@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ |
#undef max
Application::Application(int argc, char* argv[]): |
state(nullptr), |
nextState(nullptr), |
@ -110,10 +112,6 @@ Application::Application(int argc, char* argv[]): |
// Get values of required settings
settings.get("fullscreen", &fullscreen); |
settings.get("fullscreen_width", &fullscreenWidth); |
settings.get("fullscreen_height", &fullscreenHeight); |
settings.get("windowed_width", &windowedWidth); |
settings.get("windowed_height", &windowedHeight); |
settings.get("swap_interval", &swapInterval); |
// Load strings
@ -141,61 +139,83 @@ Application::Application(int argc, char* argv[]): |
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); |
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16); |
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8); |
// Check desktop display mode
SDL_DisplayMode displayMode; |
if (SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(0, &displayMode) != 0) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to get desktop display mode: \"" << SDL_GetError() << "\"" << std::endl; |
close(EXIT_FAILURE); |
return; |
} |
// Check (usable?) display bounds
SDL_Rect displayBounds; |
if (SDL_GetDisplayBounds(0, &displayBounds) != 0) |
// Get all possible display modes for the default display
int displayModeCount = SDL_GetNumDisplayModes(0); |
for (int i = displayModeCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to get display bounds: \"" << SDL_GetError() << "\"" << std::endl; |
close(EXIT_FAILURE); |
return; |
SDL_DisplayMode displayMode; |
if (SDL_GetDisplayMode(0, i, &displayMode) != 0) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to get display mode: \"" << SDL_GetError() << "\"" << std::endl; |
close(EXIT_FAILURE); |
return; |
} |
resolutions.push_back(Vector2(displayMode.w, displayMode.h)); |
} |
*/ |
SDL_DisplayMode displayMode; |
if (SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, &displayMode) != 0) |
// Read requested windowed and fullscreen resolutions from settings
Vector2 requestedWindowedResolution; |
Vector2 requestedFullscreenResolution; |
settings.get("windowed_width", &requestedWindowedResolution.x); |
settings.get("windowed_height", &requestedWindowedResolution.y); |
settings.get("fullscreen_width", &requestedFullscreenResolution.x); |
settings.get("fullscreen_height", &requestedFullscreenResolution.y); |
// Determine desktop resolution
SDL_DisplayMode desktopDisplayMode; |
if (SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(0, &desktopDisplayMode) != 0) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to get display mode: \"" << SDL_GetError() << "\"" << std::endl; |
std::cerr << "Failed to get desktop display mode: \"" << SDL_GetError() << "\"" << std::endl; |
close(EXIT_FAILURE); |
return; |
} |
*/ |
// Use display resolution if settings request
if (windowedWidth == -1 || windowedHeight == -1) |
{ |
windowedWidth = displayMode.w; |
windowedHeight = displayMode.h; |
} |
if (fullscreenWidth == -1 || fullscreenHeight == -1) |
Vector2 desktopResolution; |
desktopResolution.x = static_cast<float>(desktopDisplayMode.w); |
desktopResolution.y = static_cast<float>(desktopDisplayMode.h); |
// Replace requested resolutions of -1 with native resolution
requestedWindowedResolution.x = (requestedWindowedResolution.x == -1.0f) ? desktopResolution.x : requestedWindowedResolution.x; |
requestedWindowedResolution.y = (requestedWindowedResolution.y == -1.0f) ? desktopResolution.y : requestedWindowedResolution.y; |
requestedFullscreenResolution.x = (requestedFullscreenResolution.x == -1.0f) ? desktopResolution.x : requestedFullscreenResolution.x; |
requestedFullscreenResolution.y = (requestedFullscreenResolution.y == -1.0f) ? desktopResolution.y : requestedFullscreenResolution.y; |
// Find indices of closest resolutions to requested windowed and fullscreen resolutions
