💿🐜 Antkeeper source code https://antkeeper.com
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* Copyright (C) 2020 Christopher J. Howard
* This file is part of Antkeeper source code.
* Antkeeper source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Antkeeper source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Antkeeper source code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// STL
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <string>
// External
#include <entt/entt.hpp>
// Debug
#include "debug/logger.hpp"
#include "debug/performance-sampler.hpp"
#include "debug/cli.hpp"
// Input
#include "input/control.hpp"
#include "input/control-set.hpp"
#include "input/keyboard.hpp"
#include "input/mouse.hpp"
#include "input/game-controller.hpp"
#include "input/input-event-router.hpp"
#include "input/input-mapper.hpp"
// Event
#include "event/event-dispatcher.hpp"
// Renderer
#include "renderer/compositor.hpp"
#include "renderer/renderer.hpp"
// Scene
#include "scene/scene.hpp"
#include "scene/camera.hpp"
#include "scene/ambient-light.hpp"
#include "scene/directional-light.hpp"
#include "scene/point-light.hpp"
#include "scene/spotlight.hpp"
#include "scene/model-instance.hpp"
// Animation
#include "animation/timeline.hpp"
#include "animation/tween.hpp"
// Misc
#include "state/fsm.hpp"
#include "frame-scheduler.hpp"
#include "pheromone-matrix.hpp"
#include "orbit-cam.hpp"
// Forward declarations
// SDL
typedef struct SDL_Window SDL_Window;
typedef void* SDL_GLContext;
// Resources
class resource_manager;
// Rasterizer
class rasterizer;
class framebuffer;
class vertex_buffer;
class vertex_array;
class texture_2d;
// Renderer
class clear_pass;
class shadow_map_pass;
class material_pass;
class sky_pass;
class bloom_pass;
class final_pass;
class simple_render_pass;
// Animation
class animator;
// Systems
class behavior_system;
class camera_system;
class collision_system;
class locomotion_system;
class model_system;
class nest_system;
class placement_system;
class samara_system;
class subterrain_system;
class terrain_system;
class vegetation_system;
class tool_system;
class control_system;
class ui_system;
template <class T>
class material_property;
template <class T>
class animation;
class application
* Creates and initializes an application.
application(int argc, char** argv);
* Destroys an application.
* Executes the application, causing it to enter the execution loop until closed.
* @return Exit status code.
int execute();
* Requests the application's execution loop to cleanly terminate, and specifies its exit status code.
* @param status Status to be returned by application::execute() upon execution loop termination.
void close(int status);
logger* get_logger();
cli* get_cli();
resource_manager* get_resource_manager();
fsm::machine* get_state_machine();
const fsm::state& get_loading_state() const;
const fsm::state& get_language_select_state() const;
const fsm::state& get_splash_state() const;
const fsm::state& get_title_state() const;
const fsm::state& get_play_state() const;
const fsm::state& get_pause_state() const;
timeline* get_timeline();
animator* get_animator();
camera* get_overworld_camera();
camera* get_underworld_camera();
orbit_cam* get_orbit_cam();
control_system* get_control_system();
entt::registry& get_ecs_registry();
scene& get_scene();
void take_screenshot() const;
void update(double t, double dt);
void render(double alpha);
void translate_sdl_events();
void set_relative_mouse_mode(bool enabled);
void toggle_fullscreen();
void window_resized();
static void save_image(const std::string& filename, int w, int h, const unsigned char* pixels);
bool fullscreen;
std::tuple<int, int> saved_mouse_position;
std::tuple<int, int> window_dimensions;
std::tuple<int, int> window_position;
std::tuple<int, int> display_dimensions;
float4 viewport;
// Debugging
std::ofstream log_filestream;
::logger logger;
::cli cli;
// Paths
std::string data_path;
std::string config_path;
std::string screenshots_path;
// Resources
resource_manager* resource_manager;
SDL_Window* window;
SDL_GLContext context;
bool closed;
int exit_status;
// Updatable systems
timeline timeline;
animator* animator;
animation<float>* radial_transition_in;
