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#include <cstddef>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Utility class to disambiguate overloaded functions.
* @tparam N Number of choices available.
template<std::size_t N>
struct choice_t
// Unfortunately, doxygen cannot parse such a construct.
: /*! @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN */ choice_t<N - 1> /*! @endcond */
/*! @copybrief choice_t */
struct choice_t<0> {};
* @brief Variable template for the choice trick.
* @tparam N Number of choices available.
template<std::size_t N>
inline constexpr choice_t<N> choice{};
* @brief Identity type trait.
* Useful to establish non-deduced contexts in template argument deduction
* (waiting for C++20) or to provide types through function arguments.
* @tparam Type A type.
template<typename Type>
struct type_identity {
/*! @brief Identity type. */
using type = Type;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam Type A type.
template<typename Type>
using type_identity_t = typename type_identity<Type>::type;
* @brief A type-only `sizeof` wrapper that returns 0 where `sizeof` complains.
* @tparam Type The type of which to return the size.
* @tparam The size of the type if `sizeof` accepts it, 0 otherwise.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct size_of: std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 0u> {};
/*! @copydoc size_of */
template<typename Type>
struct size_of<Type, std::void_t<decltype(sizeof(Type))>>
: std::integral_constant<std::size_t, sizeof(Type)> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type The type of which to return the size.
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr std::size_t size_of_v = size_of<Type>::value;
* @brief Using declaration to be used to _repeat_ the same type a number of
* times equal to the size of a given parameter pack.
* @tparam Type A type to repeat.
template<typename Type, typename>
using unpack_as_type = Type;
* @brief Helper variable template to be used to _repeat_ the same value a
* number of times equal to the size of a given parameter pack.
* @tparam Value A value to repeat.
template<auto Value, typename>
inline constexpr auto unpack_as_value = Value;
* @brief Wraps a static constant.
* @tparam Value A static constant.
template<auto Value>
using integral_constant = std::integral_constant<decltype(Value), Value>;
* @brief Alias template to facilitate the creation of named values.
* @tparam Value A constant value at least convertible to `id_type`.
template<id_type Value>
using tag = integral_constant<Value>;
* @brief A class to use to push around lists of types, nothing more.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the type list.
template<typename... Type>
struct type_list {
/*! @brief Type list type. */
using type = type_list;
/*! @brief Compile-time number of elements in the type list. */
static constexpr auto size = sizeof...(Type);
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
template<std::size_t, typename>
struct type_list_element;
* @brief Provides compile-time indexed access to the types of a type list.
* @tparam Index Index of the type to return.
* @tparam Type First type provided by the type list.
* @tparam Other Other types provided by the type list.
template<std::size_t Index, typename Type, typename... Other>
struct type_list_element<Index, type_list<Type, Other...>>
: type_list_element<Index - 1u, type_list<Other...>> {};
* @brief Provides compile-time indexed access to the types of a type list.
* @tparam Type First type provided by the type list.
* @tparam Other Other types provided by the type list.
template<typename Type, typename... Other>
struct type_list_element<0u, type_list<Type, Other...>> {
/*! @brief Searched type. */
using type = Type;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam Index Index of the type to return.
* @tparam List Type list to search into.
template<std::size_t Index, typename List>
using type_list_element_t = typename type_list_element<Index, List>::type;
* @brief Concatenates multiple type lists.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the first type list.
* @tparam Other Types provided by the second type list.
* @return A type list composed by the types of both the type lists.
template<typename... Type, typename... Other>
constexpr type_list<Type..., Other...> operator+(type_list<Type...>, type_list<Other...>) {
return {};
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
struct type_list_cat;
/*! @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. */
struct type_list_cat<> {
/*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */
using type = type_list<>;
* @brief Concatenates multiple type lists.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the first type list.
* @tparam Other Types provided by the second type list.
