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* Copyright (C) 2023 Christopher J. Howard
* This file is part of Antkeeper source code.
* Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <engine/math/numbers.hpp>
#include <engine/math/quaternion.hpp>
#include <engine/math/vector.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <concepts>
#include <utility>
namespace math {
* Rotation sequences of proper Euler and Tait-Bryan angles.
* Indices of the first, second, and third rotation axes are encoded in bits 0-1, 2-3, and 4-5, respectively.
enum class rotation_sequence: std::uint8_t
/// *z-x-z* rotation sequence (proper Euler angles).
zxz = 0b100010,
/// *x-y-x* rotation sequence (proper Euler angles).
xyx = 0b000100,
/// *y-z-y* rotation sequence (proper Euler angles).
yzy = 0b011001,
/// *z-y-z* rotation sequence (proper Euler angles).
zyz = 0b100110,
/// *x-z-x* rotation sequence (proper Euler angles).
xzx = 0b001000,
/// *y-x-y* rotation sequence (proper Euler angles).
yxy = 0b010001,
/// *x-y-z* rotation sequence (Tait-Bryan angles).
xyz = 0b100100,
/// *y-z-x* rotation sequence (Tait-Bryan angles).
yzx = 0b001001,
/// *z-x-y* rotation sequence (Tait-Bryan angles).
zxy = 0b010010,
/// *x-z-y* rotation sequence (Tait-Bryan angles).
xzy = 0b011000,
/// *z-y-x* rotation sequence (Tait-Bryan angles).
zyx = 0b000110,
/// *y-x-z* rotation sequence (Tait-Bryan angles).
yxz = 0b100001
* Returns the indices of the axes of a rotation sequence.
* @tparam T Index type.
* @param sequence Rotation sequence.
* @return Vector containing the indices of the axes of @p sequence.
template <std::integral T>
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr vec3<T> rotation_axes(rotation_sequence sequence) noexcept
const auto x = static_cast<T>(sequence);
return {x & 3, (x >> 2) & 3, x >> 4};
* Derives Euler angles from a unit quaternion.
* @tparam Sequence Rotation sequence of the Euler angles.
* @tparam T Scalar type.
* @param sequence Rotation sequence of the Euler angles.
* @param q Quaternion to convert.
* @param tolerance Floating-point tolerance, in radians, for handling singularities.
* @return Euler angles representing the rotation described by the quaternion, in radians.
* @see Bernardes, Evandro & Viollet, Stéphane. (2022). Quaternion to Euler angles conversion: A direct, general and computationally efficient method. PLoS ONE. 17. 10.1371/journal.pone.0276302.
/// @{
template <rotation_sequence Sequence, class T>
[[nodiscard]] vec3<T> euler_from_quat(const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
constexpr auto axes = rotation_axes<int>(Sequence);
constexpr auto proper = axes[0] == axes[2];
constexpr auto i = axes[0];
constexpr auto j = axes[1];
constexpr auto k = proper ? 3 - i - j : axes[2];
constexpr auto sign = static_cast<T>(((i - j) * (j - k) * (k - i)) >> 1);
auto a = q.r;
auto b = q.i[i];
auto c = q.i[j];
auto d = q.i[k] * sign;
if constexpr (!proper)
a -= q.i[j];
b += d;
c += q.r;
d -= q.i[i];
const auto aa_bb = a * a + b * b;
vec3<T> angles;
angles[1] = std::acos(T{2} * aa_bb / (aa_bb + c * c + d * d) - T{1});
if (std::abs(angles[1]) <= tolerance)
angles[0] = T{0};
angles[2] = std::atan2(b, a) * T{2};
else if (std::abs(angles[1] - pi<T>) <= tolerance)
angles[0] = T{0};
angles[2] = std::atan2(-d, c) * T{-2};
const auto half_sum = std::atan2(b, a);
const auto half_diff = std::atan2(-d, c);
angles[0] = half_sum + half_diff;
angles[2] = half_sum - half_diff;
if constexpr (!proper)
angles[2] *= sign;
angles[1] -= half_pi<T>;
return angles;
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline vec3<T> euler_zxz_from_quat(const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
return euler_from_quat<rotation_sequence::zxz, T>(q, tolerance);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline vec3<T> euler_xyx_from_quat(const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
return euler_from_quat<rotation_sequence::xyx, T>(q, tolerance);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline vec3<T> euler_yzy_from_quat(const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
return euler_from_quat<rotation_sequence::yzy, T>(q, tolerance);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline vec3<T> euler_zyz_from_quat(const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
