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Revise control profile loading

C. J. Howard 2 years ago
3 changed files with 281 additions and 245 deletions
  1. +251
  2. +16
  3. +14

+ 251
- 0
src/game/controls.cpp View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "controls.hpp"
#include "resources/resource-manager.hpp"
#include "application.hpp"
#include <fstream>
namespace game {
@ -28,6 +29,11 @@ std::string gamepad_calibration_path(const game::context* ctx, const input::game
return "gamepad-" + gamepad->get_guid() + ".json";
json default_control_profile()
return json();
json default_gamepad_calibration()
const float activation_min = 0.15f;
@ -94,6 +100,251 @@ bool save_gamepad_calibration(const game::context* ctx, const input::gamepad* ga
return true;
void apply_control_profile(game::context* ctx, const json& profile)
// Map gamepad buttons to strings
const std::unordered_map<std::string, input::gamepad_button> gamepad_button_map =
{"a", input::gamepad_button::a},
{"b", input::gamepad_button::b},
{"x", input::gamepad_button::x},
{"y", input::gamepad_button::y},
{"back", input::gamepad_button::back},
{"guide", input::gamepad_button::guide},
{"start", input::gamepad_button::start},
{"leftstick", input::gamepad_button::left_stick},
{"rightstick", input::gamepad_button::right_stick},
{"leftshoulder", input::gamepad_button::left_shoulder},
{"rightshoulder", input::gamepad_button::right_shoulder},
{"dpup", input::gamepad_button::dpad_up},
{"dpdown", input::gamepad_button::dpad_down},
{"dpleft", input::gamepad_button::dpad_left},
{"dpright", input::gamepad_button::dpad_right}
// Map gamepad axes to strings
const std::unordered_map<std::string, input::gamepad_axis> gamepad_axis_map =
{"leftx", input::gamepad_axis::left_x},
{"lefty", input::gamepad_axis::left_y},
{"rightx", input::gamepad_axis::right_x},
{"righty", input::gamepad_axis::right_y},
{"lefttrigger", input::gamepad_axis::left_trigger},
{"righttrigger", input::gamepad_axis::right_trigger}
// Remove all existing input mappings
for (auto control = ctx->controls.begin(); control != ctx->controls.end(); ++control)
// Get keyboard and mouse devices
input::keyboard* keyboard = ctx->app->get_keyboard();
input::mouse* mouse = ctx->app->get_mouse();
// Find profile gamepad device
input::gamepad* gamepad = nullptr;
auto gamepad_element = profile.find("gamepad");
if (gamepad_element != profile.end())
// Get gamepad GUID
const std::string gamepad_guid = gamepad_element->get<std::string>();
// Find gamepad with matching GUID
for (input::gamepad* device: ctx->app->get_gamepads())
if (device->get_guid() == gamepad_guid)
gamepad = device;
// Find controls element
auto controls_element = profile.find("controls");
if (controls_element != profile.end())
// For each control in the profile
for (auto control_element = controls_element->cbegin(); control_element != controls_element->cend(); ++control_element)
// Get the control name
std::string control_name = control_element.key();
// Find or create control
input::control* control;
if (ctx->controls.count(control_name))
control = ctx->controls[control_name];
control = new input::control();
ctx->controls[control_name] = control;
// For each mapping in the control
for (auto mapping_element = control_element.value().cbegin(); mapping_element != control_element.value().cend(); ++mapping_element)
if (!mapping_element->contains("device"))
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + control_name + "\" not mapped to a device");
// Get the mapping device
const std::string device = (*mapping_element)["device"];
if (device == "keyboard")
// Parse key name
if (!mapping_element->contains("key"))
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + control_name + "\" has invalid keyboard mapping");
std::string key = (*mapping_element)["key"].get<std::string>();
// Get scancode from key name
input::scancode scancode = keyboard->get_scancode_from_name(key.c_str());
if (scancode == input::scancode::unknown)
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + control_name + "\" mapped to unknown keyboard key \"" + key + "\"");
// Map control to keyboard key
ctx->input_event_router->add_mapping(input::key_mapping(control, keyboard, scancode));
ctx->logger->log("Mapped control \"" + control_name + "\" to keyboard key \"" + key + "\"");
else if (device == "mouse")