windowedResolutionIndex = 0; |
fullscreenResolutionIndex = 0; |
float minWindowedResolutionDistance = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); |
float minFullscreenResolutionDistance = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); |
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < resolutions.size(); ++i) |
{ |
fullscreenWidth = displayMode.w; |
fullscreenHeight = displayMode.h; |
Vector2 windowedResolutionDifference = resolutions[i] - requestedWindowedResolution; |
float windowedResolutionDistance = glm::dot(windowedResolutionDifference, windowedResolutionDifference); |
if (windowedResolutionDistance <= minWindowedResolutionDistance) |
{ |
minWindowedResolutionDistance = windowedResolutionDistance; |
windowedResolutionIndex = i; |
} |
Vector2 fullscreenResolutionDifference = resolutions[i] - requestedFullscreenResolution; |
float fullscreenResolutionDistance = glm::dot(fullscreenResolutionDifference, fullscreenResolutionDifference); |
if (fullscreenResolutionDistance <= minFullscreenResolutionDistance) |
{ |
minFullscreenResolutionDistance = fullscreenResolutionDistance; |
fullscreenResolutionIndex = i; |
} |
} |
// Determine window parameters
// Determine window parameters and current resolution
if (fullscreen) |
{ |
width = fullscreenWidth; |
height = fullscreenHeight; |
resolution = resolutions[fullscreenResolutionIndex]; |
} |
else |
{ |
width = windowedWidth; |
height = windowedHeight; |
resolution = resolutions[windowedResolutionIndex]; |
} |
// Get window title string
@ -203,10 +223,10 @@ Application::Application(int argc, char* argv[]): |
strings.get("title", &title); |
// Create window
std::cout << "Creating a " << width << "x" << height; |
std::cout << "Creating a " << resolution.x << "x" << resolution.y; |
std::cout << ((fullscreen) ? " fullscreen" : " windowed"); |
std::cout << " window... "; |
window = SDL_CreateWindow(title.c_str(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, width, height, windowFlags); |
window = SDL_CreateWindow(title.c_str(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, static_cast<int>(resolution.x), static_cast<int>(resolution.y), windowFlags); |
if (window == nullptr) |
{ |
std::cout << "failed: \"" << SDL_GetError() << "\"" << std::endl; |
@ -218,19 +238,6 @@ Application::Application(int argc, char* argv[]): |
std::cout << "success" << std::endl; |
} |
// Get actual window size
SDL_GetWindowSize(window, &width, &height); |
if (fullscreen) |
{ |
fullscreenWidth = width; |
fullscreenHeight = height; |
} |
else |
{ |
windowedWidth = width; |
windowedHeight = height; |
} |
// Print video driver
const char* videoDriver = SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver(); |
if (!videoDriver) |
@ -428,6 +435,10 @@ int Application::execute() |
// Reset frame timer to counteract frames eaten by state exit() and enter() functions
frameTimer.reset(); |
} |
else |
{ |
break; |
} |
} |
// Update input
@ -507,10 +518,9 @@ void Application::changeFullscreen() |
if (fullscreen) |
{ |
width = fullscreenWidth; |
height = fullscreenHeight; |
resolution = resolutions[fullscreenResolutionIndex]; |
SDL_SetWindowSize(window, width, height); |
SDL_SetWindowSize(window, static_cast<int>(resolution.x), static_cast<int>(resolution.y)); |
if (SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) != 0) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to set fullscreen mode: \"" << SDL_GetError() << "\"" << std::endl; |
@ -519,9 +529,8 @@ void Application::changeFullscreen() |
} |
else |
{ |
width = windowedWidth; |
height = windowedHeight; |
resolution = resolutions[windowedResolutionIndex]; |
if (SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, 0) != 0) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to set windowed mode: \"" << SDL_GetError() << "\"" << std::endl; |
