- # Frequently Asked Questions
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- # Table of Contents
- * [Introduction](#introduction)
- * [FAQ](#faq)
- * [Why is my debug build on Windows so slow?](#why-is-my-debug-build-on-windows-so-slow)
- * [How can I represent hierarchies with my components?](#how-can-i-represent-hierarchies-with-my-components)
- * [Custom entity identifiers: yay or nay?](#custom-entity-identifiers-yay-or-nay)
- * [Warning C4307: integral constant overflow](#warning-C4307-integral-constant-overflow)
- * [Warning C4003: the min, the max and the macro](#warning-C4003-the-min-the-max-and-the-macro)
- * [The standard and the non-copyable types](#the-standard-and-the-non-copyable-types)
- * [Which functions trigger which signals](#which-functions-trigger-which-signals)
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- # Introduction
- This is a constantly updated section where I'll try to put the answers to the
- most frequently asked questions.<br/>
- If you don't find your answer here, there are two cases: nobody has done it yet
- or this section needs updating. In both cases, try to
- [open a new issue](https://github.com/skypjack/entt/issues/new) or enter the
- [gitter channel](https://gitter.im/skypjack/entt) and ask your question.
- Probably someone already has an answer for you and we can then integrate this
- part of the documentation.
- # FAQ
- ## Why is my debug build on Windows so slow?
- `EnTT` is an experimental project that I also use to keep me up-to-date with the
- latest revision of the language and the standard library. For this reason, it's
- likely that some classes you're working with are using standard containers under
- the hood.<br/>
- Unfortunately, it's known that the standard containers aren't particularly
- performing in debugging (the reasons for this go beyond this document) and are
- even less so on Windows apparently. Fortunately this can also be mitigated a
- lot, achieving good results in many cases.
- First of all, there are two things to do in a Windows project:
- * Disable the [`/JMC`](https://docs.microsoft.com/cpp/build/reference/jmc)
- option (_Just My Code_ debugging), available starting in Visual Studio 2017
- version 15.8.
- * Set the [`_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL`](https://docs.microsoft.com/cpp/standard-library/iterator-debug-level)
- macro to 0. This will disable checked iterators and iterator debugging.
- Moreover, the macro `ENTT_ASSERT` should be redefined to disable internal checks
- made by `EnTT` in debug:
- ```cpp
- #define ENTT_ASSERT(...) ((void)0)
- ```
- These asserts are introduced to help the users but they require to access to the
- underlying containers and therefore risk ruining the performance in some cases.
- With these changes, debug performance should increase enough for most cases. If
- you want something more, you can can also switch to an optimization level `O0`
- or preferably `O1`.
- ## How can I represent hierarchies with my components?
- This is one of the first questions that anyone makes when starting to work with
- the entity-component-system architectural pattern.<br/>
- There are several approaches to the problem and what’s the best one depends
- mainly on the real problem one is facing. In all cases, how to do it doesn't
- strictly depend on the library in use, but the latter can certainly allow or
- not different techniques depending on how the data are laid out.
- I tried to describe some of the techniques that fit well with the model of
- `EnTT`. [Here](https://skypjack.github.io/2019-06-25-ecs-baf-part-4/) is the
- first post of a series that tries to explore the problem. More will probably
- come in future.<br/>
- In addition, `EnTT` also offers the possibility to create stable storage types
- and therefore have pointer stability for one, all or some components. This is by
- far the most convenient solution when it comes to creating hierarchies and
- whatnot. See the documentation for the ECS part of the library and in particular
- what concerns the `component_traits` class for further details.
- ## Custom entity identifiers: yay or nay?
- Custom entity identifiers are definitely a good idea in two cases at least:
- * If `std::uint32_t` isn't large enough for your purposes, since this is the
- underlying type of `entt::entity`.
- * If you want to avoid conflicts when using multiple registries.
