- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- /* This is an OpenAL backend for Android using the native audio APIs based on
- * OpenSL ES 1.0.1. It is based on source code for the native-audio sample app
- * bundled with NDK.
- */
- #include "config.h"
- #include "opensl.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <jni.h>
- #include <new>
- #include <array>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <thread>
- #include <functional>
- #include "albit.h"
- #include "alnumeric.h"
- #include "core/device.h"
- #include "core/helpers.h"
- #include "core/logging.h"
- #include "opthelpers.h"
- #include "ringbuffer.h"
- #include "threads.h"
- #include <SLES/OpenSLES.h>
- #include <SLES/OpenSLES_Android.h>
- #include <SLES/OpenSLES_AndroidConfiguration.h>
- namespace {
- /* Helper macros */
- #define EXTRACT_VCALL_ARGS(...) __VA_ARGS__))
- #define VCALL(obj, func) ((*(obj))->func((obj), EXTRACT_VCALL_ARGS
- #define VCALL0(obj, func) ((*(obj))->func((obj) EXTRACT_VCALL_ARGS
- constexpr char opensl_device[] = "OpenSL";
- constexpr SLuint32 GetChannelMask(DevFmtChannels chans) noexcept
- {
- switch(chans)
- {
- case DevFmtMono: return SL_SPEAKER_FRONT_CENTER;
- case DevFmtX71:
- case DevFmtAmbi3D:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- constexpr SLuint32 GetTypeRepresentation(DevFmtType type) noexcept
- {
- switch(type)
- {
- case DevFmtUByte:
- case DevFmtUShort:
- case DevFmtUInt:
- case DevFmtByte:
- case DevFmtShort:
- case DevFmtInt:
- case DevFmtFloat:
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- constexpr SLuint32 GetByteOrderEndianness() noexcept
- {
- if(al::endian::native == al::endian::little)
- }
- const char *res_str(SLresult result) noexcept
- {
- switch(result)
- {
- case SL_RESULT_SUCCESS: return "Success";
- case SL_RESULT_PRECONDITIONS_VIOLATED: return "Preconditions violated";
- case SL_RESULT_PARAMETER_INVALID: return "Parameter invalid";
- case SL_RESULT_MEMORY_FAILURE: return "Memory failure";
- case SL_RESULT_RESOURCE_ERROR: return "Resource error";
- case SL_RESULT_RESOURCE_LOST: return "Resource lost";
- case SL_RESULT_IO_ERROR: return "I/O error";
- case SL_RESULT_BUFFER_INSUFFICIENT: return "Buffer insufficient";
- case SL_RESULT_CONTENT_CORRUPTED: return "Content corrupted";
- case SL_RESULT_CONTENT_UNSUPPORTED: return "Content unsupported";
- case SL_RESULT_CONTENT_NOT_FOUND: return "Content not found";
- case SL_RESULT_PERMISSION_DENIED: return "Permission denied";
- case SL_RESULT_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED: return "Feature unsupported";
- case SL_RESULT_INTERNAL_ERROR: return "Internal error";
- case SL_RESULT_UNKNOWN_ERROR: return "Unknown error";
- case SL_RESULT_OPERATION_ABORTED: return "Operation aborted";
- case SL_RESULT_CONTROL_LOST: return "Control lost";
- case SL_RESULT_READONLY: return "ReadOnly";
- #endif
- case SL_RESULT_ENGINEOPTION_UNSUPPORTED: return "Engine option unsupported";
- #endif
- case SL_RESULT_SOURCE_SINK_INCOMPATIBLE: return "Source/Sink incompatible";
- #endif
- }
- return "Unknown error code";
- }
- #define PRINTERR(x, s) do { \
- ERR("%s: %s\n", (s), res_str((x))); \
- } while(0)
- struct OpenSLPlayback final : public BackendBase {
- OpenSLPlayback(DeviceBase *device) noexcept : BackendBase{device} { }
- ~OpenSLPlayback() override;
- void process(SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bq) noexcept;
- static void processC(SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bq, void *context) noexcept
- { static_cast<OpenSLPlayback*>(context)->process(bq); }
- int mixerProc();
- void open(const char *name) override;
- bool reset() override;
- void start() override;
- void stop() override;
- ClockLatency getClockLatency() override;
- /* engine interfaces */
- SLObjectItf mEngineObj{nullptr};
