- #include <array>
- #include <cstddef>
- #include <memory>
- #include "almalloc.h"
- #include "alspan.h"
- #include "ambidefs.h"
- #include "bufferline.h"
- #include "devformat.h"
- #include "filters/splitter.h"
- #include "vector.h"
- struct FrontStablizer;
- using ChannelDec = std::array<float,MaxAmbiChannels>;
- class BFormatDec {
- static constexpr size_t sHFBand{0};
- static constexpr size_t sLFBand{1};
- static constexpr size_t sNumBands{2};
- struct ChannelDecoder {
- union MatrixU {
- float Dual[sNumBands][MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS];
- float Single[MAX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS];
- } mGains{};
- /* NOTE: BandSplitter filter is unused with single-band decoding. */
- BandSplitter mXOver;
- };
- alignas(16) std::array<FloatBufferLine,2> mSamples;
- const std::unique_ptr<FrontStablizer> mStablizer;
- const bool mDualBand{false};
- /* TODO: This should ideally be a FlexArray, since ChannelDecoder is rather
- * small and only a few are needed (3, 4, 5, 7, typically). But that can
- * only be used in a standard layout struct, and a std::unique_ptr member
- * (mStablizer) causes GCC and Clang to warn it's not.
- */
- al::vector<ChannelDecoder> mChannelDec;
- public:
- BFormatDec(const size_t inchans, const al::span<const ChannelDec> coeffs,
- const al::span<const ChannelDec> coeffslf, const float xover_f0norm,
- std::unique_ptr<FrontStablizer> stablizer);
- bool hasStablizer() const noexcept { return mStablizer != nullptr; }
- /* Decodes the ambisonic input to the given output channels. */
- void process(const al::span<FloatBufferLine> OutBuffer, const FloatBufferLine *InSamples,
- const size_t SamplesToDo);
- /* Decodes the ambisonic input to the given output channels with stablization. */
- void processStablize(const al::span<FloatBufferLine> OutBuffer,
- const FloatBufferLine *InSamples, const size_t lidx, const size_t ridx, const size_t cidx,
- const size_t SamplesToDo);
- static std::unique_ptr<BFormatDec> Create(const size_t inchans,
- const al::span<const ChannelDec> coeffs, const al::span<const ChannelDec> coeffslf,
- const float xover_f0norm, std::unique_ptr<FrontStablizer> stablizer);
- DEF_NEWDEL(BFormatDec)
- };
- #endif /* CORE_BFORMATDEC_H */