{""};
template<typename Type, auto = stripped_type_name<Type>().find_first_of('.')>
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::string_view type_name(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
constexpr auto value = stripped_type_name<Type>();
return value;
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] static std::string_view type_name(char) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
static const auto value = stripped_type_name<Type>();
return value;
template<typename Type, auto = stripped_type_name<Type>().find_first_of('.')>
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type type_hash(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
constexpr auto stripped = stripped_type_name<Type>();
constexpr auto value = hashed_string::value(, stripped.size());
return value;
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] static id_type type_hash(char) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
static const auto value = [](const auto stripped) {
return hashed_string::value(, stripped.size());
return value;
} // namespace internal
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
* @brief Type sequential identifier.
* @tparam Type Type for which to generate a sequential identifier.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct ENTT_API type_index final {
* @brief Returns the sequential identifier of a given type.
* @return The sequential identifier of a given type.
[[nodiscard]] static id_type value() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
static const id_type value = internal::type_index::next();
return value;
/*! @copydoc value */
[[nodiscard]] constexpr operator id_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return value();
* @brief Type hash.
* @tparam Type Type for which to generate a hash value.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct type_hash final {
* @brief Returns the numeric representation of a given type.
* @return The numeric representation of the given type.
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type value() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return internal::type_hash<Type>(0);
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type value() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return type_index<Type>::value();
/*! @copydoc value */
[[nodiscard]] constexpr operator id_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return value();
* @brief Type name.
* @tparam Type Type for which to generate a name.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct type_name final {
* @brief Returns the name of a given type.
* @return The name of the given type.
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::string_view value() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return internal::type_name<Type>(0);
/*! @copydoc value */
[[nodiscard]] constexpr operator std::string_view() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return value();
/*! @brief Implementation specific information about a type. */
struct type_info final {
* @brief Constructs a type info object for a given type.
* @tparam Type Type for which to construct a type info object.
template<typename Type>
constexpr type_info(std::in_place_type_t<Type>) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: seq{type_index<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>::value()},
alias{type_name<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>::value()} {}
* @brief Type index.
* @return Type index.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr id_type index() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return seq;
* @brief Type hash.
* @return Type hash.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr id_type hash() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return identifier;
* @brief Type name.
* @return Type name.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view name() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return alias;
id_type seq;
id_type identifier;
std::string_view alias;
* @brief Compares the contents of two type info objects.
* @param lhs A type info object.
* @param rhs A type info object.
* @return True if the two type info objects are identical, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator==(const type_info &lhs, const type_info &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return lhs.hash() == rhs.hash();
* @brief Compares the contents of two type info objects.
* @param lhs A type info object.
* @param rhs A type info object.
* @return True if the two type info objects differ, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator!=(const type_info &lhs, const type_info &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs == rhs);
* @brief Compares two type info objects.
* @param lhs A valid type info object.
* @param rhs A valid type info object.
* @return True if the first element is less than the second, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator<(const type_info &lhs, const type_info &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return lhs.index() < rhs.index();
* @brief Compares two type info objects.
* @param lhs A valid type info object.
* @param rhs A valid type info object.
* @return True if the first element is less than or equal to the second, false
* otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator<=(const type_info &lhs, const type_info &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(rhs < lhs);
* @brief Compares two type info objects.
* @param lhs A valid type info object.
* @param rhs A valid type info object.
* @return True if the first element is greater than the second, false
* otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator>(const type_info &lhs, const type_info &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return rhs < lhs;
* @brief Compares two type info objects.
* @param lhs A valid type info object.
* @param rhs A valid type info object.
* @return True if the first element is greater than or equal to the second,
* false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator>=(const type_info &lhs, const type_info &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs < rhs);
* @brief Returns the type info object associated to a given type.
* The returned element refers to an object with static storage duration.<br/>
* The type doesn't need to be a complete type. If the type is a reference, the
* result refers to the referenced type. In all cases, top-level cv-qualifiers
* are ignored.
* @tparam Type Type for which to generate a type info object.
* @return A reference to a properly initialized type info object.
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] const type_info &type_id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(std::is_same_v<Type, std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>) {
static type_info instance{std::in_place_type<Type>};
return instance;
} else {
return type_id<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>();
/*! @copydoc type_id */
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] const type_info &type_id(Type &&) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return type_id<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>();
} // namespace entt

+ 509
- 94
modules/entt/src/entt/core/type_traits.hpp View File

@ -1,30 +1,167 @@
#include <cstddef>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
#include "../core/hashed_string.hpp"
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Utility class to disambiguate overloaded functions.
* @tparam N Number of choices available.
template<std::size_t N>
struct choice_t
// Unfortunately, doxygen cannot parse such a construct.
: /*! @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN */ choice_t<N - 1> /*! @endcond */
/*! @copybrief choice_t */
struct choice_t<0> {};
* @brief Variable template for the choice trick.
* @tparam N Number of choices available.
template<std::size_t N>
inline constexpr choice_t<N> choice{};
* @brief Identity type trait.
* Useful to establish non-deduced contexts in template argument deduction
* (waiting for C++20) or to provide types through function arguments.
* @tparam Type A type.
template<typename Type>
struct type_identity {
/*! @brief Identity type. */
using type = Type;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam Type A type.
template<typename Type>
using type_identity_t = typename type_identity<Type>::type;
* @brief A type-only `sizeof` wrapper that returns 0 where `sizeof` complains.
* @tparam Type The type of which to return the size.
* @tparam The size of the type if `sizeof` accepts it, 0 otherwise.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct size_of: std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 0u> {};
/*! @copydoc size_of */
template<typename Type>
struct size_of<Type, std::void_t<decltype(sizeof(Type))>>
: std::integral_constant<std::size_t, sizeof(Type)> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type The type of which to return the size.
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr std::size_t size_of_v = size_of<Type>::value;
* @brief Using declaration to be used to _repeat_ the same type a number of
* times equal to the size of a given parameter pack.
* @tparam Type A type to repeat.
template<typename Type, typename>
using unpack_as_type = Type;
* @brief Helper variable template to be used to _repeat_ the same value a
* number of times equal to the size of a given parameter pack.
* @tparam Value A value to repeat.
template<auto Value, typename>
inline constexpr auto unpack_as_value = Value;
* @brief Wraps a static constant.
* @tparam Value A static constant.
template<auto Value>
using integral_constant = std::integral_constant<decltype(Value), Value>;
* @brief Alias template to facilitate the creation of named values.
* @tparam Value A constant value at least convertible to `id_type`.
template<id_type Value>
using tag = integral_constant<Value>;
* @brief A class to use to push around lists of types, nothing more.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the given type list.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the type list.
template<typename... Type>
struct type_list {
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
/*! @brief Type list type. */
using type = type_list;
/*! @brief Compile-time number of elements in the type list. */
static constexpr auto size = sizeof...(Type);
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
template<std::size_t, typename>
struct type_list_element;
* @brief Provides compile-time indexed access to the types of a type list.
* @tparam Index Index of the type to return.
* @tparam Type First type provided by the type list.
* @tparam Other Other types provided by the type list.
template<std::size_t Index, typename Type, typename... Other>
struct type_list_element<Index, type_list<Type, Other...>>
: type_list_element<Index - 1u, type_list<Other...>> {};
* @brief Provides compile-time indexed access to the types of a type list.
* @tparam Type First type provided by the type list.
* @tparam Other Other types provided by the type list.
template<typename Type, typename... Other>
struct type_list_element<0u, type_list<Type, Other...>> {
/*! @brief Searched type. */
using type = Type;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam Index Index of the type to return.
* @tparam List Type list to search into.
template<std::size_t Index, typename List>
using type_list_element_t = typename type_list_element<Index, List>::type;
* @brief Concatenates multiple type lists.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the first type list.
* @tparam Other Types provided by the second type list.
* @return A type list composed by the types of both the type lists.
template<typename... Type, typename... Other>
constexpr type_list<Type..., Other...> operator+(type_list<Type...>, type_list<Other...>) {
return {};
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
struct type_list_cat;
/*! @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. */
struct type_list_cat<> {
@ -32,7 +169,6 @@ struct type_list_cat<> {
using type = type_list<>;
* @brief Concatenates multiple type lists.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the first type list.
@ -45,7 +181,6 @@ struct type_list_cat, type_list, List...> {
using type = typename type_list_cat<type_list<Type..., Other...>, List...>::type;
* @brief Concatenates multiple type lists.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the type list.
@ -56,7 +191,6 @@ struct type_list_cat> {
using type = type_list<Type...>;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam List Type lists to concatenate.
@ -64,12 +198,10 @@ struct type_list_cat> {
template<typename... List>
using type_list_cat_t = typename type_list_cat<List...>::type;
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
struct type_list_unique;
* @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list.
* @tparam Type One of the types provided by the given type list.
@ -79,13 +211,11 @@ template
struct type_list_unique<type_list<Type, Other...>> {
/*! @brief A type list without duplicate types. */
using type = std::conditional_t<
std::disjunction_v<std::is_same<Type, Other>...>,
(std::is_same_v<Type, Other> || ...),
typename type_list_unique<type_list<Other...>>::type,
type_list_cat_t<type_list<Type>, typename type_list_unique<type_list<Other...>>::type>
type_list_cat_t<type_list<Type>, typename type_list_unique<type_list<Other...>>::type>>;
/*! @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list. */
struct type_list_unique<type_list<>> {
@ -93,7 +223,6 @@ struct type_list_unique> {
using type = type_list<>;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam Type A type list.
@ -101,136 +230,422 @@ struct type_list_unique> {
template<typename Type>
using type_list_unique_t = typename type_list_unique<Type>::type;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a type list contains a
* given type, false otherwise.
* @tparam List Type list.
* @tparam Type Type to look for.
template<typename List, typename Type>
struct type_list_contains;
/*! @brief Traits class used mainly to push things across boundaries. */
struct named_type_traits;
* @copybrief type_list_contains
* @tparam Type Types provided by the type list.
* @tparam Other Type to look for.
template<typename... Type, typename Other>
struct type_list_contains<type_list<Type...>, Other>: std::disjunction<std::is_same<Type, Other>...> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam List Type list.
* @tparam Type Type to look for.
template<typename List, typename Type>
inline constexpr bool type_list_contains_v = type_list_contains<List, Type>::value;
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
struct type_list_diff;
* @brief Specialization used to get rid of constness.
* @tparam Type Named type.
* @brief Computes the difference between two type lists.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the first type list.
* @tparam Other Types provided by the second type list.
template<typename Type>
struct named_type_traits<const Type>
: named_type_traits<Type>
template<typename... Type, typename... Other>
struct type_list_diff<type_list<Type...>, type_list<Other...>> {
/*! @brief A type list that is the difference between the two type lists. */
using type = type_list_cat_t<std::conditional_t<type_list_contains_v<type_list<Other...>, Type>, type_list<>, type_list<Type>>...>;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam List Type lists between which to compute the difference.
template<typename... List>
using type_list_diff_t = typename type_list_diff<List...>::type;
* @brief A class to use to push around lists of constant values, nothing more.
* @tparam Value Values provided by the value list.
template<auto... Value>
struct value_list {
/*! @brief Value list type. */
using type = value_list;
/*! @brief Compile-time number of elements in the value list. */
static constexpr auto size = sizeof...(Value);
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
template<std::size_t, typename>
struct value_list_element;
* @brief Provides compile-time indexed access to the values of a value list.
* @tparam Index Index of the value to return.
* @tparam Value First value provided by the value list.
* @tparam Other Other values provided by the value list.
template<std::size_t Index, auto Value, auto... Other>
struct value_list_element<Index, value_list<Value, Other...>>
: value_list_element<Index - 1u, value_list<Other...>> {};
* @brief Provides compile-time indexed access to the types of a type list.
* @tparam Value First value provided by the value list.
* @tparam Other Other values provided by the value list.
template<auto Value, auto... Other>
struct value_list_element<0u, value_list<Value, Other...>> {
/*! @brief Searched value. */
static constexpr auto value = Value;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam Type Potentially named type.
* @tparam Index Index of the value to return.
* @tparam List Value list to search into.
template<typename Type>
using named_type_traits_t = typename named_type_traits<Type>::type;
template<std::size_t Index, typename List>
inline constexpr auto value_list_element_v = value_list_element<Index, List>::value;
* @brief Concatenates multiple value lists.
* @tparam Value Values provided by the first value list.
* @tparam Other Values provided by the second value list.
* @return A value list composed by the values of both the value lists.
template<auto... Value, auto... Other>
constexpr value_list<Value..., Other...> operator+(value_list<Value...>, value_list<Other...>) {
return {};
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
struct value_list_cat;
/*! @brief Concatenates multiple value lists. */
struct value_list_cat<> {
/*! @brief A value list composed by the values of all the value lists. */
using type = value_list<>;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type has a
* name. In all other cases, `value` is false.
* @brief Concatenates multiple value lists.
* @tparam Value Values provided by the first value list.
* @tparam Other Values provided by the second value list.
* @tparam List Other value lists, if any.
template<typename, typename = std::void_t<>>
struct is_named_type: std::false_type {};
template<auto... Value, auto... Other, typename... List>
struct value_list_cat<value_list<Value...>, value_list<Other...>, List...> {
/*! @brief A value list composed by the values of all the value lists. */
using type = typename value_list_cat<value_list<Value..., Other...>, List...>::type;
* @brief Concatenates multiple value lists.
* @tparam Value Values provided by the value list.
template<auto... Value>
struct value_list_cat<value_list<Value...>> {
/*! @brief A value list composed by the values of all the value lists. */
using type = value_list<Value...>;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type has a
* name. In all other cases, `value` is false.
* @tparam Type Potentially named type.
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam List Value lists to concatenate.
template<typename Type>
struct is_named_type<Type, std::void_t<named_type_traits_t<std::decay_t<Type>>>>: std::true_type {};
template<typename... List>
using value_list_cat_t = typename value_list_cat<List...>::type;
/*! @brief Same as std::is_invocable, but with tuples. */
template<typename, typename>
struct is_applicable: std::false_type {};
* @copybrief is_applicable
* @tparam Func A valid function type.
* @tparam Tuple Tuple-like type.
* @tparam Args The list of arguments to use to probe the function type.
template<typename Func, template<typename...> class Tuple, typename... Args>
struct is_applicable<Func, Tuple<Args...>>: std::is_invocable<Func, Args...> {};
* @copybrief is_applicable
* @tparam Func A valid function type.
* @tparam Tuple Tuple-like type.
* @tparam Args The list of arguments to use to probe the function type.
template<typename Func, template<typename...> class Tuple, typename... Args>
struct is_applicable<Func, const Tuple<Args...>>: std::is_invocable<Func, Args...> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* True if a given type has a name, false otherwise.
* @tparam Type Potentially named type.
* @tparam Func A valid function type.
* @tparam Args The list of arguments to use to probe the function type.
template<class Type>
constexpr auto is_named_type_v = is_named_type<Type>::value;
template<typename Func, typename Args>
inline constexpr bool is_applicable_v = is_applicable<Func, Args>::value;
/*! @brief Same as std::is_invocable_r, but with tuples for arguments. */
template<typename, typename, typename>
struct is_applicable_r: std::false_type {};
* @copybrief is_applicable_r
* @tparam Ret The type to which the return type of the function should be
* convertible.
* @tparam Func A valid function type.
* @tparam Args The list of arguments to use to probe the function type.
template<typename Ret, typename Func, typename... Args>
struct is_applicable_r<Ret, Func, std::tuple<Args...>>: std::is_invocable_r<Ret, Func, Args...> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Ret The type to which the return type of the function should be
* convertible.
* @tparam Func A valid function type.
* @tparam Args The list of arguments to use to probe the function type.
template<typename Ret, typename Func, typename Args>
inline constexpr bool is_applicable_r_v = is_applicable_r<Ret, Func, Args>::value;
* @brief Utility macro to deal with an issue of MSVC.
* See _msvc-doesnt-expand-va-args-correctly_ on SO for all the details.
* @param args Argument to expand.
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is
* complete, false otherwise.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct is_complete: std::false_type {};
/*! @copydoc is_complete */
template<typename Type>
struct is_complete<Type, std::void_t<decltype(sizeof(Type))>>: std::true_type {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr bool is_complete_v = is_complete<Type>::value;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is an
* iterator, false otherwise.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct is_iterator: std::false_type {};
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
template<typename, typename = void>
struct has_iterator_category: std::false_type {};
template<typename Type>
struct has_iterator_category<Type, std::void_t<typename std::iterator_traits<Type>::iterator_category>>: std::true_type {};
} // namespace internal
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
/*! @copydoc is_iterator */
template<typename Type>
struct is_iterator<Type, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::remove_const_t<std::remove_pointer_t<Type>>, void>>>
: internal::has_iterator_category<Type> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
#define ENTT_EXPAND(args) args
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr bool is_iterator_v = is_iterator<Type>::value;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is both
* an empty and non-final class, false otherwise.
* @tparam Type The type to test
template<typename Type>
struct is_ebco_eligible
: std::conjunction<std::is_empty<Type>, std::negation<std::is_final<Type>>> {};
* @brief Makes an already existing type a named type.
* @param type Type to assign a name to.
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
#define ENTT_NAMED_TYPE(type)\
struct entt::named_type_traits<type>\
: std::integral_constant<typename entt::hashed_string::hash_type, entt::hashed_string::to_value(#type)>\
static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<type>, type>);\
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr bool is_ebco_eligible_v = is_ebco_eligible<Type>::value;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if `Type::is_transparent`
* is valid and denotes a type, false otherwise.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct is_transparent: std::false_type {};
/*! @copydoc is_transparent */
template<typename Type>
struct is_transparent<Type, std::void_t<typename Type::is_transparent>>: std::true_type {};
* @brief Defines a named type (to use for structs).
* @param clazz Name of the type to define.
* @param body Body of the type to define.
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
#define ENTT_NAMED_STRUCT_ONLY(clazz, body)\
struct clazz body;\
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr bool is_transparent_v = is_transparent<Type>::value;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is
* equality comparable, false otherwise.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct is_equality_comparable: std::false_type {};
* @brief Defines a named type (to use for structs).
* @param ns Namespace where to define the named type.
* @param clazz Name of the type to define.
* @param body Body of the type to define.
* Internal details not to be documented.
#define ENTT_NAMED_STRUCT_WITH_NAMESPACE(ns, clazz, body)\
namespace ns { struct clazz body; }\
namespace internal {
template<typename, typename = void>
struct has_tuple_size_value: std::false_type {};
template<typename Type>
struct has_tuple_size_value<Type, std::void_t<decltype(std::tuple_size<const Type>::value)>>: std::true_type {};
template<typename Type, std::size_t... Index>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool unpack_maybe_equality_comparable(std::index_sequence<Index...>) {
return (is_equality_comparable<std::tuple_element_t<Index, Type>>::value && ...);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool maybe_equality_comparable(choice_t<0>) {
return true;
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto maybe_equality_comparable(choice_t<1>) -> decltype(std::declval<typename Type::value_type>(), bool{}) {
if constexpr(is_iterator_v<Type>) {
return true;
} else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<typename Type::value_type, Type>) {
return maybe_equality_comparable<Type>(choice<0>);
} else {
return is_equality_comparable<typename Type::value_type>::value;
/*! @brief Utility function to simulate macro overloading. */
#define ENTT_NAMED_STRUCT_OVERLOAD(_1, _2, _3, FUNC, ...) FUNC
/*! @brief Defines a named type (to use for structs). */
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::enable_if_t<is_complete_v<std::tuple_size<std::remove_const_t<Type>>>, bool> maybe_equality_comparable(choice_t<2>) {
if constexpr(has_tuple_size_value<Type>::value) {
return unpack_maybe_equality_comparable<Type>(std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<Type>::value>{});
} else {
return maybe_equality_comparable<Type>(choice<1>);
} // namespace internal
* @brief Defines a named type (to use for classes).
* @param clazz Name of the type to define.
* @param body Body of the type to define.
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
#define ENTT_NAMED_CLASS_ONLY(clazz, body)\
class clazz body;\
/*! @copydoc is_equality_comparable */
template<typename Type>
struct is_equality_comparable<Type, std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<Type>() == std::declval<Type>())>>
: std::bool_constant<internal::maybe_equality_comparable<Type>(choice<2>)> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr bool is_equality_comparable_v = is_equality_comparable<Type>::value;
* @brief Defines a named type (to use for classes).
* @param ns Namespace where to define the named type.
* @param clazz Name of the type to define.
* @param body Body of the type to define.
* @brief Transcribes the constness of a type to another type.
* @tparam To The type to which to transcribe the constness.
* @tparam From The type from which to transcribe the constness.
#define ENTT_NAMED_CLASS_WITH_NAMESPACE(ns, clazz, body)\
namespace ns { class clazz body; }\
template<typename To, typename From>
struct constness_as {
/*! @brief The type resulting from the transcription of the constness. */
using type = std::remove_const_t<To>;
/*! @copydoc constness_as */
template<typename To, typename From>
struct constness_as<To, const From> {
/*! @brief The type resulting from the transcription of the constness. */
using type = std::add_const_t<To>;
/*! @brief Utility function to simulate macro overloading. */
#define ENTT_NAMED_CLASS_MACRO(_1, _2, _3, FUNC, ...) FUNC
/*! @brief Defines a named type (to use for classes). */
* @brief Alias template to facilitate the transcription of the constness.
* @tparam To The type to which to transcribe the constness.
* @tparam From The type from which to transcribe the constness.
template<typename To, typename From>
using constness_as_t = typename constness_as<To, From>::type;
* @brief Extracts the class of a non-static member object or function.
* @tparam Member A pointer to a non-static member object or function.
template<typename Member>
class member_class {
static_assert(std::is_member_pointer_v<Member>, "Invalid pointer type to non-static member object or function");
template<typename Class, typename Ret, typename... Args>
static Class *clazz(Ret (Class::*)(Args...));
template<typename Class, typename Ret, typename... Args>
static Class *clazz(Ret (Class::*)(Args...) const);
template<typename Class, typename Type>
static Class *clazz(Type Class::*);
/*! @brief The class of the given non-static member object or function. */
using type = std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(clazz(std::declval<Member>()))>;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam Member A pointer to a non-static member object or function.
template<typename Member>
using member_class_t = typename member_class<Member>::type;
} // namespace entt

