- ![EnTT: Gaming meets modern C++](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1812216/42513718-ee6e98d0-8457-11e8-9baf-8d83f61a3097.png)
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- `EnTT` is a header-only, tiny and easy to use library for game programming and
- much more written in **modern C++**, mainly known for its innovative
- **entity-component-system (ECS)** model.<br/>
- [Among others](https://github.com/skypjack/entt/wiki/EnTT-in-Action), it's used
- in [**Minecraft**](https://minecraft.net/en-us/attribution/) by Mojang, the
- [**ArcGIS Runtime SDKs**](https://developers.arcgis.com/arcgis-runtime/) by Esri
- and [**The Forge**](https://github.com/ConfettiFX/The-Forge) by Confetti. Read
- on to find out what it can offer you.
- ---
- Do you want to **keep up with changes** or do you have a **question** that
- doesn't require you to open an issue?<br/>
- Join the [gitter channel](https://gitter.im/skypjack/entt) and meet other users
- like you. The more we are, the better for everyone.
- If you use `EnTT` and you want to say thanks or support the project, please
- **consider becoming a patron**:
- [![Patreon](https://c5.patreon.com/external/logo/become_a_patron_button.png)](https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?c=1772573)
- [Many thanks](https://skypjack.github.io/patreon/) to those who supported me and
- still support me today.
- # Table of Contents
- * [Introduction](#introduction)
- * [Code Example](#code-example)
- * [Motivation](#motivation)
- * [Performance](#performance)
- * [Build Instructions](#build-instructions)
- * [Requirements](#requirements)
- * [Library](#library)
- * [Documentation](#documentation)
- * [Tests](#tests)
- * [Packaging Tools](#packaging-tools)
- * [EnTT in Action](#entt-in-action)
- * [Contributors](#contributors)
- * [License](#license)
- * [Support](#support)
- * [Patreon](#patreon)
- * [Donation](#donation)
- * [Hire me](#hire-me)
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- # Introduction
- The entity-component-system (also known as _ECS_) is an architectural pattern
- used mostly in game development. For further details:
- * [Entity Systems Wiki](http://entity-systems.wikidot.com/)
- * [Evolve Your Hierarchy](http://cowboyprogramming.com/2007/01/05/evolve-your-heirachy/)
- * [ECS on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entity%E2%80%93component%E2%80%93system)
- This project started off as a pure entity-component system. Over time the
- codebase has grown as more and more classes and functionalities were added.<br/>
- Here is a brief, yet incomplete list of what it offers today:
- * Statically generated integer **identifiers for types** (assigned either at
- compile-time or at runtime).
- * A `constexpr` utility for **human readable resource identifiers**.
- * A minimal **configuration system** built using the monostate pattern.
- * An incredibly fast **entity-component system** based on sparse sets, with its
- own _pay for what you use_ policy to adjust performance and memory usage
- according to the users' requirements.
- * Views and groups to iterate entities and components and allow different access
- patterns, from **perfect SoA** to fully random.
- * A lot of **facilities** built on top of the entity-component system to support
- the users and avoid reinventing the wheel (dependencies, snapshot, actor class
- for those who aren't confident with the architecture and so on).
- * The smallest and most basic implementation of a **service locator** ever seen.
- * A built-in, non-intrusive and macro-free **runtime reflection system**.
- * A **cooperative scheduler** for processes of any type.
- * All that is needed for **resource management** (cache, loaders, handles).
- * **Delegates**, **signal handlers** (with built-in support for collectors) and
- a tiny **event dispatcher** for immediate and delayed events to integrate in
- loops.
- * A general purpose **event emitter** as a CRTP idiom based class template.
- * And **much more**! Check out the
- [**wiki**](https://github.com/skypjack/entt/wiki).
- Consider this list a work in progress as well as the project. The whole API is
- fully documented in-code for those who are brave enough to read it.
- Currently, `EnTT` is tested on Linux, Microsoft Windows and OSX. It has proven
- to work also on both Android and iOS.<br/>
- Most likely it won't be problematic on other systems as well, but it hasn't been
- sufficiently tested so far.
- ## Code Example
- ```cpp
- #include <entt/entt.hpp>
- #include <cstdint>
- struct position {
- float x;
- float y;
- };
- struct velocity {
- float dx;
- float dy;
- };
- void update(entt::registry ®istry) {
- auto view = registry.view<position, velocity>();
- for(auto entity: view) {
- // gets only the components that are going to be used ...
- auto &vel = view.get<velocity>(entity);
- vel.dx = 0.;
- vel.dy = 0.;
- // ...
- }
- }
- void update(std::uint64_t dt, entt::registry ®istry) {
- registry.view<position, velocity>().each([dt](auto &pos, auto &vel) {
- // gets all the components of the view at once ...