if (mapping_element->contains("button"))
// Parse mouse button index
int button = (*mapping_element)["button"].get<int>();
// Map control to mouse button
ctx->input_event_router->add_mapping(input::mouse_button_mapping(control, mouse, button));
ctx->logger->log("Mapped control \"" + control_name + "\" to mouse button " + std::to_string(button));
else if (mapping_element->contains("wheel"))
// Parse mouse wheel axis
std::string wheel = (*mapping_element)["wheel"].get<std::string>();
input::mouse_wheel_axis axis;
if (wheel == "x+")
axis = input::mouse_wheel_axis::positive_x;
else if (wheel == "x-")
axis = input::mouse_wheel_axis::negative_x;
else if (wheel == "y+")
axis = input::mouse_wheel_axis::positive_y;
else if (wheel == "y-")
axis = input::mouse_wheel_axis::negative_y;
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + control_name + "\" is mapped to invalid mouse wheel axis \"" + wheel + "\"");
// Map control to mouse wheel axis
ctx->input_event_router->add_mapping(input::mouse_wheel_mapping(control, mouse, axis));
ctx->logger->log("Mapped control \"" + control_name + "\" to mouse wheel axis " + wheel);
else if (mapping_element->contains("motion"))
std::string motion = (*mapping_element)["motion"].get<std::string>();
input::mouse_motion_axis axis;
if (motion == "x+")
axis = input::mouse_motion_axis::positive_x;
else if (motion == "x-")
axis = input::mouse_motion_axis::negative_x;
else if (motion == "y+")
axis = input::mouse_motion_axis::positive_y;
else if (motion == "y-")
axis = input::mouse_motion_axis::negative_y;
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + control_name + "\" is mapped to invalid mouse motion axis \"" + motion + "\"");
// Map control to mouse motion axis
ctx->input_event_router->add_mapping(input::mouse_motion_mapping(control, mouse, axis));
ctx->logger->log("Mapped control \"" + control_name + "\" to mouse motion axis " + motion);
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + control_name + "\" has invalid mouse mapping");
else if (device == "gamepad")
if (mapping_element->contains("button"))
// Parse gamepad button
std::string button = (*mapping_element)["button"].get<std::string>();
auto button_it = gamepad_button_map.find(button);
if (button_it == gamepad_button_map.end())
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + control_name + "\" is mapped to invalid gamepad button \"" + button + "\"");
// Map control to gamepad button
ctx->input_event_router->add_mapping(input::gamepad_button_mapping(control, gamepad, button_it->second));
ctx->logger->log("Mapped control \"" + control_name + "\" to gamepad button " + button);
else if (mapping_element->contains("axis"))
std::string axis = (*mapping_element)["axis"].get<std::string>();
// Parse gamepad axis name
const std::string axis_name = axis.substr(0, axis.length() - 1);
auto axis_it = gamepad_axis_map.find(axis_name);
if (axis_it == gamepad_axis_map.end())
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + control_name + "\" is mapped to invalid gamepad axis \"" + axis_name + "\"");
// Parse gamepad axis sign
const char axis_sign = axis.back();
if (axis_sign != '-' && axis_sign != '+')
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + control_name + "\" is mapped to gamepad axis with invalid sign \"" + axis_sign + "\"");
bool axis_negative = (axis_sign == '-');
// Map control to gamepad axis
ctx->input_event_router->add_mapping(input::gamepad_axis_mapping(control, gamepad, axis_it->second, axis_negative));
ctx->logger->log("Mapped control \"" + control_name + "\" to gamepad axis " + axis);
ctx->logger->log("Control \"" + control_name + "\" has invalid gamepad mapping");
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + control_name + "\" bound to unknown device \"" + device + "\"");
void apply_gamepad_calibration(input::gamepad* gamepad, const json& calibration)
// Parse and apply activation thresholds

+ 16
- 0
src/game/controls.hpp View File

@ -26,6 +26,21 @@
namespace game {
* Applies a control profile to the game context.
* @param ctx Game context.
* @param profile Control profile.
void apply_control_profile(game::context* ctx, const json& profile);
* Generates a default control profile.
* @return Default control profile.
json default_control_profile();
* Returns a string containing the path to the gamepad calibration file.