animation<float>* radial_transition_out;
std::list<std::function<void(double, double)>> systems;
int shadow_map_resolution;
framebuffer* shadow_map_framebuffer;
texture_2d* shadow_map_depth_texture;
framebuffer* framebuffer_hdr;
texture_2d* framebuffer_hdr_color;
texture_2d* framebuffer_hdr_depth;
framebuffer* framebuffer_bloom; // General purpose framebuffer A
texture_2d* bloom_texture;
// Rendering
rasterizer* rasterizer;
material* fallback_material;
ambient_light sun_indirect;
directional_light sun_direct;
point_light subterrain_light;
ambient_light underworld_ambient_light;
model_instance darkness_volume;
model_instance lantern;
model_instance cloud;
model_instance* grass_patches;
::spotlight spotlight;
vertex_buffer* billboard_vbo;
vertex_array* billboard_vao;
::renderer renderer;
scene* active_scene;
// Overworld
scene overworld_scene;
camera overworld_camera;
::clear_pass* clear_pass;
::sky_pass* sky_pass;
::material_pass* material_pass;
::clear_pass* shadow_map_clear_pass;
::shadow_map_pass* shadow_map_pass;
::bloom_pass* bloom_pass;
::final_pass* final_pass;
compositor overworld_compositor;
// Underworld
scene underworld_scene;
camera underworld_camera;
::clear_pass* underworld_clear_pass;
::material_pass* underworld_material_pass;
simple_render_pass* underworld_final_pass;
material_property<float>* underground_transition_property;
material_property<const texture_2d*>* underground_color_texture_property;
compositor underworld_compositor;
// FSM
fsm::machine state_machine;
fsm::state loading_state;
fsm::state language_select_state;
fsm::state splash_state;
fsm::state title_state;
fsm::state play_state;
fsm::state pause_state;
// Frame timing
frame_scheduler frame_scheduler;
performance_sampler performance_sampler;
tween<double> time;
// Events
event_dispatcher event_dispatcher;
input_event_router input_event_router;
input_mapper input_mapper;
// Input devices
keyboard keyboard;
mouse mouse;
game_controller game_controller;
// Controls
control_set menu_controls;
control menu_back_control;
control menu_select_control;
control_set* camera_controls;
// System controls
control_set application_controls;
control toggle_fullscreen_control;
control screenshot_control;
control dig_control;
// Game
orbit_cam orbit_cam;
pheromone_matrix pheromones;
control_system* control_system;
// ECS
entt::registry ecs_registry;
behavior_system* behavior_system;
camera_system* camera_system;
collision_system* collision_system;
locomotion_system* locomotion_system;
model_system* model_system;
nest_system* nest_system;
placement_system* placement_system;
samara_system* samara_system;
subterrain_system* subterrain_system;
terrain_system* terrain_system;
vegetation_system* vegetation_system;
tool_system* tool_system;
// UI
ui_system* ui_system;
compositor ui_compositor;
::clear_pass* ui_clear_pass;
::material_pass* ui_material_pass;
// Animation
tween<float3> focal_point_tween;
inline logger* application::get_logger()
return &logger;
inline cli* application::get_cli()
return &cli;
inline resource_manager* application::get_resource_manager()
return resource_manager;
inline fsm::machine* application::get_state_machine()
return &state_machine;
inline const fsm::state& application::get_loading_state() const
return loading_state;
inline const fsm::state& application::get_language_select_state() const
return language_select_state;
inline const fsm::state& application::get_splash_state() const
return splash_state;
inline const fsm::state& application::get_title_state() const
return title_state;
inline const fsm::state& application::get_play_state() const
return play_state;
inline const fsm::state& application::get_pause_state() const
return pause_state;
inline timeline* application::get_timeline()
return &timeline;
inline animator* application::get_animator()
return animator;
inline camera* application::get_overworld_camera()
return &overworld_camera;
inline camera* application::get_underworld_camera()
return &underworld_camera;
inline orbit_cam* application::get_orbit_cam()
return &orbit_cam;
inline control_system* application::get_control_system()
return control_system;
inline entt::registry& application::get_ecs_registry()
return ecs_registry;
inline scene& application::get_scene()
return overworld_scene;