[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jarro2783/cxxopts.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jarro2783/cxxopts) # Release versions Note that `master` is generally a work in progress, and you probably want to use a tagged release version. # Quick start This is a lightweight C++ option parser library, supporting the standard GNU style syntax for options. Options can be given as: --long --long=argument --long argument -a -ab -abc argument where c takes an argument, but a and b do not. Additionally, anything after `--` will be parsed as a positional argument. ## Basics ```cpp #include ``` Create a `cxxopts::Options` instance. ```cpp cxxopts::Options options("MyProgram", "One line description of MyProgram"); ``` Then use `add_options`. ```cpp options.add_options() ("d,debug", "Enable debugging") // a bool parameter ("i,integer", "Int param", cxxopts::value()) ("f,file", "File name", cxxopts::value()) ("v,verbose", "Verbose output", cxxopts::value()->default_value("false")) ; ``` Options are declared with a long and an optional short option. A description must be provided. The third argument is the value, if omitted it is boolean. Any type can be given as long as it can be parsed, with operator>>. To parse the command line do: ```cpp auto result = options.parse(argc, argv); ``` To retrieve an option use `result.count("option")` to get the number of times it appeared, and ```cpp result["opt"].as() ``` to get its value. If "opt" doesn't exist, or isn't of the right type, then an exception will be thrown. Note that the result of `options.parse` should only be used as long as the `options` object that created it is in scope. ## Exceptions Exceptional situations throw C++ exceptions. There are two types of exceptions: errors defining the options, and errors when parsing a list of arguments. All exceptions derive from `cxxopts::OptionException`. Errors defining options derive from `cxxopts::OptionSpecException` and errors parsing arguments derive from `cxxopts::OptionParseException`. All exceptions define a `what()` function to get a printable string explaining the error. ## Help groups Options can be placed into groups for the purposes of displaying help messages. To place options in a group, pass the group as a string to `add_options`. Then, when displaying the help, pass the groups that you would like displayed as a vector to the `help` function. ## Positional Arguments Positional arguments can be optionally parsed into one or more options. To set up positional arguments, call ```cpp options.parse_positional({"first", "second", "last"}) ``` where "last" should be the name of an option with a container type, and the others should have a single value. ## Default and implicit values An option can be declared with a default or an implicit value, or both. A default value is the value that an option takes when it is not specified on the command line. The following specifies a default value for an option: ```cpp cxxopts::value()->default_value("value") ``` An implicit value is the value that an option takes when it is given on the command line without an argument. The following specifies an implicit value: ```cpp cxxopts::value()->implicit_value("implicit") ``` If an option had both, then not specifying it would give the value `"value"`, writing it on the command line as `--option` would give the value `"implicit"`, and writing `--option=another` would give it the value `"another"`. Note that the default and implicit value is always stored as a string, regardless of the type that you want to store it in. It will be parsed as though it was given on the command line. ## Boolean values Boolean options have a default implicit value of `"true"`, which can be overridden. The effect is that writing `-o` by itself will set option `o` to `true`. However, they can also be written with various strings using `=value`. There is no way to disambiguate positional arguments from the value following a boolean, so we have chosen that they will be positional arguments, and therefore, `-o false` does not work. ## `std::vector` values Parsing of list of values in form of an `std::vector` is also supported, as long as `T` can be parsed. To separate single values in a list the definition `CXXOPTS_VECTOR_DELIMITER` is used, which is ',' by default. Ensure that you use no whitespaces between values because those would be interpreted as the next command line option. Example for a command line option that can be parsed as a `std::vector`: ~~~ --my_list=1,-2.1,3,4.5 ~~~ ## Options specified multiple times The same option can be specified several times, with different arguments, which will all be recorded in order of appearance. An example: ~~~ --use train --use bus --use ferry ~~~ this is supported through the use of a vector of value for the option: ~~~ options.add_options() ("use", "Usable means of transport", cxxopts::value>()) ~~~ ## Custom help The string after the program name on the first line of the help can be completely replaced by calling `options.custom_help`. Note that you might also want to override the positional help by calling `options.positional_help`. ## Example Putting all together: ```cpp int main(int argc, char** argv) { cxxopts::Options options("test", "A brief description"); options.add_options() ("b,bar", "Param bar", cxxopts::value()) ("d,debug", "Enable debugging", cxxopts::value()->default_value("false")) ("f,foo", "Param foo", cxxopts::value()->default_value("10")) ("h,help", "Print usage") ; auto result = options.parse(argc, argv); if (result.count("help")) { std::cout << options.help() << std::endl; exit(0); } bool debug = result["debug"].as(); std::string bar; if (result.count("bar")) bar = result["bar"].as(); int foo = result["foo"].as(); return 0; } ``` # Linking This is a header only library. # Requirements The only build requirement is a C++ compiler that supports C++11 features such as: * regex * constexpr * default constructors GCC >= 4.9 or clang >= 3.1 with libc++ are known to work. The following compilers are known not to work: * MSVC 2013 # TODO list * Allow unrecognised options.