🛠️🐜 Antkeeper superbuild with dependencies included https://antkeeper.com
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32 lines
773 B

cd "$(dirname $0)/../src"
echo "Running clang-format in $(pwd)"
find . -regex '.*\.[chm]p*' -exec clang-format -i {} \;
# Revert third-party code
git checkout \
events/imKStoUCS.* \
hidapi \
joystick/controller_type.c \
joystick/controller_type.h \
joystick/hidapi/steam/controller_constants.h \
joystick/hidapi/steam/controller_structs.h \
libm \
stdlib/SDL_malloc.c \
stdlib/SDL_qsort.c \
stdlib/SDL_strtokr.c \
video/arm \
video/khronos \
video/x11/edid-parse.c \
clang-format -i hidapi/SDL_hidapi.c
# Revert generated code
git checkout dynapi/SDL_dynapi_overrides.h
git checkout dynapi/SDL_dynapi_procs.h
git checkout render/metal/SDL_shaders_metal_*.h
echo "clang-format complete!"