return euler_from_quat<rotation_sequence::zyz, T>(q, tolerance);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline vec3<T> euler_xzx_from_quat(const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
return euler_from_quat<rotation_sequence::xzx, T>(q, tolerance);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline vec3<T> euler_yxy_from_quat(const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
return euler_from_quat<rotation_sequence::yxy, T>(q, tolerance);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline vec3<T> euler_xyz_from_quat(const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
return euler_from_quat<rotation_sequence::xyz, T>(q, tolerance);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline vec3<T> euler_yzx_from_quat(const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
return euler_from_quat<rotation_sequence::yzx, T>(q, tolerance);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline vec3<T> euler_zxy_from_quat(const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
return euler_from_quat<rotation_sequence::zxy, T>(q, tolerance);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline vec3<T> euler_xzy_from_quat(const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
return euler_from_quat<rotation_sequence::xzy, T>(q, tolerance);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline vec3<T> euler_zyx_from_quat(const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
return euler_from_quat<rotation_sequence::zyx, T>(q, tolerance);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline vec3<T> euler_yxz_from_quat(const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
return euler_from_quat<rotation_sequence::yxz, T>(q, tolerance);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline vec3<T> euler_from_quat(rotation_sequence sequence, const quat<T>& q, T tolerance = T{1e-6})
switch (sequence)
case rotation_sequence::zxz:
return euler_zxz_from_quat<T>(q, tolerance);
case rotation_sequence::xyx:
return euler_xyx_from_quat<T>(q, tolerance);
case rotation_sequence::yzy:
return euler_yzy_from_quat<T>(q, tolerance);
case rotation_sequence::zyz:
return euler_zyz_from_quat<T>(q, tolerance);
case rotation_sequence::xzx:
return euler_xzx_from_quat<T>(q, tolerance);
case rotation_sequence::yxy:
return euler_yxy_from_quat<T>(q, tolerance);
case rotation_sequence::xyz:
return euler_xyz_from_quat<T>(q, tolerance);
case rotation_sequence::yzx:
return euler_yzx_from_quat<T>(q, tolerance);
case rotation_sequence::zxy:
return euler_zxy_from_quat<T>(q, tolerance);
case rotation_sequence::xzy:
return euler_xzy_from_quat<T>(q, tolerance);
case rotation_sequence::zyx:
return euler_zyx_from_quat<T>(q, tolerance);
case rotation_sequence::yxz:
return euler_yxz_from_quat<T>(q, tolerance);
/// @}
* Constructs a quaternion from Euler angles.
* @tparam Sequence Rotation sequence of the Euler angles.
* @tparam T Scalar type.
* @param angles Vector of Euler angles.
* @return Quaternion.
* @see Diebel, J. (2006). Representing attitude: Euler angles, unit quaternions, and rotation vectors. Matrix, 58(15-16), 1-35.
/// @{
template <rotation_sequence Sequence, class T>
[[nodiscard]] quat<T> euler_to_quat(const vec3<T>& angles)
const auto half_angles = angles * T{0.5};
const T cx = std::cos(half_angles.x());
const T sx = std::sin(half_angles.x());
const T cy = std::cos(half_angles.y());
const T sy = std::sin(half_angles.y());
const T cz = std::cos(half_angles.z());
const T sz = std::sin(half_angles.z());
if constexpr (Sequence == rotation_sequence::zxz)
cx * cy * cz - sx * cy * sz,
cx * cz * sy + sx * sy * sz,
cx * sy * sz - sx * cz * sy,
cx * cy * sz + cy * cz * sx
else if constexpr (Sequence == rotation_sequence::xyx)
cx * cy * cz - sx * cy * sz,
cx * cy * sz + cy * cz * sx,
cx * cz * sy + sx * sy * sz,
cx * sy * sz - sx * cz * sy
else if constexpr (Sequence == rotation_sequence::yzy)
cx * cy * cz - sx * cy * sz,
cx * sy * sz - sx * cz * sy,
cx * cy * sz + cy * cz * sx,
cx * cz * sy + sx * sy * sz
else if constexpr (Sequence == rotation_sequence::zyz)
cx * cy * cz - sx * cy * sz,
-cx * sy * sz + sx * cz * sy,
cx * cz * sy + sx * sy * sz,
cx * cy * sz + cy * cz * sx
else if constexpr (Sequence == rotation_sequence::xzx)
