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#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <cstddef>
#include <numeric>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../core/family.hpp"
#include "../core/algorithm.hpp"
#include "../core/hashed_string.hpp"
#include "../core/type_traits.hpp"
#include "../signal/sigh.hpp"
#include "runtime_view.hpp"
#include "sparse_set.hpp"
#include "snapshot.hpp"
#include "storage.hpp"
#include "entity.hpp"
#include "group.hpp"
#include "view.hpp"
#include "fwd.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Alias for exclusion lists.
* @tparam Type List of types.
template<typename... Type>
struct exclude_t: type_list<Type...> {};
* @brief Variable template for exclusion lists.
* @tparam Type List of types.
template<typename... Type>
constexpr exclude_t<Type...> exclude{};
* @brief Fast and reliable entity-component system.
* The registry is the core class of the entity-component framework.<br/>
* It stores entities and arranges pools of components on a per request basis.
* By means of a registry, users can manage entities and components and thus
* create views or groups to iterate them.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<typename Entity>
class basic_registry {
using context_family = family<struct internal_registry_context_family>;
using component_family = family<struct internal_registry_component_family>;
using traits_type = entt_traits<Entity>;
template<typename Component>
struct pool_handler: storage<Entity, Component> {
using reference_type = std::conditional_t<std::is_empty_v<Component>, const Component &, Component &>;
sigh<void(basic_registry &, const Entity, reference_type)> on_construct;
sigh<void(basic_registry &, const Entity, reference_type)> on_replace;
sigh<void(basic_registry &, const Entity)> on_destroy;
void *group{};
pool_handler() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default;
pool_handler(const storage<Entity, Component> &other)
: storage<Entity, Component>{other}
template<typename... Args>
decltype(auto) assign(basic_registry &registry, const Entity entt, Args &&... args) {
if constexpr(std::is_empty_v<Component>) {
storage<Entity, Component>::construct(entt);
on_construct.publish(registry, entt, Component{});
return Component{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
} else {
auto &component = storage<Entity, Component>::construct(entt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
on_construct.publish(registry, entt, component);
return component;
template<typename It>
Component * batch(basic_registry &registry, It first, It last) {
Component *component = nullptr;
if constexpr(std::is_empty_v<Component>) {
storage<Entity, Component>::batch(first, last);
if(!on_construct.empty()) {
std::for_each(first, last, [&registry, this](const auto entt) {
on_construct.publish(registry, entt, Component{});
} else {
component = storage<Entity, Component>::batch(first, last);
if(!on_construct.empty()) {
std::for_each(first, last, [&registry, component, this](const auto entt) mutable {
on_construct.publish(registry, entt, *(component++));
return component;
void remove(basic_registry &registry, const Entity entt) {
on_destroy.publish(registry, entt);
storage<Entity, Component>::destroy(entt);
template<typename... Args>
decltype(auto) replace(basic_registry &registry, const Entity entt, Args &&... args) {
if constexpr(std::is_empty_v<Component>) {
ENTT_ASSERT((storage<Entity, Component>::has(entt)));
on_replace.publish(registry, entt, Component{});
return Component{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
} else {
Component component{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
on_replace.publish(registry, entt, component);
return (storage<Entity, Component>::get(entt) = std::move(component));
template<typename Component>
using pool_type = pool_handler<std::decay_t<Component>>;
struct group_handler;
template<typename... Exclude, typename... Get>
struct group_handler<type_list<Exclude...>, type_list<Get...>>: sparse_set<Entity> {
template<typename Component, typename... Args>
void maybe_valid_if(basic_registry &reg, const Entity entt, const Args &...) {
if constexpr(std::disjunction_v<std::is_same<Get, Component>...>) {
if(((std::is_same_v<Component, Get> || reg.pool<Get>()->has(entt)) && ...) && !(reg.pool<Exclude>()->has(entt) || ...)) {
} else if constexpr(std::disjunction_v<std::is_same<Exclude, Component>...>) {
if((reg.pool<Get>()->has(entt) && ...) && ((std::is_same_v<Exclude, Component> || !reg.pool<Exclude>()->has(entt)) && ...)) {
template<typename... Args>
void discard_if(basic_registry &, const Entity entt, const Args &...) {
if(this->has(entt)) {
template<typename... Exclude, typename... Get, typename... Owned>
struct group_handler<type_list<Exclude...>, type_list<Get...>, Owned...>: sparse_set<Entity> {
std::size_t owned{};
template<typename Component, typename... Args>
void maybe_valid_if(basic_registry &reg, const Entity entt, const Args &...) {
const auto cpools = std::make_tuple(reg.pool<Owned>()...);
if constexpr(std::disjunction_v<std::is_same<Owned, Component>..., std::is_same<Get, Component>...>) {
if(((std::is_same_v<Component, Owned> || std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->has(entt)) && ...)
&& ((std::is_same_v<Component, Get> || reg.pool<Get>()->has(entt)) && ...)
&& !(reg.pool<Exclude>()->has(entt) || ...))
const auto pos = this->owned++;
(std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->swap(std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->sparse_set<Entity>::get(entt), pos), ...);
} else if constexpr(std::disjunction_v<std::is_same<Exclude, Component>...>) {
if((std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->has(entt) && ...)
&& (reg.pool<Get>()->has(entt) && ...)