@ -529,22 +538,19 @@ void Application::changeFullscreen() |
} |
else |
{ |
SDL_SetWindowSize(window, width, height); |
SDL_SetWindowSize(window, static_cast<int>(resolution.x), static_cast<int>(resolution.y)); |
} |
} |
// Get actual window size
SDL_GetWindowSize(window, &width, &height); |
// Print mode and resolution
if (fullscreen) |
{ |
std::cout << "Changed to fullscreen mode at resolution " << width << "x" << height << std::endl; |
std::cout << "Changed to fullscreen mode at resolution " << resolution.x << "x" << resolution.y << std::endl; |
} |
else |
{ |
std::cout << "Changed to windowed mode at resolution " << width << "x" << height << std::endl; |
std::cout << "Changed to windowed mode at resolution " << resolution.x << "x" << resolution.y << std::endl; |
} |
// Save settings
@ -765,6 +771,12 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
std::cerr << "Failed to load copyright font" << std::endl; |
} |
levelNameFont = new Font(512, 512); |
if (!fontLoader->load("data/fonts/Vollkorn-Regular.ttf", static_cast<int>(fontSizePX * 2.0f + 0.5f), levelNameFont)) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to load level name font" << std::endl; |
} |
delete fontLoader; |
// Load UI textures
@ -848,13 +860,13 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
// Setup root UI element
uiRootElement = new UIContainer(); |
uiRootElement->setDimensions(Vector2(width, height)); |
uiRootElement->setDimensions(resolution); |
mouse->addMouseMotionObserver(uiRootElement); |
mouse->addMouseButtonObserver(uiRootElement); |
// Create blackout element (for screen transitions)
blackoutImage = new UIImage(); |
blackoutImage->setDimensions(Vector2(width, height)); |
blackoutImage->setDimensions(resolution); |
blackoutImage->setLayerOffset(ANTKEEPER_UI_LAYER_BLACKOUT); |
blackoutImage->setTintColor(Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); |
blackoutImage->setVisible(false); |
@ -862,7 +874,7 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
// Create darken element (for darkening title screen)
darkenImage = new UIImage(); |
darkenImage->setDimensions(Vector2(width, height)); |
darkenImage->setDimensions(resolution); |
darkenImage->setLayerOffset(ANTKEEPER_UI_LAYER_DARKEN); |
darkenImage->setTintColor(Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.35f)); |
darkenImage->setVisible(false); |
@ -870,7 +882,7 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
// Create splash screen background element
splashBackgroundImage = new UIImage(); |
splashBackgroundImage->setDimensions(Vector2(width, height)); |
splashBackgroundImage->setDimensions(resolution); |
splashBackgroundImage->setLayerOffset(-1); |
splashBackgroundImage->setTintColor(Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); |
splashBackgroundImage->setVisible(false); |
@ -888,7 +900,7 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
titleImage = new UIImage(); |
titleImage->setAnchor(Vector2(0.5f, 0.0f)); |
titleImage->setDimensions(Vector2(titleTexture->getWidth(), titleTexture->getHeight())); |
titleImage->setTranslation(Vector2(0.0f, (int)(height * (1.0f / 4.0f) - titleTexture->getHeight() * 0.5f))); |
titleImage->setTranslation(Vector2(0.0f, (int)(resolution.y * (1.0f / 4.0f) - titleTexture->getHeight() * 0.5f))); |
titleImage->setTexture(titleTexture); |
titleImage->setVisible(false); |
titleImage->setLayerOffset(ANTKEEPER_UI_LAYER_MENU); |
@ -912,7 +924,7 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
anyKeyLabel = new UILabel(); |
anyKeyLabel->setAnchor(Vector2(0.5f, 1.0f)); |
anyKeyLabel->setFont(menuFont); |
anyKeyLabel->setTranslation(Vector2(0.0f, (int)(-height * (1.0f / 4.0f) - menuFont->getMetrics().getHeight() * 0.5f))); |
anyKeyLabel->setTranslation(Vector2(0.0f, (int)(-resolution.y * (1.0f / 4.0f) - menuFont->getMetrics().getHeight() * 0.5f))); |
