🛠️🐜 Antkeeper superbuild with dependencies included https://antkeeper.com
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#include <type_traits>
#include "../config/config.h"
#include "../core/hashed_string.hpp"
#include "../signal/sigh.hpp"
#include "registry.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief Converts a registry to a view.
* @tparam Const Constness of the accepted registry.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<bool Const, typename Entity>
struct as_view {
/*! @brief Type of registry to convert. */
using registry_type = std::conditional_t<Const, const entt::basic_registry<Entity>, entt::basic_registry<Entity>>;
* @brief Constructs a converter for a given registry.
* @param source A valid reference to a registry.
as_view(registry_type &source) ENTT_NOEXCEPT: reg{source} {}
* @brief Conversion function from a registry to a view.
* @tparam Component Type of components used to construct the view.
* @return A newly created view.
template<typename... Component>
inline operator entt::basic_view<Entity, Component...>() const {
return reg.template view<Component...>();
registry_type &reg;
* @brief Deduction guide.
* It allows to deduce the constness of a registry directly from the instance
* provided to the constructor.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<typename Entity>
as_view(basic_registry<Entity> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_view<false, Entity>;
/*! @copydoc as_view */
template<typename Entity>
as_view(const basic_registry<Entity> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_view<true, Entity>;
* @brief Converts a registry to a group.
* @tparam Const Constness of the accepted registry.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<bool Const, typename Entity>
struct as_group {
/*! @brief Type of registry to convert. */
using registry_type = std::conditional_t<Const, const entt::basic_registry<Entity>, entt::basic_registry<Entity>>;
* @brief Constructs a converter for a given registry.
* @param source A valid reference to a registry.
as_group(registry_type &source) ENTT_NOEXCEPT: reg{source} {}
* @brief Conversion function from a registry to a group.
* @note
* Unfortunately, only full owning groups are supported because of an issue
* with msvc that doesn't manage to correctly deduce types.
* @tparam Owned Types of components owned by the group.
* @return A newly created group.
template<typename... Owned>
inline operator entt::basic_group<Entity, get_t<>, Owned...>() const {
return reg.template group<Owned...>();
registry_type &reg;
* @brief Deduction guide.
* It allows to deduce the constness of a registry directly from the instance
* provided to the constructor.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
template<typename Entity>
as_group(basic_registry<Entity> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_group<false, Entity>;
/*! @copydoc as_group */
template<typename Entity>
as_group(const basic_registry<Entity> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_group<true, Entity>;
* @brief Dependency function prototype.
* A _dependency function_ is a built-in listener to use to automatically assign
* components to an entity when a type has a dependency on some other types.
* This is a prototype function to use to create dependencies.<br/>
* It isn't intended for direct use, although nothing forbids using it freely.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
* @tparam Component Type of component that triggers the dependency handler.
* @tparam Dependency Types of components to assign to an entity if triggered.
* @param reg A valid reference to a registry.
* @param entt A valid entity identifier.
template<typename Entity, typename Component, typename... Dependency>
void dependency(basic_registry<Entity> &reg, const Entity entt, const Component &) {
((reg.template has<Dependency>(entt) ? void() : (reg.template assign<Dependency>(entt), void())), ...);
* @brief Connects a dependency function to the given sink.
* A _dependency function_ is a built-in listener to use to automatically assign
* components to an entity when a type has a dependency on some other types.
* The following adds components `a_type` and `another_type` whenever `my_type`
* is assigned to an entity:
* @code{.cpp}
* entt::registry registry;
* entt::connect<a_type, another_type>(registry.construction<my_type>());
* @endcode
* @tparam Dependency Types of components to assign to an entity if triggered.
* @tparam Component Type of component that triggers the dependency handler.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
* @param sink A sink object properly initialized.
template<typename... Dependency, typename Component, typename Entity>
inline void connect(sink<void(basic_registry<Entity> &, const Entity, Component &)> sink) {
sink.template connect<dependency<Entity, Component, Dependency...>>();
* @brief Disconnects a dependency function from the given sink.
* A _dependency function_ is a built-in listener to use to automatically assign
* components to an entity when a type has a dependency on some other types.
* The following breaks the dependency between the component `my_type` and the
* components `a_type` and `another_type`:
* @code{.cpp}
* entt::registry registry;
* entt::disconnect<a_type, another_type>(registry.construction<my_type>());
* @endcode
* @tparam Dependency Types of components used to create the dependency.
* @tparam Component Type of component that triggers the dependency handler.
* @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).
* @param sink A sink object properly initialized.
template<typename... Dependency, typename Component, typename Entity>
inline void disconnect(sink<void(basic_registry<Entity> &, const Entity, Component &)> sink) {
sink.template disconnect<dependency<Entity, Component, Dependency...>>();
* @brief Alias template to ease the assignment of tags to entities.
* If used in combination with hashed strings, it simplifies the assignment of
* tags to entities and the use of tags in general where a type would be
* required otherwise.<br/>
* As an example and where the user defined literal for hashed strings hasn't
* been changed:
* @code{.cpp}
* entt::registry registry;
* registry.assign<entt::tag<"enemy"_hs>>(entity);
* @endcode
* @note
* Tags are empty components and therefore candidates for the empty component
* optimization.
* @tparam Value The numeric representation of an instance of hashed string.
template<typename hashed_string::hash_type Value>
using tag = std::integral_constant<typename hashed_string::hash_type, Value>;