💿🐜 Antkeeper source code https://antkeeper.com
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* Copyright (C) 2017 Christopher J. Howard
* This file is part of Antkeeper Source Code.
* Antkeeper Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Antkeeper Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Antkeeper Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "ant.hpp"
#include "colony.hpp"
#include "pheromone.hpp"
#include <cmath>
inline float fwrap(float angle, float limit)
return angle - std::floor(angle / limit) * limit;
Ant::Ant(Colony* colony):
pose = new Pose(colony->getAntModel()->getSkeleton());
animationTime = frand(0.0f, 60.0f);
delete pose;
void Ant::animate()
colony->getTripodGaitAnimation()->animate(pose, animationTime);
animationTime = fwrap(animationTime + 2.0f, colony->getTripodGaitAnimation()->getEndTime());
void Ant::suspend(const Vector3& suspensionPoint, const Quaternion& suspensionRotation)
transform.translation = suspensionPoint;
transform.rotation = suspensionRotation;
void Ant::move(const Vector3& velocity)
std::vector<Navmesh::Step> traversal;
Navmesh::traverse(getNavmeshTriangle(), getBarycentricPosition(), velocity, &traversal);
if (!traversal.empty())
const Navmesh::Step& step = traversal.back();
if (step.start != step.end)
if (step.triangle != getNavmeshTriangle())
Quaternion alignment = glm::rotation(getNavmeshTriangle()->normal, step.triangle->normal);
Vector3 newForward = glm::normalize(project_on_plane(alignment * getForward(), Vector3(0.0f), step.triangle->normal));
setOrientation(newForward, step.triangle->normal);
setPosition(step.triangle, step.end);
void Ant::turn(float angle)
// Rotate forward vector
Vector3 newForward = glm::normalize(glm::angleAxis(angle, getUp()) * getForward());
setOrientation(newForward, getUp());
void Ant::update(float dt)
float probeLateralOffset = 0.1f;
float probeForwardOffset = 0.3f;
// Steering
if (state == Ant::State::WANDER)
// Calculate wander force
Vector3 wanderForce = wander(dt);
// Setup containment probes
Vector3 leftProbe = getForward() * probeForwardOffset - getRight() * probeLateralOffset;
Vector3 rightProbe = getForward() * probeForwardOffset + getRight() * probeLateralOffset;
// Calculate containment force
Vector3 containmentForce = containment(leftProbe) + containment(rightProbe);
// Determine neighbors
float neighborhoodSize = 2.0f;
AABB neighborhoodAABB(getPosition() - Vector3(neighborhoodSize * 0.5f), getPosition() + Vector3(neighborhoodSize * 0.5f));
std::list<Agent*> neighbors;
colony->queryAnts(neighborhoodAABB, &neighbors);
// Calculate separation force
Vector3 separationForce = separation(neighbors);
// Calculate velocity
Vector3 velocity = getVelocity();
velocity += wanderForce;
velocity += containmentForce * 0.0025f;
velocity += separationForce * 0.01f;
velocity = limit(velocity, 0.025f);
setOrientation(glm::normalize(velocity), getUp());
// Move ant
else if (state == Ant::State::IDLE)
Vector3 leftProbe = getForward() * probeForwardOffset - getRight() * probeLateralOffset;
Vector3 rightProbe = getForward() * probeForwardOffset + getRight() * probeLateralOffset;
Vector3 containmentForce = containment(leftProbe) + containment(rightProbe);
Vector3 velocity = Vector3(0.0f);
velocity += containmentForce;
velocity = limit(velocity, 0.025f);
//setOrientation(glm::normalize(velocity), getUp());
// Move ant
// Update transform
if (state == Ant::State::WANDER || state == Ant::State::IDLE)
transform.translation = getPosition();
transform.rotation = getRotation();
// Update model instance
// Locomotion
As the ant moves forward, legs in the stance phase are kept grounded via IK. If IK constraints are violated, the swinging legs are grounded
and the grounded legs begin swinging.
Two poses are loaded from the model file: midswing and touchdown.
touchdown is the pose in which all legs are at the end of their swing phases and need to be grounded
midswing is the pose in which all legs are at the highest point in their swing phases
when a grounded leg enters the swing phases, its current pose is saved as the liftoff pose, then an animation is created using the liftoff pose, midswing pose, and touchdown pose.
Vector3 Ant::forage(const Vector3& leftReceptor, const Vector3& rightReceptor)
float leftSignal = 0.0f;
float rightSignal = 0.0f;
// Detect pheromones with left receptor
std::list<Pheromone*> leftPheromones;
colony->getPheromoneOctree()->query(AABB(leftReceptor, leftReceptor), &leftPheromones);
for (Pheromone* pheromone: leftPheromones)
Vector3 difference = pheromone->getPosition() - rightReceptor;
float distanceSquared = glm::dot(difference, difference);
if (distanceSquared <= pheromone->getRadiusSquared())
// Calculate attenuated pheromone strength using inverse-square law
float strength = pheromone->getStrength() / ((distanceSquared == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : distanceSquared);
leftSignal += strength;
// Detect pheromones with right receptor
std::list<Pheromone*> rightPheromones;
colony->getPheromoneOctree()->query(AABB(rightReceptor, rightReceptor), &rightPheromones);
for (Pheromone* pheromone: rightPheromones)
Vector3 difference = pheromone->getPosition() - rightReceptor;
float distanceSquared = glm::dot(difference, difference);
if (distanceSquared <= pheromone->getRadiusSquared())
// Calculate attenuated pheromone strength using inverse-square law
float strength = pheromone->getStrength() / ((distanceSquared == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : distanceSquared);
rightSignal += strength;
// Add noise
const float maxNoise = 0.1f;
leftSignal += frand(0.0f, maxNoise);
rightSignal += frand(0.0f, maxNoise);
if (leftSignal + rightSignal > 0.0f)
const float maxPheromoneTurningAngle = 0.1f;
// Use Weber's law (Perna et al.) to calculate turning angle based on pheromone signals
float turningAngle = maxPheromoneTurningAngle * ((leftSignal - rightSignal) / (leftSignal + rightSignal));
return Vector3(0.0f);
void Ant::setState(Ant::State state)
this->state = state;