- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstddef>
- #include <cstdint>
- #include <chrono>
- #include <iterator>
- #include <gtest/gtest.h>
- #include <entt/entity/registry.hpp>
- struct position {
- std::uint64_t x;
- std::uint64_t y;
- };
- struct velocity {
- std::uint64_t x;
- std::uint64_t y;
- };
- template<std::size_t>
- struct comp { int x; };
- struct timer final {
- timer(): start{std::chrono::system_clock::now()} {}
- void elapsed() {
- auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
- std::cout << std::chrono::duration<double>(now - start).count() << " seconds" << std::endl;
- }
- private:
- std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> start;
- };
- template<typename Func>
- void pathological(Func func) {
- entt::registry registry;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 500000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- }
- for(auto i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
- registry.each([i = 0, ®istry](const auto entity) mutable {
- if(!(++i % 7)) { registry.reset<position>(entity); }
- if(!(++i % 11)) { registry.reset<velocity>(entity); }
- if(!(++i % 13)) { registry.reset<comp<0>>(entity); }
- if(!(++i % 17)) { registry.destroy(entity); }
- });
- for(std::uint64_t j = 0; j < 50000L; j++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- }
- }
- func(registry, [](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, Construct) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Constructing 1000000 entities" << std::endl;
- timer timer;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- registry.create();
- }
- timer.elapsed();
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, ConstructMany) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::vector<entt::entity> entities(1000000);
- std::cout << "Constructing 1000000 entities at once" << std::endl;
- timer timer;
- registry.create(entities.begin(), entities.end());
- timer.elapsed();
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, ConstructManyAndAssignComponents) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::vector<entt::entity> entities(1000000);
- std::cout << "Constructing 1000000 entities at once and assign components" << std::endl;
- timer timer;
- registry.create(entities.begin(), entities.end());
- for(const auto entity: entities) {
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- }
- timer.elapsed();
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, ConstructManyWithComponents) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::vector<entt::entity> entities(1000000);
- std::cout << "Constructing 1000000 entities at once with components" << std::endl;
- timer timer;
- registry.create<position, velocity>(entities.begin(), entities.end());
- timer.elapsed();
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, Destroy) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Destroying 1000000 entities" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- registry.create();
- }
- timer timer;
- registry.each([®istry](auto entity) {
- registry.destroy(entity);
- });
- timer.elapsed();
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateSingleComponent1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, one component" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.view<position>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateSingleComponentRuntime1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, one component, runtime view" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- using component_type = typename entt::registry::component_type;
- component_type types[] = { registry.type<position>() };
- timer timer;
- registry.runtime_view(std::begin(types), std::end(types)).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([®istry](auto entity) {
- registry.get<position>(entity).x = {};
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateTwoComponents1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, two components" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.view<position, velocity>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateTwoComponents1MHalf) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, two components, half of the entities have all the components" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- if(i % 2) {
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.view<position, velocity>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateTwoComponents1MOne) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, two components, only one entity has all the components" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- if(i == 500000L) {
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.view<position, velocity>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateTwoComponentsNonOwningGroup1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- registry.group<>(entt::get<position, velocity>);
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, two components, non owning group" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.group<>(entt::get<position, velocity>).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateTwoComponentsFullOwningGroup1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- registry.group<position, velocity>();
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, two components, full owning group" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.group<position, velocity>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateTwoComponentsPartialOwningGroup1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- registry.group<position>(entt::get<velocity>);
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, two components, partial owning group" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.group<position>(entt::get<velocity>).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateTwoComponentsRuntime1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, two components, runtime view" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- using component_type = typename entt::registry::component_type;
- component_type types[] = { registry.type<position>(), registry.type<velocity>() };
- timer timer;
- registry.runtime_view(std::begin(types), std::end(types)).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([®istry](auto entity) {
- registry.get<position>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<velocity>(entity).x = {};
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateTwoComponentsRuntime1MHalf) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, two components, half of the entities have all the components, runtime view" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- if(i % 2) {
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- using component_type = typename entt::registry::component_type;
- component_type types[] = { registry.type<position>(), registry.type<velocity>() };
- timer timer;
- registry.runtime_view(std::begin(types), std::end(types)).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([®istry](auto entity) {
- registry.get<position>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<velocity>(entity).x = {};
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateTwoComponentsRuntime1MOne) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, two components, only one entity has all the components, runtime view" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- if(i == 500000L) {
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- using component_type = typename entt::registry::component_type;