+ 81
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modules/entt/src/entt/core/utility.hpp View File

@ -1,32 +1,101 @@
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
namespace entt {
/*! @brief Identity function object (waiting for C++20). */
struct identity {
/*! @brief Indicates that this is a transparent function object. */
using is_transparent = void;
* @brief Returns its argument unchanged.
* @tparam Type Type of the argument.
* @param value The actual argument.
* @return The submitted value as-is.
template<class Type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Type &&operator()(Type &&value) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return std::forward<Type>(value);
* @brief Constant utility to disambiguate overloaded member functions.
* @tparam Type Function type of the desired overload.
* @tparam Class Type of class to which the member functions belong.
* @param member A valid pointer to a member function.
* @return Pointer to the member function.
* @brief Constant utility to disambiguate overloaded members of a class.
* @tparam Type Type of the desired overload.
* @tparam Class Type of class to which the member belongs.
* @param member A valid pointer to a member.
* @return Pointer to the member.
template<typename Type, typename Class>
constexpr auto overload(Type Class:: *member) { return member; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto overload(Type Class::*member) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return member;
* @brief Constant utility to disambiguate overloaded functions.
* @tparam Type Function type of the desired overload.
* @tparam Func Function type of the desired overload.
* @param func A valid pointer to a function.
* @return Pointer to the function.
template<typename Type>
constexpr auto overload(Type *func) { return func; }
template<typename Func>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto overload(Func *func) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return func;
* @brief Helper type for visitors.
* @tparam Func Types of function objects.
template<class... Func>
struct overloaded: Func... {
using Func::operator()...;
* @brief Deduction guide.
* @tparam Func Types of function objects.
template<class... Func>
overloaded(Func...) -> overloaded<Func...>;
* @brief Basic implementation of a y-combinator.
* @tparam Func Type of a potentially recursive function.
template<class Func>
struct y_combinator {
* @brief Constructs a y-combinator from a given function.
* @param recursive A potentially recursive function.
y_combinator(Func recursive)
: func{std::move(recursive)} {}
* @brief Invokes a y-combinator and therefore its underlying function.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to invoke the underlying function.
* @param args Parameters to use to invoke the underlying function.
* @return Return value of the underlying function, if any.
template<class... Args>
decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&...args) const {
return func(*this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
/*! @copydoc operator()() */
template<class... Args>
decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&...args) {
return func(*this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
Func func;
} // namespace entt

+ 0
- 180
modules/entt/src/entt/entity/actor.hpp View File

@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "registry.hpp"
#include "entity.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Dedicated to those who aren't confident with entity-component systems.
* Tiny wrapper around a registry, for all those users that aren't confident
* with entity-component systems and prefer to iterate objects directly.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<typename Entity>
struct basic_actor {
/*! @brief Type of registry used internally. */
using registry_type = basic_registry<Entity>;
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = Entity;
* @brief Constructs an actor by using the given registry.
* @param ref An entity-component system properly initialized.
basic_actor(registry_type &ref)
: reg{&ref}, entt{ref.create()}
/*! @brief Default destructor. */
virtual ~basic_actor() {
* @brief Move constructor.
* After actor move construction, instances that have been moved from are
* placed in a valid but unspecified state. It's highly discouraged to
* continue using them.
* @param other The instance to move from.
basic_actor(basic_actor &&other)
: reg{other.reg}, entt{other.entt}
other.entt = null;
* @brief Move assignment operator.
* After actor move assignment, instances that have been moved from are
* placed in a valid but unspecified state. It's highly discouraged to
* continue using them.
* @param other The instance to move from.
* @return This actor.
basic_actor & operator=(basic_actor &&other) {
if(this != &other) {
auto tmp{std::move(other)};
std::swap(reg, tmp.reg);
std::swap(entt, tmp.entt);
return *this;
* @brief Assigns the given component to an actor.
* A new instance of the given component is created and initialized with the
* arguments provided (the component must have a proper constructor or be of
* aggregate type). Then the component is assigned to the actor.<br/>
* In case the actor already has a component of the given type, it's
* replaced with the new one.
* @tparam Component Type of the component to create.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component.
* @return A reference to the newly created component.
template<typename Component, typename... Args>
decltype(auto) assign(Args &&... args) {
return reg->template assign_or_replace<Component>(entt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Removes the given component from an actor.
* @tparam Component Type of the component to remove.
template<typename Component>
void remove() {
reg->template remove<Component>(entt);
* @brief Checks if an actor has the given component.
* @tparam Component Type of the component for which to perform the check.
* @return True if the actor has the component, false otherwise.
template<typename Component>
bool has() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return reg->template has<Component>(entt);
* @brief Returns references to the given components for an actor.
* @tparam Component Types of components to get.
* @return References to the components owned by the actor.
template<typename... Component>
decltype(auto) get() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return std::as_const(*reg).template get<Component...>(entt);
/*! @copydoc get */
template<typename... Component>
decltype(auto) get() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return reg->template get<Component...>(entt);
* @brief Returns pointers to the given components for an actor.
* @tparam Component Types of components to get.
* @return Pointers to the components owned by the actor.
template<typename... Component>
auto try_get() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return std::as_const(*reg).template try_get<Component...>(entt);
/*! @copydoc try_get */
template<typename... Component>
auto try_get() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return reg->template try_get<Component...>(entt);
* @brief Returns a reference to the underlying registry.
* @return A reference to the underlying registry.
inline const registry_type & backend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return *reg;
/*! @copydoc backend */
inline registry_type & backend() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return const_cast<registry_type &>(std::as_const(*this).backend());
* @brief Returns the entity associated with an actor.
* @return The entity associated with the actor.
inline entity_type entity() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entt;
registry_type *reg;
Entity entt;

+ 61
- 0
modules/entt/src/entt/entity/component.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include "../config/config.h"
namespace entt {
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
template<typename, typename = void>
struct in_place_delete: std::false_type {};
template<typename Type>
struct in_place_delete<Type, std::enable_if_t<Type::in_place_delete>>
: std::true_type {};
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct page_size: std::integral_constant<std::size_t, (ENTT_IGNORE_IF_EMPTY && std::is_empty_v<Type>) ? 0u : ENTT_PACKED_PAGE> {};
template<typename Type>
struct page_size<Type, std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<decltype(Type::page_size), std::size_t>>>
: std::integral_constant<std::size_t, Type::page_size> {};
} // namespace internal
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
* @brief Common way to access various properties of components.
* @tparam Type Type of component.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct component_traits {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<Type>, Type>, "Unsupported type");
/*! @brief Pointer stability, default is `false`. */
static constexpr bool in_place_delete = internal::in_place_delete<Type>::value;
/*! @brief Page size, default is `ENTT_PACKED_PAGE` for non-empty types. */
static constexpr std::size_t page_size = internal::page_size<Type>::value;
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type Type of component.
template<class Type>
inline constexpr bool ignore_as_empty_v = (component_traits<Type>::page_size == 0u);
} // namespace entt

