🛠️🐜 Antkeeper superbuild with dependencies included https://antkeeper.com
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33 lines
928 B

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <Game configVersion="1">
  3. <!-- Set these to the correct identifiers from Partner Center -->
  4. <Identity Name="SDL"
  5. Version=""
  6. Publisher="CN=Publisher"/>
  7. <ExecutableList>
  8. <Executable Name="testgamecontroller.exe"
  9. TargetDeviceFamily="PC"
  10. Id="Game" />
  11. </ExecutableList>
  12. <DesktopRegistration>
  13. <DependencyList>
  14. <KnownDependency Name="VC14"/>
  15. </DependencyList>
  16. </DesktopRegistration>
  17. <!-- Set these to the correct values from Partner Center -->
  18. <MSAAppId>PleaseChangeMe</MSAAppId>
  19. <TitleId>FFFFFFFF</TitleId>
  20. <ShellVisuals DefaultDisplayName="testgamecontroller"
  21. PublisherDisplayName="SDL"
  22. Square480x480Logo="Logo480x480.png"
  23. Square150x150Logo="Logo150x150.png"
  24. Square44x44Logo="Logo44x44.png"
  25. Description="testgamecontroller"
  26. ForegroundText="light"
  27. BackgroundColor="#000000"
  28. StoreLogo="Logo100x100.png"/>
  29. </Game>