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#ifndef AL_BUFFER_H
#define AL_BUFFER_H
#include <atomic>
#include "AL/al.h"
#include "albyte.h"
#include "alc/inprogext.h"
#include "almalloc.h"
#include "atomic.h"
#include "core/buffer_storage.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "eax/x_ram.h"
#endif // ALSOFT_EAX
/* User formats */
enum UserFmtType : unsigned char {
UserFmtUByte = FmtUByte,
UserFmtShort = FmtShort,
UserFmtFloat = FmtFloat,
UserFmtMulaw = FmtMulaw,
UserFmtAlaw = FmtAlaw,
UserFmtDouble = FmtDouble,
UserFmtIMA4 = 128,
enum UserFmtChannels : unsigned char {
UserFmtMono = FmtMono,
UserFmtStereo = FmtStereo,
UserFmtRear = FmtRear,
UserFmtQuad = FmtQuad,
UserFmtX51 = FmtX51,
UserFmtX61 = FmtX61,
UserFmtX71 = FmtX71,
UserFmtBFormat2D = FmtBFormat2D,
UserFmtBFormat3D = FmtBFormat3D,
UserFmtUHJ2 = FmtUHJ2,
UserFmtUHJ3 = FmtUHJ3,
UserFmtUHJ4 = FmtUHJ4,
struct ALbuffer : public BufferStorage {
ALbitfieldSOFT Access{0u};
al::vector<al::byte,16> mData;
UserFmtType OriginalType{UserFmtShort};
ALuint OriginalSize{0};
ALuint OriginalAlign{0};
ALuint UnpackAlign{0};
ALuint PackAlign{0};
ALuint UnpackAmbiOrder{1};
ALbitfieldSOFT MappedAccess{0u};
ALsizei MappedOffset{0};
ALsizei MappedSize{0};
ALuint mLoopStart{0u};
ALuint mLoopEnd{0u};
/* Number of times buffer was attached to a source (deletion can only occur when 0) */
RefCount ref{0u};
/* Self ID */
ALuint id{0};
ALenum eax_x_ram_mode{AL_STORAGE_AUTOMATIC};
bool eax_x_ram_is_hardware{};
#endif // ALSOFT_EAX