&& ((std::is_same_v<Exclude, Component> || !reg.pool<Exclude>()->has(entt)) && ...))
const auto pos = this->owned++;
(std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->swap(std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->sparse_set<Entity>::get(entt), pos), ...);
template<typename... Args>
void discard_if(basic_registry &reg, const Entity entt, const Args &...) {
const auto cpools = std::make_tuple(reg.pool<Owned>()...);
if(std::get<0>(cpools)->has(entt) && std::get<0>(cpools)->sparse_set<Entity>::get(entt) < this->owned) {
const auto pos = --this->owned;
(std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->swap(std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->sparse_set<Entity>::get(entt), pos), ...);
struct pool_data {
std::unique_ptr<sparse_set<Entity>> pool;
std::unique_ptr<sparse_set<Entity>> (* clone)(const sparse_set<Entity> &);
void (* remove)(basic_registry &, const Entity);
ENTT_ID_TYPE runtime_type;
struct group_data {
const std::size_t extent[3];
std::unique_ptr<void, void(*)(void *)> group;
bool(* const is_same)(const ENTT_ID_TYPE *);
struct ctx_variable {
std::unique_ptr<void, void(*)(void *)> value;
ENTT_ID_TYPE runtime_type;
template<typename Type, typename Family>
static ENTT_ID_TYPE runtime_type() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(is_named_type_v<Type>) {
return named_type_traits<Type>::value;
} else {
return Family::template type<Type>;
void release(const Entity entity) {
// lengthens the implicit list of destroyed entities
const auto entt = entity & traits_type::entity_mask;
const auto version = ((entity >> traits_type::entity_shift) + 1) << traits_type::entity_shift;
const auto node = (available ? next : ((entt + 1) & traits_type::entity_mask)) | version;
entities[entt] = node;
next = entt;
template<typename Component>
inline const auto * pool() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto ctype = type<Component>();
if constexpr(is_named_type_v<Component>) {
const auto it = std::find_if(pools.begin()+skip_family_pools, pools.end(), [ctype](const auto &candidate) {
return candidate.runtime_type == ctype;
return it == pools.cend() ? nullptr : static_cast<const pool_type<Component> *>(it->pool.get());
} else {
return ctype < skip_family_pools ? static_cast<const pool_type<Component> *>(pools[ctype].pool.get()) : nullptr;
template<typename Component>
inline auto * pool() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return const_cast<pool_type<Component> *>(std::as_const(*this).template pool<Component>());
template<typename Component>
auto * assure() {
const auto ctype = type<Component>();
pool_data *pdata = nullptr;
if constexpr(is_named_type_v<Component>) {
const auto it = std::find_if(pools.begin()+skip_family_pools, pools.end(), [ctype](const auto &candidate) {
return candidate.runtime_type == ctype;
pdata = (it == pools.cend() ? &pools.emplace_back() : &(*it));
} else {
if(!(ctype < skip_family_pools)) {
while(!(ctype < skip_family_pools)) {
pools.emplace(pools.begin()+(skip_family_pools++), pool_data{});
pdata = &pools[ctype];
if(!pdata->pool) {
pdata->runtime_type = ctype;
pdata->pool = std::make_unique<pool_type<Component>>();
pdata->clone = +[](const sparse_set<Entity> &other) -> std::unique_ptr<sparse_set<Entity>> {
if constexpr(std::is_copy_constructible_v<std::decay_t<Component>>) {
return std::make_unique<pool_type<Component>>(static_cast<const pool_type<Component> &>(other));
} else {
return nullptr;
pdata->remove = +[](basic_registry &registry, const Entity entt) {
registry.pool<Component>()->remove(registry, entt);
return static_cast<pool_type<Component> *>(pdata->pool.get());
/*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */
using entity_type = typename traits_type::entity_type;
/*! @brief Underlying version type. */
using version_type = typename traits_type::version_type;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using size_type = typename sparse_set<Entity>::size_type;
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
using component_type = ENTT_ID_TYPE;
/*! @brief Default constructor. */
basic_registry() ENTT_NOEXCEPT = default;
/*! @brief Default move constructor. */
basic_registry(basic_registry &&) = default;
/*! @brief Default move assignment operator. @return This registry. */
basic_registry & operator=(basic_registry &&) = default;
* @brief Returns the numeric identifier of a component.
* The given component doesn't need to be necessarily in use.<br/>
* Do not use this functionality to generate numeric identifiers for types
* at runtime. They aren't guaranteed to be stable between different runs.
* @tparam Component Type of component to query.
* @return Runtime numeric identifier of the given type of component.
template<typename Component>
inline static component_type type() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return runtime_type<Component, component_family>();
* @brief Returns the number of existing components of the given type.
* @tparam Component Type of component of which to return the size.
* @return Number of existing components of the given type.
template<typename Component>
size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto *cpool = pool<Component>();
return cpool ? cpool->size() : size_type{};
* @brief Returns the number of entities created so far.
* @return Number of entities created so far.
size_type size() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entities.size();
* @brief Returns the number of entities still in use.
* @return Number of entities still in use.
size_type alive() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entities.size() - available;
* @brief Increases the capacity of the pool for the given component.
* If the new capacity is greater than the current capacity, new storage is
* allocated, otherwise the method does nothing.
* @tparam Component Type of component for which to reserve storage.
* @param cap Desired capacity.
template<typename Component>
void reserve(const size_type cap) {
* @brief Increases the capacity of a registry in terms of entities.
* If the new capacity is greater than the current capacity, new storage is
* allocated, otherwise the method does nothing.
* @param cap Desired capacity.
void reserve(const size_type cap) {
* @brief Returns the capacity of the pool for the given component.
* @tparam Component Type of component in which one is interested.
* @return Capacity of the pool of the given component.
template<typename Component>
size_type capacity() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto *cpool = pool<Component>();
return cpool ? cpool->capacity() : size_type{};
* @brief Returns the number of entities that a registry has currently
* allocated space for.
* @return Capacity of the registry.
size_type capacity() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entities.capacity();
* @brief Requests the removal of unused capacity for a given component.
* @tparam Component Type of component for which to reclaim unused capacity.
template<typename Component>
void shrink_to_fit() {
* @brief Checks whether the pool of a given component is empty.
* @tparam Component Type of component in which one is interested.
* @return True if the pool of the given component is empty, false
* otherwise.
template<typename Component>
bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto *cpool = pool<Component>();
return cpool ? cpool->empty() : true;
* @brief Checks if there exists at least an entity still in use.