anyKeyLabel->setText(pressAnyKeyString); |
anyKeyLabel->setVisible(false); |
uiRootElement->addChild(anyKeyLabel); |
@ -949,22 +961,12 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
depthTextureImage->setVisible(false); |
uiRootElement->addChild(depthTextureImage); |
// Create level ID
levelIDLabel = new UILabel(); |
levelIDLabel->setAnchor(Vector2(0.5f, 0.0f)); |
levelIDLabel->setFont(menuFont); |
levelIDLabel->setTranslation(Vector2(0.0f, (int)(height * (1.0f / 4.0f) - menuFont->getMetrics().getHeight() * 1.5f))); |
levelIDLabel->setText(""); |
levelIDLabel->setVisible(false); |
uiRootElement->addChild(levelIDLabel); |
// Create level name label
levelNameLabel = new UILabel(); |
levelNameLabel->setAnchor(Vector2(0.5f, 0.0f)); |
levelNameLabel->setFont(menuFont); |
levelNameLabel->setTranslation(Vector2(0.0f, (int)(height * (1.0f / 4.0f) - menuFont->getMetrics().getHeight() * 0.5f))); |
levelNameLabel->setText(""); |
levelNameLabel->setAnchor(Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); |
levelNameLabel->setFont(levelNameFont); |
levelNameLabel->setVisible(false); |
levelNameLabel->setLayerOffset(ANTKEEPER_UI_LAYER_HUD); |
uiRootElement->addChild(levelNameLabel); |
// Create toolbar
@ -979,7 +981,7 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
toolbar->addButton(toolForcepsTexture, std::bind(&std::printf, "2\n"), std::bind(&std::printf, "2\n")); |
toolbar->addButton(toolTrowelTexture, std::bind(&std::printf, "3\n"), std::bind(&std::printf, "3\n")); |
toolbar->resize(); |
uiRootElement->addChild(toolbar->getContainer()); |
toolbar->getContainer()->setVisible(false); |
toolbar->getContainer()->setActive(false); |
@ -1046,7 +1048,7 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
Vector4 menuFadeOutDeltaColor = Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); |
float menuSlideInDuration = 0.35f; |
Vector2 menuSlideInStartTranslation = Vector2(-64.0f, 0.0f); |
Vector2 menuSlideInDeltaTranslation = Vector2((int)(64.0f + width / 8.0f), 0.0f); |
Vector2 menuSlideInDeltaTranslation = Vector2((int)(64.0f + resolution.x / 8.0f), 0.0f); |
// Setup main menu tween
menuFadeInTween = new Tween<Vector4>(EaseFunction::OUT_QUINT, 0.0f, menuFadeInDuration, menuFadeInStartColor, menuFadeInDeltaColor); |
@ -1083,27 +1085,27 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
MenuItem* continueItem = mainMenu->addItem(); |
continueItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::continueGame, this)); |
continueItem->setLabel(continueString); |
MenuItem* newGameItem = mainMenu->addItem(); |
newGameItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::newGame, this)); |
newGameItem->setLabel(newGameString); |
continueItem->setName(continueString); |
MenuItem* levelsItem = mainMenu->addItem(); |
levelsItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::openMenu, this, levelsMenu)); |
levelsItem->setLabel(levelsString); |
levelsItem->setName(levelsString); |
MenuItem* newGameItem = mainMenu->addItem(); |
newGameItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::newGame, this)); |
newGameItem->setName(newGameString); |
MenuItem* sandboxItem = mainMenu->addItem(); |
sandboxItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&std::printf, "1\n")); |
sandboxItem->setLabel(sandboxString); |
sandboxItem->setName(sandboxString); |
MenuItem* optionsItem = mainMenu->addItem(); |
optionsItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::openMenu, this, optionsMenu)); |
optionsItem->setLabel(optionsString); |
optionsItem->setName(optionsString); |
MenuItem* exitItem = mainMenu->addItem(); |
exitItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::close, this, EXIT_SUCCESS)); |
exitItem->setLabel(exitString); |
exitItem->setName(exitString); |
mainMenu->getUIContainer()->setActive(false); |
mainMenu->getUIContainer()->setVisible(false); |
