- # Contributing to Antkeeper
- Thanks for taking the time to make Antkeeper better! ❤🐜
- ## Reporting Bugs
- To report a bug, please do one of the following:
- * [Open an issue](https://git.antkeeper.com/antkeeper/superbuild/issues/new) on Antkeeper Git
- * [Email us](mailto:contact@antkeeper.com) a description of the bug
- * [Chat with us](https://discord.gg/AQA955HbK3) about the bug on Discord
- ## Suggesting Changes
- To suggest changes or new features, please do one of the following:
- * [Email us](mailto:contact@antkeeper.com) your suggestion
- * [Chat with us](https://discord.gg/XpjNdXHCJK) about your suggestion on Discord
- ## Contributing Code
- If you have written code that fixes a bug or provides new functionality, please [open a pull request](https://git.antkeeper.com/antkeeper/superbuild/pulls) on Antkeeper Git.
- ### Coding Conventions
- Ensure that all code contributions adhere to the following conventions:
- * C++ STL naming conventions
- * Allman indent style with tabs
- * Unlimited line length