- /**
- * OpenAL cross platform audio library
- * Copyright (C) 1999-2010 by authors.
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- * Or go to http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html
- */
- #include "config.h"
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <array>
- #include <chrono>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <functional>
- #include <iterator>
- #include <memory>
- #include <new>
- #include <numeric>
- #include <string>
- #include "AL/al.h"
- #include "AL/alc.h"
- #include "AL/alext.h"
- #include "al/auxeffectslot.h"
- #include "albit.h"
- #include "alconfig.h"
- #include "alc/context.h"
- #include "almalloc.h"
- #include "alnumbers.h"
- #include "alnumeric.h"
- #include "aloptional.h"
- #include "alspan.h"
- #include "alstring.h"
- #include "alu.h"
- #include "core/ambdec.h"
- #include "core/ambidefs.h"
- #include "core/bformatdec.h"
- #include "core/bs2b.h"
- #include "core/devformat.h"
- #include "core/front_stablizer.h"
- #include "core/hrtf.h"
- #include "core/logging.h"
- #include "core/uhjfilter.h"
- #include "device.h"
- #include "opthelpers.h"
- namespace {
- using namespace std::placeholders;
- using std::chrono::seconds;
- using std::chrono::nanoseconds;
- inline const char *GetLabelFromChannel(Channel channel)
- {
- switch(channel)
- {
- case FrontLeft: return "front-left";
- case FrontRight: return "front-right";
- case FrontCenter: return "front-center";
- case LFE: return "lfe";
- case BackLeft: return "back-left";
- case BackRight: return "back-right";
- case BackCenter: return "back-center";
- case SideLeft: return "side-left";
- case SideRight: return "side-right";
- case TopFrontLeft: return "top-front-left";
- case TopFrontCenter: return "top-front-center";
- case TopFrontRight: return "top-front-right";
- case TopCenter: return "top-center";
- case TopBackLeft: return "top-back-left";
- case TopBackCenter: return "top-back-center";
- case TopBackRight: return "top-back-right";
- case MaxChannels: break;
- }
- return "(unknown)";
- }
- std::unique_ptr<FrontStablizer> CreateStablizer(const size_t outchans, const uint srate)
- {
- auto stablizer = FrontStablizer::Create(outchans);
- for(auto &buf : stablizer->DelayBuf)
- std::fill(buf.begin(), buf.end(), 0.0f);
- /* Initialize band-splitting filter for the mid signal, with a crossover at
- * 5khz (could be higher).
- */
- stablizer->MidFilter.init(5000.0f / static_cast<float>(srate));
- return stablizer;
- }
- void AllocChannels(ALCdevice *device, const size_t main_chans, const size_t real_chans)
- {
- TRACE("Channel config, Main: %zu, Real: %zu\n", main_chans, real_chans);
- /* Allocate extra channels for any post-filter output. */
- const size_t num_chans{main_chans + real_chans};
- TRACE("Allocating %zu channels, %zu bytes\n", num_chans,
- num_chans*sizeof(device->MixBuffer[0]));
- device->MixBuffer.resize(num_chans);
- al::span<FloatBufferLine> buffer{device->MixBuffer};
- device->Dry.Buffer = buffer.first(main_chans);
- buffer = buffer.subspan(main_chans);
- if(real_chans != 0)
- {
- device->RealOut.Buffer = buffer.first(real_chans);
- buffer = buffer.subspan(real_chans);
- }
- else
- device->RealOut.Buffer = device->Dry.Buffer;
- }
- using ChannelCoeffs = std::array<float,MaxAmbiChannels>;
- enum DecoderMode : bool {
- SingleBand = false,
- DualBand = true
- };
- template<DecoderMode Mode, size_t N>
- struct DecoderConfig;
- template<size_t N>
- struct DecoderConfig<SingleBand, N> {
- uint8_t mOrder{};
- bool mIs3D{};
- std::array<Channel,N> mChannels{};
- DevAmbiScaling mScaling{};
- std::array<float,MaxAmbiOrder+1> mOrderGain{};
- std::array<ChannelCoeffs,N> mCoeffs{};
- };
- template<size_t N>
- struct DecoderConfig<DualBand, N> {
- uint8_t mOrder{};
- bool mIs3D{};
- std::array<Channel,N> mChannels{};
- DevAmbiScaling mScaling{};
- std::array<float,MaxAmbiOrder+1> mOrderGain{};
- std::array<ChannelCoeffs,N> mCoeffs{};
- std::array<float,MaxAmbiOrder+1> mOrderGainLF{};
- std::array<ChannelCoeffs,N> mCoeffsLF{};
- };
- template<>
- struct DecoderConfig<DualBand, 0> {
- uint8_t mOrder{};
- bool mIs3D{};
- al::span<const Channel> mChannels;
- DevAmbiScaling mScaling{};
- al::span<const float> mOrderGain;
- al::span<const ChannelCoeffs> mCoeffs;
- al::span<const float> mOrderGainLF;
- al::span<const ChannelCoeffs> mCoeffsLF;
- template<size_t N>
- DecoderConfig& operator=(const DecoderConfig<SingleBand,N> &rhs) noexcept
- {
- mOrder = rhs.mOrder;
- mIs3D = rhs.mIs3D;
- mChannels = rhs.mChannels;
- mScaling = rhs.mScaling;
- mOrderGain = rhs.mOrderGain;
- mCoeffs = rhs.mCoeffs;
- mOrderGainLF = {};
- mCoeffsLF = {};
- return *this;
- }
- template<size_t N>
- DecoderConfig& operator=(const DecoderConfig<DualBand,N> &rhs) noexcept
- {
- mOrder = rhs.mOrder;
- mIs3D = rhs.mIs3D;
- mChannels = rhs.mChannels;
- mScaling = rhs.mScaling;
- mOrderGain = rhs.mOrderGain;
- mCoeffs = rhs.mCoeffs;
- mOrderGainLF = rhs.mOrderGainLF;
- mCoeffsLF = rhs.mCoeffsLF;
- return *this;
- }
- };
- using DecoderView = DecoderConfig<DualBand, 0>;
- void InitNearFieldCtrl(ALCdevice *device, float ctrl_dist, uint order, bool is3d)
- {
- static const uint chans_per_order2d[MaxAmbiOrder+1]{ 1, 2, 2, 2 };
- static const uint chans_per_order3d[MaxAmbiOrder+1]{ 1, 3, 5, 7 };
- /* NFC is only used when AvgSpeakerDist is greater than 0. */
- if(!device->getConfigValueBool("decoder", "nfc", 0) || !(ctrl_dist > 0.0f))
- return;
- device->AvgSpeakerDist = clampf(ctrl_dist, 0.1f, 10.0f);
- TRACE("Using near-field reference distance: %.2f meters\n", device->AvgSpeakerDist);
- const float w1{SpeedOfSoundMetersPerSec /
- (device->AvgSpeakerDist * static_cast<float>(device->Frequency))};
- device->mNFCtrlFilter.init(w1);
- auto iter = std::copy_n(is3d ? chans_per_order3d : chans_per_order2d, order+1u,
- std::begin(device->NumChannelsPerOrder));
- std::fill(iter, std::end(device->NumChannelsPerOrder), 0u);
- }
- void InitDistanceComp(ALCdevice *device, const al::span<const Channel> channels,
- const al::span<const float,MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS> dists)
- {
- const float maxdist{std::accumulate(std::begin(dists), std::end(dists), 0.0f, maxf)};
- if(!device->getConfigValueBool("decoder", "distance-comp", 1) || !(maxdist > 0.0f))
- return;
- const auto distSampleScale = static_cast<float>(device->Frequency) / SpeedOfSoundMetersPerSec;
- std::vector<DistanceComp::ChanData> ChanDelay;
- ChanDelay.reserve(device->RealOut.Buffer.size());
- size_t total{0u};
- for(size_t chidx{0};chidx < channels.size();++chidx)
- {
- const Channel ch{channels[chidx]};
- const uint idx{device->RealOut.ChannelIndex[ch]};
- continue;
- const float distance{dists[chidx]};
- /* Distance compensation only delays in steps of the sample rate. This
- * is a bit less accurate since the delay time falls to the nearest
- * sample time, but it's far simpler as it doesn't have to deal with
- * phase offsets. This means at 48khz, for instance, the distance delay
- * will be in steps of about 7 millimeters.