+ 271
- 101
modules/entt/src/entt/entity/entity.hpp View File

@ -1,169 +1,339 @@
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Entity traits.
* Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a
* compile-time error unless the template parameter is an accepted entity type.
* Internal details not to be documented.
struct entt_traits;
namespace internal {
* @brief Entity traits for a 16 bits entity identifier.
* A 16 bits entity identifier guarantees:
* * 12 bits for the entity number (up to 4k entities).
* * 4 bit for the version (resets in [0-15]).
struct entt_traits<std::uint16_t> {
/*! @brief Underlying entity type. */
using entity_type = std::uint16_t;
/*! @brief Underlying version type. */
using version_type = std::uint8_t;
/*! @brief Difference type. */
using difference_type = std::int32_t;
/*! @brief Mask to use to get the entity number out of an identifier. */
static constexpr std::uint16_t entity_mask = 0xFFF;
/*! @brief Mask to use to get the version out of an identifier. */
static constexpr std::uint16_t version_mask = 0xF;
/*! @brief Extent of the entity number within an identifier. */
static constexpr auto entity_shift = 12;
template<typename, typename = void>
struct entt_traits;
template<typename Type>
struct entt_traits<Type, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<Type>>>
: entt_traits<std::underlying_type_t<Type>> {};
template<typename Type>
struct entt_traits<Type, std::enable_if_t<std::is_class_v<Type>>>
: entt_traits<typename Type::entity_type> {};
* @brief Entity traits for a 32 bits entity identifier.
* A 32 bits entity identifier guarantees:
* * 20 bits for the entity number (suitable for almost all the games).
* * 12 bit for the version (resets in [0-4095]).
struct entt_traits<std::uint32_t> {
/*! @brief Underlying entity type. */
using entity_type = std::uint32_t;
/*! @brief Underlying version type. */
using version_type = std::uint16_t;
/*! @brief Difference type. */
using difference_type = std::int64_t;
/*! @brief Mask to use to get the entity number out of an identifier. */
static constexpr std::uint32_t entity_mask = 0xFFFFF;
/*! @brief Mask to use to get the version out of an identifier. */
static constexpr std::uint32_t version_mask = 0xFFF;
/*! @brief Extent of the entity number within an identifier. */
static constexpr auto entity_shift = 20;
static constexpr entity_type entity_mask = 0xFFFFF;
static constexpr entity_type version_mask = 0xFFF;
static constexpr std::size_t entity_shift = 20u;
* @brief Entity traits for a 64 bits entity identifier.
* A 64 bits entity identifier guarantees:
* * 32 bits for the entity number (an indecently large number).
* * 32 bit for the version (an indecently large number).
struct entt_traits<std::uint64_t> {
/*! @brief Underlying entity type. */
using entity_type = std::uint64_t;
/*! @brief Underlying version type. */
using version_type = std::uint32_t;
/*! @brief Difference type. */
using difference_type = std::int64_t;
/*! @brief Mask to use to get the entity number out of an identifier. */
static constexpr std::uint64_t entity_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
/*! @brief Mask to use to get the version out of an identifier. */
static constexpr std::uint64_t version_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
/*! @brief Extent of the entity number within an identifier. */
static constexpr auto entity_shift = 32;
static constexpr entity_type entity_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
static constexpr entity_type version_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
static constexpr std::size_t entity_shift = 32u;
} // namespace internal
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
* @brief Entity traits.
* @tparam Type Type of identifier.
template<typename Type>
class entt_traits: internal::entt_traits<Type> {
using base_type = internal::entt_traits<Type>;
/*! @brief Value type. */
using value_type = Type;
/*! @brief Underlying entity type. */
using entity_type = typename base_type::entity_type;
/*! @brief Underlying version type. */
using version_type = typename base_type::version_type;
/*! @brief Reserved identifier. */
static constexpr entity_type reserved = base_type::entity_mask | (base_type::version_mask << base_type::entity_shift);
/*! @brief Page size, default is `ENTT_SPARSE_PAGE`. */
static constexpr auto page_size = ENTT_SPARSE_PAGE;
* @brief Converts an entity to its underlying type.
* @param value The value to convert.
* @return The integral representation of the given value.
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr entity_type to_integral(const value_type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return static_cast<entity_type>(value);
namespace internal {
* @brief Returns the entity part once converted to the underlying type.
* @param value The value to convert.
* @return The integral representation of the entity part.
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr entity_type to_entity(const value_type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (to_integral(value) & base_type::entity_mask);
* @brief Returns the version part once converted to the underlying type.
* @param value The value to convert.
* @return The integral representation of the version part.
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr version_type to_version(const value_type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (to_integral(value) >> base_type::entity_shift);
* @brief Constructs an identifier from its parts.
* If the version part is not provided, a tombstone is returned.<br/>
* If the entity part is not provided, a null identifier is returned.
* @param entity The entity part of the identifier.
* @param version The version part of the identifier.
* @return A properly constructed identifier.
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr value_type construct(const entity_type entity, const version_type version) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return value_type{(entity & base_type::entity_mask) | (static_cast<entity_type>(version) << base_type::entity_shift)};
struct null {
* @brief Combines two identifiers in a single one.
* The returned identifier is a copy of the first element except for its
* version, which is taken from the second element.
* @param lhs The identifier from which to take the entity part.
* @param rhs The identifier from which to take the version part.
* @return A properly constructed identifier.
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr value_type combine(const entity_type lhs, const entity_type rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
constexpr auto mask = (base_type::version_mask << base_type::entity_shift);
return value_type{(lhs & base_type::entity_mask) | (rhs & mask)};
* @copydoc entt_traits<Entity>::to_integral
* @tparam Entity The value type.
template<typename Entity>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr typename entt_traits<Entity>::entity_type to_integral(const Entity value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entt_traits<Entity>::to_integral(value);
* @copydoc entt_traits<Entity>::to_entity
* @tparam Entity The value type.
template<typename Entity>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr typename entt_traits<Entity>::entity_type to_entity(const Entity value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entt_traits<Entity>::to_entity(value);
* @copydoc entt_traits<Entity>::to_version
* @tparam Entity The value type.
template<typename Entity>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr typename entt_traits<Entity>::version_type to_version(const Entity value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entt_traits<Entity>::to_version(value);
/*! @brief Null object for all identifiers. */
struct null_t {
* @brief Converts the null object to identifiers of any type.
* @tparam Entity Type of identifier.
* @return The null representation for the given type.
template<typename Entity>
constexpr operator Entity() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
using traits_type = entt_traits<Entity>;
return traits_type::entity_mask | (traits_type::version_mask << traits_type::entity_shift);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr operator Entity() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
using entity_traits = entt_traits<Entity>;
return entity_traits::combine(entity_traits::reserved, entity_traits::reserved);
constexpr bool operator==(null) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
* @brief Compares two null objects.
* @param other A null object.
* @return True in all cases.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==([[maybe_unused]] const null_t other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return true;
constexpr bool operator!=(null) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
* @brief Compares two null objects.
* @param other A null object.
* @return False in all cases.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=([[maybe_unused]] const null_t other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return false;
* @brief Compares a null object and an identifier of any type.
* @tparam Entity Type of identifier.
* @param entity Identifier with which to compare.
* @return False if the two elements differ, true otherwise.
template<typename Entity>
constexpr bool operator==(const Entity entity) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entity == static_cast<Entity>(*this);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const Entity entity) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
using entity_traits = entt_traits<Entity>;
return entity_traits::to_entity(entity) == entity_traits::to_entity(*this);
* @brief Compares a null object and an identifier of any type.
* @tparam Entity Type of identifier.
* @param entity Identifier with which to compare.
* @return True if the two elements differ, false otherwise.
template<typename Entity>
constexpr bool operator!=(const Entity entity) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entity != static_cast<Entity>(*this);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const Entity entity) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(entity == *this);
* @brief Compares a null object and an identifier of any type.
* @tparam Entity Type of identifier.
* @param entity Identifier with which to compare.
* @param other A null object yet to be converted.
* @return False if the two elements differ, true otherwise.
template<typename Entity>
constexpr bool operator==(const Entity entity, null other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return other == entity;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const Entity entity, const null_t other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return other.operator==(entity);
* @brief Compares a null object and an identifier of any type.
* @tparam Entity Type of identifier.
* @param entity Identifier with which to compare.
* @param other A null object yet to be converted.
* @return True if the two elements differ, false otherwise.
template<typename Entity>
constexpr bool operator!=(const Entity entity, null other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return other != entity;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const Entity entity, const null_t other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(other == entity);
/*! @brief Tombstone object for all identifiers. */
struct tombstone_t {
* @brief Converts the tombstone object to identifiers of any type.
* @tparam Entity Type of identifier.
* @return The tombstone representation for the given type.
template<typename Entity>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr operator Entity() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
using entity_traits = entt_traits<Entity>;
return entity_traits::combine(entity_traits::reserved, entity_traits::reserved);
* @brief Compares two tombstone objects.
* @param other A tombstone object.
* @return True in all cases.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==([[maybe_unused]] const tombstone_t other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return true;
* @brief Compares two tombstone objects.
* @param other A tombstone object.
* @return False in all cases.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=([[maybe_unused]] const tombstone_t other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return false;
* @brief Compares a tombstone object and an identifier of any type.
* @tparam Entity Type of identifier.
* @param entity Identifier with which to compare.
* @return False if the two elements differ, true otherwise.
template<typename Entity>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const Entity entity) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
using entity_traits = entt_traits<Entity>;
return entity_traits::to_version(entity) == entity_traits::to_version(*this);
* @brief Compares a tombstone object and an identifier of any type.
* @tparam Entity Type of identifier.
* @param entity Identifier with which to compare.
* @return True if the two elements differ, false otherwise.
template<typename Entity>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const Entity entity) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(entity == *this);
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @brief Compares a tombstone object and an identifier of any type.
* @tparam Entity Type of identifier.
* @param entity Identifier with which to compare.
* @param other A tombstone object yet to be converted.
* @return False if the two elements differ, true otherwise.
template<typename Entity>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator==(const Entity entity, const tombstone_t other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return other.operator==(entity);
* @brief Compares a tombstone object and an identifier of any type.
* @tparam Entity Type of identifier.
* @param entity Identifier with which to compare.
* @param other A tombstone object yet to be converted.
* @return True if the two elements differ, false otherwise.
template<typename Entity>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator!=(const Entity entity, const tombstone_t other) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(other == entity);
* @brief Null entity.
* @brief Compile-time constant for null entities.
* There exist implicit conversions from this variable to entity identifiers of
* any allowed type. Similarly, there exist comparision operators between the
* null entity and any other entity identifier.
* There exist implicit conversions from this variable to identifiers of any
* allowed type. Similarly, there exist comparison operators between the null
* entity and any other identifier.
constexpr auto null = internal::null{};
inline constexpr null_t null{};
* @brief Compile-time constant for tombstone entities.
* There exist implicit conversions from this variable to identifiers of any
* allowed type. Similarly, there exist comparison operators between the
* tombstone entity and any other identifier.
inline constexpr tombstone_t tombstone{};
} // namespace entt

+ 61
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modules/entt/src/entt/entity/fwd.hpp View File

@ -1,60 +1,89 @@
#include <memory>
#include "../core/fwd.hpp"
#include "utility.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#include "../config/config.h"
namespace entt {
template<typename Entity, typename = std::allocator<Entity>>
class basic_sparse_set;
namespace entt {
template<typename, typename Type, typename = std::allocator<Type>, typename = void>
class basic_storage;
/*! @class basic_registry */
template <typename>
class basic_registry;
/*! @class basic_view */
template<typename, typename...>
template<typename, typename, typename, typename = void>
class basic_view;
/*! @class basic_runtime_view */
class basic_runtime_view;
struct basic_runtime_view;
/*! @class basic_group */
template<typename, typename, typename, typename>
class basic_group;
/*! @class basic_actor */
template <typename>
struct basic_actor;
class basic_observer;
/*! @class basic_prototype */
class basic_prototype;
class basic_organizer;
template<typename, typename...>
struct basic_handle;
/*! @class basic_snapshot */
class basic_snapshot;
/*! @class basic_snapshot_loader */
class basic_snapshot_loader;
/*! @class basic_continuous_loader */
class basic_continuous_loader;
/*! @brief Default entity identifier. */
enum class entity : id_type {};
/*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */
using entity = std::uint32_t;
using sparse_set = basic_sparse_set<entity>;
* @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case.
* @tparam Args Other template parameters.
template<typename... Args>
using storage = basic_storage<entity, Args...>;
/*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */
using registry = basic_registry<entity>;
/*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */
using actor = basic_actor<entity>;
using observer = basic_observer<entity>;
/*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */
using organizer = basic_organizer<entity>;
/*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */
using prototype = basic_prototype<entity>;
using handle = basic_handle<entity>;
/*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */
using const_handle = basic_handle<const entity>;
* @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case.
* @tparam Args Other template parameters.
template<typename... Args>
using handle_view = basic_handle<entity, Args...>;
* @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case.
* @tparam Args Other template parameters.
template<typename... Args>
using const_handle_view = basic_handle<const entity, Args...>;
/*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */
using snapshot = basic_snapshot<entity>;
@ -67,23 +96,22 @@ using continuous_loader = basic_continuous_loader;
* @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case.
* @tparam Component Types of components iterated by the view.
* @tparam Get Types of components iterated by the view.
* @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the view.
template<typename... Types>
using view = basic_view<entity, Types...>;
template<typename Get, typename Exclude = exclude_t<>>
using view = basic_view<entity, Get, Exclude>;
/*! @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case. */
using runtime_view = basic_runtime_view<entity>;
using runtime_view = basic_runtime_view<sparse_set>;
* @brief Alias declaration for the most common use case.
* @tparam Types Types of components iterated by the group.
* @tparam Args Other template parameters.
template<typename... Types>
using group = basic_group<entity, Types...>;
template<typename... Args>
using group = basic_group<entity, Args...>;
} // namespace entt

