- # Frequently Asked Questions
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- # Table of Contents
- * [Introduction](#introduction)
- * [FAQ](#faq)
- * [Why is my debug build on Windows so slow?](#why-is-my-debug-build-on-windows-so-slow)
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- # Introduction
- This is a constantly updated section where I'll try to put the answers to the
- most frequently asked questions.<br/>
- If you don't find your answer here, there are two cases: nobody has done it yet
- or this section needs updating. In both cases, try to
- [open a new issue](https://github.com/skypjack/entt/issues/new) or enter the
- [gitter channel](https://gitter.im/skypjack/entt) and ask your question.
- Probably someone already has an answer for you and we can then integrate this
- part of the documentation.
- # FAQ
- ## Why is my debug build on Windows so slow?
- `EnTT` is an experimental project that I also use to keep me up-to-date with the
- latest revision of the language and the standard library. For this reason, it's
- likely that some classes you're working with are using standard containers under
- the hood.<br/>
- Unfortunately, it's known that the standard containers aren't particularly
- performing in debugging (the reasons for this go beyond this document) and are
- even less so on Windows apparently. Fortunately this can also be mitigated a
- lot, achieving good results in many cases.
- First of all, there are two things to do in a Windows project:
- * Disable the [`/JMC`](https://docs.microsoft.com/cpp/build/reference/jmc)
- option (_Just My Code_ debugging), available starting in Visual Studio 2017
- version 15.8.
- * Set the [`_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL`](https://docs.microsoft.com/cpp/standard-library/iterator-debug-level)
- macro to 0. This will disable checked iterators and iterator debugging.
- Moreover, the macro `ENTT_DISABLE_ASSERT` should be defined to disable internal
- checks made by `EnTT` in debug. These are asserts introduced to help the users,
- but require to access to the underlying containers and therefore risk ruining
- the performance in some cases.
- With these changes, debug performance should increase enough for most cases. If
- you want something more, you can can also switch to an optimization level `O0`
- or preferably `O1`.