- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use warnings;
- use strict;
- use Text::Wrap;
- my $srcpath = undef;
- my $wikipath = undef;
- my $warn_about_missing = 0;
- my $copy_direction = 0;
- foreach (@ARGV) {
- $warn_about_missing = 1, next if $_ eq '--warn-about-missing';
- $copy_direction = 1, next if $_ eq '--copy-to-headers';
- $copy_direction = 1, next if $_ eq '--copy-to-header';
- $copy_direction = -1, next if $_ eq '--copy-to-wiki';
- $copy_direction = -2, next if $_ eq '--copy-to-manpages';
- $srcpath = $_, next if not defined $srcpath;
- $wikipath = $_, next if not defined $wikipath;
- }
- my $wordwrap_mode = 'mediawiki';
- sub wordwrap_atom { # don't call this directly.
- my $str = shift;
- return fill('', '', $str);
- }
- sub wordwrap_with_bullet_indent { # don't call this directly.
- my $bullet = shift;
- my $str = shift;
- my $retval = '';
- #print("WORDWRAP BULLET ('$bullet'):\n\n$str\n\n");
- # You _can't_ (at least with Pandoc) have a bullet item with a newline in
- # MediaWiki, so _remove_ wrapping!
- if ($wordwrap_mode eq 'mediawiki') {
- $retval = "$bullet$str";
- $retval =~ s/\n/ /gms;
- $retval =~ s/\s+$//gms;
- #print("WORDWRAP BULLET DONE:\n\n$retval\n\n");
- return "$retval\n";
- }
- my $bulletlen = length($bullet);
- # wrap it and then indent each line to be under the bullet.
- $Text::Wrap::columns -= $bulletlen;
- my @wrappedlines = split /\n/, wordwrap_atom($str);
- $Text::Wrap::columns += $bulletlen;
- my $prefix = $bullet;
- my $usual_prefix = ' ' x $bulletlen;
- foreach (@wrappedlines) {
- $retval .= "$prefix$_\n";
- $prefix = $usual_prefix;
- }
- return $retval;
- }
- sub wordwrap_one_paragraph { # don't call this directly.
- my $retval = '';
- my $p = shift;
- #print "\n\n\nPARAGRAPH: [$p]\n\n\n";
- if ($p =~ s/\A([\*\-] )//) { # bullet list, starts with "* " or "- ".
- my $bullet = $1;
- my $item = '';
- my @items = split /\n/, $p;
- foreach (@items) {
- if (s/\A([\*\-] )//) {
- $retval .= wordwrap_with_bullet_indent($bullet, $item);
- $item = '';
- }
- s/\A\s*//;
- $item .= "$_\n"; # accumulate lines until we hit the end or another bullet.
- }
- if ($item ne '') {
- $retval .= wordwrap_with_bullet_indent($bullet, $item);
- }
- } else {
- $retval = wordwrap_atom($p) . "\n";
- }
- return $retval;
- }
- sub wordwrap_paragraphs { # don't call this directly.
- my $str = shift;
- my $retval = '';
- my @paragraphs = split /\n\n/, $str;
- foreach (@paragraphs) {
- next if $_ eq '';
- $retval .= wordwrap_one_paragraph($_);
- $retval .= "\n";
- }
- return $retval;
- }
- my $wordwrap_default_columns = 76;
- sub wordwrap {
- my $str = shift;
- my $columns = shift;
- $columns = $wordwrap_default_columns if not defined $columns;
- $columns += $wordwrap_default_columns if $columns < 0;
- $Text::Wrap::columns = $columns;
- my $retval = '';
- #print("\n\nWORDWRAP:\n\n$str\n\n\n");
- $str =~ s/\A\n+//ms;
- while ($str =~ s/(.*?)(\`\`\`.*?\`\`\`|\<syntaxhighlight.*?\<\/syntaxhighlight\>)//ms) {
- #print("\n\nWORDWRAP BLOCK:\n\n$1\n\n ===\n\n$2\n\n\n");
- $retval .= wordwrap_paragraphs($1); # wrap it.
- $retval .= "$2\n\n"; # don't wrap it.
- }
- $retval .= wordwrap_paragraphs($str); # wrap what's left.
- $retval =~ s/\n+\Z//ms;
- #print("\n\nWORDWRAP DONE:\n\n$retval\n\n\n");
- return $retval;
- }
- # This assumes you're moving from Markdown (in the Doxygen data) to Wiki, which
- # is why the 'md' section is so sparse.
- sub wikify_chunk {
- my $wikitype = shift;
- my $str = shift;
- my $codelang = shift;
- my $code = shift;
- #print("\n\nWIKIFY CHUNK:\n\n$str\n\n\n");
- if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
- # convert `code` things first, so they aren't mistaken for other markdown items.
- my $codedstr = '';
- while ($str =~ s/\A(.*?)\`(.*?)\`//ms) {
- my $codeblock = $2;
- $codedstr .= wikify_chunk($wikitype, $1, undef, undef);
- # Convert obvious SDL things to wikilinks, even inside `code` blocks.
- $codeblock =~ s/\b(SDL_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/[[$1]]/gms;
- $codedstr .= "<code>$codeblock</code>";
- }
- # Convert obvious SDL things to wikilinks.
- $str =~ s/\b(SDL_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/[[$1]]/gms;
- # Make some Markdown things into MediaWiki...
- # bold+italic
- $str =~ s/\*\*\*(.*?)\*\*\*/'''''$1'''''/gms;
- # bold
- $str =~ s/\*\*(.*?)\*\*/'''$1'''/gms;
- # italic
- $str =~ s/\*(.*?)\*/''$1''/gms;
- # bullets
- $str =~ s/^\- /* /gm;
- $str = $codedstr . $str;
- if (defined $code) {
- $str .= "<syntaxhighlight lang='$codelang'>$code<\/syntaxhighlight>";
- }
- } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
- # Convert obvious SDL things to wikilinks.