+ 504
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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+ 340
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modules/entt/src/entt/entity/handle.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../core/type_traits.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
#include "registry.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Non-owning handle to an entity.
* Tiny wrapper around a registry and an entity.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
* @tparam Type Types to which to restrict the scope of a handle.
template<typename Entity, typename... Type>
struct basic_handle {
/*! @brief Type of registry accepted by the handle. */
using registry_type = constness_as_t<basic_registry<std::remove_const_t<Entity>>, Entity>;
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = typename registry_type::entity_type;
/*! @brief Underlying version type. */
using version_type = typename registry_type::version_type;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using size_type = typename registry_type::size_type;
/*! @brief Constructs an invalid handle. */
basic_handle() ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: reg{},
entt{null} {}
* @brief Constructs a handle from a given registry and entity.
* @param ref An instance of the registry class.
* @param value A valid identifier.
basic_handle(registry_type &ref, entity_type value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: reg{&ref},
entt{value} {}
* @brief Constructs a const handle from a non-const one.
* @tparam Other A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
* @tparam Args Scope of the handle to construct.
* @return A const handle referring to the same registry and the same
* entity.
template<typename Other, typename... Args>
operator basic_handle<Other, Args...>() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<Other, Entity> || std::is_same_v<std::remove_const_t<Other>, Entity>, "Invalid conversion between different handles");
static_assert((sizeof...(Type) == 0 || ((sizeof...(Args) != 0 && sizeof...(Args) <= sizeof...(Type)) && ... && (type_list_contains_v<type_list<Type...>, Args>))), "Invalid conversion between different handles");
return reg ? basic_handle<Other, Args...>{*reg, entt} : basic_handle<Other, Args...>{};
* @brief Converts a handle to its underlying entity.
* @return The contained identifier.
[[nodiscard]] operator entity_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entity();
* @brief Checks if a handle refers to non-null registry pointer and entity.
* @return True if the handle refers to non-null registry and entity, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return reg && reg->valid(entt);
* @brief Checks if a handle refers to a valid entity or not.
* @return True if the handle refers to a valid entity, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool valid() const {
return reg->valid(entt);
* @brief Returns a pointer to the underlying registry, if any.
* @return A pointer to the underlying registry, if any.
[[nodiscard]] registry_type *registry() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return reg;
* @brief Returns the entity associated with a handle.
* @return The entity associated with the handle.
[[nodiscard]] entity_type entity() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entt;
* @brief Destroys the entity associated with a handle.
* @sa basic_registry::destroy
void destroy() {
* @brief Destroys the entity associated with a handle.
* @sa basic_registry::destroy
* @param version A desired version upon destruction.
void destroy(const version_type version) {
reg->destroy(entt, version);
* @brief Assigns the given component to a handle.
* @sa basic_registry::emplace
* @tparam Component Type of component to create.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component.
* @return A reference to the newly created component.
template<typename Component, typename... Args>
decltype(auto) emplace(Args &&...args) const {
static_assert(((sizeof...(Type) == 0) || ... || std::is_same_v<Component, Type>), "Invalid type");
return reg->template emplace<Component>(entt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Assigns or replaces the given component for a handle.
* @sa basic_registry::emplace_or_replace
* @tparam Component Type of component to assign or replace.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component.
* @return A reference to the newly created component.
template<typename Component, typename... Args>
decltype(auto) emplace_or_replace(Args &&...args) const {
static_assert(((sizeof...(Type) == 0) || ... || std::is_same_v<Component, Type>), "Invalid type");
return reg->template emplace_or_replace<Component>(entt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Patches the given component for a handle.
* @sa basic_registry::patch
* @tparam Component Type of component to patch.
* @tparam Func Types of the function objects to invoke.
* @param func Valid function objects.
* @return A reference to the patched component.
template<typename Component, typename... Func>
decltype(auto) patch(Func &&...func) const {
static_assert(((sizeof...(Type) == 0) || ... || std::is_same_v<Component, Type>), "Invalid type");
return reg->template patch<Component>(entt, std::forward<Func>(func)...);
* @brief Replaces the given component for a handle.
* @sa basic_registry::replace
* @tparam Component Type of component to replace.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component.
* @return A reference to the component being replaced.
template<typename Component, typename... Args>
decltype(auto) replace(Args &&...args) const {
static_assert(((sizeof...(Type) == 0) || ... || std::is_same_v<Component, Type>), "Invalid type");
return reg->template replace<Component>(entt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Removes the given components from a handle.
* @sa basic_registry::remove
* @tparam Component Types of components to remove.
* @return The number of components actually removed.
template<typename... Component>
size_type remove() const {
static_assert(sizeof...(Type) == 0 || (type_list_contains_v<type_list<Type...>, Component> && ...), "Invalid type");
return reg->template remove<Component...>(entt);
* @brief Erases the given components from a handle.
* @sa basic_registry::erase
* @tparam Component Types of components to erase.
template<typename... Component>
void erase() const {
static_assert(sizeof...(Type) == 0 || (type_list_contains_v<type_list<Type...>, Component> && ...), "Invalid type");
reg->template erase<Component...>(entt);
* @brief Checks if a handle has all the given components.
* @sa basic_registry::all_of
* @tparam Component Components for which to perform the check.
* @return True if the handle has all the components, false otherwise.
template<typename... Component>
[[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) all_of() const {
return reg->template all_of<Component...>(entt);
* @brief Checks if a handle has at least one of the given components.
* @sa basic_registry::any_of
* @tparam Component Components for which to perform the check.
* @return True if the handle has at least one of the given components,
* false otherwise.
template<typename... Component>
[[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) any_of() const {
return reg->template any_of<Component...>(entt);
* @brief Returns references to the given components for a handle.
* @sa basic_registry::get
* @tparam Component Types of components to get.
* @return References to the components owned by the handle.
template<typename... Component>
[[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get() const {
static_assert(sizeof...(Type) == 0 || (type_list_contains_v<type_list<Type...>, Component> && ...), "Invalid type");
return reg->template get<Component...>(entt);
* @brief Returns a reference to the given component for a handle.
* @sa basic_registry::get_or_emplace
* @tparam Component Type of component to get.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component.
* @return Reference to the component owned by the handle.
template<typename Component, typename... Args>
[[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) get_or_emplace(Args &&...args) const {
static_assert(((sizeof...(Type) == 0) || ... || std::is_same_v<Component, Type>), "Invalid type");
return reg->template get_or_emplace<Component>(entt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Returns pointers to the given components for a handle.
* @sa basic_registry::try_get
* @tparam Component Types of components to get.
* @return Pointers to the components owned by the handle.
template<typename... Component>
[[nodiscard]] auto try_get() const {
static_assert(sizeof...(Type) == 0 || (type_list_contains_v<type_list<Type...>, Component> && ...), "Invalid type");
return reg->template try_get<Component...>(entt);
* @brief Checks if a handle has components assigned.
* @return True if the handle has no components assigned, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool orphan() const {
return reg->orphan(entt);
* @brief Visits a handle and returns the pools for its components.
* The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following:
* @code{.cpp}
* void(id_type, const basic_sparse_set<entity_type> &);
* @endcode
* Returned pools are those that contain the entity associated with the
* handle.
* @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke.
* @param func A valid function object.
template<typename Func>
void visit(Func &&func) const {
for(auto [id, storage]: reg->storage()) {
if(storage.contains(entt)) {
func(id, storage);
registry_type *reg;
entity_type entt;
* @brief Compares two handles.
* @tparam Args Scope of the first handle.
* @tparam Other Scope of the second handle.
* @param lhs A valid handle.
* @param rhs A valid handle.
* @return True if both handles refer to the same registry and the same
* entity, false otherwise.
template<typename... Args, typename... Other>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const basic_handle<Args...> &lhs, const basic_handle<Other...> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return lhs.registry() == rhs.registry() && lhs.entity() == rhs.entity();
* @brief Compares two handles.
* @tparam Args Scope of the first handle.
* @tparam Other Scope of the second handle.
* @param lhs A valid handle.
* @param rhs A valid handle.
* @return False if both handles refer to the same registry and the same
* entity, true otherwise.
template<typename... Args, typename... Other>
[[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const basic_handle<Args...> &lhs, const basic_handle<Other...> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs == rhs);
* @brief Deduction guide.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<typename Entity>
basic_handle(basic_registry<Entity> &, Entity) -> basic_handle<Entity>;
* @brief Deduction guide.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<typename Entity>
basic_handle(const basic_registry<Entity> &, Entity) -> basic_handle<const Entity>;
} // namespace entt

+ 67
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modules/entt/src/entt/entity/helper.hpp View File

@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
#include <type_traits>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../core/hashed_string.hpp"
#include "../signal/sigh.hpp"
#include "../core/fwd.hpp"
#include "../core/type_traits.hpp"
#include "../signal/delegate.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
#include "registry.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Converts a registry to a view.
* @tparam Const Constness of the accepted registry.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<bool Const, typename Entity>
template<typename Entity>
struct as_view {
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = std::remove_const_t<Entity>;
/*! @brief Type of registry to convert. */
using registry_type = std::conditional_t<Const, const entt::basic_registry<Entity>, entt::basic_registry<Entity>>;
using registry_type = constness_as_t<basic_registry<entity_type>, Entity>;
* @brief Constructs a converter for a given registry.
@ -30,45 +30,43 @@ struct as_view {
* @brief Conversion function from a registry to a view.
* @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the view.
* @tparam Component Type of components used to construct the view.
* @return A newly created view.
template<typename... Component>
inline operator entt::basic_view<Entity, Component...>() const {
return reg.template view<Component...>();
template<typename Exclude, typename... Component>
operator basic_view<entity_type, get_t<Component...>, Exclude>() const {
return reg.template view<Component...>(Exclude{});
registry_type &reg;
* @brief Deduction guide.
* It allows to deduce the constness of a registry directly from the instance
* provided to the constructor.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<typename Entity>
as_view(basic_registry<Entity> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_view<false, Entity>;
as_view(basic_registry<Entity> &) -> as_view<Entity>;
/*! @copydoc as_view */
* @brief Deduction guide.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<typename Entity>
as_view(const basic_registry<Entity> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_view<true, Entity>;
as_view(const basic_registry<Entity> &) -> as_view<const Entity>;
* @brief Converts a registry to a group.
* @tparam Const Constness of the accepted registry.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<bool Const, typename Entity>
template<typename Entity>
struct as_group {
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = std::remove_const_t<Entity>;
/*! @brief Type of registry to convert. */
using registry_type = std::conditional_t<Const, const entt::basic_registry<Entity>, entt::basic_registry<Entity>>;
using registry_type = constness_as_t<basic_registry<entity_type>, Entity>;
* @brief Constructs a converter for a given registry.
@ -78,134 +76,81 @@ struct as_group {
* @brief Conversion function from a registry to a group.
* @note
* Unfortunately, only full owning groups are supported because of an issue
* with msvc that doesn't manage to correctly deduce types.
* @tparam Get Types of components observed by the group.
* @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the group.
* @tparam Owned Types of components owned by the group.
* @return A newly created group.
template<typename... Owned>
inline operator entt::basic_group<Entity, get_t<>, Owned...>() const {
return reg.template group<Owned...>();
template<typename Get, typename Exclude, typename... Owned>
operator basic_group<entity_type, owned_t<Owned...>, Get, Exclude>() const {
if constexpr(std::is_const_v<registry_type>) {
return reg.template group_if_exists<Owned...>(Get{}, Exclude{});
} else {
return reg.template group<Owned...>(Get{}, Exclude{});
registry_type &reg;
* @brief Deduction guide.
* It allows to deduce the constness of a registry directly from the instance
* provided to the constructor.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<typename Entity>
as_group(basic_registry<Entity> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_group<false, Entity>;
/*! @copydoc as_group */
template<typename Entity>
as_group(const basic_registry<Entity> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_group<true, Entity>;
as_group(basic_registry<Entity> &) -> as_group<Entity>;
* @brief Dependency function prototype.
* A _dependency function_ is a built-in listener to use to automatically assign
* components to an entity when a type has a dependency on some other types.
* This is a prototype function to use to create dependencies.<br/>
* It isn't intended for direct use, although nothing forbids using it freely.
* @brief Deduction guide.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
* @tparam Component Type of component that triggers the dependency handler.
* @tparam Dependency Types of components to assign to an entity if triggered.
* @param reg A valid reference to a registry.
* @param entt A valid entity identifier.
template<typename Entity, typename Component, typename... Dependency>
void dependency(basic_registry<Entity> &reg, const Entity entt, const Component &) {
((reg.template has<Dependency>(entt) ? void() : (reg.template assign<Dependency>(entt), void())), ...);
template<typename Entity>
as_group(const basic_registry<Entity> &) -> as_group<const Entity>;
* @brief Connects a dependency function to the given sink.
* A _dependency function_ is a built-in listener to use to automatically assign
* components to an entity when a type has a dependency on some other types.
* The following adds components `a_type` and `another_type` whenever `my_type`
* is assigned to an entity:
* @code{.cpp}
* entt::registry registry;
* entt::connect<a_type, another_type>(<my_type>());
* @endcode
* @tparam Dependency Types of components to assign to an entity if triggered.
* @tparam Component Type of component that triggers the dependency handler.
* @brief Helper to create a listener that directly invokes a member function.
* @tparam Member Member function to invoke on a component of the given type.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
* @param sink A sink object properly initialized.
* @param reg A registry that contains the given entity and its components.
* @param entt Entity from which to get the component.
template<typename... Dependency, typename Component, typename Entity>
inline void connect(sink<void(basic_registry<Entity> &, const Entity, Component &)> sink) {
sink.template connect<dependency<Entity, Component, Dependency...>>();
template<auto Member, typename Entity = entity>
void invoke(basic_registry<Entity> &reg, const Entity entt) {
static_assert(std::is_member_function_pointer_v<decltype(Member)>, "Invalid pointer to non-static member function");
delegate<void(basic_registry<Entity> &, const Entity)> func;
func.template connect<Member>(reg.template get<member_class_t<decltype(Member)>>(entt));
func(reg, entt);
* @brief Disconnects a dependency function from the given sink.
* A _dependency function_ is a built-in listener to use to automatically assign
* components to an entity when a type has a dependency on some other types.
* @brief Returns the entity associated with a given component.
* The following breaks the dependency between the component `my_type` and the
* components `a_type` and `another_type`:
* @code{.cpp}
* entt::registry registry;
* entt::disconnect<a_type, another_type>(<my_type>());
* @endcode
* @warning
* Currently, this function only works correctly with the default pool as it
* makes assumptions about how the components are laid out.
* @tparam Dependency Types of components used to create the dependency.
* @tparam Component Type of component that triggers the dependency handler.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
* @param sink A sink object properly initialized.
* @tparam Component Type of component.
* @param reg A registry that contains the given entity and its components.
* @param instance A valid component instance.
* @return The entity associated with the given component.
template<typename... Dependency, typename Component, typename Entity>
inline void disconnect(sink<void(basic_registry<Entity> &, const Entity, Component &)> sink) {
sink.template disconnect<dependency<Entity, Component, Dependency...>>();
* @brief Alias template to ease the assignment of tags to entities.
* If used in combination with hashed strings, it simplifies the assignment of
* tags to entities and the use of tags in general where a type would be
* required otherwise.<br/>
* As an example and where the user defined literal for hashed strings hasn't
* been changed:
* @code{.cpp}
* entt::registry registry;
* registry.assign<entt::tag<"enemy"_hs>>(entity);
* @endcode
* @note
* Tags are empty components and therefore candidates for the empty component
* optimization.
* @tparam Value The numeric representation of an instance of hashed string.
template<typename hashed_string::hash_type Value>
using tag = std::integral_constant<typename hashed_string::hash_type, Value>;
template<typename Entity, typename Component>
Entity to_entity(const basic_registry<Entity> &reg, const Component &instance) {
const auto &storage = reg.template storage<Component>();
const typename basic_registry<Entity>::base_type &base = storage;
const auto *addr = std::addressof(instance);
for(auto it = base.rbegin(), last = base.rend(); it < last; it += ENTT_PACKED_PAGE) {
if(const auto dist = (addr - std::addressof(storage.get(*it))); dist >= 0 && dist < ENTT_PACKED_PAGE) {
return *(it + dist);
return null;
} // namespace entt