- SLEngineItf mEngine{nullptr};
- /* output mix interfaces */
- SLObjectItf mOutputMix{nullptr};
- /* buffer queue player interfaces */
- SLObjectItf mBufferQueueObj{nullptr};
- RingBufferPtr mRing{nullptr};
- al::semaphore mSem;
- std::mutex mMutex;
- uint mFrameSize{0};
- std::atomic<bool> mKillNow{true};
- std::thread mThread;
- DEF_NEWDEL(OpenSLPlayback)
- };
- OpenSLPlayback::~OpenSLPlayback()
- {
- if(mBufferQueueObj)
- VCALL0(mBufferQueueObj,Destroy)();
- mBufferQueueObj = nullptr;
- if(mOutputMix)
- VCALL0(mOutputMix,Destroy)();
- mOutputMix = nullptr;
- if(mEngineObj)
- VCALL0(mEngineObj,Destroy)();
- mEngineObj = nullptr;
- mEngine = nullptr;
- }
- /* this callback handler is called every time a buffer finishes playing */
- void OpenSLPlayback::process(SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf) noexcept
- {
- /* A note on the ringbuffer usage: The buffer queue seems to hold on to the
- * pointer passed to the Enqueue method, rather than copying the audio.
- * Consequently, the ringbuffer contains the audio that is currently queued
- * and waiting to play. This process() callback is called when a buffer is
- * finished, so we simply move the read pointer up to indicate the space is
- * available for writing again, and wake up the mixer thread to mix and
- * queue more audio.
- */
- mRing->readAdvance(1);
- mSem.post();
- }
- int OpenSLPlayback::mixerProc()
- {
- SetRTPriority();
- althrd_setname(MIXER_THREAD_NAME);
- SLPlayItf player;
- SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bufferQueue;
- SLresult result{VCALL(mBufferQueueObj,GetInterface)(SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE,
- &bufferQueue)};
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->GetInterface SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE");
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(mBufferQueueObj,GetInterface)(SL_IID_PLAY, &player);
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->GetInterface SL_IID_PLAY");
- }
- const size_t frame_step{mDevice->channelsFromFmt()};
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result)
- mDevice->handleDisconnect("Failed to get playback buffer: 0x%08x", result);
- while(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result && !mKillNow.load(std::memory_order_acquire)
- && mDevice->Connected.load(std::memory_order_acquire))
- {
- if(mRing->writeSpace() == 0)
- {
- SLuint32 state{0};
- result = VCALL(player,GetPlayState)(&state);
- PRINTERR(result, "player->GetPlayState");
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result && state != SL_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING)
- {
- result = VCALL(player,SetPlayState)(SL_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING);
- PRINTERR(result, "player->SetPlayState");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result)
- {
- mDevice->handleDisconnect("Failed to start playback: 0x%08x", result);
- break;
- }
- if(mRing->writeSpace() == 0)
- {
- mSem.wait();
- continue;
- }
- }
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> dlock{mMutex};
- auto data = mRing->getWriteVector();
- mDevice->renderSamples(data.first.buf,
- static_cast<uint>(data.first.len)*mDevice->UpdateSize, frame_step);
- if(data.second.len > 0)
- mDevice->renderSamples(data.second.buf,
- static_cast<uint>(data.second.len)*mDevice->UpdateSize, frame_step);
- size_t todo{data.first.len + data.second.len};
- mRing->writeAdvance(todo);
- dlock.unlock();
- for(size_t i{0};i < todo;i++)
- {
- if(!data.first.len)
- {
- data.first = data.second;
- data.second.buf = nullptr;
- data.second.len = 0;
- }
- result = VCALL(bufferQueue,Enqueue)(data.first.buf, mDevice->UpdateSize*mFrameSize);
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->Enqueue");
