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* Copyright (C) 2021 Christopher J. Howard
* This file is part of Antkeeper source code.
* Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "game/system/terrain.hpp"
#include "game/component/celestial-body.hpp"
#include "game/component/observer.hpp"
#include "game/component/terrain.hpp"
#include "geom/meshes/grid.hpp"
#include "geom/mesh-functions.hpp"
#include "geom/morton.hpp"
#include "geom/quadtree.hpp"
#include "geom/spherical.hpp"
#include "gl/vertex-attribute.hpp"
#include "math/constants.hpp"
#include "math/quaternion-operators.hpp"
#include "render/vertex-attribute.hpp"
#include "utility/fundamental-types.hpp"
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
namespace game {
namespace system {
terrain::terrain(entity::registry& registry):
// Build set of quaternions to rotate quadtree cube coordinates into BCBF space according to face index
face_rotations[0] = math::quaternion<double>::identity; // +x
face_rotations[1] = math::quaternion<double>::rotate_z(math::pi<double>); // -x
face_rotations[2] = math::quaternion<double>::rotate_z( math::half_pi<double>); // +y
face_rotations[3] = math::quaternion<double>::rotate_z(-math::half_pi<double>); // -y
face_rotations[4] = math::quaternion<double>::rotate_y(-math::half_pi<double>); // +z
face_rotations[5] = math::quaternion<double>::rotate_y( math::half_pi<double>); // -z
// Specify vertex size and stride
// (position + uv + normal + tangent + barycentric + target)
patch_vertex_size = 3 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 3;
patch_vertex_stride = patch_vertex_size * sizeof(float);
// Init patch subdivisions to zero
void terrain::update(double t, double dt)
// Refine the level of detail of each terrain quadsphere
registry.view<component::terrain, component::celestial_body>().each(
[&](entity::id terrain_eid, const auto& terrain_component, const auto& terrain_body)
// Retrieve terrain quadsphere
terrain_quadsphere* quadsphere = terrain_quadspheres[terrain_eid];
// For each observer
[&](entity::id observer_eid, const auto& observer)
// Skip observers with invalid reference body
if (!this->registry.has<component::celestial_body>(observer.reference_body_eid) ||
// Get celestial body and terrain component of observer reference body
const auto& reference_celestial_body = this->registry.get<component::celestial_body>(observer.reference_body_eid);
const auto& reference_terrain = this->registry.get<component::terrain>(observer.reference_body_eid);
// Calculate reference BCBF-space position of observer.
//double3 observer_spherical = {reference_celestial_body.radius + observer.elevation, observer.latitude, observer.longitude};
double3 observer_spherical = {observer.elevation, observer.latitude, observer.longitude};
double3 observer_cartesian = geom::spherical::to_cartesian(observer_spherical);
observer_cartesian = math::type_cast<double>(observer.camera->get_translation());
/// @TODO Transform observer position into BCBF space of terrain body (use orbit component?)
// For each terrain quadsphere face
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
terrain_quadsphere_face& quadsphere_face = quadsphere->faces[i];
// Get the quadsphere faces's quadtree
quadtree_type& quadtree = quadsphere_face.quadtree;
// Clear quadsphere face quadtree
// For each node in the face quadtree
for (auto node_it = quadtree.begin(); node_it != quadtree.end(); ++node_it)
quadtree_node_type node = *node_it;
// Skip non leaf nodes
if (!quadtree.is_leaf(node))
// Extract node depth
quadtree_type::node_type node_depth = quadtree_type::depth(node);
// Skip nodes at max depth level
if (node_depth >= terrain_component.max_lod)
// Extract node location from Morton location code
quadtree_type::node_type node_location = quadtree_type::location(node);
quadtree_type::node_type node_location_x;
quadtree_type::node_type node_location_y;
geom::morton::decode(node_location, node_location_x, node_location_y);
const double nodes_per_axis = std::exp2(node_depth);
const double node_width = 2.0 / nodes_per_axis;
// Determine node center on front face of unit BCBF cube.