- */
- float delay{std::floor((maxdist - distance)*distSampleScale + 0.5f)};
- if(delay > float{MAX_DELAY_LENGTH-1})
- {
- ERR("Delay for channel %u (%s) exceeds buffer length (%f > %d)\n", idx,
- GetLabelFromChannel(ch), delay, MAX_DELAY_LENGTH-1);
- delay = float{MAX_DELAY_LENGTH-1};
- }
- ChanDelay.resize(maxz(ChanDelay.size(), idx+1));
- ChanDelay[idx].Length = static_cast<uint>(delay);
- ChanDelay[idx].Gain = distance / maxdist;
- TRACE("Channel %s distance comp: %u samples, %f gain\n", GetLabelFromChannel(ch),
- ChanDelay[idx].Length, ChanDelay[idx].Gain);
- /* Round up to the next 4th sample, so each channel buffer starts
- * 16-byte aligned.
- */
- total += RoundUp(ChanDelay[idx].Length, 4);
- }
- if(total > 0)
- {
- auto chandelays = DistanceComp::Create(total);
- ChanDelay[0].Buffer = chandelays->mSamples.data();
- auto set_bufptr = [](const DistanceComp::ChanData &last, const DistanceComp::ChanData &cur)
- -> DistanceComp::ChanData
- {
- DistanceComp::ChanData ret{cur};
- ret.Buffer = last.Buffer + RoundUp(last.Length, 4);
- return ret;
- };
- std::partial_sum(ChanDelay.begin(), ChanDelay.end(), chandelays->mChannels.begin(),
- set_bufptr);
- device->ChannelDelays = std::move(chandelays);
- }
- }
- inline auto& GetAmbiScales(DevAmbiScaling scaletype) noexcept
- {
- if(scaletype == DevAmbiScaling::FuMa) return AmbiScale::FromFuMa();
- if(scaletype == DevAmbiScaling::SN3D) return AmbiScale::FromSN3D();
- return AmbiScale::FromN3D();
- }
- inline auto& GetAmbiLayout(DevAmbiLayout layouttype) noexcept
- {
- if(layouttype == DevAmbiLayout::FuMa) return AmbiIndex::FromFuMa();
- return AmbiIndex::FromACN();
- }
- DecoderView MakeDecoderView(ALCdevice *device, const AmbDecConf *conf,
- DecoderConfig<DualBand, MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS> &decoder)
- {
- DecoderView ret{};
- decoder.mOrder = (conf->ChanMask > Ambi2OrderMask) ? uint8_t{3} :
- (conf->ChanMask > Ambi1OrderMask) ? uint8_t{2} : uint8_t{1};
- decoder.mIs3D = (conf->ChanMask&AmbiPeriphonicMask) != 0;
- switch(conf->CoeffScale)
- {
- case AmbDecScale::N3D: decoder.mScaling = DevAmbiScaling::N3D; break;
- case AmbDecScale::SN3D: decoder.mScaling = DevAmbiScaling::SN3D; break;
- case AmbDecScale::FuMa: decoder.mScaling = DevAmbiScaling::FuMa; break;
- }
- std::copy_n(std::begin(conf->HFOrderGain),
- std::min(al::size(conf->HFOrderGain), al::size(decoder.mOrderGain)),
- std::begin(decoder.mOrderGain));
- std::copy_n(std::begin(conf->LFOrderGain),
- std::min(al::size(conf->LFOrderGain), al::size(decoder.mOrderGainLF)),
- std::begin(decoder.mOrderGainLF));
- std::array<uint8_t,MaxAmbiChannels> idx_map{};
- if(decoder.mIs3D)
- {
- uint flags{conf->ChanMask};
- auto elem = idx_map.begin();
- while(flags)
- {
- int acn{al::countr_zero(flags)};
- flags &= ~(1u<<acn);
- *elem = static_cast<uint8_t>(acn);
- ++elem;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- uint flags{conf->ChanMask};
- auto elem = idx_map.begin();
- while(flags)
- {
- int acn{al::countr_zero(flags)};
- flags &= ~(1u<<acn);
- switch(acn)
- {
- case 0: *elem = 0; break;
- case 1: *elem = 1; break;
- case 3: *elem = 2; break;
- case 4: *elem = 3; break;
- case 8: *elem = 4; break;
- case 9: *elem = 5; break;
- case 15: *elem = 6; break;
- default: return ret;
- }
- ++elem;
- }
- }
- const auto num_coeffs = static_cast<uint>(al::popcount(conf->ChanMask));
- const auto hfmatrix = conf->HFMatrix;
- const auto lfmatrix = conf->LFMatrix;
- uint chan_count{0};
- using const_speaker_span = al::span<const AmbDecConf::SpeakerConf>;
- for(auto &speaker : const_speaker_span{conf->Speakers.get(), conf->NumSpeakers})
- {
- /* NOTE: AmbDec does not define any standard speaker names, however
- * for this to work we have to by able to find the output channel
- * the speaker definition corresponds to. Therefore, OpenAL Soft
- * requires these channel labels to be recognized:
- *
- * LF = Front left
- * RF = Front right
- * LS = Side left
- * RS = Side right
- * LB = Back left
- * RB = Back right
- * CE = Front center
- * CB = Back center
- *
- * Additionally, surround51 will acknowledge back speakers for side
- * channels, to avoid issues with an ambdec expecting 5.1 to use the
- * back channels.