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result)
- {
- mDevice->handleDisconnect("Failed to queue audio: 0x%08x", result);
- break;
- }
- data.first.len--;
- data.first.buf += mDevice->UpdateSize*mFrameSize;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void OpenSLPlayback::open(const char *name)
- {
- if(!name)
- name = opensl_device;
- else if(strcmp(name, opensl_device) != 0)
- throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::NoDevice, "Device name \"%s\" not found",
- name};
- /* There's only one device, so if it's already open, there's nothing to do. */
- if(mEngineObj) return;
- // create engine
- SLresult result{slCreateEngine(&mEngineObj, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr)};
- PRINTERR(result, "slCreateEngine");
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(mEngineObj,Realize)(SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
- PRINTERR(result, "engine->Realize");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(mEngineObj,GetInterface)(SL_IID_ENGINE, &mEngine);
- PRINTERR(result, "engine->GetInterface");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(mEngine,CreateOutputMix)(&mOutputMix, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
- PRINTERR(result, "engine->CreateOutputMix");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(mOutputMix,Realize)(SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
- PRINTERR(result, "outputMix->Realize");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result)
- {
- if(mOutputMix)
- VCALL0(mOutputMix,Destroy)();
- mOutputMix = nullptr;
- if(mEngineObj)
- VCALL0(mEngineObj,Destroy)();
- mEngineObj = nullptr;
- mEngine = nullptr;
- throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError,
- "Failed to initialize OpenSL device: 0x%08x", result};
- }
- mDevice->DeviceName = name;
- }
- bool OpenSLPlayback::reset()
- {
- SLresult result;
- if(mBufferQueueObj)
- VCALL0(mBufferQueueObj,Destroy)();
- mBufferQueueObj = nullptr;
- mRing = nullptr;
- #if 0
- if(!mDevice->Flags.get<FrequencyRequest>())
- {
- /* FIXME: Disabled until I figure out how to get the Context needed for
- * the getSystemService call.
- */
- JNIEnv *env = Android_GetJNIEnv();
- jobject jctx = Android_GetContext();
- /* Get necessary stuff for using java.lang.Integer,
- * android.content.Context, and android.media.AudioManager.
- */
- jclass int_cls = JCALL(env,FindClass)("java/lang/Integer");
- jmethodID int_parseint = JCALL(env,GetStaticMethodID)(int_cls,
- "parseInt", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I"
- );
- TRACE("Integer: %p, parseInt: %p\n", int_cls, int_parseint);
- jclass ctx_cls = JCALL(env,FindClass)("android/content/Context");
- jfieldID ctx_audsvc = JCALL(env,GetStaticFieldID)(ctx_cls,
- "AUDIO_SERVICE", "Ljava/lang/String;"
- );
- jmethodID ctx_getSysSvc = JCALL(env,GetMethodID)(ctx_cls,
- "getSystemService", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;"
- );
- TRACE("Context: %p, AUDIO_SERVICE: %p, getSystemService: %p\n",
- ctx_cls, ctx_audsvc, ctx_getSysSvc);
- jclass audmgr_cls = JCALL(env,FindClass)("android/media/AudioManager");
- jfieldID audmgr_prop_out_srate = JCALL(env,GetStaticFieldID)(audmgr_cls,
- "PROPERTY_OUTPUT_SAMPLE_RATE", "Ljava/lang/String;"
- );
- jmethodID audmgr_getproperty = JCALL(env,GetMethodID)(audmgr_cls,
- "getProperty", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;"
- );
- TRACE("AudioManager: %p, PROPERTY_OUTPUT_SAMPLE_RATE: %p, getProperty: %p\n",
- audmgr_cls, audmgr_prop_out_srate, audmgr_getproperty);
- const char *strchars;
- jstring strobj;
- /* Now make the calls. */
- //AudioManager audMgr = (AudioManager)getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
- strobj = JCALL(env,GetStaticObjectField)(ctx_cls, ctx_audsvc);
- jobject audMgr = JCALL(env,CallObjectMethod)(jctx, ctx_getSysSvc, strobj);
