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#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
namespace entt {
* @brief Helper type to use as pointer with input iterators.
* @tparam Type of wrapped value.
template<typename Type>
struct input_iterator_pointer final {
/*! @brief Pointer type. */
using pointer = Type *;
/*! @brief Default copy constructor, deleted on purpose. */
input_iterator_pointer(const input_iterator_pointer &) = delete;
/*! @brief Default move constructor. */
input_iterator_pointer(input_iterator_pointer &&) = default;
* @brief Constructs a proxy object by move.
* @param val Value to use to initialize the proxy object.
input_iterator_pointer(Type &&val)
: value{std::move(val)} {}
* @brief Default copy assignment operator, deleted on purpose.
* @return This proxy object.
input_iterator_pointer &operator=(const input_iterator_pointer &) = delete;
* @brief Default move assignment operator.
* @return This proxy object.
input_iterator_pointer &operator=(input_iterator_pointer &&) = default;
* @brief Access operator for accessing wrapped values.
* @return A pointer to the wrapped value.
[[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return std::addressof(value);
Type value;
* @brief Utility class to create an iterable object from a pair of iterators.
* @tparam It Type of iterator.
* @tparam Sentinel Type of sentinel.
template<typename It, typename Sentinel = It>
struct iterable_adaptor final {
/*! @brief Value type. */
using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type;
/*! @brief Iterator type. */
using iterator = It;
/*! @brief Sentinel type. */
using sentinel = Sentinel;
/*! @brief Default constructor. */
iterable_adaptor() = default;
* @brief Creates an iterable object from a pair of iterators.
* @param from Begin iterator.
* @param to End iterator.
iterable_adaptor(iterator from, sentinel to)
: first{from},
last{to} {}
* @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning.
* @return An iterator to the first element of the range.
[[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return first;
* @brief Returns an iterator to the end.
* @return An iterator to the element following the last element of the
* range.
[[nodiscard]] sentinel end() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return last;
/*! @copydoc begin */
[[nodiscard]] iterator cbegin() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return begin();
/*! @copydoc end */
[[nodiscard]] sentinel cend() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return end();
It first;
Sentinel last;
} // namespace entt