- */
- Channel ch{};
- if(speaker.Name == "LF")
- ch = FrontLeft;
- else if(speaker.Name == "RF")
- ch = FrontRight;
- else if(speaker.Name == "CE")
- ch = FrontCenter;
- else if(speaker.Name == "LS")
- ch = SideLeft;
- else if(speaker.Name == "RS")
- ch = SideRight;
- else if(speaker.Name == "LB")
- ch = (device->FmtChans == DevFmtX51) ? SideLeft : BackLeft;
- else if(speaker.Name == "RB")
- ch = (device->FmtChans == DevFmtX51) ? SideRight : BackRight;
- else if(speaker.Name == "CB")
- ch = BackCenter;
- else
- {
- ERR("AmbDec speaker label \"%s\" not recognized\n", speaker.Name.c_str());
- continue;
- }
- decoder.mChannels[chan_count] = ch;
- for(size_t src{0};src < num_coeffs;++src)
- {
- const size_t dst{idx_map[src]};
- decoder.mCoeffs[chan_count][dst] = hfmatrix[chan_count][src];
- }
- if(conf->FreqBands > 1)
- {
- for(size_t src{0};src < num_coeffs;++src)
- {
- const size_t dst{idx_map[src]};
- decoder.mCoeffsLF[chan_count][dst] = lfmatrix[chan_count][src];
- }
- }
- ++chan_count;
- }
- if(chan_count > 0)
- {
- ret.mOrder = decoder.mOrder;
- ret.mIs3D = decoder.mIs3D;
- ret.mScaling = decoder.mScaling;
- ret.mChannels = {decoder.mChannels.data(), chan_count};
- ret.mOrderGain = decoder.mOrderGain;
- ret.mCoeffs = {decoder.mCoeffs.data(), chan_count};
- if(conf->FreqBands > 1)
- {
- ret.mOrderGainLF = decoder.mOrderGainLF;
- ret.mCoeffsLF = {decoder.mCoeffsLF.data(), chan_count};
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- constexpr DecoderConfig<SingleBand, 1> MonoConfig{
- 0, false, {{FrontCenter}},
- DevAmbiScaling::N3D,
- {{1.0f}},
- {{ {{1.0f}} }}
- };
- constexpr DecoderConfig<SingleBand, 2> StereoConfig{
- 1, false, {{FrontLeft, FrontRight}},
- DevAmbiScaling::N3D,
- {{1.0f, 1.0f}},
- {{
- {{5.00000000e-1f, 2.88675135e-1f, 5.52305643e-2f}},
- {{5.00000000e-1f, -2.88675135e-1f, 5.52305643e-2f}},
- }}
- };
- constexpr DecoderConfig<DualBand, 4> QuadConfig{
- 2, false, {{BackLeft, FrontLeft, FrontRight, BackRight}},
- DevAmbiScaling::N3D,
- /*HF*/{{1.15470054e+0f, 1.00000000e+0f, 5.77350269e-1f}},
- {{
- {{2.50000000e-1f, 2.04124145e-1f, -2.04124145e-1f, -1.29099445e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{2.50000000e-1f, 2.04124145e-1f, 2.04124145e-1f, 1.29099445e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{2.50000000e-1f, -2.04124145e-1f, 2.04124145e-1f, -1.29099445e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{2.50000000e-1f, -2.04124145e-1f, -2.04124145e-1f, 1.29099445e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- }},
- /*LF*/{{1.00000000e+0f, 1.00000000e+0f, 1.00000000e+0f}},
- {{
- {{2.50000000e-1f, 2.04124145e-1f, -2.04124145e-1f, -1.29099445e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{2.50000000e-1f, 2.04124145e-1f, 2.04124145e-1f, 1.29099445e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{2.50000000e-1f, -2.04124145e-1f, 2.04124145e-1f, -1.29099445e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{2.50000000e-1f, -2.04124145e-1f, -2.04124145e-1f, 1.29099445e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- }}
- };
- constexpr DecoderConfig<DualBand, 5> X51Config{
- 2, false, {{SideLeft, FrontLeft, FrontCenter, FrontRight, SideRight}},
- DevAmbiScaling::FuMa,
- /*HF*/{{1.00000000e+0f, 1.00000000e+0f, 1.00000000e+0f}},
- {{
- {{5.67316000e-1f, 4.22920000e-1f, -3.15495000e-1f, -6.34490000e-2f, -2.92380000e-2f}},
- {{3.68584000e-1f, 2.72349000e-1f, 3.21616000e-1f, 1.92645000e-1f, 4.82600000e-2f}},
- {{1.83579000e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f, 1.99588000e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f, 9.62820000e-2f}},
- {{3.68584000e-1f, -2.72349000e-1f, 3.21616000e-1f, -1.92645000e-1f, 4.82600000e-2f}},
- {{5.67316000e-1f, -4.22920000e-1f, -3.15495000e-1f, 6.34490000e-2f, -2.92380000e-2f}},
- }},
- /*LF*/{{1.00000000e+0f, 1.00000000e+0f, 1.00000000e+0f}},
- {{
- {{4.90109850e-1f, 3.77305010e-1f, -3.73106990e-1f, -1.25914530e-1f, 1.45133000e-2f}},
- {{1.49085730e-1f, 3.03561680e-1f, 1.53290060e-1f, 2.45112480e-1f, -1.50753130e-1f}},
- {{1.37654920e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f, 4.49417940e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f, 2.57844070e-1f}},
- {{1.49085730e-1f, -3.03561680e-1f, 1.53290060e-1f, -2.45112480e-1f, -1.50753130e-1f}},
- {{4.90109850e-1f, -3.77305010e-1f, -3.73106990e-1f, 1.25914530e-1f, 1.45133000e-2f}},
- }}
- };
- constexpr DecoderConfig<SingleBand, 5> X61Config{
- 2, false, {{SideLeft, FrontLeft, FrontRight, SideRight, BackCenter}},
- DevAmbiScaling::N3D,
- {{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}},
- {{
- {{2.04460341e-1f, 2.17177926e-1f, -4.39996780e-2f, -2.60790269e-2f, -6.87239792e-2f}},
- {{1.58923161e-1f, 9.21772680e-2f, 1.59658796e-1f, 6.66278083e-2f, 3.84686854e-2f}},
- {{1.58923161e-1f, -9.21772680e-2f, 1.59658796e-1f, -6.66278083e-2f, 3.84686854e-2f}},
- {{2.04460341e-1f, -2.17177926e-1f, -4.39996780e-2f, 2.60790269e-2f, -6.87239792e-2f}},
- {{2.50001688e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f, -2.50000094e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f, 6.05133395e-2f}},
- }}
- };
- constexpr DecoderConfig<DualBand, 6> X71Config{
- 3, false, {{BackLeft, SideLeft, FrontLeft, FrontRight, SideRight, BackRight}},
- DevAmbiScaling::N3D,