- Identifiers can be defined through enum classes and class types that define an
- `entity_type` member of type `std::uint32_t` or `std::uint64_t`.<br/>
- In fact, this is a definition equivalent to that of `entt::entity`:
- ```cpp
- enum class entity: std::uint32_t {};
- ```
- There is no limit to the number of identifiers that can be defined.
- ## Warning C4307: integral constant overflow
- According to [this](https://github.com/skypjack/entt/issues/121) issue, using a
- hashed string under VS could generate a warning.<br/>
- First of all, I want to reassure you: it's expected and harmless. However, it
- can be annoying.
- To suppress it and if you don't want to suppress all the other warnings as well,
- here is a workaround in the form of a macro:
- ```cpp
- #if defined(_MSC_VER)
- #define HS(str) __pragma(warning(suppress:4307)) entt::hashed_string{str}
- #else
- #define HS(str) entt::hashed_string{str}
- #endif
- ```
- With an example of use included:
- ```cpp
- constexpr auto identifier = HS("my/resource/identifier");
- ```
- Thanks to [huwpascoe](https://github.com/huwpascoe) for the courtesy.
- ## Warning C4003: the min, the max and the macro
- On Windows, a header file defines two macros `min` and `max` which may result in
- conflicts with their counterparts in the standard library and therefore in
- errors during compilation.
- It's a pretty big problem but fortunately it's not a problem of `EnTT` and there
- is a fairly simple solution to it.<br/>
- It consists in defining the `NOMINMAX` macro before to include any other header
- so as to get rid of the extra definitions:
- ```cpp
- #define NOMINMAX
- ```
- Please refer to [this](https://github.com/skypjack/entt/issues/96) issue for
- more details.
- ## The standard and the non-copyable types
- `EnTT` uses internally the trait `std::is_copy_constructible_v` to check if a
- component is actually copyable. However, this trait doesn't really check whether
- a type is actually copyable. Instead, it just checks that a suitable copy
- constructor and copy operator exist.<br/>
- This can lead to surprising results due to some idiosyncrasies of the standard.
- For example, `std::vector` defines a copy constructor that is conditionally
- enabled depending on whether the value type is copyable or not. As a result,
- `std::is_copy_constructible_v` returns true for the following specialization:
- ```cpp
- struct type {
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<action>> vec;
- };
- ```
- However, the copy constructor is effectively disabled upon specialization.
- Therefore, trying to assign an instance of this type to an entity may trigger a
- compilation error.<br/>
- As a workaround, users can mark the type explicitly as non-copyable. This also
- suppresses the implicit generation of the move constructor and operator, which
- will therefore have to be defaulted accordingly:
- ```cpp
- struct type {
- type(const type &) = delete;
- type(type &&) = default;
- type & operator=(const type &) = delete;
- type & operator=(type &&) = default;
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<action>> vec;
- };
- ```
- Note that aggregate initialization is also disabled as a consequence.<br/>
- Fortunately, this type of trick is quite rare. The bad news is that there is no
- way to deal with it at the library level, this being due to the design of the
- language. On the other hand, the fact that the language itself also offers a way
- to mitigate the problem makes it manageable.
- ## Which functions trigger which signals
- The `registry` class offers three signals that are emitted following specific
- operations. Maybe not everyone knows what these operations are, though.<br/>
- If this isn't clear, below you can find a _vademecum_ for this purpose:
- * `on_created` is invoked when a component is first added (neither modified nor
- replaced) to an entity.
- * `on_update` is called whenever an existing component is modified or replaced.
- * `on_destroyed` is called when a component is explicitly or implicitly removed
- from an entity.
- Among the most controversial functions can be found `emplace_or_replace` and
- `destroy`. However, following the above rules, it's quite simple to know what
- will happen.<br/>
- In the first case, `on_created` is invoked if the entity has not the component,
- otherwise the latter is replaced and therefore `on_update` is triggered. As for
- the second case, components are removed from their entities and thus freed when
- they are recycled. It means that `on_destroyed` is triggered for every component
- owned by the entity that is destroyed.