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* Copyright (C) 2017 Christopher J. Howard
* This file is part of Antkeeper Source Code.
* Antkeeper Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Antkeeper Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Antkeeper Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "pheromone-matrix.hpp"
#include "../configuration.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
PheromoneMatrix::PheromoneMatrix(int columns, int rows, const Vector2& boundsMin, const Vector2& boundsMax)
this->columns = columns;
this->rows = rows;
size = columns * rows;
bufferA = new float[size];
bufferB = new float[size];
activeBuffer = bufferA;
this->boundsMin = boundsMin;
this->boundsMax = boundsMax;
matrixWidth = boundsMax.x - boundsMin.x;
matrixHeight = boundsMax.y - boundsMin.y;
matrixHalfWidth = matrixWidth * 0.5f;
matrixHalfHeight = matrixHeight * 0.5f;
cellWidth = matrixWidth / static_cast<float>(columns);
cellHeight = matrixHeight / static_cast<float>(rows);
diffusionKernelSize = 3;
diffusionKernelRadius = 1;
diffusionKernel = new float*[diffusionKernelSize];
for (int i = 0; i < diffusionKernelSize; ++i)
diffusionKernel[i] = new float[diffusionKernelSize];
diffusionKernel[0][0] = 0.0083333f; diffusionKernel[0][1] = 0.0166667f; diffusionKernel[0][2] = 0.0083333f;
diffusionKernel[1][0] = 0.0166667f; diffusionKernel[1][1] = 0.9f; diffusionKernel[1][2] = 0.0166667f;
diffusionKernel[2][0] = 0.0083333f; diffusionKernel[2][1] = 0.0166667f; diffusionKernel[2][2] = 0.0083333f;
delete[] bufferA;
delete[] bufferB;
for (int i = 0; i < diffusionKernelSize; ++i)
delete[] diffusionKernel[i];
delete[] diffusionKernel;
void PheromoneMatrix::clear()
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
activeBuffer[i] = 0.0f;
void PheromoneMatrix::evaporate()
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
activeBuffer[i] *= EVAPORATION_FACTOR;
void PheromoneMatrix::diffuse()
float* diffusionBuffer = (activeBuffer == bufferA) ? bufferB : bufferA;
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j)
float concentration = 0.0f;
for (int k = -diffusionKernelRadius; k <= diffusionKernelRadius; ++k)
int row = std::max<int>(0, std::min<int>(rows - 1, i + k));
for (int l = -diffusionKernelRadius; l <= diffusionKernelRadius; ++l)
int column = std::max<int>(0, std::min<int>(columns - 1, j + l));
concentration += activeBuffer[row * columns + column] * diffusionKernel[k + diffusionKernelRadius][l + diffusionKernelRadius];
diffusionBuffer[index++] = concentration;
activeBuffer = diffusionBuffer;
float PheromoneMatrix::query(const Vector2& position) const
int column = static_cast<int>((matrixHalfWidth + position.x) / cellWidth);
int row = static_cast<int>((matrixHalfHeight + position.y) / cellHeight);
if (columns < 0 || column >= columns || row < 0 || row >= rows)
return 0.0f;
int index = row * columns + column;
return activeBuffer[index];
float PheromoneMatrix::query(const Vector2& position, float radius) const
float radiusSquared = radius * radius;
float concentration = 0.0f;
for (float y = position.y - radius; y <= position.y + radius; y += cellHeight)
int row = static_cast<int>((matrixHalfHeight + y) / cellHeight);
if (row < 0)
else if (row >= rows)
float dy = y - position.y;
for (float x = position.x - radius; x <= position.x + radius; x += cellWidth)
int column = floor((matrixHalfWidth + x) / cellWidth);
if (column < 0)
else if (column >= columns)
float dx = x - position.x;
float distanceSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (distanceSquared <= radiusSquared)
concentration += activeBuffer[row * columns + column];
return concentration;
void PheromoneMatrix::deposit(const Vector2& position, float concentration)
int column = static_cast<int>((matrixHalfWidth + position.x) / cellWidth);
int row = static_cast<int>((matrixHalfHeight + position.y) / cellHeight);
if (columns < 0 || column >= columns || row < 0 || row >= rows)
int index = row * columns + column;
activeBuffer[index] += concentration;