@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Antkeeper superbuild is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 |
| :------------------------------ | :--------------------- | :-------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
| dirent | Toni Ronkko | MIT License | [dirent.h](./modules/dirent/include/dirent.h) | |
| dr_wav | David Reid | Public Domain (Unlicense) | [dr_wav.h](./modules/dr_wav/dr_wav.h) | |
| Easing Functions (Equations) | Robert Penner | MIT License | [easings.hpp](./modules/antkeeper-source/src/animation/ease.hpp) | |
| Easing Functions (Equations) | Robert Penner | MIT License | [ease.hpp](./modules/antkeeper-source/src/animation/ease.hpp) | |
| EnTT | Michele Caini | MIT License | [entt/*](./modules/entt/) | |
| khrplatform.h | The Khronos Group Inc. | MIT License | [khrplatform.h](./modules/glad/khrplatform.h) | |
| OpenGL loader generated by glad | David Herberth | Public Domain / WTFPL / CC0 | [glad.h](./modules/glad/glad.h), [glad.c](./modules/glad/glad.c) | |