double3 center;
center.y = -(nodes_per_axis * 0.5 * node_width) + node_width * 0.5;
center.z = center.y;
center.y += static_cast<double>(node_location_x) * node_width;
center.z += static_cast<double>(node_location_y) * node_width;
center.x = 1.0;
// Rotate node center according to cube face
/// @TODO Rather than rotating every center, "unrotate" observer position 6 times
center = face_rotations[i] * center;
// Project node center onto unit sphere
double xx = center.x * center.x;
double yy = center.y * center.y;
double zz = center.z * center.z;
center.x *= std::sqrt(std::max(0.0, 1.0 - yy * 0.5 - zz * 0.5 + yy * zz / 3.0));
center.y *= std::sqrt(std::max(0.0, 1.0 - xx * 0.5 - zz * 0.5 + xx * zz / 3.0));
center.z *= std::sqrt(std::max(0.0, 1.0 - xx * 0.5 - yy * 0.5 + xx * yy / 3.0));
// Scale node center by body radius
center *= terrain_body.radius;
center.y -= terrain_body.radius;
//center *= 50.0;
const double horizontal_fov = observer.camera->get_fov();
const double horizontal_resolution = 1920.0;
const double distance = math::length(center - observer_cartesian);
const double geometric_error = static_cast<double>(524288.0 / std::exp2(node_depth));
const double screen_error = screen_space_error(horizontal_fov, horizontal_resolution, distance, geometric_error);
if (screen_error > max_error)
//std::cout << screen_error << std::endl;
quadtree.insert(quadtree_type::child(node, 0));
// Handle meshes and models for each terrain patch
registry.view<component::terrain, component::celestial_body>().each(
[&](entity::id terrain_eid, const auto& terrain_component, const auto& terrain_body)
// Retrieve terrain quadsphere
terrain_quadsphere* quadsphere = terrain_quadspheres[terrain_eid];
// For each terrain quadsphere face
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
terrain_quadsphere_face& quadsphere_face = quadsphere->faces[i];
const quadtree_type& quadtree = quadsphere_face.quadtree;
// For each quadtree node
for (auto node_it = quadtree.unordered_begin(); node_it != quadtree.unordered_end(); ++node_it)
quadtree_node_type node = *node_it;
// Look up cached patch for this node
auto patch_it = quadsphere_face.patches.find(node);
// If there is no cached patch instance for this node
if (patch_it == quadsphere_face.patches.end())
// Construct a terrain patch
terrain_patch* patch = new terrain_patch();
// Generate a patch mesh
patch->mesh = generate_patch_mesh(i, *node_it, terrain_body.radius, terrain_component.elevation);
//patch->mesh = generate_patch_mesh(i, *node_it, 50.0, terrain_component.elevation);
// Generate a patch model
patch->model = generate_patch_model(*patch->mesh, terrain_component.patch_material);
// Construct patch model instance
patch->model_instance = new scene::model_instance(patch->model);
// Cache the terrain patch
quadsphere_face.patches[node] = patch;
// Add patch model instance to the patch scene collection
if (patch_scene_collection)
// For each terrain pach
for (auto patch_it = quadsphere_face.patches.begin(); patch_it != quadsphere_face.patches.end(); ++patch_it)
quadtree_node_type node = patch_it->first;
// Set patch model instance active if its node is a leaf node, otherwise deactivate it
bool active = (quadtree.contains(node) && quadtree.is_leaf(node));
void terrain::set_patch_subdivisions(std::uint8_t n)
patch_subdivisions = n;
// Rebuid patch base mesh
delete patch_base_mesh;
patch_base_mesh = geom::meshes::grid_xy(2.0f, patch_subdivisions, patch_subdivisions);
// Convert quads to triangle fans
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < patch_base_mesh->get_faces().size(); ++i)
geom::mesh::face* face = patch_base_mesh->get_faces()[i];
std::size_t edge_count = 1;
for (geom::mesh::edge* edge = face->edge->next; edge != face->edge; edge = edge->next)
if (edge_count > 3)
geom::poke_face(*patch_base_mesh, face->index);
// Transform patch base mesh coordinates to match the front face of a BCBF cube
const math::quaternion<float> xy_to_zy = math::quaternion<float>::rotate_y(-math::half_pi<float>);
for (geom::mesh::vertex* vertex: patch_base_mesh->get_vertices())
vertex->position = xy_to_zy * vertex->position;
vertex->position.x = 1.0f;
// Recalculate number of vertices per patch
patch_vertex_count = patch_base_mesh->get_faces().size() * 3;
// Resize patch vertex data buffer
delete[] patch_vertex_data;
patch_vertex_data = new float[patch_vertex_count * patch_vertex_size];
void terrain::set_patch_scene_collection(scene::collection* collection)
