- #ifndef WIN_MAIN_UTF8_H
- #define WIN_MAIN_UTF8_H
- /* For Windows systems this provides a way to get UTF-8 encoded argv strings,
- * and also overrides fopen to accept UTF-8 filenames. Working with wmain
- * directly complicates cross-platform compatibility, while normal main() in
- * Windows uses the current codepage (which has limited availability of
- * characters).
- *
- * For MinGW, you must link with -municode
- */
- #ifdef _WIN32
- #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <shellapi.h>
- static FILE *my_fopen(const char *fname, const char *mode)
- {
- WCHAR *wname=NULL, *wmode=NULL;
- int namelen, modelen;
- FILE *file = NULL;
- errno_t err;
- namelen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, fname, -1, NULL, 0);
- modelen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, mode, -1, NULL, 0);
- if(namelen <= 0 || modelen <= 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to convert UTF-8 fname \"%s\", mode \"%s\"\n", fname, mode);
- return NULL;
- }
- wname = (WCHAR*)calloc(sizeof(WCHAR), namelen+modelen);
- wmode = wname + namelen;
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, fname, -1, wname, namelen);
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, mode, -1, wmode, modelen);
- err = _wfopen_s(&file, wname, wmode);
- if(err)
- {
- errno = err;
- file = NULL;
- }
- free(wname);
- return file;
- }
- #define fopen my_fopen
- static char **arglist;
- static void cleanup_arglist(void)
- {
- free(arglist);
- }
- static void GetUnicodeArgs(int *argc, char ***argv)
- {
- size_t total;
- wchar_t **args;
- int nargs, i;
- args = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &nargs);
- if(!args)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get command line args: %ld\n", GetLastError());
- }
- total = sizeof(**argv) * nargs;
- for(i = 0;i < nargs;i++)
- total += WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, args[i], -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
- atexit(cleanup_arglist);
- arglist = *argv = (char**)calloc(1, total);
- (*argv)[0] = (char*)(*argv + nargs);
- for(i = 0;i < nargs-1;i++)
- {
- int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, args[i], -1, (*argv)[i], 65535, NULL, NULL);
- (*argv)[i+1] = (*argv)[i] + len;
- }
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, args[i], -1, (*argv)[i], 65535, NULL, NULL);
- *argc = nargs;
- LocalFree(args);
- }
- #define GET_UNICODE_ARGS(argc, argv) GetUnicodeArgs(argc, argv)
- #else
- /* Do nothing. */
- #define GET_UNICODE_ARGS(argc, argv)
- #endif
- #endif /* WIN_MAIN_UTF8_H */