- $str =~ s/\b(SDL_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/[$1]($1)/gms;
- if (defined $code) {
- $str .= "```$codelang$code```";
- }
- }
- #print("\n\nWIKIFY CHUNK DONE:\n\n$str\n\n\n");
- return $str;
- }
- sub wikify {
- my $wikitype = shift;
- my $str = shift;
- my $retval = '';
- #print("WIKIFY WHOLE:\n\n$str\n\n\n");
- while ($str =~ s/\A(.*?)\`\`\`(c\+\+|c)(.*?)\`\`\`//ms) {
- $retval .= wikify_chunk($wikitype, $1, $2, $3);
- }
- $retval .= wikify_chunk($wikitype, $str, undef, undef);
- #print("WIKIFY WHOLE DONE:\n\n$retval\n\n\n");
- return $retval;
- }
- my $dewikify_mode = 'md';
- my $dewikify_manpage_code_indent = 1;
- sub dewikify_chunk {
- my $wikitype = shift;
- my $str = shift;
- my $codelang = shift;
- my $code = shift;
- #print("\n\nDEWIKIFY CHUNK:\n\n$str\n\n\n");
- if ($dewikify_mode eq 'md') {
- if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
- # Doxygen supports Markdown (and it just simply looks better than MediaWiki
- # when looking at the raw headers), so do some conversions here as necessary.
- $str =~ s/\[\[(SDL_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\]\]/$1/gms; # Dump obvious wikilinks.
- # <code></code> is also popular. :/
- $str =~ s/\<code>(.*?)<\/code>/`$1`/gms;
- # bold+italic
- $str =~ s/'''''(.*?)'''''/***$1***/gms;
- # bold
- $str =~ s/'''(.*?)'''/**$1**/gms;
- # italic
- $str =~ s/''(.*?)''/*$1*/gms;
- # bullets
- $str =~ s/^\* /- /gm;
- }
- if (defined $code) {
- $str .= "```$codelang$code```";
- }
- } elsif ($dewikify_mode eq 'manpage') {
- $str =~ s/\./\\[char46]/gms; # make sure these can't become control codes.
- if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
- $str =~ s/\s*\[\[(SDL_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\]\]\s*/\n.BR $1\n/gms; # Dump obvious wikilinks.
- # <code></code> is also popular. :/
- $str =~ s/\s*\<code>(.*?)<\/code>\s*/\n.BR $1\n/gms;
- # bold+italic
- $str =~ s/\s*'''''(.*?)'''''\s*/\n.BI $1\n/gms;
- # bold
- $str =~ s/\s*'''(.*?)'''\s*/\n.B $1\n/gms;
- # italic
- $str =~ s/\s*''(.*?)''\s*/\n.I $1\n/gms;
- # bullets
- $str =~ s/^\* /\n\\\(bu /gm;
- } else {
- die("Unexpected wikitype when converting to manpages\n"); # !!! FIXME: need to handle Markdown wiki pages.
- }
- if (defined $code) {
- $code =~ s/\A\n+//gms;
- $code =~ s/\n+\Z//gms;
- if ($dewikify_manpage_code_indent) {
- $str .= "\n.IP\n"
- } else {
- $str .= "\n.PP\n"
- }
- $str .= ".EX\n$code\n.EE\n.PP\n";
- }
- } else {
- die("Unexpected dewikify_mode\n");
- }
- #print("\n\nDEWIKIFY CHUNK DONE:\n\n$str\n\n\n");
- return $str;
- }
- sub dewikify {
- my $wikitype = shift;
- my $str = shift;
- return '' if not defined $str;
- #print("DEWIKIFY WHOLE:\n\n$str\n\n\n");
- $str =~ s/\A[\s\n]*\= .*? \=\s*?\n+//ms;
- $str =~ s/\A[\s\n]*\=\= .*? \=\=\s*?\n+//ms;
- my $retval = '';
- while ($str =~ s/\A(.*?)<syntaxhighlight lang='?(.*?)'?>(.*?)<\/syntaxhighlight\>//ms) {
- $retval .= dewikify_chunk($wikitype, $1, $2, $3);
- }
- $retval .= dewikify_chunk($wikitype, $str, undef, undef);
- #print("DEWIKIFY WHOLE DONE:\n\n$retval\n\n\n");
- return $retval;
- }
- sub usage {
- die("USAGE: $0 <source code git clone path> <wiki git clone path> [--copy-to-headers|--copy-to-wiki|--copy-to-manpages] [--warn-about-missing]\n\n");
- }
- usage() if not defined $srcpath;
- usage() if not defined $wikipath;
- #usage() if $copy_direction == 0;
- my @standard_wiki_sections = (
- 'Draft',
- '[Brief]',
- 'Deprecated',
- 'Syntax',
- 'Function Parameters',
- 'Return Value',
- 'Remarks',
- 'Version',
- 'Code Examples',
- 'Related Functions'
- );
- # Sections that only ever exist in the wiki and shouldn't be deleted when
- # not found in the headers.
- my %only_wiki_sections = ( # The ones don't mean anything, I just need to check for key existence.
- 'Draft', 1,
- 'Code Examples', 1
- );
- my %headers = (); # $headers{"SDL_audio.h"} -> reference to an array of all lines of text in SDL_audio.h.
- my %headerfuncs = (); # $headerfuncs{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> string of header documentation for SDL_OpenAudio, with comment '*' bits stripped from the start. Newlines embedded!
- my %headerdecls = ();
- my %headerfuncslocation = (); # $headerfuncslocation{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> name of header holding SDL_OpenAudio define ("SDL_audio.h" in this case).
- my %headerfuncschunk = (); # $headerfuncschunk{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> offset in array in %headers that should be replaced for this function.
- my %headerfuncshasdoxygen = (); # $headerfuncschunk{"SDL_OpenAudio"} -> 1 if there was no existing doxygen for this function.
