🛠️🐜 Antkeeper superbuild with dependencies included https://antkeeper.com
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598 B

#include <functional>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <entt/entity/entity.hpp>
#include <entt/entity/registry.hpp>
TEST(Traits, Null) {
entt::registry registry{};
const auto entity = registry.create();
registry.assign<int>(entity, 42);
ASSERT_TRUE(~entt::entity{} == entt::null);
ASSERT_TRUE(entt::null == entt::null);
ASSERT_FALSE(entt::null != entt::null);
ASSERT_FALSE(entity == entt::null);
ASSERT_FALSE(entt::null == entity);
ASSERT_TRUE(entity != entt::null);
ASSERT_TRUE(entt::null != entity);