@ -1138,13 +1140,23 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
( |
[this, world, level]() |
{ |
closeMenu(); |
loadWorld(world); |
loadLevel(level); |
changeState(gameState); |
// Close levels menu
closeMenu(); |
// Begin title fade-out
titleFadeOutTween->reset(); |
titleFadeOutTween->start(); |
// Begin fade-out
fadeOutTween->setEndCallback(std::bind(&Application::changeState, this, gameState)); |
fadeOutTween->reset(); |
fadeOutTween->start(); |
} |
); |
levelItem->setLabel(label); |
levelItem->setName(label); |
} |
} |
@ -1156,7 +1168,7 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
openMenu(previousActiveMenu); |
} |
); |
backItem->setLabel(backString); |
backItem->setName(backString); |
levelsMenu->getUIContainer()->setActive(false); |
levelsMenu->getUIContainer()->setVisible(false); |
@ -1169,12 +1181,51 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
optionsMenu->getUIContainer()->setAnchor(Vector2(0.5f, 0.8f)); |
optionsMenu->getUIContainer()->setLayerOffset(ANTKEEPER_UI_LAYER_MENU); |
optionsMenu->setLineSpacing(1.0f); |
optionsMenu->setColumnMargin(menuFont->getWidth("MM")); |
MenuItem* resolutionItem = optionsMenu->addItem(); |
resolutionItem->setLabel("Resolution"); |
MenuItem* windowedResolutionItem = optionsMenu->addItem(); |
windowedResolutionItem->setName("Windowed Resolution"); |
MenuItem* fullscreenResolutionItem = optionsMenu->addItem(); |
fullscreenResolutionItem->setName("Fullscreen Resolution"); |
for (const Vector2& resolution: resolutions) |
{ |
std::stringstream stream; |
stream << resolution.x << "x" << resolution.y; |
windowedResolutionItem->addValue(stream.str()); |
fullscreenResolutionItem->addValue(stream.str()); |
} |
windowedResolutionItem->setValueIndex(windowedResolutionIndex); |
windowedResolutionItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::incrementMenuItem, this)); |
windowedResolutionItem->setValueChangedCallback(std::bind(&Application::selectWindowedResolution, this, std::placeholders::_1)); |
fullscreenResolutionItem->setValueIndex(fullscreenResolutionIndex); |
fullscreenResolutionItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::incrementMenuItem, this)); |
fullscreenResolutionItem->setValueChangedCallback(std::bind(&Application::selectFullscreenResolution, this, std::placeholders::_1)); |
MenuItem* fullscreenItem = optionsMenu->addItem(); |
fullscreenItem->setLabel("Fullscreen"); |
fullscreenItem->setName("Fullscreen"); |
fullscreenItem->addValue("Off"); |
fullscreenItem->addValue("On"); |
fullscreenItem->setValueIndex((fullscreen == 0) ? 0 : 1); |
fullscreenItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::incrementMenuItem, this)); |
fullscreenItem->setValueChangedCallback(std::bind(&Application::selectFullscreenMode, this, std::placeholders::_1)); |
MenuItem* vsyncItem = optionsMenu->addItem(); |
vsyncItem->setName("VSync"); |
vsyncItem->addValue("Off"); |
vsyncItem->addValue("On"); |
vsyncItem->setValueIndex((swapInterval == 0) ? 0 : 1); |
vsyncItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::incrementMenuItem, this)); |
vsyncItem->setValueChangedCallback(std::bind(&Application::selectVSyncMode, this, std::placeholders::_1)); |
MenuItem* languageItem = optionsMenu->addItem(); |
languageItem->setName("Language"); |
languageItem->addValue("English"); |
languageItem->addValue("Chinese"); |
languageItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::incrementMenuItem, this)); |
MenuItem* controlsItem = optionsMenu->addItem(); |
controlsItem->setName("Controls"); |
MenuItem* backItem = optionsMenu->addItem(); |
backItem->setActivatedCallback |
@ -1184,7 +1235,7 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
openMenu(previousActiveMenu); |
} |
); |
backItem->setLabel(backString); |
backItem->setName(backString); |
optionsMenu->getUIContainer()->setActive(false); |