- my $incpath = "$srcpath/include";
- opendir(DH, $incpath) or die("Can't opendir '$incpath': $!\n");
- while (readdir(DH)) {
- my $dent = $_;
- next if not $dent =~ /\ASDL.*?\.h\Z/; # just SDL*.h headers.
- open(FH, '<', "$incpath/$dent") or die("Can't open '$incpath/$dent': $!\n");
- my @contents = ();
- while (<FH>) {
- chomp;
- my $decl;
- my @templines;
- my $str;
- my $has_doxygen = 1;
- if (/\A\s*extern\s+(SDL_DEPRECATED\s+|)DECLSPEC/) { # a function declaration without a doxygen comment?
- @templines = ();
- $decl = $_;
- $str = '';
- $has_doxygen = 0;
- } elsif (not /\A\/\*\*\s*\Z/) { # not doxygen comment start?
- push @contents, $_;
- next;
- } else { # Start of a doxygen comment, parse it out.
- @templines = ( $_ );
- while (<FH>) {
- chomp;
- push @templines, $_;
- last if /\A\s*\*\/\Z/;
- if (s/\A\s*\*\s*\`\`\`/```/) { # this is a hack, but a lot of other code relies on the whitespace being trimmed, but we can't trim it in code blocks...
- $str .= "$_\n";
- while (<FH>) {
- chomp;
- push @templines, $_;
- s/\A\s*\*\s?//;
- if (s/\A\s*\`\`\`/```/) {
- $str .= "$_\n";
- last;
- } else {
- $str .= "$_\n";
- }
- }
- } else {
- s/\A\s*\*\s*//;
- $str .= "$_\n";
- }
- }
- $decl = <FH>;
- $decl = '' if not defined $decl;
- chomp($decl);
- if (not $decl =~ /\A\s*extern\s+(SDL_DEPRECATED\s+|)DECLSPEC/) {
- #print "Found doxygen but no function sig:\n$str\n\n";
- foreach (@templines) {
- push @contents, $_;
- }
- push @contents, $decl;
- next;
- }
- }
- my @decllines = ( $decl );
- if (not $decl =~ /\)\s*;/) {
- while (<FH>) {
- chomp;
- push @decllines, $_;
- s/\A\s+//;
- s/\s+\Z//;
- $decl .= " $_";
- last if /\)\s*;/;
- }
- }
- $decl =~ s/\s+\);\Z/);/;
- $decl =~ s/\s+\Z//;
- #print("DECL: [$decl]\n");
- my $fn = '';
- if ($decl =~ /\A\s*extern\s+(SDL_DEPRECATED\s+|)DECLSPEC\s+(const\s+|)(unsigned\s+|)(.*?)\s*(\*?)\s*SDLCALL\s+(.*?)\s*\((.*?)\);/) {
- $fn = $6;
- #$decl =~ s/\A\s*extern\s+DECLSPEC\s+(.*?)\s+SDLCALL/$1/;
- } else {
- #print "Found doxygen but no function sig:\n$str\n\n";
- foreach (@templines) {
- push @contents, $_;
- }
- foreach (@decllines) {
- push @contents, $_;
- }
- next;
- }
- $decl = ''; # build this with the line breaks, since it looks better for syntax highlighting.
- foreach (@decllines) {
- if ($decl eq '') {
- $decl = $_;
- $decl =~ s/\Aextern\s+(SDL_DEPRECATED\s+|)DECLSPEC\s+(.*?)\s+(\*?)SDLCALL\s+/$2$3 /;
- } else {
- my $trimmed = $_;
- # !!! FIXME: trim space for SDL_DEPRECATED if it was used, too.
- $trimmed =~ s/\A\s{24}//; # 24 for shrinking to match the removed "extern DECLSPEC SDLCALL "
- $decl .= $trimmed;
- }
- $decl .= "\n";
- }
- #print("$fn:\n$str\n\n");
- # There might be multiple declarations of a function due to #ifdefs,
- # and only one of them will have documentation. If we hit an
- # undocumented one before, delete the placeholder line we left for
- # it so it doesn't accumulate a new blank line on each run.
- my $skipfn = 0;
- if (defined $headerfuncshasdoxygen{$fn}) {
- if ($headerfuncshasdoxygen{$fn} == 0) { # An undocumented declaration already exists, nuke its placeholder line.
- delete $contents[$headerfuncschunk{$fn}]; # delete DOES NOT RENUMBER existing elements!
- } else { # documented function already existed?
- $skipfn = 1; # don't add this copy to the list of functions.
- if ($has_doxygen) {
- print STDERR "WARNING: Function '$fn' appears to be documented in multiple locations. Only keeping the first one we saw!\n";
- }
- push @contents, join("\n", @decllines); # just put the existing declation in as-is.
- }
- }
- if (!$skipfn) {
- $headerfuncs{$fn} = $str;
- $headerdecls{$fn} = $decl;
- $headerfuncslocation{$fn} = $dent;
- $headerfuncschunk{$fn} = scalar(@contents);
- $headerfuncshasdoxygen{$fn} = $has_doxygen;
- push @contents, join("\n", @templines);
- push @contents, join("\n", @decllines);
- }
- }
- close(FH);
- $headers{$dent} = \@contents;
- }
- closedir(DH);
- # !!! FIXME: we need to parse enums and typedefs and structs and defines and and and and and...
- # !!! FIXME: (but functions are good enough for now.)
- my %wikitypes = (); # contains string of wiki page extension, like $wikitypes{"SDL_OpenAudio"} == 'mediawiki'
- my %wikifuncs = (); # contains references to hash of strings, each string being the full contents of a section of a wiki page, like $wikifuncs{"SDL_OpenAudio"}{"Remarks"}.
- my %wikisectionorder = (); # contains references to array, each array item being a key to a wikipage section in the correct order, like $wikisectionorder{"SDL_OpenAudio"}[2] == 'Remarks'
- opendir(DH, $wikipath) or die("Can't opendir '$wikipath': $!\n");
- while (readdir(DH)) {
- my $dent = $_;
- my $type = '';
- if ($dent =~ /\ASDL.*?\.(md|mediawiki)\Z/) {
- $type = $1;
- } else {
- next; # only dealing with wiki pages.
