🛠️🐜 Antkeeper superbuild with dependencies included https://antkeeper.com
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52 lines
867 B

exe = "tester.exe"
toolchain = "msvc"
# optional
link_pool_depth = 1
# optional
builddir = {
"gnu" : "build"
, "msvc" : "build"
, "clang" : "build"
includes = {
"gnu" : [ "-I." ]
, "msvc" : [ "/I." ]
, "clang" : [ "-I." ]
defines = {
"gnu" : [ "-DEXAMPLE=1" ]
, "msvc" : [ "/DEXAMPLE=1" ]
, "clang" : [ "-DEXAMPLE=1" ]
cflags = {
"gnu" : [ "-O2", "-g" ]
, "msvc" : [ "/O2" ]
, "clang" : [ "-O2", "-g" ]
cxxflags = {
"gnu" : [ "-O2", "-g" ]
, "msvc" : [ "/O2", "/W4", "/EHsc"]
, "clang" : [ "-O2", "-g", "-fsanitize=address" ]
ldflags = {
"gnu" : [ ]
, "msvc" : [ ]
, "clang" : [ "-fsanitize=address" ]
# optionsl
cxx_files = [ "tester.cc" ]
c_files = [ ]
# You can register your own toolchain through register_toolchain function
def register_toolchain(ninja):