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#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
namespace entt {
* @brief Function object to wrap `std::sort` in a class type.
* Unfortunately, `std::sort` cannot be passed as template argument to a class
* template or a function template.<br/>
* This class fills the gap by wrapping some flavors of `std::sort` in a
* function object.
struct std_sort {
* @brief Sorts the elements in a range.
* Sorts the elements in a range using the given binary comparison function.
* @tparam It Type of random access iterator.
* @tparam Compare Type of comparison function object.
* @tparam Args Types of arguments to forward to the sort function.
* @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to sort.
* @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to sort.
* @param compare A valid comparison function object.
* @param args Arguments to forward to the sort function, if any.
template<typename It, typename Compare = std::less<>, typename... Args>
void operator()(It first, It last, Compare compare = Compare{}, Args &&... args) const {
std::sort(std::forward<Args>(args)..., std::move(first), std::move(last), std::move(compare));
/*! @brief Function object for performing insertion sort. */
struct insertion_sort {
* @brief Sorts the elements in a range.
* Sorts the elements in a range using the given binary comparison function.
* @tparam It Type of random access iterator.
* @tparam Compare Type of comparison function object.
* @param first An iterator to the first element of the range to sort.
* @param last An iterator past the last element of the range to sort.
* @param compare A valid comparison function object.
template<typename It, typename Compare = std::less<>>
void operator()(It first, It last, Compare compare = Compare{}) const {
if(first != last) {
auto it = first + 1;
while(it != last) {
auto pre = it++;
auto value = *pre;
while(pre-- != first && compare(value, *pre)) {
*(pre+1) = *pre;
*(pre+1) = value;