+ 436
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modules/entt/src/entt/entity/observer.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../core/type_traits.hpp"
#include "../signal/delegate.hpp"
#include "entity.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
#include "registry.hpp"
#include "storage.hpp"
#include "utility.hpp"
namespace entt {
/*! @brief Grouping matcher. */
struct matcher {};
* @brief Collector.
* Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a
* compile-time error, but for a few reasonable cases.
struct basic_collector;
* @brief Collector.
* A collector contains a set of rules (literally, matchers) to use to track
* entities.<br/>
* Its main purpose is to generate a descriptor that allows an observer to know
* how to connect to a registry.
struct basic_collector<> {
* @brief Adds a grouping matcher to the collector.
* @tparam AllOf Types of components tracked by the matcher.
* @tparam NoneOf Types of components used to filter out entities.
* @return The updated collector.
template<typename... AllOf, typename... NoneOf>
static constexpr auto group(exclude_t<NoneOf...> = {}) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return basic_collector<matcher<type_list<>, type_list<>, type_list<NoneOf...>, AllOf...>>{};
* @brief Adds an observing matcher to the collector.
* @tparam AnyOf Type of component for which changes should be detected.
* @return The updated collector.
template<typename AnyOf>
static constexpr auto update() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return basic_collector<matcher<type_list<>, type_list<>, AnyOf>>{};
* @brief Collector.
* @copydetails basic_collector<>
* @tparam Reject Untracked types used to filter out entities.
* @tparam Require Untracked types required by the matcher.
* @tparam Rule Specific details of the current matcher.
* @tparam Other Other matchers.
template<typename... Reject, typename... Require, typename... Rule, typename... Other>
struct basic_collector<matcher<type_list<Reject...>, type_list<Require...>, Rule...>, Other...> {
/*! @brief Current matcher. */
using current_type = matcher<type_list<Reject...>, type_list<Require...>, Rule...>;
* @brief Adds a grouping matcher to the collector.
* @tparam AllOf Types of components tracked by the matcher.
* @tparam NoneOf Types of components used to filter out entities.
* @return The updated collector.
template<typename... AllOf, typename... NoneOf>
static constexpr auto group(exclude_t<NoneOf...> = {}) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return basic_collector<matcher<type_list<>, type_list<>, type_list<NoneOf...>, AllOf...>, current_type, Other...>{};
* @brief Adds an observing matcher to the collector.
* @tparam AnyOf Type of component for which changes should be detected.
* @return The updated collector.
template<typename AnyOf>
static constexpr auto update() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return basic_collector<matcher<type_list<>, type_list<>, AnyOf>, current_type, Other...>{};
* @brief Updates the filter of the last added matcher.
* @tparam AllOf Types of components required by the matcher.
* @tparam NoneOf Types of components used to filter out entities.
* @return The updated collector.
template<typename... AllOf, typename... NoneOf>
static constexpr auto where(exclude_t<NoneOf...> = {}) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
using extended_type = matcher<type_list<Reject..., NoneOf...>, type_list<Require..., AllOf...>, Rule...>;
return basic_collector<extended_type, Other...>{};
/*! @brief Variable template used to ease the definition of collectors. */
inline constexpr basic_collector<> collector{};
* @brief Observer.
* An observer returns all the entities and only the entities that fit the
* requirements of at least one matcher. Moreover, it's guaranteed that the
* entity list is tightly packed in memory for fast iterations.<br/>
* In general, observers don't stay true to the order of any set of components.
* Observers work mainly with two types of matchers, provided through a
* collector:
* * Observing matcher: an observer will return at least all the living entities
* for which one or more of the given components have been updated and not yet
* destroyed.
* * Grouping matcher: an observer will return at least all the living entities
* that would have entered the given group if it existed and that would have
* not yet left it.
* If an entity respects the requirements of multiple matchers, it will be
* returned once and only once by the observer in any case.
* Matchers support also filtering by means of a _where_ clause that accepts
* both a list of types and an exclusion list.<br/>
* Whenever a matcher finds that an entity matches its requirements, the
* condition of the filter is verified before to register the entity itself.
* Moreover, a registered entity isn't returned by the observer if the condition
* set by the filter is broken in the meantime.
* @b Important
* Iterators aren't invalidated if:
* * New instances of the given components are created and assigned to entities.
* * The entity currently pointed is modified (as an example, if one of the
* given components is removed from the entity to which the iterator points).
* * The entity currently pointed is destroyed.
* In all the other cases, modifying the pools of the given components in any
* way invalidates all the iterators and using them results in undefined
* behavior.
* @warning
* Lifetime of an observer doesn't necessarily have to overcome that of the
* registry to which it is connected. However, the observer must be disconnected
* from the registry before being destroyed to avoid crashes due to dangling
* pointers.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<typename Entity>
class basic_observer {
using payload_type = std::uint32_t;
struct matcher_handler;
template<typename... Reject, typename... Require, typename AnyOf>
struct matcher_handler<matcher<type_list<Reject...>, type_list<Require...>, AnyOf>> {
template<std::size_t Index>
static void maybe_valid_if(basic_observer &obs, basic_registry<Entity> &reg, const Entity entt) {
if(reg.template all_of<Require...>(entt) && !reg.template any_of<Reject...>(entt)) {
if(! {;
} |= (1 << Index);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void discard_if(basic_observer &obs, basic_registry<Entity> &, const Entity entt) {
if( && !( &= (~(1 << Index)))) {;
template<std::size_t Index>
static void connect(basic_observer &obs, basic_registry<Entity> &reg) {
(reg.template on_destroy<Require>().template connect<&discard_if<Index>>(obs), ...);
(reg.template on_construct<Reject>().template connect<&discard_if<Index>>(obs), ...);
reg.template on_update<AnyOf>().template connect<&maybe_valid_if<Index>>(obs);
reg.template on_destroy<AnyOf>().template connect<&discard_if<Index>>(obs);
static void disconnect(basic_observer &obs, basic_registry<Entity> &reg) {
(reg.template on_destroy<Require>().disconnect(obs), ...);
(reg.template on_construct<Reject>().disconnect(obs), ...);
reg.template on_update<AnyOf>().disconnect(obs);
reg.template on_destroy<AnyOf>().disconnect(obs);
template<typename... Reject, typename... Require, typename... NoneOf, typename... AllOf>
struct matcher_handler<matcher<type_list<Reject...>, type_list<Require...>, type_list<NoneOf...>, AllOf...>> {
template<std::size_t Index, typename... Ignore>
static void maybe_valid_if(basic_observer &obs, basic_registry<Entity> &reg, const Entity entt) {
auto condition = [&reg, entt]() {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Ignore) == 0) {
return reg.template all_of<AllOf..., Require...>(entt) && !reg.template any_of<NoneOf..., Reject...>(entt);
} else {
return reg.template all_of<AllOf..., Require...>(entt) && ((std::is_same_v<Ignore..., NoneOf> || !reg.template any_of<NoneOf>(entt)) && ...) && !reg.template any_of<Reject...>(entt);
if(condition()) {
if(! {;
} |= (1 << Index);
template<std::size_t Index>
static void discard_if(basic_observer &obs, basic_registry<Entity> &, const Entity entt) {
if( && !( &= (~(1 << Index)))) {;
template<std::size_t Index>
static void connect(basic_observer &obs, basic_registry<Entity> &reg) {
(reg.template on_destroy<Require>().template connect<&discard_if<Index>>(obs), ...);
(reg.template on_construct<Reject>().template connect<&discard_if<Index>>(obs), ...);
(reg.template on_construct<AllOf>().template connect<&maybe_valid_if<Index>>(obs), ...);
(reg.template on_destroy<NoneOf>().template connect<&maybe_valid_if<Index, NoneOf>>(obs), ...);
(reg.template on_destroy<AllOf>().template connect<&discard_if<Index>>(obs), ...);
(reg.template on_construct<NoneOf>().template connect<&discard_if<Index>>(obs), ...);
static void disconnect(basic_observer &obs, basic_registry<Entity> &reg) {
(reg.template on_destroy<Require>().disconnect(obs), ...);
(reg.template on_construct<Reject>().disconnect(obs), ...);
(reg.template on_construct<AllOf>().disconnect(obs), ...);
(reg.template on_destroy<NoneOf>().disconnect(obs), ...);
(reg.template on_destroy<AllOf>().disconnect(obs), ...);
(reg.template on_construct<NoneOf>().disconnect(obs), ...);
template<typename... Matcher>
static void disconnect(basic_registry<Entity> &reg, basic_observer &obs) {
(matcher_handler<Matcher>::disconnect(obs, reg), ...);
template<typename... Matcher, std::size_t... Index>
void connect(basic_registry<Entity> &reg, std::index_sequence<Index...>) {
static_assert(sizeof...(Matcher) < std::numeric_limits<payload_type>::digits, "Too many matchers");
(matcher_handler<Matcher>::template connect<Index>(*this, reg), ...);
release.template connect<&basic_observer::disconnect<Matcher...>>(reg);
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = Entity;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using size_type = std::size_t;
/*! @brief Random access iterator type. */
using iterator = typename basic_sparse_set<Entity>::iterator;
/*! @brief Default constructor. */
: release{},
storage{} {}
/*! @brief Default copy constructor, deleted on purpose. */
basic_observer(const basic_observer &) = delete;
/*! @brief Default move constructor, deleted on purpose. */
basic_observer(basic_observer &&) = delete;
* @brief Creates an observer and connects it to a given registry.
* @tparam Matcher Types of matchers to use to initialize the observer.
* @param reg A valid reference to a registry.
template<typename... Matcher>
basic_observer(basic_registry<entity_type> &reg, basic_collector<Matcher...>)
: basic_observer{} {
connect<Matcher...>(reg, std::index_sequence_for<Matcher...>{});
/*! @brief Default destructor. */
~basic_observer() = default;
* @brief Default copy assignment operator, deleted on purpose.
* @return This observer.
basic_observer &operator=(const basic_observer &) = delete;
* @brief Default move assignment operator, deleted on purpose.
* @return This observer.
basic_observer &operator=(basic_observer &&) = delete;
* @brief Connects an observer to a given registry.
* @tparam Matcher Types of matchers to use to initialize the observer.
* @param reg A valid reference to a registry.
template<typename... Matcher>
void connect(basic_registry<entity_type> &reg, basic_collector<Matcher...>) {
connect<Matcher...>(reg, std::index_sequence_for<Matcher...>{});
/*! @brief Disconnects an observer from the registry it keeps track of. */
void disconnect() {
if(release) {
* @brief Returns the number of elements in an observer.
* @return Number of elements.
[[nodiscard]] size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return storage.size();
* @brief Checks whether an observer is empty.
* @return True if the observer is empty, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return storage.empty();
* @brief Direct access to the list of entities of the observer.
* The returned pointer is such that range `[data(), data() + size())` is
* always a valid range, even if the container is empty.
* @note
* Entities are in the reverse order as returned by the `begin`/`end`
* iterators.
* @return A pointer to the array of entities.
[[nodiscard]] const entity_type *data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
* @brief Returns an iterator to the first entity of the observer.
* The returned iterator points to the first entity of the observer. If the
* container is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to `end()`.
* @return An iterator to the first entity of the observer.
[[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return storage.basic_sparse_set<entity_type>::begin();
* @brief Returns an iterator that is past the last entity of the observer.
* The returned iterator points to the entity following the last entity of
* the observer. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator results in
* undefined behavior.
* @return An iterator to the entity following the last entity of the
* observer.
[[nodiscard]] iterator end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return storage.basic_sparse_set<entity_type>::end();
/*! @brief Clears the underlying container. */
void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
* @brief Iterates entities and applies the given function object to them.
* The function object is invoked for each entity.<br/>
* The signature of the function must be equivalent to the following form:
* @code{.cpp}
* void(const entity_type);
* @endcode
* @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke.
* @param func A valid function object.
template<typename Func>
void each(Func func) const {
for(const auto entity: *this) {
* @brief Iterates entities and applies the given function object to them,
* then clears the observer.
* @sa each
* @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke.
* @param func A valid function object.
template<typename Func>
void each(Func func) {
delegate<void(basic_observer &)> release;
basic_storage<entity_type, payload_type> storage;
} // namespace entt