patch_scene_collection = collection;
void terrain::set_max_error(double error)
max_error = error;
void terrain::on_terrain_construct(entity::registry& registry, entity::id entity_id)
terrain_quadsphere* quadsphere = new terrain_quadsphere();
terrain_quadspheres[entity_id] = quadsphere;
void terrain::on_terrain_destroy(entity::registry& registry, entity::id entity_id)
// Find terrain quadsphere for the given entity ID
auto quadsphere_it = terrain_quadspheres.find(entity_id);
if (quadsphere_it != terrain_quadspheres.end())
terrain_quadsphere* quadsphere = quadsphere_it->second;
// For each terrain quadsphere face
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
terrain_quadsphere_face& quadsphere_face = quadsphere->faces[i];
for (auto patch_it = quadsphere_face.patches.begin(); patch_it != quadsphere_face.patches.end(); ++patch_it)
terrain_patch* patch = patch_it->second;
if (patch_scene_collection)
delete patch->model_instance;
delete patch->model;
delete patch->mesh;
delete patch;
// Free terrain quadsphere
delete quadsphere;
// Remove terrain quadsphere from the map
geom::mesh* terrain::generate_patch_mesh(std::uint8_t face_index, quadtree_node_type node, double body_radius, const std::function<double(double, double)>& elevation) const
// Extract node depth
const quadtree_type::node_type depth = quadtree_type::depth(node);
// Extract node Morton location code and decode location
const quadtree_type::node_type location = quadtree_type::location(node);
quadtree_type::node_type location_x;
quadtree_type::node_type location_y;
geom::morton::decode(location, location_x, location_y);
const double nodes_per_axis = std::exp2(depth);
const double scale_yz = 1.0 / nodes_per_axis;
const double node_width = 2.0 / nodes_per_axis;
// Determine vertex offset according to node location
double offset_y = -(nodes_per_axis * 0.5 * node_width) + node_width * 0.5;
double offset_z = offset_y;
offset_y += static_cast<double>(location_x) * node_width;
offset_z += static_cast<double>(location_y) * node_width;
// Copy base mesh
geom::mesh* patch_mesh = new geom::mesh(*patch_base_mesh);
// Modify patch mesh vertex positions
for (geom::mesh::vertex* v: patch_mesh->get_vertices())
double3 position = math::type_cast<double>(v->position);
// Offset and scale vertex position
position.y *= scale_yz;
position.z *= scale_yz;
position.y += offset_y;
position.z += offset_z;
// Rotate according to cube face
position = face_rotations[face_index] * position;
// Project onto unit sphere
//position = math::normalize(position);
// Cartesian Spherical Cube projection (KSC)
/// @see https://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/cube-sphere/
/// @see https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/228552506.pdf
double xx = position.x * position.x;
double yy = position.y * position.y;
double zz = position.z * position.z;
position.x *= std::sqrt(std::max(0.0, 1.0 - yy * 0.5 - zz * 0.5 + yy * zz / 3.0));
position.y *= std::sqrt(std::max(0.0, 1.0 - xx * 0.5 - zz * 0.5 + xx * zz / 3.0));
position.z *= std::sqrt(std::max(0.0, 1.0 - xx * 0.5 - yy * 0.5 + xx * yy / 3.0));
// Calculate latitude and longitude of vertex position
const double latitude = std::atan2(position.z, std::sqrt(position.x * position.x + position.y * position.y));
const double longitude = std::atan2(position.y, position.x);
// Look up elevation at latitude and longitude and use to calculate radial distance
const double radial_distance = body_radius + elevation(latitude, longitude);
// Scale vertex position by radial distance
position *= radial_distance;
position.y -= body_radius;
v->position = math::type_cast<float>(position);
return patch_mesh;
::render::model* terrain::generate_patch_model(const geom::mesh& patch_mesh, ::render::material* patch_material) const
// Barycentric coordinates
static const float3 barycentric[3] =
{1, 0, 0},
{0, 1, 0},
{0, 0, 1}
// Fill vertex data buffer
float* v = patch_vertex_data;
for (const geom::mesh::face* face: patch_mesh.get_faces())
const geom::mesh::vertex* a = face->edge->vertex;
const geom::mesh::vertex* b = face->edge->next->vertex;
const geom::mesh::vertex* c = face->edge->previous->vertex;
const geom::mesh::vertex* face_vertices[] = {a, b, c};
// Calculate facted normal
float3 normal = math::normalize(math::cross(b->position - a->position, c->position - a->position));
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
const geom::mesh::vertex* vertex = face_vertices[i];