- strchars = JCALL(env,GetStringUTFChars)(strobj, nullptr);
- TRACE("Context.getSystemService(%s) = %p\n", strchars, audMgr);
- JCALL(env,ReleaseStringUTFChars)(strobj, strchars);
- //String srateStr = audMgr.getProperty(AudioManager.PROPERTY_OUTPUT_SAMPLE_RATE);
- strobj = JCALL(env,GetStaticObjectField)(audmgr_cls, audmgr_prop_out_srate);
- jstring srateStr = JCALL(env,CallObjectMethod)(audMgr, audmgr_getproperty, strobj);
- strchars = JCALL(env,GetStringUTFChars)(strobj, nullptr);
- TRACE("audMgr.getProperty(%s) = %p\n", strchars, srateStr);
- JCALL(env,ReleaseStringUTFChars)(strobj, strchars);
- //int sampleRate = Integer.parseInt(srateStr);
- sampleRate = JCALL(env,CallStaticIntMethod)(int_cls, int_parseint, srateStr);
- strchars = JCALL(env,GetStringUTFChars)(srateStr, nullptr);
- TRACE("Got system sample rate %uhz (%s)\n", sampleRate, strchars);
- JCALL(env,ReleaseStringUTFChars)(srateStr, strchars);
- if(!sampleRate) sampleRate = device->Frequency;
- else sampleRate = maxu(sampleRate, MIN_OUTPUT_RATE);
- }
- #endif
- mDevice->FmtChans = DevFmtStereo;
- mDevice->FmtType = DevFmtShort;
- setDefaultWFXChannelOrder();
- mFrameSize = mDevice->frameSizeFromFmt();
- const std::array<SLboolean,2> reqs{{ SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE }};
- SLDataLocator_OutputMix loc_outmix{};
- loc_outmix.locatorType = SL_DATALOCATOR_OUTPUTMIX;
- loc_outmix.outputMix = mOutputMix;
- SLDataSink audioSnk{};
- audioSnk.pLocator = &loc_outmix;
- audioSnk.pFormat = nullptr;
- SLDataLocator_AndroidSimpleBufferQueue loc_bufq{};
- loc_bufq.numBuffers = mDevice->BufferSize / mDevice->UpdateSize;
- SLDataSource audioSrc{};
- SLAndroidDataFormat_PCM_EX format_pcm_ex{};
- format_pcm_ex.formatType = SL_ANDROID_DATAFORMAT_PCM_EX;
- format_pcm_ex.numChannels = mDevice->channelsFromFmt();
- format_pcm_ex.sampleRate = mDevice->Frequency * 1000;
- format_pcm_ex.bitsPerSample = mDevice->bytesFromFmt() * 8;
- format_pcm_ex.containerSize = format_pcm_ex.bitsPerSample;
- format_pcm_ex.channelMask = GetChannelMask(mDevice->FmtChans);
- format_pcm_ex.endianness = GetByteOrderEndianness();
- format_pcm_ex.representation = GetTypeRepresentation(mDevice->FmtType);
- audioSrc.pLocator = &loc_bufq;
- audioSrc.pFormat = &format_pcm_ex;
- result = VCALL(mEngine,CreateAudioPlayer)(&mBufferQueueObj, &audioSrc, &audioSnk, ids.size(),
- ids.data(), reqs.data());
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result)
- #endif
- {
- /* Alter sample type according to what SLDataFormat_PCM can support. */
- switch(mDevice->FmtType)
- {
- case DevFmtByte: mDevice->FmtType = DevFmtUByte; break;
- case DevFmtUInt: mDevice->FmtType = DevFmtInt; break;
- case DevFmtFloat:
- case DevFmtUShort: mDevice->FmtType = DevFmtShort; break;
- case DevFmtUByte:
- case DevFmtShort:
- case DevFmtInt:
- break;
- }
- SLDataFormat_PCM format_pcm{};
- format_pcm.formatType = SL_DATAFORMAT_PCM;
- format_pcm.numChannels = mDevice->channelsFromFmt();
- format_pcm.samplesPerSec = mDevice->Frequency * 1000;
- format_pcm.bitsPerSample = mDevice->bytesFromFmt() * 8;
- format_pcm.containerSize = format_pcm.bitsPerSample;
- format_pcm.channelMask = GetChannelMask(mDevice->FmtChans);
- format_pcm.endianness = GetByteOrderEndianness();
- audioSrc.pLocator = &loc_bufq;
- audioSrc.pFormat = &format_pcm;
- result = VCALL(mEngine,CreateAudioPlayer)(&mBufferQueueObj, &audioSrc, &audioSnk, ids.size(),
- ids.data(), reqs.data());
- PRINTERR(result, "engine->CreateAudioPlayer");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- /* Set the stream type to "media" (games, music, etc), if possible. */
- SLAndroidConfigurationItf config;
- result = VCALL(mBufferQueueObj,GetInterface)(SL_IID_ANDROIDCONFIGURATION, &config);
