💿🐜 Antkeeper source code https://antkeeper.com
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

271 lines
8.4 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2023 Christopher J. Howard
* This file is part of Antkeeper source code.
* Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <cstdint>
namespace input {
* Keyboard scancodes.
* @see HID Usage Tables for Universal Serial Bus (USB) version 1.3, 2022, https://usb.org/sites/default/files/hut1_3_0.pdf.
enum class scancode: std::uint16_t
// reserved = 0x00,
error_roll_over = 0x01,
post_fail = 0x02,
error_undefined = 0x03,
a = 0x04,
b = 0x05,
c = 0x06,
d = 0x07,
e = 0x08,
f = 0x09,
g = 0x0a,
h = 0x0b,
i = 0x0c,
j = 0x0d,
k = 0x0e,
l = 0x0f,
m = 0x10,
n = 0x11,
o = 0x12,
p = 0x13,
q = 0x14,
r = 0x15,
s = 0x16,
t = 0x17,
u = 0x18,
v = 0x19,
w = 0x1a,
x = 0x1b,
y = 0x1c,
z = 0x1d,
digit_1 = 0x1e,
digit_2 = 0x1f,
digit_3 = 0x20,
digit_4 = 0x21,
digit_5 = 0x22,
digit_6 = 0x23,
digit_7 = 0x24,
digit_8 = 0x25,
digit_9 = 0x26,
digit_0 = 0x27,
enter = 0x28,
escape = 0x29,
backspace = 0x2a,
tab = 0x2b,
space = 0x2c,
minus = 0x2d,
equal = 0x2e,
left_brace = 0x2f,
right_brace = 0x30,
backslash = 0x31,
non_us_hash = 0x32,
semicolon = 0x33,
apostrophe = 0x34,
grave = 0x35,
comma = 0x36,
dot = 0x37,
slash = 0x38,
caps_lock = 0x39,
f1 = 0x3a,
f2 = 0x3b,
f3 = 0x3c,
f4 = 0x3d,
f5 = 0x3e,
f6 = 0x3f,
f7 = 0x40,
f8 = 0x41,
f9 = 0x42,
f10 = 0x43,
f11 = 0x44,
f12 = 0x45,
print_screen = 0x46,
scroll_lock = 0x47,
pause = 0x48,
insert = 0x49,
home = 0x4a,
page_up = 0x4b,
del = 0x4c,
end = 0x4d,
page_down = 0x4e,
right = 0x4f,
left = 0x50,
down = 0x51,
up = 0x52,
num_lock = 0x53,
kp_slash = 0x54,
kp_asterisk = 0x55,
kp_minus = 0x56,
kp_plus = 0x57,
kp_enter = 0x58,
kp_1 = 0x59,
kp_2 = 0x5a,
kp_3 = 0x5b,
kp_4 = 0x5c,
kp_5 = 0x5d,
kp_6 = 0x5e,
kp_7 = 0x5f,
kp_8 = 0x60,
kp_9 = 0x61,
kp_0 = 0x62,
kp_dot = 0x63,
non_us_backslash = 0x64,
application = 0x65,
power = 0x66,
kp_equal = 0x67,
f13 = 0x68,
f14 = 0x69,
f15 = 0x6a,
f16 = 0x6b,
f17 = 0x6c,
f18 = 0x6d,
f19 = 0x6e,
f20 = 0x6f,
f21 = 0x70,
f22 = 0x71,
f23 = 0x72,
f24 = 0x73,
execute = 0x74,
help = 0x75,
menu = 0x76,
select = 0x77,
stop = 0x78,
again = 0x79,
undo = 0x7a,
cut = 0x7b,
copy = 0x7c,
paste = 0x7d,
find = 0x7e,
mute = 0x7f,
volume_up = 0x80,
volume_down = 0x81,
locking_caps_lock = 0x82,
locking_num_lock = 0x83,
locking_scroll_lock = 0x84,
kp_comma = 0x85,
kp_equal_as400 = 0x86,
international_1 = 0x87,
international_2 = 0x88,
international_3 = 0x89,
international_4 = 0x8a,
international_5 = 0x8b,
international_6 = 0x8c,
international_7 = 0x8d,
international_8 = 0x8e,
international_9 = 0x8f,
lang_1 = 0x90,
lang_2 = 0x91,
lang_3 = 0x92,
lang_4 = 0x93,
lang_5 = 0x94,
lang_6 = 0x95,
lang_7 = 0x96,
lang_8 = 0x97,
lang_9 = 0x98,
alt_erase = 0x99,
sys_req = 0x9a,
cancel = 0x9b,
clear = 0x9c,
prior = 0x9d,
return_2 = 0x9e,
separator = 0x9f,
_out = 0xa0,
oper = 0xa1,
clear_again = 0xa2,
cr_sel = 0xa3,
ex_sel = 0xa4,
// reserved = 0xa5,
// reserved = 0xa6,
// reserved = 0xa7,
// reserved = 0xa8,
// reserved = 0xa9,
// reserved = 0xaa,
// reserved = 0xab,
// reserved = 0xac,
// reserved = 0xad,
// reserved = 0xae,
// reserved = 0xaf,
kp_00 = 0xb0,
kp_000 = 0xb1,
thousands_separator = 0xb2,
decimal_separator = 0xb3,
currency_unit = 0xb4,
currency_sub_unit = 0xb5,
kp_left_paren = 0xb6,
kp_right_paren = 0xb7,
kp_left_brace = 0xb8,
kp_right_brace = 0xb9,
kp_tab = 0xba,
kp_backspace = 0xbb,
kp_a = 0xbc,
kp_b = 0xbd,
kp_c = 0xbe,
kp_d = 0xbf,
kp_e = 0xc0,
kp_f = 0xc1,
kp_xor = 0xc2,
kp_power = 0xc3,
kp_percent = 0xc4,
kp_less = 0xc5,
kp_greater = 0xc6,
kp_ampersand = 0xc7,
kp_double_ampersand = 0xc8,
kp_vertical_bar = 0xc9,
kp_double_vertical_bar = 0xca,
kp_colon = 0xcb,
kp_hash = 0xcc,
kp_space = 0xcd,
kp_at = 0xce,
kp_exclam = 0xcf,
kp_mem_store = 0xd0,
kp_mem_recall = 0xd1,
kp_mem_clear = 0xd2,
kp_mem_add = 0xd3,
kp_mem_subtract = 0xd4,
kp_mem_multiply = 0xd5,
kp_mem_divide = 0xd6,
kp_plus_minus = 0xd7,
kp_clear = 0xd8,
kp_clear_entry = 0xd9,
kp_binary = 0xda,
kp_octal = 0xdb,
kp_decimal = 0xdc,
kp_hexadecimal = 0xdd,
// reserved = 0xde,
// reserved = 0xdf,
left_ctrl = 0xe0,
left_shift = 0xe1,
left_alt = 0xe2,
left_gui = 0xe3,
right_ctrl = 0xe4,
right_shift = 0xe5,
right_alt = 0xe6,
right_gui = 0xe7
// reserved = 0xe8-0xffff
} // namespace input