- /*HF*/{{1.22474487e+0f, 1.13151672e+0f, 8.66025404e-1f, 4.68689571e-1f}},
- {{
- {{1.66666667e-1f, 9.62250449e-2f, -1.66666667e-1f, -1.49071198e-1f, 8.60662966e-2f, 7.96819073e-2f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{1.66666667e-1f, 1.92450090e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f, 0.00000000e+0f, -1.72132593e-1f, -7.96819073e-2f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{1.66666667e-1f, 9.62250449e-2f, 1.66666667e-1f, 1.49071198e-1f, 8.60662966e-2f, 7.96819073e-2f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{1.66666667e-1f, -9.62250449e-2f, 1.66666667e-1f, -1.49071198e-1f, 8.60662966e-2f, -7.96819073e-2f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{1.66666667e-1f, -1.92450090e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f, 0.00000000e+0f, -1.72132593e-1f, 7.96819073e-2f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{1.66666667e-1f, -9.62250449e-2f, -1.66666667e-1f, 1.49071198e-1f, 8.60662966e-2f, -7.96819073e-2f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- }},
- /*LF*/{{1.00000000e+0f, 1.00000000e+0f, 1.00000000e+0f, 1.00000000e+0f}},
- {{
- {{1.66666667e-1f, 9.62250449e-2f, -1.66666667e-1f, -1.49071198e-1f, 8.60662966e-2f, 7.96819073e-2f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{1.66666667e-1f, 1.92450090e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f, 0.00000000e+0f, -1.72132593e-1f, -7.96819073e-2f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{1.66666667e-1f, 9.62250449e-2f, 1.66666667e-1f, 1.49071198e-1f, 8.60662966e-2f, 7.96819073e-2f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{1.66666667e-1f, -9.62250449e-2f, 1.66666667e-1f, -1.49071198e-1f, 8.60662966e-2f, -7.96819073e-2f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{1.66666667e-1f, -1.92450090e-1f, 0.00000000e+0f, 0.00000000e+0f, -1.72132593e-1f, 7.96819073e-2f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- {{1.66666667e-1f, -9.62250449e-2f, -1.66666667e-1f, 1.49071198e-1f, 8.60662966e-2f, -7.96819073e-2f, 0.00000000e+0f}},
- }}
- };
- void InitPanning(ALCdevice *device, const bool hqdec=false, const bool stablize=false,
- DecoderView decoder={})
- {
- if(!decoder.mOrder)
- {
- switch(device->FmtChans)
- {
- case DevFmtMono: decoder = MonoConfig; break;
- case DevFmtStereo: decoder = StereoConfig; break;
- case DevFmtQuad: decoder = QuadConfig; break;
- case DevFmtX51: decoder = X51Config; break;
- case DevFmtX61: decoder = X61Config; break;
- case DevFmtX71: decoder = X71Config; break;
- case DevFmtAmbi3D:
- auto&& acnmap = GetAmbiLayout(device->mAmbiLayout);
- auto&& n3dscale = GetAmbiScales(device->mAmbiScale);
- /* For DevFmtAmbi3D, the ambisonic order is already set. */
- const size_t count{AmbiChannelsFromOrder(device->mAmbiOrder)};
- std::transform(acnmap.begin(), acnmap.begin()+count, std::begin(device->Dry.AmbiMap),
- [&n3dscale](const uint8_t &acn) noexcept -> BFChannelConfig
- { return BFChannelConfig{1.0f/n3dscale[acn], acn}; });
- AllocChannels(device, count, 0);
- float nfc_delay{device->configValue<float>("decoder", "nfc-ref-delay").value_or(0.0f)};
- if(nfc_delay > 0.0f)
- InitNearFieldCtrl(device, nfc_delay * SpeedOfSoundMetersPerSec, device->mAmbiOrder,
- true);
- return;
- }
- }
- const bool dual_band{hqdec && !decoder.mCoeffsLF.empty()};
- al::vector<ChannelDec> chancoeffs, chancoeffslf;
- for(size_t i{0u};i < decoder.mChannels.size();++i)
- {
- const uint idx{GetChannelIdxByName(device->RealOut, decoder.mChannels[i])};
- {
- ERR("Failed to find %s channel in device\n",
- GetLabelFromChannel(decoder.mChannels[i]));
- continue;
- }
- chancoeffs.resize(maxz(chancoeffs.size(), idx+1u), ChannelDec{});
- al::span<float,MaxAmbiChannels> coeffs{chancoeffs[idx]};
- size_t ambichan{0};
- for(uint o{0};o < decoder.mOrder+1u;++o)
- {
- const float order_gain{decoder.mOrderGain[o]};
- const size_t order_max{decoder.mIs3D ? AmbiChannelsFromOrder(o) :
- Ambi2DChannelsFromOrder(o)};
- for(;ambichan < order_max;++ambichan)
- coeffs[ambichan] = decoder.mCoeffs[i][ambichan] * order_gain;
- }
- if(!dual_band)
- continue;
- chancoeffslf.resize(maxz(chancoeffslf.size(), idx+1u), ChannelDec{});
- coeffs = chancoeffslf[idx];
- ambichan = 0;
- for(uint o{0};o < decoder.mOrder+1u;++o)
- {
- const float order_gain{decoder.mOrderGainLF[o]};
- const size_t order_max{decoder.mIs3D ? AmbiChannelsFromOrder(o) :
- Ambi2DChannelsFromOrder(o)};
- for(;ambichan < order_max;++ambichan)
- coeffs[ambichan] = decoder.mCoeffsLF[i][ambichan] * order_gain;
- }
- }
- /* For non-DevFmtAmbi3D, set the ambisonic order. */
- device->mAmbiOrder = decoder.mOrder;
- const size_t ambicount{decoder.mIs3D ? AmbiChannelsFromOrder(decoder.mOrder) :
- Ambi2DChannelsFromOrder(decoder.mOrder)};
- const al::span<const uint8_t> acnmap{decoder.mIs3D ? AmbiIndex::FromACN().data() :
- AmbiIndex::FromACN2D().data(), ambicount};
- auto&& coeffscale = GetAmbiScales(decoder.mScaling);
- std::transform(acnmap.begin(), acnmap.end(), std::begin(device->Dry.AmbiMap),
- [&coeffscale](const uint8_t &acn) noexcept
- { return BFChannelConfig{1.0f/coeffscale[acn], acn}; });
- AllocChannels(device, ambicount, device->channelsFromFmt());
- std::unique_ptr<FrontStablizer> stablizer;
- if(stablize)
- {
- /* Only enable the stablizer if the decoder does not output to the
- * front-center channel.
