- #include "config.h"
- #include "mastering.h"
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <cstddef>
- #include <functional>
- #include <iterator>
- #include <limits>
- #include <new>
- #include "almalloc.h"
- #include "alnumeric.h"
- #include "alspan.h"
- #include "opthelpers.h"
- /* These structures assume BufferLineSize is a power of 2. */
- static_assert((BufferLineSize & (BufferLineSize-1)) == 0, "BufferLineSize is not a power of 2");
- struct SlidingHold {
- alignas(16) float mValues[BufferLineSize];
- uint mExpiries[BufferLineSize];
- uint mLowerIndex;
- uint mUpperIndex;
- uint mLength;
- };
- namespace {
- using namespace std::placeholders;
- /* This sliding hold follows the input level with an instant attack and a
- * fixed duration hold before an instant release to the next highest level.
- * It is a sliding window maximum (descending maxima) implementation based on
- * Richard Harter's ascending minima algorithm available at:
- *
- * http://www.richardhartersworld.com/cri/2001/slidingmin.html
- */
- float UpdateSlidingHold(SlidingHold *Hold, const uint i, const float in)
- {
- static constexpr uint mask{BufferLineSize - 1};
- const uint length{Hold->mLength};
- float (&values)[BufferLineSize] = Hold->mValues;
- uint (&expiries)[BufferLineSize] = Hold->mExpiries;
- uint lowerIndex{Hold->mLowerIndex};
- uint upperIndex{Hold->mUpperIndex};
- if(i >= expiries[upperIndex])
- upperIndex = (upperIndex + 1) & mask;
- if(in >= values[upperIndex])
- {
- values[upperIndex] = in;
- expiries[upperIndex] = i + length;
- lowerIndex = upperIndex;
- }
- else
- {
- do {
- do {
- if(!(in >= values[lowerIndex]))
- goto found_place;
- } while(lowerIndex--);
- lowerIndex = mask;
- } while(1);
- found_place:
- lowerIndex = (lowerIndex + 1) & mask;
- values[lowerIndex] = in;
- expiries[lowerIndex] = i + length;
- }
- Hold->mLowerIndex = lowerIndex;
- Hold->mUpperIndex = upperIndex;
- return values[upperIndex];
- }
- void ShiftSlidingHold(SlidingHold *Hold, const uint n)
- {
- auto exp_begin = std::begin(Hold->mExpiries) + Hold->mUpperIndex;
- auto exp_last = std::begin(Hold->mExpiries) + Hold->mLowerIndex;
- if(exp_last-exp_begin < 0)
- {
- std::transform(exp_begin, std::end(Hold->mExpiries), exp_begin,
- std::bind(std::minus<>{}, _1, n));
- exp_begin = std::begin(Hold->mExpiries);
- }
- std::transform(exp_begin, exp_last+1, exp_begin, std::bind(std::minus<>{}, _1, n));
- }
- /* Multichannel compression is linked via the absolute maximum of all
- * channels.
- */
- void LinkChannels(Compressor *Comp, const uint SamplesToDo, const FloatBufferLine *OutBuffer)
- {
- const size_t numChans{Comp->mNumChans};
- ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
- ASSUME(numChans > 0);
- auto side_begin = std::begin(Comp->mSideChain) + Comp->mLookAhead;
- std::fill(side_begin, side_begin+SamplesToDo, 0.0f);
- auto fill_max = [SamplesToDo,side_begin](const FloatBufferLine &input) -> void
- {
- const float *RESTRICT buffer{al::assume_aligned<16>(input.data())};
- auto max_abs = std::bind(maxf, _1, std::bind(static_cast<float(&)(float)>(std::fabs), _2));
- std::transform(side_begin, side_begin+SamplesToDo, buffer, side_begin, max_abs);
- };
- std::for_each(OutBuffer, OutBuffer+numChans, fill_max);
- }
- /* This calculates the squared crest factor of the control signal for the
- * basic automation of the attack/release times. As suggested by the paper,
- * it uses an instantaneous squared peak detector and a squared RMS detector
- * both with 200ms release times.