* @tparam List Other type lists, if any.
template<typename... Type, typename... Other, typename... List>
struct type_list_cat<type_list<Type...>, type_list<Other...>, List...> {
/*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */
using type = typename type_list_cat<type_list<Type..., Other...>, List...>::type;
* @brief Concatenates multiple type lists.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the type list.
template<typename... Type>
struct type_list_cat<type_list<Type...>> {
/*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */
using type = type_list<Type...>;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam List Type lists to concatenate.
template<typename... List>
using type_list_cat_t = typename type_list_cat<List...>::type;
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
struct type_list_unique;
* @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list.
* @tparam Type One of the types provided by the given type list.
* @tparam Other The other types provided by the given type list.
template<typename Type, typename... Other>
struct type_list_unique<type_list<Type, Other...>> {
/*! @brief A type list without duplicate types. */
using type = std::conditional_t<
(std::is_same_v<Type, Other> || ...),
typename type_list_unique<type_list<Other...>>::type,
type_list_cat_t<type_list<Type>, typename type_list_unique<type_list<Other...>>::type>>;
/*! @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list. */
struct type_list_unique<type_list<>> {
/*! @brief A type list without duplicate types. */
using type = type_list<>;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam Type A type list.
template<typename Type>
using type_list_unique_t = typename type_list_unique<Type>::type;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a type list contains a
* given type, false otherwise.
* @tparam List Type list.
* @tparam Type Type to look for.
template<typename List, typename Type>
struct type_list_contains;
* @copybrief type_list_contains
* @tparam Type Types provided by the type list.
* @tparam Other Type to look for.
template<typename... Type, typename Other>
struct type_list_contains<type_list<Type...>, Other>: std::disjunction<std::is_same<Type, Other>...> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam List Type list.
* @tparam Type Type to look for.
template<typename List, typename Type>
inline constexpr bool type_list_contains_v = type_list_contains<List, Type>::value;
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
struct type_list_diff;
* @brief Computes the difference between two type lists.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the first type list.
* @tparam Other Types provided by the second type list.
template<typename... Type, typename... Other>
struct type_list_diff<type_list<Type...>, type_list<Other...>> {
/*! @brief A type list that is the difference between the two type lists. */
using type = type_list_cat_t<std::conditional_t<type_list_contains_v<type_list<Other...>, Type>, type_list<>, type_list<Type>>...>;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam List Type lists between which to compute the difference.
template<typename... List>
using type_list_diff_t = typename type_list_diff<List...>::type;
* @brief A class to use to push around lists of constant values, nothing more.
* @tparam Value Values provided by the value list.
template<auto... Value>
struct value_list {
/*! @brief Value list type. */
using type = value_list;
/*! @brief Compile-time number of elements in the value list. */
static constexpr auto size = sizeof...(Value);
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
template<std::size_t, typename>
struct value_list_element;
* @brief Provides compile-time indexed access to the values of a value list.
* @tparam Index Index of the value to return.
* @tparam Value First value provided by the value list.
* @tparam Other Other values provided by the value list.
template<std::size_t Index, auto Value, auto... Other>
struct value_list_element<Index, value_list<Value, Other...>>
: value_list_element<Index - 1u, value_list<Other...>> {};
* @brief Provides compile-time indexed access to the types of a type list.
* @tparam Value First value provided by the value list.
* @tparam Other Other values provided by the value list.
template<auto Value, auto... Other>
struct value_list_element<0u, value_list<Value, Other...>> {
/*! @brief Searched value. */
static constexpr auto value = Value;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam Index Index of the value to return.
* @tparam List Value list to search into.
template<std::size_t Index, typename List>
inline constexpr auto value_list_element_v = value_list_element<Index, List>::value;
* @brief Concatenates multiple value lists.
* @tparam Value Values provided by the first value list.
* @tparam Other Values provided by the second value list.
