- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2021 Christopher J. Howard
- *
- * This file is part of Antkeeper source code.
- *
- * Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- #include "render/passes/shadow-map-pass.hpp"
- #include "resources/resource-manager.hpp"
- #include "gl/rasterizer.hpp"
- #include "gl/framebuffer.hpp"
- #include "gl/shader-program.hpp"
- #include "gl/shader-input.hpp"
- #include "gl/drawing-mode.hpp"
- #include "render/context.hpp"
- #include "render/material.hpp"
- #include "render/material-flags.hpp"
- #include "scene/camera.hpp"
- #include "scene/light.hpp"
- #include "geom/view-frustum.hpp"
- #include "geom/aabb.hpp"
- #include "config.hpp"
- #include "math/vector.hpp"
- #include "math/matrix.hpp"
- #include "math/quaternion-operators.hpp"
- #include "math/projection.hpp"
- #include <cmath>
- #include <glad/glad.h>
- namespace render {
- static bool operation_compare(const render::operation& a, const render::operation& b);
- void shadow_map_pass::distribute_frustum_splits(float* split_distances, std::size_t split_count, float split_scheme, float near, float far)
- {
- // Calculate split distances
- for (std::size_t i = 0; i < split_count; ++i)
- {
- float part = static_cast<float>(i + 1) / static_cast<float>(split_count + 1);
- // Calculate uniform split distance
- float uniform_split_distance = near + (far - near) * part;
- // Calculate logarithmic split distance
- float log_split_distance = near * std::pow(far / near, part);
- // Interpolate between uniform and logarithmic split distances
- split_distances[i] = log_split_distance * split_scheme + uniform_split_distance * (1.0f - split_scheme);
- }
- }
- shadow_map_pass::shadow_map_pass(gl::rasterizer* rasterizer, const gl::framebuffer* framebuffer, resource_manager* resource_manager):
- pass(rasterizer, framebuffer),
- split_scheme_weight(0.5f),
- light(nullptr)
- {
- // Load skinned shader program
- unskinned_shader_program = resource_manager->load<gl::shader_program>("depth-unskinned.glsl");
- unskinned_model_view_projection_input = unskinned_shader_program->get_input("model_view_projection");
- // Load unskinned shader program
- skinned_shader_program = resource_manager->load<gl::shader_program>("depth-skinned.glsl");
- skinned_model_view_projection_input = skinned_shader_program->get_input("model_view_projection");
- // Calculate bias-tile matrices
- float4x4 bias_matrix = math::translate(math::matrix4<float>::identity(), float3{0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f}) * math::scale(math::matrix4<float>::identity(), float3{0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f});
- float4x4 tile_scale = math::scale(math::matrix4<float>::identity(), float3{0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f});
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- float x = static_cast<float>(i % 2) * 0.5f;
- float y = static_cast<float>(i / 2) * 0.5f;
- float4x4 tile_matrix = math::translate(math::matrix4<float>::identity(), float3{x, y, 0.0f}) * tile_scale;
- bias_tile_matrices[i] = tile_matrix * bias_matrix;
- }
- }
- shadow_map_pass::~shadow_map_pass()
- {}
- void shadow_map_pass::render(const render::context& ctx, render::queue& queue) const
- {
- // Abort if no directional light was set
- if (!light)
- {
- return;
- }
- rasterizer->use_framebuffer(*framebuffer);
- // Disable blending
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- // Enable depth testing
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- glDepthFunc(GL_LESS);
- glDepthMask(GL_TRUE);
- // Disable face culling
- glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- glCullFace(GL_FRONT);
- // For half-z buffer
- //glDepthRange(-1.0f, 1.0f);
- // Get camera
- const scene::camera& camera = *ctx.camera;
- // Calculate distances to the depth clipping planes of each frustum split
- float clip_near = camera.get_clip_near_tween().interpolate(ctx.alpha);
- float clip_far = camera.get_clip_far_tween().interpolate(ctx.alpha);
- split_distances[0] = clip_near;
- split_distances[4] = clip_far;
- distribute_frustum_splits(&split_distances[1], 3, split_scheme_weight, clip_near, clip_far);
- // Calculate viewports for each shadow map
- const int shadow_map_resolution = std::get<0>(framebuffer->get_dimensions()) / 2;
- float4 shadow_map_viewports[4];
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- int x = i % 2;
- int y = i / 2;
- float4& viewport = shadow_map_viewports[i];
- viewport[0] = static_cast<float>(x * shadow_map_resolution);
- viewport[1] = static_cast<float>(y * shadow_map_resolution);
- viewport[2] = static_cast<float>(shadow_map_resolution);
- viewport[3] = static_cast<float>(shadow_map_resolution);
- }
- // Calculate a view-projection matrix from the directional light's transform
- math::transform<float> light_transform = light->get_transform_tween().interpolate(ctx.alpha);
- float3 forward = light_transform.rotation * config::global_forward;
- float3 up = light_transform.rotation * config::global_up;
- float4x4 light_view = math::look_at(light_transform.translation, light_transform.translation + forward, up);
- float4x4 light_projection = math::ortho_half_z(-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
- float4x4 light_view_projection = light_projection * light_view;
- // Get the camera's view matrix