- */
- static void CrestDetector(Compressor *Comp, const uint SamplesToDo)
- {
- const float a_crest{Comp->mCrestCoeff};
- float y2_peak{Comp->mLastPeakSq};
- float y2_rms{Comp->mLastRmsSq};
- ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
- auto calc_crest = [&y2_rms,&y2_peak,a_crest](const float x_abs) noexcept -> float
- {
- const float x2{clampf(x_abs * x_abs, 0.000001f, 1000000.0f)};
- y2_peak = maxf(x2, lerpf(x2, y2_peak, a_crest));
- y2_rms = lerpf(x2, y2_rms, a_crest);
- return y2_peak / y2_rms;
- };
- auto side_begin = std::begin(Comp->mSideChain) + Comp->mLookAhead;
- std::transform(side_begin, side_begin+SamplesToDo, std::begin(Comp->mCrestFactor), calc_crest);
- Comp->mLastPeakSq = y2_peak;
- Comp->mLastRmsSq = y2_rms;
- }
- /* The side-chain starts with a simple peak detector (based on the absolute
- * value of the incoming signal) and performs most of its operations in the
- * log domain.
- */
- void PeakDetector(Compressor *Comp, const uint SamplesToDo)
- {
- ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
- /* Clamp the minimum amplitude to near-zero and convert to logarithm. */
- auto side_begin = std::begin(Comp->mSideChain) + Comp->mLookAhead;
- std::transform(side_begin, side_begin+SamplesToDo, side_begin,
- [](const float s) -> float { return std::log(maxf(0.000001f, s)); });
- }
- /* An optional hold can be used to extend the peak detector so it can more
- * solidly detect fast transients. This is best used when operating as a
- * limiter.
- */
- void PeakHoldDetector(Compressor *Comp, const uint SamplesToDo)
- {
- ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
- SlidingHold *hold{Comp->mHold};
- uint i{0};
- auto detect_peak = [&i,hold](const float x_abs) -> float
- {
- const float x_G{std::log(maxf(0.000001f, x_abs))};
- return UpdateSlidingHold(hold, i++, x_G);
- };
- auto side_begin = std::begin(Comp->mSideChain) + Comp->mLookAhead;
- std::transform(side_begin, side_begin+SamplesToDo, side_begin, detect_peak);
- ShiftSlidingHold(hold, SamplesToDo);
- }
- /* This is the heart of the feed-forward compressor. It operates in the log
- * domain (to better match human hearing) and can apply some basic automation
- * to knee width, attack/release times, make-up/post gain, and clipping
- * reduction.
- */
- void GainCompressor(Compressor *Comp, const uint SamplesToDo)
- {
- const bool autoKnee{Comp->mAuto.Knee};
- const bool autoAttack{Comp->mAuto.Attack};
- const bool autoRelease{Comp->mAuto.Release};
- const bool autoPostGain{Comp->mAuto.PostGain};
- const bool autoDeclip{Comp->mAuto.Declip};
- const uint lookAhead{Comp->mLookAhead};
- const float threshold{Comp->mThreshold};
- const float slope{Comp->mSlope};
- const float attack{Comp->mAttack};
- const float release{Comp->mRelease};
- const float c_est{Comp->mGainEstimate};
- const float a_adp{Comp->mAdaptCoeff};
- const float *crestFactor{Comp->mCrestFactor};
- float postGain{Comp->mPostGain};
- float knee{Comp->mKnee};
- float t_att{attack};
- float t_rel{release - attack};
- float a_att{std::exp(-1.0f / t_att)};
- float a_rel{std::exp(-1.0f / t_rel)};
- float y_1{Comp->mLastRelease};
- float y_L{Comp->mLastAttack};
- float c_dev{Comp->mLastGainDev};
- ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
- for(float &sideChain : al::span<float>{Comp->mSideChain, SamplesToDo})
- {
- if(autoKnee)
- knee = maxf(0.0f, 2.5f * (c_dev + c_est));
- const float knee_h{0.5f * knee};
- /* This is the gain computer. It applies a static compression curve
- * to the control signal.