+ 484
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modules/entt/src/entt/entity/organizer.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "../container/dense_map.hpp"
#include "../core/type_info.hpp"
#include "../core/type_traits.hpp"
#include "../core/utility.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
#include "helper.hpp"
namespace entt {
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
struct is_view: std::false_type {};
template<typename Entity, typename... Component, typename... Exclude>
struct is_view<basic_view<Entity, get_t<Component...>, exclude_t<Exclude...>>>: std::true_type {};
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr bool is_view_v = is_view<Type>::value;
template<typename Type, typename Override>
struct unpack_type {
using ro = std::conditional_t<
type_list_contains_v<Override, std::add_const_t<Type>> || (std::is_const_v<Type> && !type_list_contains_v<Override, std::remove_const_t<Type>>),
using rw = std::conditional_t<
type_list_contains_v<Override, std::remove_const_t<Type>> || (!std::is_const_v<Type> && !type_list_contains_v<Override, std::add_const_t<Type>>),
template<typename Entity, typename... Override>
struct unpack_type<basic_registry<Entity>, type_list<Override...>> {
using ro = type_list<>;
using rw = type_list<>;
template<typename Entity, typename... Override>
struct unpack_type<const basic_registry<Entity>, type_list<Override...>>
: unpack_type<basic_registry<Entity>, type_list<Override...>> {};
template<typename Entity, typename... Component, typename... Exclude, typename... Override>
struct unpack_type<basic_view<Entity, get_t<Component...>, exclude_t<Exclude...>>, type_list<Override...>> {
using ro = type_list_cat_t<type_list<Exclude...>, typename unpack_type<Component, type_list<Override...>>::ro...>;
using rw = type_list_cat_t<typename unpack_type<Component, type_list<Override...>>::rw...>;
template<typename Entity, typename... Component, typename... Exclude, typename... Override>
struct unpack_type<const basic_view<Entity, get_t<Component...>, exclude_t<Exclude...>>, type_list<Override...>>
: unpack_type<basic_view<Entity, get_t<Component...>, exclude_t<Exclude...>>, type_list<Override...>> {};
template<typename, typename>
struct resource_traits;
template<typename... Args, typename... Req>
struct resource_traits<type_list<Args...>, type_list<Req...>> {
using args = type_list<std::remove_const_t<Args>...>;
using ro = type_list_cat_t<typename unpack_type<Args, type_list<Req...>>::ro..., typename unpack_type<Req, type_list<>>::ro...>;
using rw = type_list_cat_t<typename unpack_type<Args, type_list<Req...>>::rw..., typename unpack_type<Req, type_list<>>::rw...>;
template<typename... Req, typename Ret, typename... Args>
resource_traits<type_list<std::remove_reference_t<Args>...>, type_list<Req...>> free_function_to_resource_traits(Ret (*)(Args...));
template<typename... Req, typename Ret, typename Type, typename... Args>
resource_traits<type_list<std::remove_reference_t<Args>...>, type_list<Req...>> constrained_function_to_resource_traits(Ret (*)(Type &, Args...));
template<typename... Req, typename Ret, typename Class, typename... Args>
resource_traits<type_list<std::remove_reference_t<Args>...>, type_list<Req...>> constrained_function_to_resource_traits(Ret (Class::*)(Args...));
template<typename... Req, typename Ret, typename Class, typename... Args>
resource_traits<type_list<std::remove_reference_t<Args>...>, type_list<Req...>> constrained_function_to_resource_traits(Ret (Class::*)(Args...) const);
} // namespace internal
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
* @brief Utility class for creating a static task graph.
* This class offers minimal support (but sufficient in many cases) for creating
* an execution graph from functions and their requirements on resources.<br/>
* Note that the resulting tasks aren't executed in any case. This isn't the
* goal of the tool. Instead, they are returned to the user in the form of a
* graph that allows for safe execution.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<typename Entity>
class basic_organizer final {
using callback_type = void(const void *, basic_registry<Entity> &);
using prepare_type = void(basic_registry<Entity> &);
using dependency_type = std::size_t(const bool, const type_info **, const std::size_t);
struct vertex_data final {
std::size_t ro_count{};
std::size_t rw_count{};
const char *name{};
const void *payload{};
callback_type *callback{};
dependency_type *dependency;
prepare_type *prepare{};
const type_info *info{};
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] static decltype(auto) extract(basic_registry<Entity> &reg) {
if constexpr(std::is_same_v<Type, basic_registry<Entity>>) {
return reg;
} else if constexpr(internal::is_view_v<Type>) {
return as_view{reg};
} else {
return reg.ctx().template emplace<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>();
template<typename... Args>
[[nodiscard]] static auto to_args(basic_registry<Entity> &reg, type_list<Args...>) {
return std::tuple<decltype(extract<Args>(reg))...>(extract<Args>(reg)...);
template<typename... Type>
static std::size_t fill_dependencies(type_list<Type...>, [[maybe_unused]] const type_info **buffer, [[maybe_unused]] const std::size_t count) {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Type) == 0u) {
return {};
} else {
const type_info *info[sizeof...(Type)]{&type_id<Type>()...};
const auto length = (std::min)(count, sizeof...(Type));
std::copy_n(info, length, buffer);
return length;
template<typename... RO, typename... RW>
void track_dependencies(std::size_t index, const bool requires_registry, type_list<RO...>, type_list<RW...>) {
dependencies[type_hash<basic_registry<Entity>>::value()].emplace_back(index, requires_registry || (sizeof...(RO) + sizeof...(RW) == 0u));
(dependencies[type_hash<RO>::value()].emplace_back(index, false), ...);
(dependencies[type_hash<RW>::value()].emplace_back(index, true), ...);
[[nodiscard]] std::vector<bool> adjacency_matrix() {
const auto length = vertices.size();
std::vector<bool> edges(length * length, false);
// creates the adjacency matrix
for(const auto &deps: dependencies) {
const auto last = deps.second.cend();
auto it = deps.second.cbegin();
while(it != last) {
if(it->second) {
// rw item
if(auto curr = it++; it != last) {
if(it->second) {
edges[curr->first * length + it->first] = true;
} else {
if(const auto next = std::find_if(it, last, [](const auto &elem) { return elem.second; }); next != last) {
for(; it != next; ++it) {
edges[curr->first * length + it->first] = true;
edges[it->first * length + next->first] = true;
} else {
for(; it != next; ++it) {
edges[curr->first * length + it->first] = true;
} else {
// ro item, possibly only on first iteration
if(const auto next = std::find_if(it, last, [](const auto &elem) { return elem.second; }); next != last) {
for(; it != next; ++it) {
edges[it->first * length + next->first] = true;
} else {
it = last;
// computes the transitive closure
for(std::size_t vk{}; vk < length; ++vk) {
for(std::size_t vi{}; vi < length; ++vi) {
for(std::size_t vj{}; vj < length; ++vj) {
edges[vi * length + vj] = edges[vi * length + vj] || (edges[vi * length + vk] && edges[vk * length + vj]);
// applies the transitive reduction
for(std::size_t vert{}; vert < length; ++vert) {
edges[vert * length + vert] = false;
for(std::size_t vj{}; vj < length; ++vj) {
for(std::size_t vi{}; vi < length; ++vi) {
if(edges[vi * length + vj]) {
for(std::size_t vk{}; vk < length; ++vk) {
if(edges[vj * length + vk]) {
edges[vi * length + vk] = false;
return edges;
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = Entity;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using size_type = std::size_t;
/*! @brief Raw task function type. */
using function_type = callback_type;
/*! @brief Vertex type of a task graph defined as an adjacency list. */
struct vertex {
* @brief Constructs a vertex of the task graph.
* @param vtype True if the vertex is a top-level one, false otherwise.
* @param data The data associated with the vertex.
* @param edges The indices of the children in the adjacency list.
vertex(const bool vtype, vertex_data data, std::vector<std::size_t> edges)
: is_top_level{vtype},
reachable{std::move(edges)} {}
* @brief Fills a buffer with the type info objects for the writable
* resources of a vertex.
* @param buffer A buffer pre-allocated by the user.
* @param length The length of the user-supplied buffer.
* @return The number of type info objects written to the buffer.
size_type ro_dependency(const type_info **buffer, const std::size_t length) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return node.dependency(false, buffer, length);
* @brief Fills a buffer with the type info objects for the read-only
* resources of a vertex.
* @param buffer A buffer pre-allocated by the user.
* @param length The length of the user-supplied buffer.
* @return The number of type info objects written to the buffer.
size_type rw_dependency(const type_info **buffer, const std::size_t length) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return node.dependency(true, buffer, length);
* @brief Returns the number of read-only resources of a vertex.
* @return The number of read-only resources of the vertex.
size_type ro_count() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return node.ro_count;
* @brief Returns the number of writable resources of a vertex.
* @return The number of writable resources of the vertex.
size_type rw_count() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return node.rw_count;
* @brief Checks if a vertex is also a top-level one.
* @return True if the vertex is a top-level one, false otherwise.
bool top_level() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return is_top_level;
* @brief Returns a type info object associated with a vertex.
* @return A properly initialized type info object.
const type_info &info() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return *;
* @brief Returns a user defined name associated with a vertex, if any.
* @return The user defined name associated with the vertex, if any.
const char *name() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
* @brief Returns the function associated with a vertex.
* @return The function associated with the vertex.
function_type *callback() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return node.callback;
* @brief Returns the payload associated with a vertex, if any.
* @return The payload associated with the vertex, if any.
const void *data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return node.payload;
* @brief Returns the list of nodes reachable from a given vertex.
* @return The list of nodes reachable from the vertex.
const std::vector<std::size_t> &children() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return reachable;
* @brief Prepares a registry and assures that all required resources
* are properly instantiated before using them.
* @param reg A valid registry.
void prepare(basic_registry<entity_type> &reg) const {
node.prepare ? node.prepare(reg) : void();
bool is_top_level;
vertex_data node;
std::vector<std::size_t> reachable;
* @brief Adds a free function to the task list.
* @tparam Candidate Function to add to the task list.
* @tparam Req Additional requirements and/or override resource access mode.
* @param name Optional name to associate with the task.
template<auto Candidate, typename... Req>
void emplace(const char *name = nullptr) {
using resource_type = decltype(internal::free_function_to_resource_traits<Req...>(Candidate));
constexpr auto requires_registry = type_list_contains_v<typename resource_type::args, basic_registry<entity_type>>;
callback_type *callback = +[](const void *, basic_registry<entity_type> &reg) {
std::apply(Candidate, to_args(reg, typename resource_type::args{}));
vertex_data vdata{
+[](const bool rw, const type_info **buffer, const std::size_t length) { return rw ? fill_dependencies(typename resource_type::rw{}, buffer, length) : fill_dependencies(typename resource_type::ro{}, buffer, length); },
+[](basic_registry<entity_type> &reg) { void(to_args(reg, typename resource_type::args{})); },
&type_id<std::integral_constant<decltype(Candidate), Candidate>>()};
track_dependencies(vertices.size(), requires_registry, typename resource_type::ro{}, typename resource_type::rw{});
* @brief Adds a free function with payload or a member function with an
* instance to the task list.
* @tparam Candidate Function or member to add to the task list.
* @tparam Req Additional requirements and/or override resource access mode.
* @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload.
* @param value_or_instance A valid object that fits the purpose.
* @param name Optional name to associate with the task.
template<auto Candidate, typename... Req, typename Type>
void emplace(Type &value_or_instance, const char *name = nullptr) {
using resource_type = decltype(internal::constrained_function_to_resource_traits<Req...>(Candidate));
constexpr auto requires_registry = type_list_contains_v<typename resource_type::args, basic_registry<entity_type>>;
callback_type *callback = +[](const void *payload, basic_registry<entity_type> &reg) {
Type *curr = static_cast<Type *>(const_cast<constness_as_t<void, Type> *>(payload));
std::apply(Candidate, std::tuple_cat(std::forward_as_tuple(*curr), to_args(reg, typename resource_type::args{})));
vertex_data vdata{
+[](const bool rw, const type_info **buffer, const std::size_t length) { return rw ? fill_dependencies(typename resource_type::rw{}, buffer, length) : fill_dependencies(typename resource_type::ro{}, buffer, length); },
+[](basic_registry<entity_type> &reg) { void(to_args(reg, typename resource_type::args{})); },
&type_id<std::integral_constant<decltype(Candidate), Candidate>>()};
track_dependencies(vertices.size(), requires_registry, typename resource_type::ro{}, typename resource_type::rw{});
* @brief Adds an user defined function with optional payload to the task
* list.
* @tparam Req Additional requirements and/or override resource access mode.
* @param func Function to add to the task list.
* @param payload User defined arbitrary data.
* @param name Optional name to associate with the task.
template<typename... Req>
void emplace(function_type *func, const void *payload = nullptr, const char *name = nullptr) {
using resource_type = internal::resource_traits<type_list<>, type_list<Req...>>;
track_dependencies(vertices.size(), true, typename resource_type::ro{}, typename resource_type::rw{});
vertex_data vdata{
+[](const bool rw, const type_info **buffer, const std::size_t length) { return rw ? fill_dependencies(typename resource_type::rw{}, buffer, length) : fill_dependencies(typename resource_type::ro{}, buffer, length); },
* @brief Generates a task graph for the current content.
* @return The adjacency list of the task graph.
std::vector<vertex> graph() {
const auto edges = adjacency_matrix();
// creates the adjacency list
std::vector<vertex> adjacency_list{};
for(std::size_t col{}, length = vertices.size(); col < length; ++col) {
std::vector<std::size_t> reachable{};
const auto row = col * length;
bool is_top_level = true;
for(std::size_t next{}; next < length; ++next) {
if(edges[row + next]) {
for(std::size_t next{}; next < length && is_top_level; ++next) {
is_top_level = !edges[next * length + col];
adjacency_list.emplace_back(is_top_level, vertices[col], std::move(reachable));
return adjacency_list;
/*! @brief Erases all elements from a container. */
void clear() {
dense_map<id_type, std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, bool>>, identity> dependencies;
std::vector<vertex_data> vertices;
} // namespace entt

+ 0
- 483
modules/entt/src/entt/entity/prototype.hpp View File

@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "registry.hpp"
#include "entity.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Prototype container for _concepts_.
* A prototype is used to define a _concept_ in terms of components.<br/>
* Prototypes act as templates for those specific types of an application which
* users would otherwise define through a series of component assignments to
* entities. In other words, prototypes can be used to assign components to
* entities of a registry at once.
* @note
* Components used along with prototypes must be copy constructible. Prototypes
* wrap component types with custom types, so they do not interfere with other
* users of the registry they were built with.
* @warning
* Prototypes directly use their underlying registries to store entities and
* components for their purposes. Users must ensure that the lifetime of a
* registry and its contents exceed that of the prototypes that use it.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<typename Entity>
class basic_prototype {
using basic_fn_type = void(const basic_prototype &, basic_registry<Entity> &, const Entity);
using component_type = typename basic_registry<Entity>::component_type;
template<typename Component>
struct component_wrapper { Component component; };
struct component_handler {
basic_fn_type *assign_or_replace;
basic_fn_type *assign;
void release() {
if(reg->valid(entity)) {
/*! @brief Registry type. */
using registry_type = basic_registry<Entity>;
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = Entity;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using size_type = std::size_t;
* @brief Constructs a prototype that is bound to a given registry.
* @param ref A valid reference to a registry.
basic_prototype(registry_type &ref)
: reg{&ref},
* @brief Releases all its resources.
~basic_prototype() {
* @brief Move constructor.
* After prototype move construction, instances that have been moved from
* are placed in a valid but unspecified state. It's highly discouraged to
* continue using them.
* @param other The instance to move from.
basic_prototype(basic_prototype &&other)
: handlers{std::move(other.handlers)},
other.entity = null;
* @brief Move assignment operator.
* After prototype move assignment, instances that have been moved from are
* placed in a valid but unspecified state. It's highly discouraged to
* continue using them.
* @param other The instance to move from.
* @return This prototype.
basic_prototype & operator=(basic_prototype &&other) {
if(this != &other) {
auto tmp{std::move(other)};
std::swap(reg, tmp.reg);
std::swap(entity, tmp.entity);
return *this;
* @brief Assigns to or replaces the given component of a prototype.
* @tparam Component Type of component to assign or replace.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component.
* @return A reference to the newly created component.
template<typename Component, typename... Args>
Component & set(Args &&... args) {
component_handler handler;
handler.assign_or_replace = [](const basic_prototype &proto, registry_type &other, const Entity dst) {
const auto &wrapper = proto.reg->template get<component_wrapper<Component>>(proto.entity);
other.template assign_or_replace<Component>(dst, wrapper.component);
handler.assign = [](const basic_prototype &proto, registry_type &other, const Entity dst) {
if(!other.template has<Component>(dst)) {
const auto &wrapper = proto.reg->template get<component_wrapper<Component>>(proto.entity);
other.template assign<Component>(dst, wrapper.component);
handlers[reg->template type<Component>()] = handler;
auto &wrapper = reg->template assign_or_replace<component_wrapper<Component>>(entity, Component{std::forward<Args>(args)...});
return wrapper.component;
* @brief Removes the given component from a prototype.
* @tparam Component Type of component to remove.
template<typename Component>
void unset() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
reg->template reset<component_wrapper<Component>>(entity);
handlers.erase(reg->template type<Component>());
* @brief Checks if a prototype owns all the given components.
* @tparam Component Components for which to perform the check.
* @return True if the prototype owns all the components, false otherwise.
template<typename... Component>
bool has() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return reg->template has<component_wrapper<Component>...>(entity);
* @brief Returns references to the given components.
* @warning
* Attempting to get a component from a prototype that doesn't own it
* results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the
* prototype doesn't own an instance of the given component.
* @tparam Component Types of components to get.
* @return References to the components owned by the prototype.
template<typename... Component>
decltype(auto) get() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) {
return (std::as_const(*reg).template get<component_wrapper<Component...>>(entity).component);
} else {
return std::tuple<std::add_const_t<Component> &...>{get<Component>()...};
/*! @copydoc get */
template<typename... Component>
inline decltype(auto) get() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) {
return (const_cast<Component &>(std::as_const(*this).template get<Component>()), ...);
} else {
return std::tuple<Component &...>{get<Component>()...};
* @brief Returns pointers to the given components.
* @tparam Component Types of components to get.
* @return Pointers to the components owned by the prototype.
template<typename... Component>
auto try_get() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) {
const auto *wrapper = reg->template try_get<component_wrapper<Component...>>(entity);
return wrapper ? &wrapper->component : nullptr;
} else {
return std::tuple<std::add_const_t<Component> *...>{try_get<Component>()...};
/*! @copydoc try_get */
template<typename... Component>
inline auto try_get() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) {
return (const_cast<Component *>(std::as_const(*this).template try_get<Component>()), ...);
} else {
return std::tuple<Component *...>{try_get<Component>()...};
* @brief Creates a new entity using a given prototype.
* Utility shortcut, equivalent to the following snippet:
* @code{.cpp}
* const auto entity = registry.create();
* prototype(registry, entity);
* @endcode
* @note
* The registry may or may not be different from the one already used by
* the prototype. There is also an overload that directly uses the
* underlying registry.
* @param other A valid reference to a registry.
* @return A valid entity identifier.
entity_type create(registry_type &other) const {
const auto entt = other.create();
assign(other, entt);
return entt;
* @brief Creates a new entity using a given prototype.
* Utility shortcut, equivalent to the following snippet:
* @code{.cpp}
* const auto entity = registry.create();
* prototype(entity);
* @endcode
* @note
* This overload directly uses the underlying registry as a working space.
* Therefore, the components of the prototype and of the entity will share
* the same registry.
* @return A valid entity identifier.
inline entity_type create() const {
return create(*reg);
* @brief Assigns the components of a prototype to a given entity.
* Assigning a prototype to an entity won't overwrite existing components
* under any circumstances.<br/>
* In other words, only those components that the entity doesn't own yet are
* copied over. All the other components remain unchanged.
* @note
* The registry may or may not be different from the one already used by
* the prototype. There is also an overload that directly uses the
* underlying registry.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @param other A valid reference to a registry.
* @param dst A valid entity identifier.
void assign(registry_type &other, const entity_type dst) const {
for(auto &handler: handlers) {
handler.second.assign(*this, other, dst);
* @brief Assigns the components of a prototype to a given entity.
* Assigning a prototype to an entity won't overwrite existing components
* under any circumstances.<br/>
* In other words, only those components that the entity doesn't own yet are
* copied over. All the other components remain unchanged.
* @note
* This overload directly uses the underlying registry as a working space.
* Therefore, the components of the prototype and of the entity will share
* the same registry.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @param dst A valid entity identifier.
inline void assign(const entity_type dst) const {
assign(*reg, dst);
* @brief Assigns or replaces the components of a prototype for an entity.
* Existing components are overwritten, if any. All the other components
* will be copied over to the target entity.
* @note
* The registry may or may not be different from the one already used by
* the prototype. There is also an overload that directly uses the
* underlying registry.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @param other A valid reference to a registry.
* @param dst A valid entity identifier.
void assign_or_replace(registry_type &other, const entity_type dst) const {
for(auto &handler: handlers) {
handler.second.assign_or_replace(*this, other, dst);
* @brief Assigns or replaces the components of a prototype for an entity.
* Existing components are overwritten, if any. All the other components
* will be copied over to the target entity.
* @note
* This overload directly uses the underlying registry as a working space.
* Therefore, the components of the prototype and of the entity will share
* the same registry.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @param dst A valid entity identifier.
inline void assign_or_replace(const entity_type dst) const {
assign_or_replace(*reg, dst);
* @brief Assigns the components of a prototype to an entity.
* Assigning a prototype to an entity won't overwrite existing components
* under any circumstances.<br/>
* In other words, only the components that the entity doesn't own yet are
* copied over. All the other components remain unchanged.
* @note
* The registry may or may not be different from the one already used by
* the prototype. There is also an overload that directly uses the
* underlying registry.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @param other A valid reference to a registry.
* @param dst A valid entity identifier.
inline void operator()(registry_type &other, const entity_type dst) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
assign(other, dst);
* @brief Assigns the components of a prototype to an entity.
* Assigning a prototype to an entity won't overwrite existing components
* under any circumstances.<br/>
* In other words, only the components that the entity doesn't own yet are
* copied over. All the other components remain unchanged.
* @note
* This overload directly uses the underlying registry as a working space.
* Therefore, the components of the prototype and of the entity will share
* the same registry.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @param dst A valid entity identifier.
inline void operator()(const entity_type dst) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
assign(*reg, dst);
* @brief Creates a new entity using a given prototype.
* Utility shortcut, equivalent to the following snippet:
* @code{.cpp}
* const auto entity = registry.create();
* prototype(registry, entity);
* @endcode
* @note
* The registry may or may not be different from the one already used by
* the prototype. There is also an overload that directly uses the
* underlying registry.
* @param other A valid reference to a registry.
* @return A valid entity identifier.
inline entity_type operator()(registry_type &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return create(other);
* @brief Creates a new entity using a given prototype.
* Utility shortcut, equivalent to the following snippet:
* @code{.cpp}
* const auto entity = registry.create();
* prototype(entity);
* @endcode
* @note
* This overload directly uses the underlying registry as a working space.
* Therefore, the components of the prototype and of the entity will share
* the same registry.
* @return A valid entity identifier.
inline entity_type operator()() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return create(*reg);
* @brief Returns a reference to the underlying registry.
* @return A reference to the underlying registry.
inline const registry_type & backend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return *reg;
/*! @copydoc backend */
inline registry_type & backend() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return const_cast<registry_type &>(std::as_const(*this).backend());
std::unordered_map<component_type, component_handler> handlers;
registry_type *reg;
entity_type entity;