- }
- open(FH, '<', "$wikipath/$dent") or die("Can't open '$wikipath/$dent': $!\n");
- my $current_section = '[start]';
- my @section_order = ( $current_section );
- my $fn = $dent;
- $fn =~ s/\..*\Z//;
- my %sections = ();
- $sections{$current_section} = '';
- while (<FH>) {
- chomp;
- my $orig = $_;
- s/\A\s*//;
- s/\s*\Z//;
- if ($type eq 'mediawiki') {
- if (/\A\= (.*?) \=\Z/) {
- $current_section = ($1 eq $fn) ? '[Brief]' : $1;
- die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section};
- push @section_order, $current_section;
- $sections{$current_section} = '';
- } elsif (/\A\=\= (.*?) \=\=\Z/) {
- $current_section = ($1 eq $fn) ? '[Brief]' : $1;
- die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section};
- push @section_order, $current_section;
- $sections{$current_section} = '';
- next;
- } elsif (/\A\-\-\-\-\Z/) {
- $current_section = '[footer]';
- die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section};
- push @section_order, $current_section;
- $sections{$current_section} = '';
- next;
- }
- } elsif ($type eq 'md') {
- if (/\A\#+ (.*?)\Z/) {
- $current_section = ($1 eq $fn) ? '[Brief]' : $1;
- die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section};
- push @section_order, $current_section;
- $sections{$current_section} = '';
- next;
- } elsif (/\A\-\-\-\-\Z/) {
- $current_section = '[footer]';
- die("Doubly-defined section '$current_section' in '$dent'!\n") if defined $sections{$current_section};
- push @section_order, $current_section;
- $sections{$current_section} = '';
- next;
- }
- } else {
- die("Unexpected wiki file type. Fixme!\n");
- }
- $sections{$current_section} .= "$orig\n";
- }
- close(FH);
- foreach (keys %sections) {
- $sections{$_} =~ s/\A\n+//;
- $sections{$_} =~ s/\n+\Z//;
- $sections{$_} .= "\n";
- }
- if (0) {
- foreach (@section_order) {
- print("$fn SECTION '$_':\n");
- print($sections{$_});
- print("\n\n");
- }
- }
- $wikitypes{$fn} = $type;
- $wikifuncs{$fn} = \%sections;
- $wikisectionorder{$fn} = \@section_order;
- }
- closedir(DH);
- if ($warn_about_missing) {
- foreach (keys %wikifuncs) {
- my $fn = $_;
- if (not defined $headerfuncs{$fn}) {
- print("WARNING: $fn defined in the wiki but not the headers!\n");
- }
- }
- foreach (keys %headerfuncs) {
- my $fn = $_;
- if (not defined $wikifuncs{$fn}) {
- print("WARNING: $fn defined in the headers but not the wiki!\n");
- }
- }
- }
- if ($copy_direction == 1) { # --copy-to-headers
- my %changed_headers = ();
- $dewikify_mode = 'md';
- $wordwrap_mode = 'md'; # the headers use Markdown format.
- foreach (keys %headerfuncs) {
- my $fn = $_;
- next if not defined $wikifuncs{$fn}; # don't have a page for that function, skip it.
- my $wikitype = $wikitypes{$fn};
- my $sectionsref = $wikifuncs{$fn};
- my $remarks = %$sectionsref{'Remarks'};
- my $params = %$sectionsref{'Function Parameters'};
- my $returns = %$sectionsref{'Return Value'};
- my $version = %$sectionsref{'Version'};
- my $related = %$sectionsref{'Related Functions'};
- my $deprecated = %$sectionsref{'Deprecated'};
- my $brief = %$sectionsref{'[Brief]'};
- my $addblank = 0;
- my $str = '';
- $headerfuncshasdoxygen{$fn} = 1; # Added/changed doxygen for this header.
- $brief = dewikify($wikitype, $brief);
- $brief =~ s/\A(.*?\.) /$1\n/; # \brief should only be one sentence, delimited by a period+space. Split if necessary.
- my @briefsplit = split /\n/, $brief;
- $brief = shift @briefsplit;
- if (defined $remarks) {
- $remarks = join("\n", @briefsplit) . dewikify($wikitype, $remarks);
- }
- if (defined $brief) {
- $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1;
- $str .= wordwrap($brief) . "\n";
- }
- if (defined $remarks) {
- $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1;
- $str .= wordwrap($remarks) . "\n";
- }
- if (defined $deprecated) {
- # !!! FIXME: lots of code duplication in all of these.
- $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1;
- my $v = dewikify($wikitype, $deprecated);
- my $whitespacelen = length("\\deprecated") + 1;
- my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen;
- $v = wordwrap($v, -$whitespacelen);
- my @desclines = split /\n/, $v;
- my $firstline = shift @desclines;
- $str .= "\\deprecated $firstline\n";
- foreach (@desclines) {
- $str .= "${whitespace}$_\n";
- }
- }
- if (defined $params) {
- $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = (defined $returns) ? 0 : 1;
- my @lines = split /\n/, dewikify($wikitype, $params);
- if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
- die("Unexpected data parsing MediaWiki table") if (shift @lines ne '{|'); # Dump the '{|' start
- while (scalar(@lines) >= 3) {
- my $name = shift @lines;
- my $desc = shift @lines;
- my $terminator = shift @lines; # the '|-' or '|}' line.
- last if ($terminator ne '|-') and ($terminator ne '|}'); # we seem to have run out of table.