- */
- const float x_over{std::addressof(sideChain)[lookAhead] - threshold};
- const float y_G{
- (x_over <= -knee_h) ? 0.0f :
- (std::fabs(x_over) < knee_h) ? (x_over + knee_h) * (x_over + knee_h) / (2.0f * knee) :
- x_over};
- const float y2_crest{*(crestFactor++)};
- if(autoAttack)
- {
- t_att = 2.0f*attack/y2_crest;
- a_att = std::exp(-1.0f / t_att);
- }
- if(autoRelease)
- {
- t_rel = 2.0f*release/y2_crest - t_att;
- a_rel = std::exp(-1.0f / t_rel);
- }
- /* Gain smoothing (ballistics) is done via a smooth decoupled peak
- * detector. The attack time is subtracted from the release time
- * above to compensate for the chained operating mode.
- */
- const float x_L{-slope * y_G};
- y_1 = maxf(x_L, lerpf(x_L, y_1, a_rel));
- y_L = lerpf(y_1, y_L, a_att);
- /* Knee width and make-up gain automation make use of a smoothed
- * measurement of deviation between the control signal and estimate.
- * The estimate is also used to bias the measurement to hot-start its
- * average.
- */
- c_dev = lerpf(-(y_L+c_est), c_dev, a_adp);
- if(autoPostGain)
- {
- /* Clipping reduction is only viable when make-up gain is being
- * automated. It modifies the deviation to further attenuate the
- * control signal when clipping is detected. The adaptation time
- * is sufficiently long enough to suppress further clipping at the
- * same output level.
- */
- if(autoDeclip)
- c_dev = maxf(c_dev, sideChain - y_L - threshold - c_est);
- postGain = -(c_dev + c_est);
- }
- sideChain = std::exp(postGain - y_L);
- }
- Comp->mLastRelease = y_1;
- Comp->mLastAttack = y_L;
- Comp->mLastGainDev = c_dev;
- }
- /* Combined with the hold time, a look-ahead delay can improve handling of
- * fast transients by allowing the envelope time to converge prior to
- * reaching the offending impulse. This is best used when operating as a
- * limiter.
- */
- void SignalDelay(Compressor *Comp, const uint SamplesToDo, FloatBufferLine *OutBuffer)
- {
- const size_t numChans{Comp->mNumChans};
- const uint lookAhead{Comp->mLookAhead};
- ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
- ASSUME(numChans > 0);
- ASSUME(lookAhead > 0);
- for(size_t c{0};c < numChans;c++)
- {
- float *inout{al::assume_aligned<16>(OutBuffer[c].data())};
- float *delaybuf{al::assume_aligned<16>(Comp->mDelay[c].data())};
- auto inout_end = inout + SamplesToDo;
- if LIKELY(SamplesToDo >= lookAhead)
- {
- auto delay_end = std::rotate(inout, inout_end - lookAhead, inout_end);
- std::swap_ranges(inout, delay_end, delaybuf);
- }
- else
- {
- auto delay_start = std::swap_ranges(inout, inout_end, delaybuf);
- std::rotate(delaybuf, delay_start, delaybuf + lookAhead);
- }
- }
- }
- } // namespace
- std::unique_ptr<Compressor> Compressor::Create(const size_t NumChans, const float SampleRate,
- const bool AutoKnee, const bool AutoAttack, const bool AutoRelease, const bool AutoPostGain,
- const bool AutoDeclip, const float LookAheadTime, const float HoldTime, const float PreGainDb,
- const float PostGainDb, const float ThresholdDb, const float Ratio, const float KneeDb,
- const float AttackTime, const float ReleaseTime)
- {
- const auto lookAhead = static_cast<uint>(
- clampf(std::round(LookAheadTime*SampleRate), 0.0f, BufferLineSize-1));
- const auto hold = static_cast<uint>(
- clampf(std::round(HoldTime*SampleRate), 0.0f, BufferLineSize-1));
- size_t size{sizeof(Compressor)};
- if(lookAhead > 0)
- {
- size += sizeof(*Compressor::mDelay) * NumChans;
- /* The sliding hold implementation doesn't handle a length of 1. A 1-
- * sample hold is useless anyway, it would only ever give back what was
- * just given to it.