* @return True if at least an entity is still in use, false otherwise.
bool empty() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entities.size() == available;
* @brief Direct access to the list of components of a given pool.
* The returned pointer is such that range
* `[raw<Component>(), raw<Component>() + size<Component>()]` is always a
* valid range, even if the container is empty.
* There are no guarantees on the order of the components. Use a view if you
* want to iterate entities and components in the expected order.
* @note
* Empty components aren't explicitly instantiated. Only one instance of the
* given type is created. Therefore, this function always returns a pointer
* to that instance.
* @tparam Component Type of component in which one is interested.
* @return A pointer to the array of components of the given type.
template<typename Component>
const Component * raw() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto *cpool = pool<Component>();
return cpool ? cpool->raw() : nullptr;
/*! @copydoc raw */
template<typename Component>
inline Component * raw() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return const_cast<Component *>(std::as_const(*this).template raw<Component>());
* @brief Direct access to the list of entities of a given pool.
* The returned pointer is such that range
* `[data<Component>(), data<Component>() + size<Component>()]` is always a
* valid range, even if the container is empty.
* There are no guarantees on the order of the entities. Use a view if you
* want to iterate entities and components in the expected order.
* @tparam Component Type of component in which one is interested.
* @return A pointer to the array of entities.
template<typename Component>
const entity_type * data() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto *cpool = pool<Component>();
return cpool ? cpool->data() : nullptr;
* @brief Checks if an entity identifier refers to a valid entity.
* @param entity An entity identifier, either valid or not.
* @return True if the identifier is valid, false otherwise.
bool valid(const entity_type entity) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto pos = size_type(entity & traits_type::entity_mask);
return (pos < entities.size() && entities[pos] == entity);
* @brief Returns the entity identifier without the version.
* @param entity An entity identifier, either valid or not.
* @return The entity identifier without the version.
static entity_type entity(const entity_type entity) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return entity & traits_type::entity_mask;
* @brief Returns the version stored along with an entity identifier.
* @param entity An entity identifier, either valid or not.
* @return The version stored along with the given entity identifier.
static version_type version(const entity_type entity) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return version_type(entity >> traits_type::entity_shift);
* @brief Returns the actual version for an entity identifier.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an entity that doesn't belong to the registry results
* in undefined behavior. An entity belongs to the registry even if it has
* been previously destroyed and/or recycled.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode if the
* registry doesn't own the given entity.
* @param entity A valid entity identifier.
* @return Actual version for the given entity identifier.
version_type current(const entity_type entity) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto pos = size_type(entity & traits_type::entity_mask);
ENTT_ASSERT(pos < entities.size());
return version_type(entities[pos] >> traits_type::entity_shift);
* @brief Creates a new entity and returns it.
* There are two kinds of entity identifiers:
* * Newly created ones in case no entities have been previously destroyed.
* * Recycled ones with updated versions.
* Users should not care about the type of the returned entity identifier.
* In case entity identifers are stored around, the `valid` member
* function can be used to know if they are still valid or the entity has
* been destroyed and potentially recycled.
* The returned entity has assigned the given components, if any. The
* components must be at least default constructible. A compilation error
* will occur otherwhise.
* @tparam Component Types of components to assign to the entity.
* @return A valid entity identifier if the component list is empty, a tuple
* containing the entity identifier and the references to the components
* just created otherwise.
template<typename... Component>
decltype(auto) create() {
entity_type entity;
if(available) {
const auto entt = next;
const auto version = entities[entt] & (traits_type::version_mask << traits_type::entity_shift);
next = entities[entt] & traits_type::entity_mask;
entity = entt | version;
entities[entt] = entity;
} else {
entity = entities.emplace_back(entity_type(entities.size()));
// traits_type::entity_mask is reserved to allow for null identifiers
ENTT_ASSERT(entity < traits_type::entity_mask);
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 0) {
return entity;
} else {
return std::tuple<entity_type, decltype(assign<Component>(entity))...>{entity, assign<Component>(entity)...};
* @brief Assigns each element in a range an entity.
* @sa create
* @tparam Component Types of components to assign to the entity.
* @tparam It Type of forward iterator.
* @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to generate.
* @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to generate.
* @return No return value if the component list is empty, a tuple
* containing the pointers to the arrays of components just created and
* sorted the same of the entities otherwise.
template<typename... Component, typename It>
auto create(It first, It last) {
static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<entity_type, typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type>);
const auto length = size_type(std::distance(first, last));
const auto sz = std::min(available, length);
[[maybe_unused]] entity_type candidate{};
available -= sz;
const auto tail = std::generate_n(first, sz, [&candidate, this]() mutable {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) > 0) {
candidate = std::max(candidate, next);
} else {
// suppress warnings
const auto entt = next;
const auto version = entities[entt] & (traits_type::version_mask << traits_type::entity_shift);
next = entities[entt] & traits_type::entity_mask;
return (entities[entt] = entt | version);
std::generate(tail, last, [this]() {
return entities.emplace_back(entity_type(entities.size()));
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) > 0) {
return std::make_tuple(assure<Component>()->batch(*this, first, last)...);
* @brief Destroys an entity and lets the registry recycle the identifier.
* When an entity is destroyed, its version is updated and the identifier
* can be recycled at any time. In case entity identifers are stored around,
* the `valid` member function can be used to know if they are still valid
* or the entity has been destroyed and potentially recycled.
* @warning
* In case there are listeners that observe the destruction of components
* and assign other components to the entity in their bodies, the result of
* invoking this function may not be as expected. In the worst case, it
* could lead to undefined behavior. An assertion will abort the execution
* at runtime in debug mode if a violation is detected.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @param entity A valid entity identifier.
void destroy(const entity_type entity) {
for(auto pos = pools.size(); pos; --pos) {
if(auto &pdata = pools[pos-1]; pdata.pool && pdata.pool->has(entity)) {
pdata.remove(*this, entity);
// just a way to protect users from listeners that attach components
* @brief Destroys all the entities in a range.