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->GetInterface SL_IID_ANDROIDCONFIGURATION");
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- SLint32 streamType = SL_ANDROID_STREAM_MEDIA;
- result = VCALL(config,SetConfiguration)(SL_ANDROID_KEY_STREAM_TYPE, &streamType,
- sizeof(streamType));
- PRINTERR(result, "config->SetConfiguration");
- }
- /* Clear any error since this was optional. */
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(mBufferQueueObj,Realize)(SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->Realize");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- const uint num_updates{mDevice->BufferSize / mDevice->UpdateSize};
- mRing = RingBuffer::Create(num_updates, mFrameSize*mDevice->UpdateSize, true);
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result)
- {
- if(mBufferQueueObj)
- VCALL0(mBufferQueueObj,Destroy)();
- mBufferQueueObj = nullptr;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void OpenSLPlayback::start()
- {
- mRing->reset();
- SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bufferQueue;
- SLresult result{VCALL(mBufferQueueObj,GetInterface)(SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE,
- &bufferQueue)};
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->GetInterface");
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(bufferQueue,RegisterCallback)(&OpenSLPlayback::processC, this);
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->RegisterCallback");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result)
- throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError,
- "Failed to register callback: 0x%08x", result};
- try {
- mKillNow.store(false, std::memory_order_release);
- mThread = std::thread(std::mem_fn(&OpenSLPlayback::mixerProc), this);
- }
- catch(std::exception& e) {
- throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError,
- "Failed to start mixing thread: %s", e.what()};
- }
- }
- void OpenSLPlayback::stop()
- {
- if(mKillNow.exchange(true, std::memory_order_acq_rel) || !mThread.joinable())
- return;
- mSem.post();
- mThread.join();
- SLPlayItf player;
- SLresult result{VCALL(mBufferQueueObj,GetInterface)(SL_IID_PLAY, &player)};
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->GetInterface");
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(player,SetPlayState)(SL_PLAYSTATE_STOPPED);
- PRINTERR(result, "player->SetPlayState");
- }
- SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bufferQueue;
- result = VCALL(mBufferQueueObj,GetInterface)(SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE, &bufferQueue);
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->GetInterface");
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL0(bufferQueue,Clear)();
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->Clear");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(bufferQueue,RegisterCallback)(nullptr, nullptr);
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->RegisterCallback");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueState state;
- do {
- std::this_thread::yield();
- result = VCALL(bufferQueue,GetState)(&state);
- } while(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result && state.count > 0);
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->GetState");
- mRing.reset();
- }
- }
- ClockLatency OpenSLPlayback::getClockLatency()
- {
- ClockLatency ret;
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _{mMutex};
- ret.ClockTime = GetDeviceClockTime(mDevice);
- ret.Latency = std::chrono::seconds{mRing->readSpace() * mDevice->UpdateSize};
- ret.Latency /= mDevice->Frequency;
- return ret;
- }
- struct OpenSLCapture final : public BackendBase {
- OpenSLCapture(DeviceBase *device) noexcept : BackendBase{device} { }
- ~OpenSLCapture() override;
- void process(SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bq) noexcept;
