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#ifndef ALCONFIG_H
#define ALCONFIG_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NOEXCEPT noexcept
extern "C" {
#define NOEXCEPT
void ReadALConfig(void) NOEXCEPT;
int ConfigValueExists(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName);
const char *GetConfigValue(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, const char *def);
int GetConfigValueBool(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, int def);
int ConfigValueStr(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, const char **ret);
int ConfigValueInt(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, int *ret);
int ConfigValueUInt(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, unsigned int *ret);
int ConfigValueFloat(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, float *ret);
int ConfigValueBool(const char *devName, const char *blockName, const char *keyName, int *ret);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif /* ALCONFIG_H */