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#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "registry.hpp"
#include "entity.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Prototype container for _concepts_.
* A prototype is used to define a _concept_ in terms of components.<br/>
* Prototypes act as templates for those specific types of an application which
* users would otherwise define through a series of component assignments to
* entities. In other words, prototypes can be used to assign components to
* entities of a registry at once.
* @note
* Components used along with prototypes must be copy constructible. Prototypes
* wrap component types with custom types, so they do not interfere with other
* users of the registry they were built with.
* @warning
* Prototypes directly use their underlying registries to store entities and
* components for their purposes. Users must ensure that the lifetime of a
* registry and its contents exceed that of the prototypes that use it.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<typename Entity>
class basic_prototype {
using basic_fn_type = void(const basic_prototype &, basic_registry<Entity> &, const Entity);
using component_type = typename basic_registry<Entity>::component_type;
template<typename Component>
struct component_wrapper { Component component; };
struct component_handler {
basic_fn_type *assign_or_replace;
basic_fn_type *assign;
void release() {
if(reg->valid(entity)) {
/*! @brief Registry type. */
using registry_type = basic_registry<Entity>;
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = Entity;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using size_type = std::size_t;
* @brief Constructs a prototype that is bound to a given registry.
* @param ref A valid reference to a registry.
basic_prototype(registry_type &ref)
: reg{&ref},
* @brief Releases all its resources.
~basic_prototype() {
* @brief Move constructor.
* After prototype move construction, instances that have been moved from
* are placed in a valid but unspecified state. It's highly discouraged to
* continue using them.
* @param other The instance to move from.
basic_prototype(basic_prototype &&other)
: handlers{std::move(other.handlers)},
other.entity = null;
* @brief Move assignment operator.
* After prototype move assignment, instances that have been moved from are
* placed in a valid but unspecified state. It's highly discouraged to
* continue using them.
* @param other The instance to move from.
* @return This prototype.
basic_prototype & operator=(basic_prototype &&other) {
if(this != &other) {
auto tmp{std::move(other)};
std::swap(reg, tmp.reg);
std::swap(entity, tmp.entity);
return *this;
* @brief Assigns to or replaces the given component of a prototype.
* @tparam Component Type of component to assign or replace.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component.
* @return A reference to the newly created component.
template<typename Component, typename... Args>
Component & set(Args &&... args) {
component_handler handler;
handler.assign_or_replace = [](const basic_prototype &proto, registry_type &other, const Entity dst) {
const auto &wrapper = proto.reg->template get<component_wrapper<Component>>(proto.entity);
other.template assign_or_replace<Component>(dst, wrapper.component);
handler.assign = [](const basic_prototype &proto, registry_type &other, const Entity dst) {
if(!other.template has<Component>(dst)) {
const auto &wrapper = proto.reg->template get<component_wrapper<Component>>(proto.entity);
other.template assign<Component>(dst, wrapper.component);
handlers[reg->template type<Component>()] = handler;
auto &wrapper = reg->template assign_or_replace<component_wrapper<Component>>(entity, Component{std::forward<Args>(args)...});
return wrapper.component;
* @brief Removes the given component from a prototype.
* @tparam Component Type of component to remove.
template<typename Component>
void unset() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
reg->template reset<component_wrapper<Component>>(entity);
handlers.erase(reg->template type<Component>());
* @brief Checks if a prototype owns all the given components.
* @tparam Component Components for which to perform the check.
* @return True if the prototype owns all the components, false otherwise.
template<typename... Component>
bool has() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return reg->template has<component_wrapper<Component>...>(entity);
* @brief Returns references to the given components.
* @warning
* Attempting to get a component from a prototype that doesn't own it
* results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the
* prototype doesn't own an instance of the given component.
* @tparam Component Types of components to get.
* @return References to the components owned by the prototype.
template<typename... Component>
decltype(auto) get() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) {
return (std::as_const(*reg).template get<component_wrapper<Component...>>(entity).component);
} else {
return std::tuple<std::add_const_t<Component> &...>{get<Component>()...};
/*! @copydoc get */
template<typename... Component>
inline decltype(auto) get() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) {
return (const_cast<Component &>(std::as_const(*this).template get<Component>()), ...);
} else {
return std::tuple<Component &...>{get<Component>()...};
* @brief Returns pointers to the given components.
* @tparam Component Types of components to get.
* @return Pointers to the components owned by the prototype.
template<typename... Component>
auto try_get() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) {
const auto *wrapper = reg->template try_get<component_wrapper<Component...>>(entity);
return wrapper ? &wrapper->component : nullptr;
} else {
return std::tuple<std::add_const_t<Component> *...>{try_get<Component>()...};
/*! @copydoc try_get */
template<typename... Component>
inline auto try_get() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) {
return (const_cast<Component *>(std::as_const(*this).template try_get<Component>()), ...);
} else {
return std::tuple<Component *...>{try_get<Component>()...};
* @brief Creates a new entity using a given prototype.