- static void processC(SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bq, void *context) noexcept
- { static_cast<OpenSLCapture*>(context)->process(bq); }
- void open(const char *name) override;
- void start() override;
- void stop() override;
- void captureSamples(al::byte *buffer, uint samples) override;
- uint availableSamples() override;
- /* engine interfaces */
- SLObjectItf mEngineObj{nullptr};
- SLEngineItf mEngine;
- /* recording interfaces */
- SLObjectItf mRecordObj{nullptr};
- RingBufferPtr mRing{nullptr};
- uint mSplOffset{0u};
- uint mFrameSize{0};
- DEF_NEWDEL(OpenSLCapture)
- };
- OpenSLCapture::~OpenSLCapture()
- {
- if(mRecordObj)
- VCALL0(mRecordObj,Destroy)();
- mRecordObj = nullptr;
- if(mEngineObj)
- VCALL0(mEngineObj,Destroy)();
- mEngineObj = nullptr;
- mEngine = nullptr;
- }
- void OpenSLCapture::process(SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf) noexcept
- {
- /* A new chunk has been written into the ring buffer, advance it. */
- mRing->writeAdvance(1);
- }
- void OpenSLCapture::open(const char* name)
- {
- if(!name)
- name = opensl_device;
- else if(strcmp(name, opensl_device) != 0)
- throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::NoDevice, "Device name \"%s\" not found",
- name};
- SLresult result{slCreateEngine(&mEngineObj, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr)};
- PRINTERR(result, "slCreateEngine");
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(mEngineObj,Realize)(SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
- PRINTERR(result, "engine->Realize");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(mEngineObj,GetInterface)(SL_IID_ENGINE, &mEngine);
- PRINTERR(result, "engine->GetInterface");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- mFrameSize = mDevice->frameSizeFromFmt();
- /* Ensure the total length is at least 100ms */
- uint length{maxu(mDevice->BufferSize, mDevice->Frequency/10)};
- /* Ensure the per-chunk length is at least 10ms, and no more than 50ms. */
- uint update_len{clampu(mDevice->BufferSize/3, mDevice->Frequency/100,
- mDevice->Frequency/100*5)};
- uint num_updates{(length+update_len-1) / update_len};
- mRing = RingBuffer::Create(num_updates, update_len*mFrameSize, false);
- mDevice->UpdateSize = update_len;
- mDevice->BufferSize = static_cast<uint>(mRing->writeSpace() * update_len);
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- const std::array<SLboolean,2> reqs{{ SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE }};
- SLDataLocator_IODevice loc_dev{};
- loc_dev.locatorType = SL_DATALOCATOR_IODEVICE;
- loc_dev.deviceType = SL_IODEVICE_AUDIOINPUT;
- loc_dev.device = nullptr;
- SLDataSource audioSrc{};
- audioSrc.pLocator = &loc_dev;
- audioSrc.pFormat = nullptr;
- SLDataLocator_AndroidSimpleBufferQueue loc_bq{};
- loc_bq.numBuffers = mDevice->BufferSize / mDevice->UpdateSize;
- SLDataSink audioSnk{};
- SLAndroidDataFormat_PCM_EX format_pcm_ex{};
- format_pcm_ex.formatType = SL_ANDROID_DATAFORMAT_PCM_EX;
- format_pcm_ex.numChannels = mDevice->channelsFromFmt();
- format_pcm_ex.sampleRate = mDevice->Frequency * 1000;
- format_pcm_ex.bitsPerSample = mDevice->bytesFromFmt() * 8;
- format_pcm_ex.containerSize = format_pcm_ex.bitsPerSample;
- format_pcm_ex.channelMask = GetChannelMask(mDevice->FmtChans);
- format_pcm_ex.endianness = GetByteOrderEndianness();
- format_pcm_ex.representation = GetTypeRepresentation(mDevice->FmtType);
- audioSnk.pLocator = &loc_bq;
- audioSnk.pFormat = &format_pcm_ex;
- result = VCALL(mEngine,CreateAudioRecorder)(&mRecordObj, &audioSrc, &audioSnk,
- ids.size(), ids.data(), reqs.data());
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result)
- #endif
- {
- /* Fallback to SLDataFormat_PCM only if it supports the desired
- * sample type.
