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#include <type_traits>
#include "../core/hashed_string.hpp"
namespace entt {
* @brief A class to use to push around lists of types, nothing more.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the given type list.
template<typename... Type>
struct type_list {
/*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */
static constexpr auto size = sizeof...(Type);
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
struct type_list_cat;
/*! @brief Concatenates multiple type lists. */
struct type_list_cat<> {
/*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */
using type = type_list<>;
* @brief Concatenates multiple type lists.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the first type list.
* @tparam Other Types provided by the second type list.
* @tparam List Other type lists, if any.
template<typename... Type, typename... Other, typename... List>
struct type_list_cat<type_list<Type...>, type_list<Other...>, List...> {
/*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */
using type = typename type_list_cat<type_list<Type..., Other...>, List...>::type;
* @brief Concatenates multiple type lists.
* @tparam Type Types provided by the type list.
template<typename... Type>
struct type_list_cat<type_list<Type...>> {
/*! @brief A type list composed by the types of all the type lists. */
using type = type_list<Type...>;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam List Type lists to concatenate.
template<typename... List>
using type_list_cat_t = typename type_list_cat<List...>::type;
/*! @brief Primary template isn't defined on purpose. */
struct type_list_unique;
* @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list.
* @tparam Type One of the types provided by the given type list.
* @tparam Other The other types provided by the given type list.
template<typename Type, typename... Other>
struct type_list_unique<type_list<Type, Other...>> {
/*! @brief A type list without duplicate types. */
using type = std::conditional_t<
std::disjunction_v<std::is_same<Type, Other>...>,
typename type_list_unique<type_list<Other...>>::type,
type_list_cat_t<type_list<Type>, typename type_list_unique<type_list<Other...>>::type>
/*! @brief Removes duplicates types from a type list. */
struct type_list_unique<type_list<>> {
/*! @brief A type list without duplicate types. */
using type = type_list<>;
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam Type A type list.
template<typename Type>
using type_list_unique_t = typename type_list_unique<Type>::type;
/*! @brief Traits class used mainly to push things across boundaries. */
struct named_type_traits;
* @brief Specialization used to get rid of constness.
* @tparam Type Named type.
template<typename Type>
struct named_type_traits<const Type>
: named_type_traits<Type>
* @brief Helper type.
* @tparam Type Potentially named type.
template<typename Type>
using named_type_traits_t = typename named_type_traits<Type>::type;
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type has a
* name. In all other cases, `value` is false.
template<typename, typename = std::void_t<>>
struct is_named_type: std::false_type {};
* @brief Provides the member constant `value` to true if a given type has a
* name. In all other cases, `value` is false.
* @tparam Type Potentially named type.
template<typename Type>
struct is_named_type<Type, std::void_t<named_type_traits_t<std::decay_t<Type>>>>: std::true_type {};
* @brief Helper variable template.
* True if a given type has a name, false otherwise.
* @tparam Type Potentially named type.
template<class Type>
constexpr auto is_named_type_v = is_named_type<Type>::value;
* @brief Utility macro to deal with an issue of MSVC.
* See _msvc-doesnt-expand-va-args-correctly_ on SO for all the details.
* @param args Argument to expand.
#define ENTT_EXPAND(args) args
* @brief Makes an already existing type a named type.
* @param type Type to assign a name to.
#define ENTT_NAMED_TYPE(type)\
struct entt::named_type_traits<type>\
: std::integral_constant<typename entt::hashed_string::hash_type, entt::hashed_string::to_value(#type)>\
static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<type>, type>);\
* @brief Defines a named type (to use for structs).
* @param clazz Name of the type to define.
* @param body Body of the type to define.
#define ENTT_NAMED_STRUCT_ONLY(clazz, body)\
struct clazz body;\
* @brief Defines a named type (to use for structs).
* @param ns Namespace where to define the named type.
* @param clazz Name of the type to define.
* @param body Body of the type to define.
#define ENTT_NAMED_STRUCT_WITH_NAMESPACE(ns, clazz, body)\
namespace ns { struct clazz body; }\
/*! @brief Utility function to simulate macro overloading. */
#define ENTT_NAMED_STRUCT_OVERLOAD(_1, _2, _3, FUNC, ...) FUNC
/*! @brief Defines a named type (to use for structs). */
* @brief Defines a named type (to use for classes).
* @param clazz Name of the type to define.
* @param body Body of the type to define.
#define ENTT_NAMED_CLASS_ONLY(clazz, body)\
class clazz body;\
* @brief Defines a named type (to use for classes).
* @param ns Namespace where to define the named type.
* @param clazz Name of the type to define.
* @param body Body of the type to define.
#define ENTT_NAMED_CLASS_WITH_NAMESPACE(ns, clazz, body)\
namespace ns { class clazz body; }\
/*! @brief Utility function to simulate macro overloading. */
#define ENTT_NAMED_CLASS_MACRO(_1, _2, _3, FUNC, ...) FUNC
/*! @brief Defines a named type (to use for classes). */