@ -43,6 +58,7 @@ json default_gamepad_calibration();
* @param ctx Game context.
* @param gamepad Gamepad for which to load calibration settings.
* @return Gamepad calibration settings, or `nullptr` if not loaded.
json* load_gamepad_calibration(game::context* ctx, input::gamepad* gamepad);

+ 14
- 245
src/game/states/loading.cpp View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace game {
namespace state {
namespace loading {
/// Creates or loads control configuration
/// Loads control profile and calibrates gamepads
static void load_controls(game::context* ctx);
/// Creates the universe and solar system.
@ -126,259 +126,21 @@ void exit(game::context* ctx)
void load_controls(game::context* ctx)
// Allocate known controls
ctx->controls["toggle_fullscreen"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["screenshot"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["menu_up"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["menu_down"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["menu_left"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["menu_right"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["menu_select"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["menu_back"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["dolly_forward"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["dolly_backward"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["truck_left"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["truck_right"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["pedestal_up"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["pedestal_down"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["move_slow"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["move_fast"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["mouse_look"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["pan_left_gamepad"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["pan_left_mouse"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["pan_right_gamepad"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["pan_right_mouse"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["tilt_up_gamepad"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["tilt_up_mouse"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["tilt_down_gamepad"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["tilt_down_mouse"] = new input::control();
ctx->controls["use_tool"] = new input::control();
// Set activation threshold for menu navigation controls to mitigate drifting gamepad axes
const float menu_activation_threshold = 0.1f;
// Get keyboard and mouse devices
input::keyboard* keyboard = ctx->app->get_keyboard();
input::mouse* mouse = ctx->app->get_mouse();
const std::unordered_map<std::string, input::gamepad_button> gamepad_button_map =
{"a", input::gamepad_button::a},
{"b", input::gamepad_button::b},
{"x", input::gamepad_button::x},
{"y", input::gamepad_button::y},
{"back", input::gamepad_button::back},
{"guide", input::gamepad_button::guide},
{"start", input::gamepad_button::start},
{"leftstick", input::gamepad_button::left_stick},
{"rightstick", input::gamepad_button::right_stick},
{"leftshoulder", input::gamepad_button::left_shoulder},
{"rightshoulder", input::gamepad_button::right_shoulder},
{"dpup", input::gamepad_button::dpad_up},
{"dpdown", input::gamepad_button::dpad_down},
{"dpleft", input::gamepad_button::dpad_left},
{"dpright", input::gamepad_button::dpad_right}
const std::unordered_map<std::string, input::gamepad_axis> gamepad_axis_map =
{"leftx", input::gamepad_axis::left_x},
{"lefty", input::gamepad_axis::left_y},
{"rightx", input::gamepad_axis::right_x},
{"righty", input::gamepad_axis::right_y},
{"lefttrigger", input::gamepad_axis::left_trigger},
{"righttrigger", input::gamepad_axis::right_trigger}
// Check if a control profile is set in the config file
// If a control profile is set in the config file
if (ctx->config->contains("control_profile"))
// Load control profile
json* profile = ctx->resource_manager->load<json>((*ctx->config)["control_profile"].get<std::string>());
// Parse control profile
for (auto it = profile->begin(); it != profile->end(); ++it)
// Apply control profile
if (profile)
// Parse control name
if (!it->contains("name"))
ctx->logger->warning("Unnamed control in control profile");
std::string name = (*it)["name"].get<std::string>();
// Find or create control
input::control* control;
if (ctx->controls.count(name))
control = ctx->controls[name];
control = new input::control;
ctx->controls[name] = control;
// Parse control device
if (!it->contains("device"))
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + name + "\" not mapped to a device");
std::string device = (*it)["device"].get<std::string>();