- */
- if(mDevice->FmtType == DevFmtUByte || mDevice->FmtType == DevFmtShort
- || mDevice->FmtType == DevFmtInt)
- {
- SLDataFormat_PCM format_pcm{};
- format_pcm.formatType = SL_DATAFORMAT_PCM;
- format_pcm.numChannels = mDevice->channelsFromFmt();
- format_pcm.samplesPerSec = mDevice->Frequency * 1000;
- format_pcm.bitsPerSample = mDevice->bytesFromFmt() * 8;
- format_pcm.containerSize = format_pcm.bitsPerSample;
- format_pcm.channelMask = GetChannelMask(mDevice->FmtChans);
- format_pcm.endianness = GetByteOrderEndianness();
- audioSnk.pLocator = &loc_bq;
- audioSnk.pFormat = &format_pcm;
- result = VCALL(mEngine,CreateAudioRecorder)(&mRecordObj, &audioSrc, &audioSnk,
- ids.size(), ids.data(), reqs.data());
- }
- PRINTERR(result, "engine->CreateAudioRecorder");
- }
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- /* Set the record preset to "generic", if possible. */
- SLAndroidConfigurationItf config;
- result = VCALL(mRecordObj,GetInterface)(SL_IID_ANDROIDCONFIGURATION, &config);
- PRINTERR(result, "recordObj->GetInterface SL_IID_ANDROIDCONFIGURATION");
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(config,SetConfiguration)(SL_ANDROID_KEY_RECORDING_PRESET, &preset,
- sizeof(preset));
- PRINTERR(result, "config->SetConfiguration");
- }
- /* Clear any error since this was optional. */
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(mRecordObj,Realize)(SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
- PRINTERR(result, "recordObj->Realize");
- }
- SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bufferQueue;
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(mRecordObj,GetInterface)(SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE, &bufferQueue);
- PRINTERR(result, "recordObj->GetInterface");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(bufferQueue,RegisterCallback)(&OpenSLCapture::processC, this);
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->RegisterCallback");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- const uint chunk_size{mDevice->UpdateSize * mFrameSize};
- const auto silence = (mDevice->FmtType == DevFmtUByte) ? al::byte{0x80} : al::byte{0};
- auto data = mRing->getWriteVector();
- std::fill_n(data.first.buf, data.first.len*chunk_size, silence);
- std::fill_n(data.second.buf, data.second.len*chunk_size, silence);
- for(size_t i{0u};i < data.first.len && SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result;i++)
- {
- result = VCALL(bufferQueue,Enqueue)(data.first.buf + chunk_size*i, chunk_size);
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->Enqueue");
- }
- for(size_t i{0u};i < data.second.len && SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result;i++)
- {
- result = VCALL(bufferQueue,Enqueue)(data.second.buf + chunk_size*i, chunk_size);
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->Enqueue");
- }
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result)
- {
- if(mRecordObj)
- VCALL0(mRecordObj,Destroy)();
- mRecordObj = nullptr;
- if(mEngineObj)
- VCALL0(mEngineObj,Destroy)();
- mEngineObj = nullptr;
- mEngine = nullptr;
- throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError,
- "Failed to initialize OpenSL device: 0x%08x", result};
- }
- mDevice->DeviceName = name;
- }
- void OpenSLCapture::start()
- {
- SLRecordItf record;
- SLresult result{VCALL(mRecordObj,GetInterface)(SL_IID_RECORD, &record)};
- PRINTERR(result, "recordObj->GetInterface");
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(record,SetRecordState)(SL_RECORDSTATE_RECORDING);
- PRINTERR(result, "record->SetRecordState");
- }
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result)
- throw al::backend_exception{al::backend_error::DeviceError,
- "Failed to start capture: 0x%08x", result};
- }
- void OpenSLCapture::stop()
- {
- SLRecordItf record;
- SLresult result{VCALL(mRecordObj,GetInterface)(SL_IID_RECORD, &record)};
- PRINTERR(result, "recordObj->GetInterface");
- if(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result)
- {
- result = VCALL(record,SetRecordState)(SL_RECORDSTATE_PAUSED);
- PRINTERR(result, "record->SetRecordState");
- }
- }
- void OpenSLCapture::captureSamples(al::byte *buffer, uint samples)
- {
- const uint update_size{mDevice->UpdateSize};
- const uint chunk_size{update_size * mFrameSize};
- /* Read the desired samples from the ring buffer then advance its read
- * pointer.