* @return A value list composed by the values of both the value lists.
template<auto... Value, auto... Other>
constexpr value_list<Value..., Other...> operator+(value_list<Value...>, value_list<Other...>) {
return {};
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
struct value_list_cat;
/*! @brief Concatenates multiple value lists. */
struct value_list_cat<> {
/*! @brief A value list composed by the values of all the value lists. */
using type = value_list<>;
* @brief Concatenates multiple value lists.
* @tparam Value Values provided by the first value list.
* @tparam Other Values provided by the second value list.
* @tparam List Other value lists, if any.
template<auto... Value, auto... Other, typename... List>
struct value_list_cat<value_list<Value...>, value_list<Other...>, List...> {
/*! @brief A value list composed by the values of all the value lists. */
using type = typename value_list_cat<value_list<Value..., Other...>, List...>::type;
* @brief Concatenates multiple value lists.
* @tparam Value Values provided by the value list.
template<auto... Value>
struct value_list_cat<value_list<Value...>> {
/*! @brief A value list composed by the values of all the value lists. */
using type = value_list<Value...>;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam List Value lists to concatenate.
template<typename... List>
using value_list_cat_t = typename value_list_cat<List...>::type;
/*! @brief Same as std::is_invocable, but with tuples. */
template<typename, typename>
struct is_applicable: std::false_type {};
* @copybrief is_applicable
* @tparam Func A valid function type.
* @tparam Tuple Tuple-like type.
* @tparam Args The list of arguments to use to probe the function type.
template<typename Func, template<typename...> class Tuple, typename... Args>
struct is_applicable<Func, Tuple<Args...>>: std::is_invocable<Func, Args...> {};
* @copybrief is_applicable
* @tparam Func A valid function type.
* @tparam Tuple Tuple-like type.
* @tparam Args The list of arguments to use to probe the function type.
template<typename Func, template<typename...> class Tuple, typename... Args>
struct is_applicable<Func, const Tuple<Args...>>: std::is_invocable<Func, Args...> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Func A valid function type.
* @tparam Args The list of arguments to use to probe the function type.
template<typename Func, typename Args>
inline constexpr bool is_applicable_v = is_applicable<Func, Args>::value;
/*! @brief Same as std::is_invocable_r, but with tuples for arguments. */
template<typename, typename, typename>
struct is_applicable_r: std::false_type {};
* @copybrief is_applicable_r
* @tparam Ret The type to which the return type of the function should be
* convertible.
* @tparam Func A valid function type.
* @tparam Args The list of arguments to use to probe the function type.
template<typename Ret, typename Func, typename... Args>
struct is_applicable_r<Ret, Func, std::tuple<Args...>>: std::is_invocable_r<Ret, Func, Args...> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Ret The type to which the return type of the function should be
* convertible.
* @tparam Func A valid function type.
* @tparam Args The list of arguments to use to probe the function type.
template<typename Ret, typename Func, typename Args>
inline constexpr bool is_applicable_r_v = is_applicable_r<Ret, Func, Args>::value;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is
* complete, false otherwise.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct is_complete: std::false_type {};
/*! @copydoc is_complete */
template<typename Type>
struct is_complete<Type, std::void_t<decltype(sizeof(Type))>>: std::true_type {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr bool is_complete_v = is_complete<Type>::value;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is an
* iterator, false otherwise.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct is_iterator: std::false_type {};
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
template<typename, typename = void>
struct has_iterator_category: std::false_type {};
template<typename Type>
struct has_iterator_category<Type, std::void_t<typename std::iterator_traits<Type>::iterator_category>>: std::true_type {};
} // namespace internal
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
/*! @copydoc is_iterator */
template<typename Type>
struct is_iterator<Type, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::remove_const_t<std::remove_pointer_t<Type>>, void>>>
: internal::has_iterator_category<Type> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr bool is_iterator_v = is_iterator<Type>::value;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is both
* an empty and non-final class, false otherwise.