- $name =~ s/\A\|\s*//;
- $name =~ s/\A\*\*(.*?)\*\*/$1/;
- $name =~ s/\A\'\'\'(.*?)\'\'\'/$1/;
- $desc =~ s/\A\|\s*//;
- #print STDERR "FN: $fn NAME: $name DESC: $desc TERM: $terminator\n";
- my $whitespacelen = length($name) + 8;
- my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen;
- $desc = wordwrap($desc, -$whitespacelen);
- my @desclines = split /\n/, $desc;
- my $firstline = shift @desclines;
- $str .= "\\param $name $firstline\n";
- foreach (@desclines) {
- $str .= "${whitespace}$_\n";
- }
- }
- } else {
- die("write me");
- }
- }
- if (defined $returns) {
- $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1;
- my $r = dewikify($wikitype, $returns);
- my $retstr = "\\returns";
- if ($r =~ s/\AReturn(s?) //) {
- $retstr = "\\return$1";
- }
- my $whitespacelen = length($retstr) + 1;
- my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen;
- $r = wordwrap($r, -$whitespacelen);
- my @desclines = split /\n/, $r;
- my $firstline = shift @desclines;
- $str .= "$retstr $firstline\n";
- foreach (@desclines) {
- $str .= "${whitespace}$_\n";
- }
- }
- if (defined $version) {
- # !!! FIXME: lots of code duplication in all of these.
- $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1;
- my $v = dewikify($wikitype, $version);
- my $whitespacelen = length("\\since") + 1;
- my $whitespace = ' ' x $whitespacelen;
- $v = wordwrap($v, -$whitespacelen);
- my @desclines = split /\n/, $v;
- my $firstline = shift @desclines;
- $str .= "\\since $firstline\n";
- foreach (@desclines) {
- $str .= "${whitespace}$_\n";
- }
- }
- if (defined $related) {
- # !!! FIXME: lots of code duplication in all of these.
- $str .= "\n" if $addblank; $addblank = 1;
- my $v = dewikify($wikitype, $related);
- my @desclines = split /\n/, $v;
- foreach (@desclines) {
- s/\A(\:|\* )//;
- s/\(\)\Z//; # Convert "SDL_Func()" to "SDL_Func"
- $str .= "\\sa $_\n";
- }
- }
- my $header = $headerfuncslocation{$fn};
- my $contentsref = $headers{$header};
- my $chunk = $headerfuncschunk{$fn};
- my @lines = split /\n/, $str;
- my $addnewline = (($chunk > 0) && ($$contentsref[$chunk-1] ne '')) ? "\n" : '';
- my $output = "$addnewline/**\n";
- foreach (@lines) {
- chomp;
- s/\s*\Z//;
- if ($_ eq '') {
- $output .= " *\n";
- } else {
- $output .= " * $_\n";
- }
- }
- $output .= " */";
- #print("$fn:\n$output\n\n");
- $$contentsref[$chunk] = $output;
- #$$contentsref[$chunk+1] = $headerdecls{$fn};
- $changed_headers{$header} = 1;
- }
- foreach (keys %changed_headers) {
- my $header = $_;
- # this is kinda inefficient, but oh well.
- my @removelines = ();
- foreach (keys %headerfuncslocation) {
- my $fn = $_;
- next if $headerfuncshasdoxygen{$fn};
- next if $headerfuncslocation{$fn} ne $header;
- # the index of the blank line we put before the function declaration in case we needed to replace it with new content from the wiki.
- push @removelines, $headerfuncschunk{$fn};
- }
- my $contentsref = $headers{$header};
- foreach (@removelines) {
- delete $$contentsref[$_]; # delete DOES NOT RENUMBER existing elements!
- }
- my $path = "$incpath/$header.tmp";
- open(FH, '>', $path) or die("Can't open '$path': $!\n");
- foreach (@$contentsref) {
- print FH "$_\n" if defined $_;
- }
- close(FH);
- rename($path, "$incpath/$header") or die("Can't rename '$path' to '$incpath/$header': $!\n");
- }
- } elsif ($copy_direction == -1) { # --copy-to-wiki
- foreach (keys %headerfuncs) {
- my $fn = $_;
- next if not $headerfuncshasdoxygen{$fn};
- my $wikitype = defined $wikitypes{$fn} ? $wikitypes{$fn} : 'mediawiki'; # default to MediaWiki for new stuff FOR NOW.
- die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'\n") if (($wikitype ne 'mediawiki') and ($wikitype ne 'md') and ($wikitype ne 'manpage'));
- #print("$fn\n"); next;
- $wordwrap_mode = $wikitype;
- my $raw = $headerfuncs{$fn}; # raw doxygen text with comment characters stripped from start/end and start of each line.
- next if not defined $raw;
- $raw =~ s/\A\s*\\brief\s+//; # Technically we don't need \brief (please turn on JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF if you use Doxygen), so just in case one is present, strip it.
- my @doxygenlines = split /\n/, $raw;
- my $brief = '';
- while (@doxygenlines) {
- last if $doxygenlines[0] =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past the general remarks.
- last if $doxygenlines[0] =~ /\A\s*\Z/; # blank line? End of paragraph, done.
- my $l = shift @doxygenlines;
- chomp($l);
- $l =~ s/\A\s*//;
- $l =~ s/\s*\Z//;
- $brief .= "$l ";
- }
- $brief =~ s/\A(.*?\.) /$1\n\n/; # \brief should only be one sentence, delimited by a period+space. Split if necessary.
- my @briefsplit = split /\n/, $brief;
- $brief = wikify($wikitype, shift @briefsplit) . "\n";
- @doxygenlines = (@briefsplit, @doxygenlines);
- my $remarks = '';
- # !!! FIXME: wordwrap and wikify might handle this, now.
- while (@doxygenlines) {
- last if $doxygenlines[0] =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past the general remarks.
- my $l = shift @doxygenlines;
- if ($l =~ /\A\`\`\`/) { # syntax highlighting, don't reformat.