// Vertex position
const float3& position = vertex->position;
*(v++) = position.x;
*(v++) = position.y;
*(v++) = position.z;
// Vertex UV coordinates (latitude, longitude)
const float latitude = std::atan2(position.z, std::sqrt(position.x * position.x + position.y * position.y));
const float longitude = std::atan2(position.y, position.x);
*(v++) = latitude;
*(v++) = longitude;
// Vertex normal
*(v++) = normal.x;
*(v++) = normal.y;
*(v++) = normal.z;
/// @TODO Vertex tangent
*(v++) = 0.0f;
*(v++) = 0.0f;
*(v++) = 0.0f;
*(v++) = 0.0f;
// Vertex barycentric coordinates
*(v++) = barycentric[i].x;
*(v++) = barycentric[i].y;
*(v++) = barycentric[i].z;
// Vertex morph target (LOD transition)
*(v++) = 0.0f;
*(v++) = 0.0f;
*(v++) = 0.0f;
// Get triangle count of patch mesh
std::size_t patch_triangle_count = patch_mesh.get_faces().size();
// Allocate patch model
::render::model* patch_model = new ::render::model();
// Get model VBO and VAO
gl::vertex_buffer* vbo = patch_model->get_vertex_buffer();
gl::vertex_array* vao = patch_model->get_vertex_array();
// Resize model VBO and upload vertex data
vbo->resize(patch_triangle_count * 3 * patch_vertex_stride, patch_vertex_data);
std::size_t attribute_offset = 0;
// Define position vertex attribute
gl::vertex_attribute position_attribute;
position_attribute.buffer = vbo;
position_attribute.offset = attribute_offset;
position_attribute.stride = patch_vertex_stride;
position_attribute.type = gl::vertex_attribute_type::float_32;
position_attribute.components = 3;
attribute_offset += position_attribute.components * sizeof(float);
// Define UV vertex attribute
gl::vertex_attribute uv_attribute;
uv_attribute.buffer = vbo;
uv_attribute.offset = attribute_offset;
uv_attribute.stride = patch_vertex_stride;
uv_attribute.type = gl::vertex_attribute_type::float_32;
uv_attribute.components = 2;
attribute_offset += uv_attribute.components * sizeof(float);
// Define normal vertex attribute
gl::vertex_attribute normal_attribute;
normal_attribute.buffer = vbo;
normal_attribute.offset = attribute_offset;
normal_attribute.stride = patch_vertex_stride;
normal_attribute.type = gl::vertex_attribute_type::float_32;
normal_attribute.components = 3;
attribute_offset += normal_attribute.components * sizeof(float);
// Define tangent vertex attribute
gl::vertex_attribute tangent_attribute;
tangent_attribute.buffer = vbo;
tangent_attribute.offset = attribute_offset;
tangent_attribute.stride = patch_vertex_stride;
tangent_attribute.type = gl::vertex_attribute_type::float_32;
tangent_attribute.components = 4;
attribute_offset += tangent_attribute.components * sizeof(float);
// Define barycentric vertex attribute
gl::vertex_attribute barycentric_attribute;
barycentric_attribute.buffer = vbo;
barycentric_attribute.offset = attribute_offset;
barycentric_attribute.stride = patch_vertex_stride;
barycentric_attribute.type = gl::vertex_attribute_type::float_32;
barycentric_attribute.components = 3;
attribute_offset += barycentric_attribute.components * sizeof(float);
// Define target vertex attribute
gl::vertex_attribute target_attribute;
target_attribute.buffer = vbo;
target_attribute.offset = attribute_offset;
target_attribute.stride = patch_vertex_stride;
target_attribute.type = gl::vertex_attribute_type::float_32;
target_attribute.components = 3;
attribute_offset += target_attribute.components * sizeof(float);
// Bind vertex attributes to VAO
vao->bind(::render::vertex_attribute::position, position_attribute);
vao->bind(::render::vertex_attribute::uv, uv_attribute);
vao->bind(::render::vertex_attribute::normal, normal_attribute);
vao->bind(::render::vertex_attribute::tangent, tangent_attribute);
vao->bind(::render::vertex_attribute::barycentric, barycentric_attribute);
vao->bind(::render::vertex_attribute::target, target_attribute);
// Create model group
::render::model_group* patch_model_group = patch_model->add_group("terrain");
patch_model_group->set_index_count(patch_triangle_count * 3);
// Calculate model bounds
geom::aabb<float> bounds = geom::calculate_bounds(patch_mesh);
return patch_model;
double terrain::screen_space_error(double horizontal_fov, double horizontal_resolution, double distance, double geometric_error)
// Calculate view frustum width at given distance
const double frustum_width = 2.0 * distance * std::tan(horizontal_fov * 0.5);
return (geometric_error * horizontal_resolution) / frustum_width;
} // namespace system
} // namespace game