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* Copyright (C) 2020 Christopher J. Howard
* This file is part of Antkeeper source code.
* Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <set>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
* Abstract base class for animations.
class animation_base
* Advances the animation position (t) by @p dt.
* @param dt Delta time by which the animation position will be advanced.
virtual void advance(double dt) = 0;
* Sets the animation position to @p t.
* @param t Position in time to which the animation position will be set.
void seek(double t);
/// Sets the animation position to `0.0`.
void rewind();
/// Enables or disables looping of the animation.
void loop(bool enabled);
/// Pauses the animation.
void pause();
/// Plays the animation.
void play();
/// Stops the animation, rewinds it, and resets the loop count.
void stop();
* Sets the speed of the animation.
* @param speed Speed multiplier.
void set_speed(double speed);
/// Returns `true` if looping of the animation is enabled, `false` otherwise.
bool is_looped() const;
/// Returns `true` if the animation is paused, `false` otherwise.
bool is_paused() const;
/// Returns `true` if the animation is stopped, `false` otherwise.
bool is_stopped() const;
/// Returns the current position in time of the animation.
double get_position() const;
/// Returns the current loop count of the animation.
int get_loop_count() const;
/// Returns the duration of the animation.
virtual double get_duration() const = 0;
/// Sets the callback that's executed when the animation is started from a stopped state.
void set_start_callback(std::function<void()> callback);
/// Sets the callback that's executed when a non-looped animation has finished.
void set_end_callback(std::function<void()> callback);
* Sets the callback that's executed when the animation loops.
* @param callback Loop callback function which is passed the current loop count.
void set_loop_callback(std::function<void(int)> callback);
bool looped;
int loop_count;
bool paused;
bool stopped;
double position;
double speed;
std::function<void()> start_callback;
std::function<void()> end_callback;
std::function<void(int)> loop_callback;
inline bool animation_base::is_looped() const
return looped;
inline bool animation_base::is_paused() const
return paused;
inline bool animation_base::is_stopped() const
return stopped;
inline double animation_base::get_position() const
return position;
inline int animation_base::get_loop_count() const
return loop_count;
template <typename T>
class animation_channel
/// Keyframe consisting of a time and a value.
typedef std::tuple<double, T> keyframe;
* Creates an animation channel.
* @param id ID of the channel.
animation_channel(int id);
/// Creates an animation channel.
/// Creates an animation channel.
animation_channel(const animation_channel& other);
* Adds a keyframe to the animation.
* @param k Keyframe to add.
void insert_keyframe(const keyframe& k);
* Removes all keyframes on `[start, end)`.
* @param start Starting position in time (inclusive).
* @param end Ending position in time (non-inclusive).
void remove_keyframes(double start, double end);
/// Removes all keyframes from the animation.
void remove_keyframes();
* Finds the keyframes to the left and right of @p position.
* @param position Position in time.
* @return Array containing the the keyframes on the left and right of @p position.
std::array<const keyframe*, 2> find_keyframes(double position) const;
* Finds all the keyframes on `[start, end)`.
* @param start Starting position in time (inclusive).
* @param end Ending position in time (non-inclusive).
* @return All keyframes on `[start, end)`.
std::list<keyframe> find_keyframes(double start, double end) const;
/// Returns the ID of the animation channel.
int get_id() const;
/// Returns the duration of the animation channel.
double get_duration() const;
struct keyframe_compare
inline bool operator()(const keyframe& lhs, const keyframe& rhs) const
return std::get<0>(lhs) < std::get<0>(rhs);
int id;
std::set<keyframe, keyframe_compare> keyframes;
template <typename T>
animation_channel<T>::animation_channel(int id):
template <typename T>
template <typename T>
animation_channel<T>::animation_channel(const animation_channel& other):
template <typename T>
void animation_channel<T>::insert_keyframe(const keyframe& k)
template <typename T>
void animation_channel<T>::remove_keyframes(double start, double end)
auto lower_bound = keyframes.lower_bound({start, T()});
auto upper_bound = keyframes.upper_bound({end, T()});
keyframes.erase(lower_bound, upper_bound);
template <typename T>
void animation_channel<T>::remove_keyframes()
template <typename T>
std::array<const typename animation_channel<T>::keyframe*, 2> animation_channel<T>::find_keyframes(double position) const
// Find the following keyframe
auto upper_bound = keyframes.upper_bound({position, T()});
// Find the preceding keyframe
auto lower_bound = upper_bound;
std::array<const keyframe*, 2> frames;
frames[0] = (lower_bound != keyframes.end()) ? &(*lower_bound) : nullptr;
frames[1] = (upper_bound != keyframes.end()) ? &(*upper_bound) : nullptr;
return frames;
template <typename T>
std::list<typename animation_channel<T>::keyframe> animation_channel<T>::find_keyframes(double start, double end) const
std::list<keyframe> keyframe_list;
auto lower_bound = keyframes.lower_bound({start, T()});
auto upper_bound = keyframes.upper_bound({end, T()});
for (auto iterator = lower_bound; iterator != upper_bound; ++iterator)
return keyframe_list;
template <typename T>
inline int animation_channel<T>::get_id() const
return id;
template <typename T>
double animation_channel<T>::get_duration() const
if (keyframes.empty())
return 0.0;
return std::get<0>(*keyframes.rbegin());
* Templated keyframe animation class.