- */
- if(hold > 1)
- size += sizeof(*Compressor::mHold);
- }
- auto Comp = CompressorPtr{al::construct_at(static_cast<Compressor*>(al_calloc(16, size)))};
- Comp->mNumChans = NumChans;
- Comp->mAuto.Knee = AutoKnee;
- Comp->mAuto.Attack = AutoAttack;
- Comp->mAuto.Release = AutoRelease;
- Comp->mAuto.PostGain = AutoPostGain;
- Comp->mAuto.Declip = AutoPostGain && AutoDeclip;
- Comp->mLookAhead = lookAhead;
- Comp->mPreGain = std::pow(10.0f, PreGainDb / 20.0f);
- Comp->mPostGain = PostGainDb * std::log(10.0f) / 20.0f;
- Comp->mThreshold = ThresholdDb * std::log(10.0f) / 20.0f;
- Comp->mSlope = 1.0f / maxf(1.0f, Ratio) - 1.0f;
- Comp->mKnee = maxf(0.0f, KneeDb * std::log(10.0f) / 20.0f);
- Comp->mAttack = maxf(1.0f, AttackTime * SampleRate);
- Comp->mRelease = maxf(1.0f, ReleaseTime * SampleRate);
- /* Knee width automation actually treats the compressor as a limiter. By
- * varying the knee width, it can effectively be seen as applying
- * compression over a wide range of ratios.
- */
- if(AutoKnee)
- Comp->mSlope = -1.0f;
- if(lookAhead > 0)
- {
- if(hold > 1)
- {
- Comp->mHold = al::construct_at(reinterpret_cast<SlidingHold*>(Comp.get() + 1));
- Comp->mHold->mValues[0] = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
- Comp->mHold->mExpiries[0] = hold;
- Comp->mHold->mLength = hold;
- Comp->mDelay = reinterpret_cast<FloatBufferLine*>(Comp->mHold + 1);
- }
- else
- Comp->mDelay = reinterpret_cast<FloatBufferLine*>(Comp.get() + 1);
- std::uninitialized_fill_n(Comp->mDelay, NumChans, FloatBufferLine{});
- }
- Comp->mCrestCoeff = std::exp(-1.0f / (0.200f * SampleRate)); // 200ms
- Comp->mGainEstimate = Comp->mThreshold * -0.5f * Comp->mSlope;
- Comp->mAdaptCoeff = std::exp(-1.0f / (2.0f * SampleRate)); // 2s
- return Comp;
- }
- Compressor::~Compressor()
- {
- if(mHold)
- al::destroy_at(mHold);
- mHold = nullptr;
- if(mDelay)
- al::destroy_n(mDelay, mNumChans);
- mDelay = nullptr;
- }
- void Compressor::process(const uint SamplesToDo, FloatBufferLine *OutBuffer)
- {
- const size_t numChans{mNumChans};
- ASSUME(SamplesToDo > 0);
- ASSUME(numChans > 0);
- const float preGain{mPreGain};
- if(preGain != 1.0f)
- {
- auto apply_gain = [SamplesToDo,preGain](FloatBufferLine &input) noexcept -> void
- {
- float *buffer{al::assume_aligned<16>(input.data())};
- std::transform(buffer, buffer+SamplesToDo, buffer,
- std::bind(std::multiplies<float>{}, _1, preGain));
- };
- std::for_each(OutBuffer, OutBuffer+numChans, apply_gain);
- }
- LinkChannels(this, SamplesToDo, OutBuffer);
- if(mAuto.Attack || mAuto.Release)
- CrestDetector(this, SamplesToDo);
- if(mHold)
- PeakHoldDetector(this, SamplesToDo);
- else
- PeakDetector(this, SamplesToDo);
- GainCompressor(this, SamplesToDo);
- if(mDelay)
- SignalDelay(this, SamplesToDo, OutBuffer);
- const float (&sideChain)[BufferLineSize*2] = mSideChain;
- auto apply_comp = [SamplesToDo,&sideChain](FloatBufferLine &input) noexcept -> void
- {
- float *buffer{al::assume_aligned<16>(input.data())};
- const float *gains{al::assume_aligned<16>(&sideChain[0])};
- std::transform(gains, gains+SamplesToDo, buffer, buffer,
- std::bind(std::multiplies<float>{}, _1, _2));
- };
- std::for_each(OutBuffer, OutBuffer+numChans, apply_comp);
- auto side_begin = std::begin(mSideChain) + SamplesToDo;
- std::copy(side_begin, side_begin+mLookAhead, std::begin(mSideChain));
- }