💿🐜 Antkeeper source code https://antkeeper.com
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

169 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2023 Christopher J. Howard
* This file is part of Antkeeper source code.
* Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "game/fonts.hpp"
#include "application.hpp"
#include "type/type.hpp"
#include "resources/resource-manager.hpp"
#include "gl/texture-wrapping.hpp"
#include "gl/texture-filter.hpp"
#include "render/material.hpp"
#include "render/material-flags.hpp"
#include <codecvt>
namespace game {
static void build_bitmap_font(const type::typeface& typeface, float size, const std::unordered_set<char32_t>& charset, type::bitmap_font& font, render::material& material, gl::shader_program* shader_program)
// Get font metrics for given size
if (type::font_metrics metrics; typeface.get_metrics(size, metrics))
// Format font bitmap
image& font_bitmap = font.get_bitmap();
font_bitmap.format(sizeof(std::byte), 1);
// For each UTF-32 character code in the character set
for (char32_t code: charset)
// Skip missing glyphs
if (!typeface.has_glyph(code))
// Add glyph to font
type::bitmap_glyph& glyph = font[code];
typeface.get_metrics(size, code, glyph.metrics);
typeface.get_bitmap(size, code, glyph.bitmap);
// Pack glyph bitmaps into the font bitmap
// Create font texture from bitmap
gl::texture_2d* font_texture = new gl::texture_2d(font_bitmap.get_width(), font_bitmap.get_height(), gl::pixel_type::uint_8, gl::pixel_format::r, gl::color_space::linear, font_bitmap.data());
font_texture->set_wrapping(gl::texture_wrapping::extend, gl::texture_wrapping::extend);
font_texture->set_filters(gl::texture_min_filter::linear, gl::texture_mag_filter::linear);
// Create font material
material.add_property<const gl::texture_2d*>("font_bitmap")->set_value(font_texture);
void load_fonts(game::context& ctx)
// Load dyslexia-friendly typeface (if enabled)
bool dyslexia_font_loaded = false;
if (ctx.dyslexia_font)
if (auto it = ctx.strings->find("font_dyslexia"); it != ctx.strings->end() && !it->second.empty() && it->second[0] != '#')
ctx.typefaces["dyslexia"] = ctx.resource_manager->load<type::typeface>(it->second);
dyslexia_font_loaded = true;
// Load typefaces
if (dyslexia_font_loaded)
// Override standard typefaces with dyslexia-friendly typeface
ctx.typefaces["serif"] = ctx.typefaces["dyslexia"];
ctx.typefaces["sans_serif"] = ctx.typefaces["dyslexia"];
ctx.typefaces["monospace"] = ctx.typefaces["dyslexia"];
// Load standard typefaces
if (auto it = ctx.strings->find("font_serif"); it != ctx.strings->end())
ctx.typefaces["serif"] = ctx.resource_manager->load<type::typeface>(it->second);
if (auto it = ctx.strings->find("font_sans_serif"); it != ctx.strings->end())
ctx.typefaces["sans_serif"] = ctx.resource_manager->load<type::typeface>(it->second);
if (auto it = ctx.strings->find("font_monospace"); it != ctx.strings->end())
ctx.typefaces["monospace"] = ctx.resource_manager->load<type::typeface>(it->second);
// Build character set
std::unordered_set<char32_t> charset;
// Add all character codes from the basic Latin unicode block
for (char32_t code = type::unicode::block::basic_latin.first; code <= type::unicode::block::basic_latin.last; ++code)
// Add all character codes from game strings
for (auto it = ctx.strings->begin(); it != ctx.strings->end(); ++it)
// Convert UTF-8 string to UTF-32
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<char32_t>, char32_t> convert;
std::u32string u32 = convert.from_bytes(it->second);
/// Insert each character code from the UTF-32 string into the character set
for (char32_t code: u32)
// Load bitmap font shader
gl::shader_program* bitmap_font_shader = ctx.resource_manager->load<gl::shader_program>("bitmap-font.glsl");
// Determine font point sizes
float debug_font_size_pt = 12.0f;
float menu_font_size_pt = 12.0f;
float title_font_size_pt = 12.0f;
if (ctx.config->contains("debug_font_size"))
debug_font_size_pt = (*ctx.config)["debug_font_size"].get<float>();
if (ctx.config->contains("menu_font_size"))
menu_font_size_pt = (*ctx.config)["menu_font_size"].get<float>();
if (ctx.config->contains("title_font_size"))
title_font_size_pt = (*ctx.config)["title_font_size"].get<float>();
// Scale font point sizes
const float font_size = (*ctx.config)["font_size"].get<float>();
debug_font_size_pt *= font_size;
menu_font_size_pt *= font_size;
title_font_size_pt *= font_size;
// Convert font point sizes to pixel sizes
const float dpi = ctx.app->get_display_dpi();
const float debug_font_size_px = (debug_font_size_pt * dpi) / 72.0f;
const float menu_font_size_px = (menu_font_size_pt * dpi) / 72.0f;
const float title_font_size_px = (title_font_size_pt * dpi) / 72.0f;
debug::log::info("font size: " + std::to_string(menu_font_size_px));
// Build debug font
if (auto it = ctx.typefaces.find("monospace"); it != ctx.typefaces.end())
build_bitmap_font(*it->second, debug_font_size_px, charset, ctx.debug_font, ctx.debug_font_material, bitmap_font_shader);
// Build menu font
if (auto it = ctx.typefaces.find("sans_serif"); it != ctx.typefaces.end())
build_bitmap_font(*it->second, menu_font_size_px, charset, ctx.menu_font, ctx.menu_font_material, bitmap_font_shader);
// Build title font
if (auto it = ctx.typefaces.find("serif"); it != ctx.typefaces.end())
build_bitmap_font(*it->second, title_font_size_px, charset, ctx.title_font, ctx.title_font_material, bitmap_font_shader);
} // namespace game