* @tparam It Type of forward iterator.
* @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to generate.
* @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to generate.
template<typename It>
void destroy(It first, It last) {
ENTT_ASSERT(std::all_of(first, last, [this](const auto entity) { return valid(entity); }));
for(auto pos = pools.size(); pos; --pos) {
if(auto &pdata = pools[pos-1]; pdata.pool) {
std::for_each(first, last, [&pdata, this](const auto entity) {
if(pdata.pool->has(entity)) {
pdata.remove(*this, entity);
// just a way to protect users from listeners that attach components
ENTT_ASSERT(std::all_of(first, last, [this](const auto entity) { return orphan(entity); }));
std::for_each(first, last, [this](const auto entity) {
* @brief Assigns the given component to an entity.
* A new instance of the given component is created and initialized with the
* arguments provided (the component must have a proper constructor or be of
* aggregate type). Then the component is assigned to the given entity.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity or to assign a component to an entity
* that already owns it results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity or if the entity already owns an instance of the given
* component.
* @tparam Component Type of component to create.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component.
* @param entity A valid entity identifier.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component.
* @return A reference to the newly created component.
template<typename Component, typename... Args>
decltype(auto) assign(const entity_type entity, [[maybe_unused]] Args &&... args) {
return assure<Component>()->assign(*this, entity, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Removes the given component from an entity.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity or to remove a component from an
* entity that doesn't own it results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity or if the entity doesn't own an instance of the given
* component.
* @tparam Component Type of component to remove.
* @param entity A valid entity identifier.
template<typename Component>
void remove(const entity_type entity) {
pool<Component>()->remove(*this, entity);
* @brief Checks if an entity has all the given components.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @tparam Component Components for which to perform the check.
* @param entity A valid entity identifier.
* @return True if the entity has all the components, false otherwise.
template<typename... Component>
bool has(const entity_type entity) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
[[maybe_unused]] const auto cpools = std::make_tuple(pool<Component>()...);
return ((std::get<const pool_type<Component> *>(cpools) ? std::get<const pool_type<Component> *>(cpools)->has(entity) : false) && ...);
* @brief Returns references to the given components for an entity.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity or to get a component from an entity
* that doesn't own it results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity or if the entity doesn't own an instance of the given
* component.
* @tparam Component Types of components to get.
* @param entity A valid entity identifier.
* @return References to the components owned by the entity.
template<typename... Component>
decltype(auto) get([[maybe_unused]] const entity_type entity) const {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) {
return (pool<Component>()->get(entity), ...);
} else {
return std::tuple<decltype(get<Component>(entity))...>{get<Component>(entity)...};
/*! @copydoc get */
template<typename... Component>
inline decltype(auto) get([[maybe_unused]] const entity_type entity) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) {
return (pool<Component>()->get(entity), ...);
} else {
return std::tuple<decltype(get<Component>(entity))...>{get<Component>(entity)...};
* @brief Returns a reference to the given component for an entity.
* In case the entity doesn't own the component, the parameters provided are
* used to construct it.<br/>
* Equivalent to the following snippet (pseudocode):
* @code{.cpp}
* auto &component = registry.has<Component>(entity) ? registry.get<Component>(entity) : registry.assign<Component>(entity, args...);
* @endcode
* Prefer this function anyway because it has slightly better performance.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @tparam Component Type of component to get.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component.
* @param entity A valid entity identifier.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component.
* @return Reference to the component owned by the entity.
template<typename Component, typename... Args>
decltype(auto) get_or_assign(const entity_type entity, Args &&... args) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
auto *cpool = assure<Component>();
return cpool->has(entity) ? cpool->get(entity) : cpool->assign(*this, entity, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Returns pointers to the given components for an entity.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @tparam Component Types of components to get.
* @param entity A valid entity identifier.
* @return Pointers to the components owned by the entity.
template<typename... Component>
auto try_get([[maybe_unused]] const entity_type entity) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) {
const auto cpools = std::make_tuple(pool<Component>()...);
return ((std::get<const pool_type<Component> *>(cpools) ? std::get<const pool_type<Component> *>(cpools)->try_get(entity) : nullptr), ...);
} else {
return std::tuple<std::add_const_t<Component> *...>{try_get<Component>(entity)...};
/*! @copydoc try_get */
template<typename... Component>
inline auto try_get([[maybe_unused]] const entity_type entity) ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
if constexpr(sizeof...(Component) == 1) {
return (const_cast<Component *>(std::as_const(*this).template try_get<Component>(entity)), ...);
} else {
return std::tuple<Component *...>{try_get<Component>(entity)...};
* @brief Replaces the given component for an entity.
* A new instance of the given component is created and initialized with the
* arguments provided (the component must have a proper constructor or be of
* aggregate type). Then the component is assigned to the given entity.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity or to replace a component of an
* entity that doesn't own it results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity or if the entity doesn't own an instance of the given
* component.
* @tparam Component Type of component to replace.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component.
* @param entity A valid entity identifier.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component.
* @return A reference to the newly created component.
template<typename Component, typename... Args>
decltype(auto) replace(const entity_type entity, Args &&... args) {
return pool<Component>()->replace(*this, entity, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Assigns or replaces the given component for an entity.
* Equivalent to the following snippet (pseudocode):
* @code{.cpp}
* auto &component = registry.has<Component>(entity) ? registry.replace<Component>(entity, args...) : registry.assign<Component>(entity, args...);
* @endcode
* Prefer this function anyway because it has slightly better performance.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @tparam Component Type of component to assign or replace.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the component.
* @param entity A valid entity identifier.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the component.