- $remarks .= "$l\n";
- while ((@doxygenlines) && (not $l =~ /\`\`\`\Z/)) {
- $l = shift @doxygenlines;
- $remarks .= "$l\n";
- }
- } else {
- $l =~ s/\A\s*//;
- $l =~ s/\s*\Z//;
- $remarks .= "$l\n";
- }
- }
- #print("REMARKS:\n\n $remarks\n\n");
- $remarks = wordwrap(wikify($wikitype, $remarks));
- $remarks =~ s/\A\s*//;
- $remarks =~ s/\s*\Z//;
- my $decl = $headerdecls{$fn};
- #$decl =~ s/\*\s+SDLCALL/ *SDLCALL/; # Try to make "void * Function" become "void *Function"
- #$decl =~ s/\A\s*extern\s+(SDL_DEPRECATED\s+|)DECLSPEC\s+(.*?)\s+(\*?)SDLCALL/$2$3/;
- my $syntax = '';
- if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
- $syntax = "<syntaxhighlight lang='c'>\n$decl</syntaxhighlight>\n";
- } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
- $syntax = "```c\n$decl\n```\n";
- } else { die("Expected wikitype '$wikitype'\n"); }
- my %sections = ();
- $sections{'[Brief]'} = $brief; # include this section even if blank so we get a title line.
- $sections{'Remarks'} = "$remarks\n" if $remarks ne '';
- $sections{'Syntax'} = $syntax;
- my @params = (); # have to parse these and build up the wiki tables after, since Markdown needs to know the length of the largest string. :/
- while (@doxygenlines) {
- my $l = shift @doxygenlines;
- if ($l =~ /\A\\param\s+(.*?)\s+(.*)\Z/) {
- my $arg = $1;
- my $desc = $2;
- while (@doxygenlines) {
- my $subline = $doxygenlines[0];
- $subline =~ s/\A\s*//;
- last if $subline =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past this thing.
- shift @doxygenlines; # dump this line from the array; we're using it.
- if ($subline eq '') { # empty line, make sure it keeps the newline char.
- $desc .= "\n";
- } else {
- $desc .= " $subline";
- }
- }
- $desc =~ s/[\s\n]+\Z//ms;
- # We need to know the length of the longest string to make Markdown tables, so we just store these off until everything is parsed.
- push @params, $arg;
- push @params, $desc;
- } elsif ($l =~ /\A\\r(eturns?)\s+(.*)\Z/) {
- my $retstr = "R$1"; # "Return" or "Returns"
- my $desc = $2;
- while (@doxygenlines) {
- my $subline = $doxygenlines[0];
- $subline =~ s/\A\s*//;
- last if $subline =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past this thing.
- shift @doxygenlines; # dump this line from the array; we're using it.
- if ($subline eq '') { # empty line, make sure it keeps the newline char.
- $desc .= "\n";
- } else {
- $desc .= " $subline";
- }
- }
- $desc =~ s/[\s\n]+\Z//ms;
- $sections{'Return Value'} = wordwrap("$retstr " . wikify($wikitype, $desc)) . "\n";
- } elsif ($l =~ /\A\\deprecated\s+(.*)\Z/) {
- my $desc = $1;
- while (@doxygenlines) {
- my $subline = $doxygenlines[0];
- $subline =~ s/\A\s*//;
- last if $subline =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past this thing.
- shift @doxygenlines; # dump this line from the array; we're using it.
- if ($subline eq '') { # empty line, make sure it keeps the newline char.
- $desc .= "\n";
- } else {
- $desc .= " $subline";
- }
- }
- $desc =~ s/[\s\n]+\Z//ms;
- $sections{'Deprecated'} = wordwrap(wikify($wikitype, $desc)) . "\n";
- } elsif ($l =~ /\A\\since\s+(.*)\Z/) {
- my $desc = $1;
- while (@doxygenlines) {
- my $subline = $doxygenlines[0];
- $subline =~ s/\A\s*//;
- last if $subline =~ /\A\\/; # some sort of doxygen command, assume we're past this thing.
- shift @doxygenlines; # dump this line from the array; we're using it.
- if ($subline eq '') { # empty line, make sure it keeps the newline char.
- $desc .= "\n";
- } else {
- $desc .= " $subline";
- }
- }
- $desc =~ s/[\s\n]+\Z//ms;
- $sections{'Version'} = wordwrap(wikify($wikitype, $desc)) . "\n";
- } elsif ($l =~ /\A\\sa\s+(.*)\Z/) {
- my $sa = $1;
- $sa =~ s/\(\)\Z//; # Convert "SDL_Func()" to "SDL_Func"
- $sections{'Related Functions'} = '' if not defined $sections{'Related Functions'};
- if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
- $sections{'Related Functions'} .= ":[[$sa]]\n";
- } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
- $sections{'Related Functions'} .= "* [$sa](/$sa)\n";
- } else { die("Expected wikitype '$wikitype'\n"); }
- }
- }
- # Make sure this ends with a double-newline.
- $sections{'Related Functions'} .= "\n" if defined $sections{'Related Functions'};
- # We can build the wiki table now that we have all the data.
- if (scalar(@params) > 0) {
- my $str = '';
- if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
- while (scalar(@params) > 0) {
- my $arg = shift @params;
- my $desc = wikify($wikitype, shift @params);
- $str .= ($str eq '') ? "{|\n" : "|-\n";
- $str .= "|'''$arg'''\n";
- $str .= "|$desc\n";
- }
- $str .= "|}\n";
- } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
- my $longest_arg = 0;
- my $longest_desc = 0;
- my $which = 0;
- foreach (@params) {
- if ($which == 0) {
- my $len = length($_) + 4;
- $longest_arg = $len if ($len > $longest_arg);
- $which = 1;
- } else {
- my $len = length(wikify($wikitype, $_));
- $longest_desc = $len if ($len > $longest_desc);
- $which = 0;
- }
- }
- # Markdown tables are sort of obnoxious.
