#ifndef ENTT_ENTITY_RUNTIME_VIEW_HPP #define ENTT_ENTITY_RUNTIME_VIEW_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include "../config/config.h" #include "entity.hpp" #include "fwd.hpp" #include "sparse_set.hpp" namespace entt { /** * @cond TURN_OFF_DOXYGEN * Internal details not to be documented. */ namespace internal { template class runtime_view_iterator final { using iterator_type = typename Set::iterator; [[nodiscard]] bool valid() const { return (!tombstone_check || *it != tombstone) && std::all_of(++pools->begin(), pools->end(), [entt = *it](const auto *curr) { return curr->contains(entt); }) && std::none_of(filter->cbegin(), filter->cend(), [entt = *it](const auto *curr) { return curr && curr->contains(entt); }); } public: using difference_type = typename iterator_type::difference_type; using value_type = typename iterator_type::value_type; using pointer = typename iterator_type::pointer; using reference = typename iterator_type::reference; using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag; runtime_view_iterator() ENTT_NOEXCEPT : pools{}, filter{}, it{}, tombstone_check{} {} runtime_view_iterator(const std::vector &cpools, const std::vector &ignore, iterator_type curr) ENTT_NOEXCEPT : pools{&cpools}, filter{&ignore}, it{curr}, tombstone_check{pools->size() == 1u && (*pools)[0u]->policy() == deletion_policy::in_place} { if(it != (*pools)[0]->end() && !valid()) { ++(*this); } } runtime_view_iterator &operator++() { while(++it != (*pools)[0]->end() && !valid()) {} return *this; } runtime_view_iterator operator++(int) { runtime_view_iterator orig = *this; return ++(*this), orig; } runtime_view_iterator &operator--() { while(--it != (*pools)[0]->begin() && !valid()) {} return *this; } runtime_view_iterator operator--(int) { runtime_view_iterator orig = *this; return operator--(), orig; } [[nodiscard]] pointer operator->() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return it.operator->(); } [[nodiscard]] reference operator*() const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return *operator->(); } [[nodiscard]] bool operator==(const runtime_view_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return it == other.it; } [[nodiscard]] bool operator!=(const runtime_view_iterator &other) const ENTT_NOEXCEPT { return !(*this == other); } private: const std::vector *pools; const std::vector *filter; iterator_type it; bool tombstone_check; }; } // namespace internal /** * Internal details not to be documented. * @endcond */ /** * @brief Runtime view implementation. * * Primary template isn't defined on purpose. All the specializations give a * compile-time error, but for a few reasonable cases. */ template struct basic_runtime_view; /** * @brief Generic runtime view. * * Runtime views iterate over those entities that have at least all the given * components in their bags. During initialization, a runtime view looks at the * number of entities available for each component and picks up a reference to * the smallest set of candidate entities in order to get a performance boost * when iterate.
* Order of elements during iterations are highly dependent on the order of the * underlying data structures. See sparse_set and its specializations for more * details. * * @b Important * * Iterators aren't invalidated if: * * * New instances of the given components are created and assigned to entities. * * The entity currently pointed is modified (as an example, if one of the * given components is removed from the entity to which the iterator points). * * The entity currently pointed is destroyed. * * In all the other cases, modifying the pools of the given components in any * way invalidates all the iterators and using them results in undefined * behavior. * * @note * Views share references to the underlying data structures of the registry that * generated them. Therefore any change to the entities and to the components * made by means of the registry are immediately reflected by the views, unless * a pool was missing when the view was built (in this case, the view won't * have a valid reference and won't be updated accordingly). * * @warning * Lifetime of a view must not overcome that of the registry that generated it. * In any other case, attempting to use a view results in undefined behavior. * * @tparam Entity A valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details). * @tparam Allocator Type of allocator used to manage memory and elements. */ template struct basic_runtime_view> { /*! @brief Underlying entity identifier. */ using entity_type = Entity; /*! @brief Unsigned integer type. */ using size_type = std::size_t; /*! @brief Common type among all storage types. */ using base_type = basic_sparse_set; /*! @brief Bidirectional iterator type. */ using iterator = internal::runtime_view_iterator; /*! @brief Default constructor to use to create empty, invalid views. */ basic_runtime_view() ENTT_NOEXCEPT : pools{}, filter{} {} /** * @brief Appends an opaque storage object to a runtime view. * @param base An opaque reference to a storage object. * @return This runtime view. */ basic_runtime_view &iterate(const base_type &base) { if(pools.empty() || !(base.size() < pools[0u]->size())) { pools.push_back(&base); } else { pools.push_back(std::exchange(pools[0u], &base)); } return *this; } /** * @brief Adds an opaque storage object as a filter of a runtime view. * @param base An opaque reference to a storage object. * @return This runtime view. */ basic_runtime_view &exclude(const base_type &base) { filter.push_back(&base); return *this; } /** * @brief Estimates the number of entities iterated by the view. * @return Estimated number of entities iterated by the view. */ [[nodiscard]] size_type size_hint() const { return pools.empty() ? size_type{} : pools.front()->size(); } /** * @brief Returns an iterator to the first entity that has the given * components. * * The returned iterator points to the first entity that has the given * components. If the view is empty, the returned iterator will be equal to * `end()`. * * @return An iterator to the first entity that has the given components. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator begin() const { return pools.empty() ? iterator{} : iterator{pools, filter, pools[0]->begin()}; } /** * @brief Returns an iterator that is past the last entity that has the * given components. * * The returned iterator points to the entity following the last entity that * has the given components. Attempting to dereference the returned iterator * results in undefined behavior. * * @return An iterator to the entity following the last entity that has the * given components. */ [[nodiscard]] iterator end() const { return pools.empty() ? iterator{} : iterator{pools, filter, pools[0]->end()}; } /** * @brief Checks if a view contains an entity. * @param entt A valid identifier. * @return True if the view contains the given entity, false otherwise. */ [[nodiscard]] bool contains(const entity_type entt) const { return !pools.empty() && std::all_of(pools.cbegin(), pools.cend(), [entt](const auto *curr) { return curr->contains(entt); }) && std::none_of(filter.cbegin(), filter.cend(), [entt](const auto *curr) { return curr && curr->contains(entt); }); } /** * @brief Iterates entities and applies the given function object to them. * * The function object is invoked for each entity. It is provided only with * the entity itself. To get the components, users can use the registry with * which the view was built.
* The signature of the function should be equivalent to the following: * * @code{.cpp} * void(const entity_type); * @endcode * * @tparam Func Type of the function object to invoke. * @param func A valid function object. */ template void each(Func func) const { for(const auto entity: *this) { func(entity); } } private: std::vector pools; std::vector filter; }; } // namespace entt #endif