+ 1043
- 1247
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File

+ 157
- 160
modules/entt/src/entt/entity/runtime_view.hpp View File

@ -1,23 +1,119 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "sparse_set.hpp"
#include "entity.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
#include "sparse_set.hpp"
namespace entt {
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
template<typename Set>
class runtime_view_iterator final {
using iterator_type = typename Set::iterator;
[[nodiscard]] bool valid() const {
return (!tombstone_check || *it != tombstone)
&& std::all_of(++pools->begin(), pools->end(), [entt = *it](const auto *curr) { return curr->contains(entt); })
&& std::none_of(filter->cbegin(), filter->cend(), [entt = *it](const auto *curr) { return curr && curr->contains(entt); });
using difference_type = typename iterator_type::difference_type;
using value_type = typename iterator_type::value_type;
using pointer = typename iterator_type::pointer;
using reference = typename iterator_type::reference;
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
runtime_view_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: pools{},
tombstone_check{} {}
runtime_view_iterator(const std::vector<const Set *> &cpools, const std::vector<const Set *> &ignore, iterator_type curr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: pools{&cpools},
tombstone_check{pools->size() == 1u && (*pools)[0u]->policy() == deletion_policy::in_place} {
if(it != (*pools)[0]->end() && !valid()) {
runtime_view_iterator &operator++() {
while(++it != (*pools)[0]->end() && !valid()) {}
return *this;
runtime_view_iterator operator++(int) {
runtime_view_iterator orig = *this;
return ++(*this), orig;
runtime_view_iterator &operator--() {
while(--it != (*pools)[0]->begin() && !valid()) {}
return *this;
runtime_view_iterator operator--(int) {
runtime_view_iterator orig = *this;
return operator--(), orig;
[[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return it.operator->();
[[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return *operator->();
[[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const runtime_view_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return it ==;
[[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const runtime_view_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(*this == other);
const std::vector<const Set *> *pools;
const std::vector<const Set *> *filter;
iterator_type it;
bool tombstone_check;
} // namespace internal
* @brief Runtime view.
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
* @brief Runtime view implementation.
* Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a
* compile-time error, but for a few reasonable cases.
struct basic_runtime_view;
* @brief Generic runtime view.
* Runtime views iterate over those entities that have at least all the given
* components in their bags. During initialization, a runtime view looks at the
@ -35,6 +131,7 @@ namespace entt {
* * New instances of the given components are created and assigned to entities.
* * The entity currently pointed is modified (as an example, if one of the
* given components is removed from the entity to which the iterator points).
* * The entity currently pointed is destroyed.
* In all the other cases, modifying the pools of the given components in any
* way invalidates all the iterators and using them results in undefined
@ -48,137 +145,59 @@ namespace entt {
* have a valid reference and won't be updated accordingly).
* @warning
* Lifetime of a view must overcome the one of the registry that generated it.
* Lifetime of a view must not overcome that of the registry that generated it.
* In any other case, attempting to use a view results in undefined behavior.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
* @tparam Allocator Type of allocator used to manage memory and elements.
template<typename Entity>
class basic_runtime_view {
/*! @brief A registry is allowed to create views. */
friend class basic_registry<Entity>;
using underlying_iterator_type = typename sparse_set<Entity>::iterator_type;
using extent_type = typename sparse_set<Entity>::size_type;
using traits_type = entt_traits<Entity>;
class iterator {
friend class basic_runtime_view<Entity>;
iterator(underlying_iterator_type first, underlying_iterator_type last, const sparse_set<Entity> * const *others, const sparse_set<Entity> * const *length, extent_type ext) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: begin{first},
if(begin != end && !valid()) {
bool valid() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto entt = *begin;
const auto sz = size_type(entt & traits_type::entity_mask);
return sz < extent && std::all_of(from, to, [entt](const auto *view) {
return view->has(entt);
using difference_type = typename underlying_iterator_type::difference_type;
using value_type = typename underlying_iterator_type::value_type;
using pointer = typename underlying_iterator_type::pointer;
using reference = typename underlying_iterator_type::reference;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default;
iterator & operator++() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (++begin != end && !valid()) ? ++(*this) : *this;
iterator operator++(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
iterator orig = *this;
return ++(*this), orig;
bool operator==(const iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return other.begin == begin;
inline bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(*this == other);
pointer operator->() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return begin.operator->();
inline reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return *operator->();
underlying_iterator_type begin;
underlying_iterator_type end;
const sparse_set<Entity> * const *from;
const sparse_set<Entity> * const *to;
extent_type extent;
basic_runtime_view(std::vector<const sparse_set<Entity> *> others) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: pools{std::move(others)}
const auto it = std::min_element(pools.begin(), pools.end(), [](const auto *lhs, const auto *rhs) {
return (!lhs && rhs) || (lhs && rhs && lhs->size() < rhs->size());
// brings the best candidate (if any) on front of the vector
std::rotate(pools.begin(), it, pools.end());
extent_type min() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
extent_type extent{};
template<typename Entity, typename Allocator>
struct basic_runtime_view<basic_sparse_set<Entity, Allocator>> {
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = Entity;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using size_type = std::size_t;
/*! @brief Common type among all storage types. */
using base_type = basic_sparse_set<Entity, Allocator>;
/*! @brief Bidirectional iterator type. */
using iterator = internal::runtime_view_iterator<base_type>;
if(valid()) {
const auto it = std::min_element(pools.cbegin(), pools.cend(), [](const auto *lhs, const auto *rhs) {
return lhs->extent() < rhs->extent();
/*! @brief Default constructor to use to create empty, invalid views. */
basic_runtime_view() ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: pools{},
filter{} {}
extent = (*it)->extent();
* @brief Appends an opaque storage object to a runtime view.
* @param base An opaque reference to a storage object.
* @return This runtime view.
basic_runtime_view &iterate(const base_type &base) {
if(pools.empty() || !(base.size() < pools[0u]->size())) {
} else {
pools.push_back(std::exchange(pools[0u], &base));
return extent;
inline bool valid() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !pools.empty() && pools.front();
return *this;
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = typename sparse_set<Entity>::entity_type;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using size_type = typename sparse_set<Entity>::size_type;
/*! @brief Input iterator type. */
using iterator_type = iterator;
* @brief Estimates the number of entities that have the given components.
* @return Estimated number of entities that have the given components.
* @brief Adds an opaque storage object as a filter of a runtime view.
* @param base An opaque reference to a storage object.
* @return This runtime view.
size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return valid() ? pools.front()->size() : size_type{};
basic_runtime_view &exclude(const base_type &base) {
return *this;
* @brief Checks if the view is definitely empty.
* @return True if the view is definitely empty, false otherwise.
* @brief Estimates the number of entities iterated by the view.
* @return Estimated number of entities iterated by the view.
bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !valid() || pools.front()->empty();
[[nodiscard]] size_type size_hint() const {
return pools.empty() ? size_type{} : pools.front()->size();
@ -189,22 +208,10 @@ public:
* components. If the view is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to
* `end()`.
* @note
* Input iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data
* structures.
* @return An iterator to the first entity that has the given components.
iterator_type begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
iterator_type it{};
if(valid()) {
const auto &pool = *pools.front();
const auto * const *data =;
it = { pool.begin(), pool.end(), data + 1, data + pools.size(), min() };
return it;
[[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const {
return pools.empty() ? iterator{} : iterator{pools, filter, pools[0]->begin()};
@ -215,33 +222,22 @@ public:
* has the given components. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator
* results in undefined behavior.
* @note
* Input iterators stay true to the order imposed to the underlying data
* structures.
* @return An iterator to the entity following the last entity that has the
* given components.
iterator_type end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
iterator_type it{};
if(valid()) {
const auto &pool = *pools.front();
it = { pool.end(), pool.end(), nullptr, nullptr, min() };
return it;
[[nodiscard]] iterator end() const {
return pools.empty() ? iterator{} : iterator{pools, filter, pools[0]->end()};
* @brief Checks if a view contains an entity.
* @param entt A valid entity identifier.
* @param entt A valid identifier.
* @return True if the view contains the given entity, false otherwise.
bool contains(const entity_type entt) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return valid() && std::all_of(pools.cbegin(), pools.cend(), [entt](const auto *view) {
return view->has(entt) && view->data()[view->get(entt)] == entt;
[[nodiscard]] bool contains(const entity_type entt) const {
return !pools.empty()
&& std::all_of(pools.cbegin(), pools.cend(), [entt](const auto *curr) { return curr->contains(entt); })
&& std::none_of(filter.cbegin(), filter.cend(), [entt](const auto *curr) { return curr && curr->contains(entt); });
@ -261,15 +257,16 @@ public:
template<typename Func>
void each(Func func) const {
std::for_each(begin(), end(), func);
for(const auto entity: *this) {
std::vector<const sparse_set<Entity> *> pools;
std::vector<const base_type *> pools;
std::vector<const base_type *> filter;
} // namespace entt

+ 177
- 0
modules/entt/src/entt/entity/sigh_storage_mixin.hpp View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../core/any.hpp"
#include "../signal/sigh.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Mixin type used to add signal support to storage types.
* The function type of a listener is equivalent to:
* @code{.cpp}
* void(basic_registry<entity_type> &, entity_type);
* @endcode
* This applies to all signals made available.
* @tparam Type The type of the underlying storage.
template<typename Type>
class sigh_storage_mixin final: public Type {
using basic_iterator = typename Type::basic_iterator;
template<typename Func>
void notify_destruction(basic_iterator first, basic_iterator last, Func func) {
ENTT_ASSERT(owner != nullptr, "Invalid pointer to registry");
for(; first != last; ++first) {
const auto entt = *first;
destruction.publish(*owner, entt);
const auto it = Type::find(entt);
func(it, it + 1u);
void swap_and_pop(basic_iterator first, basic_iterator last) final {
notify_destruction(std::move(first), std::move(last), [this](auto... args) { Type::swap_and_pop(args...); });
void in_place_pop(basic_iterator first, basic_iterator last) final {
notify_destruction(std::move(first), std::move(last), [this](auto... args) { Type::in_place_pop(args...); });
basic_iterator try_emplace(const typename Type::entity_type entt, const bool force_back, const void *value) final {
ENTT_ASSERT(owner != nullptr, "Invalid pointer to registry");
Type::try_emplace(entt, force_back, value);
construction.publish(*owner, entt);
return Type::find(entt);
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = typename Type::entity_type;
/*! @brief Inherited constructors. */
using Type::Type;
* @brief Returns a sink object.
* The sink returned by this function can be used to receive notifications
* whenever a new instance is created and assigned to an entity.<br/>
* Listeners are invoked after the object has been assigned to the entity.
* @sa sink
* @return A temporary sink object.
[[nodiscard]] auto on_construct() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return sink{construction};
* @brief Returns a sink object.
* The sink returned by this function can be used to receive notifications
* whenever an instance is explicitly updated.<br/>
* Listeners are invoked after the object has been updated.
* @sa sink
* @return A temporary sink object.
[[nodiscard]] auto on_update() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return sink{update};
* @brief Returns a sink object.
* The sink returned by this function can be used to receive notifications
* whenever an instance is removed from an entity and thus destroyed.<br/>
* Listeners are invoked before the object has been removed from the entity.
* @sa sink
* @return A temporary sink object.
[[nodiscard]] auto on_destroy() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return sink{destruction};
* @brief Assigns entities to a storage.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the object.
* @param entt A valid identifier.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the object.
* @return A reference to the newly created object.
template<typename... Args>
decltype(auto) emplace(const entity_type entt, Args &&...args) {
ENTT_ASSERT(owner != nullptr, "Invalid pointer to registry");
Type::emplace(entt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
construction.publish(*owner, entt);
return this->get(entt);
* @brief Patches the given instance for an entity.
* @tparam Func Types of the function objects to invoke.
* @param entt A valid identifier.
* @param func Valid function objects.
* @return A reference to the patched instance.
template<typename... Func>
decltype(auto) patch(const entity_type entt, Func &&...func) {
ENTT_ASSERT(owner != nullptr, "Invalid pointer to registry");
Type::patch(entt, std::forward<Func>(func)...);
update.publish(*owner, entt);
return this->get(entt);
* @brief Assigns entities to a storage.
* @tparam It Type of input iterator.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the objects assigned
* to the entities.
* @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of entities.
* @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of entities.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the objects assigned to the
* entities.
template<typename It, typename... Args>
void insert(It first, It last, Args &&...args) {
ENTT_ASSERT(owner != nullptr, "Invalid pointer to registry");
Type::insert(first, last, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
for(auto it = construction.empty() ? last : first; it != last; ++it) {
construction.publish(*owner, *it);
* @brief Forwards variables to mixins, if any.
* @param value A variable wrapped in an opaque container.
void bind(any value) ENTT_NOEXCEPT final {
auto *reg = any_cast<basic_registry<entity_type>>(&value);
owner = reg ? reg : owner;
sigh<void(basic_registry<entity_type> &, const entity_type)> construction{};
sigh<void(basic_registry<entity_type> &, const entity_type)> destruction{};
sigh<void(basic_registry<entity_type> &, const entity_type)> update{};
basic_registry<entity_type> *owner{};
} // namespace entt