- component_type types[] = { registry.type<position>(), registry.type<velocity>() };
- timer timer;
- registry.runtime_view(std::begin(types), std::end(types)).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([®istry](auto entity) {
- registry.get<position>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<velocity>(entity).x = {};
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateThreeComponents1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, three components" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.view<position, velocity, comp<0>>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateThreeComponents1MHalf) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, three components, half of the entities have all the components" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- if(i % 2) {
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.view<position, velocity, comp<0>>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateThreeComponents1MOne) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, three components, only one entity has all the components" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- if(i == 500000L) {
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.view<position, velocity, comp<0>>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateThreeComponentsNonOwningGroup1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- registry.group<>(entt::get<position, velocity, comp<0>>);
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, three components, non owning group" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.group<>(entt::get<position, velocity, comp<0>>).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateThreeComponentsFullOwningGroup1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- registry.group<position, velocity, comp<0>>();
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, three components, full owning group" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.group<position, velocity, comp<0>>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateThreeComponentsPartialOwningGroup1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- registry.group<position, velocity>(entt::get<comp<0>>);
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, three components, partial owning group" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.group<position, velocity>(entt::get<comp<0>>).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateThreeComponentsRuntime1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, three components, runtime view" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- using component_type = typename entt::registry::component_type;
- component_type types[] = { registry.type<position>(), registry.type<velocity>(), registry.type<comp<0>>() };
- timer timer;
- registry.runtime_view(std::begin(types), std::end(types)).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([®istry](auto entity) {
- registry.get<position>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<velocity>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<comp<0>>(entity).x = {};
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateThreeComponentsRuntime1MHalf) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, three components, half of the entities have all the components, runtime view" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- if(i % 2) {
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- using component_type = typename entt::registry::component_type;
- component_type types[] = { registry.type<position>(), registry.type<velocity>(), registry.type<comp<0>>() };
- timer timer;
- registry.runtime_view(std::begin(types), std::end(types)).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([®istry](auto entity) {
- registry.get<position>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<velocity>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<comp<0>>(entity).x = {};
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateThreeComponentsRuntime1MOne) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, three components, only one entity has all the components, runtime view" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- if(i == 500000L) {
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- using component_type = typename entt::registry::component_type;
- component_type types[] = { registry.type<position>(), registry.type<velocity>(), registry.type<comp<0>>() };
- timer timer;
- registry.runtime_view(std::begin(types), std::end(types)).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([®istry](auto entity) {
- registry.get<position>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<velocity>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<comp<0>>(entity).x = {};
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateFiveComponents1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, five components" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<1>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<2>>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.view<position, velocity, comp<0>, comp<1>, comp<2>>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateFiveComponents1MHalf) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, five components, half of the entities have all the components" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<1>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<2>>(entity);
- if(i % 2) {
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.view<position, velocity, comp<0>, comp<1>, comp<2>>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateFiveComponents1MOne) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, five components, only one entity has all the components" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<1>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<2>>(entity);
- if(i == 500000L) {
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.view<position, velocity, comp<0>, comp<1>, comp<2>>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateFiveComponentsNonOwningGroup1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- registry.group<>(entt::get<position, velocity, comp<0>, comp<1>, comp<2>>);
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, five components, non owning group" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<1>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<2>>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.group<>(entt::get<position, velocity, comp<0>, comp<1>, comp<2>>).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateFiveComponentsFullOwningGroup1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- registry.group<position, velocity, comp<0>, comp<1>, comp<2>>();
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, five components, full owning group" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<1>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<2>>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.group<position, velocity, comp<0>, comp<1>, comp<2>>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateFiveComponentsPartialFourOfFiveOwningGroup1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- registry.group<position, velocity, comp<0>, comp<1>>(entt::get<comp<2>>);
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, five components, partial (4 of 5) owning group" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<1>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<2>>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.group<position, velocity, comp<0>, comp<1>>(entt::get<comp<2>>).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateFiveComponentsPartialThreeOfFiveOwningGroup1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- registry.group<position, velocity, comp<0>>(entt::get<comp<1>, comp<2>>);
