- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use warnings;
- use strict;
- use File::Basename;
- use Cwd qw(abs_path);
- my $wikipath = undef;
- foreach (@ARGV) {
- $wikipath = abs_path($_), next if not defined $wikipath;
- }
- chdir(dirname(__FILE__));
- chdir('..');
- my @unsorted_releases = ();
- open(PIPEFH, '-|', 'git tag -l') or die "Failed to read git release tags: $!\n";
- while (<PIPEFH>) {
- chomp;
- if (/\Arelease\-(.*?)\Z/) {
- push @unsorted_releases, $1;
- }
- }
- close(PIPEFH);
- #print("\n\nUNSORTED\n");
- #foreach (@unsorted_releases) {
- # print "$_\n";
- #}
- my @releases = sort {
- my @asplit = split /\./, $a;
- my @bsplit = split /\./, $b;
- my $rc;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@asplit); $i++) {
- return 1 if (scalar(@bsplit) <= $i); # a is "2.0.1" and b is "2.0", or whatever.
- my $aseg = $asplit[$i];
- my $bseg = $bsplit[$i];
- $rc = int($aseg) <=> int($bseg);
- return $rc if ($rc != 0); # found the difference.
- }
- return 0; # still here? They matched completely?!
- } @unsorted_releases;
- # this happens to work for how SDL versions things at the moment.
- my $current_release = $releases[-1];
- my @current_release_segments = split /\./, $current_release;
- @current_release_segments[2] = '' . ($current_release_segments[2] + 2);
- my $next_release = join('.', @current_release_segments);
- #print("\n\nSORTED\n");
- #foreach (@releases) {
- # print "$_\n";
- #}
- #print("\nCURRENT RELEASE: $current_release\n");
- #print("NEXT RELEASE: $next_release\n\n");
- push @releases, 'HEAD';
- my %funcs = ();
- foreach my $release (@releases) {
- #print("Checking $release...\n");
- next if ($release eq '2.0.0') || ($release eq '2.0.1'); # no dynapi before 2.0.2
- my $assigned_release = ($release eq '2.0.2') ? '2.0.0' : $release; # assume everything in 2.0.2--first with dynapi--was there since 2.0.0. We'll fix it up later.
- my $tag = ($release eq 'HEAD') ? $release : "release-$release";
- my $blobname = "$tag:src/dynapi/SDL_dynapi_overrides.h";
- open(PIPEFH, '-|', "git show '$blobname'") or die "Failed to read git blob '$blobname': $!\n";
- while (<PIPEFH>) {
- chomp;
- if (/\A\#define\s+(SDL_.*?)\s+SDL_.*?_REAL\Z/) {
- my $fn = $1;
- $funcs{$fn} = $assigned_release if not defined $funcs{$fn};
- }
- }
- close(PIPEFH);
- }
- # Fixup the handful of functions that were added in 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 that we
- # didn't have dynapi revision data about...
- $funcs{'SDL_GetSystemRAM'} = '2.0.1';
- $funcs{'SDL_GetBasePath'} = '2.0.1';
- $funcs{'SDL_GetPrefPath'} = '2.0.1';
- $funcs{'SDL_UpdateYUVTexture'} = '2.0.1';
- $funcs{'SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize'} = '2.0.1';
- $funcs{'SDL_Direct3D9GetAdapterIndex'} = '2.0.1';
- $funcs{'SDL_RenderGetD3D9Device'} = '2.0.1';
- $funcs{'SDL_RegisterApp'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_UnregisterApp'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_GetAssertionHandler'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_GetDefaultAssertionHandler'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_AtomicAdd'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_AtomicGet'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_AtomicGetPtr'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_AtomicSet'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_AtomicSetPtr'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_HasAVX'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromRW'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_acos'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_asin'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_vsscanf'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_DetachThread'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_GL_ResetAttributes'} = '2.0.2';
- $funcs{'SDL_DXGIGetOutputInfo'} = '2.0.2';
- # these are incorrect in the dynapi header, because we forgot to add them
- # until a later release, but are available in the older release.
- $funcs{'SDL_WinRTGetFSPathUNICODE'} = '2.0.3';
- $funcs{'SDL_WinRTGetFSPathUTF8'} = '2.0.3';
- $funcs{'SDL_WinRTRunApp'} = '2.0.3';
- if (not defined $wikipath) {
- foreach my $release (@releases) {
- foreach my $fn (sort keys %funcs) {
- print("$fn: $funcs{$fn}\n") if $funcs{$fn} eq $release;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (defined $wikipath) {
- chdir($wikipath);
- foreach my $fn (keys %funcs) {
- my $revision = $funcs{$fn};
- $revision = $next_release if $revision eq 'HEAD';
- my $fname = "$fn.mediawiki";
- if ( ! -f $fname ) {
- #print STDERR "No such file: $fname\n";
- next;
- }
- my @lines = ();
- open(FH, '<', $fname) or die("Can't open $fname for read: $!\n");
- my $added = 0;
- while (<FH>) {
- chomp;
- if ((/\A\-\-\-\-/) && (!$added)) {
- push @lines, "== Version ==";
- push @lines, "";
- push @lines, "This function is available since SDL $revision.";
- push @lines, "";
- $added = 1;
- }
- push @lines, $_;
- next if not /\A\=\=\s+Version\s+\=\=/;
- $added = 1;
- push @lines, "";
- push @lines, "This function is available since SDL $revision.";
- push @lines, "";
- while (<FH>) {
- chomp;
- next if not (/\A\=\=\s+/ || /\A\-\-\-\-/);
- push @lines, $_;
- last;
- }
- }
- close(FH);
- if (!$added) {
- push @lines, "== Version ==";
- push @lines, "";
- push @lines, "This function is available since SDL $revision.";
- push @lines, "";
- }
- open(FH, '>', $fname) or die("Can't open $fname for write: $!\n");
- foreach (@lines) {
- print FH "$_\n";
- }
- close(FH);
- }
- }
- }