- */
- size_t adv_count{0};
- auto rdata = mRing->getReadVector();
- for(uint i{0};i < samples;)
- {
- const uint rem{minu(samples - i, update_size - mSplOffset)};
- std::copy_n(rdata.first.buf + mSplOffset*size_t{mFrameSize}, rem*size_t{mFrameSize},
- buffer + i*size_t{mFrameSize});
- mSplOffset += rem;
- if(mSplOffset == update_size)
- {
- /* Finished a chunk, reset the offset and advance the read pointer. */
- mSplOffset = 0;
- ++adv_count;
- rdata.first.len -= 1;
- if(!rdata.first.len)
- rdata.first = rdata.second;
- else
- rdata.first.buf += chunk_size;
- }
- i += rem;
- }
- SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bufferQueue{};
- if(likely(mDevice->Connected.load(std::memory_order_acquire)))
- {
- const SLresult result{VCALL(mRecordObj,GetInterface)(SL_IID_ANDROIDSIMPLEBUFFERQUEUE,
- &bufferQueue)};
- PRINTERR(result, "recordObj->GetInterface");
- if(unlikely(SL_RESULT_SUCCESS != result))
- {
- mDevice->handleDisconnect("Failed to get capture buffer queue: 0x%08x", result);
- bufferQueue = nullptr;
- }
- }
- if(unlikely(!bufferQueue) || adv_count == 0)
- return;
- /* For each buffer chunk that was fully read, queue another writable buffer
- * chunk to keep the OpenSL queue full. This is rather convulated, as a
- * result of the ring buffer holding more elements than are writable at a
- * given time. The end of the write vector increments when the read pointer
- * advances, which will "expose" a previously unwritable element. So for
- * every element that we've finished reading, we queue that many elements
- * from the end of the write vector.
- */
- mRing->readAdvance(adv_count);
- SLresult result{SL_RESULT_SUCCESS};
- auto wdata = mRing->getWriteVector();
- if(likely(adv_count > wdata.second.len))
- {
- auto len1 = std::min(wdata.first.len, adv_count-wdata.second.len);
- auto buf1 = wdata.first.buf + chunk_size*(wdata.first.len-len1);
- for(size_t i{0u};i < len1 && SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result;i++)
- {
- result = VCALL(bufferQueue,Enqueue)(buf1 + chunk_size*i, chunk_size);
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->Enqueue");
- }
- }
- if(wdata.second.len > 0)
- {
- auto len2 = std::min(wdata.second.len, adv_count);
- auto buf2 = wdata.second.buf + chunk_size*(wdata.second.len-len2);
- for(size_t i{0u};i < len2 && SL_RESULT_SUCCESS == result;i++)
- {
- result = VCALL(bufferQueue,Enqueue)(buf2 + chunk_size*i, chunk_size);
- PRINTERR(result, "bufferQueue->Enqueue");
- }
- }
- }
- uint OpenSLCapture::availableSamples()
- { return static_cast<uint>(mRing->readSpace()*mDevice->UpdateSize - mSplOffset); }
- } // namespace
- bool OSLBackendFactory::init() { return true; }
- bool OSLBackendFactory::querySupport(BackendType type)
- { return (type == BackendType::Playback || type == BackendType::Capture); }
- std::string OSLBackendFactory::probe(BackendType type)
- {
- std::string outnames;
- switch(type)
- {
- case BackendType::Playback:
- case BackendType::Capture:
- /* Includes null char. */
- outnames.append(opensl_device, sizeof(opensl_device));
- break;
- }
- return outnames;
- }
- BackendPtr OSLBackendFactory::createBackend(DeviceBase *device, BackendType type)
- {
- if(type == BackendType::Playback)
- return BackendPtr{new OpenSLPlayback{device}};
- if(type == BackendType::Capture)
- return BackendPtr{new OpenSLCapture{device}};
- return nullptr;
- }
- BackendFactory &OSLBackendFactory::getFactory()
- {
- static OSLBackendFactory factory{};
- return factory;
- }