- */
- const auto cidx = device->RealOut.ChannelIndex[FrontCenter];
- bool hasfc{false};
- if(cidx < chancoeffs.size())
- {
- for(const auto &coeff : chancoeffs[cidx])
- hasfc |= coeff != 0.0f;
- }
- if(!hasfc && cidx < chancoeffslf.size())
- {
- for(const auto &coeff : chancoeffslf[cidx])
- hasfc |= coeff != 0.0f;
- }
- if(!hasfc)
- {
- stablizer = CreateStablizer(device->channelsFromFmt(), device->Frequency);
- TRACE("Front stablizer enabled\n");
- }
- }
- TRACE("Enabling %s-band %s-order%s ambisonic decoder\n",
- !dual_band ? "single" : "dual",
- (decoder.mOrder > 2) ? "third" :
- (decoder.mOrder > 1) ? "second" : "first",
- decoder.mIs3D ? " periphonic" : "");
- device->AmbiDecoder = BFormatDec::Create(ambicount, chancoeffs, chancoeffslf,
- device->mXOverFreq/static_cast<float>(device->Frequency), std::move(stablizer));
- }
- void InitHrtfPanning(ALCdevice *device)
- {
- constexpr float Deg180{al::numbers::pi_v<float>};
- constexpr float Deg_90{Deg180 / 2.0f /* 90 degrees*/};
- constexpr float Deg_45{Deg_90 / 2.0f /* 45 degrees*/};
- constexpr float Deg135{Deg_45 * 3.0f /*135 degrees*/};
- constexpr float Deg_35{6.154797087e-01f /* 35~ 36 degrees*/};
- constexpr float Deg_69{1.205932499e+00f /* 69~ 70 degrees*/};
- constexpr float Deg111{1.935660155e+00f /*110~111 degrees*/};
- constexpr float Deg_21{3.648638281e-01f /* 20~ 21 degrees*/};
- static const AngularPoint AmbiPoints1O[]{
- { EvRadians{ Deg_35}, AzRadians{-Deg_45} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_35}, AzRadians{-Deg135} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_35}, AzRadians{ Deg_45} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_35}, AzRadians{ Deg135} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_35}, AzRadians{-Deg_45} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_35}, AzRadians{-Deg135} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_35}, AzRadians{ Deg_45} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_35}, AzRadians{ Deg135} },
- }, AmbiPoints2O[]{
- { EvRadians{ 0.0f}, AzRadians{ 0.0f} },
- { EvRadians{ 0.0f}, AzRadians{ Deg180} },
- { EvRadians{ 0.0f}, AzRadians{-Deg_90} },
- { EvRadians{ 0.0f}, AzRadians{ Deg_90} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_90}, AzRadians{ 0.0f} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_90}, AzRadians{ 0.0f} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_35}, AzRadians{-Deg_45} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_35}, AzRadians{-Deg135} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_35}, AzRadians{ Deg_45} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_35}, AzRadians{ Deg135} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_35}, AzRadians{-Deg_45} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_35}, AzRadians{-Deg135} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_35}, AzRadians{ Deg_45} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_35}, AzRadians{ Deg135} },
- }, AmbiPoints3O[]{
- { EvRadians{ Deg_69}, AzRadians{-Deg_90} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_69}, AzRadians{ Deg_90} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_69}, AzRadians{-Deg_90} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_69}, AzRadians{ Deg_90} },
- { EvRadians{ 0.0f}, AzRadians{-Deg_69} },
- { EvRadians{ 0.0f}, AzRadians{-Deg111} },
- { EvRadians{ 0.0f}, AzRadians{ Deg_69} },
- { EvRadians{ 0.0f}, AzRadians{ Deg111} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_21}, AzRadians{ 0.0f} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_21}, AzRadians{ Deg180} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_21}, AzRadians{ 0.0f} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_21}, AzRadians{ Deg180} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_35}, AzRadians{-Deg_45} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_35}, AzRadians{-Deg135} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_35}, AzRadians{ Deg_45} },
- { EvRadians{ Deg_35}, AzRadians{ Deg135} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_35}, AzRadians{-Deg_45} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_35}, AzRadians{-Deg135} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_35}, AzRadians{ Deg_45} },
- { EvRadians{-Deg_35}, AzRadians{ Deg135} },
- };
- static const float AmbiMatrix1O[][MaxAmbiChannels]{
- { 1.250000000e-01f, 1.250000000e-01f, 1.250000000e-01f, 1.250000000e-01f },
- { 1.250000000e-01f, 1.250000000e-01f, 1.250000000e-01f, -1.250000000e-01f },
- { 1.250000000e-01f, -1.250000000e-01f, 1.250000000e-01f, 1.250000000e-01f },
- { 1.250000000e-01f, -1.250000000e-01f, 1.250000000e-01f, -1.250000000e-01f },
- { 1.250000000e-01f, 1.250000000e-01f, -1.250000000e-01f, 1.250000000e-01f },
- { 1.250000000e-01f, 1.250000000e-01f, -1.250000000e-01f, -1.250000000e-01f },
- { 1.250000000e-01f, -1.250000000e-01f, -1.250000000e-01f, 1.250000000e-01f },
- { 1.250000000e-01f, -1.250000000e-01f, -1.250000000e-01f, -1.250000000e-01f },
- }, AmbiMatrix2O[][MaxAmbiChannels]{
- { 7.142857143e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.237179148e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, -7.453559925e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.290994449e-01f, },
- { 7.142857143e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.237179148e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, -7.453559925e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.290994449e-01f, },
- { 7.142857143e-02f, 1.237179148e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, -7.453559925e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.290994449e-01f, },
- { 7.142857143e-02f, -1.237179148e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, -7.453559925e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.290994449e-01f, },
- { 7.142857143e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.237179148e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.490711985e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- { 7.142857143e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.237179148e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.490711985e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- { 7.142857143e-02f, 7.142857143e-02f, 7.142857143e-02f, 7.142857143e-02f, 9.682458366e-02f, 9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- { 7.142857143e-02f, 7.142857143e-02f, 7.142857143e-02f, -7.142857143e-02f, -9.682458366e-02f, 9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- { 7.142857143e-02f, -7.142857143e-02f, 7.142857143e-02f, 7.142857143e-02f, -9.682458366e-02f, -9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- { 7.142857143e-02f, -7.142857143e-02f, 7.142857143e-02f, -7.142857143e-02f, 9.682458366e-02f, -9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- { 7.142857143e-02f, 7.142857143e-02f, -7.142857143e-02f, 7.142857143e-02f, 9.682458366e-02f, -9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- { 7.142857143e-02f, 7.142857143e-02f, -7.142857143e-02f, -7.142857143e-02f, -9.682458366e-02f, -9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- { 7.142857143e-02f, -7.142857143e-02f, -7.142857143e-02f, 7.142857143e-02f, -9.682458366e-02f, 9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- { 7.142857143e-02f, -7.142857143e-02f, -7.142857143e-02f, -7.142857143e-02f, 9.682458366e-02f, 9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 9.682458366e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- }, AmbiMatrix3O[][MaxAmbiChannels]{
