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* Copyright (C) 2017 Christopher J. Howard
* This file is part of Antkeeper Source Code.
* Antkeeper Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Antkeeper Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Antkeeper Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "nest.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#undef min
#undef max
Vector3 Shaft::getHelixPosition(float depth) const
Vector3 position;
position.x = entrance.x + std::cos(initialHelixAngle + depth / helixPitch) * helixRadius;
position.y = entrance.y + depth;
position.z = entrance.z + std::sin(initialHelixAngle + depth / helixPitch) * helixRadius;
return position;
float Shaft::getHelixAngle(float depth) const
return initialHelixAngle + depth / helixPitch;
if (root != nullptr)
void Nest::generate()
if (root != nullptr)
// Delete existing shafts and chambers
// Seed random number generator
// Generate shafts and chambers
root = dig(nullptr);
// Merge intersecting chambers
// Create nest map
Shaft* Nest::dig(Chamber* parent) const
Shaft* shaft = new Shaft();
// Set child's parent
shaft->parent = parent;
if (parent != nullptr)
// Set parent's child to this shaft
parent->child = shaft;
// Increment generation
shaft->generation = parent->parent->generation + 1;
// Determine initial helix angle
shaft->initialHelixAngle = parent->parent->getHelixAngle(parent->relativeDepth);
// Shaft is root shaft
shaft->generation = 0;
shaft->entrance = Vector3(0.0f);
// Choose initial helix angle
shaft->initialHelixAngle = random(glm::radians(-180.0f), glm::radians(180.0f));
if (parent == nullptr)
// Choose initial random parameters
shaft->shaftRadius = random(parameters.minShaftRadius, parameters.maxShaftRadius);
shaft->helixRadius = random(parameters.minShaftHelixRadius, parameters.maxShaftHelixRadius);
shaft->helixPitch = random(parameters.minShaftHelixPitch, parameters.maxShaftHelixPitch);
// Copy initial random parameters from grandparent
shaft->shaftRadius = parent->parent->shaftRadius;
shaft->helixRadius = parent->parent->helixRadius;
shaft->helixPitch = parent->parent->helixPitch;
// Choose random depth
shaft->shaftDepth = random(parameters.minShaftDepth, parameters.maxShaftDepth);
// Calculate entrance position
if (parent != nullptr)
Vector3 helixPosition = parent->parent->getHelixPosition(parent->relativeDepth);
float helixAngle = parent->parent->getHelixAngle(parent->relativeDepth);
shaft->entrance.x = helixPosition.x + std::cos(helixAngle) * (parent->outerRadius - parent->innerRadius) - std::cos(shaft->initialHelixAngle) * shaft->helixRadius;
shaft->entrance.y = helixPosition.y;
shaft->entrance.z = helixPosition.z + std::sin(helixAngle) * (parent->outerRadius - parent->innerRadius) - std::sin(shaft->initialHelixAngle) * shaft->helixRadius;
// Determine potential child count (may be less, according to spacing between chambers)
int maxChildCount = std::max<int>(1, random(parameters.minShaftChamberCount, parameters.maxShaftChamberCount));
// Generate chambers, starting with final chamber (shaft must end with a chamber)
for (float depth = shaft->shaftDepth; depth >= 0.0f;)
Chamber* chamber = new Chamber();
chamber->parent = shaft;
chamber->child = nullptr;
chamber->relativeDepth = depth;
chamber->absoluteDepth = shaft->entrance.y + chamber->relativeDepth;
chamber->innerRadius = random(parameters.minChamberInnerRadius, parameters.maxChamberInnerRadius);
chamber->outerRadius = random(parameters.minChamberOuterRadius, parameters.maxChamberOuterRadius);
chamber->centralAngle = random(parameters.minChamberCentralAngle, parameters.maxChamberCentralAngle);
// Check if maximum child count has been reached
if (shaft->children.size() >= maxChildCount)
// Decrease depth by random amount
depth -= random(parameters.minShaftChamberPitch, parameters.maxShaftChamberPitch);
// Generate subshafts from chambers
if (shaft->generation < parameters.maxShaftGeneration)
for (Chamber* chamber: shaft->children)
return shaft;
void Nest::merge()
void Nest::map()
void Nest::free(Shaft* shaft)
for (Chamber* chamber: shaft->children)
if (chamber->child != nullptr)
delete chamber;
delete shaft;
inline float Nest::random(float minValue, float maxValue) const
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> distribution(minValue, std::nextafter(maxValue, std::numeric_limits<float>::max()));
return distribution(rng);
inline int Nest::random(int minValue, int maxValue) const
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(minValue, std::nextafter(maxValue, std::numeric_limits<int>::max()));
return distribution(rng);
void Nest::setParameters(const NestParameters& parameters)
this->parameters = parameters;
const NestParameters& Nest::getParameters() const
return parameters;