cx * cy * cz - sx * cy * sz,
cx * cy * sz + cy * cz * sx,
-cx * sy * sz + sx * cz * sy,
cx * cz * sy + sx * sy * sz
else if constexpr (Sequence == rotation_sequence::yxy)
cx * cy * cz - sx * cy * sz,
cx * cz * sy + sx * sy * sz,
cx * cy * sz + cy * cz * sx,
-cx * sy * sz + sx * cz * sy
else if constexpr (Sequence == rotation_sequence::xyz)
cx * cy * cz + sx * sy * sz,
-cx * sy * sz + cy * cz * sx,
cx * cz * sy + sx * cy * sz,
cx * cy * sz - sx * cz * sy
else if constexpr (Sequence == rotation_sequence::yzx)
cx * cy * cz + sx * sy * sz,
cx * cy * sz - sx * cz * sy,
-cx * sy * sz + cy * cz * sx,
cx * cz * sy + sx * cy * sz
else if constexpr (Sequence == rotation_sequence::zxy)
cx * cy * cz + sx * sy * sz,
cx * cz * sy + sx * cy * sz,
cx * cy * sz - sx * cz * sy,
-cx * sy * sz + cy * cz * sx
else if constexpr (Sequence == rotation_sequence::xzy)
cx * cy * cz - sx * sy * sz,
cx * sy * sz + cy * cz * sx,
cx * cy * sz + sx * cz * sy,
cx * cz * sy - sx * cy * sz
else if constexpr (Sequence == rotation_sequence::zyx)
cx * cy * cz - sx * sy * sz,
cx * cy * sz + sx * cz * sy,
cx * cz * sy - sx * cy * sz,
cx * sy * sz + cy * cz * sx
else //if constexpr (Sequence == rotation_sequence::yxz)
cx * cy * cz - sx * sy * sz,
cx * cz * sy - sx * cy * sz,
cx * sy * sz + cy * cz * sx,
cx * cy * sz + sx * cz * sy
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline quat<T> euler_zxz_to_quat(const vec3<T>& angles)
return euler_to_quat<rotation_sequence::zxz, T>(angles);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline quat<T> euler_xyx_to_quat(const vec3<T>& angles)
return euler_to_quat<rotation_sequence::xyx, T>(angles);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline quat<T> euler_yzy_to_quat(const vec3<T>& angles)
return euler_to_quat<rotation_sequence::yzy, T>(angles);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline quat<T> euler_zyz_to_quat(const vec3<T>& angles)
return euler_to_quat<rotation_sequence::zyz, T>(angles);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline quat<T> euler_xzx_to_quat(const vec3<T>& angles)
return euler_to_quat<rotation_sequence::xzx, T>(angles);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline quat<T> euler_yxy_to_quat(const vec3<T>& angles)
return euler_to_quat<rotation_sequence::yxy, T>(angles);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline quat<T> euler_xyz_to_quat(const vec3<T>& angles)
return euler_to_quat<rotation_sequence::xyz, T>(angles);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline quat<T> euler_yzx_to_quat(const vec3<T>& angles)
return euler_to_quat<rotation_sequence::yzx, T>(angles);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline quat<T> euler_zxy_to_quat(const vec3<T>& angles)
return euler_to_quat<rotation_sequence::zxy, T>(angles);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline quat<T> euler_xzy_to_quat(const vec3<T>& angles)
return euler_to_quat<rotation_sequence::xzy, T>(angles);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline quat<T> euler_zyx_to_quat(const vec3<T>& angles)
return euler_to_quat<rotation_sequence::zyx, T>(angles);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline quat<T> euler_yxz_to_quat(const vec3<T>& angles)
return euler_to_quat<rotation_sequence::yxz, T>(angles);
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline quat<T> euler_to_quat(rotation_sequence sequence, const vec3<T>& angles)
switch (sequence)
case rotation_sequence::zxz:
return euler_zxz_to_quat<T>(angles);
case rotation_sequence::xyx:
return euler_xyx_to_quat<T>(angles);
case rotation_sequence::yzy:
return euler_yzy_to_quat<T>(angles);
case rotation_sequence::zyz:
return euler_zyz_to_quat<T>(angles);
case rotation_sequence::xzx:
return euler_xzx_to_quat<T>(angles);
case rotation_sequence::yxy:
return euler_yxy_to_quat<T>(angles);
case rotation_sequence::xyz:
return euler_xyz_to_quat<T>(angles);
case rotation_sequence::yzx:
return euler_yzx_to_quat<T>(angles);
case rotation_sequence::zxy:
return euler_zxy_to_quat<T>(angles);
case rotation_sequence::xzy:
return euler_xzy_to_quat<T>(angles);
case rotation_sequence::zyx:
return euler_zyx_to_quat<T>(angles);
case rotation_sequence::yxz:
return euler_yxz_to_quat<T>(angles);
/// @}
} // namespace math