🛠️🐜 Antkeeper superbuild with dependencies included https://antkeeper.com
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#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "delegate.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* Internal details not to be documented.
namespace internal {
template<typename, typename>
struct invoker;
template<typename Ret, typename... Args, typename Collector>
struct invoker<Ret(Args...), Collector> {
virtual ~invoker() = default;
bool invoke(Collector &collector, const delegate<Ret(Args...)> &delegate, Args... args) const {
return collector(delegate(args...));
template<typename... Args, typename Collector>
struct invoker<void(Args...), Collector> {
virtual ~invoker() = default;
bool invoke(Collector &, const delegate<void(Args...)> &delegate, Args... args) const {
return (delegate(args...), true);
template<typename Ret>
struct null_collector {
using result_type = Ret;
bool operator()(result_type) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return true; }
struct null_collector<void> {
using result_type = void;
bool operator()() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return true; }
struct default_collector;
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
struct default_collector<Ret(Args...)> {
using collector_type = null_collector<Ret>;
template<typename Function>
using default_collector_type = typename default_collector<Function>::collector_type;
* Internal details not to be documented.
* @brief Sink implementation.
* Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a
* compile-time error unless the template parameter is a function type.
* @tparam Function A valid function type.
template<typename Function>
class sink;
* @brief Unmanaged signal handler declaration.
* Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a
* compile-time error unless the template parameter is a function type.
* @tparam Function A valid function type.
* @tparam Collector Type of collector to use, if any.
template<typename Function, typename Collector = internal::default_collector_type<Function>>
struct sigh;
* @brief Sink implementation.
* A sink is an opaque object used to connect listeners to signals.<br/>
* The function type for a listener is the one of the signal to which it
* belongs.
* The clear separation between a signal and a sink permits to store the former
* as private data member without exposing the publish functionality to the
* users of a class.
* @tparam Ret Return type of a function type.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments of a function type.
template<typename Ret, typename... Args>
class sink<Ret(Args...)> {
/*! @brief A signal is allowed to create sinks. */
template<typename, typename>
friend struct sigh;
template<typename Type>
Type * payload_type(Ret(*)(Type *, Args...));
sink(std::vector<delegate<Ret(Args...)>> *ref) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
: calls{ref}
* @brief Returns false if at least a listener is connected to the sink.
* @return True if the sink has no listeners connected, false otherwise.
bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return calls->empty();
* @brief Connects a free function to a signal.
* The signal handler performs checks to avoid multiple connections for free
* functions.
* @tparam Function A valid free function pointer.
template<auto Function>
void connect() {
delegate<Ret(Args...)> delegate{};
delegate.template connect<Function>();
* @brief Connects a member function or a free function with payload to a
* signal.
* The signal isn't responsible for the connected object or the payload.
* Users must always guarantee that the lifetime of the instance overcomes
* the one of the delegate. On the other side, the signal handler performs
* checks to avoid multiple connections for the same function.<br/>
* When used to connect a free function with payload, its signature must be
* such that the instance is the first argument before the ones used to
* define the delegate itself.
* @tparam Candidate Member or free function to connect to the delegate.
* @tparam Type Type of class or type of payload.
* @param value_or_instance A valid pointer that fits the purpose.
template<auto Candidate, typename Type>
void connect(Type *value_or_instance) {
if constexpr(std::is_member_function_pointer_v<decltype(Candidate)>) {
} else {
delegate<Ret(Args...)> delegate{};
delegate.template connect<Candidate>(value_or_instance);
* @brief Disconnects a free function from a signal.
* @tparam Function A valid free function pointer.
template<auto Function>
void disconnect() {
delegate<Ret(Args...)> delegate{};
if constexpr(std::is_invocable_r_v<Ret, decltype(Function), Args...>) {
delegate.template connect<Function>();
} else {
decltype(payload_type(Function)) payload = nullptr;
delegate.template connect<Function>(payload);
calls->erase(std::remove(calls->begin(), calls->end(), std::move(delegate)), calls->end());
* @brief Disconnects a given member function from a signal.
* @tparam Member Member function to disconnect from the signal.
* @tparam Class Type of class to which the member function belongs.
* @param instance A valid instance of type pointer to `Class`.
template<auto Member, typename Class>
void disconnect(Class *instance) {
delegate<Ret(Args...)> delegate{};
delegate.template connect<Member>(instance);
calls->erase(std::remove_if(calls->begin(), calls->end(), [&delegate](const auto &other) {
return other == delegate && other.instance() == delegate.instance();
}), calls->end());
* @brief Disconnects all the listeners from a signal.
void disconnect() {
std::vector<delegate<Ret(Args...)>> *calls;
* @brief Unmanaged signal handler definition.
* Unmanaged signal handler. It works directly with naked pointers to classes
* and pointers to member functions as well as pointers to free functions. Users
* of this class are in charge of disconnecting instances before deleting them.
* This class serves mainly two purposes:
* * Creating signals used later to notify a bunch of listeners.
* * Collecting results from a set of functions like in a voting system.
* The default collector does nothing. To properly collect data, define and use
* a class that has a call operator the signature of which is `bool(Param)` and:
* * `Param` is a type to which `Ret` can be converted.
* * The return type is true if the handler must stop collecting data, false
* otherwise.
* @tparam Ret Return type of a function type.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments of a function type.
* @tparam Collector Type of collector to use, if any.
template<typename Ret, typename... Args, typename Collector>
struct sigh<Ret(Args...), Collector>: private internal::invoker<Ret(Args...), Collector> {
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using size_type = typename std::vector<delegate<Ret(Args...)>>::size_type;
/*! @brief Collector type. */
using collector_type = Collector;
/*! @brief Sink type. */
using sink_type = entt::sink<Ret(Args...)>;
* @brief Instance type when it comes to connecting member functions.
* @tparam Class Type of class to which the member function belongs.
template<typename Class>
using instance_type = Class *;
* @brief Number of listeners connected to the signal.
* @return Number of listeners currently connected.
size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return calls.size();
* @brief Returns false if at least a listener is connected to the signal.
* @return True if the signal has no listeners connected, false otherwise.
bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return calls.empty();
* @brief Returns a sink object for the given signal.
* A sink is an opaque object used to connect listeners to signals.<br/>
* The function type for a listener is the one of the signal to which it
* belongs. The order of invocation of the listeners isn't guaranteed.
* @return A temporary sink object.
sink_type sink() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return { &calls };
* @brief Triggers a signal.
* All the listeners are notified. Order isn't guaranteed.
* @param args Arguments to use to invoke listeners.
void publish(Args... args) const {
for(auto pos = calls.size(); pos; --pos) {
auto &call = calls[pos-1];
* @brief Collects return values from the listeners.
* @param args Arguments to use to invoke listeners.
* @return An instance of the collector filled with collected data.
collector_type collect(Args... args) const {
collector_type collector;
for(auto &&call: calls) {
if(!this->invoke(collector, call, args...)) {
return collector;
* @brief Swaps listeners between the two signals.
* @param lhs A valid signal object.
* @param rhs A valid signal object.
friend void swap(sigh &lhs, sigh &rhs) {
using std::swap;
swap(lhs.calls, rhs.calls);
std::vector<delegate<Ret(Args...)>> calls;