* @return A reference to the newly created component.
template<typename Component, typename... Args>
decltype(auto) assign_or_replace(const entity_type entity, Args &&... args) {
auto *cpool = assure<Component>();
return cpool->has(entity) ? cpool->replace(*this, entity, std::forward<Args>(args)...) : cpool->assign(*this, entity, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Returns a sink object for the given component.
* A sink is an opaque object used to connect listeners to components.<br/>
* The sink returned by this function can be used to receive notifications
* whenever a new instance of the given component is created and assigned to
* an entity.
* The function type for a listener is equivalent to:
* @code{.cpp}
* void(registry<Entity> &, Entity, Component &);
* @endcode
* Listeners are invoked **after** the component has been assigned to the
* entity. The order of invocation of the listeners isn't guaranteed.
* @note
* Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated. Therefore, temporary objects
* are returned through signals. They can be caught only by copy or with
* const references.
* @sa sink
* @tparam Component Type of component of which to get the sink.
* @return A temporary sink object.
template<typename Component>
auto on_construct() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return assure<Component>()->on_construct.sink();
* @brief Returns a sink object for the given component.
* A sink is an opaque object used to connect listeners to components.<br/>
* The sink returned by this function can be used to receive notifications
* whenever an instance of the given component is explicitly replaced.
* The function type for a listener is equivalent to:
* @code{.cpp}
* void(registry<Entity> &, Entity, Component &);
* @endcode
* Listeners are invoked **before** the component has been replaced. The
* order of invocation of the listeners isn't guaranteed.
* @note
* Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated. Therefore, temporary objects
* are returned through signals. They can be caught only by copy or with
* const references.
* @sa sink
* @tparam Component Type of component of which to get the sink.
* @return A temporary sink object.
template<typename Component>
auto on_replace() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return assure<Component>()->on_replace.sink();
* @brief Returns a sink object for the given component.
* A sink is an opaque object used to connect listeners to components.<br/>
* The sink returned by this function can be used to receive notifications
* whenever an instance of the given component is removed from an entity and
* thus destroyed.
* The function type for a listener is equivalent to:
* @code{.cpp}
* void(registry<Entity> &, Entity);
* @endcode
* Listeners are invoked **before** the component has been removed from the
* entity. The order of invocation of the listeners isn't guaranteed.
* @note
* Empty types aren't explicitly instantiated. Therefore, temporary objects
* are returned through signals. They can be caught only by copy or with
* const references.
* @sa sink
* @tparam Component Type of component of which to get the sink.
* @return A temporary sink object.
template<typename Component>
auto on_destroy() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return assure<Component>()->on_destroy.sink();
* @brief Sorts the pool of entities for the given component.
* The order of the elements in a pool is highly affected by assignments
* of components to entities and deletions. Components are arranged to
* maximize the performance during iterations and users should not make any
* assumption on the order.<br/>
* This function can be used to impose an order to the elements in the pool
* of the given component. The order is kept valid until a component of the
* given type is assigned or removed from an entity.
* The comparison function object must return `true` if the first element
* is _less_ than the second one, `false` otherwise. The signature of the
* comparison function should be equivalent to one of the following:
* @code{.cpp}
* bool(const Entity, const Entity);
* bool(const Component &, const Component &);
* @endcode
* Moreover, the comparison function object shall induce a
* _strict weak ordering_ on the values.
* The sort function oject must offer a member function template
* `operator()` that accepts three arguments:
* * An iterator to the first element of the range to sort.
* * An iterator past the last element of the range to sort.
* * A comparison function to use to compare the elements.
* The comparison funtion object received by the sort function object hasn't
* necessarily the type of the one passed along with the other parameters to
* this member function.
* @warning
* Pools of components that are owned by a group cannot be sorted.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case
* the pool is owned by a group.
* @tparam Component Type of components to sort.
* @tparam Compare Type of comparison function object.
* @tparam Sort Type of sort function object.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to forward to the sort function object.
* @param compare A valid comparison function object.
* @param algo A valid sort function object.
* @param args Arguments to forward to the sort function object, if any.
template<typename Component, typename Compare, typename Sort = std_sort, typename... Args>
void sort(Compare compare, Sort algo = Sort{}, Args &&... args) {
assure<Component>()->sort(std::move(compare), std::move(algo), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Sorts two pools of components in the same way.
* The order of the elements in a pool is highly affected by assignments
* of components to entities and deletions. Components are arranged to
* maximize the performance during iterations and users should not make any
* assumption on the order.
* It happens that different pools of components must be sorted the same way
* because of runtime and/or performance constraints. This function can be
* used to order a pool of components according to the order between the
* entities in another pool of components.
* @b How @b it @b works
* Being `A` and `B` the two sets where `B` is the master (the one the order
* of which rules) and `A` is the slave (the one to sort), after a call to
* this function an iterator for `A` will return the entities according to
* the following rules:
* * All the entities in `A` that are also in `B` are returned first
* according to the order they have in `B`.
* * All the entities in `A` that are not in `B` are returned in no
* particular order after all the other entities.
* Any subsequent change to `B` won't affect the order in `A`.
* @warning
* Pools of components that are owned by a group cannot be sorted.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case
* the pool is owned by a group.
* @tparam To Type of components to sort.
* @tparam From Type of components to use to sort.
template<typename To, typename From>
void sort() {
* @brief Resets the given component for an entity.
* If the entity has an instance of the component, this function removes the
* component from the entity. Otherwise it does nothing.
* @warning
* Attempting to use an invalid entity results in undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid entity.
* @tparam Component Type of component to reset.
* @param entity A valid entity identifier.
template<typename Component>
void reset(const entity_type entity) {
if(auto *cpool = assure<Component>(); cpool->has(entity)) {
cpool->remove(*this, entity);
* @brief Resets the pool of the given component.
* For each entity that has an instance of the given component, the
* component itself is removed and thus destroyed.