+ 191
- 219
modules/entt/src/entt/entity/snapshot.hpp View File

@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>
#include <iterator>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../container/dense_map.hpp"
#include "../core/type_traits.hpp"
#include "component.hpp"
#include "entity.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
#include "registry.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Utility class to create snapshots from a registry.
@ -28,94 +30,71 @@ namespace entt {
template<typename Entity>
class basic_snapshot {
/*! @brief A registry is allowed to create snapshots. */
friend class basic_registry<Entity>;
using follow_fn_type = Entity(const basic_registry<Entity> &, const Entity);
basic_snapshot(const basic_registry<Entity> *source, Entity init, follow_fn_type *fn) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: reg{source},
using entity_traits = entt_traits<Entity>;
template<typename Component, typename Archive, typename It>
void get(Archive &archive, std::size_t sz, It first, It last) const {
const auto view = reg->template view<std::add_const_t<Component>>();
archive(typename entity_traits::entity_type(sz));
while(first != last) {
const auto entt = *(first++);
if(reg->template has<Component>(entt)) {
if constexpr(std::is_empty_v<Component>) {
} else {
archive(entt, reg->template get<Component>(entt));
if(reg->template all_of<Component>(entt)) {
std::apply(archive, std::tuple_cat(std::make_tuple(entt), view.get(entt)));
template<typename... Component, typename Archive, typename It, std::size_t... Indexes>
void component(Archive &archive, It first, It last, std::index_sequence<Indexes...>) const {
std::array<std::size_t, sizeof...(Indexes)> size{};
template<typename... Component, typename Archive, typename It, std::size_t... Index>
void component(Archive &archive, It first, It last, std::index_sequence<Index...>) const {
std::array<std::size_t, sizeof...(Index)> size{};
auto begin = first;
while(begin != last) {
const auto entt = *(begin++);
((reg->template has<Component>(entt) ? ++size[Indexes] : size[Indexes]), ...);
((reg->template all_of<Component>(entt) ? ++size[Index] : 0u), ...);
(get<Component>(archive, size[Indexes], first, last), ...);
(get<Component>(archive, size[Index], first, last), ...);
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = Entity;
* @brief Constructs an instance that is bound to a given registry.
* @param source A valid reference to a registry.
basic_snapshot(const basic_registry<entity_type> &source) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: reg{&source} {}
/*! @brief Default move constructor. */
basic_snapshot(basic_snapshot &&) = default;
basic_snapshot(basic_snapshot &&) ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default;
/*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This snapshot. */
basic_snapshot & operator=(basic_snapshot &&) = default;
basic_snapshot &operator=(basic_snapshot &&) ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default;
* @brief Puts aside all the entities that are still in use.
* @brief Puts aside all the entities from the underlying registry.
* Entities are serialized along with their versions. Destroyed entities are
* not taken in consideration by this function.
* @tparam Archive Type of output archive.
* @param archive A valid reference to an output archive.
* @return An object of this type to continue creating the snapshot.
template<typename Archive>
const basic_snapshot & entities(Archive &archive) const {
reg->each([&archive](const auto entt) { archive(entt); });
return *this;
* @brief Puts aside destroyed entities.
* Entities are serialized along with their versions. Entities that are
* still in use are not taken in consideration by this function.
* taken in consideration as well by this function.
* @tparam Archive Type of output archive.
* @param archive A valid reference to an output archive.
* @return An object of this type to continue creating the snapshot.
template<typename Archive>
const basic_snapshot & destroyed(Archive &archive) const {
auto size = reg->size() - reg->alive();
const basic_snapshot &entities(Archive &archive) const {
const auto sz = reg->size();
if(size) {
auto curr = seed;
archive(typename entity_traits::entity_type(sz + 1u));
for(--size; size; --size) {
curr = follow(*reg, curr);
for(auto first = reg->data(), last = first + sz; first != last; ++first) {
return *this;
@ -133,27 +112,15 @@ public:
* @return An object of this type to continue creating the snapshot.
template<typename... Component, typename Archive>
const basic_snapshot & component(Archive &archive) const {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) {
const auto sz = reg->template size<Component...>();
const auto *entities = reg->template data<Component...>();
for(std::remove_const_t<decltype(sz)> pos{}; pos < sz; ++pos) {
const auto entt = entities[pos];
if constexpr(std::is_empty_v<Component...>) {
} else {
archive(entt, reg->template get<Component...>(entt));
const basic_snapshot &component(Archive &archive) const {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1u) {
const auto view = reg->template view<const Component...>();
(component<Component>(archive, view.rbegin(), view.rend()), ...);
return *this;
} else {
(component<Component>(archive), ...);
return *this;
return *this;
@ -171,18 +138,15 @@ public:
* @return An object of this type to continue creating the snapshot.
template<typename... Component, typename Archive, typename It>
const basic_snapshot & component(Archive &archive, It first, It last) const {
component<Component...>(archive, first, last, std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Component)>{});
const basic_snapshot &component(Archive &archive, It first, It last) const {
component<Component...>(archive, first, last, std::index_sequence_for<Component...>{});
return *this;
const basic_registry<Entity> *reg;
const Entity seed;
follow_fn_type *follow;
const basic_registry<entity_type> *reg;
* @brief Utility class to restore a snapshot as a whole.
@ -195,59 +159,53 @@ private:
template<typename Entity>
class basic_snapshot_loader {
/*! @brief A registry is allowed to create snapshot loaders. */
friend class basic_registry<Entity>;
using force_fn_type = void(basic_registry<Entity> &, const Entity, const bool);
basic_snapshot_loader(basic_registry<Entity> *source, force_fn_type *fn) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: reg{source},
// to restore a snapshot as a whole requires a clean registry
template<typename Archive>
void assure(Archive &archive, bool destroyed) const {
Entity length{};
using entity_traits = entt_traits<Entity>;
while(length--) {
Entity entt{};
force(*reg, entt, destroyed);
template<typename Type, typename Archive>
void assign(Archive &archive) const {
typename entity_traits::entity_type length{};
entity_type entt;
template<typename Type, typename Archive, typename... Args>
void assign(Archive &archive, Args... args) const {
Entity length{};
while(length--) {
static constexpr auto destroyed = false;
Entity entt{};
if constexpr(std::is_empty_v<Type>) {
if constexpr(ignore_as_empty_v<Type>) {
while(length--) {
force(*reg, entt, destroyed);
reg->template assign<Type>(args..., entt);
} else {
Type instance{};
const auto entity = reg->valid(entt) ? entt : reg->create(entt);
ENTT_ASSERT(entity == entt, "Entity not available for use");
reg->template emplace<Type>(entt);
} else {
Type instance;
while(length--) {
archive(entt, instance);
force(*reg, entt, destroyed);
reg->template assign<Type>(args..., entt, std::as_const(instance));
const auto entity = reg->valid(entt) ? entt : reg->create(entt);
ENTT_ASSERT(entity == entt, "Entity not available for use");
reg->template emplace<Type>(entt, std::move(instance));
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = Entity;
* @brief Constructs an instance that is bound to a given registry.
* @param source A valid reference to a registry.
basic_snapshot_loader(basic_registry<entity_type> &source) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: reg{&source} {
// restoring a snapshot as a whole requires a clean registry
ENTT_ASSERT(reg->empty(), "Registry must be empty");
/*! @brief Default move constructor. */
basic_snapshot_loader(basic_snapshot_loader &&) = default;
basic_snapshot_loader(basic_snapshot_loader &&) ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default;
/*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This loader. */
basic_snapshot_loader & operator=(basic_snapshot_loader &&) = default;
basic_snapshot_loader &operator=(basic_snapshot_loader &&) ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default;
* @brief Restores entities that were in use during serialization.
@ -260,26 +218,18 @@ public:
* @return A valid loader to continue restoring data.
template<typename Archive>
const basic_snapshot_loader & entities(Archive &archive) const {
static constexpr auto destroyed = false;
assure(archive, destroyed);
return *this;
const basic_snapshot_loader &entities(Archive &archive) const {
typename entity_traits::entity_type length{};
std::vector<entity_type> all(length);
for(std::size_t pos{}; pos < length; ++pos) {
reg->assign(++all.cbegin(), all.cend(), all[0u]);
* @brief Restores entities that were destroyed during serialization.
* This function restores the entities that were destroyed during
* serialization and gives them the versions they originally had.
* @tparam Archive Type of input archive.
* @param archive A valid reference to an input archive.
* @return A valid loader to continue restoring data.
template<typename Archive>
const basic_snapshot_loader & destroyed(Archive &archive) const {
static constexpr auto destroyed = true;
assure(archive, destroyed);
return *this;
@ -297,7 +247,7 @@ public:
* @return A valid loader to continue restoring data.
template<typename... Component, typename Archive>
const basic_snapshot_loader & component(Archive &archive) const {
const basic_snapshot_loader &component(Archive &archive) const {
(assign<Component>(archive), ...);
return *this;
@ -312,25 +262,25 @@ public:
* @return A valid loader to continue restoring data.
const basic_snapshot_loader & orphans() const {
reg->orphans([this](const auto entt) {
const basic_snapshot_loader &orphans() const {
reg->each([this](const auto entt) {
if(reg->orphan(entt)) {
return *this;
basic_registry<Entity> *reg;
force_fn_type *force;
basic_registry<entity_type> *reg;
* @brief Utility class for _continuous loading_.
* A _continuous loader_ is designed to load data from a source registry to a
* (possibly) non-empty destination. The loader can accomodate in a registry
* (possibly) non-empty destination. The loader can accommodate in a registry
* more than one snapshot in a sort of _continuous loading_ that updates the
* destination one step at a time.<br/>
* Identifiers that entities originally had are not transferred to the target.
@ -344,12 +294,10 @@ private:
template<typename Entity>
class basic_continuous_loader {
using traits_type = entt_traits<Entity>;
using entity_traits = entt_traits<Entity>;
void destroy(Entity entt) {
const auto it = remloc.find(entt);
if(it == remloc.cend()) {
if(const auto it = remloc.find(entt); it == remloc.cend()) {
const auto local = reg->create();
remloc.emplace(entt, std::make_pair(local, true));
@ -363,67 +311,92 @@ class basic_continuous_loader {
const auto local = reg->create();
remloc.emplace(entt, std::make_pair(local, true));
} else {
remloc[entt].first = reg->valid(remloc[entt].first) ? remloc[entt].first : reg->create();
if(!reg->valid(remloc[entt].first)) {
remloc[entt].first = reg->create();
// set the dirty flag
remloc[entt].second = true;
template<typename Container>
auto update(int, Container &container) -> decltype(typename Container::mapped_type{}, void()) {
// map like container
Container other;
for(auto &&pair: container) {
using first_type = std::remove_const_t<typename std::decay_t<decltype(pair)>::first_type>;
using second_type = typename std::decay_t<decltype(pair)>::second_type;
if constexpr(std::is_same_v<first_type, entity_type> && std::is_same_v<second_type, entity_type>) {
other.emplace(map(pair.first), map(pair.second));
} else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<first_type, entity_type>) {
other.emplace(map(pair.first), std::move(pair.second));
} else {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<second_type, entity_type>, "Neither the key nor the value are of entity type");
other.emplace(std::move(pair.first), map(pair.second));
using std::swap;
swap(container, other);
template<typename Container>
auto update(char, Container &container) -> decltype(typename Container::value_type{}, void()) {
// vector like container
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename Container::value_type, entity_type>, "Invalid value type");
for(auto &&entt: container) {
entt = map(entt);
template<typename Other, typename Type, typename Member>
void update(Other &instance, Member Type:: *member) {
void update([[maybe_unused]] Other &instance, [[maybe_unused]] Member Type::*member) {
if constexpr(!std::is_same_v<Other, Type>) {
} else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<Member, Entity>) {
} else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<Member, entity_type>) {
instance.*member = map(instance.*member);
} else {
// maybe a container? let's try...
for(auto &entt: instance.*member) {
entt = map(entt);
template<typename Archive>
void assure(Archive &archive, void(basic_continuous_loader:: *member)(Entity)) {
Entity length{};
while(length--) {
Entity entt{};
update(0, instance.*member);
template<typename Component>
void reset() {
void remove_if_exists() {
for(auto &&ref: remloc) {
const auto local = ref.second.first;
if(reg->valid(local)) {
reg->template reset<Component>(local);
reg->template remove<Component>(local);
template<typename Other, typename Archive, typename... Type, typename... Member>
void assign(Archive &archive, [[maybe_unused]] Member Type:: *... member) {
Entity length{};
void assign(Archive &archive, [[maybe_unused]] Member Type::*...member) {
typename entity_traits::entity_type length{};
entity_type entt;
while(length--) {
Entity entt{};
if constexpr(std::is_empty_v<Other>) {
if constexpr(ignore_as_empty_v<Other>) {
while(length--) {
reg->template assign_or_replace<Other>(map(entt));
} else {
Other instance{};
reg->template emplace_or_replace<Other>(map(entt));
} else {
Other instance;
while(length--) {
archive(entt, instance);
(update(instance, member), ...);
reg->template assign_or_replace<Other>(map(entt), std::as_const(instance));
reg->template emplace_or_replace<Other>(map(entt), std::move(instance));
@ -433,18 +406,17 @@ public:
using entity_type = Entity;
* @brief Constructs a loader that is bound to a given registry.
* @brief Constructs an instance that is bound to a given registry.
* @param source A valid reference to a registry.
basic_continuous_loader(basic_registry<entity_type> &source) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: reg{&source}
: reg{&source} {}
/*! @brief Default move constructor. */
basic_continuous_loader(basic_continuous_loader &&) = default;
/*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This loader. */
basic_continuous_loader & operator=(basic_continuous_loader &&) = default;
basic_continuous_loader &operator=(basic_continuous_loader &&) = default;
* @brief Restores entities that were in use during serialization.
@ -457,24 +429,24 @@ public:
* @return A non-const reference to this loader.
template<typename Archive>
basic_continuous_loader & entities(Archive &archive) {
assure(archive, &basic_continuous_loader::restore);
return *this;
basic_continuous_loader &entities(Archive &archive) {
typename entity_traits::entity_type length{};
entity_type entt{};
// discards the head of the list of destroyed entities
for(std::size_t pos{}, last = length - 1u; pos < last; ++pos) {
if(const auto entity = entity_traits::to_entity(entt); entity == pos) {
} else {
* @brief Restores entities that were destroyed during serialization.
* This function restores the entities that were destroyed during
* serialization and creates local counterparts for them if required.
* @tparam Archive Type of input archive.
* @param archive A valid reference to an input archive.
* @return A non-const reference to this loader.
template<typename Archive>
basic_continuous_loader & destroyed(Archive &archive) {
assure(archive, &basic_continuous_loader::destroy);
return *this;
@ -498,8 +470,8 @@ public:
* @return A non-const reference to this loader.
template<typename... Component, typename Archive, typename... Type, typename... Member>
basic_continuous_loader & component(Archive &archive, Member Type:: *... member) {
(reset<Component>(), ...);
basic_continuous_loader &component(Archive &archive, Member Type::*...member) {
(remove_if_exists<Component>(), ...);
(assign<Component>(archive, member...), ...);
return *this;
@ -512,7 +484,7 @@ public:
* @return A non-const reference to this loader.
basic_continuous_loader & shrink() {
basic_continuous_loader &shrink() {
auto it = remloc.begin();
while(it != remloc.cend()) {
@ -544,9 +516,11 @@ public:
* @return A non-const reference to this loader.
basic_continuous_loader & orphans() {
reg->orphans([this](const auto entt) {
basic_continuous_loader &orphans() {
reg->each([this](const auto entt) {
if(reg->orphan(entt)) {
return *this;
@ -554,19 +528,19 @@ public:
* @brief Tests if a loader knows about a given entity.
* @param entt An entity identifier.
* @param entt A valid identifier.
* @return True if `entity` is managed by the loader, false otherwise.
bool has(entity_type entt) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
[[nodiscard]] bool contains(entity_type entt) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (remloc.find(entt) != remloc.cend());
* @brief Returns the identifier to which an entity refers.
* @param entt An entity identifier.
* @param entt A valid identifier.
* @return The local identifier if any, the null entity otherwise.
entity_type map(entity_type entt) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
[[nodiscard]] entity_type map(entity_type entt) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto it = remloc.find(entt);
entity_type other = null;
@ -578,12 +552,10 @@ public:
std::unordered_map<Entity, std::pair<Entity, bool>> remloc;
basic_registry<Entity> *reg;
dense_map<entity_type, std::pair<entity_type, bool>> remloc;
basic_registry<entity_type> *reg;
} // namespace entt

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+ 710
- 513
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View File

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