if (device == "keyboard")
// Parse key name
if (!it->contains("key"))
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + name + "\" has invalid keyboard mapping");
std::string key = (*it)["key"].get<std::string>();
// Get scancode from key name
input::scancode scancode = keyboard->get_scancode_from_name(key.c_str());
if (scancode == input::scancode::unknown)
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + name + "\" mapped to unknown keyboard key \"" + key + "\"");
// Map control to keyboard key
ctx->input_event_router->add_mapping(input::key_mapping(control, nullptr, scancode));
ctx->logger->log("Mapped control \"" + name + "\" to keyboard key \"" + key + "\"");
else if (device == "mouse")
if (it->contains("button"))
// Parse mouse button index
int button = (*it)["button"].get<int>();
// Map control to mouse button
ctx->input_event_router->add_mapping(input::mouse_button_mapping(control, nullptr, button));
ctx->logger->log("Mapped control \"" + name + "\" to mouse button " + std::to_string(button));
else if (it->contains("wheel"))
// Parse mouse wheel axis
std::string wheel = (*it)["wheel"].get<std::string>();
input::mouse_wheel_axis axis;
if (wheel == "x+")
axis = input::mouse_wheel_axis::positive_x;
else if (wheel == "x-")
axis = input::mouse_wheel_axis::negative_x;
else if (wheel == "y+")
axis = input::mouse_wheel_axis::positive_y;
else if (wheel == "y-")
axis = input::mouse_wheel_axis::negative_y;
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + name + "\" is mapped to invalid mouse wheel axis \"" + wheel + "\"");
// Map control to mouse wheel axis
ctx->input_event_router->add_mapping(input::mouse_wheel_mapping(control, nullptr, axis));
ctx->logger->log("Mapped control \"" + name + "\" to mouse wheel axis " + wheel);
else if (it->contains("motion"))
std::string motion = (*it)["motion"].get<std::string>();
input::mouse_motion_axis axis;
if (motion == "x+")
axis = input::mouse_motion_axis::positive_x;
else if (motion == "x-")
axis = input::mouse_motion_axis::negative_x;
else if (motion == "y+")
axis = input::mouse_motion_axis::positive_y;
else if (motion == "y-")
axis = input::mouse_motion_axis::negative_y;
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + name + "\" is mapped to invalid mouse motion axis \"" + motion + "\"");
// Map control to mouse motion axis
ctx->input_event_router->add_mapping(input::mouse_motion_mapping(control, nullptr, axis));
ctx->logger->log("Mapped control \"" + name + "\" to mouse motion axis " + motion);
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + name + "\" has invalid mouse mapping");
else if (device == "gamepad")
if (it->contains("button"))
// Parse gamepad button
std::string button = (*it)["button"].get<std::string>();
auto button_it = gamepad_button_map.find(button);
if (button_it == gamepad_button_map.end())
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + name + "\" is mapped to invalid gamepad button \"" + button + "\"");
// Map control to gamepad button
ctx->input_event_router->add_mapping(input::gamepad_button_mapping(control, nullptr, button_it->second));
ctx->logger->log("Mapped control \"" + name + "\" to gamepad button " + button);
else if (it->contains("axis"))
std::string axis = (*it)["axis"].get<std::string>();
// Parse gamepad axis name
const std::string axis_name = axis.substr(0, axis.length() - 1);
auto axis_it = gamepad_axis_map.find(axis_name);
if (axis_it == gamepad_axis_map.end())
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + name + "\" is mapped to invalid gamepad axis \"" + axis_name + "\"");
// Parse gamepad axis sign
const char axis_sign = axis.back();
if (axis_sign != '-' && axis_sign != '+')
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + name + "\" is mapped to gamepad axis with invalid sign \"" + axis_sign + "\"");
bool axis_negative = (axis_sign == '-');
// Map control to gamepad axis
ctx->input_event_router->add_mapping(input::gamepad_axis_mapping(control, nullptr, axis_it->second, axis_negative));
ctx->logger->log("Mapped control \"" + name + "\" to gamepad axis " + axis);
ctx->logger->log("Control \"" + name + "\" has invalid gamepad mapping");
ctx->logger->warning("Control \"" + name + "\" bound to unknown device \"" + device + "\"");
game::apply_control_profile(ctx, *profile);
// Calibrate gamepads
for (input::gamepad* gamepad: ctx->app->get_gamepads())
ctx->logger->push_task("Loading calibration for gamepad " + gamepad->get_guid());
@ -440,6 +202,13 @@ void load_controls(game::context* ctx)
std::bind(&application::close, ctx->app, 0)
// Set activation threshold for menu navigation controls to mitigate drifting gamepad axes
const float menu_activation_threshold = 0.1f;
void cosmogenesis(game::context* ctx)