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, five components, partial (3 of 5) owning group" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<1>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<2>>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.group<position, velocity, comp<0>>(entt::get<comp<1>, comp<2>>).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([](auto &... comp) {
- ((comp.x = {}), ...);
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateFiveComponentsRuntime1M) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, five components, runtime view" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<1>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<2>>(entity);
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- using component_type = typename entt::registry::component_type;
- component_type types[] = {
- registry.type<position>(),
- registry.type<velocity>(),
- registry.type<comp<0>>(),
- registry.type<comp<1>>(),
- registry.type<comp<2>>()
- };
- timer timer;
- registry.runtime_view(std::begin(types), std::end(types)).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([®istry](auto entity) {
- registry.get<position>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<velocity>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<comp<0>>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<comp<1>>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<comp<2>>(entity).x = {};
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateFiveComponentsRuntime1MHalf) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, five components, half of the entities have all the components, runtime view" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<1>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<2>>(entity);
- if(i % 2) {
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- using component_type = typename entt::registry::component_type;
- component_type types[] = {
- registry.type<position>(),
- registry.type<velocity>(),
- registry.type<comp<0>>(),
- registry.type<comp<1>>(),
- registry.type<comp<2>>()
- };
- timer timer;
- registry.runtime_view(std::begin(types), std::end(types)).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([®istry](auto entity) {
- registry.get<position>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<velocity>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<comp<0>>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<comp<1>>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<comp<2>>(entity).x = {};
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IterateFiveComponentsRuntime1MOne) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Iterating over 1000000 entities, five components, only one entity has all the components, runtime view" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<0>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<1>>(entity);
- registry.assign<comp<2>>(entity);
- if(i == 500000L) {
- registry.assign<position>(entity);
- }
- }
- auto test = [®istry](auto func) {
- using component_type = typename entt::registry::component_type;
- component_type types[] = {
- registry.type<position>(),
- registry.type<velocity>(),
- registry.type<comp<0>>(),
- registry.type<comp<1>>(),
- registry.type<comp<2>>()
- };
- timer timer;
- registry.runtime_view(std::begin(types), std::end(types)).each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- };
- test([®istry](auto entity) {
- registry.get<position>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<velocity>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<comp<0>>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<comp<1>>(entity).x = {};
- registry.get<comp<2>>(entity).x = {};
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IteratePathological) {
- std::cout << "Pathological case" << std::endl;
- pathological([](auto ®istry, auto func) {
- timer timer;
- registry.template view<position, velocity, comp<0>>().each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IteratePathologicalNonOwningGroup) {
- std::cout << "Pathological case (non-owning group)" << std::endl;
- pathological([](auto ®istry, auto func) {
- auto group = registry.template group<>(entt::get<position, velocity, comp<0>>);
- timer timer;
- group.each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IteratePathologicalFullOwningGroup) {
- std::cout << "Pathological case (full-owning group)" << std::endl;
- pathological([](auto ®istry, auto func) {
- auto group = registry.template group<position, velocity, comp<0>>();
- timer timer;
- group.each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, IteratePathologicalPartialOwningGroup) {
- std::cout << "Pathological case (partial-owning group)" << std::endl;
- pathological([](auto ®istry, auto func) {
- auto group = registry.template group<position, velocity>(entt::get<comp<0>>);
- timer timer;
- group.each(func);
- timer.elapsed();
- });
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, SortSingle) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Sort 150000 entities, one component" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 150000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity, i, i);
- }
- timer timer;
- registry.sort<position>([](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
- return lhs.x < rhs.x && lhs.y < rhs.y;
- });
- timer.elapsed();
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, SortMulti) {
- entt::registry registry;
- std::cout << "Sort 150000 entities, two components" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 150000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity, i, i);
- registry.assign<velocity>(entity, i, i);
- }
- registry.sort<position>([](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
- return lhs.x < rhs.x && lhs.y < rhs.y;
- });
- timer timer;
- registry.sort<velocity, position>();
- timer.elapsed();
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, AlmostSortedStdSort) {
- entt::registry registry;
- entt::entity entities[3];
- std::cout << "Sort 150000 entities, almost sorted, std::sort" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 150000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity, i, i);
- if(!(i % 50000)) {
- entities[i / 50000] = entity;
- }
- }
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- registry.destroy(entities[i]);
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity, 50000 * i, 50000 * i);
- }
- timer timer;
- registry.sort<position>([](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
- return lhs.x > rhs.x && lhs.y > rhs.y;
- });
- timer.elapsed();
- }
- TEST(Benchmark, AlmostSortedInsertionSort) {
- entt::registry registry;
- entt::entity entities[3];
- std::cout << "Sort 150000 entities, almost sorted, insertion sort" << std::endl;
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 150000L; i++) {
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity, i, i);
- if(!(i % 50000)) {
- entities[i / 50000] = entity;
- }
- }
- for(std::uint64_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- registry.destroy(entities[i]);
- const auto entity = registry.create();
- registry.assign<position>(entity, 50000 * i, 50000 * i);
- }
- timer timer;
- registry.sort<position>([](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
- return lhs.x > rhs.x && lhs.y > rhs.y;
- }, entt::insertion_sort{});
- timer.elapsed();
- }