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  1. {"config":{"indexing":"full","lang":["en"],"min_search_length":3,"prebuild_index":false,"separator":"[\\s\\-]+"},"docs":[{"location":"index.html","text":"FreeType \u00bb Docs \u00bb Table of Contents FreeType-2.11.0 API Reference \u00b6 Table of Contents \u00b6 General Remarks \u00b6 Preamble What FreeType is and isn't FreeType's header inclusion scheme How client applications should include FreeType header files. User allocation How client applications should allocate FreeType data structures. Core API \u00b6 FreeType Version Functions and macros related to FreeType versions. Basic Data Types The basic data types defined by the library. Base Interface The FreeType 2 base font interface. Unicode Variation Sequences The FreeType 2 interface to Unicode Variation Sequences (UVS), using the SFNT cmap format 14. Glyph Color Management Retrieving and manipulating OpenType's \u2018CPAL\u2019 table data. Glyph Layer Management Retrieving and manipulating OpenType's \u2018COLR\u2019 table data. Glyph Management Generic interface to manage individual glyph data. Mac Specific Interface Only available on the Macintosh. Size Management Managing multiple sizes per face. Header File Macros Macro definitions used to #include specific header files. Format-Specific API \u00b6 Multiple Masters How to manage Multiple Masters fonts. TrueType Tables TrueType-specific table types and functions. Type 1 Tables Type 1-specific font tables. SFNT Names Access the names embedded in TrueType and OpenType files. BDF and PCF Files BDF and PCF specific API. CID Fonts CID-keyed font-specific API. PFR Fonts PFR/TrueDoc-specific API. Window FNT Files Windows FNT-specific API. Font Formats Getting the font format. Gasp Table Retrieving TrueType \u2018gasp\u2019 table entries. Controlling FreeType Modules \u00b6 The auto-hinter Controlling the auto-hinting module. The CFF driver Controlling the CFF driver module. The Type 1 and CID drivers Controlling the Type 1 and CID driver modules. The TrueType driver Controlling the TrueType driver module. The PCF driver Controlling the PCF driver module. Driver properties Controlling driver modules. Parameter Tags Macros for driver property and font loading parameter tags. Subpixel Rendering API to control subpixel rendering. Cache Sub-System \u00b6 Cache Sub-System How to cache face, size, and glyph data with FreeType 2. Support API \u00b6 Computations Crunching fixed numbers and vectors. List Processing Simple management of lists. Outline Processing Functions to create, transform, and render vectorial glyph images. Quick retrieval of advance values Retrieve horizontal and vertical advance values without processing glyph outlines, if possible. Bitmap Handling Handling FT_Bitmap objects. Scanline Converter How vectorial outlines are converted into bitmaps and pixmaps. Glyph Stroker Generating bordered and stroked glyphs. System Interface How FreeType manages memory and i/o. Module Management How to add, upgrade, remove, and control modules from FreeType. GZIP Streams Using gzip-compressed font files. LZW Streams Using LZW-compressed font files. BZIP2 Streams Using bzip2-compressed font files. External Debugging APIs Public APIs to control the FT_DEBUG_LOGGING macro. Error Codes \u00b6 Error Enumerations How to handle errors and error strings. Error Code Values All possible error codes returned by FreeType functions. Miscellaneous \u00b6 TrueTypeGX/AAT Validation An API to validate TrueTypeGX/AAT tables. Incremental Loading Custom Glyph Loading. The TrueType Engine TrueType bytecode support. OpenType Validation An API to validate OpenType tables. Global Index \u00b6 generated on Mon Jul 19 16:08:15 2021 UTC","title":"TOC"},{"location":"index.html#freetype-2110-api-reference","text":"","title":"FreeType-2.11.0 API Reference"},{"location":"index.html#table-of-contents","text":"","title":"Table of Contents"},{"location":"index.html#general-remarks","text":"Preamble What FreeType is and isn't FreeType's header inclusion scheme How client applications should include FreeType header files. User allocation How client applicat