🛠️🐜 Antkeeper superbuild with dependencies included https://antkeeper.com
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#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../core/attribute.h"
#include "fwd.hpp"
#include "hashed_string.hpp"
namespace entt {
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
struct ENTT_API type_index final {
[[nodiscard]] static id_type next() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
static ENTT_MAYBE_ATOMIC(id_type) value{};
return value++;
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto stripped_type_name() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
std::string_view pretty_function{ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION};
auto first = pretty_function.find_first_not_of(' ', pretty_function.find_first_of(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_PREFIX) + 1);
auto value = pretty_function.substr(first, pretty_function.find_last_of(ENTT_PRETTY_FUNCTION_SUFFIX) - first);
return value;
return std::string_view{""};
template<typename Type, auto = stripped_type_name<Type>().find_first_of('.')>
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::string_view type_name(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
constexpr auto value = stripped_type_name<Type>();
return value;
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] static std::string_view type_name(char) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
static const auto value = stripped_type_name<Type>();
return value;
template<typename Type, auto = stripped_type_name<Type>().find_first_of('.')>
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type type_hash(int) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
constexpr auto stripped = stripped_type_name<Type>();
constexpr auto value = hashed_string::value(stripped.data(), stripped.size());
return value;
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] static id_type type_hash(char) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
static const auto value = [](const auto stripped) {
return hashed_string::value(stripped.data(), stripped.size());
return value;
} // namespace internal
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
* @brief Type sequential identifier.
* @tparam Type Type for which to generate a sequential identifier.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct ENTT_API type_index final {
* @brief Returns the sequential identifier of a given type.
* @return The sequential identifier of a given type.
[[nodiscard]] static id_type value() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
static const id_type value = internal::type_index::next();
return value;
/*! @copydoc value */
[[nodiscard]] constexpr operator id_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return value();
* @brief Type hash.
* @tparam Type Type for which to generate a hash value.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct type_hash final {
* @brief Returns the numeric representation of a given type.
* @return The numeric representation of the given type.
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type value() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return internal::type_hash<Type>(0);
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr id_type value() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return type_index<Type>::value();
/*! @copydoc value */
[[nodiscard]] constexpr operator id_type() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return value();
* @brief Type name.
* @tparam Type Type for which to generate a name.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct type_name final {
* @brief Returns the name of a given type.
* @return The name of the given type.
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::string_view value() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return internal::type_name<Type>(0);
/*! @copydoc value */
[[nodiscard]] constexpr operator std::string_view() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return value();
/*! @brief Implementation specific information about a type. */
struct type_info final {
* @brief Constructs a type info object for a given type.
* @tparam Type Type for which to construct a type info object.
template<typename Type>
constexpr type_info(std::in_place_type_t<Type>) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: seq{type_index<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>::value()},
alias{type_name<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>::value()} {}
* @brief Type index.
* @return Type index.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr id_type index() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return seq;
* @brief Type hash.
* @return Type hash.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr id_type hash() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return identifier;
* @brief Type name.
* @return Type name.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view name() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return alias;
id_type seq;
id_type identifier;
std::string_view alias;
* @brief Compares the contents of two type info objects.
* @param lhs A type info object.
* @param rhs A type info object.
* @return True if the two type info objects are identical, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator==(const type_info &lhs, const type_info &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return lhs.hash() == rhs.hash();
* @brief Compares the contents of two type info objects.
* @param lhs A type info object.
* @param rhs A type info object.
* @return True if the two type info objects differ, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr bool operator!=(const type_info &lhs, const type_info &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs == rhs);
* @brief Compares two type info objects.
* @param lhs A valid type info object.
* @param rhs A valid type info object.
* @return True if the first element is less than the second, false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator<(const type_info &lhs, const type_info &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return lhs.index() < rhs.index();
* @brief Compares two type info objects.
* @param lhs A valid type info object.
* @param rhs A valid type info object.
* @return True if the first element is less than or equal to the second, false
* otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator<=(const type_info &lhs, const type_info &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(rhs < lhs);
* @brief Compares two type info objects.
* @param lhs A valid type info object.
* @param rhs A valid type info object.
* @return True if the first element is greater than the second, false
* otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator>(const type_info &lhs, const type_info &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return rhs < lhs;
* @brief Compares two type info objects.
* @param lhs A valid type info object.
* @param rhs A valid type info object.
* @return True if the first element is greater than or equal to the second,
* false otherwise.
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool operator>=(const type_info &lhs, const type_info &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return !(lhs < rhs);
* @brief Returns the type info object associated to a given type.
* The returned element refers to an object with static storage duration.<br/>
* The type doesn't need to be a complete type. If the type is a reference, the
* result refers to the referenced type. In all cases, top-level cv-qualifiers
* are ignored.
* @tparam Type Type for which to generate a type info object.
* @return A reference to a properly initialized type info object.
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] const type_info &type_id() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(std::is_same_v<Type, std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>) {
static type_info instance{std::in_place_type<Type>};
return instance;
} else {
return type_id<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>();
/*! @copydoc type_id */
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] const type_info &type_id(Type &&) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return type_id<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<Type>>>();
} // namespace entt