🛠️🐜 Antkeeper superbuild with dependencies included https://antkeeper.com
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  1. language: cpp
  2. dist: trusty
  3. sudo: false
  4. env:
  5. global:
  6. - CONAN_USERNAME="skypjack"
  7. - CONAN_PACKAGE_NAME="entt"
  10. conan-buildsteps: &conan-buildsteps
  11. before_install:
  12. # use this step if you desire to manipulate CONAN variables programmatically
  14. install:
  15. - chmod +x ./conan/ci/install.sh
  16. - ./conan/ci/install.sh
  17. script:
  18. - chmod +x ./conan/ci/build.sh
  19. - ./conan/ci/build.sh
  20. # the following are dummies to overwrite default build steps
  21. before_script:
  22. - true
  23. after_success:
  24. - true
  25. if: tag IS present
  26. conan-linux: &conan-linux
  27. os: linux
  28. sudo: required
  29. language: python
  30. python: "3.6"
  31. services:
  32. - docker
  33. <<: *conan-buildsteps
  34. matrix:
  35. include:
  36. - os: linux
  37. compiler: gcc
  38. addons:
  39. apt:
  40. sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test']
  41. packages: ['g++-7']
  42. env: COMPILER=g++-7
  43. - os: linux
  44. compiler: clang
  45. addons:
  46. apt:
  47. sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test', 'llvm-toolchain-trusty-6.0']
  48. packages: ['clang-6.0', 'g++-7']
  49. env: COMPILER=clang++-6.0
  50. - os: osx
  51. osx_image: xcode10
  52. compiler: clang
  53. env: COMPILER=clang++
  54. - os: linux
  55. compiler: gcc
  56. addons:
  57. apt:
  58. sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test']
  59. packages: ['g++-7']
  60. env:
  61. - COMPILER=g++-7
  62. - CXXFLAGS="-O0 --coverage -fno-inline -fno-inline-small-functions -fno-default-inline"
  63. before_script:
  64. - pip install --user cpp-coveralls
  65. after_success:
  66. - coveralls --gcov gcov-7 --gcov-options '\-lp' --root ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} --build-root ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/build --extension cpp --extension hpp --exclude deps --include src
  67. # Conan testing and uploading
  68. - <<: *conan-linux
  70. notifications:
  71. email:
  72. on_success: never
  73. on_failure: always
  74. install:
  75. - echo ${PATH}
  76. - cmake --version
  77. - export CXX=${COMPILER}
  78. - echo ${CXX}
  79. - ${CXX} --version
  80. - ${CXX} -v
  81. script:
  82. - mkdir -p build && cd build
  83. - cmake -DBUILD_TESTING=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make -j4
  84. - CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 ctest -j4
  85. deploy:
  86. provider: script
  87. script: scripts/update_packages.sh $TRAVIS_TAG
  88. on:
  89. tags: true
  90. condition: “$NON_CONAN_DEPLOYMENT = “True”