- pos.x += vel.dx * dt;
- pos.y += vel.dy * dt;
- // ...
- });
- }
- int main() {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::uint64_t dt = 16;
- for(auto i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
- auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity, i * 1.f, i * 1.f);
- if(i % 2 == 0) { registry.assign<velocity>(entity, i * .1f, i * .1f); }
- }
- update(dt, registry);
- update(registry);
- // ...
- }
- ```
- ## Motivation
- I started developing `EnTT` for the _wrong_ reason: my goal was to design an
- entity-component system to beat another well known open source solution both in
- terms of performance and possibly memory usage.<br/>
- In the end, I did it, but it wasn't very satisfying. Actually it wasn't
- satisfying at all. The fastest and nothing more, fairly little indeed. When I
- realized it, I tried hard to keep intact the great performance of `EnTT` and to
- add all the features I wanted to see in *my own library* at the same time.
- Nowadays, `EnTT` is finally what I was looking for: still faster than its
- _competitors_, lower memory usage in the average case, a really good API and an
- amazing set of features. And even more, of course.
- ## Performance
- As it stands right now, `EnTT` is just fast enough for my requirements when
- compared to my first choice (it was already amazingly fast actually).<br/>
- Below is a comparison between the two (both of them compiled with GCC 7.3.0 on a
- Dell XPS 13 from mid 2014):
- | Benchmark | EntityX (compile-time) | EnTT |
- |-----------|-------------|-------------|
- | Create 1M entities | 0.0147s | **0.0046s** |
- | Destroy 1M entities | 0.0053s | **0.0045s** |
- | 1M entities, one component | 0.0012s | **1.9e-07s** |
- | 1M entities, two components | 0.0012s | **3.8e-07s** |
- | 1M entities, two components<br/>Half of the entities have all the components | 0.0009s | **3.8e-07s** |
- | 1M entities, two components<br/>One of the entities has all the components | 0.0008s | **1.0e-06s** |
- | 1M entities, five components | 0.0010s | **7.0e-07s** |
- | 1M entities, ten components | 0.0011s | **1.2e-06s** |
- | 1M entities, ten components<br/>Half of the entities have all the components | 0.0010s | **1.2e-06s** |
- | 1M entities, ten components<br/>One of the entities has all the components | 0.0008s | **1.2e-06s** |
- | Sort 150k entities, one component<br/>Arrays are in reverse order | - | **0.0036s** |
- | Sort 150k entities, enforce permutation<br/>Arrays are in reverse order | - | **0.0005s** |
- | Sort 150k entities, one component<br/>Arrays are almost sorted, std::sort | - | **0.0035s** |
- | Sort 150k entities, one component<br/>Arrays are almost sorted, insertion sort | - | **0.0007s** |
- Note: The default version of `EntityX` (`master` branch) wasn't added to the
- comparison because it's already much slower than its compile-time counterpart.
- Pretty interesting results, aren't them? In fact, these benchmarks are the ones
- used by `EntityX` to show _how fast it is_. To be honest, they aren't so good
- and these results shouldn't be taken too seriously (indeed they are completely
- unrealistic).<br/>
- The proposed entity-component system is incredibly fast to iterate entities,
- this is a fact. The compiler can make a lot of optimizations because of how
- `EnTT` works, even more when components aren't used at all. This is exactly the
- case for these benchmarks. On the other hand, if we consider real world cases,
- `EnTT` is somewhere between a bit and much faster than the other solutions
- around when users also access the components and not just the entities, although
- it isn't as fast as reported by these benchmarks.<br/>
- This is why they are completely wrong and cannot be used to evaluate any of the
- entity-component-system libraries out there.
- The choice to use `EnTT` should be based on its carefully designed API, its
- set of features and the general performance, not because some single benchmark
- shows it to be the fastest tool available.
- In the future I'll likely try to get even better performance while still adding
- new features, mainly for fun.<br/>
- If you want to contribute and/or have suggestions, feel free to make a PR or
- open an issue to discuss your idea.
- # Build Instructions
- ## Requirements
- To be able to use `EnTT`, users must provide a full-featured compiler that
- supports at least C++17.<br/>
- The requirements below are mandatory to compile the tests and to extract the
- documentation:
- * CMake version 3.2 or later.
- * Doxygen version 1.8 or later.
- If you are looking for a C++14 version of `EnTT`, check out the git tag `cpp14`.
- ## Library
- `EnTT` is a header-only library. This means that including the `entt.hpp` header
- is enough to include the library as a whole and use it. For those who are
- interested only in the entity-component system, consider to include the sole
- `entity/registry.hpp` header instead.<br/>
- It's a matter of adding the following line to the top of a file:
- ```cpp
- #include <entt/entt.hpp>
- ```
- Use the line below to include only the entity-component system instead:
- ```cpp
- #include <entt/entity/registry.hpp>
- ```
- Then pass the proper `-I` argument to the compiler to add the `src` directory to
- the include paths.