* @tparam Component Type of component whose pool must be reset.
template<typename Component>
void reset() {
if(auto *cpool = assure<Component>(); cpool->on_destroy.empty()) {
// no group set, otherwise the signal wouldn't be empty
} else {
for(const auto entity: static_cast<const sparse_set<entity_type> &>(*cpool)) {
cpool->remove(*this, entity);
* @brief Resets a whole registry.
* Destroys all the entities. After a call to `reset`, all the entities
* still in use are recycled with a new version number. In case entity
* identifers are stored around, the `valid` member function can be used
* to know if they are still valid.
void reset() {
each([this](const auto entity) {
// useless this-> used to suppress a warning with clang
* @brief Iterates all the entities that are still in use.
* The function object is invoked for each entity that is still in use.<br/>
* The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following:
* @code{.cpp}
* void(const Entity);
* @endcode
* This function is fairly slow and should not be used frequently. However,
* it's useful for iterating all the entities still in use, regardless of
* their components.
* @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke.
* @param func A valid function object.
template<typename Func>
void each(Func func) const {
static_assert(std::is_invocable_v<Func, entity_type>);
if(available) {
for(auto pos = entities.size(); pos; --pos) {
const auto curr = entity_type(pos - 1);
const auto entity = entities[curr];
const auto entt = entity & traits_type::entity_mask;
if(curr == entt) {
} else {
for(auto pos = entities.size(); pos; --pos) {
* @brief Checks if an entity has components assigned.
* @param entity A valid entity identifier.
* @return True if the entity has no components assigned, false otherwise.
bool orphan(const entity_type entity) const {
bool orphan = true;
for(std::size_t pos{}, last = pools.size(); pos < last && orphan; ++pos) {
const auto &pdata = pools[pos];
orphan = !(pdata.pool && pdata.pool->has(entity));
return orphan;
* @brief Iterates orphans and applies them the given function object.
* The function object is invoked for each entity that is still in use and
* has no components assigned.<br/>
* The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following:
* @code{.cpp}
* void(const Entity);
* @endcode
* This function can be very slow and should not be used frequently.
* @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke.
* @param func A valid function object.
template<typename Func>
void orphans(Func func) const {
static_assert(std::is_invocable_v<Func, entity_type>);
each([&func, this](const auto entity) {
if(orphan(entity)) {
* @brief Returns a view for the given components.
* This kind of objects are created on the fly and share with the registry
* its internal data structures.<br/>
* Feel free to discard a view after the use. Creating and destroying a view
* is an incredibly cheap operation because they do not require any type of
* initialization.<br/>
* As a rule of thumb, storing a view should never be an option.
* Views do their best to iterate the smallest set of candidate entities.
* In particular:
* * Single component views are incredibly fast and iterate a packed array
* of entities, all of which has the given component.
* * Multi component views look at the number of entities available for each
* component and pick up a reference to the smallest set of candidates to
* test for the given components.
* Views in no way affect the functionalities of the registry nor those of
* the underlying pools.
* @note
* Multi component views are pretty fast. However their performance tend to
* degenerate when the number of components to iterate grows up and the most
* of the entities have all the given components.<br/>
* To get a performance boost, consider using a group instead.
* @tparam Component Type of components used to construct the view.
* @return A newly created view.
template<typename... Component>
entt::basic_view<Entity, Component...> view() {
return { assure<Component>()... };
/*! @copydoc view */
template<typename... Component>
inline entt::basic_view<Entity, Component...> view() const {
return const_cast<basic_registry *>(this)->view<Component...>();
* @brief Checks whether a given component belongs to a group.
* @tparam Component Type of component in which one is interested.
* @return True if the component belongs to a group, false otherwise.
template<typename Component>
bool owned() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto *cpool = pool<Component>();
return cpool && cpool->group;
* @brief Returns a group for the given components.
* This kind of objects are created on the fly and share with the registry
* its internal data structures.<br/>
* Feel free to discard a group after the use. Creating and destroying a
* group is an incredibly cheap operation because they do not require any
* type of initialization, but for the first time they are requested.<br/>
* As a rule of thumb, storing a group should never be an option.
* Groups support exclusion lists and can own types of components. The more
* types are owned by a group, the faster it is to iterate entities and
* components.<br/>
* However, groups also affect some features of the registry such as the
* creation and destruction of components, which will consequently be
* slightly slower (nothing that can be noticed in most cases).
* @note
* Pools of components that are owned by a group cannot be sorted anymore.
* The group takes the ownership of the pools and arrange components so as
* to iterate them as fast as possible.
* @tparam Owned Types of components owned by the group.
* @tparam Get Types of components observed by the group.
* @tparam Exclude Types of components used to filter the group.
* @return A newly created group.