- { 5.000000000e-02f, 3.090169944e-02f, 8.090169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 6.454972244e-02f, 9.045084972e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.232790000e-02f, -1.256118221e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.126112056e-01f, 7.944389175e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 2.421151497e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, -3.090169944e-02f, 8.090169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, -6.454972244e-02f, 9.045084972e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.232790000e-02f, 1.256118221e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.126112056e-01f, 7.944389175e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 2.421151497e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, 3.090169944e-02f, -8.090169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, -6.454972244e-02f, 9.045084972e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.232790000e-02f, -1.256118221e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.126112056e-01f, -7.944389175e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -2.421151497e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, -3.090169944e-02f, -8.090169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 6.454972244e-02f, 9.045084972e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.232790000e-02f, 1.256118221e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.126112056e-01f, -7.944389175e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -2.421151497e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, 8.090169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 3.090169944e-02f, 6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -5.590169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -7.216878365e-02f, -7.763237543e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -2.950836627e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.497759251e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, -7.763237543e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, 8.090169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -3.090169944e-02f, -6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -5.590169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -7.216878365e-02f, -7.763237543e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -2.950836627e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.497759251e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, 7.763237543e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, -8.090169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 3.090169944e-02f, -6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -5.590169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -7.216878365e-02f, 7.763237543e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 2.950836627e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.497759251e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, -7.763237543e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, -8.090169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -3.090169944e-02f, 6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -5.590169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -7.216878365e-02f, 7.763237543e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 2.950836627e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.497759251e-01f, 0.000000000e+00f, 7.763237543e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 3.090169944e-02f, 8.090169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, -3.454915028e-02f, 6.454972244e-02f, 8.449668365e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 3.034486645e-02f, -6.779013272e-02f, 1.659481923e-01f, 4.797944664e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 3.090169944e-02f, -8.090169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, -3.454915028e-02f, -6.454972244e-02f, 8.449668365e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 3.034486645e-02f, 6.779013272e-02f, 1.659481923e-01f, -4.797944664e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -3.090169944e-02f, 8.090169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, -3.454915028e-02f, -6.454972244e-02f, 8.449668365e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, -3.034486645e-02f, -6.779013272e-02f, -1.659481923e-01f, 4.797944664e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -3.090169944e-02f, -8.090169944e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, -3.454915028e-02f, 6.454972244e-02f, 8.449668365e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, 0.000000000e+00f, -3.034486645e-02f, 6.779013272e-02f, -1.659481923e-01f, -4.797944664e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, 5.000000000e-02f, 5.000000000e-02f, 5.000000000e-02f, 6.454972244e-02f, 6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.016220987e-01f, 6.338656910e-02f, -1.092600649e-02f, -7.364853795e-02f, 1.011266756e-01f, -7.086833869e-02f, -1.482646439e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, 5.000000000e-02f, 5.000000000e-02f, -5.000000000e-02f, -6.454972244e-02f, 6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.016220987e-01f, -6.338656910e-02f, -1.092600649e-02f, -7.364853795e-02f, -1.011266756e-01f, -7.086833869e-02f, 1.482646439e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, -5.000000000e-02f, 5.000000000e-02f, 5.000000000e-02f, -6.454972244e-02f, -6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.016220987e-01f, -6.338656910e-02f, 1.092600649e-02f, -7.364853795e-02f, 1.011266756e-01f, -7.086833869e-02f, -1.482646439e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, -5.000000000e-02f, 5.000000000e-02f, -5.000000000e-02f, 6.454972244e-02f, -6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.016220987e-01f, 6.338656910e-02f, 1.092600649e-02f, -7.364853795e-02f, -1.011266756e-01f, -7.086833869e-02f, 1.482646439e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, 5.000000000e-02f, -5.000000000e-02f, 5.000000000e-02f, 6.454972244e-02f, -6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.016220987e-01f, -6.338656910e-02f, -1.092600649e-02f, 7.364853795e-02f, 1.011266756e-01f, 7.086833869e-02f, -1.482646439e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, 5.000000000e-02f, -5.000000000e-02f, -5.000000000e-02f, -6.454972244e-02f, -6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 1.016220987e-01f, 6.338656910e-02f, -1.092600649e-02f, 7.364853795e-02f, -1.011266756e-01f, 7.086833869e-02f, 1.482646439e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, -5.000000000e-02f, -5.000000000e-02f, 5.000000000e-02f, -6.454972244e-02f, 6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.016220987e-01f, 6.338656910e-02f, 1.092600649e-02f, 7.364853795e-02f, 1.011266756e-01f, 7.086833869e-02f, -1.482646439e-02f, },
- { 5.000000000e-02f, -5.000000000e-02f, -5.000000000e-02f, -5.000000000e-02f, 6.454972244e-02f, 6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, 6.454972244e-02f, 0.000000000e+00f, -1.016220987e-01f, -6.338656910e-02f, 1.092600649e-02f, 7.364853795e-02f, -1.011266756e-01f, 7.086833869e-02f, 1.482646439e-02f, },
- };
- static const float AmbiOrderHFGain1O[MaxAmbiOrder+1]{
- /*ENRGY*/ 2.000000000e+00f, 1.154700538e+00f
- }, AmbiOrderHFGain2O[MaxAmbiOrder+1]{
- /*ENRGY 2.357022604e+00f, 1.825741858e+00f, 9.428090416e-01f*/
- /*AMP 1.000000000e+00f, 7.745966692e-01f, 4.000000000e-01f*/
- /*RMS*/ 9.128709292e-01f, 7.071067812e-01f, 3.651483717e-01f
- }, AmbiOrderHFGain3O[MaxAmbiOrder+1]{
- /*ENRGY 1.865086714e+00f, 1.606093894e+00f, 1.142055301e+00f, 5.683795528e-01f*/
- /*AMP 1.000000000e+00f, 8.611363116e-01f, 6.123336207e-01f, 3.047469850e-01f*/
- /*RMS*/ 8.340921354e-01f, 7.182670250e-01f, 5.107426573e-01f, 2.541870634e-01f
- };
- static_assert(al::size(AmbiPoints1O) == al::size(AmbiMatrix1O), "First-Order Ambisonic HRTF mismatch");
- static_assert(al::size(AmbiPoints2O) == al::size(AmbiMatrix2O), "Second-Order Ambisonic HRTF mismatch");
- static_assert(al::size(AmbiPoints3O) == al::size(AmbiMatrix3O), "Third-Order Ambisonic HRTF mismatch");
- /* A 700hz crossover frequency provides tighter sound imaging at the sweet
- * spot with ambisonic decoding, as the distance between the ears is closer
- * to half this frequency wavelength, which is the optimal point where the
- * response should change between optimizing phase vs volume. Normally this
- * tighter imaging is at the cost of a smaller sweet spot, but since the
- * listener is fixed in the center of the HRTF responses for the decoder,
- * we don't have to worry about ever being out of the sweet spot.