template <typename T>
class animation: public animation_base
/// Channel for this animation type.
typedef animation_channel<T> channel;
// Keyframe type for this animation.
typedef typename channel::keyframe keyframe;
/// Interpolator function type.
typedef typename std::decay<std::function<T(const T&, const T&, double)>>::type interpolator_type;
/// Creates an animation.
/// @copydoc animation_base::advance()
virtual void advance(double dt);
* Adds a channel to the animation.
* @param id ID of the channel.
* @return Added or pre-existing channel.
channel* add_channel(int id);
* Removes a channel from the animation.
* @param id ID of the channel to remove.
void remove_channel(int id);
/// Removes all channels from the animation.
void remove_channels();
* Sets the frame interpolator function object.
* @param interpolator Frame interpolator function object.
void set_interpolator(interpolator_type interpolator);
* Sets the callback that's executed on each frame of animation.
* @param callback Frame callback which receives the index of an animation channel and value of an interpolated frame.
void set_frame_callback(std::function<void(int, const T&)> callback);
* Returns the channel with the specified ID.
* @param id ID of the channel to get.
const channel* get_channel(int id) const;
/// @copydoc animation::get_channel(int) const
channel* get_channel(int id);
/// @copydoc animation_base::get_duration() const
virtual double get_duration() const;
std::unordered_map<int, channel> channels;
interpolator_type interpolator;
std::function<void(int, const T&)> frame_callback;
template <typename T>
template <typename T>
void animation<T>::advance(double dt)
if (paused || stopped)
// Advance position by dt
position += dt * speed;
// Determine duration of the animation
double duration = get_duration();
if (position < duration)
if (frame_callback != nullptr && interpolator != nullptr)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < channels.size(); ++i)
auto frames = channels[i].find_keyframes(position);
if (frames[0] != nullptr && frames[1] != nullptr)
// Calculate interpolated frame
double t0 = std::get<0>(*frames[0]);
double t1 = std::get<0>(*frames[1]);
double alpha = (position - t0) / (t1 - t0);
T frame = interpolator(std::get<1>(*frames[0]), std::get<1>(*frames[1]), alpha);
// Pass frame to frame callback
frame_callback(static_cast<int>(i), frame);
else if (frames[0] != nullptr)
// Pass frame to frame callback
frame_callback(static_cast<int>(i), std::get<1>(*frames[0]));
else if (frames[1] != nullptr)
// Pass frame to frame callback
frame_callback(static_cast<int>(i), std::get<1>(*frames[1]));
if (looped)
// Subtract duration of animation from position
position -= duration;
// Execute loop callback
if (loop_callback)
// Call frame callback on looped frame
if (frame_callback)
stopped = true;
// Call end callback
if (end_callback)
template <typename T>
typename animation<T>::channel* animation<T>::add_channel(int id)
return &(*channels.emplace(id, id).first).second;
template <typename T>
void animation<T>::remove_channel(int id)
auto it = channels.find(id);
if (it != channels.end())
template <typename T>
void animation<T>::remove_channels()
template <typename T>
void animation<T>::set_interpolator(interpolator_type interpolator)
this->interpolator = interpolator;
template <typename T>
void animation<T>::set_frame_callback(std::function<void(int, const T&)> callback)
this->frame_callback = callback;
template <typename T>
const typename animation<T>::channel* animation<T>::get_channel(int id) const
auto it = channels.find(id);
if (it != channels.end())
return &it->second;
return nullptr;
template <typename T>
typename animation<T>::channel* animation<T>::get_channel(int id)
auto it = channels.find(id);
if (it != channels.end())
return &it->second;
return nullptr;
template <typename T>
double animation<T>::get_duration() const
double duration = 0.0;
for (auto it = channels.begin(); it != channels.end(); ++it)
duration = std::max<double>(duration, it->second.get_duration());
return duration;