template<typename... Owned, typename... Get, typename... Exclude>
inline entt::basic_group<Entity, get_t<Get...>, Owned...> group(get_t<Get...>, exclude_t<Exclude...> = {}) {
static_assert(sizeof...(Owned) + sizeof...(Get) > 0);
static_assert(sizeof...(Owned) + sizeof...(Get) + sizeof...(Exclude) > 1);
using handler_type = group_handler<type_list<Exclude...>, type_list<Get...>, Owned...>;
const std::size_t extent[] = { sizeof...(Owned), sizeof...(Get), sizeof...(Exclude) };
const ENTT_ID_TYPE types[] = { type<Owned>()..., type<Get>()..., type<Exclude>()... };
handler_type *curr = nullptr;
if(auto it = std::find_if(groups.begin(), groups.end(), [&extent, &types](auto &&gdata) {
return std::equal(std::begin(extent), std::end(extent), gdata.extent) && gdata.is_same(types);
}); it != groups.cend())
curr = static_cast<handler_type *>(it->group.get());
if(!curr) {
ENTT_ASSERT(!(owned<Owned>() || ...));
{ sizeof...(Owned), sizeof...(Get), sizeof...(Exclude) },
decltype(group_data::group){new handler_type{}, +[](void *gptr) { delete static_cast<handler_type *>(gptr); }},
+[](const ENTT_ID_TYPE *other) {
const std::size_t ctypes[] = { type<Owned>()..., type<Get>()..., type<Exclude>()... };
return std::equal(std::begin(ctypes), std::end(ctypes), other);
const auto cpools = std::make_tuple(assure<Owned>()..., assure<Get>()..., assure<Exclude>()...);
curr = static_cast<handler_type *>(groups.back().group.get());
((std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->group = curr), ...);
(std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->on_construct.sink().template connect<&handler_type::template maybe_valid_if<Owned, Owned>>(curr), ...);
(std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->on_destroy.sink().template connect<&handler_type::template discard_if<>>(curr), ...);
(std::get<pool_type<Get> *>(cpools)->on_construct.sink().template connect<&handler_type::template maybe_valid_if<Get, Get>>(curr), ...);
(std::get<pool_type<Get> *>(cpools)->on_destroy.sink().template connect<&handler_type::template discard_if<>>(curr), ...);
(std::get<pool_type<Exclude> *>(cpools)->on_destroy.sink().template connect<&handler_type::template maybe_valid_if<Exclude>>(curr), ...);
(std::get<pool_type<Exclude> *>(cpools)->on_construct.sink().template connect<&handler_type::template discard_if<Exclude>>(curr), ...);
const auto *cpool = std::min({
static_cast<sparse_set<Entity> *>(std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools))...,
static_cast<sparse_set<Entity> *>(std::get<pool_type<Get> *>(cpools))...
}, [](const auto *lhs, const auto *rhs) {
return lhs->size() < rhs->size();
// we cannot iterate backwards because we want to leave behind valid entities in case of owned types
std::for_each(cpool->data(), cpool->data() + cpool->size(), [curr, &cpools](const auto entity) {
if((std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->has(entity) && ...)
&& (std::get<pool_type<Get> *>(cpools)->has(entity) && ...)
&& !(std::get<pool_type<Exclude> *>(cpools)->has(entity) || ...))
if constexpr(sizeof...(Owned) == 0) {
} else {
const auto pos = curr->owned++;
// useless this-> used to suppress a warning with clang
(std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->swap(std::get<pool_type<Owned> *>(cpools)->sparse_set<Entity>::get(entity), pos), ...);
if constexpr(sizeof...(Owned) == 0) {
return { static_cast<sparse_set<Entity> *>(curr), pool<Get>()... };
} else {
return { &curr->owned, pool<Owned>()... , pool<Get>()... };
/*! @copydoc group */
template<typename... Owned, typename... Get, typename... Exclude>
inline entt::basic_group<Entity, get_t<Get...>, Owned...> group(get_t<Get...>, exclude_t<Exclude...> = {}) const {
static_assert(std::conjunction_v<std::is_const<Owned>..., std::is_const<Get>...>);
return const_cast<basic_registry *>(this)->group<Owned...>(entt::get<Get...>, exclude<Exclude...>);
/*! @copydoc group */
template<typename... Owned, typename... Exclude>
inline entt::basic_group<Entity, get_t<>, Owned...> group(exclude_t<Exclude...> = {}) {
return group<Owned...>(entt::get<>, exclude<Exclude...>);
/*! @copydoc group */
template<typename... Owned, typename... Exclude>
inline entt::basic_group<Entity, get_t<>, Owned...> group(exclude_t<Exclude...> = {}) const {
return const_cast<basic_registry *>(this)->group<Owned...>(exclude<Exclude...>);
* @brief Returns a runtime view for the given components.
* This kind of objects are created on the fly and share with the registry
* its internal data structures.<br/>
* Users should throw away the view after use. Fortunately, creating and
* destroying a runtime view is an incredibly cheap operation because they
* do not require any type of initialization.<br/>
* As a rule of thumb, storing a view should never be an option.
* Runtime views are to be used when users want to construct a view from
* some external inputs and don't know at compile-time what are the required
* components.<br/>
* This is particularly well suited to plugin systems and mods in general.
* @tparam It Type of forward iterator.
* @param first An iterator to the first element of the range of components.
* @param last An iterator past the last element of the range of components.
* @return A newly created runtime view.
template<typename It>
entt::basic_runtime_view<Entity> runtime_view(It first, It last) const {
static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type, component_type>);
std::vector<const sparse_set<Entity> *> set(std::distance(first, last));
std::transform(first, last, set.begin(), [this](const component_type ctype) {
auto it = std::find_if(pools.begin(), pools.end(), [ctype](const auto &pdata) {
return pdata.pool && pdata.runtime_type == ctype;
return it != pools.cend() && it->pool ? it->pool.get() : nullptr;
return { std::move(set) };
* @brief Clones the given components and all the entity identifiers.
* The components must be copiable for obvious reasons. The entities
* maintain their versions once copied.<br/>
* If no components are provided, the registry will try to clone all the
* existing pools.
* @note
* There isn't an efficient way to know if all the entities are assigned at
* least one component once copied. Therefore, there may be orphans. It is
* up to the caller to clean up the registry if necessary.
* @note
* Listeners and groups aren't copied. It is up to the caller to connect the
* listeners of interest to the new registry and to set up groups.
* @warning
* Attempting to clone components that aren't copyable results in unexpected
* behaviors.<br/>
* A static assertion will abort the compilation when the components
* provided aren't copy constructible. Otherwise, an assertion will abort
* the execution at runtime in debug mode in case one or more pools cannot
* be cloned.
* @tparam Component Types of components to clone.
