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  1. @echo off
  2. rem just a helper batch file for collecting up files and zipping them.
  3. rem usage: windows-buildbot-zipper.bat <target> <slndir> <zipfilename>
  4. rem must be run from root of SDL source tree.
  5. IF EXIST %2\%1\Release GOTO okaydir
  6. echo Please run from root of source tree after doing a Release build.
  7. GOTO done
  8. :okaydir
  9. erase /q /f /s zipper
  10. IF EXIST zipper GOTO zippermade
  11. mkdir zipper
  12. :zippermade
  13. mkdir zipper\SDL
  14. mkdir zipper\SDL\include
  15. mkdir zipper\SDL\lib
  16. copy include\*.h include\
  17. copy %2\%1\Release\SDL2.dll zipper\SDL\lib\
  18. copy %2\%1\Release\SDL2.lib zipper\SDL\lib\
  19. copy %2\%1\Release\SDL2main.lib zipper\SDL\lib\
  20. cd zipper
  21. zip -9r ..\%3 SDL
  22. cd ..
  23. erase /q /f /s zipper
  24. :done