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#include <type_traits>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../core/family.hpp"
#include "../core/type_traits.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief General purpose event emitter.
* The emitter class template follows the CRTP idiom. To create a custom emitter
* type, derived classes must inherit directly from the base class as:
* @code{.cpp}
* struct my_emitter: emitter<my_emitter> {
* // ...
* }
* @endcode
* Handlers for the type of events are created internally on the fly. It's not
* required to specify in advance the full list of accepted types.<br/>
* Moreover, whenever an event is published, an emitter provides the listeners
* with a reference to itself along with a const reference to the event.
* Therefore listeners have an handy way to work with it without incurring in
* the need of capturing a reference to the emitter.
* @tparam Derived Actual type of emitter that extends the class template.
template<typename Derived>
class emitter {
using handler_family = family<struct internal_emitter_handler_family>;
struct base_handler {
virtual ~base_handler() = default;
virtual bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT = 0;
virtual void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = 0;
template<typename Event>
struct event_handler: base_handler {
using listener_type = std::function<void(const Event &, Derived &)>;
using element_type = std::pair<bool, listener_type>;
using container_type = std::list<element_type>;
using connection_type = typename container_type::iterator;
bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT override {
auto pred = [](auto &&element) { return element.first; };
return std::all_of(once_list.cbegin(), once_list.cend(), pred) &&
std::all_of(on_list.cbegin(), on_list.cend(), pred);
void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT override {
if(publishing) {
auto func = [](auto &&element) { element.first = true; };
std::for_each(once_list.begin(), once_list.end(), func);
std::for_each(on_list.begin(), on_list.end(), func);
} else {
inline connection_type once(listener_type listener) {
return once_list.emplace(once_list.cend(), false, std::move(listener));
inline connection_type on(listener_type listener) {
return on_list.emplace(on_list.cend(), false, std::move(listener));
void erase(connection_type conn) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
conn->first = true;
if(!publishing) {
auto pred = [](auto &&element) { return element.first; };
void publish(const Event &event, Derived &ref) {
container_type swap_list;
auto func = [&event, &ref](auto &&element) {
return element.first ? void() : element.second(event, ref);
publishing = true;
std::for_each(on_list.rbegin(), on_list.rend(), func);
std::for_each(swap_list.rbegin(), swap_list.rend(), func);
publishing = false;
on_list.remove_if([](auto &&element) { return element.first; });
bool publishing{false};
container_type once_list{};
container_type on_list{};
struct handler_data {
std::unique_ptr<base_handler> handler;
ENTT_ID_TYPE runtime_type;
template<typename Event>
static auto type() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(is_named_type_v<Event>) {
return named_type_traits<Event>::value;
} else {
return handler_family::type<Event>;
template<typename Event>
event_handler<Event> * assure() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto htype = type<Event>();
handler_data *hdata = nullptr;
if constexpr(is_named_type_v<Event>) {
const auto it = std::find_if(handlers.begin(), handlers.end(), [htype](const auto &candidate) {
return candidate.handler && candidate.runtime_type == htype;
hdata = (it == handlers.cend() ? &handlers.emplace_back() : &(*it));
} else {
if(!(htype < handlers.size())) {
hdata = &handlers[htype];
if(hdata->handler && hdata->runtime_type != htype) {
std::swap(handlers[htype], handlers.back());
hdata = &handlers[htype];
if(!hdata->handler) {
hdata->handler = std::make_unique<event_handler<Event>>();
hdata->runtime_type = htype;
return static_cast<event_handler<Event> *>(hdata->handler.get());
/** @brief Type of listeners accepted for the given event. */
template<typename Event>
using listener = typename event_handler<Event>::listener_type;
* @brief Generic connection type for events.
* Type of the connection object returned by the event emitter whenever a
* listener for the given type is registered.<br/>
* It can be used to break connections still in use.
* @tparam Event Type of event for which the connection is created.
template<typename Event>
struct connection: private event_handler<Event>::connection_type {
/** @brief Event emitters are friend classes of connections. */
friend class emitter;
/*! @brief Default constructor. */
connection() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default;
* @brief Creates a connection that wraps its underlying instance.
* @param conn A connection object to wrap.
connection(typename event_handler<Event>::connection_type conn)
: event_handler<Event>::connection_type{std::move(conn)}
/*! @brief Default constructor. */
emitter() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default;
/*! @brief Default destructor. */
virtual ~emitter() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<emitter<Derived>, Derived>);
/*! @brief Default move constructor. */
emitter(emitter &&) = default;
/*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This emitter. */
emitter & operator=(emitter &&) = default;
* @brief Emits the given event.
* All the listeners registered for the specific event type are invoked with
* the given event. The event type must either have a proper constructor for
* the arguments provided or be an aggregate type.
* @tparam Event Type of event to publish.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the event.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the event.
template<typename Event, typename... Args>
void publish(Args &&... args) {
assure<Event>()->publish({ std::forward<Args>(args)... }, *static_cast<Derived *>(this));
* @brief Registers a long-lived listener with the event emitter.
* This method can be used to register a listener designed to be invoked
* more than once for the given event type.<br/>
* The connection returned by the method can be freely discarded. It's meant
* to be used later to disconnect the listener if required.
* The listener is as a callable object that can be moved and the type of
* which is `void(const Event &, Derived &)`.
* @note
* Whenever an event is emitted, the emitter provides the listener with a
* reference to the derived class. Listeners don't have to capture those
* instances for later uses.
* @tparam Event Type of event to which to connect the listener.
* @param instance The listener to register.
* @return Connection object that can be used to disconnect the listener.
template<typename Event>
connection<Event> on(listener<Event> instance) {
return assure<Event>()->on(std::move(instance));
* @brief Registers a short-lived listener with the event emitter.
* This method can be used to register a listener designed to be invoked
* only once for the given event type.<br/>
* The connection returned by the method can be freely discarded. It's meant
* to be used later to disconnect the listener if required.
* The listener is as a callable object that can be moved and the type of
* which is `void(const Event &, Derived &)`.
* @note
* Whenever an event is emitted, the emitter provides the listener with a
* reference to the derived class. Listeners don't have to capture those
* instances for later uses.
* @tparam Event Type of event to which to connect the listener.
* @param instance The listener to register.
* @return Connection object that can be used to disconnect the listener.
template<typename Event>
connection<Event> once(listener<Event> instance) {
return assure<Event>()->once(std::move(instance));
* @brief Disconnects a listener from the event emitter.
* Do not use twice the same connection to disconnect a listener, it results
* in undefined behavior. Once used, discard the connection object.
* @tparam Event Type of event of the connection.
* @param conn A valid connection.
template<typename Event>
void erase(connection<Event> conn) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
* @brief Disconnects all the listeners for the given event type.
* All the connections previously returned for the given event are
* invalidated. Using them results in undefined behavior.
* @tparam Event Type of event to reset.
template<typename Event>
void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
* @brief Disconnects all the listeners.
* All the connections previously returned are invalidated. Using them
* results in undefined behavior.
void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
std::for_each(handlers.begin(), handlers.end(), [](auto &&hdata) {
return hdata.handler ? hdata.handler->clear() : void();
* @brief Checks if there are listeners registered for the specific event.
* @tparam Event Type of event to test.
* @return True if there are no listeners registered, false otherwise.
template<typename Event>
bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return assure<Event>()->empty();
* @brief Checks if there are listeners registered with the event emitter.
* @return True if there are no listeners registered, false otherwise.
bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return std::all_of(handlers.cbegin(), handlers.cend(), [](auto &&hdata) {
return !hdata.handler || hdata.handler->empty();
mutable std::vector<handler_data> handlers{};