optionsMenu->getUIContainer()->setVisible(false); |
@ -1200,15 +1251,15 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
MenuItem* resumeItem = pauseMenu->addItem(); |
resumeItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::unpauseSimulation, this)); |
resumeItem->setLabel("Resume"); |
resumeItem->setName("Resume"); |
MenuItem* levelsItem = pauseMenu->addItem(); |
levelsItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::openMenu, this, levelsMenu)); |
levelsItem->setLabel(levelsString); |
levelsItem->setName(levelsString); |
MenuItem* optionsItem = pauseMenu->addItem(); |
optionsItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::openMenu, this, optionsMenu)); |
optionsItem->setLabel(optionsString); |
optionsItem->setName(optionsString); |
MenuItem* mainMenuItem = pauseMenu->addItem(); |
mainMenuItem->setActivatedCallback |
@ -1224,11 +1275,11 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
fadeOutTween->start(); |
} |
); |
mainMenuItem->setLabel("Main Menu"); |
mainMenuItem->setName("Main Menu"); |
MenuItem* exitItem = pauseMenu->addItem(); |
exitItem->setActivatedCallback(std::bind(&Application::close, this, EXIT_SUCCESS)); |
exitItem->setLabel(exitString); |
exitItem->setName(exitString); |
pauseMenu->getUIContainer()->setActive(false); |
pauseMenu->getUIContainer()->setVisible(false); |
@ -1254,8 +1305,8 @@ bool Application::loadUI() |
uiLayer->addObject(uiBatch); |
uiLayer->addObject(&uiCamera); |
defaultRenderTarget.width = width; |
defaultRenderTarget.height = height; |
defaultRenderTarget.width = static_cast<int>(resolution.x); |
defaultRenderTarget.height = static_cast<int>(resolution.y); |
defaultRenderTarget.framebuffer = 0; |
resizeUI(); |
@ -1371,11 +1422,11 @@ bool Application::loadGame() |
void Application::resizeUI() |
{ |
// Adjust UI dimensions
uiRootElement->setDimensions(Vector2(width, height)); |
uiRootElement->setDimensions(resolution); |
uiRootElement->update(); |
// Adjust UI camera projection
uiCamera.setOrthographic(0.0f, static_cast<float>(width), static_cast<float>(height), 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); |
uiCamera.setOrthographic(0.0f, resolution.x, resolution.y, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); |
} |
void Application::openMenu(Menu* menu) |
@ -1423,6 +1474,43 @@ void Application::activateMenuItem() |
} |
} |
void Application::incrementMenuItem() |
{ |
if (activeMenu != nullptr) |
{ |
MenuItem* item = activeMenu->getSelectedItem(); |
if (item != nullptr) |
{ |
if (item->getValueCount() != 0) |
{ |
item->setValueIndex((item->getValueIndex() + 1) % item->getValueCount()); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
void Application::decrementMenuItem() |
{ |
if (activeMenu != nullptr) |
{ |
MenuItem* item = activeMenu->getSelectedItem(); |
if (item != nullptr) |
{ |
if (item->getValueCount() != 0) |
{ |
if (!item->getValueIndex()) |
{ |
item->setValueIndex(item->getValueCount() - 1); |
} |
else |
{ |
item->setValueIndex(item->getValueIndex() - 1); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
void Application::continueGame() |
{ |
closeMenu(); |
@ -1441,8 +1529,15 @@ void Application::continueGame() |
{ |
loadLevel(level); |
} |
// Begin title fade-out
titleFadeOutTween->reset(); |
titleFadeOutTween->start(); |
changeState(gameState); |
// Begin fade-out
fadeOutTween->setEndCallback(std::bind(&Application::changeState, this, gameState)); |
fadeOutTween->reset(); |
fadeOutTween->start(); |
} |
void Application::newGame() |
@ -1459,11 +1554,6 @@ void Application::newGame() |
// Select first level of the first world
currentWorldIndex = 0; |
currentLevelIndex = 0; |
// Save continue world and level indices
settings.set("continue_world", currentWorldIndex); |
settings.set("continue_level", currentLevelIndex); |
saveUserSettings(); |
// Begin fade-out