* @tparam Type The type to test
template<typename Type>
struct is_ebco_eligible
: std::conjunction<std::is_empty<Type>, std::negation<std::is_final<Type>>> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr bool is_ebco_eligible_v = is_ebco_eligible<Type>::value;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if `Type::is_transparent`
* is valid and denotes a type, false otherwise.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct is_transparent: std::false_type {};
/*! @copydoc is_transparent */
template<typename Type>
struct is_transparent<Type, std::void_t<typename Type::is_transparent>>: std::true_type {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr bool is_transparent_v = is_transparent<Type>::value;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type is
* equality comparable, false otherwise.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type, typename = void>
struct is_equality_comparable: std::false_type {};
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
template<typename, typename = void>
struct has_tuple_size_value: std::false_type {};
template<typename Type>
struct has_tuple_size_value<Type, std::void_t<decltype(std::tuple_size<const Type>::value)>>: std::true_type {};
template<typename Type, std::size_t... Index>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool unpack_maybe_equality_comparable(std::index_sequence<Index...>) {
return (is_equality_comparable<std::tuple_element_t<Index, Type>>::value && ...);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool maybe_equality_comparable(choice_t<0>) {
return true;
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto maybe_equality_comparable(choice_t<1>) -> decltype(std::declval<typename Type::value_type>(), bool{}) {
if constexpr(is_iterator_v<Type>) {
return true;
} else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<typename Type::value_type, Type>) {
return maybe_equality_comparable<Type>(choice<0>);
} else {
return is_equality_comparable<typename Type::value_type>::value;
template<typename Type>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::enable_if_t<is_complete_v<std::tuple_size<std::remove_const_t<Type>>>, bool> maybe_equality_comparable(choice_t<2>) {
if constexpr(has_tuple_size_value<Type>::value) {
return unpack_maybe_equality_comparable<Type>(std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<Type>::value>{});
} else {
return maybe_equality_comparable<Type>(choice<1>);
} // namespace internal
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @endcond
/*! @copydoc is_equality_comparable */
template<typename Type>
struct is_equality_comparable<Type, std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<Type>() == std::declval<Type>())>>
: std::bool_constant<internal::maybe_equality_comparable<Type>(choice<2>)> {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* @tparam Type The type to test.
template<typename Type>
inline constexpr bool is_equality_comparable_v = is_equality_comparable<Type>::value;
* @brief Transcribes the constness of a type to another type.
* @tparam To The type to which to transcribe the constness.
* @tparam From The type from which to transcribe the constness.
template<typename To, typename From>
struct constness_as {
/*! @brief The type resulting from the transcription of the constness. */
using type = std::remove_const_t<To>;
/*! @copydoc constness_as */
template<typename To, typename From>
struct constness_as<To, const From> {
/*! @brief The type resulting from the transcription of the constness. */
using type = std::add_const_t<To>;
* @brief Alias template to facilitate the transcription of the constness.
* @tparam To The type to which to transcribe the constness.
* @tparam From The type from which to transcribe the constness.
template<typename To, typename From>
using constness_as_t = typename constness_as<To, From>::type;
* @brief Extracts the class of a non-static member object or function.
* @tparam Member A pointer to a non-static member object or function.
template<typename Member>
class member_class {
static_assert(std::is_member_pointer_v<Member>, "Invalid pointer type to non-static member object or function");
template<typename Class, typename Ret, typename... Args>
static Class *clazz(Ret (Class::*)(Args...));
template<typename Class, typename Ret, typename... Args>
static Class *clazz(Ret (Class::*)(Args...) const);
template<typename Class, typename Type>
static Class *clazz(Type Class::*);
/*! @brief The class of the given non-static member object or function. */
using type = std::remove_pointer_t<decltype(clazz(std::declval<Member>()))>;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam Member A pointer to a non-static member object or function.
template<typename Member>
using member_class_t = typename member_class<Member>::type;
} // namespace entt