* Utility shortcut, equivalent to the following snippet:
* @code{.cpp}
* const auto entity = registry.create();
* prototype(registry, entity);
* @endcode
* @note
* The registry may or may not be different from the one already used by
* the prototype. There is also an overload that directly uses the
* underlying registry.
* @param other A valid reference to a registry.
* @return A valid entity identifier.
entity_type create(registry_type &other) const {
const auto entt = other.create();
assign(other, entt);
return entt;
* @brief Creates a new entity using a given prototype.
* Utility shortcut, equivalent to the following snippet:
* @code{.cpp}
* const auto entity = registry.create();
* prototype(entity);
* @endcode
* @note
* This overload directly uses the underlying registry as a working space.
* Therefore, the components of the prototype and of the entity will share
* the same registry.
* @return A valid entity identifier.
inline entity_type create() const {
return create(*reg);
* @brief Assigns the components of a prototype to a given entity.
* Assigning a prototype to an entity won't overwrite existing components
* under any circumstances.<br/>
* In other words, only those components that the entity doesn't own yet are
* copied over. All the other components remain unchanged.
* @note
* The registry may or may not be different from the one already used by
* the prototype. There is also an overload that directly uses the
* underlying registry.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @param other A valid reference to a registry.
* @param dst A valid entity identifier.
void assign(registry_type &other, const entity_type dst) const {
for(auto &handler: handlers) {
handler.second.assign(*this, other, dst);
* @brief Assigns the components of a prototype to a given entity.
* Assigning a prototype to an entity won't overwrite existing components
* under any circumstances.<br/>
* In other words, only those components that the entity doesn't own yet are
* copied over. All the other components remain unchanged.
* @note
* This overload directly uses the underlying registry as a working space.
* Therefore, the components of the prototype and of the entity will share
* the same registry.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @param dst A valid entity identifier.
inline void assign(const entity_type dst) const {
assign(*reg, dst);
* @brief Assigns or replaces the components of a prototype for an entity.
* Existing components are overwritten, if any. All the other components
* will be copied over to the target entity.
* @note
* The registry may or may not be different from the one already used by
* the prototype. There is also an overload that directly uses the
* underlying registry.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @param other A valid reference to a registry.
* @param dst A valid entity identifier.
void assign_or_replace(registry_type &other, const entity_type dst) const {
for(auto &handler: handlers) {
handler.second.assign_or_replace(*this, other, dst);
* @brief Assigns or replaces the components of a prototype for an entity.
* Existing components are overwritten, if any. All the other components
* will be copied over to the target entity.
* @note
* This overload directly uses the underlying registry as a working space.
* Therefore, the components of the prototype and of the entity will share
* the same registry.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @param dst A valid entity identifier.
inline void assign_or_replace(const entity_type dst) const {
assign_or_replace(*reg, dst);
* @brief Assigns the components of a prototype to an entity.
* Assigning a prototype to an entity won't overwrite existing components
* under any circumstances.<br/>
* In other words, only the components that the entity doesn't own yet are
* copied over. All the other components remain unchanged.
* @note
* The registry may or may not be different from the one already used by
* the prototype. There is also an overload that directly uses the
* underlying registry.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @param other A valid reference to a registry.
* @param dst A valid entity identifier.
inline void operator()(registry_type &other, const entity_type dst) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
assign(other, dst);
* @brief Assigns the components of a prototype to an entity.
* Assigning a prototype to an entity won't overwrite existing components
* under any circumstances.<br/>
* In other words, only the components that the entity doesn't own yet are
* copied over. All the other components remain unchanged.
* @note
* This overload directly uses the underlying registry as a working space.
* Therefore, the components of the prototype and of the entity will share
* the same registry.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @param dst A valid entity identifier.
inline void operator()(const entity_type dst) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
assign(*reg, dst);
* @brief Creates a new entity using a given prototype.
* Utility shortcut, equivalent to the following snippet:
* @code{.cpp}
* const auto entity = registry.create();
* prototype(registry, entity);
* @endcode
* @note
* The registry may or may not be different from the one already used by
* the prototype. There is also an overload that directly uses the
* underlying registry.
* @param other A valid reference to a registry.
* @return A valid entity identifier.
inline entity_type operator()(registry_type &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return create(other);
* @brief Creates a new entity using a given prototype.
* Utility shortcut, equivalent to the following snippet:
* @code{.cpp}
* const auto entity = registry.create();
* prototype(entity);
* @endcode
* @note
* This overload directly uses the underlying registry as a working space.
* Therefore, the components of the prototype and of the entity will share
* the same registry.
* @return A valid entity identifier.
inline entity_type operator()() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return create(*reg);
* @brief Returns a reference to the underlying registry.
* @return A reference to the underlying registry.
inline const registry_type & backend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return *reg;
/*! @copydoc backend */
inline registry_type & backend() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return const_cast<registry_type &>(std::as_const(*this).backend());
std::unordered_map<component_type, component_handler> handlers;
registry_type *reg;
entity_type entity;