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* Copyright (C) 2023 Christopher J. Howard
* This file is part of Antkeeper source code.
* Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <engine/geom/primitives/hypercapsule.hpp>
#include <engine/geom/primitives/hyperplane.hpp>
#include <engine/geom/primitives/hyperrectangle.hpp>
#include <engine/geom/primitives/hypersphere.hpp>
#include <engine/geom/primitives/line-segment.hpp>
#include <engine/geom/primitives/point.hpp>
#include <engine/geom/primitives/ray.hpp>
#include <engine/geom/primitives/triangle.hpp>
#include <engine/geom/coordinates.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <tuple>
namespace geom {
* Calculates the closest point on a ray to a point.
* @tparam T Real type.
* @tparam N Number of dimensions.
* @param a Ray a.
* @param b Point b.
* @return Closest point on ray a to point b.
template <class T, std::size_t N>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr point<T, N> closest_point(const ray<T, N>& a, const point<T, N>& b) noexcept
return a.extrapolate(std::max<T>(T{0}, math::dot(b - a.origin, a.direction)));
* Calculates the closest point on a line segment to a point.
* @tparam T Real type.
* @tparam N Number of dimensions.
* @param ab Line segment ab.
* @param c Point c.
* @return Closest point on line segment ab to point c.
template <class T, std::size_t N>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr point<T, N> closest_point(const line_segment<T, N>& ab, const point<T, N>& c) noexcept
const auto direction_ab = ab.b - ab.a;
const auto distance_ab = math::dot(c - ab.a, direction_ab);
if (distance_ab <= T{0})
return ab.a;
const auto sqr_length_ab = math::sqr_length(direction_ab);
if (distance_ab >= sqr_length_ab)
return ab.b;
return ab.a + direction_ab * (distance_ab / sqr_length_ab);
* Calculates the closest points on two line segments.
* @tparam T Real type.
* @tparam N Number of dimensions.
* @param ab Line segment ab.
* @param cd Line segment cd.
* @return Tuple containing the closest point on segment ab to segment cd, followed by the closest point on segment cd to segment ab.
* @see Ericson, C. (2004). Real-time collision detection. Crc Press.
template <class T, std::size_t N>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::tuple<point<T, N>, point<T, N>> closest_point(const line_segment<T, N>& ab, const line_segment<T, N>& cd) noexcept
const auto direction_ab = ab.b - ab.a;
const auto direction_cd = cd.b - cd.a;
const auto direction_ca = ab.a - cd.a;
const auto sqr_length_ab = math::sqr_length(direction_ab);
const auto sqr_length_cd = math::sqr_length(direction_cd);
const auto cd_dot_ca = math::dot(direction_cd, direction_ca);
if (sqr_length_ab <= T{0})
if (sqr_length_cd <= T{0})
// Both segments are points
return {ab.a, cd.a};
// Segment ab is a point
cd.a + direction_cd * std::min<T>(std::max<T>(cd_dot_ca / sqr_length_cd, T{0}), T{1})
const auto ab_dot_ca = math::dot(direction_ab, direction_ca);
if (sqr_length_cd <= T{0})
// Segment cd is a point
ab.a + direction_ab * std::min<T>(std::max<T>(-ab_dot_ca / sqr_length_ab, T{0}), T{1}),
const auto ab_dot_cd = math::dot(direction_ab, direction_cd);
const auto den = sqr_length_ab * sqr_length_cd - ab_dot_cd * ab_dot_cd;
auto distance_ab = (den) ? std::min<T>(std::max<T>((ab_dot_cd * cd_dot_ca - ab_dot_ca * sqr_length_cd) / den, T{0}), T{1}) : T{0};
auto distance_cd = (ab_dot_cd * distance_ab + cd_dot_ca) / sqr_length_cd;
if (distance_cd < T{0})
ab.a + direction_ab * std::min<T>(std::max<T>(-ab_dot_ca / sqr_length_ab, T{0}), T{1}),
else if (distance_cd > T{1})
ab.a + direction_ab * std::min<T>(std::max<T>((ab_dot_cd - ab_dot_ca) / sqr_length_ab, T{0}), T{1}),
ab.a + direction_ab * distance_ab,
cd.a + direction_cd * distance_cd
* Calculates the closest point on a hyperplane to a point.
* @tparam T Real type.
* @tparam N Number of dimensions.
* @param a Hyperplane a.
* @param b Point b.
* @return Closest point on hyperplane a to point b.
template <class T, std::size_t N>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr point<T, N> closest_point(const hyperplane<T, N>& a, const point<T, N>& b) noexcept
return b - a.normal * (math::dot(a.normal, b) + a.constant);
* Calculates the closest point on a triangle to a point.