* @return A fresh copy of the registry.
template<typename... Component>
basic_registry clone() const {
basic_registry other;
for(auto pos = pools.size(); pos; --pos) {
if(auto &pdata = pools[pos-1]; pdata.pool && (!sizeof...(Component) || ... || (pdata.runtime_type == type<Component>()))) {
auto &curr = other.pools[pos-1];
curr.clone = pdata.clone;
curr.pool = curr.clone(*pdata.pool);
curr.runtime_type = pdata.runtime_type;
ENTT_ASSERT(sizeof...(Component) == 0 || curr.pool);
other.skip_family_pools = skip_family_pools;
other.entities = entities;
other.available = available;
other.next = next;
other.pools.erase(std::remove_if(other.pools.begin()+skip_family_pools, other.pools.end(), [](const auto &pdata) {
return !pdata.pool;
}), other.pools.end());
return other;
* @brief Returns a temporary object to use to create snapshots.
* A snapshot is either a full or a partial dump of a registry.<br/>
* It can be used to save and restore its internal state or to keep two or
* more instances of this class in sync, as an example in a client-server
* architecture.
* @return A temporary object to use to take snasphosts.
entt::basic_snapshot<Entity> snapshot() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
using follow_fn_type = entity_type(const basic_registry &, const entity_type);
const entity_type seed = available ? (next | (entities[next] & (traits_type::version_mask << traits_type::entity_shift))) : next;
follow_fn_type *follow = [](const basic_registry &reg, const entity_type entity) -> entity_type {
const auto &others = reg.entities;
const auto entt = entity & traits_type::entity_mask;
const auto curr = others[entt] & traits_type::entity_mask;
return (curr | (others[curr] & (traits_type::version_mask << traits_type::entity_shift)));
return { this, seed, follow };
* @brief Returns a temporary object to use to load snapshots.
* A snapshot is either a full or a partial dump of a registry.<br/>
* It can be used to save and restore its internal state or to keep two or
* more instances of this class in sync, as an example in a client-server
* architecture.
* @note
* The loader returned by this function requires that the registry be empty.
* In case it isn't, all the data will be automatically deleted before to
* return.
* @return A temporary object to use to load snasphosts.
basic_snapshot_loader<Entity> loader() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
using force_fn_type = void(basic_registry &, const entity_type, const bool);
force_fn_type *force = [](basic_registry &reg, const entity_type entity, const bool destroyed) {
using promotion_type = std::conditional_t<sizeof(size_type) >= sizeof(entity_type), size_type, entity_type>;
// explicit promotion to avoid warnings with std::uint16_t
const auto entt = promotion_type{entity} & traits_type::entity_mask;
auto &others = reg.entities;
if(!(entt < others.size())) {
auto curr = others.size();
others.resize(entt + 1);
std::iota(others.data() + curr, others.data() + entt, entity_type(curr));
others[entt] = entity;
if(destroyed) {
const auto version = entity & (traits_type::version_mask << traits_type::entity_shift);
others[entt] = ((others[entt] & traits_type::entity_mask) | version);
available = {};
return { this, force };
* @brief Binds an object to the context of the registry.
* If the value already exists it is overwritten, otherwise a new instance
* of the given type is created and initialized with the arguments provided.
* @tparam Type Type of object to set.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the object.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the value.
* @return A reference to the newly created object.
template<typename Type, typename... Args>
Type & set(Args &&... args) {
const auto ctype = runtime_type<Type, context_family>();
auto it = std::find_if(vars.begin(), vars.end(), [ctype](const auto &candidate) {
return candidate.runtime_type == ctype;
if(it == vars.cend()) {
decltype(ctx_variable::value){new Type{std::forward<Args>(args)...}, +[](void *ptr) { delete static_cast<Type *>(ptr); }},
it = std::prev(vars.end());
} else {
it->value.reset(new Type{std::forward<Args>(args)...});
return *static_cast<Type *>(it->value.get());
* @brief Unsets a context variable if it exists.
* @tparam Type Type of object to set.
template<typename Type>
void unset() {
vars.erase(std::remove_if(vars.begin(), vars.end(), [](auto &var) {
return var.runtime_type == runtime_type<Type, context_family>();
}), vars.end());
* @brief Binds an object to the context of the registry.
* In case the context doesn't contain the given object, the parameters
* provided are used to construct it.
* @tparam Type Type of object to set.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to use to construct the object.
* @param args Parameters to use to initialize the object.
* @return Reference to the object.
template<typename Type, typename... Args>
Type & ctx_or_set(Args &&... args) {
auto *type = try_ctx<Type>();
return type ? *type : set<Type>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief Returns a pointer to an object in the context of the registry.
* @tparam Type Type of object to get.
* @return A pointer to the object if it exists in the context of the
* registry, a null pointer otherwise.
template<typename Type>
const Type * try_ctx() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto it = std::find_if(vars.begin(), vars.end(), [](const auto &var) {
return var.runtime_type == runtime_type<Type, context_family>();
return (it == vars.cend()) ? nullptr : static_cast<const Type *>(it->value.get());
/*! @copydoc try_ctx */
template<typename Type>
inline Type * try_ctx() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return const_cast<Type *>(std::as_const(*this).template try_ctx<Type>());
* @brief Returns a reference to an object in the context of the registry.
* @warning
* Attempting to get a context variable that doesn't exist results in
* undefined behavior.<br/>
* An assertion will abort the execution at runtime in debug mode in case of
* invalid requests.
* @tparam Type Type of object to get.
* @return A valid reference to the object in the context of the registry.
template<typename Type>
const Type & ctx() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
const auto *instance = try_ctx<Type>();
return *instance;
/*! @copydoc ctx */
template<typename Type>
inline Type & ctx() ENTT_NOEXCEPT {
return const_cast<Type &>(std::as_const(*this).template ctx<Type>());
std::size_t skip_family_pools{};
std::vector<pool_data> pools;
std::vector<group_data> groups;
std::vector<ctx_variable> vars;
std::vector<entity_type> entities;
size_type available{};
entity_type next{};