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#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../core/hashed_string.hpp"
#include "handle.hpp"
#include "loader.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Simple cache for resources of a given type.
* Minimal implementation of a cache for resources of a given type. It doesn't
* offer much functionalities but it's suitable for small or medium sized
* applications and can be freely inherited to add targeted functionalities for
* large sized applications.
* @tparam Resource Type of resources managed by a cache.
template<typename Resource>
class resource_cache {
using container_type = std::unordered_map<hashed_string::hash_type, std::shared_ptr<Resource>>;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using size_type = typename container_type::size_type;
/*! @brief Type of resources managed by a cache. */
using resource_type = typename hashed_string::hash_type;
/*! @brief Default constructor. */
resource_cache() = default;
/*! @brief Default move constructor. */
resource_cache(resource_cache &&) = default;
/*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This cache. */
resource_cache & operator=(resource_cache &&) = default;
* @brief Number of resources managed by a cache.
* @return Number of resources currently stored.
size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return resources.size();
* @brief Returns true if a cache contains no resources, false otherwise.
* @return True if the cache contains no resources, false otherwise.
bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return resources.empty();
* @brief Clears a cache and discards all its resources.
* Handles are not invalidated and the memory used by a resource isn't
* freed as long as at least a handle keeps the resource itself alive.
void clear() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
* @brief Loads the resource that corresponds to a given identifier.
* In case an identifier isn't already present in the cache, it loads its
* resource and stores it aside for future uses. Arguments are forwarded
* directly to the loader in order to construct properly the requested
* resource.
* @note
* If the identifier is already present in the cache, this function does
* nothing and the arguments are simply discarded.
* @warning
* If the resource cannot be loaded correctly, the returned handle will be
* invalid and any use of it will result in undefined behavior.
* @tparam Loader Type of loader to use to load the resource if required.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to load the resource if required.
* @param id Unique resource identifier.
* @param args Arguments to use to load the resource if required.
* @return A handle for the given resource.
template<typename Loader, typename... Args>
resource_handle<Resource> load(const resource_type id, Args &&... args) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<resource_loader<Loader, Resource>, Loader>);
resource_handle<Resource> handle{};
if(auto it = resources.find(id); it == resources.cend()) {
if(auto resource = Loader{}.get(std::forward<Args>(args)...); resource) {
resources[id] = resource;
handle = std::move(resource);
} else {
handle = it->second;
return handle;
* @brief Reloads a resource or loads it for the first time if not present.
* Equivalent to the following snippet (pseudocode):
* @code{.cpp}
* cache.discard(id);
* cache.load(id, args...);
* @endcode
* Arguments are forwarded directly to the loader in order to construct
* properly the requested resource.
* @warning
* If the resource cannot be loaded correctly, the returned handle will be
* invalid and any use of it will result in undefined behavior.
* @tparam Loader Type of loader to use to load the resource.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to load the resource.
* @param id Unique resource identifier.
* @param args Arguments to use to load the resource.
* @return A handle for the given resource.
template<typename Loader, typename... Args>
resource_handle<Resource> reload(const resource_type id, Args &&... args) {
return (discard(id), load<Loader>(id, std::forward<Args>(args)...));
* @brief Creates a temporary handle for a resource.
* Arguments are forwarded directly to the loader in order to construct
* properly the requested resource. The handle isn't stored aside and the
* cache isn't in charge of the lifetime of the resource itself.
* @tparam Loader Type of loader to use to load the resource.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to load the resource.
* @param args Arguments to use to load the resource.
* @return A handle for the given resource.
template<typename Loader, typename... Args>
resource_handle<Resource> temp(Args &&... args) const {
return { Loader{}.get(std::forward<Args>(args)...) };
* @brief Creates a handle for a given resource identifier.
* A resource handle can be in a either valid or invalid state. In other
* terms, a resource handle is properly initialized with a resource if the
* cache contains the resource itself. Otherwise the returned handle is
* uninitialized and accessing it results in undefined behavior.
* @sa resource_handle
* @param id Unique resource identifier.
* @return A handle for the given resource.
resource_handle<Resource> handle(const resource_type id) const {
auto it = resources.find(id);
return { it == resources.end() ? nullptr : it->second };
* @brief Checks if a cache contains a given identifier.
* @param id Unique resource identifier.
* @return True if the cache contains the resource, false otherwise.
bool contains(const resource_type id) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return (resources.find(id) != resources.cend());
* @brief Discards the resource that corresponds to a given identifier.
* Handles are not invalidated and the memory used by the resource isn't
* freed as long as at least a handle keeps the resource itself alive.
* @param id Unique resource identifier.
void discard(const resource_type id) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if(auto it = resources.find(id); it != resources.end()) {
container_type resources;