* @tparam T Real type.
* @param tri Triangle.
* @param a First point of triangle.
* @param b Second point of triangle.
* @param c Third point of triangle.
* @param p Point.
* @return Closest point on the triangle to point @p p, followed by the Voronoi region of the point.
* @see Ericson, C. (2004). Real-time collision detection. Crc Press.
/// @{
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::tuple<point<T, 3>, triangle_region> closest_point(const point<T, 3>& a, const point<T, 3>& b, const point<T, 3>& c, const point<T, 3>& p) noexcept
const auto ab = b - a;
const auto ac = c - a;
const auto ap = p - a;
const auto ap_dot_ab = math::dot(ap, ab);
const auto ap_dot_ac = math::dot(ap, ac);
if (ap_dot_ab <= T{0} && ap_dot_ac <= T{0})
return {a, triangle_region::a};
const auto bc = c - b;
const auto bp = p - b;
const auto bp_dot_ba = math::dot(bp, a - b);
const auto bp_dot_bc = math::dot(bp, bc);
if (bp_dot_ba <= T{0} && bp_dot_bc <= T{0})
return {b, triangle_region::b};
const auto cp = p - c;
const auto cp_dot_ca = math::dot(cp, a - c);
const auto cp_dot_cb = math::dot(cp, b - c);
if (cp_dot_ca <= T{0} && cp_dot_cb <= T{0})
return {c, triangle_region::c};
const auto n = math::cross(ab, ac);
const auto pa = a - p;
const auto pb = b - p;
const auto vc = math::dot(n, math::cross(pa, pb));
if (vc <= T{0} && ap_dot_ab >= T{0} && bp_dot_ba >= T{0})
return {a + ap_dot_ab / (ap_dot_ab + bp_dot_ba) * ab, triangle_region::ab};
const auto pc = c - p;
const auto va = math::dot(n, math::cross(pb, pc));
if (va <= T{0} && bp_dot_bc >= T{0} && cp_dot_cb >= T{0})
return {b + bp_dot_bc / (bp_dot_bc + cp_dot_cb) * bc, triangle_region::bc};
const auto vb = math::dot(n, math::cross(pc, pa));
if (vb <= T{0} && ap_dot_ac >= T{0} && cp_dot_ca >= T{0})
return {a + ap_dot_ac / (ap_dot_ac + cp_dot_ca) * ac, triangle_region::ca};
const auto u = va / (va + vb + vc);
const auto v = vb / (va + vb + vc);
const auto w = T{1} - u - v;
return {a * u + b * v + c * w, triangle_region::abc};
template <class T>
[[nodiscard]] inline constexpr std::tuple<point<T, 3>, triangle_region> closest_point(const triangle<T, 3>& tri, const point<T, 3>& p) noexcept
return closest_point(tri.a, tri.b, tri.c, p);
/// @}
* Calculates the closest point on or in a hypersphere to a point.
* @tparam T Real type.
* @tparam N Number of dimensions.
* @param a Hypersphere a.
* @param b Point b.
* @return Closest point on or in hypersphere a to point b.
template <class T, std::size_t N>
[[nodiscard]] point<T, N> closest_point(const hypersphere<T, N>& a, const point<T, N>& b)
const auto ab = b - a.center;
const auto d = math::sqr_length(ab);
return d > a.radius * a.radius ? a.center + ab * (a.radius / std::sqrt(d)) : b;
* Calculates the closest point on or in a hypercapsule to a point.
* @tparam T Real type.
* @tparam N Number of dimensions.
* @param a Hypercapsule a.
* @param b Point b.
* @return Closest point on or in hypercapsule a to point b.
template <class T, std::size_t N>
[[nodiscard]] point<T, N> closest_point(const hypercapsule<T, N>& a, const point<T, N>& b)
const auto c = closest_point(a.segment, b);
const auto cb = b - c;
const auto d = math::sqr_length(cb);
return d > a.radius * a.radius ? c + cb * (a.radius / std::sqrt(d)) : b;
* Calculates the closest point on or in a hyperrectangle to a point.
* @tparam T Real type.
* @tparam N Number of dimensions.
* @param a Hyperrectangle a.
* @param b Point b.
* @return Closest point on or in hyperrectangle a to point b.
template <class T, std::size_t N>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr point<T, N> closest_point(const hyperrectangle<T, N>& a, const point<T, N>& b) noexcept
return math::min(math::max(b, a.min), a.max);
} // namespace geom