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* Copyright (C) 2021 Christopher J. Howard
* This file is part of Antkeeper source code.
* Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "scene/object.hpp"
#include "geom/view-frustum.hpp"
#include "utility/fundamental-types.hpp"
#include "render/compositor.hpp"
namespace scene {
class camera: public object<camera>
typedef geom::view_frustum<float> view_frustum_type;
* Maps object coordinates to window coordinates.
* @param object Object coordinates.
* @param viewport Vector containing the `x`, `y`, `w`, and `h` of the viewport.
* @return Projected window coordinates.
float3 project(const float3& object, const float4& viewport) const;
* Maps window coordinates to object coordinates.
* @param window Window coordinates.
* @param viewport Vector containing the `x`, `y`, `w`, and `h` of the viewport.
* @return Unprojected object coordinates.
float3 unproject(const float3& window, const float4& viewport) const;
* Sets the camera's projection matrix using perspective projection.
* @param fov Vertical field of view.
* @param aspect_ratio Aspect ratio.
* @param clip_near Distance to near clipping plane.
* @param clip_far Distance to far clipping plane.
void set_perspective(float fov, float aspect_ratio, float clip_near, float clip_far);
* Sets the camera's projection matrix using orthographic projection.
* @param clip_left Signed distance to left clipping plane.
* @param clip_right Signed distance to right clipping plane.
* @param clip_bottom Signed distance to bottom clipping plane.
* @param clip_top Signed distance to top clipping plane.
* @param clip_near Signed distance to near clipping plane.
* @param clip_far Signed distance to far clipping plane.
void set_orthographic(float clip_left, float clip_right, float clip_bottom, float clip_top, float clip_near, float clip_far);
* Sets the camera's ISO 100 exposure value directly
* @param ev100 ISO 100 exposure value.
void set_exposure(float ev100);
* Sets the camera's ISO 100 exposure value given exposure settings.
* @param f_number F-number.
* @param speed Shutter speed, in seconds.
* @param iso ISO sensitivity value.
void set_exposure(float f_number, float speed, float iso);
void set_compositor(render::compositor* compositor);
void set_composite_index(int index);
virtual const bounding_volume_type& get_local_bounds() const;
virtual const bounding_volume_type& get_world_bounds() const;
float is_orthographic() const;
float get_clip_left() const;
float get_clip_right() const;
float get_clip_bottom() const;
float get_clip_top() const;
float get_clip_near() const;
float get_clip_far() const;
float get_fov() const;
float get_aspect_ratio() const;
/// Returns the camera's view matrix.
const float4x4& get_view() const;
/// Returns the camera's projection matrix.
const float4x4& get_projection() const;
/// Returns the camera's view-projection matrix.
const float4x4& get_view_projection() const;
/// Returns the camera's view frustum.
const view_frustum_type& get_view_frustum() const;
/// Returns the camera's ISO 100 exposure value.
float get_exposure() const;
const render::compositor* get_compositor() const;
render::compositor* get_compositor();
int get_composite_index() const;
const tween<float>& get_clip_left_tween() const;
const tween<float>& get_clip_right_tween() const;
const tween<float>& get_clip_bottom_tween() const;
const tween<float>& get_clip_top_tween() const;
const tween<float>& get_clip_near_tween() const;
const tween<float>& get_clip_far_tween() const;
const tween<float>& get_fov_tween() const;
const tween<float>& get_aspect_ratio_tween() const;
const tween<float4x4>& get_view_tween() const;
const tween<float4x4>& get_projection_tween() const;
const tween<float4x4>& get_view_projection_tween() const;
const tween<float>& get_exposure_tween() const;
/// @copydoc object_base::update_tweens();
virtual void update_tweens();
virtual void transformed();
render::compositor* compositor;
int composite_index;
bool orthographic;
tween<float> clip_left;
tween<float> clip_right;
tween<float> clip_bottom;
tween<float> clip_top;
tween<float> clip_near;
tween<float> clip_far;
tween<float> fov;
tween<float> aspect_ratio;
tween<float4x4> view;
tween<float4x4> projection;
tween<float4x4> view_projection;
tween<float> exposure;
view_frustum_type view_frustum;
inline const typename object_base::bounding_volume_type& camera::get_local_bounds() const
/// @TODO: return local bounds, not world bounds
return view_frustum.get_bounds();
inline const typename object_base::bounding_volume_type& camera::get_world_bounds() const
return view_frustum.get_bounds();
inline float camera::is_orthographic() const
return orthographic;
inline float camera::get_clip_left() const
return clip_left[1];
inline float camera::get_clip_right() const
return clip_right[1];
inline float camera::get_clip_bottom() const
return clip_bottom[1];
inline float camera::get_clip_top() const
return clip_top[1];
inline float camera::get_clip_near() const
return clip_near[1];
inline float camera::get_clip_far() const
return clip_far[1];
inline float camera::get_fov() const
return fov[1];
inline float camera::get_aspect_ratio() const
return aspect_ratio[1];
inline const float4x4& camera::get_view() const
return view[1];
inline const float4x4& camera::get_projection() const
return projection[1];
inline const float4x4& camera::get_view_projection() const
return view_projection[1];
inline const typename camera::view_frustum_type& camera::get_view_frustum() const
return view_frustum;
inline float camera::get_exposure() const
return exposure[1];
inline const render::compositor* camera::get_compositor() const
return compositor;
inline render::compositor* camera::get_compositor()
return compositor;
inline int camera::get_composite_index() const
return composite_index;
inline const tween<float>& camera::get_clip_left_tween() const
return clip_left;
inline const tween<float>& camera::get_clip_right_tween() const
return clip_right;
inline const tween<float>& camera::get_clip_bottom_tween() const
return clip_bottom;
inline const tween<float>& camera::get_clip_top_tween() const
return clip_top;
inline const tween<float>& camera::get_clip_near_tween() const
return clip_near;
inline const tween<float>& camera::get_clip_far_tween() const
return clip_far;
inline const tween<float>& camera::get_fov_tween() const
return fov;
inline const tween<float>& camera::get_aspect_ratio_tween() const
return aspect_ratio;
inline const tween<float4x4>& camera::get_view_tween() const
return view;
inline const tween<float4x4>& camera::get_projection_tween() const
return projection;
inline const tween<float4x4>& camera::get_view_projection_tween() const
return view_projection;
inline const tween<float>& camera::get_exposure_tween() const
return exposure;
} // namespace scene