- *
- * A better option here may be to have the head radius as part of the HRTF
- * data set and calculate the optimal crossover frequency from that.
- */
- device->mXOverFreq = 700.0f;
- /* Don't bother with HOA when using full HRTF rendering. Nothing needs it,
- * and it eases the CPU/memory load.
- */
- device->mRenderMode = RenderMode::Hrtf;
- uint ambi_order{1};
- if(auto modeopt = device->configValue<std::string>(nullptr, "hrtf-mode"))
- {
- struct HrtfModeEntry {
- char name[8];
- RenderMode mode;
- uint order;
- };
- static const HrtfModeEntry hrtf_modes[]{
- { "full", RenderMode::Hrtf, 1 },
- { "ambi1", RenderMode::Normal, 1 },
- { "ambi2", RenderMode::Normal, 2 },
- { "ambi3", RenderMode::Normal, 3 },
- };
- const char *mode{modeopt->c_str()};
- if(al::strcasecmp(mode, "basic") == 0)
- {
- ERR("HRTF mode \"%s\" deprecated, substituting \"%s\"\n", mode, "ambi2");
- mode = "ambi2";
- }
- auto match_entry = [mode](const HrtfModeEntry &entry) -> bool
- { return al::strcasecmp(mode, entry.name) == 0; };
- auto iter = std::find_if(std::begin(hrtf_modes), std::end(hrtf_modes), match_entry);
- if(iter == std::end(hrtf_modes))
- ERR("Unexpected hrtf-mode: %s\n", mode);
- else
- {
- device->mRenderMode = iter->mode;
- ambi_order = iter->order;
- }
- }
- TRACE("%u%s order %sHRTF rendering enabled, using \"%s\"\n", ambi_order,
- (((ambi_order%100)/10) == 1) ? "th" :
- ((ambi_order%10) == 1) ? "st" :
- ((ambi_order%10) == 2) ? "nd" :
- ((ambi_order%10) == 3) ? "rd" : "th",
- (device->mRenderMode == RenderMode::Hrtf) ? "+ Full " : "",
- device->mHrtfName.c_str());
- al::span<const AngularPoint> AmbiPoints{AmbiPoints1O};
- const float (*AmbiMatrix)[MaxAmbiChannels]{AmbiMatrix1O};
- al::span<const float,MaxAmbiOrder+1> AmbiOrderHFGain{AmbiOrderHFGain1O};
- if(ambi_order >= 3)
- {
- AmbiPoints = AmbiPoints3O;
- AmbiMatrix = AmbiMatrix3O;
- AmbiOrderHFGain = AmbiOrderHFGain3O;
- }
- else if(ambi_order == 2)
- {
- AmbiPoints = AmbiPoints2O;
- AmbiMatrix = AmbiMatrix2O;
- AmbiOrderHFGain = AmbiOrderHFGain2O;
- }
- device->mAmbiOrder = ambi_order;
- const size_t count{AmbiChannelsFromOrder(ambi_order)};
- std::transform(AmbiIndex::FromACN().begin(), AmbiIndex::FromACN().begin()+count,
- std::begin(device->Dry.AmbiMap),
- [](const uint8_t &index) noexcept { return BFChannelConfig{1.0f, index}; }
- );
- AllocChannels(device, count, device->channelsFromFmt());
- HrtfStore *Hrtf{device->mHrtf.get()};
- auto hrtfstate = DirectHrtfState::Create(count);
- hrtfstate->build(Hrtf, device->mIrSize, AmbiPoints, AmbiMatrix, device->mXOverFreq,
- AmbiOrderHFGain);
- device->mHrtfState = std::move(hrtfstate);
- InitNearFieldCtrl(device, Hrtf->field[0].distance, ambi_order, true);
- }
- void InitUhjPanning(ALCdevice *device)
- {
- /* UHJ is always 2D first-order. */
- constexpr size_t count{Ambi2DChannelsFromOrder(1)};
- device->mAmbiOrder = 1;
- auto acnmap_begin = AmbiIndex::FromFuMa().begin();
- std::transform(acnmap_begin, acnmap_begin + count, std::begin(device->Dry.AmbiMap),
- [](const uint8_t &acn) noexcept -> BFChannelConfig
- { return BFChannelConfig{1.0f/AmbiScale::FromUHJ()[acn], acn}; });
- AllocChannels(device, count, device->channelsFromFmt());
- }
- } // namespace
- void aluInitRenderer(ALCdevice *device, int hrtf_id, al::optional<StereoEncoding> stereomode)
- {
- /* Hold the HRTF the device last used, in case it's used again. */
- HrtfStorePtr old_hrtf{std::move(device->mHrtf)};
- device->mHrtfState = nullptr;
- device->mHrtf = nullptr;
- device->mIrSize = 0;
- device->mHrtfName.clear();
- device->mXOverFreq = 400.0f;
- device->mRenderMode = RenderMode::Normal;
- if(device->FmtChans != DevFmtStereo)
- {
- old_hrtf = nullptr;
- if(stereomode && *stereomode == StereoEncoding::Hrtf)
- const char *layout{nullptr};
- switch(device->FmtChans)
- {
- case DevFmtQuad: layout = "quad"; break;
- case DevFmtX51: layout = "surround51"; break;
- case DevFmtX61: layout = "surround61"; break;
- case DevFmtX71: layout = "surround71"; break;
- /* Mono, Stereo, and Ambisonics output don't use custom decoders. */
- case DevFmtMono:
- case DevFmtStereo:
- case DevFmtAmbi3D:
- break;
- }
- std::unique_ptr<DecoderConfig<DualBand,MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS>> decoder_store;
- DecoderView decoder{};
- float speakerdists[MaxChannels]{};
- auto load_config = [device,&decoder_store,&decoder,&speakerdists](const char *config)
- {
- AmbDecConf conf{};
- if(auto err = conf.load(config))
- {
- ERR("Failed to load layout file %s\n", config);
- ERR(" %s\n", err->c_str());
- }
- else if(conf.NumSpeakers > MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS)
- ERR("Unsupported decoder speaker count %zu (max %d)\n", conf.NumSpeakers,
- else if(conf.ChanMask > Ambi3OrderMask)
- ERR("Unsupported decoder channel mask 0x%04x (max 0x%x)\n", conf.ChanMask,
- Ambi3OrderMask);
- else
- {
- device->mXOverFreq = clampf(conf.XOverFreq, 100.0f, 1000.0f);
- decoder_store = std::make_unique<DecoderConfig<DualBand,MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS>>();
- decoder = MakeDecoderView(device, &conf, *decoder_store);
- for(size_t i{0};i < decoder.mChannels.size();++i)
- speakerdists[i] = conf.Speakers[i].Distance;
- }
- };
- if(layout)
- {
- if(auto decopt = device->configValue<std::string>("decoder", layout))
- load_config(decopt->c_str());
- }
- /* Enable the stablizer only for formats that have front-left, front-
- * right, and front-center outputs.