- ## Documentation
- The documentation is based on [doxygen](http://www.doxygen.nl/).
- To build it:
- $ cd build
- $ cmake .. -DBUILD_DOCS=ON
- $ make
- The API reference will be created in HTML format within the directory
- `build/docs/html`. To navigate it with your favorite browser:
- $ cd build
- $ your_favorite_browser docs/html/index.html
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- It's also available [online](https://skypjack.github.io/entt/) for the latest
- version.<br/>
- Finally, there exists a [wiki](https://github.com/skypjack/entt/wiki) dedicated
- to the project where users can find all related documentation pages.
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- ## Tests
- To compile and run the tests, `EnTT` requires *googletest*.<br/>
- `cmake` will download and compile the library before compiling anything else.
- In order to build the tests, set the CMake option `BUILD_TESTING` to `ON`.
- To build the most basic set of tests:
- * `$ cd build`
- * `$ cmake -DBUILD_TESTING=ON ..`
- * `$ make`
- * `$ make test`
- Note that benchmarks are not part of this set.
- # Packaging Tools
- `EnTT` is available for some of the most known packaging tools. In particular:
- * [`Conan`](https://bintray.com/skypjack/conan/entt%3Askypjack/_latestVersion),
- the C/C++ Package Manager for Developers.
- * [`Homebrew`](https://github.com/skypjack/homebrew-entt), the missing package
- manager for macOS.<br/>
- Available as a homebrew formula. Just type the following to install it:
- ```
- brew install skypjack/entt/entt
- ```
- * [`vcpkg`](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/tree/master/ports/entt),
- Microsoft VC++ Packaging Tool.
- Consider this list a work in progress and help me to make it longer.
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- # EnTT in Action
- `EnTT` is widely used in private and commercial applications. I cannot even
- mention most of them because of some signatures I put on some documents time
- ago. Fortunately, there are also people who took the time to implement open
- source projects based on `EnTT` and did not hold back when it came to
- documenting them.
- [Here](https://github.com/skypjack/entt/wiki/EnTT-in-Action) you can find an
- incomplete list of games, applications and articles that can be used as a
- reference.
- If you know of other resources out there that are about `EnTT`, feel free to
- open an issue or a PR and I'll be glad to add them to the list.
- # Contributors
- `EnTT` was written initially as a faster alternative to other well known and
- open source entity-component systems. Nowadays this library is moving its first
- steps. Much more will come in the future and hopefully I'm going to work on it
- for a long time.<br/>
- Requests for features, PR, suggestions ad feedback are highly appreciated.
- If you find you can help me and want to contribute to the project with your
- experience or you do want to get part of the project for some other reasons,
- feel free to contact me directly (you can find the mail in the
- [profile](https://github.com/skypjack)).<br/>
- I can't promise that each and every contribution will be accepted, but I can
- assure that I'll do my best to take them all seriously.
- If you decide to participate, please see the guidelines for
- [contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) before to create issues or pull
- requests.<br/>
- Take also a look at the
- [contributors list](https://github.com/skypjack/entt/blob/master/AUTHORS) to
- know who has participated so far.
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- # License
- Code and documentation Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Michele Caini.<br/>
- Logo Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Richard Caseres.
- Code released under
- [the MIT license](https://github.com/skypjack/entt/blob/master/LICENSE).
- Documentation released under
- [CC BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).<br/>
- Logo released under
- [CC BY-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
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- # Support
- ## Patreon
- Become a [patron](https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?c=1772573) and get access to
- extra content, help me spend more time on the projects you love and create new
- ones for you. Your support will help me to continue the work done so far and
- make it more professional and feature-rich every day.<br/>
- It takes very little to
- [become a patron](https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?c=1772573) and thus help the
- software you use every day. Don't miss the chance.
- ## Donation
- Developing and maintaining `EnTT` takes some time and lots of coffee. I'd like
- to add more and more functionalities in future and turn it in a full-featured
- solution.<br/>
- If you want to support this project, you can offer me an espresso. I'm from
- Italy, we're used to turning the best coffee ever in code. If you find that
- it's not enough, feel free to support me the way you prefer.<br/>
- Take a look at the donation button at the top of the page for more details or
- just click [here](https://www.paypal.me/skypjack).
- ## Hire me
- If you start using `EnTT` and need help, if you want a new feature and want me
- to give it the highest priority, if you have any other reason to contact me:
- do not hesitate. I'm available for hiring.<br/>
- Feel free to take a look at my [profile](https://github.com/skypjack) and
- contact me by mail.
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