- $str .= '| ' . (' ' x ($longest_arg+4)) . ' | ' . (' ' x $longest_desc) . " |\n";
- $str .= '| ' . ('-' x ($longest_arg+4)) . ' | ' . ('-' x $longest_desc) . " |\n";
- while (@params) {
- my $arg = shift @params;
- my $desc = wikify($wikitype, shift @params);
- $str .= "| **$arg** " . (' ' x ($longest_arg - length($arg))) . "| $desc" . (' ' x ($longest_desc - length($desc))) . " |\n";
- }
- } else {
- die("Unexpected wikitype!\n"); # should have checked this elsewhere.
- }
- $sections{'Function Parameters'} = $str;
- }
- my $path = "$wikipath/$_.${wikitype}.tmp";
- open(FH, '>', $path) or die("Can't open '$path': $!\n");
- my $sectionsref = $wikifuncs{$fn};
- foreach (@standard_wiki_sections) {
- # drop sections we either replaced or removed from the original wiki's contents.
- if (not defined $only_wiki_sections{$_}) {
- delete($$sectionsref{$_});
- }
- }
- my $wikisectionorderref = $wikisectionorder{$fn};
- # Make sure there's a footer in the wiki that puts this function in CategoryAPI...
- if (not $$sectionsref{'[footer]'}) {
- $$sectionsref{'[footer]'} = '';
- push @$wikisectionorderref, '[footer]';
- }
- # !!! FIXME: This won't be CategoryAPI if we eventually handle things other than functions.
- my $footer = $$sectionsref{'[footer]'};
- if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
- $footer =~ s/\[\[CategoryAPI\]\],?\s*//g;
- $footer = '[[CategoryAPI]]' . (($footer eq '') ? "\n" : ", $footer");
- } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
- $footer =~ s/\[CategoryAPI\]\(CategoryAPI\),?\s*//g;
- $footer = '[CategoryAPI](CategoryAPI)' . (($footer eq '') ? '' : ', ') . $footer;
- } else { die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'\n"); }
- $$sectionsref{'[footer]'} = $footer;
- my $prevsectstr = '';
- my @ordered_sections = (@standard_wiki_sections, defined $wikisectionorderref ? @$wikisectionorderref : ()); # this copies the arrays into one.
- foreach (@ordered_sections) {
- my $sect = $_;
- next if $sect eq '[start]';
- next if (not defined $sections{$sect} and not defined $$sectionsref{$sect});
- my $section = defined $sections{$sect} ? $sections{$sect} : $$sectionsref{$sect};
- if ($sect eq '[footer]') {
- # Make sure previous section ends with two newlines.
- if (substr($prevsectstr, -1) ne "\n") {
- print FH "\n\n";
- } elsif (substr($prevsectstr, -2) ne "\n\n") {
- print FH "\n";
- }
- print FH "----\n"; # It's the same in Markdown and MediaWiki.
- } elsif ($sect eq '[Brief]') {
- if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
- print FH "= $fn =\n\n";
- } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
- print FH "# $fn\n\n";
- } else { die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'\n"); }
- } else {
- if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
- print FH "\n== $sect ==\n\n";
- } elsif ($wikitype eq 'md') {
- print FH "\n## $sect\n\n";
- } else { die("Unexpected wikitype '$wikitype'\n"); }
- }
- my $sectstr = defined $sections{$sect} ? $sections{$sect} : $$sectionsref{$sect};
- print FH $sectstr;
- $prevsectstr = $sectstr;
- # make sure these don't show up twice.
- delete($sections{$sect});
- delete($$sectionsref{$sect});
- }
- print FH "\n\n";
- close(FH);
- rename($path, "$wikipath/$_.${wikitype}") or die("Can't rename '$path' to '$wikipath/$_.${wikitype}': $!\n");
- }
- } elsif ($copy_direction == -2) { # --copy-to-manpages
- # This only takes from the wiki data, since it has sections we omit from the headers, like code examples.
- my $manpath = "$srcpath/man";
- mkdir($manpath);
- $manpath .= "/man3";
- mkdir($manpath);
- $dewikify_mode = 'manpage';
- $wordwrap_mode = 'manpage';
- my $introtxt = '';
- if (0) {
- open(FH, '<', "$srcpath/LICENSE.txt") or die("Can't open '$srcpath/LICENSE.txt': $!\n");
- while (<FH>) {
- chomp;
- $introtxt .= ".\\\" $_\n";
- }
- close(FH);
- }
- my $gitrev = `cd "$srcpath" ; git rev-list HEAD~..`;
- chomp($gitrev);
- open(FH, '<', "$srcpath/include/SDL_version.h") or die("Can't open '$srcpath/include/SDL_version.h': $!\n");
- my $majorver = 0;
- my $minorver = 0;
- my $patchver = 0;
- while (<FH>) {
- chomp;
- if (/\A\#define SDL_MAJOR_VERSION\s+(\d+)\Z/) {
- $majorver = int($1);
- } elsif (/\A\#define SDL_MINOR_VERSION\s+(\d+)\Z/) {
- $minorver = int($1);
- } elsif (/\A\#define SDL_PATCHLEVEL\s+(\d+)\Z/) {
- $patchver = int($1);
- }
- }
- close(FH);
- my $sdlversion = "$majorver.$minorver.$patchver";
- foreach (keys %headerfuncs) {
- my $fn = $_;
- next if not defined $wikifuncs{$fn}; # don't have a page for that function, skip it.
- my $wikitype = $wikitypes{$fn};
- my $sectionsref = $wikifuncs{$fn};
- my $remarks = %$sectionsref{'Remarks'};
- my $params = %$sectionsref{'Function Parameters'};
- my $returns = %$sectionsref{'Return Value'};
- my $version = %$sectionsref{'Version'};
- my $related = %$sectionsref{'Related Functions'};
- my $examples = %$sectionsref{'Code Examples'};
- my $deprecated = %$sectionsref{'Deprecated'};
- my $brief = %$sectionsref{'[Brief]'};
- my $decl = $headerdecls{$fn};
- my $str = '';
- $brief = "$brief";
- $brief =~ s/\A[\s\n]*\= .*? \=\s*?\n+//ms;
- $brief =~ s/\A[\s\n]*\=\= .*? \=\=\s*?\n+//ms;
- $brief =~ s/\A(.*?\.) /$1\n/; # \brief should only be one sentence, delimited by a period+space. Split if necessary.