- */
- const bool stablize{device->RealOut.ChannelIndex[FrontCenter] != INVALID_CHANNEL_INDEX
- && device->RealOut.ChannelIndex[FrontLeft] != INVALID_CHANNEL_INDEX
- && device->RealOut.ChannelIndex[FrontRight] != INVALID_CHANNEL_INDEX
- && device->getConfigValueBool(nullptr, "front-stablizer", 0) != 0};
- const bool hqdec{device->getConfigValueBool("decoder", "hq-mode", 1) != 0};
- InitPanning(device, hqdec, stablize, decoder);
- if(decoder.mOrder > 0)
- {
- float accum_dist{0.0f}, spkr_count{0.0f};
- for(auto dist : speakerdists)
- {
- if(dist > 0.0f)
- {
- accum_dist += dist;
- spkr_count += 1.0f;
- }
- }
- if(spkr_count > 0)
- {
- InitNearFieldCtrl(device, accum_dist / spkr_count, decoder.mOrder, decoder.mIs3D);
- InitDistanceComp(device, decoder.mChannels, speakerdists);
- }
- }
- if(auto *ambidec{device->AmbiDecoder.get()})
- {
- device->PostProcess = ambidec->hasStablizer() ? &ALCdevice::ProcessAmbiDecStablized
- : &ALCdevice::ProcessAmbiDec;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* If HRTF is explicitly requested, or if there's no explicit request and
- * the device is headphones, try to enable it.
- */
- if(stereomode.value_or(StereoEncoding::Default) == StereoEncoding::Hrtf
- || (!stereomode && device->Flags.test(DirectEar)))
- {
- if(device->mHrtfList.empty())
- device->enumerateHrtfs();
- if(hrtf_id >= 0 && static_cast<uint>(hrtf_id) < device->mHrtfList.size())
- {
- const std::string &hrtfname = device->mHrtfList[static_cast<uint>(hrtf_id)];
- if(HrtfStorePtr hrtf{GetLoadedHrtf(hrtfname, device->Frequency)})
- {
- device->mHrtf = std::move(hrtf);
- device->mHrtfName = hrtfname;
- }
- }
- if(!device->mHrtf)
- {
- for(const auto &hrtfname : device->mHrtfList)
- {
- if(HrtfStorePtr hrtf{GetLoadedHrtf(hrtfname, device->Frequency)})
- {
- device->mHrtf = std::move(hrtf);
- device->mHrtfName = hrtfname;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(device->mHrtf)
- {
- old_hrtf = nullptr;
- HrtfStore *hrtf{device->mHrtf.get()};
- device->mIrSize = hrtf->irSize;
- if(auto hrtfsizeopt = device->configValue<uint>(nullptr, "hrtf-size"))
- {
- if(*hrtfsizeopt > 0 && *hrtfsizeopt < device->mIrSize)
- device->mIrSize = maxu(*hrtfsizeopt, MinIrLength);
- }
- InitHrtfPanning(device);
- device->PostProcess = &ALCdevice::ProcessHrtf;
- device->mHrtfStatus = ALC_HRTF_ENABLED_SOFT;
- return;
- }
- }
- old_hrtf = nullptr;
- if(stereomode.value_or(StereoEncoding::Default) == StereoEncoding::Uhj)
- {
- device->mUhjEncoder = std::make_unique<UhjEncoder>();
- TRACE("UHJ enabled\n");
- InitUhjPanning(device);
- device->PostProcess = &ALCdevice::ProcessUhj;
- return;
- }
- device->mRenderMode = RenderMode::Pairwise;
- if(device->Type != DeviceType::Loopback)
- {
- if(auto cflevopt = device->configValue<int>(nullptr, "cf_level"))
- {
- if(*cflevopt > 0 && *cflevopt <= 6)
- {
- device->Bs2b = std::make_unique<bs2b>();
- bs2b_set_params(device->Bs2b.get(), *cflevopt,
- static_cast<int>(device->Frequency));
- TRACE("BS2B enabled\n");
- InitPanning(device);
- device->PostProcess = &ALCdevice::ProcessBs2b;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- TRACE("Stereo rendering\n");
- InitPanning(device);
- device->PostProcess = &ALCdevice::ProcessAmbiDec;
- }
- void aluInitEffectPanning(EffectSlot *slot, ALCcontext *context)
- {
- DeviceBase *device{context->mDevice};
- const size_t count{AmbiChannelsFromOrder(device->mAmbiOrder)};
- auto wetbuffer_iter = context->mWetBuffers.end();
- if(slot->mWetBuffer)
- {
- /* If the effect slot already has a wet buffer attached, allocate a new
- * one in its place.
- */
- wetbuffer_iter = context->mWetBuffers.begin();
- for(;wetbuffer_iter != context->mWetBuffers.end();++wetbuffer_iter)
- {
- if(wetbuffer_iter->get() == slot->mWetBuffer)
- {
- slot->mWetBuffer = nullptr;
- slot->Wet.Buffer = {};
- *wetbuffer_iter = WetBufferPtr{new(FamCount(count)) WetBuffer{count}};
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(wetbuffer_iter == context->mWetBuffers.end())
- {
- /* Otherwise, search for an unused wet buffer. */
- wetbuffer_iter = context->mWetBuffers.begin();
- for(;wetbuffer_iter != context->mWetBuffers.end();++wetbuffer_iter)
- {
- if(!(*wetbuffer_iter)->mInUse)
- break;
- }
- if(wetbuffer_iter == context->mWetBuffers.end())
- {
- /* Otherwise, allocate a new one to use. */
- context->mWetBuffers.emplace_back(WetBufferPtr{new(FamCount(count)) WetBuffer{count}});
- wetbuffer_iter = context->mWetBuffers.end()-1;
- }
- }
- WetBuffer *wetbuffer{slot->mWetBuffer = wetbuffer_iter->get()};
- wetbuffer->mInUse = true;
- auto acnmap_begin = AmbiIndex::FromACN().begin();
- auto iter = std::transform(acnmap_begin, acnmap_begin + count, slot->Wet.AmbiMap.begin(),
- [](const uint8_t &acn) noexcept -> BFChannelConfig
- { return BFChannelConfig{1.0f, acn}; });
- std::fill(iter, slot->Wet.AmbiMap.end(), BFChannelConfig{});
- slot->Wet.Buffer = wetbuffer->mBuffer;
- }