fadeOutTween->setEndCallback(std::bind(&Application::changeState, this, gameState)); |
@ -1583,4 +1673,156 @@ void Application::setDisplayDebugInfo(bool display) |
frameTimeLabel->setVisible(displayDebugInfo); |
depthTextureImage->setVisible(displayDebugInfo); |
} |
} |
std::string Application::getLevelName(std::size_t world, std::size_t level) const |
{ |
// Form level ID string
char levelIDBuffer[6]; |
std::sprintf(levelIDBuffer, "%02d-%02d", static_cast<int>(world + 1), static_cast<int>(level + 1)); |
std::string levelID(levelIDBuffer); |
// Look up level name
std::string levelName; |
strings.get(levelIDBuffer, &levelName); |
return levelName; |
} |
void Application::selectWindowedResolution(std::size_t index) |
{ |
windowedResolutionIndex = index; |
if (!fullscreen) |
{ |
// Select resolution
resolution = resolutions[windowedResolutionIndex]; |
// Resize window
SDL_SetWindowSize(window, static_cast<int>(resolution.x), static_cast<int>(resolution.y)); |
// Resize UI
resizeUI(); |
// Notify window observers
inputManager->update(); |
} |
// Save settings
settings.set("windowed_width", resolutions[windowedResolutionIndex].x); |
settings.set("windowed_height", resolutions[windowedResolutionIndex].y); |
saveUserSettings(); |
} |
void Application::selectFullscreenResolution(std::size_t index) |
{ |
fullscreenResolutionIndex = index; |
if (fullscreen) |
{ |
// Select resolution
resolution = resolutions[fullscreenResolutionIndex]; |
// Resize window
SDL_SetWindowSize(window, static_cast<int>(resolution.x), static_cast<int>(resolution.y)); |
// Resize UI
resizeUI(); |
// Notify window observers
inputManager->update(); |
} |
// Save settings
settings.set("fullscreen_width", resolutions[fullscreenResolutionIndex].x); |
settings.set("fullscreen_height", resolutions[fullscreenResolutionIndex].y); |
saveUserSettings(); |
} |
void Application::selectFullscreenMode(std::size_t index) |
{ |
fullscreen = (index == 1); |
if (fullscreen) |
{ |
resolution = resolutions[fullscreenResolutionIndex]; |
SDL_SetWindowSize(window, static_cast<int>(resolution.x), static_cast<int>(resolution.y)); |
if (SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) != 0) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to set fullscreen mode: \"" << SDL_GetError() << "\"" << std::endl; |
fullscreen = false; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
resolution = resolutions[windowedResolutionIndex]; |
if (SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, 0) != 0) |
{ |
std::cerr << "Failed to set windowed mode: \"" << SDL_GetError() << "\"" << std::endl; |
fullscreen = true; |
} |
else |
{ |
SDL_SetWindowSize(window, static_cast<int>(resolution.x), static_cast<int>(resolution.y)); |
} |
} |
// Print mode and resolution
if (fullscreen) |
{ |
std::cout << "Changed to fullscreen mode at resolution " << resolution.x << "x" << resolution.y << std::endl; |
} |
else |
{ |
std::cout << "Changed to windowed mode at resolution " << resolution.x << "x" << resolution.y << std::endl; |
} |
// Save settings
settings.set("fullscreen", fullscreen); |
saveUserSettings(); |
// Resize UI
resizeUI(); |
// Notify window observers
inputManager->update(); |
} |
// index: 0 = off, 1 = on
void Application::selectVSyncMode(std::size_t index) |
{ |
swapInterval = (index == 0) ? 0 : 1; |
if (swapInterval == 1) |
{ |
std::cout << "Enabling vertical sync... "; |
} |
else |
{ |
std::cout << "Disabling vertical sync... "; |
} |
if (SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(swapInterval) != 0) |
{ |
std::cout << "failed: \"" << SDL_GetError() << "\"" << std::endl; |
swapInterval = SDL_GL_GetSwapInterval(); |
} |
else |
{ |
std::cout << "success" << std::endl; |
} |
// Save settings
settings.set("swap_interval", swapInterval); |
saveUserSettings(); |
} |
void Application::selectLanguage(std::size_t index) |
{ |
} |