- my @briefsplit = split /\n/, $brief;
- $brief = shift @briefsplit;
- $brief = dewikify($wikitype, $brief);
- if (defined $remarks) {
- $remarks = dewikify($wikitype, join("\n", @briefsplit) . $remarks);
- }
- $str .= $introtxt;
- $str .= ".\\\" This manpage content is licensed under Creative Commons\n";
- $str .= ".\\\" Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)\n";
- $str .= ".\\\" https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/\n";
- $str .= ".\\\" This manpage was generated from SDL's wiki page for $fn:\n";
- $str .= ".\\\" https://wiki.libsdl.org/$fn\n";
- $str .= ".\\\" Generated with SDL/build-scripts/wikiheaders.pl\n";
- $str .= ".\\\" revision $gitrev\n" if $gitrev ne '';
- $str .= ".\\\" Please report issues in this manpage's content at:\n";
- $str .= ".\\\" https://github.com/libsdl-org/sdlwiki/issues/new?title=Feedback%20on%20page%20$fn\n";
- $str .= ".\\\" Please report issues in the generation of this manpage from the wiki at:\n";
- $str .= ".\\\" https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/issues/new?title=Misgenerated%20manpage%20for%20$fn\n";
- $str .= ".\\\" SDL can be found at https://libsdl.org/\n";
- $str .= ".TH $fn 3 \"SDL $sdlversion\" \"Simple Directmedia Layer\" \"SDL$majorver FUNCTIONS\"\n";
- $str .= ".SH NAME\n";
- $str .= "$fn";
- $str .= " \\- $brief" if (defined $brief);
- $str .= "\n";
- $str .= ".SH SYNOPSIS\n";
- $str .= ".nf\n";
- $str .= ".B #include \\(dqSDL.h\\(dq\n";
- $str .= ".PP\n";
- my @decllines = split /\n/, $decl;
- foreach (@decllines) {
- $str .= ".BI \"$_\n";
- }
- $str .= ".fi\n";
- if (defined $remarks) {
- $str .= ".SH DESCRIPTION\n";
- $str .= $remarks . "\n";
- }
- if (defined $deprecated) {
- $str .= ".SH DEPRECATED\n";
- $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $deprecated) . "\n";
- }
- if (defined $params) {
- my @lines = split /\n/, $params;
- if ($wikitype eq 'mediawiki') {
- die("Unexpected data parsing MediaWiki table") if (shift @lines ne '{|'); # Dump the '{|' start
- while (scalar(@lines) >= 3) {
- my $name = shift @lines;
- my $desc = shift @lines;
- my $terminator = shift @lines; # the '|-' or '|}' line.
- last if ($terminator ne '|-') and ($terminator ne '|}'); # we seem to have run out of table.
- $name =~ s/\A\|\s*//;
- $name =~ s/\A\*\*(.*?)\*\*/$1/;
- $name =~ s/\A\'\'\'(.*?)\'\'\'/$1/;
- $desc =~ s/\A\|\s*//;
- $desc = dewikify($wikitype, $desc);
- #print STDERR "FN: $fn NAME: $name DESC: $desc TERM: $terminator\n";
- $str .= ".TP\n";
- $str .= ".I $name\n";
- $str .= "$desc\n";
- }
- } else {
- die("write me");
- }
- }
- if (defined $returns) {
- $str .= ".SH RETURN VALUE\n";
- $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $returns) . "\n";
- }
- if (defined $examples) {
- $str .= ".SH CODE EXAMPLES\n";
- $dewikify_manpage_code_indent = 0;
- $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $examples) . "\n";
- $dewikify_manpage_code_indent = 1;
- }
- if (defined $version) {
- $str .= ".SH AVAILABILITY\n";
- $str .= dewikify($wikitype, $version) . "\n";
- }
- if (defined $related) {
- $str .= ".SH SEE ALSO\n";
- # !!! FIXME: lots of code duplication in all of these.
- my $v = dewikify($wikitype, $related);
- my @desclines = split /\n/, $v;
- my $nextstr = '';
- foreach (@desclines) {
- s/\A(\:|\* )//;
- s/\(\)\Z//; # Convert "SDL_Func()" to "SDL_Func"
- s/\A\.BR\s+//; # dewikify added this, but we want to handle it.
- s/\A\s+//;
- s/\s+\Z//;
- next if $_ eq '';
- $str .= "$nextstr.BR $_ (3)";
- $nextstr = ",\n";
- }
- $str .= "\n";
- }
- if (0) {
- $str .= ".SH COPYRIGHT\n";
- $str .= "This manpage is licensed under\n";
- $str .= ".UR https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/\n";
- $str .= "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)\n";
- $str .= ".UE\n";
- $str .= ".PP\n";
- $str .= "This manpage was generated from\n";
- $str .= ".UR https://wiki.libsdl.org/$fn\n";
- $str .= "SDL's wiki\n";
- $str .= ".UE\n";
- $str .= "using SDL/build-scripts/wikiheaders.pl";
- $str .= " revision $gitrev" if $gitrev ne '';
- $str .= ".\n";
- $str .= "Please report issues in this manpage at\n";
- $str .= ".UR https://github.com/libsdl-org/sdlwiki/issues/new\n";
- $str .= "our bugtracker!\n";
- $str .= ".UE\n";
- }
- my $path = "$manpath/$_.3.tmp";
- open(FH, '>', $path) or die("Can't open '$path': $!\n");
- print FH $str;
- close(FH);
- rename($path, "$manpath/$_.3") or die("Can't rename '$path' to '$manpath/$_.3': $!\n");
- }
- }
- # end of wikiheaders.pl ...