- float4x4 camera_view = camera.get_view_tween().interpolate(ctx.alpha);
- float4x4 crop_matrix;
- float4x4 cropped_view_projection;
- float4x4 model_view_projection;
- // Sort render queue
- queue.sort(operation_compare);
- gl::shader_program* active_shader_program = nullptr;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- // Set viewport for this shadow map
- const float4& viewport = shadow_map_viewports[i];
- rasterizer->set_viewport(viewport[0], viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3]);
- // Calculate projection matrix for view camera subfrustum
- const float subfrustum_near = split_distances[i];
- const float subfrustum_far = split_distances[i + 1];
- float4x4 subfrustum_projection = math::perspective_half_z(camera.get_fov(), camera.get_aspect_ratio(), subfrustum_near, subfrustum_far);
- // Calculate view camera subfrustum
- geom::view_frustum<float> subfrustum(subfrustum_projection * camera_view);
- // Create AABB containing the view camera subfrustum corners
- const std::array<float3, 8>& subfrustum_corners = subfrustum.get_corners();
- geom::aabb<float> subfrustum_aabb = {subfrustum_corners[0], subfrustum_corners[0]};
- for (int j = 1; j < 8; ++j)
- {
- for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
- {
- subfrustum_aabb.min_point[k] = std::min<float>(subfrustum_aabb.min_point[k], subfrustum_corners[j][k]);
- subfrustum_aabb.max_point[k] = std::max<float>(subfrustum_aabb.max_point[k], subfrustum_corners[j][k]);
- }
- }
- // Transform subfrustum AABB into the light clip space
- geom::aabb<float> cropping_bounds = geom::aabb<float>::transform(subfrustum_aabb, light_view_projection);
- // Calculate scale
- float3 scale;
- scale.x() = 2.0f / (cropping_bounds.max_point.x() - cropping_bounds.min_point.x());
- scale.y() = 2.0f / (cropping_bounds.max_point.y() - cropping_bounds.min_point.y());
- scale.z() = 1.0f / (cropping_bounds.max_point.z() - cropping_bounds.min_point.z());
- //scale.z() = 2.0f / (cropping_bounds.max_point.z() - cropping_bounds.min_point.z());
- // Quantize scale
- float scale_quantizer = 64.0f;
- scale.x() = 1.0f / std::ceil(1.0f / scale.x() * scale_quantizer) * scale_quantizer;
- scale.y() = 1.0f / std::ceil(1.0f / scale.y() * scale_quantizer) * scale_quantizer;
- // Calculate offset
- float3 offset;
- offset.x() = (cropping_bounds.max_point.x() + cropping_bounds.min_point.x()) * scale.x() * -0.5f;
- offset.y() = (cropping_bounds.max_point.y() + cropping_bounds.min_point.y()) * scale.y() * -0.5f;
- offset.z() = -cropping_bounds.min_point.z() * scale.z();
- //offset.z() = (cropping_bounds.max_point.z() + cropping_bounds.min_point.z()) * scale.z() * -0.5f;
- // Quantize offset
- float half_shadow_map_resolution = static_cast<float>(shadow_map_resolution) * 0.5f;
- offset.x() = std::ceil(offset.x() * half_shadow_map_resolution) / half_shadow_map_resolution;
- offset.y() = std::ceil(offset.y() * half_shadow_map_resolution) / half_shadow_map_resolution;
- // Crop the light view-projection matrix
- crop_matrix = math::translate(math::matrix4<float>::identity(), offset) * math::scale(math::matrix4<float>::identity(), scale);
- cropped_view_projection = crop_matrix * light_view_projection;
- // Calculate shadow matrix
- shadow_matrices[i] = bias_tile_matrices[i] * cropped_view_projection;
- for (const render::operation& operation: queue)
- {
- // Skip materials which don't cast shadows
- const render::material* material = operation.material;
- if (material && (material->get_flags() & MATERIAL_FLAG_NOT_SHADOW_CASTER))
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Switch shader programs if necessary
- gl::shader_program* shader_program = (operation.bone_count) ? skinned_shader_program : unskinned_shader_program;
- if (active_shader_program != shader_program)
- {
- active_shader_program = shader_program;
- rasterizer->use_program(*active_shader_program);
- }
- // Calculate model-view-projection matrix
- model_view_projection = cropped_view_projection * operation.transform;
- // Upload operation-dependent parameters to shader program
- if (active_shader_program == unskinned_shader_program)
- {
- unskinned_model_view_projection_input->upload(model_view_projection);
- }
- else if (active_shader_program == skinned_shader_program)
- {
- skinned_model_view_projection_input->upload(model_view_projection);
- }
- // Draw geometry
- rasterizer->draw_arrays(*operation.vertex_array, operation.drawing_mode, operation.start_index, operation.index_count);
- }
- }
- }
- void shadow_map_pass::set_split_scheme_weight(float weight)
- {
- split_scheme_weight = weight;
- }
- void shadow_map_pass::set_light(const scene::directional_light* light)
- {
- this->light = light;
- }
- bool operation_compare(const render::operation& a, const render::operation& b)
- {
- // Determine transparency
- bool skinned_a = (a.bone_count);
- bool skinned_b = (b.bone_count);
- if (skinned_a)
- {
- if (skinned_b)
- {
- // A and B are both skinned, sort by VAO
- return (a.vertex_array < b.vertex_array);
- }
- else
- {
- // A is skinned, B is unskinned. Render B first
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (skinned_b)
- {
- // A is unskinned, B is skinned. Render A first
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- // A and B are both unskinned, sort by VAO
- return (a.vertex_array < b.vertex_array);
- }
- }
- }
- } // namespace render